Comprehensive thematic planning for May. Thematic week "Spring laboratory". Check out the theme week snippet

Oksana Petrova
Approximate comprehensive-thematic planning for the Federal State Educational Standard in the preparatory group for May

08.05.17 -12.05.17

Subject: "Victory Day"

Target: to educate children in the spirit of patriotism, love for the motherland; to expand knowledge about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, about the victory of our country in the war; to acquaint with the monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War; tell children about the military awards of grandfathers, grandmothers, parents; show the continuity of generations of defenders Motherland: from ancient heroes to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Final event: Holiday Concert "Thank you, our dear grandfathers"

Cognitive Social - communicative Artistic - aesthetic Physical Speech

Acquaintance with the environment the world:

- "Our Army. Victory Day"

K. z., str. 353

OD#2. "Alexander Fortress" Open-air museum. Our land page 95


OD#1. "Orientation in time" K. z., str. 393

Cognitive research:

"What is reflected in the mirror?"

Introduce children to the concept "reflection", find objects that can reflect.

"Sun Bunnies"

Understand the cause of sunbeams, teach how to let sunbeams

Excursion to the monument "Unknown Soldier"

Viewing presentations with children "Victory Day".

To introduce children to national holidays, to cultivate love for the Motherland, a sense of belonging, pride in their country and people.

Viewing a presentation "Children are war heroes"

Target: to tell children about the children of heroes, about their exploits, courage and heroism.

Playing with metal constructor: building an airplane.

Target: clarify children's ideas about transport, the diversity of its types, and its purpose.



build confidence;

Exercise in the construction of diagrams and subsequent design according to them.

creative workshop "Multimania"

"One Pea, Two Peas", "Miracle Mill", "Not scary at all", "Zhiharka", "About the girl Masha", "Who will win the prize", "The Feat of a Young Soldier"

Target: education of patriotism.


"What is Victory Day"

Tell the children about the history of the holiday.

"WWII in the Kuban"

To acquaint about military events in their native land, city.

"We want to live under a peaceful sky".

To expand children's ideas about Victory Day, to cultivate love for the Motherland, respect for war veterans.

"What is heroism?"

To form children's ideas about the best qualities of a person, to talk about heroism, to arouse the desire to imitate heroes.

"Monuments of our city, village"

Continue to acquaint children with the monuments of the city, talk about familiar monuments. Bring to the understanding that the people keep the memory of people who gave their lives for their Motherland.

"We are faithful to this memory"

Acquaintance of children with the heroic pages of the history of Russia.

Viewing a presentation "Cities of Military Glory of the Krasnodar Territory"

Target: the formation of ideas about the events of the Second World War, about the main battles.

"Veterans of the Victory"

Tell children about the St. George ribbon - a symbol of courage and bravery, to cultivate respect for veterans.

Individual conversations:

Game activity:

Story - role-playing games:


Target: to teach children to independently equip their space, to use substitute objects.

"Our Defenders"

Target: To teach children in the game to obey certain rules,

educate strong-willed qualities, the ability to play in a team.

"Photo studio".

To expand and consolidate children's knowledge about working in a photo studio, to cultivate a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite treatment of elders and to each other, to teach gratitude for the help and service provided.


Clarification of children's knowledge of what to do if you are lost, teaching the ability to develop the plot of the game, to follow the agreed rules of the game.


To form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game; clarify children's ideas about the Soviet army.

"Nurses apply bandages to the wounded".

to develop the ability of children to organize a game by combining several plots; to form the ability to develop the plot of the game based on existing knowledge.

Game dramatization:

"Hare, Rooster and Fox".

To teach children to use various expressive means to convey images of characters, to develop creative abilities.

Didactic games:

Di "Help me find".

Teach children to describe the appearance of their comrades.

Di "What common".

Exercise children in the classification of objects according to a certain attribute, develop attention, observation.

Di "Yesterday Today Tomorrow".

To consolidate children's knowledge of time; the ability to correlate pro-. outgoing events over time. Activate the vocabulary with temporary concepts.

Di "Army of Russia"

Target: expand children's ideas about military service, about the various branches of the military, their purpose, the equipment used.

Di "Military transport".

Target: continue to learn to classify different modes of transport (air, ground, water)

D/ and "Words are friends"

Encourage children to choose words that sound close to each other.

Di "Name the part of the object"

learn "disassemble" any object into its component parts.

DI “What does a soldier have in a duffel bag?” enrich the vocabulary of children, activate the relevant concepts.

Cognitive research Observation of earthworms.

Target: invite children to consider a worm, tell about the structure of its body, the features of life. Tell what is the role of worms in nature, what benefits they bring.

Observation: soil condition.

Target: invite children to consider the surface of the earth in the kindergarten area, pay attention to its heterogeneity, learn to distinguish and name the composition of the soil (rocky, clayey, sandy, black soil).

Observation: trees in May.

Invite the children, based on the results of a series of observations, to tell about the flowering of trees, the appearance of leaves on them.

Sun watching.

Draw the children's attention to the fact that at noon the sun is high overhead; learn to determine the position of the sun above the horizon by the length of the shadow from the peg. Weather observation.

Systematize children's knowledge about natural phenomena that determine the weather, about their relationship.

Observation: spring sky.

Invite the children to consider and describe the sky, watch the clouds, help draw a conclusion about the relationship between the type of sky and the weather.

Dandelion watching. Target: study of the structure of the dandelion, cultivate a careful attitude to the dandelion and other medicinal plants

Examining paintings, illustrations in books and magazines:

Examination of reproductions of paintings by A. P. and S. P. Tkachev "May forty-fifth" and M. I. Likhachev "Memory".

Target: to teach children to understand the main idea of ​​the work, to highlight the means used by the artist

Holiday themed illustrations "Victory Day"

viewing illustrations, discussing the holiday on issues, learning to keep up the conversation.

Labor activity:

Loosening the soil of indoor plants.

Teach children to conduct a preliminary examination, to identify the need for loosening.

labor in nature: planting seeds in the garden.

To teach children to plant seeds of vegetable crops, to form appropriate labor skills, to acquaint them with the rules of personal hygiene.

labor in nature: watering plant beds.

Teach children to use their plant care skills to complete a new job.

Working in a corner of nature: transplanting plants.

To introduce children to a new labor operation for caring for indoor plants - transplanting.

labor in nature: cleaning dry branches cut by a janitor from bushes.

Discuss with the children the purpose of the work done by the janitor; offer to choose a rational way to carry out the assignment

Raising KGN:

"Learning to take care of your clothes".

Target: to form humane feelings in children, to cultivate kindness, | responsiveness, willingness to help.


Continue to teach to eat with a closed mouth - to consolidate the culture of eating.

"We are helpers"

Develop self-help skills in children.

Wonderful combs"

When children use a comb, pay attention to the correct use of it. Drawing:

OD#1. "At the Eternal Flame" The abstract is attached.

OD#2. "Festive City" K. z., str. 120 (3)



OD "Postcard to a Veteran" The abstract is attached.


OD "Dove, peace, friendship and love" The abstract is attached.


OD No. 1 on the lane. plan of the muses. leader.

OD No. 2 on the lane. plan of the muses. leader.

Listening to songs Listening to songs "Good Soldiers" My grandfather", "Solar Circle", "Eternal flame","Victory Day", "Don't be afraid, mom, I'm with you", "Let Flowers Bloom". (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina)

Target: On example songs about the Great Patriotic War to show the role of music in the history of our country.

Introduce the songs and music of the military years: "Great grandfather","Victory Day" music A. Ermolova "Main Holiday" sl. N. Mazanova "Katyusha" music M. Blanter "Three Tankers"

Listening to war songs "Darkie", "Cranes".

develop a sense of patriotism and pride in our defenders.

Learning dances for the Victory Day.

Music game:

physical education

OD No. 1 on the lane. IFC plan

OD No. 2 on the lane. IFC plan

OD#3 (on air) according to the lane IFC plan

Game exercises:


Target: exercise children in throwing stuffed balls to each other.

"We are smart"

Target: exercise

children in throwing sandbags at a distance with their right and left hands.


Target: exercise children in building in a column one by one, two by two, learn to perform drill exercises


Exercise in jumps in place with turns to the right, left, around you.

Outdoor games:

"Fishing rod".

Target: exercise in the ability to perform jumps up in place and moving forward. Develop speed of reaction, dexterity, form interest in physical exercises.

"The Fisherman and the Fishes".

Exercise children in running, teach them to maneuver, act in accordance with the rules and tactics of the game.

"Third wheel".

To improve the basic skills when running at speed, to form the ability to quickly and accurately respond to a signal.

"Catch up with an opponent"

Teach children to run from one side of the playground to the other quickly so that other children do not taunt.

"Change of Places"

Teach children to run from one side of the playground to the other in a line without bumping into each other.

"Throw the flag". to consolidate the ability to run fast; to develop an eye.


To develop the ability of children to play folk games, develop attentiveness and dexterity; cultivate interest in the game.

Relay race "Grocery transportation by truck".

exercise in running, agility; develop coordination of movements.

Dynamic pauses (physical education minutes):

"Like Soldiers", "Airplane", "We walk the globe"

Target: contribute

recovery of children.

Finger gymnastics:

"Boat", "Captain", "On Parade",

Tasks. Develop hand-eye coordination, dexterity, fine motor skills of hands.

Speech development:

The development of speech and preparation for literacy

Lesson No. 35 About. gr. page 98

Familiarization with

thin lit.:

OD S. Alekseev's story "The first night ram" K. z., str. 353

Reading fiction literature:

Poems by M. Vladimirov “Even then we were not in the world ...”

Target: to form in children ideas about the Great Patriotic War.

L. Kassil's story "Monument to a Soldier". Target: to cultivate a sense of respect for the exploits of the defenders of the Russian land during the Great Patriotic War.

S. Mikhalkov "Fairy for children"

Reading fiction

"Brave Partisan"

T. Belozerova "May Holiday - Victory Day".

"Articulation gymnastics:

"Horse", "Drummer", "Steamboat"

To develop the articulatory apparatus of children, strengthen the muscles of the tongue, work out the rise of the tongue, flexibility and mobility of the tip of the tongue.

Gymnastics for the eyes:

Complex №15

contribute to the improvement of children, relieving visual stress

Individual work with children. "We are dancers"- to teach children to perform familiar and invent new movements to music, improvise, express themselves in dance. Contribute to the prevention of nervous strain.

Di "Broken phone"- To develop in children auditory perception, attention, the ability to regulate the strength of their voice, clearly pronounce words loudly or in a whisper.

"Holiday in the city" - to exercise children to convey in the drawing the impressions of the festive city

"Shift the beads with tweezers"- develop fine motor skills of the hands.

coloring pages "Salute to Victory!"- to educate in children a respectful attitude towards veterans, the desire to please them through the production of holiday drawings.

D / y "Prove You're Right"- to continue to form the skills of a culture of conversation, dispute, not to interrupt the interlocutor, to teach how to prove one's point of view.

"Butterfly"(origami)-continue to teach children how to do crafts using the origami method; develop aesthetic taste, the ability to decorate crafts as you wish.

Drawing with sticks on wet sand. - expand children's ideas about the properties of sand, develop fine motor skills of hands.

"Salute of Victory"- to teach to reflect in the picture the impressions of the Victory Day, to educate love for the Motherland, war veterans.

Game exercises with a skipping rope. - to consolidate the ability to jump over the rope, rotating it forward, backward.

paper construction "Dove of peace"- to develop the ability of children to work in the technique of origami.

We draw with crayons on the asphalt. "I draw a holiday"- to consolidate spatial representations, develop imagination and creative abilities.

Poem work. Poems dedicated to Victory Day - help remember words, promote expressive reading.

Applications "Flowers as a gift to veterans"- to develop the ability of children to lay out flowers from paper.

Creation of conditions for independent activity. Fill the center of the book with literature on the topic of the week. Production of attributes for the story game "I am a protector". Production for and "Military equipment. Lotto"

A backup of educational cartoons, audio fairy tales, songs.

Attributes for s/r games, d/i, equipment for experimental activities.

Drawings, pictures, glue, scissors for creative activities.

Origami schemes, step-by-step drawing schemes, stencils.

Paints, pencils. Crayons, markers.

A selection of demo material on the theme of the week»

Working with parents. Child-parent project. wall of memory "We remember your great feat"

Marina Ptitsyna
Detailed complex-thematic planning for the month of May (middle group)

Expanded comprehensive thematic planning in the middle group"Clever and Wise" May 4-6, 1 week

on this topic: "Victory Day"

Goals: to bring up love for the motherland, respect for war veterans, to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe holiday.

developing environment

Socio-communicative development Virtual tour of the monument "Motherland" laying wreaths at the eternal flame

situational conversation "A soldier must always be careful"

Role-playing games "Tankers", "Sailors", "Pilots", "Border guards". Games with didactic toy (soldiers) "Our army is strong, it protects the world". Place posters, photos and illustrations on the topic

Arrange an exhibition

greeting card

Military equipment, combat awards

Books in the book corner on the topic

Bring caps, caps, a St. George ribbon, a set of soldiers

Contribute coloring pages "Military equipment"

Customize layout "Victory Day"

Make an allowance "Children about victory" Information on the screen "Victory Day"

Offer to take part "Immortal Regiment"

cognitive development"George Ribbon - a symbol of Victory Day"- teacher's story

View presentation "For children about the Great Patriotic War"

Di "More less".

Di "Stand in order".

I / y "Left, Right".

I / y "Share it all".

Didactic games:

"What changed", "Find differences"

"Confusion", "4th extra"

"Finish the row", "Draw to the subject", "Similarities and differences".

