Burnt legs in the sun what to do. Folk remedies and advice. What is the difference between sunburn and sunstroke

Many people are familiar with the sensations after a sunburn or excessive tanning. Few would say it's nice. But, one way or another, people annually continue to burn in the sun for different reasons whether it's an unfortunate tan by the sea or an afternoon stroll through the city on a hot summer day. In any case, it is very important to know which urgent action can be taken after a sunburn.

Pain relief for burnt skin

In order to get rid of pain, it is worth taking inside analgesic pill.
It could be:

  • Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).
  • Paracetamol.
  • Nurofen.
  • Analgin.

These drugs, in addition to the main analgesic effect, also counteract the production and distribution further along the body of substances that contribute to the spread and increase in edema in the burn area.
Has a good analgesic effect a compress of gauze soaked in a 0.25-0.5% novocaine solution , or rubbing the skin ordinary vodka.

Skin healing and inflammation relief

To get rid of inflammation on the skin in the form of redness, swelling and burning, it is necessary to have a preparation based on the substance in the medicine cabinet. panthenol, which is available in the form of ointments, creams or sprays. The name is also different: D-Panthenol, Panthenol, Bepanthen etc. In addition to the local effect in the healing of burnt skin, thanks to this drug, general well-being will also improve. It is recommended to apply the cream, ointment or spray very often until the skin looks visibly better. This usually needs to be done once every 20-30 minutes .
Also possible alternating layers of the drug with an anesthetic or cooling compress , which is a simple soft tissue, a towel or gauze soaked in cold water. Of course, you must first make sure that the tissue used is clean, especially if there are blisters on the affected skin.

Traditional medicine recipes: ways to eliminate the effects of sunburn

After removing critical inflammation or in the absence of the necessary ointments or creams at hand, you can turn to traditional medicine. These recipes have been tested by time and by thousands of people who have tested for themselves useful action natural ingredients nature.

Going to take sunbathing, we strive for a beautiful and seductive skin tone, but not burn and redness. They are able to overshadow the whole joy of this procedure. A red face and body after sunburn is not at all what we need.

The enemy's redness needs to be known in the face

Sunburn of the skin, redness of the face and body after sunburn occurs due to excessive and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, in the absence of sufficient sun protection in the form of a cream.

In this article you will find information on how to remove redness from bad tan from the face and body, and what to do if the face is red after the solarium.

Solar erythema is a true first or second degree burn. Symptoms usually appear 6 to 12 hours after exposure to the sun after sunburned skin. As a rule, this is:

  1. redness from sunburn;
  2. blisters, blisters;
  3. extreme sensitivity of the skin to the touch, itching;
  4. and dryness.

The degree of damage directly depends on the type of skin and the dose of UV radiation received. Although a burn can heal on its own in a matter of days, the risk of skin blemishes, actinic keratosis, cancer (melanoma), and photoaging (wrinkling, loss of tone and elasticity) is significantly increased. Therefore, if the skin burned out in the sun, then do not let it take its course.

Why does the skin burn and redden after sunburn

Sunburn is a real burn caused by ultraviolet rays, which can develop as early as half an hour after exposure to the sun and cause serious inflammation of the skin.

Ultraviolet rays of the UVA and UVB types belong to different lengths waves in the radiation spectrum and are especially harmful to human health. These rays can cause premature aging skin, wrinkle formation and other diseases.

Particularly prone to developing sunburn are people with a fair skin type and red or Brown hair. As well as people exposed to sun rays for the first time, or at least after long period time.

Although moderate exposure to UV rays promotes the synthesis of vitamin D, prolonged and excessive exposure to the sun can, on the contrary, be extremely harmful. Negative consequences in future.

What are the symptoms of a sunburn?

The symptoms of sunburn vary depending on their degree and severity.

In milder cases, sunburn causes only reddening of the skin, which can be more or less intense, and also pain: These symptoms appear within a few hours after exposure (two to six hours). The red skin of the face and body becomes painful, however, the effects are more intense after eight hours, and sometimes at the end of the day.

