New congratulations from the head of the dow to kindergarten graduates. Solemn and beautiful congratulations on graduation in kindergarten from parents and children to staff, head and educators. Sincere congratulations to children at graduation in kindergarten

Years have flown by merrily
Never forget them!
But the time has come to part
After all, going to school tomorrow!
Goodbye dolls, bunnies, bears!
Now more important than notebooks, books,
Be a diligent student
Good luck, happiness, good luck!

Farewell to Kindergarten.
Goodbye, our beloved, kind kindergarten!
We were with you together for many years in a row!
And now we are parting - we have to go to school,
But we will not forget you in life!

Educators have become family to us now,
They opened the door to our kindergarten for the first time!
Together with us they had fun and taught us,
And now they are being escorted to school, to first grade!

We wish them health, happiness and kindness,
We will always remember them with love and joy!
And when we grow up, we will come to you again
And we will bring our beloved children to kindergarten!

Graduation invitation.
We invite everyone to the ball
In an elegant music hall,
Where there will be music and laughter
And setting for success
Smiles, games, songs, speeches,
Hope to meet in the future
The fragrance of flowers
And the chirping of children's voices,
Gifts, cakes, sweets,
Chastushek voiced couplets,
In love, an awkward confession
Honor and glory for calling
Great - to love children,
Give the warmth of your hearts,
Where in the waltz memory will swirl:
“Do you remember?..” “It can't be…”
"How they matured ... matured ..."
"We didn't have time to look back..."
And eyes wet with tears
Everything has its time, its time!
Go ahead baby! Go!
You are full of strength, hope, love.
We believe that your destiny is
Always be happy!

We go to school.
And today we have a holiday
Joyful, cheerful.
Goodbye Kindergarten!
Hello school!

So that we grow up brave
kind, skillful,
We know that you all loved us
And they taught well.

Get dressed very quickly
Wash very clean
Read books by syllables,
Everything we see, count
Carefully, quickly eat,
Don't even count everything.

We drew, we sculpted
From colored plasticine,
We went on excursions
And they played with Pinocchio,
They also played hide-and-seek
In daughters-mothers, horses
And they led a round dance
Near the Christmas tree in the New Year!

We love music and fairy tales
Our songs and dances
We love birthday games
We love holidays and fun!

Today we are escorted
To the land of wonders and knowledge,
And we're off to first grade
Thank you, good bye!
I. Mikhailova

Goodbye Kindergarten!
Every day we went to the garden.
Here we were met and fed.
We were taught to play here
Songs to sing and dance.
We are very sorry to part
But we cannot stay.
Although the kindergarten is our second home
We will go to school soon
Goodbye Kindergarten
We won't go back.
To their educators
We say thank you.
L. Klimanskaya

Why are the toys sad?
Why are the toys sad
Leaning against a sofa cushion?
They look at each other sadly -
Their owner forgot about them.

A doll in a satin dress has fallen.
How, how can she walk now?
Who will ride in a baby carriage
And tell funny stories?

What happened to the girl Mila,
Cute, funny, cute?
Mom and dad are talking
That kindergarten is over.

Bought a new leather briefcase,
Books, pens, pencils
And nice shoes too.
Mila rejoices from the heart!

Soon, soon the people are cheerful
Hurry on the way to school.
The girl becomes a student
Mom and dad will be proud.

Hugs Mila toys:
“And I haven’t forgotten about you at all.
My sister is growing up
I won't stand by
I will help a little.
Let's play toys together!

In kindergarten with everyone
We've been friends for many days
And now another thing -
There are more important concerns.
You have books in your portfolio
I have a bouquet in my hand
All the familiar boys
They stare in surprise.
Why is it a happy day?
Why is everyone happy?
We go to school.
Goodbye Kindergarten!

Kindergarten meets children
And teaches with a smile.
It contains the wisdom of life
Reaches the child.

How to behave with friends
Help a tired babysitter.
Teachers to understand
To do everything for five.

The second house became their home,
Gave a wonderful world.
Children will remember
How did you learn to play it?

These games will help everyone
Life to master inadvertently.
Overcome any distance
The one you only dreamed about.

Be the hero of life
Kindergarten is family.
How much was in it
Life is like from a movie.

The years flew by quickly
And the kids have grown up.
Waiting for their first graduation
In front of the big road.

