How to tell parents about pregnancy beautifully and in an original way. How to tell your parents about an unplanned pregnancy. Read for those who do not know how to tell parents about pregnancy

Original ways to tell your husband about the desired pregnancy

So, the pregnancy has come, but I want to make the day when you tell your husband about it a real holiday. In this case, everything is in your hands.

Festive dinner

You can book a table for two at your favorite restaurant or cook your man's favorite meals at home. And in the process of a feast, you need to inform your loved one in an original way about an “interesting” situation. This can happen in the following ways:

  • order a cake that says something like "You're the future dad";
  • ask the performers to sing a song for your husband, from which you can find out about the onset of your pregnancy (you can have them congratulate your spouse themselves).
Ask the performers to sing a song for your husband to let you know you're pregnant

Of course, you can tell your spouse about the onset of pregnancy in the old fashioned way, simply by confessing your position. The choice is yours, because this is only your holiday.

Gift test

You can just leave a pregnancy test for coffee table or where your spouse usually has breakfast. Place the test on a tray and cover it with a lid, towel or box. By the way, you can hide and see how your spouse sees such a “gift” without you.

Photo gallery: how to make a test as a gift

The test can be attached to a note or postcard. Interesting idea: decorate the box thematically and put a surprise and a note with a funny inscription in it. You can prepare several notes and give them to your husband one at a time Test and booties in gift box - perfect solution
Almost everyone well-known manufacturer tests, there are "gift" options that look good on their own. For the test, you can make a nice box of decorative cardboard If needlework is not about you, you can purchase a test in an elegant case.

The test can be packaged in beautiful box, which your spouse will untie and open for a long time, and in the end he will see his gift.


Quest as a way to communicate good news is chosen by many. You and your spouse will go to a forgotten country and find countless treasures, or solve a crime together, or rob a bank, after which your husband will find an express test in the treasured cell with money.
During the passage of the quest, you and your spouse will solve the crime together, after which he will discover an express test

Of course, you can conduct the quest on your own. You can do this in the following way:

Thematic sweets

In the evening in a cafe or at a homemade dinner, you can put a cake on the table. It may show:

  • test with two stripes;
  • the words "You will soon become a dad";
  • mastic strollers, babies, sliders or booties.

You can talk about pregnancy with the help of a cake with an image of a rapid test

Thanks to such a sweet treat, your spouse will guess everything without words. You can replace the cake with interesting curly cakes, gingerbread or whatever your spouse loves. It is possible that you yourself bake well: then it will not be difficult for you to “cook” a beautiful treat.


The option of sending SMS is rarely chosen, but still it exists. When your husband is in the same room with you, write to him, for example, the following: “Hi dad, I’m in my mother’s tummy now, but in 9 months you will be holding me in your arms.” With a straight face, watch the reaction of your man, which will not keep you waiting.

When your husband is in the same room with you, write him a message about your interesting position and follow the reaction

An original notification can also be made using SMS. When the spouse is asleep, take his phone and rename your name to "Stork". Then write a message: “I flew out, I will be in 9 months!”. When the husband reads this message, be near: so you can track his reaction and immediately receive congratulations.


  • booties;
  • suits;
  • bonnets, etc.

Moreover, they will all come in handy very soon. Track the reaction of the spouse, and even better - shoot this moment on camera.
You can announce your pregnancy by hanging things for the newborn around the house.


Go to the store with your spouse, take him to the department for pregnant women. Try to make sure that he does not immediately understand which department he is in. Start trying on maternity clothes, ask your husband which one suits you best. Wait until your husband understands what's going on. Take your husband to the department of clothing for expectant mothers and perhaps he will guess everything himself

Good news for a family holiday

If the birthday of one of your relatives or another holiday is planned, then you should wait for this event. During the feast, when everyone will toast, you can say: “Let me drink alcohol now, but I want to congratulate you all on the birth of a new relative, which will happen in 9 months.”

