Life after childbirth: how not to go crazy with monotonous household chores? Postpartum depression: risk factors, symptoms and ways out

Well, part two, actually.

they transferred me to the observation, there we have two wings, in one there are girls who have problems with children, in the other gypsies and all sorts of rabble. we lay - in a chic "room" triple, bath-toilet. long corridor and doors to the wards. no chair or anything. I was lying with a girl from intensive care, also a cop, she was tortured for 12 hours in childbirth, a narrow pelvis, the child was without water. eventually cut. the second - she gave birth to herself, the second girl, 37 weeks, it seems, and I, my baby was in intensive care. The cesarean (Dasha) and I could hardly move, Masha, who herself gave birth in the evening, was galloping like a goat. Oh girls… it was such a hell in the maternity hospital… I was allowed to go to the child once a day for an hour, and stand near the incubator. before that, I carefully washed everything available, hands, nails, a cap on my head. the doctors were on duty there every other day, in charge of childhood (she saved me simply with her encouraging speeches!!! she spoke objectively and to the point) and a boy, Evgeny Yuryevich. he proved to us that our children are underdeveloped, all sick and their condition is stably serious. I got used to it, and let it pass by my ears. one mother reacted to him with a swoon. The kids were kept in intensive care for 7-8 days, a turning point, if they survive, they will live. very scary expectation. I was getting ready to go to the emergency room in the morning. and then pray all evening

all 7 days of lying there, I cleared my chest every three hours, including at night. As a result, the baby did not take the breast and I fed the expressed breast for six months.

almost every hour of lying there in the corridor there was a roar - a cart was driving. there were three of them - with food, with injections (hellish cart) and with kids - for feeding. then we even compared it with the girls with a reality show - a psychiatric hospital. you lie and rumble and like pavlov's dogs - you think what it is going. and still fear and suddenly injections. cesarean did 5 pieces in the ass and one in the stomach. the suture was never processed during the hospital stay.

this hell lasted for a week. and the uncertainty of what will happen to my child. we could have been put together in the department - there are very few places there, or it is more likely that he will be sent alone to nurse, and me home. my mother raised all the ties so that they would put us together, oh girls, how do nurses treat babies ... I will write about this tomorrow, how we were in the police station. the unknown killed. the walls were crushing. I cried every evening. Dasha's neighbor had jaundice, and they wanted to transfer her to another hospital for a week. Dasha threw tantrums that she did not want to lie down, that she would take her daughter on receipt, she was so unhappy and why did she have a sick child. girls, I could not stand it - I scolded her so that she then was silent for a day. with mom. she said a lot, how to stop her whining that mine is in intensive care and that she should thank God that she is doing well. In general, I told her a lot. (as I later found out, she still took the child on receipt, she didn’t hear anything else about her)

By the end of the week, the wards were urgently needed and we were allowed to go home. it was scary for me to leave my baby there. They told me to remove the stitches and come back the next day. and HAPPINESS!!! we are with the baby together on Monday they put together for nursing! I was very happy. girls how I took care of myself! until she fed, she ate throat lozenges so that, God forbid, she would not get sick. such were immediately exhibited and the children were under the supervision of nurses.

with what a roar I left home ... through the lobby where women in labor were met. I was so hysterical… my husband and sister calmed me down, saying that in two months they would arrange a grand discharge for us.

The next day I came to remove the stitches. By the way, I myself re-pasted the bandage, and in principle it was already quite divergent, although everything still hurt terribly. I was taken to the examination room, the threads were torn off and they began to EXTRACT the seam. liquid accumulated there and they began to give it. THIS WAS AN INEXPRESSIBLE F…C!!! my wound was sealed, and I went crooked to my son in intensive care. stroked him, said that the day after tomorrow I would return and we would be together completely. how he cried, apparently felt, the girls took me out, like don’t ruffle his nerves. and with a heavy heart I went home.

Probably chaotically written, but as it is. I'll write about opn tomorrow. I write not so much for someone and pity, more for myself, for memory.

Here you are at home. Your baby is next to you in his bed. This is undoubtedly a great happiness, but often it is overshadowed by everyday problems. The birth of a child is always associated with a change in the usual home life. A young mother now has many more problems and responsibilities. How not to go crazy from this cycle of affairs? How to be a calm and loving mother? It's difficult, but possible.

postpartum depression

The psychological state of a young mother often causes concern among loved ones. In the morning, you just don’t want to raise your head from the pillow, there is an aversion to everything around. There is no mention of self-care at all. What happened to this strong woman who was just seething with vitality?