Speech development- looking at the picture "Veteran's Congratulation"

Guessing riddles on a military theme

- Story-talk: "The Great Patriotic War", "Children and War"

"Four-legged helpers at the front"

"Women in defense of the Fatherland"

Memorizing proverbs and sayings about honor, duty

Reading fiction

A. Mityaev Stories

L. Kassil "Monument to a Soldier", "Your Defenders", "Soldier's Medal"

S. Baruzdin "Glory", "Right on Target", "For the Motherland"

A. Agebaev "Victory Day", A. Mityaev "Bag of Oatmeal",

O. Vysotskaya "Firework", Y. Koval "Scarlet"

E. Blaginina "Overcoat"

chapter from the book by S. Baruzdin "The Country Where We Live"

Artistic and aesthetic development Examination of reproductions of paintings on a military theme

Exhibition of postcards for Victory Day

Listening to military songs and marches

Construction "Aircraft" (origami)

Making a layout "Eternal flame"

Making a congratulatory poster "Victory Day"

Physical development Finger gymnastics.

“These fingers are all fighters.

Remote fellows. "

Games - competitions "Who is the first"

Final event: Vernissage of children's works, Sports activities "We guys are brave soldiers"

Detailed comprehensive thematic planning on the topic: Amazing insects month: May, 2 weeks (May 10-13)

Goals: to give an idea of ​​the diversity of insects, to teach to distinguish their main features (articulated body structure, six legs, wings, antennae, to form knowledge about how insects defend themselves from enemies; develop the ability to compare, highlight common and distinctive features of insects; cultivate curiosity

Educational areas Joint activities of an adult and children Organization developing environment for independent activities of children Interaction with parents

Socio-communicative development game situation"Gingerbread man meets the six-legged people" (the ability to classify insects not to be confused with animals and birds).

Sowing flower seeds. Seedling care.

Conversations-discussions: "What are the benefits of insects?", "Dangerous Insects". Contribute sets of postcards, illustrations about insects

Arrange an exhibition of books about insects in the book corner

Organization of a mini-exhibition "Insects are favorite toys"

Bring in tiaras - insects, butterfly wings

Coloring pages, templates, strokes on the topic

Bring in dominoes, lotto, cubes - "Insects"

Introduce an image of insects on a flannelgraph

Information in the parent corner "Dangerous insects, first aid for bites",

Information on the site groups"Interesting Facts About Insects";

cognitive conversation development, "Why butterflies are needed", "How a Butterfly Appears", "What parts of the body does a ladybug have", "What Do Dragonflies Eat"; "Why are caterpillars dangerous?"

word and didactic games

"Guess who I'm talking about",

"Find differences", "Pick by color";

Presentations for children - Our neighbors are insects

Didactic games: "Treat the insect", "In the Meadow", "How to say right?" "Collect a Flower".

Looking at insects through a magnifying glass

Tasks for a quantitative account insects: count all the insects

Speech development by heart nursery rhyme"Ladybug, fly to the sky"

Speech with movement "Bug"

Didactic game "Finish the sentence"

Reading fiction

"Who lives in the anthill" Tambieva

- "How the ant hurried home"

V. Bianchi

- "Beetle on a string" Shit E. Yu.

- "Life in fresh water" Afonkin

- "Insects" My first encyclopedia

- "Miracle in the palm of your hand" translation from English by T. Nilova

- "Cockroach hunter" E. Permyak

Artistic and aesthetic development coloring pictures of insects

Listening to an audio recording by N. Rimsky-Korsakov "Flight of the Bumblebee", P. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers"; Maykapar "Butterfly", "Waltz"; D. Zhuchenko "Two caterpillars are talking"

Dramatization of the song by V. Ivannikov "The mother taught the bees to the children";

Waste material construction "Spider on a cobweb";

Physical development of"Birds and Butterflies",

"Day Night",

"Find your home", "Bear and bees",

Finger gymnastics "Beetle, dragonfly, wasps", "Ladybugs",

Final event: Musical leisure "Our neighbors are insects".

: "Clever and Wise" on this topic "Animals of the North" May month 3 weeks(May 16-19)

Goals: Develop children have a cognitive interest in the life of animals in cold countries, to give elementary information about where they live, what they eat, how they get their own food

Educational areas Joint activities of an adult and children Organization developing environment for independent activities of children Interaction with parents

Socio-communicative development- looking at the picture "Reindeer", albums, books, magazines with illustrations about the animals of the North.

Didactic games "Who is superfluous", "Broken phone", "Describe the animal according to the scheme", "Big small", "Cut pictures - Animals of the North".

Exhibition of folding books with information, poems, riddles about animals of cold countries.

dramatization "Meeting of the drill and the polar bear"- Contribute books about the animals of the North with colorful illustrations, pictures of animals

Place materials and tools for drawing, modeling, appliqué, handicraft, coloring, stencils, templates of animals of the countries of the North

Place different animal masks, small toys of animals of the North

Make a wooden desktop constructor "Zoo"

Contribute illustrations by Vohrintseva "Animals of the North".

Exhibition of drawings "Animals of the North". .

Excursion to the zoo, trip to the circus, excursion to the zoological museum.

Reading poems, stories, riddles and animals of the North

visit "Grand Model Russia"

cognitive development- View presentations "Where Polar Bears Live" "Reindeer".

"Introducing children to the climate and nature of the Arctic and the tundra".

: Locate the habitat of animals of cold countries on the map.

Problematic situation - Can a polar bear and penguins meet?

Experimenting - "Artificial Snow"

Didactic game "Cut pictures - animals of the north"., "The Fourth Extra", "What the artist messed up", "Find 10 differences!

Math Games" "Feed the fish to the polar bears"

Experiences: "Why doesn't the animal's skin get wet?",

Speech development- Reading an Evenk fairy tale "Why does a deer run fast?"

Reading and illustrating the Yukaghir tale Why does a polar bear have a black nose?.

Riddles, poems about the animals of the north.

Reading the stories of G. Snegirev "Penguin Beach", "Courageous Penguin", "To sea", "Belek".

Informative conversations: "What do we call the North?"

"What animals and birds live in the Arctic and the tundra?".

Riddles, poems about the animals of the North.

By heart N. Rodivilina "Maybe someone won't believe"

Artistic and aesthetic origami development"Penguin".

Drawing "Reindeer".

Clay crafting "Polar bear".

Collage "Inhabitants of the North".

Exhibition of drawings "Animals of the North".

Using stencils, animal patterns in your work

Listening to a cartoon lullaby "Umka"

Exercise "Color by Numbers", "Connect with a Solid Line"

Physical development Finger gymnastics "Zoo".

Relay race "Don't hit the animal".

Final event: puppet show "Visiting Polar Bears"

Expanded complex thematic planning of the group: on this topic "Birthday of the city" May month 4 week(May 25-31)

Goals: Raising moral and patriotic feelings in children in the process of getting to know their native city, and love for their native land, broadening their horizons.

Educational areas Joint activities of an adult and children Organization developing environment for independent activities of children Interaction with parents

Socio-communicative development. - C / r game "Bus "We are pedestrians". Target: to introduce children to the work of a traffic light, to teach how to cross the street on green; maintain a steady interest in joint games.

situational conversation "On the Roads of the City". Target: to increase knowledge about the rules of safe traffic as a pedestrian and a passenger in a vehicle facilities

Supervision of the work of the janitor. Problem situation "If all the janitors don't come to work" Contribute:: different types of toy cars (fire, ambulance, truck, car, bus); di "Load the car"


Attributes to the s/r game "We are pedestrians"

Submit a city map

Illustrations of the sights of St. Petersburg,

Sliced ​​floor game "Collect the Image", a picture with the contours of buildings superimposed on each other

Arrange an exhibition of books about the city in the book corner. Consultation "Museums of our city"

Where to go with a child on a day off

Playbill of children's performances for May month

cognitive development- Didactic game "Wonderful bag". Offer to feel to determine which items are in the bag, and then say who needs them.

Experimentation "What's rolling?"

Consideration of different types of transport, a story about their purpose.

Consider toy cars with children. Target: to familiarize children with the types of transport, including urban, to form the ability to distinguish between transport facilities(cars, trucks, "ambulance", fire truck).

Research activities: comparison of different modes of transport Target: learn to find similarities and differences, develop thinking, attention, speech.

Examining illustrations on the topic "The city we live in". Target: to acquaint with the native city, its name, the main sights.

situational conversation "The house I live in"

Target. To teach children to navigate in the immediate environment (recognize your house, your apartment

Making a layout "Our Neighborhood"

Speech development By heart We love our city very much. (M. Borisova)

Reading fiction

S. Skachenkov Little boat

speech games: "Complete the offer", "One is Many", "Fix the mistake", "Analogues", "Opposites"

Artistic and aesthetic development"Hymn to the Great City" R. M. Gliera

Waltz "White Nights" Words and music by S. Kozhukhovskaya

Using stencils, templates for cars, houses, landmarks in your work

Construction of the Alexandria Column, Peter and Paul Fortress

Physical development Finger game with movement "Car"

mobile game "Run to your flag".

Final event: Virtual walking tour of the festive city

Name: Comprehensive thematic planning for 2016-2017 in the middle group No. 3
Nomination: Kindergarten, Methodological developments, Planning in a preschool educational institution, Middle group
Authors: Serkova Anna Aleksandrovna, Mikhailichenko Yana Viktorovna
Position: educators
Place of work: MBDOU No. 12 kindergarten "Vasilek"
Location: Zelenogradsky village, Pushkinsky district, Moscow region

Comprehensive - thematic planning for 2016-2017. in the middle group №3
Block: “Goodbye, summer! Hello, kindergarten!” (29.08-9.09)
Topic: "So the summer has passed" (29.08.16-02.09.16)

Tasks: To give an idea to children about autumn as a season; to develop the ability to independently find the first signs of autumn, to establish links between changes in living and inanimate nature. To cultivate the ability to emotionally perceive the beauty of native nature. To develop in children cognitive motivation, interest in school, books. To form friendly, benevolent relations between children.

Communicative activity




Musical activities
A conversation about the origin of the book and the careful handling of it.

Conversation “How to live together without quarrels” Reasoning about the need for a friendly attitude between children

Examination of illustrations, photographs, paintings on the topic. Discussion

The teacher's story: "Children to school."

Examination of illustrations of books depicting a school, classes, school supplies.

The teacher's story about the day of knowledge, why you need to study, who and what teaches at school.

Lesson: "Smell, taste, touch, listen"

Observation-research "Power of the wind."

S. Marshak "The first day of the calendar"

A. Barto "To school", "I grew up", "Letter R", "First grader"

V. Orlov “Who wins?”, A. Kuznetsova “Girlfriends”, A. Shibaeva “Girlfriends”, Z. Ezhikova “The Mole and His Friends” Learning poems.

Russian folklore


Drawing "Goodbye summer!"

Application "Book-baby"

Drawing "Draw your favorite toy", "My friend"

Modeling "Gift to a friend"

Application "Decorate a napkin for a friend"

Hearing: "Waltz of Toys" music by Efimov

A holiday organized by kindergarten staff with the participation of children


"Sad mood" music by Steinvil

"Andrew the Sparrow" Russian nar.pKhorovod, game: "Turn away and turn around" short nar.m.





P.i. "Brave Guys", "Humpty Dumpty", "Nimble Couple",

P.i. "Traps", Game "Entertainers", "Find a mate"

Attention game: "School supplies"

The game of low mobility "Friend friend recognize the voice?".

Didactic game: "The fourth extra",

"Find 2 identical objects",

“What has changed?”, “What has not become?”

Word game "It happens or not", "Sunny bunnies" D. And. “Answer quickly”, “Broken phone”, “Listen to the claps”.

Work in the book corner.

Book repair shop.

"Carpet of leaves" (based on the model)

Structural and model


(from construction



Working with parents: Memo "On the prevention of influenza"; Consultation "Psychologist's advice to parents", Information for parents "Month of September". Consultation "On the need for preventive vaccinations"; Consultation "Parental Commandments".

Topic: We came to kindergarten (05.09.16-09.09.16)

Tasks: To develop in children cognitive motivation, interest in school, books. To form friendly, benevolent relations between children. Continue to acquaint with the kindergarten as the closest social environment of the child, expand ideas about the professions of kindergarten employees.

Communicative activity Perception of fiction and folklore Visual activity Musical activities
Conversation "Who cares about us?" (about kindergarten staff)

The story of the teacher about the time the children are in kindergarten, about what the children are doing.

Examining pictures from the series "Children in kindergarten." Discussion

Supervision of children at work of the assistant educator.

Excursion "What are the classrooms in our kindergarten?"

classes: “Our kindergarten is so good - you won’t find a better garden”; "Wonderful doctor"; "Visiting the music director."

Z. Alexandrova "Katya in kindergarten", G. Ladonshchikov "About myself and about the children", O. Krieger "For a walk", L. Voronkova "Masha the confused", N. Naidenov "Our towels" towels "Modeling "Toys in kindergarten"

Application "Beautiful dishes", "Kindergarten"

Drawing "Educator", "Children on a walk", "Autumn carpet".


"Andrew the Sparrow" Russian nar.p

"Chiki-chiki-chikalochki" Russian nar.p

Round dance, game:

"We have fun" Ukrainian nar.m.

"Traps" music. Haydn

Round dance, game: “Turn away and turn around” short folk m.

motor activity Game activity Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
P.I. "Higher feet off the ground"

"Traps", "Be careful",

Game "Entertainers", "Find a mate"

The game of low mobility "Friend friend recognize the voice?"

Attraction "Whose link is more likely to gather?"

The game "We are funny guys"

Collection of musical rhythmic exercises and games..

