Crafts from chestnut fruits with children. What can be made from chestnuts: various options for children's crafts. How to make a chestnut mouse

Autumn is a great time, giving a lot of tools and ideas for creativity. Adults and children collect dry plants, beautiful fallen leaves to make original bouquets, willow twigs are used for weaving baskets, caskets. The fruit of the chestnut tree becomes a popular creative material. A nut-like seed can serve as the basis for many interesting things. Funny animals, little men, fantasy compositions - all these are do-it-yourself crafts from chestnuts on the theme of autumn. A few original ideas, as well as instructions for their implementation, you will learn further.

Step-by-step instructions for crafts for children from chestnuts on the theme "Autumn"

Creating crafts using chestnuts is popular with both adults and children. You can turn this activity into a game with kids - it develops the creative potential of preschoolers, improves the child's fine motor skills. To make an interesting thing, in some master classes you do not need to use almost any additional elements: only chestnuts and glue. Ready-made crafts can become children's toys, serve as details of some large composition. Often, teachers give primary school students the task of creating interesting autumn products - this develops imagination.

Thanks to simple master classes, you can create original crafts from ordinary chestnuts with your own hands on the theme of autumn. Making funny animals, mushrooms, wood, beetles is not difficult, and the manufacturing process will bring a lot of joy. You can complement the finished work with decorative elements, decorate them to give individuality to things. Each craft on the theme of autumn will be an excellent interior decoration.


Funny beetle is a cute DIY chestnut craft on the theme of autumn, the production of which is sure to please children. To make an insect, you need to use not only the fruits, but also their peel. To attach all the elements, you will need plasticine, and you can use thin tree twigs as the legs of a beetle. To make the craft durable, replace the plasticine with polymer clay that does not need to be baked. So you keep the original thing for a long time. How to make a cute beetle with your own hands:

  1. Dry the skin of the chestnut a little - to do this, leave it for several days in a closed space or put it in the sun. If possible, do not divide it into halves, let the junction of the two parts remain.
  2. Take a small piece of brown plasticine, make an oval. Place it under the halves of the chestnut peel - this will be the body of the beetle. To be sure, you can fasten the skin of the seed with plasticine glue.
  3. Stick a few branches into the side parts - three on each side. Choose folded elements that will resemble paws, or bend them yourself.
  4. Attach the chestnut from the side where the head of the insect will be. With the help of plasticine, mold the beetle's eyes, make a nose, where you stick two more thin branches - these are antennae.
  5. A funny toy is ready!


The original vase with chestnuts will be a wonderful interior decoration, this item will attract the attention of guests and delight the household with an unusual look. You can store donated flowers or ikebana with dried plants in it - crafts on the theme of autumn will then look even more advantageous. To implement the idea, you will need a lot of chestnuts, glue, brown paint and a vase with a flat surface.

  1. Paint the vase brown so that possible gaps between the chestnuts are not conspicuous. Let her dry.
  2. Take glue. Apply to the chestnut from the flat side, carefully attach the nut-like seed to the vase. Hold for a few seconds for the glue to take.
  3. Continue pasting the vase. Try to keep the distance between the chestnuts as small as possible.
  4. If desired, varnish the finished craft. You can decorate a vase with twigs, rowan berries.
  5. A stylish piece of furniture is ready!


Mushrooms are a cute craft that can serve many purposes. Interesting products will be a great decoration for flower pots, and a few of these things, folded into a wicker basket, can decorate any room in the house. In addition, together with the children, you can make an original three-dimensional picture by placing mushrooms and other crafts using chestnuts there. To create a mushroom, you will need a sharp knife and two fruits. How to make an original craft:

  1. Take the first chestnut. With a knife, carefully remove part of the crust from the flat side. Try not to break its edges so that the hat turns out beautiful.
  2. With a knife, make a recess in the chestnut on the cut side, which will serve as a mount for the future leg.
  3. Take the second fruit, peel it completely. Trim the flesh to the desired shape so that the stem is the right width for fastening and holds well. To be sure, you can fix the two parts with glue.
  4. There is one secret that will help preserve the beauty of your mushroom, make the craft durable: it is transparent or white acrylic paint. Cover the surface of the stem, as well as the area under the hat, so that the chestnuts do not darken over time.