Let the poems and songs sound
With them, the holiday is more interesting.
Tale of the first flight
Interesting concern.

Caregivers are proud
Everyone will celebrate their work.
The years were not in vain
And their work is so beautiful.

generation raised
Don't forget about mistakes.
Waiting for their other jackdaws
Well, these preschoolers.

The path is not easy
Every young hero of yours.
Let them come sometimes
And they'll tell you how it's going.

And today is a garden holiday,
Tears pour furtively "mother".
She is the director
And you have to be an actress.
Celebrate the big day
Like a capable leader.
Give everyone a smile
Don't forget about gifts.

Janitor Fedya is also in business,
As the kids wanted.
And honor to the cleaner
Cleanliness is her credit.

Three hours the story was
The kids were all transformed.
Their little eyes look into the distance,
They notice everything.

Moms are happy with them
Everyone was given gifts.
It turned out a celebration
Everyone will remember it.

Kindergarten waved his hand
He is forever dear to everyone.
Let dreams come true
The first children's light of spring!
V. Pavlov

We were swinging
We were called babies
And now we've grown up
Let's go to first grade!

We will sit in the classroom at our desks,
Write on the blackboard with chalk
We will study numbers, maps,
All in all, we'll get to work!

Kindergarten, bye!
We need school now!
Hello school castle of knowledge
You are a magical land!

The years went by quickly
Kindergarten behind.
You have become very big
It's time for you to go to school!
Congratulations guys
Happy first graduation!
We are happy for you, of course.
But we are a little sad.

Kindergarten is already behind -
First graduation ever!
We accompany you to school
We wish you only fives.

So that you learn with joy
To make parents proud.
Happiness, perseverance, patience
And a little more luck.

Little your world in the garden
Became tight for you.
A big new world awaits you.
Happy graduation guys!

That's the end of kindergarten.
And soon you will be going to school.
So let there be a starfall
Days of interesting and fun.

You are no longer a preschooler
You are going to first grade!
Congratulations guys
Let dreams come true!

Wish in the new world
joyful discoveries,
Bright days, good friends,
Lots of events.

Do not get sick and do not be naughty
Promise us.
And my favorite kindergarten
Visit more often!

We accompany you from the garden
It's time for you to go to school!
Good luck dear guys
On your life path!

You kindergarten remember
After all, those were great years!
Walk towards your dreams
Always with a happy smile!

We wish you victories
Life is fabulously beautiful.
Let the green light burn
In a children's and happy fairy tale!

There is a lot of luck ahead of you.
Books are waiting, tasks, equations.
We wish you victories in everything,
Let learning be given with ease.

First graduation ever!
Whose is he? He is yours, of course.
We congratulate you together
We hug tightly.

We wish you joy at school
Only "five" to receive,
To be proud of you mom.
And in the corner so as not to stand.

And friends to you, girlfriends,
More brand new toys
After all, you are a big child.
Kindergarten graduation!

You graduated from kindergarten.
Mom is happy, dad is happy.
Today I became very adult,
Everyone is happy with the result!

We wish that at school
You studied all the "five".
And, of course, with warmth
Remember Kindergarten!

First ever graduation
Your very important holiday.
Was a preschooler yesterday
And today - hurrah! -
You are almost at school.
We wish: plenty of happiness,
Getting "five" is easy,
Get smarter and taller
Be healthy, smile
Have fun and laugh.

Don't come to the kindergarten anymore
New things are waiting for you
But toys and cribs
You will always be remembered.

Even the sun shines brighter
On such a special day
Kindergarten today
Your kids graduation.

"Goodbye Kindergarten!"
The children are screaming together
Beyond the garden to school
Their path lies.

Let happy and smooth
There will be a school road
And our kindergarten of new children
Let him meet at the doorstep.

You have an important day today -
You are walking towards the school.
Graduation in kindergarten
Let everyone be happy.

Parents look at you with pride
Smart, beautiful, obedient child.
I want to study well
And excel in academic achievement!

All dressed up
Children's eyes are burning
Because kindergarten
Releases preschoolers.

This holiday is merry
We accompany the guys.
In September they go to school.
Goodbye Kindergarten!

Time is running very fast
It's time to say goodbye to the garden.
He became like a home to us.
It's sad to part with him.

But the school is already waiting for us
And a long school year.
Say thanks to the gardener
And let's wave to him.

