What to do if you go to school. What to tell mom not to go to school

There are days when you really don't want to go to school. Perhaps there is a very difficult test ahead of you, for which you have not prepared, or simply not done homework. However, whatever the reason, the main question remains how not to go to school, so that you don’t have to bear the punishment for it later. Not every parent will understand his child if he comes up to him with such a request, so you need to come up with serious reason, which allow you to skip classes.

How to ask a teacher?

A good way to avoid going to school if your parents are strict is to make sure they don't find out about anything. To do this, it is enough to ask the teacher for time off, while the reason must be strong enough to be believed.

    To skip the first or last lessons, you can say that you need to see a doctor of a narrow specialization, for example, a cardiologist or an endocrinologist. It is best to arrive early to warn that after a certain lesson you will need to leave. This will make it much more believable. If you want to skip the first lessons, report it at the end of the previous day;

    Can you tell the teacher that your younger brother or the sister is ill, and the parents do not have the opportunity to leave work. So you'll have to take it from kindergarten and take care of him until mom gets home from work. True, such an “excuse” will only work if you are old enough to take care of the child, it is unlikely that a first grader will be allowed to go home in such a situation;

    If you didn’t have time to think of a way to avoid going to school, and you’re already sitting in class, and you just can’t be present at the lesson, you can hide your backpack at school and say that you guess where you could leave it. Then you will have time to "search". Now you can come to the end of the lesson with the trophy you found and tell the story of how stupid you are;

    You can bandage your fingers, saying that you sprained your ligaments while playing basketball or volleyball. Of course, you will have to go to school, but this will free you from the written control. And to get away from the oral, it is enough to say that you need a picture or a dressing. But do not forget that such injuries do not go away in one day, so you will have to walk in a bandage for at least a week;

    Sit at night in front of a computer, TV or smartphone. In the morning you will have a very tired look and red eyes. Use your acting skills and tell the teacher that you are not feeling well and are most likely ill. There is a huge chance that they will let you go home, and not send you to the first-aid post to measure the temperature. But if the teacher still insisted on a certificate from the nurse, there are several ways to definitely send you home.

How to ask your parents?

It is much easier to take time off from your parents, because they are worried about you, and they trust you much more. There are several proven ways to avoid going to school over the years:

    The best "excuse" is a disease. To catch a little cold, you can stand on the balcony with a wet head or bare feet until you freeze. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will spend time at home not for rest, but in bed and with a bunch of medicines;

    If you really don’t want to get sick, you can portray the symptoms. wash your face hot water and rub your cheeks with a towel. When they give you a thermometer to measure the temperature, rub its tip on your leg or substitute it for a hot radiator. The main thing is not to portray very high temperature, otherwise they will put you in bed, and your mother can generally stay at home with you to look after;

    If you don't have to sit at home for a whole week, there is good way how not to go to school one day. In the evening, refuse dinner, saying that you do not feel very well, and your stomach hurts. In the morning, after going to the toilet, pretend to vomit or. It remains only to blame everything on school pies, and most likely, in this state, you will not be sent to study;

    Go to school in the morning and come back after some time. Say that the pipes burst there and everyone was allowed to go home. The main thing is that on the way to work, parents pass by your school, otherwise, when they see students there, they will understand that you deceived them;

    And you can say that your class is undergoing medical examination at the clinic today, and there will be no classes. It is worth taking a walk somewhere for an hour and returning home with peace of mind, as if you had already gone through all the doctors.

There are a lot of ways to avoid going to school, but they usually work only if they are used extremely rarely. Everything secret someday becomes clear, so it is better to deceive teachers and parents as little as possible.

Sometimes in the life of every student there are such situations when it is simply necessary to stay at home and don't go to school. But how to convince mom

Of course, the most right decision I'll be honest with my mom. She, too, was a schoolgirl, and she, too, sometimes did not want to go to school. Who wants to go to test or the test is not prepared, right? Mom will understand and leave at home, but you will have to learn everything well and pass everything.

But what if you can’t go to school, and your mother doesn’t want to leave you at home? Of course, it's much easier if your parents leave for work before you do. Then you can even have nothing to invent. But what if not? In such cases, you need to think carefully and choose the most effective method. And, believe me, there are a lot of methods. For example, you can hide mobile phone, and then look for it for a very long time. So, you can take a little time and be late for school. And then look, and the parents will already go to work. You can try and hide your set of keys from the house or apartment to your mother in a bag. Then wait until your parents leave for work and call your mom back in fifteen minutes and ask where your keys are. One day of absenteeism is guaranteed to you.