The process of childbirth never passes without a trace for the female body. Following him is always the strongest hormonal restructuring of the body. Therefore, it is not surprising that a young mother develops postpartum depression. Oddly enough, this is completely normal.

No need to start going crazy over the little things. Let go of all your fears. You will definitely cope, otherwise it cannot be. Don't think of yourself as a bad mother. This will negatively affect your perception of all the upcoming changes. And do not turn into a scruffy housewife in a shabby dressing gown. Getting out of depression is easy, the main thing is to want. Read how to do it

New goals in life

Who came up with the idea to call the decree a vacation? It's far from a vacation. The most difficult round-the-clock work, in which, besides, you have to carry the “boss” 🙂 in your arms. Yes Yes exactly!

Now your whole life is subject only to this tiny creature, which you call a son or a daughter. All day only according to the schedule of the baby. Sleep, rest, feeding, cleaning, cooking - only when the baby asks or allows. Yes, things were different before. Now new circumstances, new conditions of life. And you have to get used to them.

Clearly define for yourself the purpose of your new life. Do you want to be perfect? There are no ideal people. The ideal mother is not the one who manages everything. EVERYTHING is simply impossible! It is important to learn to respect yourself for who you are.

Accept new circumstances as a given, stop feeling like a hostage to them.

Calm and sleep

The most important rule is to learn to relax. This does not mean that you need to immerse yourself in dirt, unwashed things and unwashed dishes. When you get up in the morning, don't imagine the whole to-do list at once, don't start frantically grasping at everything at once and go crazy. Everything is fixable, doable and requires your composure, and not panic and sagging. Control yourself. Once you master this rule, everything will start to turn out faster and easier.

Now about sleep periods. Many new mothers try to do as much household chores as possible while the baby is sleeping. This is fundamentally wrong, especially with regard to daytime sleep. Everything is quite the opposite. Train yourself to sleep for an hour or two during the day when the baby sleeps. After all, a mother with a lack of sleep does not just become mean to her family. It is generally dangerous to society. By the way, you can load the washing machine for this period of time and you will not have another unfinished task.


No need to get hung up on laundry, cleaning or cooking. Do the essentials, everything else later.

While the baby is distracted by toys, you can “clean up” the mess on the table, for example. You don't have to clean the whole room today. Also, during this period, you can have time to hang out the laundry that the machine washed during your joint sleep. Or remove and lay out already dried. By the way, it is advisable to iron it in the evening, when the child goes to bed for the night. Just do not try to iron everything "in one go." If the child does not have allergies, then the same diapers can be stroked on one side. Allocate half an hour to an hour for ironing, no more.

It is also desirable to cook in the evening, but also not before midnight. Set aside an hour of time for evening standing at the stove. In an hour, you can easily prepare the main dishes of the next day. So you will have extra time tomorrow.


How to improve life after the birth of a child

- It's boring to sit at home with a small child: what to do

- Where to find time for mom: 6 tips that work

- 4 reasons why we are not told about the difficulties of motherhood -

With this approach to household chores, you will kill several birds with one stone:

  • you will do everything, but little by little;
  • the baby will not be capricious that the mother cleans or cooks for half a day and does not pay any attention to him at all;
  • you will not be annoyed by the constant whims of the baby, arising from the second paragraph;
  • by the evening you will not feel like a driven horse.

And most importantly - you keep a calm atmosphere in the family. Things will still be done, almost imperceptibly. Plus, you can make time for walks.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Video: 10 rules on how to do everything with a small child

The most important is near

Do not complicate your life by endless throwing around the apartment. Make sure everything is in the place where you use it. Your baby's clothes should be where you normally change them. Or at least stacked on adjacent shelves of the same cabinet.

The same can be said about hygiene products, and bathing accessories and everything else too.


Be sure to make time for your hobbies. Do you think it's difficult? Not at all.

Are you into knitting or photography? Then you have a great opportunity to combine them with walks. While the baby is admiring the twigs and leaves, you can find a couple of beautiful landscapes or knit a few rows of a new blouse. The same is true for drawing. Do you want to sew? Give your child a few shreds, and for some time he will be busy not with you.

What would you like? What can you do? Almost any hobby can be combined with daily activities and worries.

Attention to yourself and help from outside

Never forget about yourself! Dissolving in worries about the family, you sometimes need to remember what cosmetics, nail polish and hair dye are.