That's it, kindergarten is over.
Everyone is sad, and proud, and glad.
And it is clear that the day is not easy,
Your graduation day today.

You will no longer be a preschooler,
Schoolchildren are serious guys!
We want you, dear kids,
Congratulations on graduation from the bottom of my heart!

You are already very big.
Kindergarten is over!
All the best to you, dear ones,
And good luck ahead!

Your path has just begun
Let them always wait on it
You peace, joy, and good luck,
And a lucky star!

You are a holiday hero today
Your eyes shine with joy
The first graduation in your life,
Leaving Kindergarten!

You are a first grader now
Follow your dream quickly,
The school door has already opened,
Good luck awaits you ahead!

You are very recent
The kids came to the garden
And today is your graduation
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

Sing a song to us,
And dance with all your heart
For everyone to admire
How good are you!

Congratulations guys
Here comes the school
Something ended today
And stayed on the way.

Maybe it's a drop of childhood
What fell behind?
But there is no place for sadness
Only forward - a straight path!

You any day and any hour,
Dedicated to hard work,
One thought of us
You live with one concern.
So that the earth is famous for us,
And so that we grow honest,
Thank you nannies, educators,
Thank you for everything!

We love our kindergarten
And we will always remember!
Our songs and games
And exercise in the morning!
That's why now thank you
We speak from the bottom of our hearts!
It's so cute in our garden
We don't want to leave!

We are good at talking
Useful at school.
To be witty -
We must learn!

We learned from the heart
Worked with you
We are friends with sounds
Just like you tried.

Know we won't let you down
You are our idol!
Let's start talking
A lot and seriously!

There is no position more important -
Deputy of our mothers!
He knows and knows everything:
How to settle the mess

Make fun or comfort
Answer questions
Walls in the hall, snow attendants
And dress up the girls

How long have they gone to the nursery,
You taught them how to hold a spoon and a mug.
They taught them to wear coats and hats,
And sing the first poems and songs.
Parting is not a problem
You paved the way to childhood in your heart,
You are for us today and always
Relatives, relatives, dear ones.

You taught the guys how to write letters,
How can you tell the time by the clock
Add three and eight and subtract four.
And you talked about the stars and the world.
You read fairy tales, where elves and fairies.
You taught your children to believe in your dream.
We want to say thank you today.
After all, every child was loved by you.

We want to congratulate you
You are going to first class.
Don't forget us
Come visit!
We would go too
But we can't yet!
Let the ringing cheerful
The school welcomes you!

You are a graduate today
You graduated from kindergarten.
Pen, eraser and diary
They are in a brand new satchel.

We wish to receive
Only one rating "five",
A lot to know
Remember Kindergarten!

We sincerely congratulate you on an important date,
Native preschoolers!
Kindergarten was your home -
Light, warm and familiar!
Days go by and soon
Got to go to school!
Let everything turn out great
And life is interesting!

The last time you came to the kindergarten,
Today you are with all the parade,
In one hand a balloon
In the other - a brand new "Bukvarik".

The sunny summer will pass
And you will come to school with a bouquet
We want to study well
And make friends with the whole class!

You, our children, have become adults,
We were always responsible for you!
Now get away from us
Leaving our beloved kindergarten!
Just don't forget about us
Come visit us with a smile!
We will always be waiting for you,
Even though school years are coming!

So the guys grew up
The last year has flown by.
You are no longer a preschooler
You are serious people.

Today, it seems, kids,
With chupa chups in their hands,
Tomorrow - fashionable, with a haircut,
In school you will become the basics
Slowly figure it out
Dig into the wilds of physics
Learn the secrets of formulas
study, count, write