Topiary is a decorative tree that will be an excellent interior decoration or a gift to someone. It is believed that this decoration of the house brings happiness. To make the product even more beautiful, you can use additional elements - twigs, acorns, mountain ash, dry grass. What you need to create a stylish autumn-themed topiary:

  • Dried chestnuts.
  • Acorns.
  • Corrugated paper.
  • Newspaper.
  • Tape or thread.
  • Sturdy stick for the trunk.
  • Thermal gun.
  • PVA glue.

How to make a tree:

  1. Make the base that will serve to make the crown of the topiary. To do this, form a tight ball with the help of newspapers, wrap it well with tape. Instead of duct tape, you can use thread.
  2. Attach the resulting base to the future tree trunk with adhesive tape.
  3. Start gluing the chestnuts with a heat gun, moving from the trunk to the top of the tree. Use a lot of glue so that all the elements of the composition hold tightly.
  4. There will be voids between the chestnuts. Hide the biggest ones using acorns.
  5. Take crepe paper. Fill the remaining empty spaces with it by gluing PVA material.
  6. Decorate the topiary with additional elements if desired. Choose a suitable pot with a base for the trunk - and a beautiful thing is ready!


Funny chestnut little animals will become a nice decoration of the interior, they will serve as toys for preschool children. The horse, which is created using nut-like seeds, looks interesting and cute. You will need toothpicks or wooden skewers, string, some wooden beads, and two chestnuts of different sizes. Scissors, an awl will be used as tools. How to make a cute toy:

  1. Take two chestnuts. One should be larger - for the body, the other smaller - for the head. To make the horse's face, use the most flat chestnut. The fruit for the body, on the contrary, should be round or oval.
  2. Poke the chestnut intended for the body of the horse in four places from below, using an awl - the legs of the animal will be there. Insert toothpicks into the holes. Cut the edges with scissors, making them the same size so that the horse is stable.
  3. Make a hole for the neck. Insert a toothpick in there. Place a few wooden beads on it (preferably two).
  4. Make a hole in the chestnut for the head too, put the fruit on the free end of the toothpick.
  5. Tie a thread tassel. Make a hole for the tail. Insert the threads there, tamping them with a needle.
  6. Make holes for the ears, place short toothpicks there, and beads on top.
  7. The cute horse is ready!

Spider with web

To make a funny spider, you will need an awl, eight toothpicks, white and black plasticine, and another chestnut of the right size. The insect will turn out to be cute, such a craft will definitely appeal to children, even those who do not like spiders. For eyes, instead of plasticine, you can use puppets - from old toys that are no longer useful. Then the insect will turn out even more fun. How to make a cute spider:

  1. Take a chestnut that has a pronounced flat side - this will be the lower part of the calf.
  2. On the sides of the fruit, make four holes with an awl.
  3. Take toothpicks, insert them into the holes. Break slightly so that the materials look like real paws. Trim the toothpicks to keep the spider straight.
  4. Take white plasticine, make two circles, place them in the place where the eyes should be. Attach smaller circles on top - these will be the pupils.
  5. Use glue to fix the eyes tightly.


Ladybug is a solar insect, the creation of which will appeal to young children. To make crafts, you will need black, white and red plasticine, one chestnut, a board on which it will be convenient to work with the material, and also a stack. Choose a fruit with a flat bottom so that the insect looks like itself. Step-by-step instructions for making a ladybug:

  1. From above, seal the fruit with scarlet plasticine. Do this by smearing the material over the surface. Leave the space where the animal's head will be unpasted.
  2. Apply black plasticine to the open part - this is the muzzle of an insect.
  3. With your fingers, mold small black balls that will become the future spots of the ladybug. Sculpt as many elements as you want to see on the insect's body.
  4. Make a black strip of small width and about two centimeters long. Place it on the space from the head to the end of the back. Press down a little.
  5. Place the balls on both sides of the strip, lightly press them with your finger. Don't arrange them symmetrically.
  6. Roll up two white circles for the eyes and two smaller black circles for the pupils. Place on the insect's head.
  7. The original craft is ready!

