How to properly inject oxytocin to terminate a pregnancy. Oxytocin for abortion

The synthetic drug oxytocin has been used by gynecologists for quite a long time. It is very similar in structure and action to the natural human hormone, which is produced in the pituitary gland. Oxytocin is able to stimulate the smooth muscles of the uterus, thereby promoting its contractions. In addition, oxytocin is produced in a woman during lactation, promoting a more intense release of milk from the mammary glands. There is an opinion among scientists that it is thanks to oxytocin, which is produced in the body of a pregnant woman, that a special attachment of a newborn child to his mother and even maternal instinct arises.

Use of oxytocin

Most often in gynecological practice, oxytocin is used to terminate pregnancy in the first 12 weeks, since during this period the fertilized egg is not strongly attached to the wall of the uterus. The use of oxytocin is considered a more gentle method compared to surgery. However, even with the use of this drug, bleeding may occur, which will pose a threat to the woman's life.

If oxytocin enters the body of a pregnant woman, it can cause miscarriage even in the second trimester. Doctors use this method if there are appropriate medical indications: for example, a frozen pregnancy. In this case, oxytocin provokes normal labor without dangerous surgical intervention.

With this drug you can induce labor contractions that are no different from natural ones, but they will be more intense and painful. In addition, oxytocin is used in case of miscarriage to cleanse the uterine cavity if there is a suspicion of incomplete rejection of the endometrium or the fetus itself.

The use of oxytocin during heavy periods is also indicated as a drug that contracts the muscles of the uterus and thereby stops bleeding.

Oxytocin is widely used to enhance labor: it improves uterine contractions. But its use for this purpose should be strictly out of necessity, and not at the request of a woman in labor who wants to speed up the already painful process of childbirth. For example, an injection of oxytocin is justified in case of premature withdrawal. amniotic fluid when there is a threat of infection of the fetus in the long term waterless period. In case of Rh conflict between mother and child or weakness of labor, obstetricians also use oxytocin.

The drug oxytocin is most often administered intravenously, but it can also be administered intramuscularly. The consequences of using oxytocin during pregnancy may include side effects such as hypertension, tachycardia. Therefore, this medicine can only be used under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital setting.

Oxytocin - contraindications

When advancing unwanted pregnancy It is strictly forbidden to use oxytocin or any other drug on your own to interrupt it. This can lead to the most severe consequences for woman. Therefore, to terminate a pregnancy, you should only contact a medical institution that has the appropriate license for this purpose.

The main contraindications to the use of oxytocin are complete or partial placenta previa, severe gestosis, or narrow pelvis in a woman. If the woman in labor has cardiovascular diseases, either oblique or transverse position child, then in these cases the use of oxytocin is also contraindicated.

The birth of a child is a joyful event. But sometimes you have to give it up various reasons. Future mother may become ill with a disease that will cause complications on the embryo. The embryo may not develop properly from the very beginning. It is not uncommon, of course, for situations when a woman does not want to have a child. this moment for financial or personal reasons. The drug Oxytocin is used to terminate pregnancy along with other methods.

Oxytocin, what is it?

The hormone oxytocin is present in the human body. It is produced by the hypothalamus. The substance is then sent to the pituitary gland, from where it enters the blood under the control of the endocrine gland. The hormone is very important for the process of childbirth. Under its influence, the uterus begins to contract more strongly, its cervix opens and the baby is born.

Due to positive influence hormone for childbirth, it is used for weak labor. Scientists were able to synthesize Oxytocin chemically. Now it is administered to women in labor, young mothers, and used for early abortion. After childbirth, under the influence of the hormone, the woman produces milk to feed the baby.