Muses. employee Staff Parents

Graduation in kindergarten - congratulations to children

"How they have grown up!", "We didn't have time to look back..." - the parents of little fidgets gasp in one voice.
So the kids grew up, until recently they learned to walk and talk. It seems that only yesterday they came for the first time with their mothers by the hand to the kindergarten - and now the time has come to say farewell to the kindergarten, to a warm, dear, hospitable home. Ahead of the school - school joys, school mates, breaks, calls and copybooks with primers. The first difficulties, answers at the blackboard, grades and homework.
And now the boys and girls are preparing to say goodbye to kindergarten. Moms excitedly straighten prom dresses and hairstyles for smart fashionistas, tie ties for boys. Graduates repeat poems and songs learned especially for the graduation party. After all, everything should be solemn on this day! There will certainly be congratulations to educators, nannies, all kindergarten workers, parting words to the children, a response from parents, many songs and dances. So I want this bright and joyful day to remain in the memory of children.
This is the first graduation in my life. A beautiful holiday, but at the same time sad, because children begin to say goodbye to childhood. I so want to stop them: "Do not rush to grow up, do not, because you will not return childhood. Live in it a little more, rejoice at childish carelessness." Childhood is the most carefree, happiest time. How many times, already as adults, we all mentally return to childhood and think - what a happy world it is! Therefore, we wish that every child of today in the inevitable adult life will surely fulfill his childhood dream.
To help educators, the site has scenarios for children's graduation, color invitation forms, posters and pictures for graduation.

All the ladies in ball gowns
And they are gentlemen to match,
Today you need to be adults
And I want to run to my mother.
Did you enjoy playing here?
Sometimes I didn't want to go home
It's time to say goodbye to kindergarten
And we celebrate graduation. ©

girl at graduation

Today you say goodbye
To all teachers and children.
But you always, baby, know:
You are expected here, you will be met here.
You come to us sometimes
Tell me about your successes
And if it's sad, then we
We will support you with warm laughter! ©

Congratulations to educators

Graduation rush through the gardens in a crowd -
Hurry, fly, hearts are torn to pieces ...
Thank you very much, relatives,
Because our offspring are funny
Now go ready for the new path;
And you - good health and patience,
The warmth of the soul and business acumen,
Good luck, victories and so much inspiration,
So that you have more than enough for a lifetime;
So that you are not called "educators",
So that each of the children is in love with you! ..
We are very sorry to part with you ...
Thank you and low bow to you! ©

Congratulations to the children

Dear kids!
Sad moment comes:
Desks and books are waiting for you,
The school calls you to battle ...
Congratulations kids
Our graduates!
Do you remember these
golden days -
It's still autumn
But saying goodbye now
One thing we ask you:
Remember us at school! ©

You let us go today
Like a flock of happy birds.
And involuntarily at the same time you drop
Tears from your long eyelashes!
How much kindness and affection you have,
And there is no wiser person in the world!
You must have come from a fairy tale
And raised us for so many years!
Do not be sad! We are sure
We will visit you again!
Our nannies and caregivers
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts! ©

We are big now
Soon we will be students
But together we all decided:
We will not forget kindergarten!
Let's say goodbye to him today
The memory will always keep
How we quarreled, reconciled,
How they played in the garden, yes! ©

The steam locomotive of childhood rushes along the road
Outside the window, stations flicker like birds.
He will take the guys further today.
Goodbye, station called "Kindergarten!"
Dolls and cars, a slender row of books,
Seeing off, looking at you.
And it’s as if they are whispering: “(child’s name), don’t be sad!
Happiness to you, joy! Bon Voyage!" ©

First time in the garden without mom
Tears, the long-awaited evening,
Porridge in the morning, tea with cookies,
The first poems
Mornings and exercises -
Kindergarten, its own rules.
Daytime sleep, walks, dinner,
Quarrels, fights, friendship again.
Those years have flown by...
How? Nobody noticed!
Kindergarten, don't be sad
We need to go to school!
We say goodbye to you -
Here it is, the first graduation! ©

From an early age, we go through the stages of learning, which play a key role in the formation of not only cognitive skills, but also personal qualities. Upon completion of absolutely each of these stages (kindergarten, school, university), we gain vast experience and knowledge. A peculiar feature that sums up this experience is the graduation party. And it’s not so important whether it’s the last bell or a graduation ball in grades 9-11, a farewell party in the 4th grade of elementary school or a matinee in the kindergarten. Absolutely any of the above activities makes children look back and take stock of the past path. But in addition to graduates who experience mixed feelings of pride and sadness, such holidays are also important for adults - parents, educators, teachers, class teachers. After all, graduation is an excellent occasion for them to express their love, support and respect to the heroes of the occasion. For example, with the help of beautiful and touching congratulations in verse or prose, which are so important for children to hear at such events. Next, the best congratulations to 2018 graduates of all ages await you from parents and teachers, including the first teacher.