Role-playing game "Kindergarten"

Game exercise "Let's show the bear how to arrange toys correctly, how to remove building materials"

Didactic game:

“What are our toys made of?”, “What happens when? (day mode), "Traveling in a group."

Board game "All works are good"

Collective execution of cleaning orders in the group, on the site, on duty in the dining room and classes

Dining room service, area cleaning.

Work in a corner of nature with adults

paper construction

"Wagons" (according to the model)


Working with parents: Parent meeting on the topic "The beginning of a new school year"; Acquaintance of parents with the forms of work of a preschool institution on the problem of safety of children of preschool age.

Making a parent corner on the theme "Autumn". informing parents about the age characteristics of children.

Block: "Autumn" (12.09-30.09)

Topic: "Harvest" (12.09.16-16.09.16)

Tasks: Expand knowledge about vegetables and fruits. Expand understanding of agricultural professions.

Expand children's ideas about autumn. To develop the ability to establish the simplest connections between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, to conduct seasonal observations. Describe migratory and wintering birds. Expand your understanding of the rules of safe behavior in nature. Cultivate respect for nature. Form elementary ecological ideas. To introduce children to the profession of a forester.

Communicative activity Cognitive research activity Perception of fiction and folklore Visual activity Musical activities
Talk about fruits and vegetables.

The teacher's story about agricultural work in the village.

Consideration of illustrations about harvesting. Edible and non-edible mushrooms.

A story about machines that help harvest.

Examination of illustrations and pictures on the autumn theme

The story of the educator about the birds, why they fly away to warm lands, which ones stay for the winter.

Consideration of didactic pictures of the birds of our site.

Examination of the paintings "Our Birds".

The teacher's story about the profession of a forester

Guided tour of the kindergarten

Observation of the weather, changes in nature.

Classes: “What did autumn bring us?”, “A bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries ...”, “Autumn gatherings”. Observation of the weather, changes in nature. Examination of mushrooms - dummies and illustrations.

D / and Game: “Who has what kind of children?”

Y. Tuvim "Vegetables", N. Egorov "Radish", "Pumpkin", "Carrot", "Pea", "Onion".

T. Glushnev "Grapes", "Pumpkin", "Cucumbers", "Cabbage"

Nursery rhymes "Rain, rain is more fun"

Reading poems about autumn: G. Novitskaya "Summer Garden", "Silence", S. "Bird Yard".

Modeling "Mushrooms", "Let's treat the bunny with a carrot" Drawing "Cucumbers and onions", "Cherry", "Joyful autumn", "Canned for the winter" (combination of apples and berries), "Apples ripened on the apple tree"

Application "Ripe apples in the garden" (teamwork)

Modeling "Vegetables for the store"

Hearing: "Autumn Breeze" by Grechaninov's Muses

Round dance, game:

"Dance of autumn leaves"

motor activity Game activity Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
Attraction "The car on long ropes is carrying the harvest."

Collection of musical rhythmic exercises and games.

Attention game "Vegetables-Fruits"

The game "Collect by sign"

P / and "At the bear in the forest",



Didactic game: “What grows where?”, “Show me what I will call”, “In the garden - in the garden”, “The bag is a mystery”

Role-playing "Come visit us"

Didactic game:

Ecological game "Hot - cold"

Collection of seeds of flowering plants

Cleaning dry leaves

digging trees

Construction from natural material:. "Let's make beads from colorful leaves."

Building material construction

"Two-storey house"

Working with parents

Involving parents in joint observations with children of seasonal changes in nature.

Jointly with parents and with the participation of the medical and psychological service of the kindergarten, the creation

individual health improvement programs for children and family support in their implementation.

Involving parents in joint preparations with children for the thematic holiday "Autumn".

Theme: "Colors of autumn" (19.09.16- 30.09.16)

Tasks:- Expand children's knowledge about autumn. Continue to introduce agricultural professions. To consolidate knowledge about the rules of safe behavior in nature. To consolidate knowledge about the seasons, the sequence of months in a year. Cultivate respect for nature. Expand ideas about the display of autumn in works of art (poetic, visual, musical). To expand ideas about the systematization of knowledge about the season - autumn, autumn natural phenomena. Form ideas about the periods of autumn. Expansion, clarification and activation of the dictionary based on the systematization and generalization of knowledge on the topic "Autumn" in creative professions

Communicative activity Cognitive research


Perception of fiction and folklore pictorial


Musical activities
Conversation “Autumn. What do you know about her?” Looking at illustrations with autumn landscapes.

The teacher's story.

Examination of illustrations, paintings.

Conversation: "Golden autumn has come to us."

Examination and comparison of reproductions, paintings: I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", I. Ostroukhov "Golden Autumn".

Conversation: "What is air."

Observation of the state of the weather.

Observation of changes in nature in autumn.

Comparison of weather in summer and autumn

Experience: "What is the earth like?" "Soil and underground inhabitants".

Acquaintance with the rules of safe behavior in nature. Education of respect for nature.

Reading: N. Sladkov "Autumn on the threshold."

Learning poems.

Riddles, quizzes.

Marshak "All the year round", G. Mikhailova "How insulting ...", A. Maikov "Autumn leaves are circling in the wind"

L.N. Tolstoy "Vari had a siskin", "The jackdaw wanted to drink", T. Rozhdestvenskaya "Bird's market", E Blaginina "Swifts", I. Bunin "Leaf fall", I. Pleshcheev "Autumn has come", nursery rhymes "Bird's yard".

V. Bianchi "Hide",

A.S. Pushkin "Already the sky was breathing in autumn."

Riddles memorization

Application "Autumn carpet of autumn leaves"

Construction from natural material "Fungus"

Drawing "Gloomy autumn", "Birds fly south", "Bird house - poultry yard"

Application "Bird on a branch", "Duck with ducklings"


"Autumn" music by Filipenko, lyrics by Shibitskaya

"Autumn chants" music. and the words of Sidorova

Round dance, game:

"Garden round dance" music by Mozhzhevelov, lyrics by Passova

"Dance of autumn leaves"

music.Filippenko, sl. Makshantsova





Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
P.i. "Figures",

"Wolf in the ditch", "Who is more likely to the ball."

Attraction "Collect mushrooms in a basket"

Dance with autumn leaves.

Game "Autumn-Summer"

Jumping exercise (through a puddle)

The game "Geese, you are geese"

The game "Migratory birds"Finger gymnastics "Autumn in the forest"

Respiratory ex. "Autumn leaves"

Didactic game "Such a leaf fly to me", "Edible - inedible", "When it happens"

Ecological game "What's the weather like today"

Didactic game:

“Name the bird”, “Guess and name”, “Wintering - fly away”

Ecological game "Hot - cold"D.i. “Put it in order”, “Compare pictures”,

Collection of seeds of flowering plants

Making bouquets of autumn flowers

Cleaning dry leaves

Collection of shrub seeds for feeding birds

Digging beds and flower beds

digging trees

Making feeders from milk bags

According to the intention of the children. Using the Lego constructor, and the base constructor

"Bugs, spiders, ladybugs" (according to the model)

Working with parents:

Involving parents in regular observations of seasonal changes in nature together with their children.

Involving parents in the joint holding of a holiday dedicated to autumn.

Consultation "What to do with sneaks?"

Pedagogical monitoring (03.10.16- 14.10.16)


Communicative activity Cognitive research activity Visual activity Musical activities
Conversation with children

"Why can old dead trees be dangerous?"

“Why is it dangerous to run with sticks?”, “What do we know about poisonous mushrooms and berries?”

Conversation "What gifts Autumn brings us"

Conversation: ""Why do animals change their fur coat?"

Didactic game "Find the same figures."

Didactic exercise "Who lives in your family?" Didactic exercise "Finish the sentence"

Conversation-game: “Why does everything sound?”

Experiment: "Substance. Water and its properties»

Experience: "Making Soap Bubbles"

Didactic exercise "Count the cubes."

V. Oseeva. "Magic Needle"; Fables. L. Tolstoy. “The father ordered his sons…”, “The boy guarded the sheep…”, “The jackdaw wanted to drink…”.

A. Vvedensky. “About the girl Masha, the dog Petushka and the cat Thread” (chapters from the book); M. Zoshchenko. "Showcase child"; K. Ushinsky. "Cheerful cow";

Didactic task "Read by heart a poem, a counting rhyme."

Drawing: "Brush of mountain ash" "By design"

Modeling: Collective work "Mushrooms in the clearing"

Application: Delicious mushrooms»

Listening: "The rain was offended" muses. Lvov - Kompaneytsa

Singing: "Let's go to the garden for raspberries" music and lyrics Filippenko

Round dance, game: “Who is sooner” music by Schwartz

motor activity Game activity Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials

The game "Name the sport by display"

P.i. "Birds in the Nests", "At the Bear's Forest", "Find What's Hidden",

Exercise "In the garden"

Game "Cucumber"

Game "Turnip"

D / Game: “Who has what kind of children?”

Didactic exercise "Favorite fairy tales".

Didactic game "Name the color"

The game “WHOSE LIST?” "What grows on a tree?"

"What does it look like?"

"Know by touch"

"The Fourth Extra"

S.r.i. "Family".

"Shop", "Kindergarten",


Arrange toys, books. Lay out some materials for classes on the tables. Arrange chairs to tables, collect brushes from tables after class.

Wipe the benches on the veranda. Collect garbage. Sweep, on the veranda.

Construction from natural material

"Hedgehog" (according to the model)

Block: “I am a man in the world” (10/17-10/28)

Subject: Parts of the body. Hygiene (17.10.16- 28.10.16)

Tasks: Expand your understanding of health and wellness. Develop children's ideas about their appearance

Expand children's ideas about their family. To form initial ideas about family relationships. To consolidate children's knowledge of their names, surnames and age; parents' names. Formation of a respectful, caring attitude towards elderly relatives. Raise respect for the work of close adults. To form a positive self-esteem, the image of I.

Communicative activity Cognitive research activity Perception of fiction and folklore Visual activity Musical activities
Conversation "How we are arranged"

The teacher's story about the rules of hygiene and care for one's own body and face.

Looking at illustrations about healthy food.

The teacher's story about different parts of the body and face.

Conversation "Who do we have?"

The teacher's story about human qualities, about a sensitive and attentive attitude towards each other

Examining yourself in the mirror.

Looking at illustrations and pictograms about emotions

Experiments: "Substance. Stones"

Occupation: "Houses for pebbles"

Experience: "Is it possible to change the shape of stone and clay?"

Seasonal observations (changes in nature, people's clothing, in the area of ​​the children's

Didactic game: "I recognize myself",

Problematic questions and situations: "What will happen if we do not wash our hands."

Dramatization of Barto's poem "The Dirty Girl"

Nursery "Vodichka, Vodichka ...", M. Murr "Baby Raccoon", A. Barto "Girl Dirty", K. Chukovsky "Aibolit", "Moydodyr", "Fedorino Woe", I. Semenova "How to Become Non-Sick"

V. Oseeva "Just an old woman", A. Barto "Vovka - a kind soul", K. Ushinsky "Cockerel with a family", L. Kvitko "Grandmother's hands", V. Veresaev "Brother", E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence" , R. Gamzatov “I have a grandfather”, fairy tales “Geese-swans”, “Wolf and kids”, nursery rhyme “Grandfather wanted to cook an ear”

E. Uspensky “If I were a girl”, S. Marshak “About girls and boys”, R. Sev “I myself”, I. Semenov “I am a man, you are a man”

Modeling "Blind different products"

Drawing "Napkin for grandma", "Flowers for mom"

Sculpting "Pancakes, pancakes, let's bake pancakes", "Beads and rings"

Application "Handkerchief for grandmother", "Flowers in a vase"

Drawing "Self-portrait", "Merry and sad clown"

Application "Gifts for boys", "Gifts for girls"

Modeling "My favorite toy at home


"Polka" music by Glinka

"Drummer" music. Krasev, lyrics. Charnoy

"Andrew the Sparrow" Russian nar.p

Round dance, game:

"Dance in couples" Lithuanian national m.

"Cap" Russian nar.p.

“Who is good with us” Rus.nar.p.

motor activity Game activity Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
Attraction "Harvest harvest and strengthen health"

Relay "Small Olympic Games"

Game task: walk a short distance blindfolded

The game "Name the sport by display"

Sports relay "Mom, dad, I am a sports family"

The game "The mother hen and chickens"

Game "Let's go for a walk"

Attraction "Who will bring the items sooner?"

The game "Guess who called", "Guess the name and pass the object"

Didactic games: “Tanya caught a cold”, “Spread healthy foods on plates”

Role-playing "Hospital", "Grocery store"

Didactic game “Who are you?”, “Who needs what? (about the professions of parents), “Who works at what time?”

The plot game "Family", "Family holidays"

Didactic game: "What mood", "Who do you look like?"

The plot game "Kindergarten", "Family"

Wiping down easy-to-clean toys

Site cleaning

Select toys for play in the area

Design "Furniture for dolls"

Structural and model


(from construction



Working with parents: Making a parent corner on the topic “Parts of the body. Hygiene"".

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Show parents the importance of mother, father, as well as grandparents, caregivers, children (peers, younger and older children) in the development of the child's interaction with society, understanding of social norms of behavior. Emphasize the value of each child for society, regardless of their individual characteristics and ethnicity.

Block: "My city, my country." (31.10-25.11)

Theme: "Day of National Unity". (31.10.16- 04.11.16)

Tasks: To consolidate the knowledge of children about state symbols. Give an idea about the holiday "Day of National Unity. Awaken in children a sense of love for their village, region, respect for its traditions and customs. Raising a sense of pride in the strength of Russia, respect for Russian soldiers, national heroes, the desire to imitate them.