Do you think your household needs a servant in a greasy dressing gown and an unkempt mop on his head? Not at all. They want to see a blooming, happy mother. And also beautiful. So love yourself and do not forget about the elementary care that any of the women needs.

To allocate time “for yourself”, it is advisable to involve dad. Agree that evening walks with the child will be his responsibility. Just do not try to waste your free time on washing and cooking.

Now you understand how not to go crazy on maternity leave? To do this, you need to alleviate domestic difficulties as much as possible. Fortunately, washing machines, blenders, microwave ovens, kengurushki and have long entered our lives. Actively use all available grandparents, and don't forget about dad. Let it help too.

The older the child, the less worries his mother has. And not because he is independent. It's just that over time, any young mother gets used to following our simple recommendations and makes her life much easier and happier.

Video: What to do on maternity leave

If you started reading my review, then most likely you are either waiting for your miracle, or you are already enjoying the role of a mother and just want to compare your feelings with others. One way or another, my story is not out of the ordinary, but I will try to tell it as truthfully as possible And I hope that my experience will help someone in the future.


I got pregnant in August 2017. At that time, my husband and I were not scheduled and were in a relationship for only 10 months. There was no question of giving birth or not at all. We were sincerely happy with two stripes. made itself felt. A month before I took the test, I had a small operation to remove the polyp of the cervical canal. After being discharged from the hospital, it was impossible to live sexually for about 3 weeks, but as you understand, my husband and I could not stand it ))) The gynecologist, when registering, scolded me a little. Since the uterus had just experienced curettage, and then immediately pregnancy, it scared miscarriage. I have never been in the hospital.

At the time of the beginning of pregnancy, I did not work, I only sometimes went to work as a cook in a restaurant. A large number of banquets fell just at the time of toxicosis from 8-13 weeks. It was hell. I was sick of all the smells. connected with cooking and I, purely physically, sometimes could not overcome myself, since my colleagues entered into my position and often gave me time to rest and go out for a breath of fresh air).

At 20 weeks, we were supposed to have a boy on ultrasound, although no, I would even say, they confidently announced a son) Honestly, we wanted a girl, but now looking at a peacefully sleeping son, I can’t even imagine how I would live without him now.

I have had heart problems since childhood. I don’t like going to doctors and try to appear in hospitals as little as possible. But throughout my pregnancy, cardiologists shook me terribly. Until the last, there was a question about the method of delivery. then make a decision. At a period of 38 weeks, I was given a referral for planned hospitalization in the pathology department. I didn’t want to go to bed scared and after waiting another week, I went to give up) After the control ultrasound of the heart, I was allowed to give birth myself.

Honestly, I was afraid of childbirth. And no matter what kind. end. I read various philosophical crap) Now I understand that all this is not important. God himself will judge the best. Caesarean does not mean easy, it's how lucky.


It was the 11th day of my stay in pathology, and my son was in no hurry to go into the world. The cervix is ​​ripe, but labor activity has not yet begun. The doctor said that this was due to the fact that I was not psychologically ready. My fear of childbirth, pain, blocked all processes in the body. I was given a sedative at night. Zero sense. And for a period of 41 weeks, with a light suggestion by the head of the department (or rather, with her manual opening of the cervix, after which my eyes were rolling out, like a Pikinese, from pain), the process began. Starting from 2 pm to 9 pm on April 19, I walked around the department , howling like a shot dog. The doctor on duty came, examined me and said to raise me to the birth, after the cleansing procedures. By the way, I arrived at the maternity hospital prepared, in terms of depilation, but because my stay there was 11 days before the birth and on the fifth day, at the very moment when my “cellmate” and I were washing in the shower and decided to depict snowmen by lathering with foam from head to toe, what do you think? - Naturally, according to the law, the genre was turned off hot water . About how we ran about the department in the same towels and foam, to the friendly laughter of women in labor and nurses in search of warm water, deserves a separate story.

At 21.30 they pierced my bladder, put me under CTG and told me to wait for contractions. By the way, they didn’t take long to wait. My husband was supposed to be present at the birth. We agreed on this in advance, but at the last moment they didn’t want to let him in due to quarantine. After much persuasion the fortress in the form of a doctor giving birth to me gave up and my husband in full uniform came up to me.