Oxytocin drug

Action of the drug

Oxytocin in ampoules has the same effect as the natural hormone of our body:

  • The product affects psychological condition person. Oxytocin is called the hormone of happiness. He is responsible for good mood. After childbirth, when some women experience postpartum depression, the drug helps the young mother regain her joyful mood.
  • The natural production of oxytocin occurs mainly at night, so most women in labor give birth to a child at this time.
  • The medicine awakens the maternal instinct in an inexperienced primigravida young woman. A mother begins to love her child immediately after his birth.
  • On early stages pregnancy, under the influence of the drug, the fertilized egg is rejected from fallopian tube along with a small amount of blood. The egg does not enter the uterus.
  • This method of getting rid of the fetus is used when there is a risk of onset in a pregnant woman. inflammatory processes.
    At later stages, Oxytocin for termination of pregnancy causes premature birth. Under its action, the cervix opens, and the uterus begins to contract vigorously, pushing the embryo out.
  • After timely childbirth and after abortion, the medicine is used in the absence of tone in the uterus, to contract it and prevent bleeding. Under its influence, the uterus gradually takes on the size it had before pregnancy.

The drug acts very quickly - uterine contractions begin 5 minutes after the administration of Oxytocin. Its effect on the uterus lasts for 2 – 3 hours. During termination of pregnancy, vaginal discharge begins 1 hour after taking the medicine. In this situation, medical supervision is necessary.

Indications for use

The drug is used to terminate pregnancy. The use of the drug for abortion means that the woman may begin to bleed, which lasts from several hours to several days. During this period, you must continue to give injections. During pregnancy, oxytocin is injected once a day. After the first injection, the woman needs to move. During movement, the medicine begins to work more actively. If a lady feels severe pain, the doctor will recommend a more gentle set of movements. A specialist will advise you on how to take Oxytocin to terminate pregnancies.

The instructions explain that with the assistance of Oxytocin, it is possible to terminate pregnancy at long term- up to 22 weeks. This is possible with sufficiently compelling motivation to terminate the pregnancy. Motives include:

  • Incurable pathologies of the fetus or severe illness of the mother;
  • Death of the fetus in the womb (the fetus froze);
  • Chromosomal pathologies;
  • Heavy bleeding in a pregnant woman;
  • Complications that threaten the life of a pregnant woman.

At the 20th week, a woman already has little man. You need to understand that abortion cannot be delayed until this date. It’s easy to disrupt a pregnancy, but then it’s difficult to get along with your conscience.

The medicine is prescribed after childbirth for the purpose of removing the remnants of the placenta from the mother’s body. It is also prescribed after an abortion if the uterus is not completely emptied. All residues after childbirth or abortion are released when the uterus contracts through the birth canal. If a pregnant woman's tests reveal protein, if her blood pressure suddenly increases, she is prescribed Oxytocin.

You cannot prescribe treatment for yourself. If there is bleeding or miscarriage, call ambulance, the doctor from which will administer the drug to the pregnant woman or decide to send her to the hospital. Bleeding is a very serious symptom that is difficult to stop. A specialist monitors the patient’s condition during this period.

Side effects of Oxytocin injection

After the hormone injection, the patient may experience a drop in blood pressure and heart rate. In addition, the following side effects are possible after taking Oxytocin to terminate a pregnancy:

  • The occurrence of nausea, turning into vomiting;
  • Poor blood circulation in the brain;
  • Brain hemorrhage;
  • Spasmodic condition of the bronchi;
  • Allergic reaction up to anaphylactic shock.

When side effects physician intervention is necessary. The specialist will decide whether to continue treatment and what to replace the prescribed drug with.

Contraindications to taking the medicine

For some pathological conditions the use of Oxytocin is contraindicated. These include:

  • Ectopic pregnancy;
  • After a caesarean section or with a history of uterine surgery;
  • The placenta is too low and overlaps the cervix;
  • Individual hypersensitivity or intolerance to the drug.

The doctor takes into account the above situations when prescribing. If you start injecting yourself with Oxytocin yourself, this can lead to dire consequences. Stopping bleeding that occurs is beyond the capabilities of a woman without medical education.


To terminate a pregnancy in the early stages, injections are given in the area of ​​the cervix. Sometimes the obstetrician-gynecologist decides to give an injection intravenously. The required dose is determined by the duration of pregnancy, the patient’s well-being, and the specific situation.