Video tutorials: how to create crafts from chestnuts with your own hands

Making crafts using chestnut fruit is a great activity. In schools, such an event can be held in support of the environment, because when creating many things, only natural materials are taken. So that you can simply and with pleasure make original crafts, experienced craftsmen create step-by-step master classes for free and post their videos on YouTube and other sources. In addition to fruits, a variety of materials are used - cardboard, paper, branches, beads, toothpicks, skewers. Watch some interesting videos with instructions:

Cheerful caterpillar from chestnuts and plasticine to kindergarten

Master class on making crafts about autumn from chestnuts without plasticine

Autumn crafts for children to school "Funny Snail" from chestnuts

"Mushroom picker with a dog" from chestnuts, acorns and other natural materials

Composition "Bunny and Fox" of chestnuts and cones for kindergarten

Photo ideas for children's crafts on the theme "Autumn" from chestnuts

The purpose of inventing chestnut products with children is to develop imagination in children, improve fine motor skills, and turn on creativity. Preschoolers are happy to immerse themselves in work, come up with new ideas for execution, embody their ideas. Below are some photos that illustrate children's creativity. With the help of the fruits of the chestnut tree, the kids get truly cute and beautiful works.

Expecting summer vacation to end soon, most kids get a little frustrated: their fun adventures will have to be postponed until the end of the school year. However, autumn is just as beautiful as the warmest time of the year. She presents her amazing gifts to the children - you just need to be able to see them! Go to the forest in September-October, stop for a minute and look around. What beauty surrounds you! A carpet of their multi-colored leaves, under which one can see acorns and cones that have fallen from oak trees, pines and firs, fancy snags, dry branches. All this can be taken home to later make toy animals, New Year's souvenirs, gifts for friends. However, crafts from chestnuts are the easiest and most interesting. Even children 3-5 years old, not to mention older preschoolers and school students, can easily make them with their own hands. After reviewing the photos and videos, having studied the master classes presented below, they will easily make unusual products from natural materials, take part in competitions of the same works, and maybe even win them, winning an unexpected prize!

DIY crafts from chestnuts on the theme of Autumn - Examples with photos and videos

You can make a lot of children's crafts from chestnuts with your own hands. The most important thing in the manufacture of such works is to give free rein to imagination, well, and our photos and videos with examples of children's work will help with this!

Ready-made crafts from chestnuts - Examples of work on the theme of Autumn

It is impossible to list everything that you can do with your own hands from the most ordinary chestnuts. These are vases with leaves and dried flowers on the theme "Autumn", and cartoon characters, and houses for dolls. The smallest ones can make hedgehogs, caterpillars, Smeshariki. Look at the finished children's work and you will have your own ideas for crafts from these natural materials.

Such a topiary can be made by older children - a thin birch or aspen log will become the trunk of a miracle-dever, and chestnuts, leaves and flowers will become a crown.

How to make do-it-yourself crafts from chestnuts for kindergarten

Ideas for crafts from chestnuts should be suggested to children by adults. They can also help them make hedgehogs, bunnies, squirrels and other cute animals.

Master class for kindergarten on making crafts from chestnuts "Hedgehog" - Video and photo

To make a Hedgehog from chestnuts, you will need other materials. The teacher will help you find them. She must first show the children of the kindergarten a master class, explaining in detail each step.

So take:

  • A piece of foam the size of half a notebook sheet;
  • Multi-colored maple leaves;
  • chestnuts;
  • Clusters of rowan;
  • Plasticine;
  • Black sponge;
  • Two black beads;
  • Cardboard;
  • Brown corrugated paper;
  • Glue "Moment".

Start caring with the basics of the craft.