Touching congratulations to graduates of 2018 in kindergarten from parents

Few of us remember well our graduation party in kindergarten. But the majority probably only have the warmest and most pleasant memories of this period of life in their souls. Therefore, one should not think that a farewell holiday in kindergarten is unimportant for today's graduates and will not leave a bright mark in their hearts. It is much better to do everything to ensure that this event takes place in the most positive and joyful atmosphere. And for this, you should certainly prepare the most touching congratulations to the 2018 kindergarten graduates from parents in verse or prose. Such congratulations will surely cheer up young graduates and give them moments of support and pride in their successes.

Options for touching congratulations from parents to kindergarten graduates in 2018

The years went by quickly
Kindergarten behind.
You have become very big
It's time for you to go to school!

You are no longer a preschooler
You are going to first grade!
Congratulations guys
Let dreams come true!

We wish you victories
Life is fabulously beautiful.
Let the green light burn
In a children's and happy fairy tale!

Kindergarten is already behind -
First graduation ever!
We accompany you to school
We wish you only fives.

So that you learn with joy
To make parents proud.
Happiness, perseverance, patience
And a little more luck.

Congratulations on your first graduation. Today it is time to say goodbye to kindergarten and set off on a new path along the roads of new knowledge and hobbies to the countries of unknown sciences and discoveries. I wish you not to lose interest in everything new, I wish you to find wonderful and kind friends, I wish you to overcome the path to your childhood dreams with great enthusiasm and confidence.

Beautiful congratulations from the teacher to 2018 graduates in kindergarten in verse

Like parents, teachers at the graduation party in kindergarten want to express words of love and support to the kids. Therefore, they often prepare beautiful congratulations in verse, which are especially pleasant for graduates of the garden to hear from the lips of the educator. Unlike moms and dads, teachers say goodbye to their students forever. Therefore, it is so important for them to say a few touching words and at least slightly smooth out the sad atmosphere of the event.

The most beautiful congratulations in verse for kindergarten graduates 2018 from educators

In the next selection you will find the most beautiful congratulations to kindergarten graduates in 2018 from educators in verse.

Cars, dolls and bears
Already left behind.
Now notebooks, pens, books
You are expected ahead.

Happy last day in the garden
Today we congratulate you.
Good luck, interesting
Let every class in your school.

That's how you got older
The school will welcome you soon.
Letting go with regret
How are we without your eyes?

How now without your jokes,
Without mischievous smiles
We miss the minutes
To remember you family.

We wish you good health
Rest more in summer
To with new interest
Gain school knowledge.

The first graduation in your life.
Kindergarten will say goodbye to you.
Matinees, games, daytime sleep -
It's all memories now.

The school will gladly open its doors to you,
And the teacher will meet you at the doorstep.
Preschool children will not be at this moment -
Children will be called students.

There is a lot of luck ahead of you.
Books are waiting, tasks, equations.
We wish you victories in everything,
Let learning be given with ease.

The best congratulations to graduates of grade 4 in 2018 from the first teacher

Graduation in the 4th grade is often underestimated, considering this holiday superficial and financially costly for parents. But in practice, such an event with the opportunity to adequately thank and say goodbye to the first teachers is important for children. And for the teacher, who for 4 years has been a mentor and assistant for each of his students, it is also very important to express good wishes to the graduates. The most convenient way to do this is in the format of touching congratulations to graduates of the 4th grade of 2018 from the first teacher, the best of which we have collected in the next selection.

The best examples of congratulations to graduates of grade 4 from the first teacher

The best congratulations to the graduates of 2018 from the first teacher will be found below.

Thank you for inviting
On your holiday, a wonderful graduation,
I remember you funny kids
Timid boys, girls with a scythe,
Well, today you have become more mature,
It's time for you to leave school
Accept from the first teacher
You wish: troubles, do not know problems!
Be honest, smart and fair
Know how to distinguish lies from truth,
I want each of you to be happy
I wish you no big worries.

You came to me in first grade
I remember each of you
And today before us
Graduation is your friendly class,
You children grew up fast
Not by days, but by hours,
I'll tell you how in the first grade:
Do you believe in miracles
There will be happiness in your life
Dreams will definitely come true
Don't be lazy, don't give up
I wish you kindness!