The contractions went with a minimum interval. Either my pain threshold is low, or just out of fear, but I screamed, God forbid. When the doctor suggested epidural anesthesia, I was ready to kiss her. But unfortunately, after talking with the anesthetist, I was denied because in the past there were injuries of the vertebrae. They offered me the maximum but a shpu. I didn’t think that I could take it. In between contractions, I passed out, the doctor thrust, as it seemed to me, her elbow into me and kneaded the dough into pies. Several times I they squatted down and forced to push. I vaguely remember everything that happened, but I remember exactly how the doctors gave birth to my hemorrhoids, which got out after 7 months of pregnancy. My husband was there all this time, not knowing how to help me. they said that at the very moment of birth he would stand outside the door, but it wasn’t there ...... When the disclosure was complete and the baby’s head went, I was transplanted into a chair. I didn’t have the strength to get up myself, fix my legs and breathe properly .I screamed stupidly. I couldn’t do something with myself. My body simply didn’t obey me. I read a lot about breathing techniques, but I couldn’t overpower myself. they screamed at me to shut up, that I was disturbing them, that I was frightening other women in labor with my cries. I was afraid of ruptures and episiotomies throughout my pregnancy, but at that moment I begged me to be cut. The head turned out to be large and stuck in the passage. I myself could not pull it out. Doctor called the poor husband from the corridor, hoping that in his presence I would not yell, but gather my strength. A dead number) As a result, they made an incision on me and the doctor and the midwife put pressure on my stomach together. A minute later, our son was born. At 2 hours 45 minutes .

They put him on my stomach, but I couldn’t even raise my head to look at him. The last thing I remember is the crazy face of my husband after the midwife told him to twist my nipples) After everything he saw, he could not understand what they wanted from him and thought I woke up on a chair, from the wild cold. Somewhere nearby my son was screaming. I couldn’t understand what was happening, where is the husband? where are the doctors? for vaccinations. I still wonder why this can’t be done earlier, before the birth? The midwife came, said that everything was fine, the son was healthy (3660 gr., 53 cm. 7/8 Apgar points), the husband was given to hold him for 5 minutes and kicked out home. While I was unconscious, they pulled out the placenta, put 5 external sutures.

Before giving birth, I read a lot about episiotomy. I was terribly afraid. It was certainly unpleasant, but three months after giving birth, the seam stopped bothering me. When the incision was made, I didn’t even feel it.

After childbirth

As it turned out later, it was not so much childbirth that was to be feared, but the postpartum period. For me, it turned out to be more difficult.

They brought me to the ward at 5.30. I myself asked the doctors not to bring my son in yet, but let me sleep for a couple of hours. Now, of course, I regret this, because. during this time, they managed to feed him with a mixture, but I categorically did not want this, the plans were to breastfeed. But here, of course, the doctors are not to blame. It's better to mix than the child was starving this time.

I had a double ward and a girl was lying with me who gave birth an hour later than me. Even at the first meeting, she asked if I was the madam who was yelling at the whole district) The conditions were, let’s say, not very good. to wash the child, we had to bring water in a glass from the dining room and collect the right amount. It was painful to walk. It was impossible to sit for 1.5 months. We had a joint stay in the ward with the baby and sometimes we didn’t even have time to feel sorry for our beloved) When the baby cries, you jump out of bed forgetting about the pain.

We were discharged on the 4th day. The first month at home was trashy. Problems with going to the toilet due to huge hemorrhoids brought terrible discomfort. Sometimes I thought it would be easier to give birth again. I smeared Levomekol with ointment. Pah-pah, everything worked out. Problems with breastfeeding and a long way to normal lactation. The fight against postpartum depression, which covered me unexpectedly. next time, and I hope that it will be, I will prepare in advance.

A few tips:

1. During pregnancy, read more information and tips about the first days of a baby’s life. About breastfeeding (if you plan), about how to properly hold, wash. I would devote a little or to myself in the end. And I would spend less nerves by collecting all the necessary information about GW in advance.

2. Do not be afraid to give birth with your husband. Many people scare you with tales that men can not bear this sight psychologically and then problems with sexual life are possible. If you have a trusting relationship with your husband, go together. at least in the birth you will not be alone (Because as a rule you endure contractions alone and doctors come in occasionally), he can give water, massage your lower back during contractions (it becomes a little easier), anoint your lips with hygienic lipstick (I have very strong dry lips).