Crafts for children from chestnuts and acorns on an autumn theme

The best autumn-themed crafts are made from acorns and chestnuts. These are universal natural materials - they do not deteriorate over time, it is easy to work with them even for children who have not yet gone to the senior group of kindergarten, they look great in a home interior.

Photo crafts on the autumn theme - How to work with acorns and chestnuts

In the manufacture of crafts on the autumn theme, chestnuts and acorns are often used. This natural material is easy to handle, stored for a long time and does not deteriorate if properly processed - preliminary cleaning from dirt, earth, dust and drying. In the photo you can see how fantasy helped children create amazing crafts from natural materials.

Remembering the ripe fragrant summer berry, autumn acorns can be turned into strawberries! All you need is paint and a brush!

From the "lids" of acorns, you can easily make a tea set for a doll.

Plant mushrooms from chestnuts and acorns on the moss - such crafts look like real butterflies!

And this strange hedgehog has already found fresh mushrooms with acorn stalks somewhere and is in a hurry to hide them in a secluded place.

A photo of this excellent children's collection will tell you what kind of crafts a child can make.

Crafts from chestnuts and cones for a school competition

In autumn, schools constantly organize competitions for children's crafts made from natural materials. The most creative guys create real works of art from chestnuts and cones - large fir trees, Christmas decorations, flower baskets, home decor, photo and drawing frames, etc.

How to Win the School Craft Competition - Chestnut Bone Work Ideas

It is not easy to win a school competition for crafts made from natural materials - modern children have a well-developed imagination, most of them parents help to make works from cones and chestnuts. And yet it is possible to get the coveted first place! A great idea is a large wall panel or composition on the theme of Russian folk tales. The larger and more original the finished product is, the more chances for its author to win. Pay attention to the photo: when working with natural material, children additionally use beads, rhinestones, paints, varnishes, plasticine.

Simple crafts look no worse than the most complex compositions. For example, this pig-like hedgehog looks so cute!

Ordinary fir cones, twine and plastic boxes from chocolate Kinder Surprises make a wonderful Easter decor!

These crafts have every chance to win the competition of children's works!

Crafts with chestnuts and leaves - Master class with video and photo

From chestnuts and colorful leaves, the most unusual crafts are obtained. The ideas of such work on the Internet are often shared by experienced labor teachers and leaders of children's creativity circles. They publish master classes on making works from natural materials on the pages of their websites and blogs, explaining each step with the help of a photo or video.

Craft from chestnuts "Santa Claus and Snow Maiden" - Master class with photo

Summer has flown by, autumn has come, you look - and winter-winter will come soon! For her meeting, you can prepare interesting decorations and make home decor. From chestnuts and cones, for example, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden can turn out.

For crafts you will need:

  • Watercolor paints and brush;
  • Glue;
  • chestnuts;
  • Cotton wool;
  • Plasticine;
  • Matches;
  • Cotton buds;
  • Glitter nail polish;
  • Cones.

Craft from leaves and cones "Wonder Tree" ― Master class with photo

To make a magic tree, you will need a lot of decor, but the main decoration of the craft will be the leaves.

Tools and materials will serve you:

  • Planter or vase;
  • tree branch;
  • Basis for crafts;
  • Newspaper;
  • Glue;
  • Leaves;
  • cones;
  • Decor.
  1. Stick a strong branch or sushi stick into the base for the craft.
  2. Roll a ball out of the newspaper, wrap it with thread, fix it with glue and put it on the "trunk" of the tree.
  3. Paste the "crown" of the tree with cones, leaves, beads. Color them the way your imagination tells you.
  4. Decorate the craft.

Crafts with chestnuts for children 3-5 years old

Chestnuts are the most versatile craft material. Using it, you can make funny animals, fairy-tale characters, original bouquets, magic trees and much more. To fasten chestnuts, children 3-5 years old use plasticine.

What can be done from chestnuts for children 3-5 years old

Making crafts from chestnuts is a creative process that is interesting even for kids 3-5 years old. Working with this material and plasticine details improves fine motor skills of the hands and develops the imagination.

Even the smallest ones can easily make this cute hedgehog - you just need to prepare plasticine and Christmas or pine needles.