Communicative activity Cognitive research activity Perception of fiction and folklore Visual activity Musical activities
— Examination of the map of Russia

Conversation: “What does it mean - national unity” Situational conversation “We are all so different - let's be friends”

Situational communication: "Who are Minin and Pozharsky"

Matinee "Golden Autumn"

Teacher's story: "Through the pages of the history of the country" (album show)

- Photographs and reproductions of various times depicting battles, battles, parades, etc.

Experience: "Where is the water?"

"Water Coloring"


T. Bokova

Z. Alexandrova

Reading: "Unity Forever"

Reading: "Draft"

Reading: S. Yesenin "Goy you, my dear Rus'"

Tales of Russian heroes.

Exhibition of drawings on the theme "My little Motherland", Drawing: "Red Square", Construction from colored paper: "My house". Modeling: "Russian flag" (plastinography)"Song of the Motherland", music. V. Jelinek, sl. E. Karaseva

Listening to "Love me Russia" op. V. Sladneva, music. V. Chernyavsky

motor activity Game activity Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
Mobile games of the peoples of Russia

“Who will jump better”, “Relay race in pairs”, “Throw the flag”, “We are funny guys”,

P / and "At the bear in the forest"

Didactic game: "Explain why?"

"How can you?"

Role-playing game: "Museum"

Role-playing game: "Family"

Collection of leaves on the site

Digging trees and shrubs (together with the teacher)

paper construction

"Airplane" (modelled)

Working with parents: Con-tion on the topic "Day of National Unity".

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Informing parents about the benefits of walks and excursions for children to receive a variety of experiences that cause positive emotions and sensations (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.).

Theme: "My family". (07.11.16- 11.11.16)

Tasks: To consolidate the knowledge of the home address and telephone number, the names and patronymics of the parents, their professions. To expand children's knowledge about themselves, about their family, about where parents work, how important their work is for society. Expand the idea of ​​the family (the family has its own history). To form an idea about family traditions, about family relationships (uncle, aunt, niece, cousin, cousin). To consolidate knowledge of the names and patronymics of parents, grandfathers and grandmothers.

Communicative activity Cognitive research activity Perception of fiction and folklore Visual activity Musical activities
Conversation "My friendly family"

The story of the educator about the meaning of the names of children, explain the concepts of "first name", "patronymic", "surname".

Examination of photo albums of pupils' families, pictures from the series "My Family".

Teacher's story "How people care for each other"

Conversation "How to be obedient."

Discussion game: “Responsibilities of family members”, “Families large and small”, “How children can take care of adults”

Looking at family photos.

Proverbs, sayings.

DI. "Say one word"

"Let's Furnish the Apartment"

"What is needed for what?"

Puzzle games

Conversations: “Our friendly family”, “And without dad and without mom - what a day off”,

Topic: "Measurement. Weight"

Lesson: "Why do we need scales?"

I. Akim "Relatives", "Mom", "Who to whom who."

A. Barto "My younger brother", "How Vovka became an older brother."

E. Blaginina "That's what a mother!", "Care"

V. Nesterenko "Mom, grandmother, sister"

Reading a poem by E. Blaginin "Let's sit in silence", Ch. Kvitko "Grandmother's hands".

The story of the Russian folk tale "Geese - Swans".

Drawing "Portraits of my relatives"

Topic: "Show moms what we can sculpt"


Theme: "Colored House"


Subject: "Umbrella clicked and opened"


"New Doll" music by Tchaikovsky

"Gray goat" Russian nar.p.

Round dance, game:

"Naughty Polka" music by Veresokina

Listening to W. Mozart "Lullaby",

L. Beethoven "Moon Sanata"

songs about mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother.

motor activity Game activity Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
P.I. "Mousetrap",

"Cunning Fox", "Burn-burn-clear", "Geese-geese"

Competition games, fun.

The game "Guess who called",

"Guess what's the name and pass the object"

C / r game "Family".

Role-playing game: "Daughters - mothers."

Board games: "In the land of fairy tales", "Puzzles" (favorite heroes of fairy tales and stories).

Role-playing game: "We're going to visit."

Canteen duty

On duty in class

Working in a corner of nature

Labor assignments (put things in order in the sandbox; putting things in order on the site; cleaning dry foliage; transplanting flowering plants;; cleaning the site; digging bushes on the site).

Structural and model


(from construction



Waste material construction

Working with parents: Con-tion "The influence of the family on the development of a preschooler." Memo "Commandments for parents"

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Informing parents about the benefits of walking and excursions to get a variety of impressions that cause positive emotions and sensations (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.).

Theme: "My home, my city." (11/14/16 - 11/18/16)

Tasks: To acquaint with the house, with household items, furniture, household appliances. To acquaint with the native city (village), its name, main attractions, modes of transport, including city transport, rules of conduct in the city, with elementary traffic rules. To introduce “urban” professions (policeman, salesman, hairdresser, driver, bus driver.

Communicative activity Cognitive research activity Perception of fiction and folklore Visual activity Musical activities
Conversations: "What furniture do we have"

"What serves what"

"What lies where"

Examination of dishes, pictures, household appliances

The teacher's story.

Conversations: "Cars on our street"

The story is brought up. about the rules of the road.

Conversations about different types of professions.

"Who works where"

Transport surveillance.

Lesson "My city", "What is a street".

Excursion and targeted walks along the street.

Experience: "Magic Sieve"

G. Georgiev "Traffic Light", O. Tarutin "Transition"

Reading: B. Zakhoder


A. Barto “Truck”, “We will build an airplane ourselves”, “Ship”, B. Zakhoder “The driver”, G. A. Severny “Traffic light”, S. Mikhalkov “My street”, “Uncle Stepa is a policeman”, N. Kalinin "How the guys crossed the street"

S. Baruzdin "Who built this house?" (poems about professions), S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”

Application "Beautiful plate"

Application "Traffic light"

Drawing: coloring the finished forms of different machines.

Drawing: Truck in the village.

Drawing "Fish",

Application "Tools are different, necessary and important"


"Walk" music by Volkov

“The sun has friends” music by Tilicheeva, lyrics by Karaganova

Round dance, game:

“Sun and rain” music by Rauchverger, lyrics by Barto

“Walking and dancing” music by Rauchverger

motor activity Game activity Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
Mobile game "Run, do not confuse"

Sports competitions "They stand in two rows of houses"

The game "Be careful!"

Attraction "City Street"

Game "Collect a traffic light"

Attention exercise "Ships"

Didak. games: "What for what", "Let's treat the doll with tea", "We cook dinner for guests" "What dishes are these"

"Choose the things you can't touch"

The plot of the game: "A trip to the zoo", "Transport". "Find and name", "We have order", "What the traffic light says", "Different cars drive down the street"

The plot of the game: "Polyclinic", Shop, "Hairdresser"

D-games: “What does anyone need for work”, d / and on the class of objects.

Collect scraps of paper from tables after class, clean up building material.

Help peers

Collect garbage. Collect toys before leaving the walk. Wipe the benches on the veranda.

Water the plants in the group.

Wipe toys, tables, window sills with a damp cloth.

Dress up dolls.

Put the trash in the trash.

Structural and model


As conceived by children using a basic constructor.

Working with parents: Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

informing parents about the benefits of walking and excursions to get a variety of impressions that cause positive emotions and sensations (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.).

Joint planning of weekend routes with parents to historical, memorable places, places of rest for citizens (villagers).

Topic: My Motherland is Russia (21.11.16-25.11.16)

Tasks: To expand children's ideas about their native land. To cultivate love for the "small Motherland", pride in the achievements of their country. Tell children that the Earth is our common home, there are many different countries on Earth. Explain how important it is to live in peace with all nations, to know and respect their culture, customs and traditions. - Expand children's ideas about their native country, about public holidays. Give basic information about the history of Russia. To deepen and clarify ideas about the Motherland - Russia. To support the interest of children in the events taking place in the country, to cultivate a sense of pride in its achievements. To consolidate knowledge about the flag, coat of arms and anthem of Russia. Expand ideas about Moscow - the main city, the capital of Russia.

Communicative activity Cognitive research


Perception of fiction and folklore pictorial


The teacher's story.

Conversation: "The history of the settlement."

Conversation: “Such different children (nations, races).

Examination of illustrations of people in national costumes. The teacher's story.

Conversation: "The coat of arms and the flag are the distinctive signs of the country, the coats of arms of different countries of the world, the coats of arms of cities."

Examining illustrations. Looking at the photo album about

sights of the village, its history.

Writing stories for children.

Conversations: “My native country is wide”, “Moscow is the capital of Russia”, “The coat of arms of Moscow”.

target walk

The teacher's story "How people used to live."

Examination of illustrations, postcards, photographs.

Conversation: "What are the holidays."

Topic: “Substance. Paper"

Lesson: "Journey to the past of paper"

Research activity on the topic: The organ of smell. Smart nose.

D. i. “Make no mistake”, “Who built this house”, “Journey through the village”.

O. Knyazeva “Like or people in Russia”, A. Barto “A song about Moscow”, N. Konchalovskaya “Our ancient capital”, O. Mandelstam “The phone is crying in the apartment”, Y. Moritz “The house of the gnome, the gnome is at home” , “House with a chimney”, N. Osipov “Golden hands - brave hearts (about a hero), fairy tales “Teremok”, “Zayushkina hut”

V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?", A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "About the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs", N. Nosov "Dunno on the Moon", G.Kh. Andersen "Old House"


“Let's give the globe to children”, “Blue Planet”.

Collective work: "Children of the whole planet are friends."


"Doll in national costume".


Decorative composition "Young ladies".

Collective work "Broad is my native country."

Application: "Russian birch". Application:

"Colors of Russia".


"The tower with the main clock of the country."


Russian dance melodies

"Who woke up early?" music by Grinevich, lyrics by Prokofieva

Round dance, game:

"Dances in couples" Lithuanian national m.

“We have fun” Rus.nar.m.

Listening: "Russian tune"

Singing: "My Russia" music.Strove, lyrics Solovieva

“Our Motherland is strong” music by Filippenko, lyrics by Volgina

Round dance, game: "Be dexterous" muses. Ladukhina





Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
P.i. "Traps with ribbons", "Owl".

I.u. "Don't get caught."

Small game "Echo".

Folk games

P.i. "Fishing rod", "Change the subject."

I.u. "Hurry to run out", "The ball to the driver."

Competition games.

P.i. “Who will quickly run through the obstacles to the flag”, “Which team will throw more balls into the basket.”I.u. "Smart Guys".

P.i. "Obstacle track", "Ball traps".

Plot - role-playing game: "Guides".

D. i. “Whose clothes”, “Nature and man”, “Do you know”.

Plot - role-playing game:

"Journey to other countries".

D. i. “What is superfluous”, “Nature and fauna of Russia”.

D. i. “Find by description”, “Unfinished pictures”.

D. ex. “Who does what”, “Do you know your city”, “Part, whole”, “Labyrinth”.

Work in the corner of nature

work in the book corner:

Wiping chairs, window sills.

Cleaning your area.

Help children of the younger group in cleaning the territory in the fall.

Digging flower beds.

Building material construction

"Bridge" (modelled)

Construction from natural material

"Bird" (according to the model)

Working with parents: Consultation on the topic "Our Motherland - Russia". Plokat - congratulations "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY".

informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Involving parents in the celebration of "MOM'S Day".

Block: "Winter" (28.11-30.12)

Theme: "Winter in nature." (28.11.16- 02.12.16)

Tasks: Continue to introduce children to winter as a season. To expand and enrich children's knowledge about the features of winter nature (cold, frost, snowfall, strong winds), the features of people's activities in the city, in the countryside; about safe behavior in winter. To form a primary research and educational interest through experimentation with water and ice

Communicative activity Cognitive research


Perception of fiction and folklore pictorial




Conversations: "Winter signs", "Winter in the city", "Winter sports",

Conversations: "Water, water - around the water", "Lessons of Aibolit".

Game exercise "Tell me about the squirrel."

Poems and riddles, proverbs and sayings, songs on the theme: "Winter in the forest."

“How do animals live in winter?”, “Winter in the forest”.

D / natural history games:

What can animals do?

Observations of snow and its properties: examining the shapes of snowflakes, studying the properties of water, ice; for winter precipitation (hoarfrost, cereals, needles, flakes, frost).

Experiments: “Coloring water”, “Making colored ice cubes”.

Lesson "Pets", "how animals prepare for winter", Observation of the features of winter nature (it's cold, it's snowing; people put on

winter clothing).

A. Fet "A wonderful picture ..."

V. Bianchi "Sinichkin calendar".

A. Yashin "Feed the birds in winter"

Z. Alexandrova "Ring"

P. Kirichansky "Frost".

L. Charskaya "Winter".

S. G. Kozlov "I dreamed of frosts ..."

V. Arkhangelsky "Fluffy snowflakes are flying."

M. Prishvin "Quiet Snow"

Drawing: “The sorceress herself is walking - winter”, “Footprints in the snow”

Application "Winter in the city"

Modeling "Winter fun"

Drawing "Magic snowflakes"

Application "Snowy House"


"Morning Prayer" music. Tchaikovsky

"Snow song" music. Lvov-Companion, sl. Bugomazov

Round dance, game:

“What we like in winter” music by Tilicheeva, lyrics. Nekrasova

motor activity Game activity Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
P.i .: "Frost is a red nose, Frost is a blue nose"

Game exercises: "Blizzard", "Trace to trace", "Sled train", "Sharp shooter".

Camping - entertainment "Journey through the winter country"

Game exercises: "Sliding down the hill", "Jump over the rampart", "Treading the paths".