Usually, in the short term, the dose for one injection is 1 IU. It can increase to 3 IU, but in this case the medicine must be administered using a dropper. When carrying out a dropper, the permissible rate of taking the medicine is up to 30 drops per minute. For drip administration, a glucose solution is taken and Oxytocin is added to it. You can also inject the drug intramuscularly. Taking pills is not effective enough.

Oxytocin tablets are not sold in pharmacies. It is available in ampoules of 5 - 10 IU. There are 5 pieces in the package. Analogues of the drug are Oxytocin-Ferein, Oxytocin-Vial, Oxytocin-Richter, and other drugs.

Carrying a baby is a trembling and exciting process, which, unfortunately, does not always end with the birth of a new person.

If a woman decides to terminate her pregnancy, this does not mean that the baby was unwanted. In some cases, a fatal coincidence occurs and the child cannot be saved. Although, if the appearance of a new life in the womb was not planned, termination of pregnancy also takes place. Taking into account the gestational age of the fetus, well-being and general condition woman's health, one or another method can be used to perform an abortion. Is oxytocin used to terminate pregnancy and what role does this drug play in the process of stopping the development and removal of the embryo from the uterine cavity?

Oxytocin - description

Oxytocin is a hormone that is produced by the hypothalamus. Next, it enters the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, and from there into the blood. Besides, this substance can be synthesized chemically and artificially introduced into the human body. In medicine, this hormone has become widespread in obstetric and gynecological practice to stimulate prolonged labor, as well as to reduce postpartum bleeding with myometrial hypotonicity, and during other gynecological operations to eliminate the risk of uterine bleeding. In addition, the contractile activity of the uterus, which occurs under the influence of the hormone, has made it possible to use Oxytocin to terminate pregnancy in the early stages.

Mechanism of action of Oxytocin

The action of synthetic Oxytocin is similar to its “natural” counterpart. It binds to myometrial receptor proteins. In this case, a chain of enzymes is activated, resulting in an increase in the flow of calcium into the cells. As a result, there is an increase in the antispasmodic activity of muscle tissue. In this regard:

  • In the early stages of gestation (no more than 4-5 obstetric weeks) under the influence of Oxytocin, the fertilized egg either fails to gain a foothold in the uterus, or it is rejected and, together with a small volume of blood, is excreted from the body.
  • During termination of pregnancy at a later stage, the effect of the hormone is similar to the work natural analogue in childbirth. The drug causes the cervix to dilate, resulting in the birth of the fetus.
  • Also, in some cases, Oxytocin is prescribed after termination of pregnancy, as well as after the birth of a baby at full term. Such decisions are most often associated with hypotonicity of the uterus, its low contractile activity in order to avoid stagnation, development of inflammatory processes, bleeding.

Methods of administering Oxytocin

The hormone is destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract, so the main methods of its administration are:

  • Intramuscularly. How and where to inject Oxytocin to terminate a pregnancy? For an Oxytocin injection to terminate a pregnancy, the uterus or its cervix is ​​most often selected. Dosage 0.5-1 IU once an hour. The result of the injection occurs within 5 minutes, but has a long-lasting effect (2-3 hours). If we're talking about about injections to improve uterine contractions after pregnancy, they can also be administered into the gluteal muscle.
  • Intravenously. This method of administering the drug is more common, as it causes an immediate response from the uterus. The effect lasts 1-1.5 hours after the drug enters the blood. For the most accurate dosing of the drug, infusion pumps are used that clearly control the number of drops of the hormone per minute. Oxytocin is diluted in saline or 5% glucose solution. The frequency of drug administration is set within 10-30 drops. The administration of the substance begins with minimum quantity, and then - if necessary and a positive response from the uterus - the dose is gradually increased.
  • In some cases, the drug can be administered subcutaneously.

There is also “stabilized” oxytocin, a substance that is resistant to gastrointestinal enzymes. The drug is available in the form of tablets with the commercial name Demoxytocin or Sandopart. Oxytocin in abortion pills must be placed behind the cheek or under the tongue and held until completely dissolved. Regardless of the chosen method, the calculation required quantity Oxytocin is produced individually in each case, based on the body’s response to the administered hormone. If a woman intends to terminate her pregnancy with oxytocin, then No-shpa can be used in combination with the hormone in the sequence antispasmodic - oxytocin.