But the "chestnut" caterpillar, quickly sorting through its forty legs - it is in a hurry to feast on the leaves that have not yet turned yellow.

Making crafts from chestnuts, leaves, cones and acorns, kids 3-5 years old who attend kindergarten develop fine motor skills of their hands. Older children, schoolchildren, can already make large panels and home decor on the theme “Autumn” from these natural materials. You will find examples of such works in the photo and video in the article.

Helpful Hints

Various crafts can be made from chestnuts, and they are especially good when using plasticine. along with chestnuts.

In addition, there are other natural materials, along with which various compositions, insects and animals can be made from chestnut.

On our website you will also find:

Here are some of the most interesting chestnut crafts:

Crafts from chestnuts with your own hands: snail

You will need:


Plastic knife.

1. Roll a "sausage" out of plasticine.

2. Cut the tip of the sausage in half with a plastic knife - these will be snail horns.

3. Press down the rest of the sausage, and put a chestnut on it - this will be the snail's house.

4. Make snail eyes out of plasticine and attach them.

Crafts from acorns and chestnuts: mushroom

There are two ways to make a mushroom from acorns and chestnuts - an easier one and a little more difficult.

Method 1.

You will need:


1. Using plasticine, connect the acorn and chestnut, as shown in the image.

2. From plasticine, make a few small "cakes" and attach them to your mushroom cap to make a fly agaric.

3. Make a large green cake out of plasticine - this will be a clearing for the mushroom.

4. Put the mushroom in the clearing and you can decorate your work with a sprig of rowan and needles from the Christmas tree.

Method 2.

You will need:


Plastic knife or match.

1. Make a small cake and with a plastic knife or a match draw a small texture on it (make many small holes).

2. Attach an acorn to the plasticine and you're done.

You can make a clearing as in method 1.

DIY chestnut crafts for children: insects

Acorn caterpillar. Option 1.

You will need:



1. Prepare several chestnuts of approximately the same size. Their number will depend on how long the caterpillar you want to make.

2. Using plasticine, connect all the chestnuts.

3. Fashion the eyes, nose and mouth of the caterpillar from plasticine.

4. Take the largest chestnut and attach all the details of the caterpillar's face to its light part.

5. Attach the head to the caterpillar and attach the horns (matches).

How to make a caterpillar from acorns. Option 2.

You will need:

Chestnuts (preferably 1 large chestnut for the head)

Strong thread (fishing line) and needle

Felt pen (for "face")

Toy eyes (optional)



Tin lid or small board (so that you can drive a nail into the chestnut).

1. Use a hammer and nail to punch holes in your chestnuts.

2. Take a large chestnut that will play the role of a face, and make a hole on the side (turning its light part on its side).

3. Now thread a strong thread or fishing line through all the chestnuts and tie a knot, both at the beginning and at the end.

4. Use a felt pen to draw eyes, a nose, and a mouth on the large chestnut.

Chestnut Crafts for Kindergarten: Chestnut Spider

You will need:

One big chestnut


Super glue


Acorn caps (optional)

The chestnut will be the body of your spider and you will need to attach toothpicks to it to act as legs.

1. Prepare 8 toothpicks and break them in the middle.

2. Use superglue to attach the toothpicks to the chestnut as shown in the image.

If necessary, you can fix the legs of the spider with plasticine.

3. Make spider eyes out of plasticine, and attach them to the chestnut tree.

* You can also make eyes out of acorn hats, inside which you need to attach small pieces of plasticine that will play the role of pupils.

* You can also make a headdress for a spider from an acorn cap.

* Instead of toothpicks, you can use wire, which you can cover with a thin layer of plasticine.

Crafts from chestnuts for children: an owl

You will need:

PVA glue, super glue or hot glue

acorn caps

Felt pen or plasticine (for pupils).

1. Cut out the wings, legs and beak of an owl from felt and glue them to the chestnut tree.

2. Glue two acorn caps to the chestnut tree. You can insert a piece of plasticine into each hat to make a pupil, or simply draw eyes with a felt-tip pen.