You can simulate poisoning. Say that your stomach hurts, and to be convincing, go to the toilet and provoke a gag reflex. And if your parents are not strict, then just say that your head hurts. Just don't use this method too often or they'll stop believing you.

Of course, you can mow down for a cold. Cough to mom for decency, sneeze (just before that, don't forget to sniff ground pepper), measure the temperature (but you can heat the thermometer on batteries or rub the tip of the thermometer with your palms to the temperature you need). Or you can use chalk and foil to make a big bruise on your leg. Here, any mother will regret and leave at home. But you have to be very careful with these methods. Remember, your parents once did not want to go to school either, and they probably know these methods.

At your own risk, you can use very in an efficient way, which simulates a cold well, and only an experienced doctor can understand what's wrong. For this you need a little warm water, one teaspoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of iodine. All this should be well mixed and drunk. The temperature for half a day up to 39 degrees is provided to you. Just don't forget to drink later, after your parents leave. Activated carbon at the rate of one tablet per kilogram.

Children love skipping school - it's a well-known fact. But they are not always able to come up with good reasons for a walk. It’s better to play it safe and read how to cheat correctly so that they don’t figure it out. A responsible parent can be very insulting for absenteeism, but who needs it? What savvy schoolchildren did not come up with, skipping unloved school classes! The article describes the brightest and most reliable ways to beg your mom for an extra day off on a weekday!

What to tell mom not to go to school is a disease

  • One of the common excuses for parents will be a sudden disease state. You can really get sick, that is, think through the whole cunning plan in advance. Or, getting up early, try to visually worsen your situation by pale skin, weakness, and even fever. The latter is easy to do. Take a working thermometer, turn on table lamp and keep it for some time under the light, at a small distance from the glass. Instead of a lamp, water or a battery is used, from the tap, but optimal for raising body temperature. It is about 38°C, but not higher. If you overdo it, then mom will call the doctor to the house, which in no time will reveal a shameful lie. Pallor skin attach light makeup, namely rubbing the powder on the cheeks or under the eyes. They rub their nose until redness and begin to sniff, as with a runny nose. It is also important to cough loudly and convincingly and lead a not very active bed life.
  • If the decision to get sick came in a few days, then a good option run with your mouth open in the cold air or drink ice water, go outside with a wet head. It's easy to catch in the summer sunstroke, having spent the whole day on the street without panama.
    Increase the temperature by doing 100 squats in a secluded place so that no one can see. Just before going to your parents, you should balance your breathing.

What to tell mom not to go to school - lessons canceled

You can rely on fate and say that there will be no classes at school. But this information is tritely checked by calling the teacher or the mother of a familiar student.

What to tell mom not to go to school - oversleep

Favorite type of walking, but not the most popular, because mothers always keep order in the house! It works when mom is very busy and does not have time for everything around.

What to tell mom not to go to school - going to the theater

Lie about going to the theatre. Like an appointment with the class near the school, vigorously collect things. Next, leave the house and turn around the corner, standing there for about 30 minutes, simulating the way to school and back. After returning home, tell your mother a story about being late, as a result, the school bus left without the main passenger!

What to tell mom not to go to school - toilet flooded

To lie about the problems with the sewerage - the toilet broke and flooded, the classes were sent home due to plumbing repairs.

What to tell mom not to go to school - batteries are not included

Suitable in the autumn-winter period, when the heating has not yet been turned on, and it is almost as cold in the rooms as on the street. To do this, supposedly go to school and return with the sad news of the end of classes.

What to tell mom not to go to school - stretching

Wrap an arm or leg with an elastic bandage and tell mom about the sprain in PE class. In this case, rest is provided for several days until the condition improves. If you have to go to the doctor, you need to jump on a healthy leg, carefully bending the damaged one. If there are problems with the hand, it is rewound and pressed against the body.

What to tell mom not to go to school - suspiciousness will help!

Self-hypnosis is excellent for those who have suspiciousness in their blood. The principle is this: in the evening before going to bed, think about the disease, about headaches, about something negative. And if a person is impressionable, then there is a high probability of waking up in the morning feeling unwell. And an additional plus will be in every possible way to show your bad condition before the decisive day.

Mom, after all, is also a person, and at her age, for sure, she also skipped school. Therefore, you can make cute, naive eyes and try to tell the truth, then you won’t have to lie and blush when the lie is revealed. Straight Talk with parents explaining the situation easy way get the opportunity to stay at home sometimes. But for this, it’s still worth rehearsing in front of a mirror and thinking over a bait text.