Termination of pregnancy with Oxytocin - indications and timing of the procedure

Exist various ways cessation of development unplanned pregnancy. How to terminate a pregnancy with oxytocin and what is the overall role of the hormone in this process?

Termination of embryo development with Oxytocin for up to 12 obstetric weeks

It is possible to remove the fetus from a woman’s uterus both surgically and conservatively. The latter refers to the use medications for the purpose of abortion. Distinctive feature this method are deadlines, failure to comply with which leads not only to incomplete abortion, but also complications that threaten a woman’s life. If we are talking about Oxytocin, then the calculation must be made with an accuracy of days, since the maximum period for removing the embryo from the uterine cavity using this drug– 4-5 obstetric weeks. The abortive effect is achieved due to the good sensitivity of the uterus to high doses of the hormone. In addition, the drug is also used in cases of incomplete spontaneous expulsion of the fetus in the early stages of gestation. As a result of uterine spasms, the remaining fragments ovum go outside. When using Oxytocin to terminate pregnancy, the dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor in each individual case. However, the use of this hormone to remove an embryo in medical practice is relatively rare. main reasonhigh risk ruptures and the onset of severe uterine bleeding due to excessively active contractions of the latter. Preference is often given to drugs based on mifepristone.

Late abortion with Oxytocin

Under the wording " late abortion“implies the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus during gestation from 13 to 22 weeks. Another name for this manipulation is artificial childbirth. Termination of pregnancy at such periods is carried out exclusively by medical indications– the woman’s health status or presence serious deviations in child development. The latter include:

  • Severe pathologies internal organs and fetal systems (heart and blood vessels, central nervous system, urinary system).
  • Chromosomal disorders.
  • Death of a child in the womb of a woman.
  • Opening of bleeding, preeclampsia.
  • Any complications of pregnancy that threaten the woman’s life.

Among social factors, “permitting” artificial stimulation birth process earlier due date, is a pregnancy resulting from rape. The administration of oxytocin in the dose required to terminate pregnancy promotes the opening of the uterine cervix and the beginning of the labor process - contractions begin, and then the birth of the fetus occurs. After the baby and placenta are delivered, the doctor performs an inspection and, if necessary, cleaning. Termination of pregnancy with Oxytocin by intramuscular injection is rarely practiced. In most cases, intravenous injections are preferred.

Oxytocin in late pregnancy

In addition to terminating pregnancy, synthetic hormones are often used to stimulate labor during the natural birth of a baby. The action of the drug is aimed at smoothing and toning the uterine muscles, dilating the cervix, if the latter does not occur or its pace is too slow. Administration of the drug can occur in the 2nd and 3rd periods of contractions, as well as immediately before the birth of the baby. In this case, doctors most often resort to drip administration of the hormone.

Oxytocin after pregnancy

Oxytocin's ability to cause uterine contractions in some cases, it is also used after pregnancy - both after its artificial termination, and after the birth of the baby according to the “natural” timing. In the latter case, the drug not only helps the timely restoration of the uterus, but also stimulates the “milk ejection reflex,” which is very important for the normal development of lactation. Use of Oxytocin after medication interruption pregnancy is intended to be prevented possible bleeding, as well as ensure the necessary contractile activity of the uterus, since other natural factors contributing to this process(For example, breast-feeding), are missing.

Possible side effects of Oxytocin as a result of use during pregnancy

With the appearance of new life in a woman’s womb, changes occur in the functioning of the entire pregnant woman’s body. Artificial termination Fetal development is a serious stress for a woman, both psychologically and physically. In addition to possible malfunctions on the part of the body, a negative reaction of the latter to the drug administered to stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus may also be observed. medical drug oxytocin. As a result, in some cases women experienced:

  • Painful increase in heart rate (tachycardia).
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Promotion blood pressure.
  • Allergic reactions up to anaphylactic shock.
  • Spasms in the bronchi.
  • Poor blood circulation in the brain.