D.I .: “Name the bird”, “Who is superfluous”, “Think up


Di. "On the water, in the sky, on land"

Clear buildings from snow. Rake snow into piles for caking and making buildings. Make snow buildings, participate in the construction of a slide for kids.

Modeling a snowman, snow woman, animals, etc.

Freezing colored ice

paper construction

"Lanterns" (on display)

Collective composition "Winter Forest" (made from natural material with animals from improvised material)

Working with parents: Making a parent corner on the theme "Winter in nature."

informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Involving parents in joint observations of winter nature, weather, phenomena, changes in nature with their children.

Theme: "Animals and birds in winter." (05.12.16- 09.12.16)

Tasks: Expansion of ideas about the behavior and habits of wintering birds (ravens, sparrows, tits, bullfinches, crossbills, nuthatches).

Expansion, clarification and activation of the dictionary based on the systematization and generalization of knowledge on the topic "Wintering Birds". Systematization of ideas about the lifestyle of wild animals in winter. Acquaintance with animals listed in the Red Book. Formation of the foundations of ecological culture. Expansion, clarification and activation of the dictionary based on the systematization and generalization of knowledge on the topic "Wild Animals"

Communicative activity Cognitive research activity Perception of fiction and folklore Visual activity Musical activities
A conversation about caring for birds, about the need to help birds in winter. Examination of illustrations of wintering birds.

View pictures of animals from our forests.

Examination of the painting "Who hibernates how"

Conversation "Forest animals in winter"

Children's impressions "I was in the winter forest"

The game "Make up a fairy tale."

Observation of wintering birds on a walk, highlighting the characteristic external signs of birds.

Acquaintance with the Red Book

The teacher's story about how animals spend the winter in the forest

Excursion to the winter forest.

Snow experience:

Do plants need snow in winter?

Research: Gifts of winter. Ice.

Observation of the features of winter nature (it is cold, it is snowing; people put on

winter clothing).

Soil observations in frosty weather.

. Fairy tale "How the magpie crossbill judged"

T. Tkachenko "Birds"

I. Lopukhina "At the feeder"

V. Zotov "Bullfinch", "Klest-spruce"

Learning riddles about wintering birds. L. Tolstoy "Squirrel and Wolf"

E. Charushin "Boar Cleaver", "Lynx"

Learning riddles about wild animals

R.s.s. "The Fox and the Jug" "The Fox and the Goat" "Fear has Big Eyes"

fairy tale "Winter hut", S. Marshak "Polar bear"

Drawing "Polar bear", "Arctic landscape"

Modeling "Animals of the polar regions"

Application "Penguin on an ice floe" Modeling "Birds peck seeds"

Drawing "Beautiful bird"

Application "Fox"

Drawing "Animals in winter"

Listening: "Everyone needs friends" music.Companee, lyrics by Sinyavsky

"Be dexterous", music. Ladukhina

Listening: "Why is the bear sleeping" music by Knipper, lyrics by Kovalenkov

Singing: "On the bridge" music. Filippenko, lyrics Boyko

Round dance, game: "Pair dance" chor.nar.m.

motor activity Game activity Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
Finger gymnastics "Snowflakes"

Breath. exercises: "Snowflake", "Blizzard"

Motor exercises: "Snowman", "Snowflakes are flying"

P. and "Two Frosts"

P.I. "Owl",

"Change the Subject", "Blind Man's Buff", "Karasi", "Homeless Hare", "Two Frosts".

S.R.i. "Going for a winter walk"

Speech game "What is Misha missing for a walk?"

Di. “Seasons”, “Does it happen or not?”, “Find on the trail”

DI. “In the wilderness”, “What, what, what”

“Describe and name”, “Guess the beast”, “Who winters like?”

Cleaning up after a snowfall

Making ice cubes

Sanding slippery paths

To consolidate the skills of accuracy, proper care of clothes.

We clear the paths of snow. We pile snow to trees and shrubs.


Construction from natural material

"Snowman" (by condition)

Working with parents: informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

informing parents about the actual tasks of physical education of children at different age stages of their development, as well as about the possibilities of the kindergarten in solving these problems.

Conversations with parents about the prevention of colds.

Theme: Winter fun. (12.12.16-17.12.16)

Tasks: Generalize and systematize children's knowledge about winter sports. To instill in children the desire to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle. Fix the names of winter sports; step up words: skater, luger, skier, hockey player, figure skater.

Communicative activity Cognitive research


Perception of fiction and folklore pictorial




Teacher's story:

"Winter sports".

Examining illustrations for magazines and books.

Plot pictures on the theme "Winter fun"; Solving riddles and winter sports.

Didactic game. "Whose trace?"

Didactic game "Useful / not useful":

Observation of seasonal phenomena - snow, frost, frost.

Examination of the painting "Winter Entertainment" -

D / and "Seasons"

"Ice toys" - freezing colored water in different molds

Experience "Ice is lighter than water"

V. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich".

poem by S. Yesenin "Winter", I. Surikov "Winter", "Snowflakes"

O. Vysotskaya “On a sled”, K. Utrobina “Everyone goes in for sports”, “Winter fun”

S. Ivanov “What is snow like”, Y. Akim “First snow”, Z. Alexandrova “Snowball”, O. Vysotskaya “Winter has come with frosts ...”, I. Surikov “White snow, fluffy ..”, E. Trutneva “It suddenly became twice as bright.”;

Drawing "My sled"

Application "Trolley with sports equipment"

Modeling "Girl in winter clothes"

Drawing "Footprints in the snow", "Patterns on the window"

Application "Snowman"


"Sled" music. Filippenko, lyrics Volgina

"Snow" music by Filippenko, lyrics by Gorin

"Snowflakes" Polish nar.p.

Round dance, game:

"Blind Man's Blinds" music by Flotov.

motor activity Game activity Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
Exercises with movements "Falling snowflakes", "Sun"

Sports relay race "On a reindeer sled"

Exercise "Polar explorers"

The mobile game "Penguins on ice floes", "Dance of the cubs"

The mobile game "Snowballs", "Following the trail", "We are skiing into the forest"

Relay in felt boots

Word game "Third extra"

The game "Who will guess the word faster?" didactic games: "Collect a snowman", "Good - bad";

Didactic game: "Name the sport", "Name the sport by display"

The plot game "Physical education in kindergarten"

Board game "I am an athlete"

Didactic game "Whose footprints in the snow", "Water - snow"

Make bird feeders. Feed the birds. Decoration of snow buildings with colored ice floes. Collecting snow around trees and shrubs.Building material game: "Let's build a house for a bunny"

paper construction

"Herringbone" (according to the model)

Working with parents: familiarization of parents with activities held in kindergarten.

skating, skiing, walking) and forming the skills of safe behavior during the holidays.

Involving parents in joint observations with children of winter nature, weather, phenomena, changes in nature.

Subject: New Year. (19.12.16- 30.12.16)

Tasks:- To involve in active diverse participation in the preparation for the holiday and its holding. Cultivate a sense of satisfaction from participating in collective pre-holiday activities. Lay the foundations of a holiday culture. Cause an emotionally positive attitude towards the upcoming holiday, a desire to actively participate in its preparation. Arouse the desire to congratulate loved ones on the holiday, present gifts made by oneself. Continue to acquaint with the traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries.

Communicative activity Cognitive research


Perception of fiction and folklore pictorial


Musical activities
Situation, communication: "How the cone lost its seed", "How the animals decorated the Christmas tree."

"The New Year is coming soon!"

Examination of illustrations on the topic "How children prepare for the New Year"

Learning songs, poems,

scenes for the Christmas tree.

"Writing a letter to Santa Claus"

The teacher's story.

Conversations: "New Year's customs of countries and peoples of the world", "An old Russian custom - hospitality."

Examining postcards, illustrations, watching cartoons, listening to audio recordings.

Observation of the features of winter nature

Looking at trees without leaves.

Research: “Substance. Wood and its properties»

Lesson: "Why does a tree float?"

Conversation: "The adventure of the pencil"

Reading r.s.c.

Memorization of poems on the topic.

I. Tokmakova “Live, Christmas tree!”, “Frost Red Nose”, I. Surikov “Winter”, L. Voronkova “How they decorated a Christmas tree”, V. Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich” S. Marshak “Twelve months”.

R. Kudasheva "Winter Song"

K. Balmont "Snowflake".

N. Nishcheva "Herringbone"

N. Metelskaya "Santa Claus"

Drawing "Christmas tree with lights", "Snow Maiden"

Application "Decorate the Christmas tree", "Christmas tree beads"

Modeling "New Year's gifts"


"Merry New Year" music by Zharkovsky, lyrics by Lapisova

"Yolka-Yolochka" music by Popatenko, lyrics by Chernitskaya

Round dance, game:

"Hares and the Fox" music by Rozhavskaya

"Children and the Bear" music. and sl. Verkhovyntsa





Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
Mobile game "Two Frosts"

Attraction "Ice Sticks"

Exercise with the movement "Garland"

Round dance game "New Year"

Musical rhythmic movements

D. i. “Find the extra”, “Shop, “Name the word”.

Game situation "New Year's miracles". Plot - role-playing game "To the store for gifts for the New Year", "Getting ready to celebrate the New Year." D. i. "Decorate the Word", "Doorhole".

Plot - role-playing games: "Guests came to us", "Winter evening in a peasant Russian house."

.Clearing the area on the site from snow for a toy Christmas tree.

Production of New Year's toys, souvenirs for children of the younger group. Production of costumes for the holiday and decorations

Waste material construction

"Toys for the Christmas Tree" (by screening)

Structural and model


(from construction



Working with parents: informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Involving parents in the preparation of the New Year tree (learning songs and poems with children, making New Year's paraphernalia, Christmas tree decorations, carnival costumes).

Block: "The World Around Us" (09.01-03.02)

Topic: "We want to be healthy. Safety." (09.01.17-13.01.17)

Tasks: Formation of children's ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle. Cultivate the habit and need for a healthy lifestyle. Generate interest in exercise. To educate in children the need to be healthy, not to be afraid to be treated

Communicative activity Cognitive research activity Perception of fiction and folklore Visual activity Musical activities
Conversations about sports, the right way of life, about the importance of physical exercises, about human health.

The teacher's story "Plants heal."

Examining illustrations.

Conversation "How accuracy helps in life."

Situational conversation on the topic: "How to behave in the washroom"

Conversation about the rules of conduct in public places, traffic.

Conversation with children "If there is ice on the street."

Repeat the basic rules of safe behavior at home and on the street.

Game situation “Pills grow on a branch, tablets grow on beds. The teacher's story on the topic.

D / and "Useful-harmful"

The organ of touch. The tongue is an assistant. Introduce the meaning of the tongue, practice in determining the taste of products.

Research: Topic: "Light and color"

Lesson: "Colorful balls"

Monitoring changes in the kindergarten area

Reading the Russian folk tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed".

Reading the story of E. Shkalovsky "Caution - the cure."

A. Barto "Dirty Girl"

Reading on the topic. Puzzles. Proverbs and sayings

K. Chukovsky "My dodyr"

Drawing: “Mom, dad, I am a healthy family!”

Modeling: "Vitamins for me"

Application with drawing elements Moidodyr

We know how to cleanly wash" muses. M. Jordan

"We went out to exercise" muses. E. Tilicheeva, sl. Mironova.

Round dance, game: "Cossack" rus.nar.m

Round dance, game: "What do we like in winter?" music by Telicheyeva, lyrics by Nekrasova

motor activity Game activity Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
Outdoor games “Icicles have dripped”, “Sun and rain”, “Wind and clouds”.

Finger games: “Finger-finger, where have you been”, “Four brothers were walking”

P.i. "Cold - hot"

S.r. and "Hospital".

Didactic games: "Wide and narrow road", "Find mistakes"

Didactic game "Pick which athlete needs it"

Game - conversation "How the giraffe was treated."

DI. "Describe and find out", "Rebuff what you need", "Confusion"

Wipe chairs in the group room, towel cabinetsConstruction from natural material

"Snegurochka" (by condition)

paper construction

"Dog box"

Working with parents: Making a parent corner on the topic: "Security".

Parent meeting on the topic "Health saving of children in preschool and at home."

Subject: Before... toys, technology. (16.01.17-20.01.17)

Tasks: Encourage children to take care of toys. Show how you can bring joy to another person, do something nice, congratulate, praise. Generalization of children's knowledge about different types of equipment - household, industrial, technical toys. Consolidation of knowledge of safety in everyday life and the development of the skill of observing safety rules.

Communicative activity Cognitive research activity Perception of fiction and folklore Visual activity Musical activities
Conversations with children on the topics: "What is transport and why do we need it"

Conversation "Who to be?" Clarify the concept of "technique", highlight the functions: facilitates, speeds up work, leads to a quality result.

Word-developing d / game "Describe a toy"

Teacher's story: "Toy history". .

Conversation "Folk games".

D / and "Know me."

D / I: “Find the difference”, “Fix the car”, “What kind of transport is there?”, “Cut pictures”, “Confusion”

Study: Air What's in the bag? "Search for Air"

Observations of the weather, of people's clothing in winter.

P. Golosov "The Tale of the Hare House and the Dangerous Box"

Solving riddles about technology and toys.

Reading a poem by E. Moshkovskaya "I was so good"

Application "The car is carrying a load" Sculpting: "My favorite toy at home" Drawing: "My favorite toy."

Application: "Refrigerator".

Drawing: "TV".

Modeling: "Iron".


"Steam locomotive" music by Ernesaks, lyrics by Ernesaks

“Airplane” music by Magidenko, lyrics by Baruzdin

"Pilot" music by Tilicheeva

Round dance, game:

"Train", "Airplane" SuvorovoKhorovod, game: "What do we like in winter?" music by Telicheyeva, lyrics by Nekrasova

motor activity Game activity Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
The game "Be careful!"