In more serious cases burns and blisters appear on the skin. In addition, the electrolyte balance is disturbed, which is a fact of dehydration and ultimately increases the risk of developing infections: sunburns of this type must be handled with extreme care. Damage to the skin, in this case, may be different. Typical symptoms of such a sunburn are: chills, fever and nausea. It can take four to seven days for this peeling of skin to heal.

What to do to avoid burns

In order not to burn out under the sun, you must follow some rules:

1. While in the sun, apply required amount protective cream from the sun (with UVA filters and UVB protection 30 and above) every two hours.

2. Avoid exposure to the sun from 10.00 to 16.00: at this time the risk of sunburn is greatly increased.

3. Apply sunscreen after every swim in the water.

4. Avoid direct exposure to the sun (the remedy is especially suitable for young children, obviously more vulnerable to sunlight).

5. Always wear wide-brimmed hat or cap with a visor while in the sun.

6. Don't forget to protect your eyes and the skin around them with sunglasses.

Medications and natural relieving skin conditions after a burn

If a burn has already occurred, then how to remove redness from the face and body after sunburn, how to alleviate the condition? The simplest and convenient way- take advantage natural gifts at home.

Natural sunscreens are quite effective in speeding up the healing of sunburn inflammation and giving quick relief to redness and itching:

1. witch hazel. It has astringent properties, heals the burn well, eliminates redness.

2. Aloe gel is a natural remedy often used in cosmetics as an effective skin soothing agent. Perfectly relieves redness and burning.

3. Essential oil mint or eucalyptus. It has a refreshing, antiseptic effect. These ingredients, mixed with moisturizers, are often used in cosmetic formulations after sun products. They provide the skin with a fresh effect.

4. Cold wraps using chamomile infusion. They have soothing, local anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial properties. After cooling the infusion (you can speed up the process by adding crushed ice into liquid), it is recommended to make compresses directly on the affected skin.

5. Potato. An ancient folk remedy that is used in herbal medicine for an anti-inflammatory effect. It relieves itching and has anti-edematous properties. Boil a few potatoes, mash them with a fork and apply through two layers of gauze to the sore spot.

Such methods very well help to remove redness from the face and body after sunburn, reduce discomfort and soothe skin.

Among natural remedies used to quickly get rid of redness after sunburn, it is worth remembering also some simple recipes"do it yourself":

1. An emulsion consisting of skimmed milk (1 cup), water and ice (4 cups). Soak a few wipes or cotton handkerchiefs in the prepared liquid and apply them directly to the skin reddened from sunburn.

2. Apply a mixture of water with oatmeal / cornmeal to the skin in the burn area.

3. Mix milk with grated cucumber with a tablespoon rose water, and a tablespoon of glycerin. Such an emulsion has a refreshing and cleansing and tonic effect for areas of the skin inflamed from sunburn.

Now you know how to quickly remove redness from the face after sunburn with the help of improvised means at home.

The use of medications

If you see and feel severe burns and redness, it is highly recommended to see a doctor for treatment advice! As a rule, for severe burns, it is recommended to use (as prescribed by the attending physician):

1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • Ibuprofen.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid.
  • Naproxen.

And what to anoint sunburnt skin? Some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also available as topical creams:

  • Topical corticosteroids: have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. It is a drug, so it must be prescribed by a doctor. Designed for high degree solar burns.
  • Hydrocortisone 0.5%.

2. Antibiotics ( local application). Creams, antibiotics may be needed in case of rupture of vesicles and blisters formed after a sunburn.

3. Local anesthetics: pharmacological agents aimed at eliminating pain and burning caused by sunburn:

  • Benzocaine.
  • Lidocaine.

In addition to applying painkillers, soothing, refreshing and nourishing creams most effective remedy defeat solar erythema this time. With a little patience, reddened and inflamed skin from the sun will regain its natural elasticity and color.

