Children's birthday at the theater. Offsite children's birthday performances

I liked the fact that the puppet show was ideal for our age category, since most of the children were aged 3 to 5 years. In addition, there was no need to learn the text of the performance, because behind the screen it could be read calmly.

Previously, I agreed with Dashina 12-year-old girlfriend Katyusha and my husband (father of the birthday girl, part-time ) that they will voice the roles and gave them the text of the performance for review. Thus, I have freed up time for organizational work: after the sweet table, seat the children in the audience seats, turn on the background music where it was required by the script, distribute it to the guests in a timely manner musical instruments, and also the most important thing is to take a photo (I immediately apologize for the quality, then there was no normal camera yet).

I had to fork out a little to buy mitten dolls (6 pcs.), which were necessary for the performance. But I will tell you that in any case these costs justify themselves: firstly, they are much less than what you would pay for organizing a holiday, secondly, my child left the dolls and she played with them for a long time, and thirdly children received a lot of positive emotions - and this is the most important thing. To save costs, you can replace the mitten dolls with regular ones. soft toys. If you don't have the characters you need, ask your friends and acquaintances - they might have something. Decorations (house and forest) can be made independently. For example, I made my house out of a paper box.


I bought invitations ready-made with the image of a clown. A week before the celebration, Dasha and I walked around her friends and handed out invitations to the children, plus air balloons on sticks, which unspeakably formed babies.

Room decoration

Since the holiday was held for children and the main character of the performance was Petrushka, the room, of course, had to be decorated brightly and cheerfully. Therefore, I hung colorful balloons throughout the apartment, hung a banner “Happy Birthday!” And bright garland with clowns. I bought disposable plates and cups with the image of a clown. In the same theme, I also chose caps for children.


As the main treat, we had one, on which I drew a clown with a pastry bag with chocolate and decorated with multi-colored M&M's. I also purchased candles in the form of clowns.

In addition, we have built a fruit "composition" in the form of a clown. To do this, I cut off the bottom of the grapefruit so that it stands steadily on the dish. The nose was made from half a red grape, the eyes were made from a banana ring and a piece of prunes, the mouth was cut from an apple skin, the hair was made from grapes and pieces of banana on skewers. Around decorated with multi-colored fruit platter: apples, oranges, kiwi and bananas.

For drinks we had juices and water. I didn’t take store-bought drinks (read about whether they are useful or not in the article from our permanent author - an expert in the field of cocktails and drinks).

After the children had refreshed themselves, they were invited to the auditorium, where there was already a screen - ironing board, covered with a blanket, behind which our actors sat. Looking ahead, I want to say that the performance turned out just super. The actors perfectly got used to their roles and coped with the task EXCELLENT with a plus!

The distribution of roles was as follows:

  • Parsley - Katya,
  • Chanterelle, Bunny, Bear, Wolf and Rooster are my husband.

It turned out to be interesting and non-standard that forest animals were voiced male voice. The kids laughed heartily. I'll tell you more - adults also watched the performance with pleasure.

So the performance began.

Performance script based on the fairy tale "Hare's hut".

Petrushka appears.

Parsley: Hello kids, girls and boys! You recognized me? I am Petrushka, the funniest clown! I came to you for a holiday! What is your holiday today?

Children(from the hall): Dasha's birthday

Parsley: Right. Dasha, happy birthday to you!!! And how old are you?

Dasha (from the hall): three

Parsley: That's great, you're so grown up now. I love birthdays!!! Guys, I have prepared something for all of you (shows a bag with gifts). And also, I’ll tell you a secret that you will come to visit today fairy tale. Who loves fairy tales, raise your hands! What fairy tales do you know? Do you know how to tell stories? Now I'll check!

From flour he was baked,
Mixed with sour cream
On the window he was chilling
Along the path he ... (rolled)

He was cheerful, he was brave
And on the way he sang a song ... (sang)

The bunny wanted to eat it
Gray wolf and brown ... (bear)

And when the baby is in the forest
I met a red fox
Couldn't get away from her.
What is a fairy tale? ... ("Kolobok").