Photo reaction

Gather close relatives, arrange fun party. Wait for it to peak, take a camera and say: "Attention, I'm pregnant!". At this moment, capture the surprised faces of the guests and spouse.
Instead of "Attention, I'm filming" you can say "Attention, I'm pregnant!"

All of the above options are good, but still, in my opinion, you need to choose the one that will please your spouse the most and will not be tiring for him. Think about it in advance and start taking action. As for me, I tritely told my husband about my pregnancy at dinner. He replied that this event should be celebrated, and we immediately went to a restaurant, and then walked for a long time around the evening city. It turns out that it was not me who was preparing to create a holiday, but my husband arranged it for me.

If you are not a fan of publicity, a walk in the city can be a great addition to your news.

Video: 10 Ways to Tell Family and Friends You're Pregnant

How to Tell Your Spouse About an Unexpected or Unwanted Pregnancy

If you and your spouse did not expect pregnancy, then it is best to tell about it not through a message or phone call, but directly. For this, it is important to prepare the husband:

If a man loves you, then he will behave with dignity and will not ask for an abortion.
Not all husbands enthusiastically accept the news of pregnancy, but worthy men after a while they realize that everything is in order

If he is still against the birth of a baby, then you can tell him that you are ready to give birth to a child without his help, since you are completely ready for this. At this moment, he may become ashamed of his cowardice, and he probably won’t want to lose you either. Of course, not every woman is ready for such words, but, of course, it is necessary to defend the right to have a baby.

Some women do not have the courage to tell their husbands that they are pregnant. In this case, you can simply show your spouse a rapid test with two stripes.

All people are different, and you, like no one else, know your chosen one. Therefore, it should be clear to you which arguments will suit him the most. Imagine in advance exactly what nuances of your life together he may be dissatisfied, prepare weighty arguments for this case. And most importantly - do not be afraid, because you still have to report the onset of pregnancy.
It is better to inform the husband about the filling in the family in time so that he has time to comprehend it and mentally prepare to become a father

How not to do

If the spouse is not ready for your pregnancy, then he should not talk about it without preparation. Moreover, do it by phone or send information in the form of an SMS message. Your presence will put him at ease and you will make a decision together.

Video: expert on how to prepare your husband for news of a new addition to the family

How to tell your parents you're pregnant

When communicating important news about the addition to the family to parents importance have circumstances. If mom and dad have been waiting for your pregnancy for a long time, then you can tell them about this event in comic form. For example, invite them to tea, bake cupcakes, in each of which put notes with the text: “Dear grandmother (or dear grandfather)! Wait, I'll be there in 9 months. You can just talk about your pregnancy at the common table.

If you don’t know in advance how your parents will behave, then it’s better in a narrow family circle start talking about children. So you will see the reaction of the older generation. If they give arguments that it is too early for you to have a child, then you can answer that you are already ready for this and, after giving weighty arguments, tell about your situation.
If you do not know in advance how the parents will behave, then it is better to start a conversation about children in a narrow family circle.

How to Tell Your Parents When an Underage or Unmarried Young Woman is Pregnant

Try to prepare your parents as much as possible for such important news if you are not married or underage:

  1. Set the table, invite mom and dad.
  2. Start a conversation with the fact that your friend without a husband (or a minor) gave birth to a baby. Look at the reaction of the parents.
  3. Develop the topic by giving arguments in favor of having a baby. If your parents reacted normally to this, then tell them that you are expecting a child.
  4. If not, then calmly continue to argue in favor of having children in general.
  5. And after that, report the pregnancy, because you still have to do it.

Remember that parents are not always ready for such information. They may need a little time to comprehend the situation and respond positively to you. Give them a chance to gather their thoughts and don't make premature decisions.

The best thing you can do is bring in a conversation with a close relative who is in authority with your parents, or your chosen one. But this should only be done if you expect a negative reaction from the parents.