So you learned what to do if the body and face are red after sunburn, and how to remove redness on the face and body. But first of all, everything must be done to prevent such backfire from sunburn.

It is important to remember, however, that frequent sunburn significantly increases the risk of melanoma formation. Therefore, their own the best prevention is timely protection of the skin in the future.

In contact with

With the onset of the long-awaited summer, many rush to the beaches in order to swim, as well as get a great tan.

However, cases of overzealousness in this matter are not uncommon, resulting in sunburn.

First aid at home should be provided as soon as possible, any delay threatens with bad consequences.

So, if the skin burned in the sun, what should I do? This article will tell about it.

What is sunburn?

This thermal burn skin - exactly the same as a burn that occurs from touching hot objects or open fire. The only difference between a sunburn is that it is caused by excessive exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays, that is, the sun.

Any person can get such a burn, long time located on open sun. It must be remembered that it is not necessary to sunbathe on purpose to get sunburns of the skin, they can be obtained while relaxing or working on suburban area, near water bodies and even while swimming in the water.

Sunburn should be treated as seriously as any other burn, as it can lead to complications. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to carry out first aid correctly and on time.
But first you need to identify a sunburn in yourself or your loved ones.

Sunburn makes itself felt after a few hours. On the affected area, the skin becomes red and slightly swollen, it is very painful with any touch. With more severe burns, chills, a feeling of nausea, headache, weakness in the whole body.

What to do if the skin burned in the sun?

First aid for sunburn at home includes removing pain, intense hydration skin, since during a burn, the skin is significantly dehydrated and removal common symptoms ailments. When starting to perform first aid for such a burn, it should be remembered that the very first and necessary thing to do is to stop exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin. This means that it is necessary immediately after detecting a burn to go into the shade, and best of all, into the room.

In order to relieve pain during a sunburn, the skin needs to be cooled as much as possible, but this should not be done by extreme methods, this can do even more harm. For sunburn, it is recommended to take a cool (not cold!) shower or bath.

If after that unpleasant and painful sensations still remain, you can make a cooling compress. For such a compress it is very good to use green tea, it will effectively cool and neutralize the skin. But if there was no tea at hand, then ordinary cool water is quite suitable. The compress must be done for several hours, constantly wetting a towel or napkin in a cool liquid.

Next, you need to move on to removing the general symptoms of malaise, if any. In order to take off elevated temperature, chills and headache, you must take a drug containing paracetamol or ibuprofen.

There is also another effective method relieve redness and irritation of the skin after sunburn. These are masks made from sour cream, and preferably from yogurt. Just apply fermented milk product on the affected areas of the skin and lie down for at least an hour. The result will be very effective.

After first aid

In the next few days after the burn, the skin must be constantly moisturized. by special means such as cream or milk. Clothing should be chosen spacious, not restricting movement, made of cotton or linen.

After a burn, even a short exposure to the sun should be avoided, it is best to spend a few days indoors, if this is still not possible, then you should protect your skin with clothing as much as possible, and be sure to use a hat or cap and sunglasses.

In addition to moisturizing sunburned skin, special substances are needed to help it recover as quickly as possible, relieve itching and reduce peeling. Products containing such substances can be bought at a pharmacy (for example, Panthenol). They must be used before full recovery skin.

If the first one was provided in full, but the skin condition and general well-being did not improve or began to worsen, for example, body temperature does not decrease, nausea and pain in the head increase, dizziness appears, and blisters appear on the skin, you should urgently contact the nearest medical center or hospital.

Do not forget that sunburn is a serious condition that can threaten health, and in some cases without medical care not enough.

Remember that properly assisted with such a burn is a guarantee. Such assistance must be provided on time and in full, only in this case it is possible to prevent dangerous consequences and complications. So, now you know what to do if the skin is burned in the sun.