To be honest, partner childbirth affected my husband only in a positive way. To some extent, I’m glad that he saw how women get babies for us. There was a lot of care and support on his part later. works like a clock)

3. If before or during pregnancy you were “lucky” to get acquainted with such a muck as hemorrhoids, then treat it in advance. I missed this moment. It’s very, very sorry. before your eyes. Be sure to tell your gynecologist about the problem. Go to the proctologist. Get a course of treatment. For prevention, use sea buckthorn suppositories (it helps me a lot). This is very important. Do not repeat my mistakes.

4. Do not be afraid to give birth. YES IT HURTS. INCREDIBLY HURTS. But now, looking at my son, I am ready to endure this more than once. Believe those emotions, those feelings that motherhood will give you are worth it. Do not think about the bad. for good. When you start giving birth, just think that everything will eventually end in a few hours, but then you will enjoy motherhood all your life)

5. Stock up on cosmetics, your favorite creams, beautiful home clothes, download your favorite films in advance. The first months you will be at home and not in your best shape. a free minute you don’t have to run headlong to cook borscht, wash diapers, wash dishes. It’s better to drink tea and cake, take a shower, put a good cream on your face, watch a comedy and sleep stupidly. The child needs you first of all. Fresh and rested. it doesn’t matter what diaper to lie on. He doesn’t care if it’s clean around. The main thing is that mom is calm and happy nearby. Also, when your husband comes home from work, he will first of all notice your bruises under his eyes and your nervousness, and not a mountain of dishes.

A girl-child is such a happiness that all obstacles can be overcome on the way to it. I am for natural childbirth, although not so. I am for any childbirth. The main thing is that every woman on this earth experiences this incomparable joy when she first hears a word from her child MOTHER!!!

In order for life with a baby not to turn into a round-the-clock cycle of household chores and duties, it is not at all necessary to be a “supermother” and “superhostess”. All kinds of superheroes are found only in Hollywood films. And you and I are ordinary people who tend to get tired, do not have time for something, and even sometimes reproach themselves for imaginary insolvency. And you just need to take life a little easier, not create non-existent problems for yourself from scratch, not get upset over trifles, try not to deny yourself rest and small pleasures.

Right now it is very important to correctly prioritize. No need to try. It is better to have time for the main thing.

And the main thing now is not the impeccable order in the apartment, not the refrigerator filled with culinary masterpieces, but the little man and yourself. Cleaning will wait, laundry, ironing will not go anywhere, unwashed windows will be tolerated. But your health, well-being and mood - no!

Therefore, it is very important to learn how to find time for your own needs and requirements. In order not to lose myself in the new role of mother. So that the day does not consist only of cases and troubles. To feel the fullness of life and enjoy your new role. A rested, in a good mood mom is the best thing a baby can have. Where can you find this much-needed time for yourself? Let's search together!

We combine household chores with small pleasures for ourselves

Well, while we do not have enough time to use it undividedly, we will look for an opportunity to find minutes for ourselves among a series of everyday worries.

Take, for example, breastfeeding a baby. In the first weeks, this process takes enough. And the most important thing that you can do while feeding is to rest. If you find a comfortable position for yourself in the supine position, the minutes of feeding will be one of the most enjoyable for you during the day. Try to relax as much as possible so that every cell of your body rests. You can even take a nap. It would be nice to learn some simple meditation technique. Something like “I am completely relaxed, my legs feel warm…” And no need to laugh! There are many simple exercises that allow you to restore strength in a very short period of time. Now it won't bother you at all!

If feeding lying down is inconvenient for you, pick up a comfortable chair, a small stool under your foot, perhaps a pillow under your lower back. In a word, create conditions for yourself so that you can sit comfortably and relaxed.

While feeding the baby, you can talk with a friend on the phone, listen to your favorite music and even watch TV (but not news and other “aggressive” programs). At the same time, in order not to disturb the baby, make the sound quiet or put on headphones.

There is another good idea: get a foot massage bath! Then, simultaneously with feeding the baby, it will be possible to massage the legs. This pleasant procedure relieves tired feet, as well as relaxes and soothes in general.

While you are in the bathroom, bathing the baby, you can apply a cosmetic mask to your face. Or do some exercises that prevent the formation of wrinkles and a second chin. Are you giving your baby a massage? Before doing this, generously apply a moisturizer to your hands. Massaging the back, arms and knives of the crumbs, you will simultaneously massage your own hands, rubbing the cream into them.