Crafts from chestnuts on the theme "Autumn": beads

You will need:


colored beads

Awl or nail and hammer.

1. Use an awl to make holes in each chestnut.

2. Start stringing the chestnuts onto the fishing line, inserting one colored bead between them. At the end, tie the fishing line into a knot.

Autumn crafts from chestnuts: God's eye (Ojo de Dios - Mexican craft)

Autumn is the time of the year, which presents us with a lot of materials for creativity. Many adults and children are happy to collect cones, bright leaves, dried flowers to create original products with their own hands. Recently, crafts made from the fruits of a chestnut tree have become quite popular. Chestnut can serve as the basis for many creative ideas.

Chestnut topiary

One of the most interesting chestnut products is the topiary. To make a unique tree with your own hands, you will certainly need a ball for the base, a trunk, a container in the form of a pot, or some kind of stand. Fruits can be painted in the desired shade or used in its natural form. For crafts, you may also need twine, beautiful braid, beads, and much more. It all depends on the capabilities and imagination of the author.

1. The first step is to prepare the base. First you need to think about the base ball. You can use a ready-made blank, which is purchased at a needlework store at an affordable price. Or you can make a ball from improvised materials:

  • papier mache;
  • wrap a dense bundle of newspapers with threads;
  • use an old rubber ball or any round object.

2. Selection of the trunk. Any wand can be used here. A pencil, a branch, a small rail will do.

3. The connection of the base and the trunk. To do this, you need to make a neat cut at the base with a clerical knife and place the barrel in it.

4. Work with a potty. Most often, craftsmen use a small vase or an ordinary flower pot. You can choose a container in appearance in advance, or you can decorate it yourself.

5. Gypsum mortar is poured into the pot. When it starts to harden a little, you need to insert the barrel together with the ball into the mass and wait for the gypsum to dry completely.

6. The next step is to decorate our crafts.

Gluing chestnuts is one of the most interesting and exciting stages. It is better to choose for this not round fruits, but slightly flattened ones. Hot glue is best for gluing. It will allow you to quickly fix the decor on the base. It is recommended to start from the top.

When gluing fruits, rarely anyone manages to avoid emptiness. Now is the time to think about how to cover it up. For the final decor, both the base and the planter are perfect:

  • pistachio shells;
  • small slices of dried citrus;
  • coins;
  • decorative braid or ribbons;
  • beads;
  • cereals or pasta of an interesting shape;
  • coffee beans.

In order for the chestnut craft to be done neatly and in an original way, you should pay attention to a number of tips:

  1. Chestnuts in mixed decor look interesting. For example, some of the fruits are left in their natural form or simply varnished. And others are wrapped, for example, with twine.
  2. Separately, you can use hats from chestnuts.
  3. Both the hats and the fruits themselves can be painted with spray paint. It is better to give preference to gold, silver, bronze shades.

Christmas tree from chestnuts

On the eve of the New Year, you can create an original Christmas tree from chestnuts with your own hands.

This will require the following materials:

  • chestnuts of different sizes;
  • thick cardboard;
  • hot glue;
  • paints in spray cans;
  • decoration material.

First, the basis for the New Year's beauty is made. To do this, a cone is made of thick cardboard, depending on the required height of the finished craft.

Before proceeding to the most important process, chestnuts need to be sorted by size. You need to start work with the largest fruits.

Using hot glue, chestnuts are attached to the cone made, starting from the bottom border. Toward the top, the size of the fruit should decrease.

Now it's time to paint the product. Spray paint works best. Color can be any, it all depends on the imagination.

After the Christmas tree has dried out, it's time to decorate it, for this you can use:

  • tinsel;
  • beads;
  • homemade bows;
  • tapes;
  • small Christmas toys.

Decorative vase of chestnuts

To create an original vase decorated with chestnuts, you will need:

  • base for a vase;
  • fruits of a chestnut tree;
  • hot glue;
  • dye;
  • decoration materials.