Have you ever had to provide first aid for a sunburn at home? What means were most effective: pharmaceutical preparations Or traditional recipes?

Every person at least once in his life, but burned in the sun. This trouble can happen even if you have never been to the beach. After a long winter, everyone undresses, and snow-white skin is exposed to powerful sunlight. As a result, we get the following problems:

  • skin redness (becomes hot and dry);
  • the occurrence of edema (swelling) and hypersensitivity;
  • the occurrence of itching;
  • blisters form;
  • the temperature rises, the person begins to freeze;
  • headaches appear;
  • at improper care skin infection occurs;
  • the body is dehydrated.

Many people who experience sunburn find that this problem- it's nothing. Well, your shoulders will hurt, but after a couple of days, the redness will turn into beautiful tan. There is some truth in this, but not everyone knows that severe burn can cause serious health problems.

For example, severe damage to the skin of the face and neck from sunlight can lead to extensive swelling, which will cause suffocation. In addition, ultraviolet rays can cause the development of diseases such as skin cancer.

We hope that we have convinced you that sunburn is not a joke problem and it needs to be prevented and treated if it occurs.

In order to understand how to correct the situation when you still have trouble, you need to know on the extent of skin lesions .

  • 1 degree. The skin is a little reddened, and pain appears, but apart from discomfort, there are no other symptoms.
  • 2 degree. The skin turns red, blisters form, which are filled with fluid. In addition, headaches and fever may occur.
  • 3 degree. 60% of the entire surface of the skin is damaged and the structure of the dermis is disturbed.
  • 4 degree. Dehydration occurs, which negatively affects the functioning of the heart and kidneys. If the situation is not controlled, it can lead to death.

The first 2 degrees can be treated at home, but after receiving 3 and 4, you need to apply for medical care to the doctor.

Who shouldn't sunbathe

In order not to correct the consequences of severe sunburn, it will be interesting and vital for you to find out to whom ultraviolet rays are contraindicated.

  • Babies under 1 year old;
  • Elderly people;
  • Pregnant women;
  • People taking medications such as antibiotics, antidepressants, corticosteroids. These medicines can cause high skin sensitivity.
  • People with neurological and cardiovascular diseases, patients with tuberculosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.

What to do if the child burned out in the sun

If babies burn out in the sun, then a change in his behavior may be added to all the signs that were described above. The child may become lethargic, drowsy and weak, or vice versa, overly excitable. Help little man possible as follows.

  1. Get off the beach.
  2. Rinse in a cool shower.
  3. Put on a bed in a cool room.
  4. Give a lot to drink.
  5. Lubricate the skin with external agents that will help the skin recover.
  6. Give painkillers, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines to drink. Ideally, consult a doctor so that he independently assesses the condition of your child and prescribes treatment.

It is necessary to treat children on their own when receiving a 1st degree burn. In other cases, it is better to show it to medical professionals.

Skin burned in the sun: first aid

Regardless of the degree of the burn, first aid should be provided to all victims. Signs of sun exposure to the skin may not appear immediately, but after a few hours.

Each person should know how to alleviate the general condition of the victim, and in severe cases, make every effort to save his life before the arrival of doctors.

The first aid algorithm for burns received in the sun is as follows:

  1. Transport the person to a cool place. It can be a shade, and ideally a cool room.
  2. Realistically assess the condition of the victim. If you understand that this is not a first-degree burn and the person's condition is deteriorating, call an ambulance.
  3. After that, try to remove the pain syndrome by applying clean gauze dipped in water to the affected areas of the body. You need to change the gauze every 10-15 minutes. An alternative to rags and gauze can be a wet sheet. Please note that the applied cloth and water must be clean.
  4. If possible, it would be useful to take a cool shower (the water should not be hot or icy, but cool).
  5. Give the victim water to drink to prevent dehydration.
  6. For severe skin lesions and acute pain You can give painkillers.

If you have burned out in the sun, then first aid can be provided to yourself.