Looking after the baby, you can do a manicure and pedicure in parallel, or perform several gymnastic exercises. Do not think that 5-10 minutes of gymnastics will not bring results. If you choose 3-4 of the most effective exercises and do them every day (or maybe a couple of times a day), the result will not be long in coming! The main thing is regularity. This is a great way out for those mothers who do not yet have enough time for more serious sports. But there are still exercises that you can do with your baby! For example, when you are carrying a baby in your arms, periodically do squats. Not necessarily a lot, at least a few times. Or turn the body left and right. It's good for the waist. Do you like this game: you lie on your back with your legs bent at the knees, and the baby is half-sitting comfortably on your stomach? Tighten your abdominal muscles and begin to lift your pelvis up, tearing your buttocks off the floor (it is better to perform the exercise on the floor, not on the bed). It turns out two in one: fun fun for the baby and a useful exercise for mom.

Housework can wait...

“The child is sleeping, and ... mom is free! Do you want to wash, do you want to clean, do you want to steam at the stove! Rest… I don’t want to!” A similar phrase can often be found in the Internet statuses of young mothers. And yet, we need to try during the baby’s sleep to devote time not to washing, ironing, cleaning and cooking, but to our beloved. Household chores will not run away, and you have one health. Of course, if you have some very important and urgent business, you can do it. But don't turn it into a system.

Try to relax with your baby. Especially if you have constant lack of sleep and accumulated fatigue. If you want to go to sleep, go to bed. Do not sleep - just relax, doing something pleasant. Watch a movie, read a book, do needlework, sit at the computer, take a bath with fragrant oils, just calmly drink tea.

If you have enough vigor and energy, take some time to do gymnastics. This will definitely never go out of style! While the baby is sleeping, nothing will interfere with sports. Now there are many sets of exercises in a variety of techniques in video tutorials. Choose what you like: yoga, Pilates, callanetics, fitness or something else. Or maybe you will try to master some kind of dance style with the help of video lessons? Dancing is not only a good physical activity, but also a great way to cheer up!

If you have two hours of free time, don't forget to take care of yourself. During this time, you can have time to visit a hairdresser or get a manicure. But there are still a lot of other procedures: cosmetic wraps, massages, masks.

Walking is almost fitness

Sometimes young mothers perceive absenteeism with a baby as a boring “obligation”. And they even put the child to sleep on the balcony in order to have time to do something useful at home during his “walk” ... Of course, from time to time you can do this. But getting out into the fresh air is a must! After all, you yourself need walks no less than the baby.

Like it or not, a walk is a change of scenery. On the street you will get much more different experiences than at home. It's important to you right now!

It is absolutely not necessary to spend all the time in the yard near the house. Make a new route for yourself every time and walk more. Just imagine the health benefits of walking at an average pace for an hour and a half daily!

These 6-7 km walks are a great alternative to a fitness club! Especially if you can't exercise regularly. So you will quickly and without hassle achieve excellent physical shape and well-being. If you like to listen to music, add an extra pleasure to walking in the form of headphones ...

If you are not in the mood for walking or you feel tired, find a bench in a shady place and read an interesting book while the baby is sleeping. By the way, you can read not only fiction, but also special. In order not to lose qualifications. Or just for general development. It will never be redundant. You can also listen to an audiobook or study a foreign language. Even if you do not achieve serious success in this matter, trying to learn a new language is a great opportunity to train your brain. And when in the future you will go on a trip abroad with a grown-up baby, the acquired knowledge will be very useful to you!

Do not forget about the possibility of live communication while walking with other young mothers. When women are on maternity leave, perhaps the thing that is missing the most is communication! You now have many common interests and topics for conversation: you can discuss the problems of care and upbringing, remember funny situations, support each other and dispel fears. As you get to know other moms, you might be able to arrange walks together, turning them into an enjoyable pastime.

Who will come to the rescue?

Almost all of us have helpers. First of all, this is a husband. And also grandparents, sisters and brothers, friends who have not yet acquired their own children, but who want to tinker with the baby, godparents, etc. Don't hesitate to ask for their help! And even specially involve in assistants.

The desire to “pull” on oneself both caring for the baby, and household chores, and often also a side job, of course, is worthy of respect, but it has a bad effect on our health, well-being and mood. Therefore, it would be quite reasonable to think a little more about yourself and shift some of the work to family members and other close people. There is nothing embarrassing or uncomfortable about this. A good person is always pleased with the opportunity to do something for another, to provide all possible assistance.