Contraindications to termination of pregnancy using medications

A number of conditions and anatomical features of a woman’s body make drug stimulation impossible as a way to remove an embryo from the uterine cavity. These include:

  • Anomalies of the structure of the uterus.
  • The presence of myomatous nodes.
  • The location of the fetus outside the uterine cavity.
  • Incorrect position of the baby in the uterus (transverse, oblique).
  • Placenta previa.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the adrenal cortex.

Even if a woman does not have any of the conditions listed above, it is strictly prohibited to terminate the pregnancy on her own. As a result, serious complications may develop, some of which may pose a threat not only to a woman’s reproductive capabilities, but also to her life:

  • Opening of bleeding.
  • Incomplete removal of the fetus.
  • Development of infectious processes of varying intensity.
  • Long-term complications that lead to the inability to conceive and carry a baby.

Opinions of doctors and patients on the use of Oxytocin during pregnancy

As with any kind of stimulant drugs that disrupt or correct natural processes, and interruption and artificial stimulation childbirth is one of these; the opinions of both doctors and women vary. According to reviews, the use of oxytocin for abortion justifies its low cost, as well as its easy availability (it can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription). In addition, the body of many women really responds well to such stimulation, and the effect of using the drug is completely justified. On the other hand, when labor is activated in this way, incomplete expulsion of the fetus may occur. As a result, fragments remain in the uterus membranes or the child does not completely leave the mother’s womb. Such situations require additional surgical intervention.

Be healthy and may your upcoming pregnancy bring only positive emotions!

Latin name: Oxytocin
ATX code:Н01ВВ02
Active substance: Oxytocin
Manufacturer: Microgen, Russia
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: On prescription

The drug Oxytocin is synthetic hormonal agent, which is used to increase the tone of the uterus and activate the contractile function of the myometrium, which, in turn, stimulates labor.

Indications for use

Oxytocin is injected for the purpose of:

  • Stimulation of labor in the first and second stages of labor when contractions are not strong enough
  • Labor induction during delay intrauterine development in a child with severe gestosis, premature rupture membranes and rupture of amniotic fluid, fetal fading, very post-term pregnancy (more than 42 weeks), Rh conflict
  • Prevention, as well as treatment of bleeding that occurs after childbirth, cesarean section, and also after abortion
  • Carrying out additional therapeutic therapy with a failed abortion or after an incomplete miscarriage.


A 1 ml ampoule contains the active component – ​​oxytocin, along with a number of additional substances:

  • Acetic acid
  • Ethanol
  • Chlorobutanol hemihydrate
  • Purified water.

Medicinal properties

The INN (international nonproprietary name) of the drug is the same as the name of the hormone that is produced in human body and promotes normal course childbirth, stimulates uterine contractions during the postpartum period. In Latin, the name of the medicine sounds exactly the same as in Russian.

If we consider the pharmacological groups of drugs, then oxytocin belongs to the hormones of the hypothalamus (pharmaceutical group of gonadotropins, antagonists and uterotonics).

A hormone of protein nature, the mechanism of action is based on stimulating contraction of the muscular structure of the uterus in last trimester pregnancy until the onset of childbirth. It corrects behavioral reactions that are directly related to pregnancy and childbirth.

Today, oxytocin is produced synthetically; the hormone analogue does not contain any impurities, so its effect on the myometrium is selective. Since the synthetic hormone is free of beks, it is indicated for intravenous use and does not have an anaphylactic effect. The action of oxytocin is associated with special mechanisms of influence on myometrial tissue, due to which the permeability of cell membranes for K ions increases, along with this their excitability increases. Both the frequency of uterine contractions and their duration increase significantly.

The pharmacological group of the drug explains its effect on secretion breast milk. Under the influence of the hormone, the production of prolactin significantly increases, and the contraction of cells located in the mammary glands increases. The drug has a weak antidiuretic effect. However, it does not affect blood pressure.