What should not be done in the event of a sunburn?

There are cases when a person receives a not very severe burn, but due to improper treatment, recovery period drags on for weeks.

In order not to worsen the condition of a person who has been burned in the sun, you need to know what not to do with such injuries.


  1. Treat affected skin surfaces with ice. It may seem to you that ice is an excellent pain reliever, but in fact it injures the damaged dermis even more, which will lead to tissue death. Do not use ice compresses.
  2. Lather the skin with soap and rub it with a brush. Stop using cosmetics containing alkaline components. Don't scrub your skin with a washcloth. Just rinse in the shower.
  3. Use products containing alcohol. It has a negative effect on burnt skin. Alcohol will definitely not bring benefits and relief.
  4. Spread the skin with petroleum jelly and oily cosmetics. In severe burns, the use of such products can aggravate the general condition. All due to the fact that petroleum jelly forms a greasy film, as a result of which the thermoregulation of the skin is disturbed. It does not cool naturally.
  5. Treat the skin with urine. There are fans of urine therapy among people, but you need to understand that by lubricating the skin with urine, you can bring an infection.
  6. Puncture the formed blisters. Otherwise, you can infect the skin.
  7. keep sunbathing. If you have a first-degree burn and feel fine, it doesn't mean you can repeat sunbathing the next day. It is better to refuse them for the next few days until the skin recovers, otherwise the situation will worsen.
  8. Drink alcohol and strong tea, coffee. Their use will lead to dehydration.

sunburn treatment

If your back is burned in the sun, your arms or legs are red, but your condition is satisfactory, you can try to help yourself. All treatment can be divided into several stages:

  1. Treatment medications that are taken in.
  2. Treatment of the skin and relief of the condition with external means (use of ointments, sprays, creams, etc.).

Treatment with drugs intended for internal use

Few people know that in addition to ointments and sour cream, which are applied to the skin, it is necessary to help the body recover with medication. For this, doctors often prescribe the following medications:

  • Vitamins A, C, E- These are antioxidants that help the skin recover faster and prevent malignant cell degeneration.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (non-steroidal)- This is the well-known paracetamol and ibuprofen. These drugs reduce pain, swelling and inflammatory processes. Used when the temperature rises.
  • Antihistamines These are allergy medications. Thanks to them, itching and swelling are reduced.

Take medications thoughtfully, but remember that self-treatment is possible with 1 and 2 degrees of burns, with 3 and 4, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Treatment with external agents

The affected areas of the skin will sooner or later begin to heal. But this process can be delayed if you do not help yourself with means in the form of ointments, creams or sprays.

If you do not know how to smear burns, then a selection of the most popular remedies that help with thermal injuries will come in handy.

  1. Panthenol- Promotes rapid skin regeneration and removal pain syndrome. If your shoulders are burned, this is the best remedy.
  2. Livian aerosol- a drug that has excellent antiseptic properties, anesthetizes and soothes the skin.
  3. Elovera ointment- a tool to help rapid healing skin. It cannot be used by persons under the age of 18.
  4. Karatolin solution- this solution prevents malignant degeneration of cells and accelerates their metabolism.
  5. Vinylin balm- is a powerful antiseptic, prevents infection of the skin. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes rapid healing of wounds.
  6. Zinc ointment- used for small burns (for example, if the nose burned out). It has a drying effect, and also disinfects the affected areas of the skin.
  7. Sea buckthorn oil- promotes rapid healing, has an antioxidant effect, starts the processes of skin regeneration.
  8. Olazol aerosol- a means of bacteriostatic action, promotes rapid healing of the skin.
  9. Solcoseryl gel- promotes rapid growth skin cells.
  10. Psilo Balm- a gel that cools and anesthetizes the skin, relieves swelling, reduces itching and pain.

If you are not a supporter of medicines sold in pharmacies, then you can alleviate the condition after a sunburn with the help of prescriptions. traditional medicine. Based on the experience of past generations, you can understand how to remove redness or what to do if your head is burned.