Video: how to tell mom about pregnancy

Before you tell loved ones about your pregnancy, think about how they might react to this event. Prepare for the fact that mom will have to calm down, and a man may not always behave the way you expected. If you are sure of his reaction, then let your message become a real holiday, which you can prepare in advance for yourself and your loved one.

Often, women who find out about their pregnancy experience a feeling of fear, excitement when they get up. how to inform parents about pregnancy. Situations in life are different, in some families the pregnancy of a daughter or daughter-in-law is a long-awaited event and a miracle, in others this news can cause an ambiguous reaction, up to a quarrel. There are a lot of questions - finances, living, marriage. This is the first thing parents might think about when they think of a granddaughter or grandson. It is important to correctly inform the parents about the pregnancy, taking into account the nature of the relationship with them, the circumstances, the social situation in the family. Depending on this, you can choose a convenient way for you to talk about pregnancy in an original way and evoke only positive emotions in your parents!

Simple and effective

In what situation is it best to inform parents about pregnancy, you know better. You can talk about this by phone, at a meeting or arrange small dinner on which to please your loved ones with the news of the replenishment in the family.

Way direct contact is the most effective, however, if you like original forms, creativity in any of its manifestations, then you can safely connect your imagination and notify your parents about pregnancy in an unusual way.

original and meaningful

There are many options for hinting to parents about your pregnancy: neat, talented, unusual and interesting. Some of these methods are listed below.

1. Send a letter or telegram.

Here the fantasy is limitless: you can put an ultrasound picture, a doctor's report in an envelope, write a letter from a baby from the future. This is a great way to notify parents about pregnancy, because receiving such a letter, postcard, telegram will pleasant surprise, after which a storm of emotions will follow, and thanks to the remoteness, there is an opportunity to realize this news and be calmer.

2. Thematic dinner with relatives and friends.

Unexpectedly for everyone, invite your loved ones to dinner. The pretext can be very different, the main thing is to observe the theme of pregnancy, surround the guests with subtle hints. You will be able not only to inform about pregnancy in an original way, but to let your parents guess about your interesting situation.

How can you arrange a table:

Dishes and napkins with images of cartoon characters;
children's menu(mashed potatoes for babies, juices, sweets);
cake with the image of booties, angels, an envelope for discharge from the hospital, strollers;
lack of alcohol;
souvenirs hinting at pregnancy.

Guests are unlikely to remain indifferent and reveal your secret. You just have to watch your loved ones and wait for their reaction. In this way, you will not only be able to inform your parents about the pregnancy, but also cheer yourself up!

3. Photos with a hint.

You can also send to parents beautiful photo with ultrasound and sign it. You can draw or arrange a collage of the future, where the baby (the image of the child) will appear. With such a gift, you can please loved ones at a family celebration or just by visiting your parents.

4. Surprise.

It will be interesting to inform your parents about your pregnancy using the surprise effect. For example, when taking a group photo, when everyone is looking into the lens, suddenly say "I'm pregnant!". The main thing is that the photographer has time to capture all the emotions in the picture. Believe me, this is a fantastic sight! Thus, you will be able to inform about pregnancy in an original way, and get a lot of positive emotions!

5. Image on a T-shirt.

If it's coming family celebration, you can come to visit in a T-shirt with a picture of a baby or a corresponding inscription on the abdomen. You do not have to wait for a moment to talk about pregnancy, because this will not hide from the keen eyes of relatives.

Today there is a huge selection of such t-shirts. They can be purchased in stores for expectant mothers, ordered in online stores or made to order, choosing an image and an inscription on your own or from the proposed templates.

6. Birthday present.

If mom or dad has a birthday coming up, and also better anniversary parents' weddings, in addition to traditional gifts, give a photo or a card containing the words "To the future grandmother" or "To the future grandfather." You can also give your gift with the words "And in 9 months there will be another gift!". This is the easiest way to inform parents about pregnancy, but this is only possible if a family event is approaching.