First you need to prepare the base for the vase. As a basis, you can use a finished vase or make it from improvised materials, for example, from cardboard or take some kind of jar. The disadvantage of a cardboard product will be the inability to use it for fresh flowers.

To make possible gaps between the chestnuts not so conspicuous, you can paint the vase with brown paint and let it dry.

Fruits are attached to the chosen basis of our chestnut craft using hot glue and a gun.

When designing a product, it is first of all better to close the “emptiness”.

For decorating chestnut vases fit:

  • dry flowers;
  • coffee beans;
  • beads;
  • ribbons.

House of chestnuts

Children are happy to make crafts from natural materials, and they especially like chestnuts. When doing crafts for a school or kindergarten, it is quite possible to create a composition with a chestnut house.

It will require:

  • chestnuts;
  • bright leaves of autumn trees;
  • dry branches of small sizes;
  • legumes, such as beans;
  • dried rowan berries;
  • plasticine;
  • hot glue.

Now consider the sequence of work:

  1. We select the basis for crafts from chestnuts. It can be a box or just thick cardboard.
  2. A small corner is covered with carefully mashed plasticine. But the rest of the "territory" is laid out with dried leaves. They can be fixed with glue from a gun.
  3. A large flat oval is made from blue or blue plasticine - this will be a lake. The finished part is laid out on the "plasticine" section.
  4. Around the reservoir, you can lay out a fence of some seeds.
  5. We select the basis for the house. It is best to use a ready-made box, make a cardboard roof.
  6. We cover the base with chestnuts. They can be attached to plasticine, but it will be more reliable to use hot glue.
  7. Places for windows can be left in advance by making them from yellow plasticine. Or glue them on top of paper or cardboard. With plasticine windows, the house will look more comfortable.
  8. From the branches you can make a pipe.
  9. Now the product can be varnished.
  10. The clearing around the house can be decorated at your discretion, depending on the availability of various materials. Next, we will consider how to make mushrooms and various animals from chestnuts. They can be placed in the clearing around the house.

chestnut mushrooms

To make mushrooms from chestnut fruits, you will need:

  • plasticine;
  • chestnuts;
  • acorns;
  • natural materials for decoration.

So, let's start making mushrooms:

  1. For the base, you need to make a small clearing of plasticine. To do this, a small "cake" of green color is made.
  2. An acorn is attached to the clearing - this will be the leg for the mushroom.
  3. The chestnut is attached on top of the plasticine. It is better to lay it down with the rough side.
  4. Ready mushroom can be decorated. For example, rowan berries will look original on a mushroom. Around you can make grass, it will turn out beautiful from spruce needles.

chestnut animals

Many different animals can be made from the fruits of the chestnut tree. Let's consider some options.


To make an insect, you will need the fruit itself and the peel from it, as well as plasticine, twigs.

The craft is done as follows:

  1. The peel needs to be slightly dried, it is not required to divide it in half.
  2. An oval or a flattened ball of brown plasticine is attached under the peel.
  3. Branches are attached to the plasticine on the sides - these will be the legs of the insect.
  4. Now the head of the beetle is attached from the chestnut, on it you need to make eyes from plasticine and antennae.


To make a caterpillar you will need:

  • several fruits of a chestnut tree of the same size;
  • plasticine;
  • toothpicks.

Let's start crafting:

  1. In one of the chestnuts, you need to make two small holes and stick halves of toothpicks into them. It is recommended to stick small balls of plasticine on the tips. This will be the caterpillar's head with horns.
  2. Plasticine eyes are attached to the same fruit.
  3. The remaining fruits are attached to each other with small plasticine pieces. The chestnut head will be extreme.


To make a clubfoot inhabitant of the forest you will need:

  • chestnuts;
  • plasticine;
  • "hats" of acorns.
  1. The body of the bear is made from the largest fruit.
  2. For the head, a smaller chestnut is taken and attached to plasticine to the body.
  3. For ears choose the smallest chestnuts.
  4. Paws are made from acorn caps, and the eyes, nose and mouth are molded from plasticine.