How can loved ones help? For example, a grandmother can fry cutlets from time to time or cook other homemade food for your family too. The younger sister can be sent for a walk with a stroller. Even if they do this a couple of times a week, you will free up a lot of precious time for yourself. You can just relax, do cosmetic procedures or sports.

Dad can also be entrusted with certain household chores. Of course, he works all day and gets tired too. But after all, washing the dishes accumulated during the day in the evening is not too difficult a job, right? This is a small, but still tangible help!

In addition, you can agree that in the evening dad releases mom from the baby, say, for an hour. Let him tinker with him, play, and you can use this guaranteed time at your discretion. You deserve it!

Keep up with the times

It is very important to pay attention not only to your appearance and health, but also to “grow”, develop, improve. Perhaps, before maternity leave, you have already managed to become a good specialist in your field. Temporary retirement can affect the loss of qualifications: what is not repeated is forgotten, and the world does not stand still, inventing something new every day. Therefore, we will try to maintain our professionalism even during parental leave. Read special books and magazines, communicate on professional Internet forums, follow the news in your industry. Maybe, if possible, you will work from home at least a few hours a week. Not so much for the sake of money, but for the sake of keeping the head in "full combat readiness."

Life after childbirth: new hobbies

And right now you have a great opportunity to learn something new.

For example, learn how to take good photos, master Photoshop, figure out how to shoot and edit your own home movies with music and titles, try writing stories and poems about your baby, start a blog.

Or maybe you create your own website? Learning how to do this is not that difficult, especially now that there are very easy-to-use website builders.

All this you do first of all for yourself. But you can be sure that your loved ones will be proud of you. Because you are the best mother, a wonderful wife and an attractive, educated, intelligent woman. And how could it be otherwise?

If you can’t escape to a hairdresser or beauty salon, you can invite a specialist to your home.

It will be convenient to do cosmetic procedures just when the baby is sleeping. But in this case, it is better if someone else is at home for safety: suddenly the baby wakes up, and your haircut or pedicure is not yet finished.

The publication

Even the most loving and selfless mother, which you probably are, needs to spend time apart from the baby from time to time. Let it be just a little, let it be just a couple of hours a week. But even such a small "rest" can work wonders!

  • If someone from the older generation agrees to nurse the baby from time to time in the interval between feedings, you will have the opportunity to "go out" together with your husband. You can sit in a cafe or just walk around the city, go to an exhibition or devote time to shopping. Any change of scenery will do you good!
  • Or you can leave the baby for a couple of hours with your husband and arrange a small holiday for yourself. Meet a friend, chat, eat a cake in your favorite cafe. Surely, you have such the most “delicious” place, a visit to which is sure to set you in a relaxed mood.

Postpartum depression often occurs after the birth of a baby. The birth of a child is a bright emotional outburst, but the positive can quickly take on a complex coloration. Due to the processes occurring in the body of the woman in labor, as well as the family environment, in 10-15% of cases, postpartum depression occurs. This is a serious and dangerous condition, accompanied by growing despondency, which can radically change a woman's life in a negative direction. Therefore, it is extremely important to recognize the pathological process as soon as possible and take comprehensive measures to overcome the crisis.

Risk Factors for Anxiety

Postpartum depression is a complex psychopathological condition, which is characterized by a general negative mood of a woman, a sharp emotional lability and a decrease in attraction to a man and a child. Despite the study of the problem, the exact causes leading to the disease have not been established. The most well-known theory of monoamines, according to which the number of mediators of positive emotions serotonin and melatonin decreases in the body of a woman in labor. However, all the processes occurring in the nervous system, the theory is not able to explain. However, the factors provoking postnatal disorder are quite clearly defined.

These should include:

  • violence in family;
  • excessive influence of relatives on a woman;
  • initial organic damage to the nervous system;
  • genetic determination - the presence of any psychopathological diseases in close relatives;
  • late formation of ovulation after childbirth;
  • negative attitude from a man;
  • inability to cope with increased obligations;
  • low self-esteem.

More than 60% of all cases of postnatal mood depression are associated with previous depressive episodes during a lifetime. In the early years, it could be suicide attempts due to unhappy love or oppressive feelings due to poor school performance. Depression during pregnancy, especially after the 30-week period, often provokes the development of such episodes after childbirth.