If a negative reaction is expected

Unfortunately, not all families can experience pregnancy as a joyful event. There are many factors that can make it difficult for a future mother. Issues of financial security, living, employment, paternity - all of them can arise first of all in the head of the parents, and instead of joyful emotions spill into the negative. In this case, how to inform parents about pregnancy in order to smooth sharp corners and not get upset?

There is no single recipe, however, you can use the recommendations of psychologists and put some tips into practice. Knowing some of the subtleties, you will be able to tell your parents about pregnancy calmly and not cause a negative reaction.

Do not forget that the path of life is also filled with obstacles and fears that we need to overcome and boldly move forward. Telling your parents you're pregnant isn't the scariest thing that can happen to you. After a while, after you say everything, it will seem like a far-fetched fear.

Teenagers and parents

The most delicate situation. It is doubly scary for a teenage girl to tell her parents about her pregnancy, since she herself is still socially dependent. There are a lot of questions about paternity, maintenance, education.

First of all, you should understand that it will not be possible to hide the news, you will have to talk about pregnancy. The earlier the better. At a young age, timely consultation with a doctor is necessary, and extra stress silence will not be beneficial to health.

Do not be afraid, no matter what the reaction of your parents may be, remember that they love you very much.

As a rule, in each family a closer and closer relationship is maintained with one of the parents. If you intuitively feel that you will hear a good reaction from your dad, you need to tell him about the pregnancy first, or vice versa. Thus, on family council you will already have an ally who by this time will cope with emotions, will be able to constructively conduct a conversation and provide support.

How to tell parents about pregnancy?

1. Serious conversation.

Try to remain calm, the most exciting thing is to say two important words, then it gets easier. The main thing is for the parent to see that you are an adult who approaches this issue with due seriousness. The first reaction of parents can be unpredictable, but then everything returns to normal. After all, both mom and dad dream of grandchildren someday, they just have to get used to the idea that they will become grandparents much earlier than it seemed.

2. Brother or sister.

If you have a brother and sister with whom you are good and warm relationship, share your news with them first. Then you will enlist their support, and it will be much easier to tell your parents about the pregnancy.

3. Behavior.

If talking to your parents scares you so much that you even drive away the mere thought of talking, and don’t even think about implementation, then try to attract attention with your behavior. Be serious, silent, spend a lot of time in your room, give up gatherings with friends. Sensitive parents will certainly notice that something is wrong with you. At the moment of a confidential conversation, you can open up and talk about what worries you.

4. Letter.

Even if the previous method seems scary to you, try leaving a note. Write about your situation, express the idea that you are worried, worried about your future fate. Leave a note, for example, early in the morning when you leave for class. By the time you return, your parents will most likely have calmed down and the conversation will have calmed down.

5. Guy

This option is only available if you have a good relationship with a young man, he supports you in the decision to keep the pregnancy and is ready to be there in the future. Then it is better to talk to the parents with him. His presence will be a support for you, and the parents will understand the seriousness of the young couple and, most likely, will react softer. With the support of the father of the unborn child, it will be much easier to talk about pregnancy.

All parents dream of becoming grandparents, because this is not only family happiness, but also a certain status in society, an indicator of major life achievements. If you are single, or still very young, married or divorced - it does not matter, be sure to tell your parents about your pregnancy. Think about it how to inform parents about pregnancy what method to use for this. You may not immediately see the reaction that you would like to expect, but over time everything will fall into place. You need to get used to the news about pregnancy and gradually accept it. When will be born little man, all past doubts and negativity will become a thing of the past, and your family will have one more particle of happiness and warmth.

How to inform parents about pregnancy, choose yourself, the main thing is to be based on the nature of the parents, the environment and choose the right time.

Children are a great miracle given to us from above. The birth of a child is a sacrament that, alas, not everyone is given to know. Therefore, if you still have the happiness of motherhood, take this news with joy!