After injection into a vein, the medicine begins to act instantly, the effect of use gradually decreases over 60 minutes. When injected into a muscle therapeutic effect can be assessed after 3-5 minutes, it persists for 0.5-3 hours. It is worth noting that the effect of the drug on the body is individual, this is explained by the density of the so-called oxytocin receptors of muscle cells located in the uterus.

Quite quickly, the solution enters the general circulation due to absorption through the mucous membranes of the nasal passages. The connection with albumin is at the level of 30%. The half-life is about 1-6 minutes, it is reduced by later pregnancy and lactation. Metabolic processes occur in the cells of the liver and kidneys. Metabolites are excreted by the renal system.

Release form

Price from 23 to 76 rubles.

The injection solution is transparent and completely colorless without any inclusions or impurities, available in 1 ml ampoules. In a cardboard box, the ampoules are placed in a cell package (5 pcs.) along with instructions.

Oxytocin: instructions for use

The use of oxytocin (injections) to induce insufficient labor in the 3rd trimester is possible only as prescribed by a doctor. Oxytocin is administered intramuscularly using a dose of 0.5-2 IU. Each injection of the drug is administered at intervals of 30-60 minutes. If drip administration of a hormonal drug is required, in this case 1 ml of solution should be diluted with 500 ml of a 5% glucose solution. Before use it is necessary to exclude increased sensitivity to synthetic oxytocin. On the first day, the hormone is administered at a low rate - 5-8 drops. in one minute, depending on the observed effect, the speed can be increased to 40 drops. in a minute.

To prevent uterine bleeding in the postpartum period, during the first day, 5-8 IU of oxytocin is prescribed, it is injected into the muscle three times a day in a course of 3 days. If there are no side effects, the administration of the drug on day 3 should be final. It is worth checking with your doctor exactly how many injections are needed in a particular case. During a caesarean section, injections are placed inside the uterine wall, the dosage is 3-5 IU, the procedure is carried out immediately after the baby is removed.

In parallel, they can be appointed hormonal creams and ointments. How to use hormonal ointment, you need to check with your doctor.

Oxytocin for abortion

If you use Oxytocin during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, cramping pain begins, resulting in a miscarriage. It is worth noting that medical termination of pregnancy must take place under strict medical supervision. The decision about whether oxytocin therapy can be started is made taking into account the patient’s medical history; it is impossible to accurately predict how quickly the drug acts to terminate pregnancy in the early stages.

It is possible to use oxytocin from 14 weeks. for the purpose of carrying out induced abortions, termination at such periods is carried out for medical reasons (fading of the fetus, severe malformations in the fetus). The drug is used by injecting a solution into the cervix after taking a Mifepristone or Misoprostol tablet, if the medical abortion was accompanied by complications (incomplete removal of the fertilized egg) or in case of an incomplete spontaneous miscarriage. Often, infusion is administered into a vein. But even the use of a standard dosage of the drug is fraught with uterine hypertonicity. If injections were given, following the instructions for the drug, hypertensive contraction of the uterus is possible due to the development of excessive susceptibility to oxytocin.

The dosage of the drug is selected by the doctor; the amount of oxytocin administered affects the intensity of uterine contractions, as well as their duration. During an abortion, it is important to control the woman’s condition; in the abortion procedure, it is worth taking into account the negative consequences for female body, high risk of occurrence hormonal imbalance. The decision to terminate a pregnancy or not must be balanced, because the woman’s health depends on it.

Oxytocin after medical abortion promotes better contraction of the uterus and rapid restoration of its size (as described in the instructions for use). After medical termination of pregnancy and the use of oxytocin, you should start taking antibiotics to prevent the development of infection in the uterus. Even if there are no signs of infection after an abortion, it is still worthwhile to carry out antibacterial therapy; the dosage is calculated individually.


  • Increased uterine tone that did not develop during delivery
  • The presence of serious contraindications for natural childbirth
  • Emergency cases that require immediate surgical intervention
  • Development of arterial hypertension
  • Severe form of gestosis
  • Facial presentation or when squeezing the baby
  • Strong stretching of the uterine walls
  • Serious ailments of the cardiovascular system
  • Impaired functioning of the renal system.