What good fellows you are, you know fairy tales. Then I will tell you my story, and you will help me! Our fairy tale is magical, so let's close our eyes first, say Magic word Simsalagrimm. The eyes open and the story begins.

(Decoration appears - a house and a forest)

Parsley: Oh, I forgot something, how fairy tales begin, who will tell me?
He lived on the edge of a magical forest... Guess who?
long ears,
quick paws,
Gray, but not a mouse,
Who is this? (hare)

(A crying bunny appears)

Bunny: Hello, Petrushka, hello guys.

Parsley: Guys, why is Bunny crying, who offended him? You do not know, ask the Bunny?

Bunny: How can I not cry! I had a bast hut, and Lisa had an ice hut. Summer came, the fox's hut melted, she asked to visit me, and she kicked me out.

Parsley: You, Bunny, don't cry, better go to the guys. Guys, will you take the Bunny to you? And I'll try to drive Lisa away. Fox, hey, fox! Come out, this is Bunny's house!

(Fox appears)

Fox: And I don’t think, I like this house, I will live here!

(The fox hides in the house)

Parsley: Yes, I didn’t manage to drive Lisa away. Maybe someone else from the forest animals will help us? I hear someone coming, guess who?
Who sucks a paw in winter
He also loves honey.
Can roar loudly
What is his name? … (bear)

(Bear appears)

Bear: Bear clumsy walks through the forest ...

(Children suggest)

Bear: Ah, I remembered!
Collects cones, sings songs!
Hello Petrushka, hello guys! I came to you for a holiday. Who was crying here?

Children(from the hall): Bunny.

Bear: Bunny? And who offended him? Fox? Well, now I'll show her! (knocking on Lisa) Hey Lisa, get out! This is Zaikin's house!

Fox(from the house without appearing): Now, as I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets!

Bear: Oh, guys, Lisa scared me! May I sit with you? Something I'm hungry...

(Children take the Bear to them)

Parsley: That's how we got the fox! I drove, drove - not kicked out. The bear drove away - did not drive away. Maybe someone else can help us? Here I hear again someone is coming!

(Wolf appears from afar)

Wolf: He makes friends with Lisa
For others - terribly evil!
All teeth click, yes click.
Very scary gray ... (wolf)

Haha! Yes, it's about me.
And here's a riddle about me:
Gray scary and toothy
Made a stir.
All the animals ran away
Scared the animals of those ... (wolf)

Who? That's right, I'm a gray wolf!

Parsley: Wolf, you are not from our fairy tale, we have a good fairy tale. Really guys? Get out of our fairy tale, otherwise you will scare all the guys!

Wolf (turning to the side): I'll leave, I'll leave, and I'll take your gifts, I'll go to Lisa to visit!

(hides behind the house)

Parsley: Phew! The gray wolf is gone. Oh, guys, have you seen where the gifts that I prepared for you have gone? What? Did the wolf take it? (crying) Here's the trouble! And they didn’t help the bunny, and even the Wolf stole the gifts!

(Cock appears)

Cockerel: I am Petya the Cockerel, the golden comb! Hello guys! Hello Petrushka! I came to you for a holiday! Why is Petrushka so sad? Yes, I also heard that Bunny was crying. Guys, what happened?

(Children answer)

Parsley: Yes, yes, they wanted to help the Bunny - they couldn’t drive the fox away, and then the Wolf also stole the gifts that I prepared for the guys.

Cockerel: Well, nothing, I can handle Lisa if the guys and animals help me!

Parsley: Hey, Lisa, come out in a good way, in a healthy way!

Cockerel: Ku-ka-re-ku! I carry a scythe on my shoulders, I want to cut the fox! Get out, Lisa, get out!

Guys, help! Come all here!

(Children with dolls drive the Fox out of the house. The Fox appears)

Fox: Well, okay, okay, I’m going out, I was joking, I won’t offend Bunny anymore. Let me in on your holiday! Guys, let's all sing a song for Dasha "Let them run clumsily .."? Do you know such a song?

(Children's musical instruments are distributed to the kids and they all sing the song “Let them run clumsily ..”)