Let's take a look at the simplest available recipes that won't take long to prepare.

Applying with a damp cloth

Apply to damaged skin wet wipe containing no fragrances. Change after it dries. This helps to moisturize the skin and reduce pain.

Use of ice

Place the ice or frozen product at some distance (5-7 cm) from the damaged area of ​​the skin. In this way, you soothe and cool the skin, reducing pain. It is better to use with small burns, for example, if the lips are burned.

Application of egg white

With light movements, apply the protein to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, and after it dries, repeat the procedure. After this manipulation, the pain will decrease, and the skin will calm down a little.

The use of dairy products

Take kefir or yogurt and constantly apply to damaged skin without letting it dry out. This will help minimize pain and soothe the skin.

Uses of watermelon juice

The tool is suitable if the eyes are burned and not only. Take watermelon juice, soak a napkin with it and wipe sunburns or use as compresses. Thanks to this remedy, you will eliminate redness and prevent infection.

Application of compresses from mint leaves or nettle flowers

Pour a handful of leaves or flowers with boiling water, and cool the infusion. After that, moisten a clean cloth and apply to the burn. Thanks to this procedure, you will get rid of itching and pain, the skin will cool and recover.

Applying gruel from fresh root crops

For such a procedure, potatoes, carrots, beets or pumpkins are suitable. Grate one of the listed vegetables on a fine grater and put the resulting slurry on the burn. Used as a compress. Relieves itching and discomfort, removes pain.

Using a soda solution

Take 1 tbsp. l. soda and dissolve it in a glass of cool boiled water. Wipe the skin with the resulting solution. Such procedures help to reduce swelling, relieve pain.

Application of cucumber

Cucumber will help alleviate the condition after a sunburn. To do this, you can cut the vegetable into slices and apply in the form of compresses.

Consequences and complications of sunburn

Many women are chasing perfect tan forget that the sun's rays bring not only benefits, but also harm the body.

Burning the skin leads to swelling, which can cause difficulty breathing.

If the legs or arms are burned, and most of the limbs are affected, the victim may feel numbness in these parts of the body due to impaired blood circulation.

If you are exposed to the sun for a long time and suffer from occasional burns, you may develop oncology (skin cancer).

Prevention and protection against sunburn

In order not to suffer from pain and regret the ruined vacation, it is better to make every effort so as not to injure the skin. For this you need:

  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight from 11.00 to 16.00.
  • Wear clothes made from 100% natural fabrics. They attract less rays.
  • In the sun, you need to wear a hat with a large brim or a cap with a long peak.
  • In the first days of your stay on the beach, stay under the sun for no more than 15 minutes. After that, go to the shadow.
  • Use sunscreen.

Let's take a closer look at the last point.

All people are different, so some quickly burn out in the sun and get severe burns, while others can only turn red. Therefore the sun protective equipment must be selected individually. At the same time, in the first days after arrival at the sea coast, funds should have more strong protection(for example, a cream with a factor), and after you tan and your skin adapts, you can use products with a factor of 25 to 15.

not bad sunscreen is coconut. It can protect the skin from harmful effects sunlight, prevents it from drying out and promotes an even tan.

Folk recipes for dealing with a burn after the sun.


No one is immune from sunburn. But you should not take such an injury lightly and rely only on the regenerative properties of your body. If you could not protect yourself, and your skin is red and sore, help it recover using traditional medicine or drugs bought at a pharmacy. Thanks to this, the recovery period will pass easily and without complications. And only good memories will remain about the time spent at sea!

IN summer period people try to spend a lot of time in the sun, go to rest on the sea or spend time in the country. However, prolonged exposure to the sun can cause sunburn on the back, face, hands, etc. Summer residents are especially often faced with the fact that their back is burned in the sun.