There are no other contraindications for use.

Precautionary measures

Terminating a pregnancy at home is strictly prohibited. If a woman injects the drug on her own, she should seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. antenatal clinic, home use hormonal drugs for several days can lead to irreparable consequences. At home interruption During pregnancy, taking pills and giving injections even with slight uterine bleeding is fraught with complications, including death.

Before having an abortion, you should consult your doctor and find out about possible consequences for your own health.

Patients suffering from disorders of the cardiovascular system, medicine should be used with caution.

At uterine bleeding problems that arise after the injection, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Cross-drug interactions

When using Oxystocin solution and drugs used for inhalation anesthesia, the therapeutic effect of the synthetic hormone may decrease and the risk of arterial hypotension may increase.

When used with a hormonal drug, prostaglandins, drotaverine hydrochloride and other antispasmodics, suppression of the effect of oxytocin is observed.

Side effects

Before injecting oxytocin, you should familiarize yourself with what reactions the drug can provoke:

  • Severe nausea and vomiting
  • Manifestations of allergies
  • Sharp jump in blood pressure
  • Urinary retention
  • Decrease in fibrinogen in a baby
  • Development of arrhythmia or bradycardia
  • Excessive stimulation of labor, which leads to placental abruption, which increases the likelihood of uterine rupture
  • The occurrence of neonatal jaundice
  • Discovery of subarachnoid hemorrhage.


In case of overdose, excessive contraction of the uterus is observed, which leads to bleeding and uterine rupture.

If signs of hyperstimulation on oxytocin are observed, it is worth stopping its administration, reducing fluid intake, and ensuring the intake of diuretics and hypertonic solutions. There is no other treatment for overdose.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Ampoules with the solution should be stored at a temperature of 4-15 C for 2 years.


Grindeks, Latvia

Price from 650 to 802 rub.

Oxytocin tablets are used for the same purposes as the solution. The use of the drug is recommended to stimulate the contractile function of the uterus and during early postpartum period to stimulate lactation. The tablet contains a powder that is difficult to dissolve in liquid and is resistant to the action of enzymes that destroy oxytocin.


  • Convenient dosage regimen
  • Quick effect of use
  • There is no need to store tablets at low temperatures.


  • High price
  • Requires a prescription to purchase
  • Contraindicated if there is a risk of uterine rupture.

If it is necessary for the uterus to increase its contractions, doctors use medications that promote this activity. One of the most common drugs that have similar actions is Oxytocin. This drug is a hormonal drug, which is an analogue of human hormones. Oxytocin is used to terminate early pregnancy.

This medicine helps activate the muscles of the uterus and causes its active contraction.

In addition to this effect, Oxytocin is prescribed for the rehabilitation of the uterus after a micro-abortion, to normalize menstruation or with large blood loss during the menstrual cycle.
A hundred years ago, doctors used natural Oxytocin taken from animals; today only an artificial hormone is used.
Oxytocin is actively used in many aspects of gynecology.

The human body has a hormone with the same name as this drug, which is responsible for reproductive functions women. Thanks to blood circulation, oxytocin is delivered directly to the necessary organs - the uterus and mammary mammary glands, stimulating them and causing them to contract. While at the target, this drug promotes increased production of sex hormones responsible for the functioning of the mammary glands and reproductive function.

Despite all of the above properties of Oxytocin, doctors have found that this hormone is found not only in women, but also in men’s bodies.

Why is it needed? stronger sex, if they experience all the “delights” of pregnancy, they won’t be in danger?
How does this hormone work?
As it turned out, Oxytocin has an active effect on the psychological as well as emotional area human feelings. This hormone is also nicknamed the “hormone of joy” and many doctors believe that it is very actively released during a relaxing massage;

After childbirth, the maximum amount of this hormone accumulates in the body of a young mother, which contributes to her pacification, as well as an outbreak of maternal feelings;
The results of numerous studies have shown that the birth of a child in most cases occurs at night, which is directly related to the hormone oxytocin. This happens because the amount of this hormone, unlike other sex hormones, remains unchanged throughout the entire menstrual cycle, throughout the entire duration of pregnancy, and increases only at the very end of the period, and precisely at night. Due to this, most babies are born at this time of day.
In connection with the above, we conclude that the hormone Oxytocin plays important role in human life.