But sometimes the decision regarding the birth of a child is largely influenced by external factors on which the girl depends to one degree or another: parents, society, age, work and study. For young girls, often for schoolgirls of one of important issues is the question of how to tell parents about pregnancy?

The whole complexity of the situation lies in the fact that the outcome of the upcoming conversation will directly affect the subsequent relationship between the daughter and the parents, and the fate of the child himself directly depends on this. A girl at this age cannot provide for a child herself if she is not married, so she is completely dependent on those who raised her and in this moment is responsible for it.

Therefore, it is necessary to think in advance and very thoroughly about how to inform parents about pregnancy. As a rule, initially you need to assess the degree of complexity of the situation. If the child is desired, you and your young man or husband agree to give birth and raise him in love and tenderness, possessing certain material benefits, then there should be no problems with future grandparents.

A completely different situation may arise when a girl and a child will be raised alone. How to tell parents about pregnancy when the situation of being a single mother initially sets you up for a negative perception? Of course, if the parents are against the birth of a baby, you can insist on your own, give birth to a child and, against their will, try to raise him. But here it is important to understand whether you can educate him, provide proper care and everything he needs. After all young age mothers assumes a lack of education and prospects for finding a normal job, provided that there will be someone to look after the baby at this time.

Remember that resolving the issue with your parents largely depends on what kind of relationship you have with them and between them. If mutual respect and love reign in the family, then the problem of adding will not be acute. If there is some internal discord in the family, some difficulties may arise. The main thing is not to be afraid! Trust them, then they will trust you!

For some girls, it is much easier to tell about the pregnancy to one of the parents, to the one with whom there are more trusting relationship. About how to tell her mother about pregnancy, if she is such a person, the girl is usually not very worried. If mom is a friend in every sense, then who better than her understand and support? But it is the mother who knows all the features of motherhood, all the nuances of bearing a child, giving birth and caring for him, and can bring many pros and cons as arguments. early pregnancy.

As a rule, psychologists are asked about how to tell parents about, hoping to get full and actionable recommendations. However, no one can dates you one hundred percent positive advice. Only you know your parents, and only you know how to find them right approach.

It is important to remember that you never need to be afraid of them, they are your comrades and those native people who love and understand best of all. If not them, then who will understand and support you, who will find optimal solution? You need to talk to them without concealing or hiding anything. It is frankness that will help them understand the situation as they need to. Don't be afraid to tell everything, even if you feel ashamed or uncomfortable. The people who gave birth to and raised you will never judge you and will always understand you. Show your mother and father that you respect them and their opinions by asking questions if you can't talk all the time. Only mutual respect will lead to mutual understanding! You should think for yourself how to tell your parents about pregnancy, what words to choose, but remember: speaking is much better than being silent! At least in this situation.

The worst thing you could ever imagine happened. You are pregnant. And you're only 15! And you're still studying, and your friends are running to parties, dancing in clubs, and generally having a great time. And you...

And you, horrified, think: "I'm 15 years old, and I'm pregnant!", sit down at the computer and start frantically typing: "How to tell my mother that I'm pregnant." After all, really, how do you tell your mom?

Let's calm down and talk. No, it's too late to blame you. Of course, you knew about the existence of contraceptives. But for some reason I thought that all this had nothing to do with you. As you can see - it has, and the most immediate.

And now about the main thing. This will be a dialogue

Your line: "What if I'm pregnant?"

Author's remark: "The fact that in your body new life makes you older than your peers. Outwardly, nothing has changed yet, but feel that you are not alone. That you have one more life, and it has the right to last. A child is something for which the bulk of women come into this world. And if it does not appear according to plan, it is not a disaster. Decide for yourself, already as an adult, that you have no right to kill an innocent creature. And, having made this decision, go to your mother.

"Yeah, but how do I tell my mom that I'm pregnant? She'll just die!"