Game "Collect a traffic light"

Mobile game "Sparrows and cars", "Train"

Observation game "Scouts" Articulation gymnastics "Cheerful tongue". The development of auditory attention. Game "Where does the bell ring?". Dynamic pause "Pinocchio". Visual gymnastics.

S.r. and "Toy Store".

Di. “Cut pictures?”, “Split into groups”, “draw the missing part”, “Compare objects”. Didactic games: "Call it affectionately", "Cheerful account", "Learn a new toy".

Participation in site cleanup

Help kids clean up the area.

Bring order to the group.

Assist the janitor in cleaning the area.

Tidying up the game cabinets

Table setting.

Waste material construction

"Let's ride a bunny on a sled"

Building material construction

"Gate" (according to the model)

Working with parents: informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Topic: We are researchers (clothes, properties of different materials) 01/23/17-01/27/17

Tasks: Enriching children's ideas about clothes and fabric properties. To form children's ideas about clothes (hat, coat, jacket, boots, boots) and its connection with the season. Develop the ability to compare objects. Develop children's research activities. to acquaint children with the origin of fabric (threads): vegetable, animal or artificial, with the properties of different types of fabrics.

Communicative activity Cognitive research activity Perception of fiction and folklore Visual activity Musical activities
Conversations: "Neat children", "How we know how to dress quickly",

“We are almost big now and know how to keep our clothes in order.”

Examination of clothing and its elements.

Illustrations depicting clothes.

The game "Name the clothes and shoes on Kirill, Katya, Dima." Consolidation of knowledge about clothes, its parts.

The teacher's story.

Conversation - research: "Journey into the history of paper"

Conversation: "The invention of the needle."

A conversation about clothes for different occasions in life (holiday, weekdays, sportswear)

Didactic game: "Find out what the dress and costumes are made of, who made them, where they came from."

Research: Topic: “Substance. Textile"

Lesson: "Such a different fabric"

Reading fiction "Live Hat", "Patch".

Learning riddles about clothes.

Reading: "Legs, legs, where have you been?"

A. Tolstoy "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka" Ch. Perro "Little Red Riding Hood".

Drawing: "Winter clothes".

Modeling: "Snowmen in hats and scarves"

Drawing: "Decorate the doll's dress"

Application: "Decorate the mitten."


"First Snow" music. Filippenok, lyrics by Gorin

"Santa Claus" music. Gerchik, lyrics by Nemirovsky

Round dance, game:

"Boots" music. Filippenko.

motor activity Game activity Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
P.I. "At the bear in the forest",

"Homeless Bunny"

"Who left?"

"Fox in the chicken coop"

“The gray bunny washes” Articulatory gymnastics “Cheerful tongue”. Finger games: "Four brothers were walking"

Game exercise "Wash the doll", "Dress the doll for a walk", "Tell the bear how to sneeze"

The plot game "Family", Didactic game: "What mood", "Who do you look like?"

Story game "Kindergarten",

Clearing snow on site

Load snow into boxes and unload at the construction site

Building a snow house for animals

Collective work on the selection of sports equipment for a walk

Freezing colored ice

Construction from natural material

"Tunnel" (by condition)

Structural and model


As conceived by children from the Lego constructor

Working with parents: informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Subject: Transport. (30.01.17-03.02.17)

Tasks: Systematization of ideas about transport, types of transport, professions in transport. Consolidation of traffic rules and the habit of following the rules on the street Expansion, clarification and activation of the dictionary based on the systematization and generalization of knowledge on the topic "Transport".

Communicative activity Cognitive research activity Perception of fiction and folklore Visual activity Musical activities
Consideration of illustrations about transport.

Conversation "What is transport?", "How to cross the street?", Teacher's story about different types of transport

Transport surveillance

Conversation "Who to be?" Consideration of illustrations and paintings from the series "Professions"

Teacher's story about different modes of transport

Conversation: "What do we know about the rules of the road"

Transport surveillance

D \ I game "Fix the car"

Game for the development of thinking "Buy the right part for the car"

Research: Topic: “Movement. Inertia"

Lesson: "Stubborn Objects"

K. Chukovsky "Cockroach" N. Nosov "Car" A. Dorokhov "Green, Yellow, Green" M. Krivich "School of the pedestrian" S. Sakharnov "The best steamer" N. Nosov "Dunno and his friends" M. Plyatskovsky " The Amazing Adventures of Grasshopper Kuzi»

Solving riddles about transport

Application "Truck"

Modeling "Airplane"

Drawing "Bus" "Road signs"

Listening: "Machines" muses. Chichkov, lyric Mironova

Singing: “Song about a traffic light” music by Petrova, lyrics by Shifrina

Round dance, game: “Whose circle will gather faster?” music Schwartz

motor activity Game activity Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
The game "Be careful!"

Attraction "City Street"

Game "Collect a traffic light"

Mobile game "Sparrows and cars", "Train"

Game of observation "Scouts"

Motor control "Machines", "Motor ship", "Pilot"

Palm anthem. "Race"

Didactic game:

"Tell the bear about our street"

Role-playing game "My Street", "Builders"

Didactic games: "Lay out a road sign", "Transport", "Journey around the city"

Acting out situations with transport toys

Putting things in order in the wardrobes.

Wiping toys

Remove dirty and hang clean towels, put soap in soap dishes

Put away toys after a walk

Carry and bring items at the request of an adult

Collective work on cleaning the territory and groups

Building material construction

"Garage" (modelled)

Waste material construction

"Funny Pigs"

Working with parents: informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Involving parents in joint observations of winter nature with their children.

Topic: Arts and Crafts (06.02.17-10.02.17)

Tasks: Summarize the knowledge of children about arts and crafts. To develop in children a cognitive interest in Russian folk art. To acquaint children with folk crafts. To acquaint children with decorative and applied arts - Dymkovo, Filimonovo toys, Khokhloma, Gorodets painting, with Gzhel. Arouse children's interest in folk art. Strengthen the ability to expressively read poetry, sing songs. To teach to understand the figurative meaning of riddles .. To teach children to navigate in various types of painting. Learn to observe wildlife. Cultivate love for folk art. Cultivate respect for the work of folk craftsmen.

Communicative activity Cognitive research activity Perception of fiction and folklore Visual activity Musical activities
The teacher's story about the origin of the Russian folk toy.

Conversation "Dymkovo toy", "Gzhel", "Golden Khokhloma", "Merry Gorodets", "Matryoshka"

Examining albums of arts and crafts

"Items from the grandmother's chest" (compilation of descriptive stories).

Theatrical game "These wise Russian fairy tales"

The story of the legend of the Dymkovo industry. D / and “Learn the pattern” Riddles on the topic.

Exhibition of books: "Russian folk tales". D / and "Whose souvenir?" D / and "What time of year?"

Research: Topic: “Solid body. Materials» Lesson «In the world of glass»

Watch for seasonal changes.

A. Dyakov “Merry Haze”, O. Levitsky “A good painted toy”, L. Gulyga “Motley round dance”, P. Sinyavsky “Blue birds across the white sky”, “Like a sorceress firebird”, “Poems about Gorodets”, "We are nesting dolls", nursery rhymes, riddles

P. Sinyavsky "Khokhloma painting", Y. Nikolaev "Bowl", V. Nabokov "Khokhloma"

Modeling: on cardboard "Board with an ornament."

Coloring planar silhouettes with paints: "Magic horses",

"Dymkovo lady",

Application with drawing elements:

Spoon with patterns of Khokhloma painting.

Listening: Russian dance melodies

Round dance, game: "Sly cat" Russian folk joke "Cap" Russian folk p. Chastushki;

motor activity Game activity Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
Didactic games: "Circle the element", "Circle and color", "Assemble the whole", "Circle

drawing", "Continue drawing", "Find a pair"

Didactic game: "Folk crafts", "Guess the ornament"

Role-playing "Family", "Helping parents",

Quiz game "My favorite fairy-tale hero"

Story game "Kindergarten"

Putting things in order on the siteCaring for indoor plants in a group. Work in the corner of nature.

Education of neatness in clothes.

Construction from building material "Teremok for matryoshkas".

Building material construction

"Doggy house"

Working with parents: Design of the parent corner on the topic: "Decorative and applied art." informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Orientation of parents in the choice of feature and animated films aimed at developing the artistic taste of the child.

Block: "Our dads, our moms" (13.02-10.03)

Theme: "Defender of the Fatherland Day". (13.02.17-17.02.17)

Tasks:- Continue to expand children's ideas about the Russian army. Talk about the difficult but honorable duty to defend the Motherland, to protect its peace and security; about how great-grandfathers, grandfathers, fathers bravely fought and defended our country from enemies during the war years. To educate in the spirit of patriotism, love for the motherland. To acquaint with different types of troops (infantry, naval, air, tank troops), to expand gender representations, to form in boys the desire to be strong, courageous, to become defenders of the Motherland; to educate girls respect for boys as future defenders of the fatherland

Communicative activity Cognitive research


Perception of fiction and folklore pictorial


The teacher's story.

Conversation: "Who are the defenders of the fatherland?".

Examination of illustrations, photographs, postcards.

Conversation: Dedicated to the holiday of February 23 "Defender of the Fatherland Day" and the creation of the Red Army.

Conversation with children on the topics: "Knights", "Princesses".

"What would you do?"

Learning poems on the topic.

Thematic entertainment

to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Conversations: “Russian heroes”, “What should a soldier be like?”, “We love our country”

Consideration of illustrations about the types of troops, military equipment, monuments of the defenders of the Fatherland.

Looking at photographs of family members who served in the army.

Exploration: Activity: "Light around us"

Experiments: "Magic Ray", "Shadow"

Examining icicles. Examining traces in the snow (birds, animals).

Z. Alexandrova "Motherland", S. Vasilyeva "Russia", S. Baruzdin "The country where we live", V. Stepanov "Flag of Russia", A. Tvardovsky "Tankman's story", A Zharov "Border guard",

Epics “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”, etc., About Knyazeva “How people lived in Rus'”, Z. Kovalenko “Journey into the history of Russia”,

Proverbs about the Motherland

Drawing "Ship", "Airplanes fly through the clouds"

Application "Flying planes (teamwork)"

Modeling "Helicopter"

Construction from waste material "Binoculars"

Drawing "Decorate the hero's cloak"

Modeling "Shield, helmet, sword"

Application "Greeting card for dads and grandfathers"


"Brave Rider" music by Schumann

"March of soldiers" music. Yutsevich

"We are soldiers" music. Filippenko

Round dance, game:

“Pilots at the airfield” music by Rauchverger





Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
Sports relay race "Report"

Mobile game "Shooter", "Hit the target", "Helicopter"

Outdoor games "Jump over the ditch", "Get a grenade", "Crossing the swamp"

Attraction "Heroic fights"

Didactic game: “Which troops are soldiers from?”, “Types of troops (cut pictures)

The plot game "Sailors", "Pilots"

Didactic game "Choose a weapon for a hero", "Collect an epic"

Game-situation "We want to be brave"

The plot game "Winter evening in the hut"

Shoveling snow and driving to trees and bushes

Clean up toys, building material, equipment after games in place

Designing ready-made geometric shapes


paper construction

"Postcard for dad"

Structural and model


(from construction


Working with parents: Design of a parental corner on the theme "Defender of the Fatherland Day".

informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Involving parents in the preparation of the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day" (learning songs and poems with children, making holiday paraphernalia).

Discussing with parents the problems of developing children's play activities that ensure successful socialization and the assimilation of gender behavior.

Topic: Professions (20.02.17-24.02.17)

Tasks: Consolidation and expansion of ideas about the content of the work of adults in various professions, about the tools and instruments of labor performed with their help. Raising respect for working people. Expansion, clarification and activation of the dictionary based on the systematization and generalization of knowledge on the topic "Professions".

Communicative activity Cognitive research activity Perception of fiction and folklore Visual activity Musical activities
Conversations: "Det. garden. Professions in the garden”, “All works are good”.

Drawing up a plan for a story about kindergarten workers.

Examining illustrations about professions and compiling short stories about them (who does what).

Situational conversation on the topic "Who do your parents work?"

Talking to children about what they want to be when they grow up

Acquaintance of children with the professions of builders, with the labor of workers in the clothing industry.

D \ and "Train", "Objects that facilitate the work of a person."

D / ex. "Who Made This Item"

Experience: "What is reflected in the mirror?"

Supervision of the work of the janitor

Observation: “Where does the snow not melt?”, “Where will the first thaws be?”

V. V. Mayakovsky “Who to be? » B. Zakhoder "Builders", "Driver", "Shoemaker"

N, Metelskaya "Such different things"

J. Rodari "What do crafts smell like"

T. Shorygina "A Difficult Role", "Book Week", "The Cook" by Gianni Rodari "What do crafts smell like?"

Fairy tale: The Three Little Pigs


"Tools for people of different professions" / Application "Let's help the cook make a pretzel."

Coloring pages "Professions"Drawing Decorate the blouse"

Application "Decorate trousers"

Modeling "Building materials"

Hearing: "Flute and Double Bass" music by Frida

Singing: "Let's be sailors" music by Slonov, lyrics by Malkov

Round dance, game: "Shoemakers and clients" Russian nar.m.

motor activity Game activity Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
P / and "Sparrows and the car."

P / and "Traps with the ball."

Mobile game. "Our group", "Painters", "Roofer", "Cook"

Outdoor games:

"Homeless Hare", "Carp and Pike", "Sparrows".

Plot - role-playing game "Cooking dinner."