Parsley: Well done, Lisa. Well, guys, let Lisa go on a holiday?

(The fox goes to the children)

(Wolf appears)

Wolf: And what about me? And I want to celebrate! Let me in too, I'll return the gifts to you! Just not just like that. I will guess riddles, if you guess - your gifts. And if you don’t guess, the gifts will remain for me.

(The wolf calls the name of the child in turn and makes him a riddle. It is necessary to determine in advance which of the children which riddle to guess, depending on age. After guessing, the child immediately receives a gift)

He is prickly, but not a Christmas tree
In needles, but not pine
Can curl up into a ball
Of course - this is ... (hedgehog)

Mixed with sour cream
Cold on the window
Round side, ruddy side
Rolled ... (Kolobok)

The nose is round, patchy,
It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,
The tail is small, crochet,
Instead of shoes - hooves! (piggy)

Pee-pee-pee - she said
Immediately ran into a hole
What is this baby?
This is a small ... (mouse)

Lying on the sofa
Only "meow" says.
Drinking milk in a bowl
I know, I know, it's... (pussy)

The fairy tale ends, the children's attention switches to their gifts.

At the end of the performance, the kids and I performed a round dance (“Karavai”), played cat and mouse, hide and seek and other children's games. After outdoor games, the kids once again refreshed themselves. Fruit and drinks went well this time.

For children of this age, it is recommended to arrange holidays for no more than 2 hours. To be honest, I was afraid that we would not have time to invest, but, as it turned out, this time was quite enough.

A few days after the holiday, Dasha and I once again walked around the guests and gave each child a photo collage of holiday photos as a keepsake from Dasha.

Thank you very much to everyone who helped me in preparation for the holiday. But I especially want to thank Katyusha, who simply voiced Petrushka perfectly and, moreover, organized children's games very well. The birthday girl was happy!

I wish everyone good helpers and happy holidays!

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We suggest you arrange children's holiday... in the theatre! We will organize your holiday on the theater stage! Theater and film artists, teachers from our theater studio will work with your child and his friends. Our holidays are thought out for a specific age and in fact for any budget.

We can offer you:

  • modern theater venue in the center of Moscow
  • cozy theater cafe with a thoughtful menu
  • ready-made and individual programs and scenarios
  • festive relay races and master classes for the little ones
  • holiday decoration
  • video and photo design
  • birthday cake
  • prepare and hold your holiday "turnkey"

There are so many holidays in childhood! Apart from long awaited day birth since balloons, gifts, a birthday cake, even in the life of a child there is a graduation at school or kindergarten, September 1 for first graders. In short, there are plenty of reasons to celebrate.

Parents certainly have a question - where can you celebrate so that your baby will definitely like it and remember it?

For a child's birthday - a unique program in the theater

We will be happy to write a unique script for you and put on a real theatrical production, in which the birthday boy, his guests, as well as our artists will take part. The little guests are waiting for various skits and fun activities. We solemnly promise that this holiday will cause your child a large number of vivid emotions and impressions!

Our cafe is open for children's parties in Moscow

Leave a request and we will contact you!

Visiting the theater for some interesting children's performance, as a rule, becomes for kids amazing discovery. After all, the world of cartoons and fairy tales will never be able to replace a real colorful performance - a children's performance! Our Favorites fairy-tale heroes Turns out they are all real! They can sing, talk, entertain children and even ask them questions. Even very young children with great interest and pleasure are involved in the fabulous performance that takes place around them. There are no boundaries between reality and a fairy tale in a traveling performance for children, they all disappear in an instant. The kids are completely captured by the colorful children's performance: they worry, prompt the heroes, sing along and, of course, laugh out loud.

"Veselo Detkam" recommends to kids, starting from the age of three, real puppet shows for their birthday and even just invite a live children's show to their homes! Yes - yes, in our time it is also quite real. Our company offers a huge selection of exciting birthday performances for children from 3 years old.