My dear guys, time has passed quickly, and now you are graduates. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart with the passed route of the first stage of the knowledge of life. As your first teacher, I remember you as cheerful, cheerful, kind children. I want to stay the same throughout my life. May each of you find happiness and love, respect and good luck, well-being and striving for your dream.

Congratulations from parents to graduates of grades 9-11 on the last call of 2018

The last call for graduates of grades 9 and 11 is a kind of rehearsal of farewell to the school before graduation. And despite the fact that high school students will still have a real farewell party ahead, it is also important for them to receive words of approval and wise instructions, in particular, from moms and dads. That is why parents of graduates of grades 9-11 should not neglect beautiful congratulations on the last call of 2018. With their help, they can support their children and help them cope with sad emotions.

Options for congratulations to graduates of grades 9-11 from parents on the last call of 2018

You will find original versions of congratulations for graduates of grades 9-11 from parents on the last call of 2018 in poetry and prose in the following selection.

Our dear children
How precious you are to us.
Congratulations on your certificate
We are all gathered now!

We wish you good luck
To bring success
Let it spread more
Young, perky laughter!

We want you to learn
To get diplomas.
Honest, Righteous and True
To live on our planet!

Our beautiful daughters!
Our grown sons!
So you've reached the point
Your school bench.

Kudos to the teachers!
He gave you a lot.
Lots of knowledge and wisdom
At the cost of my gray hair.

And now the way is open for you
Into adulthood ahead.
Now there are many choices
Turn on the right path!

Graduation is a solemn, long-awaited and reverent event for any person! On behalf of the parents, I wish the graduates a happy journey! May the path you choose lead you to true happiness and satisfaction. Remember that the foundation that the teachers laid in you will be with you all your life. Great success and incredible achievements to you!

Cool congratulations to graduates of 2018 from parents for graduation party at school

Among the touching and beautiful parting words at the graduation party at school, high school students lack a little humor that could relieve the stress lines of all those present at the holiday. You can try to cope with this task with the help of cool congratulations to 2018 graduates from parents who will definitely make graduation party at school more fun. For example, you can use short quatrains with humorous wishes, consisting of youth slang. If, at the same time, parents also perform in funny outfits, then graduates will definitely like and remember such congratulations for many years to come.

The coolest congratulations on the graduation party 2018 from parents to graduates

You will find options for the coolest congratulations from parents for graduates of 2018 for a farewell evening in the following selection of poems.

You're graduating today
Our child, you are big now.
On the threshold of a new life you stand
We hope you surprise us!

To achieve great things in life
You will need to work hard.
Can you reach great heights?
And a new star will rise in the sky!

We wish you to be persistent
Clever bold sometimes agile.
Choose your right path in life
We wish you - do not turn!

Graduation is a double holiday,
It contains both joy and sadness.
The little prankster has become an adult,
Mom and dad are a little sorry.

We wish our child
Choose the right path in destiny.
Good friend, let him be near
And you are lucky in everything.

May the wide road
It will be flat, without stones.
In a whirlwind of life's emotions,
Remember - there is no more important family.

And the tears flow again stubbornly.
You are older and more mature.
I'll tell you, I'm still a mother.
I know a lot of little things.

I wish you all great love
So that happiness is forever.
The salary was immodest,
Learning is not forever.

Touching congratulations in verse and prose to 2018 graduates from the class teacher

Particular attention at any farewell party at school is occupied by touching congratulations to graduates from the class teacher in verse or prose. This is exactly the kind of wishes that every high school student listens to with trepidation. After all, for many years the class teacher was for his students both a teacher, and a wise mentor, and a good friend. Therefore, it is not surprising that at the last bell or graduation party it is his parting words and kind congratulations that the whole class is waiting for. In addition, this is one of the ways for the teacher to say goodbye to their beloved students in a beautiful and touching way at the same time.

Examples of touching congratulations in verse and prose from the class teacher to 2018 graduates

Here are some examples of congratulations in verse and prose for high school graduates from the class teacher.

How I remember that day today
How we met for the first time.
You were so small
And they stood next to their mothers.

The years have gone by very quickly.
You have become completely different -
A series of problems awaits you
And another life, because they have matured.

Over the years, everything between us was:
Resentment, pain, victory, defeat.
I remember every happy moment
After all, I loved you like my family.

I wish you all the implementation plans,
So that all your wishes come true!
And remember, no matter where you go,
Try to make a decision with conscience.