Board - printed games "Who needs these things." "At the construction site", "Atelier"

Ball game "Who does what"

D.I .: "Confusion", "What are they for"

A dramatization game (children choose professions in pairs and play it out)

Canteen duty

Paper construction.

"Building a house"

Construction from natural material

"Mouse" (according to the model)

Working with parents: informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Involving parents in project activities (especially at the stage of designing albums, newspapers, magazines, books illustrated with children).

Tasks: Organize all kinds of children's activities around the theme of family, love for mother, grandmother. Cultivate respect for teachers. Expand gender representations. Involve children in making gifts for mom, grandmother, educators.

Holiday. Exhibition of children's creativity;

Communicative activity Cognitive research


Perception of fiction and folklore pictorial


Conversation "Our mothers", "How we congratulate mothers", "How we help grandmothers"

Children's stories: "My beloved mother", "The best grandmother in the world."

Conversation "Our girls also have a holiday"

Examination of the illustrations "Children congratulate their mother."

The teacher's story about mother's care.

Examination of illustrations on the topic.

Classes: “Here is such a mother, golden right”

Experience: Gifts of spring. Let's catch a sunbeam.

Experiment: The world changes color.

Observation "The first signs of spring."

E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence", I. Tokmakova "Mom's Day", V. Berestova "Mom's Day", S. Prokofiev "Tales about Mom", G. Vieru "Mom's Day", E. Serova "My dad does not tolerate idleness and boredom"Drawing "Vase with flowers"

Application "Greeting card"

Modeling "For tea"


"Masha sleeps" music. Frida

"Song about a hamster" muses and lyrics Abelyan

“We sang a song” music by Rustamov, lyrics by Mironova

Round dance, game:

"Invitation" Ukrainian nar.m.

"Game with handkerchiefs" rus.nar.m





Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
Outdoor games "Gifts", "Lace"

Attraction "Mom's helpers"

Musical rhythmic movements

Dance with ribbons

Didactic game: "Dress the doll for the holiday", "Set the table for the holiday"

Role-playing "Family", "Mom's Holiday"

Plot - role-playing game "My mother is a hairdresser (doctor, dressmaker ...)".

.Help in the design of the group room and hall.

Putting things in order in the group, on the shelves with toys

Canteen duty.

Construction from natural material

"Flowers for mothers and grandmothers" (according to the model)

paper construction

"Flower" (based on the model)

Working with parents: Design of a parent's corner on the theme "International Women's Day".

informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Involving parents in the preparation of the holiday dedicated to March 8 (learning songs and poems with children, making holiday paraphernalia).

Theme: Kindness rules the world (06.03.17-10.03.17)

Tasks: To teach children to be restrained and benevolent, to teach them to take care of the world around them.

Develop coherent speech, attention, memory, work on expressive speech. To educate friendly relations between children, a kind and respectful attitude towards the world around them, people.

Communicative activity Cognitive research


Perception of fiction and folklore pictorial


Musical activities
D / and "Chain of kind words" Examination of illustrations for fairy tales about kindness, plot pictures on this topic.

Conversation about friendship

Conversation "What I like about my friend (girlfriend)" Conversation with children about politeness

Retelling of the story "Helpers"

D / games: “What would you do?”, “Good - bad

D / and "Chain of kind words" "Bureau of good offices"

Research: Rubber, its qualities and properties

Observation-cognitive story "Light day"

G. H. Andersen "Thumbelina", Hungarian fairy tale "Two greedy bear cubs", A. Barto "Vovka good soul"

Riddles, riddles

A.Mryakovsky "What is good and what is bad?"

Application "Icicles"Decorative drawing "Decorate the doll's dress"Drawing: You and me, a cheerful company"

Modeling: "The sun of kindness."

Modeling from salt dough "Gingerbread men"

Listening to songs about friendship Shainsky "Smile", music. Y. Entin "The road of goodness";

Round dance, game: "Polka with Claps" music by Dunayevsky





Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials

"Jumpers", Game "Carousel".

Competition games.

P.i. "Owl", "Burn, burn, clear."

I.u. "Brook", "Ball against the wall". Low mobility game

"Edible, not edible."

D / and "Convey the mood

D / and "Bureau of good offices"

C / r “How can we help grandmother” Role-playing game “My family”,

D. and "Brook".

Plot - role-playing game "Family", "We are going to visit", "Guests came to us."

Shoveling snow, clearing the playground.

Houseplant care.

Waste material construction

"Funny rattles" (based on the model)

Construction from wooden building material

"Sheds and garages for your typewriter" (by condition)

Working with parents: informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Block: "Spring" (13.03-14.04)

Topic: Folk culture and traditions. (03/13/17-03/17/17)

Tasks: familiarization of children with folk traditions and customs. Expansion of ideas about art, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia. About the duty of acquaintance with native songs, dances. Expansion of ideas about the diversity of folk art, art crafts. Raising interest in the art of the native land; love and care for works of art.

Communicative activity Cognitive research


Perception of fiction and folklore pictorial


Musical activities
Conversation "Orthodox folk art"

Examination of illustrations for Russian folk tales.

Conversation about folk traditions and customs

Examination of Dymkovo toys and the album "Dymka".

Learning songs, rhymes

Conversation “What is a folk toy?”, “What did our grandmothers play with?”.

Conversation according to the proverbs: “The master is happy - the owner is happy”, “Many guests - a lot of news”.

The teacher's story about the talent of the Russian people: Russian folk tales, songs, nursery rhymes, riddles


illustrations of peasant tools

and a story about their purpose.

- Riddles about tools


Research: Topic: “Substance. Air and its properties»

Lesson: "Where is the air hidden?"

Observation of changes in nature, weather.

Observations of birds arriving at the site.

Russian folk tales "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Fox-sister and wolf", "Fox and goat", "Fox-bast foot", etc.

Songs, calls, nursery rhymes: “Our goat”, “Geese, you are geese”, “Legs, legs, where have you been?”, “The cat went to the stove”, etc.

Riddles, counters

Reading to choose from epics: "The Healing of Ilya Muromets", "Ilya Muromets

and the Beast", "Pro

Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych”, “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmeevich”.

Drawing "Dymkovo young lady"

Modeling: "Matryoshka"

Drawing based on arts and crafts

Modeling "Gzhel teapot"

Application "Matryoshkas in a round dance"

Fairy tale drawing

Sculpting "According to the nursery rhyme" Our goat "

Application "Guess the riddle"

round dance

games “I went to the market”, Listening:

Russian dance melodies

"Chiki-chiki-chikalochki" Russian nar.p.

Round dance, game:

"Sly cat" Russian folk joke

"Cap" Russian nar.p.

Listening to Russian folk melodies performed by an orchestra

"Oh square dance, my square dance"





Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
Outdoor games:

Lapta, Fair, Freeze

Folk outdoor games:

"Gorodki" "Lapta" "Salochki" "Brook"

"Dawn, dawn"

Games: "Where

was Ivanushka,

"Running", "Third Extra".

Didactic games: "At the fair"

“Find a Dymkovo toy”, “Pick up a pattern for a toy”

"Collect the Dishes" "Trace and Color", "Decorative Dominoes"

.Help the janitor to sand the paths

Shoveling snow around trees

Sprinkling the path with sand on the site of the younger group.

Putting things in order on the site

Structural model

activity using base constructor:

Designed by children

paper construction

"Lanterns" (on display)

Working with parents: Design of a parental corner on the theme "Folk culture and traditions".

informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Conducting a parent meeting on the topic "Toys of our children"

Topic: Plants, animals and birds in spring. (03/20/17-03/24/17)

Tasks:- To form in children generalized ideas about spring, the adaptability of plants and animals to changes in nature.

- Expand knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring; about the arrival of birds; on the relationship between natural phenomena and seasonal types of labor; about spring changes in nature.

Communicative activity Cognitive research activity Perception of fiction and folklore Visual activity Musical activities
Conversation "Spring, spring on the street, spring days"

The teacher's story about spring, spring signs.

Examination of reproductions, illustrations and paintings about spring

Conversation "Our starlings", "Six-legged kids"

Reviewing the album "Spring Flowers".

.Teacher's story about the plant kingdom, about birds, insects. Consideration of illustrations and pictures from the life of insects, birds, plants.

The teacher's story about behavior in nature .. Lesson "Spring breathed through the window."

Research: Gifts of spring. Release from captivity. We continue our acquaintance with the properties of ice

Observation of the weather, changes in nature.

V. Bianchi "Blue Frogs", G. Skrebitsky "Lucky Bug", E. Shim "Tales Found in the Grass", M. Mikhalkov "Forest Mansions", G. Snegirev "Swallow", N. Romanov "What did the earthworm learn? ”, N. Sladkov “Crow Signal”, “Polite Jackdaw”, “Nest”, A. Maikov “Snowdrop”,Drawing "Our site in the spring", "Drawing flowers and herbs on the lawn"

Modeling "Bird", "Bug"

Application "Birds at the birdhouse", "Sparrows in puddles"


"Hedgehog" music. Kobalevsky

"Spring Polka" music by Tilicheeva, lyrics by Viktorov

"Sunshine" chant

Round dance, game:

"Merry dance" lit.nar.m.

"Blind Man's Buff" music by Flotov

motor activity Game activity Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
Outdoor games "Sparrows and cars", "Lame crane", "Geese-swans", "Butterfly and flowers", "bears and bees", "Swallow and bee"

Competition games.

Didactic game "To help Lesovichka"

“Who needs what for work”, “Guess what kind of flower”, “show the same”, “Find out by description”, “Recognize an insect, bird, plant by description”

The plot game "Subbotnik in kindergarten."

Assist the janitor in removing debris and remaining snow on the site.

Joint work with adults "We make birdhouses"

Houseplant care.

paper construction

"Flower" (based on the model)

Structural model


(from construction


Working with parents: Making a parent corner on the theme "Spring".

informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

informing parents about the monitoring results.

Involving parents in joint observations with children of seasonal changes in nature.

Theme: "The work of people in the spring." (27.03.17-31.03.17)

Tasks: Expand your understanding of the rules of safe behavior in nature. Cultivate respect for nature. Form elementary ecological ideas. To form ideas about the work carried out in the spring in the garden and in the garden. To develop interest in various professions. Raise respect for the work of adults.

Communicative activity Cognitive research activity Perception of fiction and folklore Visual activity Musical activities
Conversation “How children work in the garden”, “Our starlings”, “Six-legged kids” Looking at pictures on the topic “Spring agricultural work”. Conversation on the topic: "What is the most important profession on earth?"

Conversation “What did we do at the weekend in the country”, “I bought seeds with my mother”.

D / and “What is made of flour?” Experiments with the earth

Study: Plants "Tricky Seeds."

"Who has what kids." Observations of indoor plants, plants in the kindergarten area


for the changes that occur with trees in the spring.

N. Sladkov “Spring joys”, “Stream”, E. Shim “Sunny drops”, V. Skrebitsky “In the forest clearing”, nursery rhyme “Rain, rain is more fun”, E. Baratynsky “Spring! Spring! How clean the air is!”, Reading by N. Nosov “The Adventures of Dunno”.Drawing "Spring", "Rainbow-arc, don't let it rain"

Modeling "A boat is sailing along the stream"

Application "Live clouds", "Visiting the sun" Application: "Birdhouse" (teamwork.

Modeling: "free theme"

Listening: "Song of the Lark" music by Tchaikovsky

Singing: "Solar drops"

motor activity Game activity Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
Outdoor games "Sun and rain", "Sun: good-bad", "Catching with the wind", "Thunder rattling"Y/and “Who does what?”

Board game "Professions".

C / r game "Cooking Lunch" Didactic game:

“Wind, wind, breeze”, “Sinking - swimming” Story game “Kindergarten”

Duty in the dining room, in the corner of nature, in preparing material for joint activities.

Encourage children to help each other undress.

paper construction

"Basket" (according to the model)

Building material construction

"Building according to the drawing"

Working with parents: informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Involving parents in joint research, project and productive activities with children in kindergarten and at home, which contribute to the emergence of cognitive activity.

Theme: "Insects". (03.04.17-07.04.17)

Tasks: Expansion and deepening of ideas about insects, features of their appearance and lifestyle.

Education of love and respect for nature. Expansion, clarification and activation of the dictionary based on the systematization and generalization of knowledge on the topic "Insects"

Communicative activity Cognitive research activity Perception of fiction Visual activity Musical activities
Conversation "What do children know about insects?". Examining illustrations.

Situational conversation "About butterflies" "Make a story according to the stages of development of a butterfly"

The teacher's story.

D / game "Comparison of a bee with a bumblebee and a wasp"

Making and guessing riddles about insects

Watch videos about insects.

Experimenting "Light - heavy"

Monitoring insects in the area

K. Chukovsky "Cockroach"

K. Ushinsky "Bees on exploration"

V. Zotov "Ladybug"

M.Mikhailov "Forest mansions"

E. Shim "Tales found in the grass"

I. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant"

Solving riddles about insects

Drawing: "Ladybug"

Modeling: "Dragonfly"

Application: "Beetle"


"Bug" music by Filippenko, lyrics by Volgina

"Merry Beetle" music and lyrics by Kotlyarevsky

Round dance, game:

motor activity Game activity Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
Folk outdoor games "Owl and birds", "Game", "Fifteen with a ball", "Wand", "Traps on one leg"

Folk outdoor games "Blind Man's Buff", "Burners", "Running Traps"

DI. "Guess what kind of insect"

"What, what, what"

"Describe", "Where does he live"

Help the janitor to sand the paths

Shoveling snow around trees

Sprinkling the path with sand on the site of the younger group.

Putting things in order on the site

Designing "Mosquito from natural material"Designing insects from paper.

Structural and model


(from construction



Working with parents: informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Involving parents in joint observations of changes in nature with their children.