You can order an outdoor children's performance for a child's birthday at "Veselo Detkam" and you do not need to take your small child and worry that the baby can catch some kind of disease in great hall or just plain scared. Ordering a children's performance at home means inviting a professional theater to visit you!

The characters loved by all the kids will come to you: Leopold the Cat, Thumbelina, the King, the Prince with the Princess, kind Alyonushka, Winnie the Pooh, gold fish, Malysh and Carlson and many others. They will appear at the children's performance in colorful bright costumes and will captivate your kids in the most exciting and unexpected magical stories.

You can order visiting performances for children based on the good old fairy tales from us:

Kids will be happy to watch the play and remember their favorite fairy tales that their parents have read to them so many times!

Outdoor children's performances are a bright live performance where the kids can help good characters, rejoice with them and, of course, at the end of the children's performance, everyone will make friends and "forgive" not very kind characters, teaching them the right behavior.

Puppet shows at home for children

A puppet show is also available at home! We are also ready to provide you with children's puppet shows for a birthday or any other children's holiday.

Russians good tales are distinguished by memorable, vivid characters that are relevant in our modern life, witty jokes and pure faith in goodness and justice.

If you have a desire to arrange for your child and his friends small holiday, reviving the characters of all your favorite and famous Russian fairy tales, then all you need is to choose the scenario that is most suitable for your baby and call "Veselo Detkam".

Theater in your home is just a holiday! Book a children's performance for your child's birthday!

Often, long before the child's birthday, parents begin to experience headache. At first, this pain is weak and barely noticeable, but the closer the appointed hour approaches, the sharper and more piercingly it makes itself felt. Such parents can be understood: while name days are a holiday for a child, for an adult they are care and responsibility. And if their child is demanding and picky, then a headache cannot be avoided doubly. However, there is a way out. A child's birthday in the theater is just that compromise, when "both the wolves are full and the sheep are safe."

At first glance, the decision in favor of the theater seems a dubious prospect. And this format has no established cultural tradition, which is on the face, for example, at a celebration at home or in nature. Here the parents, as it were, are entering an unknown land, and everything new is usually weighed and questioned. However, having decided to celebrate the birthday of his child in the theater, another can appreciate its advantages and celebrate more than one holiday in this way. And on top of that, recommend this way of holding children's parties to your friends.

What is it and what does it have?

As you might have guessed, this service is provided by children's theaters. Usually, the theater offers not one, but several shows, and even assists in making a decision if the parent does not have enough knowledge of the issue. Naturally, the wishes of the children will also not be left without attention. To cover the largest possible target audience, the profile of the program can be selected for both a boy and a girl, immerse yourself in the world of an epic Russian fairy tale or adventurous adventures based on a Western cartoon. Age category programs are also the most broad, although of course, lies within reasonable limits.

So, programs on the theme of Alice's adventures in Wonderland, Snow White and Cinderella, Pippi are popular for girls. long stocking, and the boys will find it interesting to visit Winnie the Pooh, visit Carlson (who lives on the roof), learn magic with Harry Potter, surf the waves with Captain Jack Sparrow. During the interactive performance, children will be dressed up in costumes of fairy-tale characters, and the theater staff will direct the development of the thematic plot, separating them with interesting competitions.

By participating in the performance, the child will not only experience positive emotions And pleasant experience, but will also gain much more valuable experience. After all, we should not forget that behavior programs are actively laid in childhood, and the future character of a person is formed, which at a conscious age is already very difficult to change. And participation in theatrical scenes just contributes to the disclosure of individuality and initiative, the ability to act in a group and make decisions, overcome obstacles and problems, as well as fearlessness.

Tribute to tradition.

Having gone headlong into the new and unknown, the children, of course, will get pretty hungry, and it would be just a crime not to cover the traditional festive table. The administration of the theater will meet you halfway. Children will not be left without sweets and soda, and their parents will not be left without tea and “front-line” hundred grams. Naturally, it will also be possible to agree on a denser and more solid content of the table.

Well, at the culmination of the evening, the hero of the occasion will be waiting solemn congratulations. He will be congratulated not only by his parents and friends, but also fairy tale characters with whom he had recently indulged in magic and fun.