A spider can be made very easily and quickly. Required:

  • one chestnut;
  • 8 toothpicks;
  • plasticine.

Four holes are made in the chestnut on the sides, broken toothpicks are inserted into them - these will be paws. And eyes are molded from plasticine. The spider is ready.


To make a fairy-tale hero, you need 8 chestnuts and toothpicks.

It is done as follows:

  1. Small holes are made in chestnuts for toothpicks to connect the fruits together.
  2. Larger chestnuts are chosen for the head and torso, and smaller chestnuts for the ears and paws.
  3. After all the chestnuts are connected, the face is drawn with a felt-tip pen or made of plasticine.

Creativity using natural materials is always a fascinating process. Create, experiment, create your own unique products.

63 photos of chestnut craft ideas

Today we will make heartfelt and cute chestnut crafts. Every child makes crafts from natural material at least once in his life, because this idea for creativity does not lose its relevance and popularity.

These are most often made, which is explained by the special variety and availability of various gifts of nature during this fruitful season.

Various plant elements and fruits can be used as the base material. For example, chestnut crafts look very interesting, which any child can do with their own hands.

Crafts from chestnuts using glue

The easiest way to connect chestnuts, seeds or acorns together is to simply glue them together. For such crafts, it is best to use a good glue gun.

Shell halves can be used as bug wings. We connect the body, head and wings together with glue.

You can use half a chestnut shell to make wings. What a beautiful owl we got! All parts of the craft are connected with glue.

From chestnuts you can make lovely little people in love.

Watch the video on how to make chestnut mushrooms:

Crafts from chestnuts using matches

From matches it is very easy to make legs for an animal. You will need to make four small holes in the chestnut tree and insert matches there.

The classic technique for attaching two chestnuts to each other is to use a match mount. A hole is made in the first chestnut. A match is inserted into this hole. A hole is made in the second chestnut. We plant the second chestnut on a match. To give the craft strength, you can fix the match and chestnuts with glue.

So, for example, the body and head of this deer are connected with the help of matches. Legs - matches fixed on one side only.

By connecting two chestnuts with each other, we get the body and head of the bunny. We make ears from cuts of a thin twig of a tree, and a tail from a thorn. To create a composition, place a bunny on moss or grass.

From chestnuts and cones, a charming snail is obtained. Chestnuts are fastened together with matches or toothpicks. We fix the bump with glue. Factory eyes and fluffy wire give the snail a special charm.

Crafts for girls - fluffy cats - are also fastened together.

Funny little people are also fastened together.

From an inverted acorn cap, a wonderful muzzle of a donkey or horse is obtained.

With the help of matches and chestnuts, you can make funny little men.

Legs on a thread give a special charm to the craft.

From chestnuts and chestnut shells, you can glue a funny bouquet of small prickly monsters. We fix the heads of the freaks on a wooden stick, which we fix in a pot. This funny craft and its implementation will surely delight mischievous kids and their parents.

Crafts from chestnuts and plasticine

The most favorite craft made of plasticine and chestnut is a snail.

A slightly dried chestnut shell very easily turns into needles on the back of a hedgehog. We sculpt the body from plasticine, salt dough or other material. We use beads or beads as an eye and nose. Such a do-it-yourself chestnut craft can be made by a younger baby.

From chestnuts and plasticine, you can glue an autumn bunny with a carrot.

By combining several chestnut fruits with each other with the help of plasticine, we will get a wonderful caterpillar. It is enough to supplement it with dried leaves of trees - and a full-fledged composition for the autumn exhibition of crafts is ready.

Crafts from chestnuts on a string

For the manufacture of snakes, caterpillars or rosaries from chestnuts, a “soft” method of fastening is suitable. We string chestnuts one by one, piercing them through with an awl.

chestnut birds

From chestnuts and cones you can make very spectacular birds.

We fasten the chestnuts and cones together with glue. Glue the wing leaves to the cones. Glue eyes and beak. The birds are ready! If they are placed in a nest of branches, we will get a real autumn masterpiece.

Birds in the nest DIY chestnut keychain