Clinical manifestations of the disease state

According to the WHO, symptoms of postpartum depression occur within 7 weeks after the baby is born. If the manifestations of the disease occur later, then such a disorder does not apply to postnatal. Classic signs of postpartum depression include:

  • a sharp change in mood with a tendency to reduce the emotional background;
  • tearfulness;
  • reduced performance;
  • apathy towards the child and the man;
  • loss of appetite or even a complete aversion to food;
  • pathological taste in the mouth;
  • somatic complaints of constant discomfort in any part of the body, often headaches or dyspepsia;
  • depressed facial expressions.

In some women, the appetite is not only preserved, but also sharply increased. Eating becomes more frequent and food cravings are bulimic. This is a kind of substitution form - getting the missing pleasures from food.

This form of depression is the most favorable, since the deficiency of monoamines is relatively quickly compensated. But in the future, the formation of a common nervous breakdown due to dissatisfaction with one's own appearance is possible.

Initial signs of the disease

It is always important to know how a problem manifests itself at the very beginning of its development. The first sign of a painful condition is by no means sudden mood swings. Often a subtle symptom is a harbinger of a complex disorder. Postnatal depression is characterized by glycogeusia. It's a sweet, sugary taste in the mouth. It can occur already in the first days after the birth of the child. The probability of developing full-fledged postpartum depression in this case is more than 90%.

Another subtle symptom leading to a pathological nervous breakdown is a spotting discharge from the vagina. Ordinary lochia is typical for women in labor, but a small daily loss of blood negatively affects the emotional sphere. Coupled with family troubles associated with an understandable reluctance to intimacy, there is a feeling of hopelessness and uselessness, and future prospects seem vague. Only family support and iron deficiency medication will help protect against depression.

Features of the course of the disease state

How long postnatal depression lasts is hard to say. With rational help, the disease can be avoided, and the duration of the reduced mood background will be minimal. Officially, the diagnosis is considered established if the signs of an anxiety disorder persist for more than seven days. The following factors influence the duration of depression:

  • family relationships;
  • early psychocorrection;
  • health of women and children;
  • the presence of crazy ideas;
  • the severity of the existing organic lesion of the nervous system;
  • lactation.

With insufficient family support, lack of sexual intercourse, poor health of the baby, the level of “happy” hormones drops sharply. This provokes a long duration of depression and even the transition to a chronic form. An equally negative role is played by the existing organic pathology of the brain and the associated delirium. In these cases, even suicide attempts are possible, which are usually not characteristic of postpartum depressive episodes.

Non-drug methods of dealing with the problem

You need to deal with depression. The question of how to get rid of the disease on your own is always acute in any family, since it is initially difficult to make a decision to contact a specialist. The main condition is to improve the quality of life and improve the family microclimate. The following will help in getting rid of depression:

  • warm conversations with her husband;
  • informal communication with relatives and friends - meetings, joint walks, even collective viewing of TV shows;
  • regular sexual intimacy, bringing pleasure to both partners; folk methods - soothing herbs, contrast showers;
  • extension of natural lactation.

The most important role in how to get out of postpartum depression is communication with loved ones. This is a kind of psychological training that helps to escape from the difficult postnatal life. If the mood continues to decline, the further prospect of non-drug treatment is associated exclusively with a specialist. It is necessary to contact a psychotherapist for individual or group sessions.

Medical methods of correction

It is absolutely unacceptable to experience a problem on your own with the ineffectiveness of home treatment. Depression and despondency will only progress, which will lead to dire consequences. With ongoing depression, medication is required, which is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. The basis of therapeutic correction is antidepressants and tranquilizers.

In parallel, vitamins, sleeping pills and drugs that stimulate the brain are prescribed. Usually the treatment process takes place at home, but in severe cases, especially with a suicide attempt or delusional disorders, hospitalization is indicated. Of course, natural feeding in such cases will have to be excluded.

Forecast and conclusion

In the presence of warm relations in the family, depression usually does not develop. But with the appearance of depression and a decrease in mood, the help of loved ones and alternative methods of treatment help to solve the problem. The prognosis in such a situation is extremely favorable: depression ends after a short time.

If the disease drags on, and the man does not take part in solving the problem, then fear, anxiety and general despondency increase. In this case, psychocorrection in the form of group or individual sessions will help.

If home methods are ineffective, you should consult a doctor. Even severe disorders with the presence of delirium and suicide attempts are fully compensated by medications. Therefore, later life can easily improve, and the prognosis will again be favorable. It will be doubtful only if there is a pronounced neurological deficit against the background of organic brain damage preceding pregnancy.