Indications for the use of oxytocin

This drug is available in tablet form and also in liquid form. It is prescribed extremely rarely in tablets, since when it enters the stomach, its juice “eats” all of it active ingredients. In most cases, to terminate pregnancy, oxytocin is prescribed intravenously or intramuscularly.
After the birth of a child, a young mother is also prescribed this medicine, as it helps reduce rehabilitation period uterus.

Indications for the use of oxytocin:

If after childbirth the place has not completely come out, then Oxytocin is prescribed after curettage. Also, this drug cannot be replaced in case of severe bleeding of the uterus and subsequent abortion. After childbirth, oxytocin is prescribed to enhance contractions of the uterine muscles and to avoid large blood loss. After a caesarean section, this drug is injected into the uterus itself for the same purposes.

During childbirth, Oxytocin is used to strong contraction uterus, which helps speed up the process. During the hit of this medicine A small dose reaches the woman’s body and reaches the child, which will cause him absolutely no harm; at the same time, it will cause strong activity of the uterus, which will last for a long time.

Most often, the drug is prescribed to speed up the process of childbirth, when delay can cost the life of mother and child.
Doctors note some other situations in which Oxytocin is needed:
To prevent spontaneous miscarriage;
In case of bleeding from the uterus;
After scraping;
Presence of protein in tests expectant mother;
With a sudden surge in pressure;
The drug is not replaceable for all of the above diagnoses, since it poses a threat to the life of a pregnant woman and her child.

The amount and frequency of use of the drug can only be prescribed by a doctor, after tests and a thorough examination of the pregnant woman.

Is oxytocin used to terminate pregnancy?

If there is a need to terminate pregnancy at the very beginning, gynecologists do not recommend using Oxytocin. They are inclined to believe that it is better to use Mifeproston or Mizoprostol.
Oxytocin is recommended after the fourteenth week of pregnancy, when it is possible to induce premature birth with its help.

However, in no case should you make such decisions on your own; such a drug should be prescribed only as prescribed by a doctor. This may be due to the fact that the fetus has various defects, or the pregnancy has stopped developing.

Before using Oxytocin for spontaneous miscarriage, medications must first be administered to prepare the cervix for opening. These drugs are selected by a doctor for each individual case.
Under no circumstances should you use this drug on yourself, as it can cause irreversible consequences and prevent you from having children at all in the future.

Contraindications to the use of oxytocin

The use of Oxytocin is possible only after examination by a gynecologist. In the event that it is necessary to induce labor, the use of this drug is carried out only in medical institution under the strict supervision of doctors.

There are a number of diagnoses for which the use of oxytocin is contraindicated:
In the case when, after curettage, the woman’s blood pressure rapidly increased, as well as fainting and dizziness;
Heavy bleeding with a threat premature birth;
Oxytocin should never be used if the woman has been given other hormonal medications within five hours;
If there is a suspicion that a caesarean section will be necessary due to the baby being too large;
If the child is not lying correctly;
In the event that the previous birth has ended caesarean section;
Oxytocin is prescribed with extreme caution when multiple pregnancy, due to the fact that strong uterine contractions can harm children.

These contraindications should not be ignored, as they can cause irreparable harm the woman herself and the unborn baby.

Side effects of Oxytocin

Like any other drug other than positive properties, he has and close side effects:
Nausea, strong urge to vomit;
Manifestation of allergies;
Rapid or too slow heartbeat;
Increase in blood pressure;
Stopping the urge to urinate;

Too amplified labor activity which promotes placental abruption and can cause damage to the uterus;
Poor blood circulation in the brain;
Jaundice in a newborn baby.
These side effects are not uncommon, since Oxytocin is a strong hormonal drugs and has quite a significant effect on the body.