Any sunburn is no joke, it can cause infection, dehydration and other serious problems. Therefore, it is important to take appropriate action as soon as possible. Today we will tell you how to treat a back burnt in the sun.

First, let's talk about the common mistakes that people make when treating a sunburn on their back at home. First, ice should not be applied to the affected area. This will cause the skin to die. Secondly, you can not use ointments for back sunburn based on petroleum jelly or alcohol, the first component prevents the skin from breathing, alcohol is the cause of dehydration. Thirdly, you can not rub the damaged area, apply scrubs, exfoliating agents. We recommend temporarily giving up alcoholic beverages that cause dehydration in the body. Try to drink a lot of pure non-carbonated water.

Please note that self-treatment of a sunburn of the back at home is possible only with satisfactory general condition and a person, and if a burn of 1-2 degrees. Otherwise, a sunburn of the skin of the back should be treated exclusively by a doctor.

First aid for back sunburn

If you or someone you know has a back burnt in the sun, it is important to provide first aid in a timely manner to avoid infection and possible complications. If the back burn from the sun is very severe, you should immediately call an ambulance.

The victim must be moved to the shade, he must definitely drink as much chilled water as possible. The injured area of ​​the skin must be constantly moistened with cool water to reduce the temperature of the skin, you can take a cool shower without the use of cosmetics (shower gels, soaps, etc.).

To reduce the pain of a sunburned back, you can take a pain pill. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Paracetamol, Naproxen, Ibuprofen, are excellent. Effects - removal of puffiness, pain, reduction of the inflammatory response. Take 1 tablet every 4-6 hours until the acute period has passed.

When sunburning the back, it is recommended to take more vitamin C, E, A within 2-3 weeks after getting a burn. Vitamins contribute to the restoration of the skin. Antihistamines that reduce itching, swelling, and burning will not be superfluous either. Take Loratadine, Tavegil, or other allergy medications according to package directions.

If a child's back is burned in the sun, then first aid measures do not change. Perform all actions quickly, because children are very sensitive to burns. Aspirin can be used as a pain reliever to treat sunburn in a child's back.

Burnt back in the sun: how to smear

Ointments are an important step in the treatment of back sunburn. Thanks to modern medicine on the shelves of pharmacies you can find many ointments for back burns from the sun in various price categories. We will tell you about the most effective and popular of them:

  • Panthenol is perhaps the most popular ointment for back sunburn, sold in various formats (ointment, milk, spray). The composition usually contains vitamin F for softening, dipotassium glycyrrhizinate for wound healing. Panthenol helps to form a new layer of skin, has a protective effect. You need to smear a back burn from the sun up to 4 times a day;
  • Rescuer cools the skin, relieves irritation;
  • Sea buckthorn oil has a healing, antibacterial, tonic, antioxidant effect. For the treatment of sunburns of the back, sea ​​buckthorn oil should be applied to a sterile napkin, then attach it to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin;
  • Eplan is an anesthetic, softening and regenerating gel with an antibacterial and protective effect. Apply to the burn several times a day as it absorbs and dries.

Folk remedies for back burns in the sun

Except medicines traditional medicine can also be used to treat a sunburn of the back. If your back is burned in the sun, you can smear it not only pharmaceutical ointments, but also the usual products that everyone has in the refrigerator.

Popular folk remedies for back burns in the sun include:

  • Cool low-fat sour cream, kefir, yogurt. These dairy products can reduce pain and relieve redness. Important point- keep sour cream / curdled milk on the skin for at least 2 hours;
  • To prevent drying of the skin, apply on the burn. egg white;
  • A mixture of grated potato/cucumber allows you to quickly deal with burns. Leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse with water;
  • For 30 minutes, 2-3 times a day, apply gruel from aloe leaves and milk to the sunburn of the back;
  • wetted cold water compress from oat flour, wrapped in gauze or clean cotton cloth, helps to soothe the skin;
  • You can take a cool bath with a decoction of chamomile.