Theme: "Space". (10.04.17-14.04.17)

Tasks: Tell the children about Yu. A. Gagarin and other heroes of space.

Formation of initial ideas about the Cosmos (elementary ideas about the Earth; about the continents, seas and oceans, about the poles and the equator; Show the dependence of the change of parts of the day and seasons on the rotation of the Earth around its axis and around the Sun;

Communicative activity Cognitive research


Perception of fiction and folklore pictorial


Musical activities
The story about Y. Gagarin

Conversations: “What is space”, “Half a century of the flight of Belka and Strelka”.

Reading stories, poems

Consideration of illustrations in the books of N. Nosov "Dunno on the Moon"

Consideration of illustrations, encyclopedias, about the planets of the solar system

The story of the painting "Animals in space."

Situational conversation "Why do we need to study space?":

D / and "Spread the stars in the sky"

The teacher's story.

Occupation: "Space", "Starland".

Reviewing the album "Heavenly Luminaries"

Didactic game with a mirror "Catch the sun"

Riddles about heavenly bodies.

Sun watching

Watching the cartoon "Dunno on the Moon"

Viewing and discussion of the presentation "Cosmonautics Day"

Reading the Balkan fairy tale "how the Sun and the Moon went to visit each other" Reading: V. Dahl's fairy tale "The Fox-bast"

Reading the novel - fairy tales by N. Nosov "Dunno on the Moon"

Reading the story of A. Mityaev "The First Flight"

Drawing: "Among the planets".

Drawing "I will fly on a rocket to distant stars"

Application: "Cosmonauts in space".

Plasticine plastic: "Planet earth".

Collective application "Spaceship" Construction from a wooden constructor: "Cosmodrome".

Singing: "Our Motherland is strong" music. Filippenko, lyrics by Vagina

Round dance, game: "Be dexterous" music. Ladukhin





Self-service and elementary household work Construction from different materials
P.I .: "Pilots", "Equestrian athletes".

Relay: "The ball to the neighbor."

Sports leisure: "Flight into space",

"Great Space Journey". P.i. "Change the subject", "Catch up with your couple", "Blind Man's Buff".

I.u. "Drop it, catch it."

Competition games.

Did-e games: "Space", "Starry sky",

"Find the extra."

Role-playing games "Cosmonauts",

"Young Space Explorers".

KVN "Connoisseurs of space".

Clearing the area from the remains of snow.

Help the teacher sweep the paths, clean the toys on the veranda.

Work in the book corner.

Construction from building material "Spaceship"

Construction from the Lego constructor

Construction from medium building material. "Cosmodrome"

Working with parents:

Pedagogical monitoring (17.04.17-28.04.17)

Tasks: to determine the degree of mastering by the child of the general education program, compiled on the basis of the approximate basic general education program "From birth to school" / Ed. NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2012 and the impact of the educational process organized in a preschool institution on the development of a child.

Communicative activity Cognitive research activity Perception of artistic literature and folklore Visual activity Musical activities
Conversation: "Parts of the day"

Didactic exercise "Continue the sentence."

Didactic game "Describe the subject"

Game-conversation: "Tell me about the boys."

Conversation with children on the topic: “Patriotic education” (flag, coat of arms, country, capital, city, holidays, national clothes, attitude towards different nationalities).

D / and "Seasons".

Conversation on questions - revealing knowledge about the properties and qualities of objects .. "What is it made of?"

D / and "Good-bad."

Dramatization game "If you like ...".

At the end of the school year, they are able to establish simple cause-and-effect relationships and show an interest in experimentation. According to the recommendations of the program "From Birth to School", in mid-May, the knowledge and skills of children are consolidated. We propose to open a spring laboratory this week, which will allow children to get answers to their questions. The teacher plans a variety of experiments in the group and on a walk with sand, light and shadows, water and magnets, involves children in working with "Transformation" cards, talks about the diary of observations. You will find a description of gaming techniques, cognitive activities, topics for artistic creativity, poems and counting rhymes in the annex to the plan "Thematic week" Spring laboratory ".

Social and communicative development

Every morning begins with a greeting and during the day the teacher talks with children about safety, the professions of parents, recalls what contributes to the social and communicative development of children.

cognitive development

In mid-May, an adult plans to watch the presentation "Land Turtles", games with Gyenesh blocks, logic tables and other games aimed at the cognitive development of preschoolers.

Speech development

Speech development is facilitated by exercises for the development of speech breathing, as well as the games “Think and name”, “Chain”. This week, the teacher continues to get acquainted with the work of S. Marshak, reads and learns his works with the children, encourages the children to discuss what they have read.

Artistic and aesthetic development

An adult introduces children to the profession of a composer, organizes games for the formation of a musical ear. Creative activity is manifested in the design of natural materials and drawing. Children study the structural features of the building of the kindergarten, and the knowledge gained is reflected in the application. All this contributes to the artistic and aesthetic development of children.

Physical development

In the field of physical development, conversations and guessing riddles about body parts are planned, they learn counting rhymes and remember the rules of outdoor games.

Check out the theme week snippet


OOcognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Morning greeting "Sunshine". Purpose: to create a positive climate in the group.Presentation "Land turtle". Purpose: to introduce children to the life of a turtle.Work with "Transformation" cards (who will be who, who was who, what it will become, etc.). Purpose: to develop the ability to build a sentence according to a model, based on cards, to enrich the vocabulary of children.Conversation about the profession of a composer. Purpose: to expand children's knowledge of professions, to develop hearing.Fizminutka "Three bears went home." Purpose: to promote the development of physical qualities.
Weather observation. Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.Exercise "Magic bag". Purpose: to develop sensory perception.The opposite game. Purpose: to develop the ability to select words that are opposite in meaning (words-enemies).Examination of the kindergarten building. Purpose: to introduce the concept of basement, attic, etc.P.i. "Wand - knocker." Purpose: to develop the speed of reaction.
2 p.d.S.r. game of children's choice. Purpose: to promote the development of imagination and gaming skills.Cognitive research activity "Comparison of objects from different materials." Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge about the materials obtained during the year.Reading S. Marshak "Baggage". Purpose: to entertain children, to continue acquaintance with the work of Marshak.Di. "Guess what it sounds like." Goal: name as many sound sources as possible.Game breathing training "In the spring forest". Purpose: to help strengthen the body.


OOSocial and communicative developmentcognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Exercise "What would you do?" Purpose: to teach to express their attitude to negative actions.Di. with Gyenes blocks "Lay out the track". Purpose: to form the ability to focus on the scheme, take into account several features of the subject.Didactic game "Tell me differently" Purpose: to develop the ability to select words that are close in meaning.Modeling from plasticine and walnut shell "Turtle". Purpose: to develop creativity, to show children the possibility of using natural material in modeling.P.i. "A stream is running." Purpose: to cultivate a friendly attitude towards the participants of the game.
Good help in the garden. Purpose: to fix the name of the inventory.Di. "Build a house." Purpose: to enrich the sensory experience of children by introducing them to a wide range of subjects and objects.Exercise "My, my, my." Purpose: to form the grammatical structure of speech.Puzzles, split pictures, board games at the choice of the teacher. Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children.P.i. "Butterfly Catching" Purpose: to develop in children endurance and the ability to act on a signal, to exercise in running with dodging and in catching, in squats. P.i. "Whose column is faster to line up." Purpose: to form the ability to quickly form a column one at a time.

First week
Week of military glory
1.Fiction 16
Reading the fairy tale by V. Kataev “Flower-seven-flower”
O.S. Ushakova (24, p. 190)
C. to bring children to an understanding of the moral meaning of a fairy tale, to a motivated assessment of the actions and character of the main character, to consolidate children's knowledge of the genre features of a fairy tale
2. Physical development.
1. Speech development 31
Selection of synonyms and antonyms. Talking about a given topic
O.S. Ushakova (35, p. 359)
C. activate the use of adjectives (selection of definitions); exercise in the selection of words that are close and opposite in meaning to a given word; to reveal to children the different meanings of polysemantic words; learn to define a subject by its main features 2. World of music
3. Sculpting
"Crow and Fox" (26, p. 20 ()
C. to learn to sculpt figures of a bird and an animal
1. Mathematical development 31
"Measurement" by V.P. Novikov (47, p. 122)
C. to exercise children in the account; develop attention, observation; learn to distinguish between even and odd numbers; exercise in measuring length with a ruler
2.Physical development
3. Circle "Golden Gramophone"
1. Literacy 31
"Going to the Zoo"
E.O. Astafieva (6.p.57)
C. to consolidate the recognition and correct spelling of the studied letters; to train the ability to make names from the proposed letters, consolidating knowledge of the rules for writing names with a capital letter
2. World of music
3. Circle "Young ecologist"
1. Application
C. to teach to make three-dimensional figures
2. Object and man-made world "Museum of Objects" O.F. Gorbatenko (30, p. 155)
C. to deepen children's knowledge about the diversity of the objective world, about the purpose of objects, about the history of their development in different countries; develop curiosity

Second week
Family week. Man and his body.
1. Natural world 16
"How a Man Grows"
O.A. Voronkevich (4, p. 406)
C. to learn to distinguish between manifestations of age and gender characteristics in the appearance of people; to consolidate children's ideas about family relationships and about the family; show the importance of family in human life
2. Physical development.
1. Speech development 32
Storytelling in a picture
O.S.Ushakova (34, p.357)
C. to learn to compose a coherent story based on the picture; exercise in the selection of definitions, comparisons and names of actions; to teach to come up with riddles about animals based on the selection of essential features; activate the form of the imperative mood of verbs in the speech of children
2. World of music
"Magic Glade" (8, p. 18)
C. to consolidate the ability to work in the technique of "scratching"
1. Mathematical development 32
"Segment" by V.P. Novikov (48, p.124)
C. to teach children to draw line segments and measure them; continue to learn how to compose and solve simple arithmetic problems for addition and subtraction using a numerical example
2.Physical development
3. Circle
"Golden Gramophone Award"
1. Literacy 32
"Letter and sound C"
E.O. Astafieva (5, p. 54)
C. to develop the ability to identify letters missing in a word by performing sound-letter analysis and synthesis; make sentences from given words in a specific pattern
2. World of music
3. Circle "Young ecologist"
"Pocket for a comb" (work with fabric, 18, p. 107)
T. learn to sew a pocket for storing combs and decorate it with appliqué
2. Safety "The best pedestrian" O.F. Gorbatenko (33, p. 157)
C. fix the rules of behavior on the street; learn to follow the rules of safe behavior when driving independently on the road

Third week
Week of books. School
1.Fiction 17
Memorizing the poem by G. Novitskaya "The kidneys open." Creative storytelling "How the maple woke up"
O.S. Ushakova (30, p. 200)
T. to teach children to expressively read a poem by heart, intonation conveying the joy of awakening nature, to develop a poetic ear; the ability to perceive the musicality of poetic speech, to feel and understand poetic images; to develop the speech-creative abilities of children: the ability to compose lyrical stories and fairy tales
2.Physical development
1. Speech development 33
Narrative on an independent chosen topic
O.S. Ushakova (36, p. 361)
C. to teach to invent a fairy tale on a self-chosen topic (by analogy); learn to choose synonyms and antonyms; names of baby animals; educate intonation expressiveness of speech
2. The world of music
3. Sculpting
"Butterfly" (12, p. 24)
C. to learn to sculpt in the "Bas-relief" technique
1. Mathematical development 33
C. to reveal knowledge on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in children
2.Physical development
3. Circle "Golden Gramophone"\
1. Literacy 33
"Letter and sound Щ" (5, p. 60)
C. to consolidate the recognition and correct spelling of the letter Shch by the child; to train in highlighting and determining the place of shch in a word, to consolidate knowledge about this sound; consolidate knowledge about fish, the ability to recognize and name them from pictures, differentiating river and sea fish
2. World of music
3. Circle "Young ecologist"
1. Application
"Magic bird dance"
C. to learn to compose an expressive image, to supplement with small details
2. Etiquette and communication situations “What is friendship” by L.L. Mosaleva (p. 55)
C. explain to children the need to comply with the basic rules of communication with each other and the negative consequences, the habit of giving nicknames to their peers

Fourth week
Summer.Environmental protection.
1. Natural world 17
"Building an ecological city"
O.A.Voronkevich (2, p.424)
C. to clarify the natural history knowledge of children about the factors for the life of the environment necessary for life on Earth. To form the ability to predict the consequences of their actions; to cultivate a humane attitude towards nature, the desire to preserve and preserve the beauty of nature.
2.Physical development
1. Speech development 34
Storytelling in a picture
Sound differentiation
O.S.Ushakova (20, p.332)
C. to teach children to differentiate by ear and in pronunciation voiced and deaf consonants; select words with certain sounds; choose short and long words; learn to use pre-selected words and speech constructions in the story, agree on the structure of the story (beginning, middle, end
2. World of music
"Blossoming Spring" (10, p. 191)
C. to teach to portray one's attitude to nature
1. Mathematical development 34
C. to reveal knowledge on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in children
2.Physical development
3. Circle "Golden Gramophone"
1. Literacy 34
"The car was driving..."
E.O. Astafieva (1, p. 62)
C. to consolidate the knowledge of children about the separating property of a solid sign; learn to form verbs using prefixes; consolidate the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis
2. World of music
3. Circle "Young ecologist"
1. Design
"By design" (work with natural material, 18, p. 108 "
C. learn to create compositions from different materials
1.Local history "Planet Earth is our home"
O.F. Gorbatenko (13, p. 127)
C. expand ideas about the map and the globe (what is depicted on them and in what color, for whom they are needed); introduce some countries and continents; develop curiosity