Do not bend before a difficult life,
You always look forward proudly.
Stay yourself forever
How do you stay young for me.

How quickly time has flown by
More recently, mothers
With flowers timidly and timidly
Led by the hand in the fifth grade.

Today I am not a stranger to you.
And giving you a part of the soul,
I accompany you with pain in my heart
In a big life, in the adult world.

And you send me telegrams
About and just like that.
I became your second mother
And this, children, is not a trifle.

I will worry about you
And from the heart to experience
Now promise:
Call me more often, write.

So many feelings mixed up in my soul at once,
After all, my guys are graduating today!
I can't forget how I took you in the fifth grade
Over the years we have become one family!

Trips, holidays, concerts, KVNs -
There were many amazing moments!
You will remember them, guys, by all means,
May they always live in your hearts!

You have passed your thorny path to the heights of knowledge,
And I wanted to be your friend!
And our pride is 2 successful medalists,
Decorated the school with our cheerful, friendly class!

It's not so easy for me to let you go today,
You are the first issue, you are doubly dear to me!
I wish you to live with dignity, nobility,
After all, humanity, conscience, honor - always in the price!

Strive for goals and love your loved ones,
Don't forget school, class, teachers!
May life be full of accomplishments and discoveries,
Walk joyfully, confidently along it!

Time flew by so fast
Your first ever graduation.
And soon you will have your portfolios,
Carry it to class on your back.

Today we accompany you
And tell the gardener "Bye."
We sincerely wish everyone good luck,
Let learning be easy.

But you leave a memory in your heart,
About the group and about their educators.
You were loved here - it's true
They loved them like their own children.

A new path is spreading before you,
New discoveries beckon ahead.
You are so mature! Right, I can't believe it!
They just met you - and you have to go.

Make friends with books, study countries.
There are so many fabulous and great miracles in the world!
Be proud of you for dad and for mom
Let not the darkest forest be afraid of you.

And love yourself, of course, you do not forget
To make you feel comfortable and warm.
Good luck guys! Don't say goodbye to your childhood.
May it remain in everyone's heart.

Our dear little graduates, our obedient pupils and mischievous children, we congratulate you on this wonderful day. Today you will say "goodbye" to our garden and set off towards new adventures, new dreams, new wonders. First of all, I want to wish you not to be afraid of anything, to remain the same sincere, cheerful, cheerful, inquisitive and friendly children. May you easily overcome every step on the ladder to great success, may there always be the support of your parents, grandparents, and may every day be filled with your smiles and happy moments.

So you have become big,
School is waiting for you
I wish you easy days
And good luck on the way.

Be good
And learn everything by five,
And of course come
In the kindergarten, childhood to remember!

What do you guys say goodbye?
You sail like ships into the distance,
Passed the first stage of education,
And the school is looming in the distance.

Let the storms along the way do not disturb you,
The burden of resentment will not drag to the bottom,
And believe how things will turn out
Educators don't care.

Be brave, strong, friendly,
Get smarter and more beautiful
Just be loved, needed!
Here is our parting word.

We say goodbye to you today
Graduation for our guys
To the school world, yet unfamiliar,
Opens the door to the kindergarten.

We wish you a happy journey
Let the school family accept you,
Changes await you and lessons
At school new friends will meet.

We wish you excellent grades,
Learn to read and write
We want you to win
And become real people.

Kindergarten left behind
And before you a new road!
We wish you to choose the right path,
No one can turn away from him!

For you all to study well
And always strive for more
To grow up as good people
And dreams could come true!

Finished Kindergarten,
You have become such an adult!
Do not know barriers to dreams
So that all desires come true!

We have invested so much in you
In these kindergarten walls!
All the things we taught you
Let it stay in our hearts!

We enjoyed being with you
Engage and play.
You have become very big
Time to leave the garden.

Don't be sick, don't be sad
You'll be going to school soon.
Laugh, rejoice, make friends,
Meet happiness ahead!

Now it's time to leave the garden.
So let a curious look
Help you study hard
Walk in full and strive for new knowledge.

So that you grow up healthy, kids,
They wrote and read many books.
And grow up to be wise people.
Good luck, good luck to you.

Congratulations on graduation!
Good luck guys.
To grow big
Mom needs to listen.

Don't offend kids
Be an example in everything
And to help everyone run,
Be brave, be brave!