"Take courage and say. Of course, at first you will have a hard time, but who else will understand you like a mother? She, having calmed down a little, will most likely also offer you to become a mother and promise to help. However, if there is someone else in your family "Something close to you in spirit, then enlist his support. If you come to your mother together, it will be easier to talk."

"Mine and insists on an abortion."

"This is the most common reaction of guys who have contacted a fifteen-year-old girl. Due to your age, you do not fit into his ideas about the future wife and mother, so the reaction is always the same. Do not regret such a guy. He immediately showed what he was good for. Why do you need that who will throw in difficult moment. After all, you can no longer trust him. He who betrays once, betrays repeatedly."

"But I still have to study!"

“Try to negotiate with teachers about early graduation from school, if possible. And if not, then it’s okay. You can, after giving birth, finish night school or college. And they did. If you don't have enough money, you can always find a part-time job, even if it's unofficial."

"But how will I arrange my life then?"

"You see, you are already asking adults, serious questions. And the first one: "How do I tell my mom that I'm pregnant?" gone into the past. Don't be afraid, the situation you're in has its own positive sides. By the time your peers are pushing strollers in the yard, you will already have enough big child and you can devote more time to yourself. In addition, you already have invaluable experience in relationships with men!

At the present time, a single mother with a child does not scare anyone. And the presence of a child often even serves a man as confirmation of your future ability to manage the household - after all, you already know a lot!

The main thing is in answering the question: "How do I tell my mom that I'm pregnant?" is your decision to be and happy woman in future. Everything is now in your hands! Good luck and believe in yourself!

Pregnancy is a fertile time for every girl. A priori. This is not always true. The question of how to tell your mother that you are pregnant arises mainly among young girls. When a girl lives with permanent partner, but they are not painted, it does not matter. Worse, if the girl just "fly".

Many factors influence the decision:

  1. Age category. How younger girl the worse her position. At 13-14 you need to study, not give birth. Therefore, in this case, there is only one way out - abortion or regulation.
  2. social status. This takes into account the position of the pregnant girl in society: profession, the presence of a permanent partner.
  3. Financial opportunities. Will the mother-to-be be able to raise the baby? Can a girl or couple afford to have a baby?

In any case, mom just needs to be told. She will help you make the right decision.

How to tell mom? Simply, three words are enough: "Mom, I'm pregnant."

  1. The girl must realize her pregnancy. Decide for yourself what she wants: to give birth to a child or to terminate the pregnancy. In addition, it is necessary to take into account financial opportunities: on what the mother will support her child, how she will raise him. Everyone needs to think about this beforehand. Upon learning of an unexpected pregnancy, parents will literally be bombarded with questions about the near future. Calmness and reasonableness of the arguments will help to calm them down and restore reasonableness.
  2. It is also necessary to think about what awaits the expectant mother in our not quite mature society. Questions such as “What will people say about you?” or “Who will marry you?” will undoubtedly sound during a conversation with parents. Well, in a way they are right. Our society, indeed, has not yet been ill with old prejudices. In modern European society, women who raise children alone are not considered defective or somehow insufficient. Many of them initially decide to "give birth for themselves."
  3. You need to think about your future. How to continue your studies in order to later find Good work? Do you have enough energy to study and the child? Will the parents agree to help?
  4. You need to speak calmly. Mutual attacks will lead to nothing, unless they kindle a fire of discord in the family.
  5. First you need to tell the family member you trust the most. Usually it's mom.
  6. You must remember that your parents are not your enemies. They raised you, put you on your feet and will always support you.

Pregnancy is not a step in adulthood and no reason to deprive yourself of adolescence and youth. One miss can cost a lifetime. The birth of a child does not make a woman out of a girl. A girl must grow up with her mind, not her body. IN modern world face acceleration. Therefore, girls mature early. At thirteen or fourteen they look like young women, but remain infantile. Therefore, before having sexual relations with your partner (if you can call it a teenage boy), you need to think about the consequences and the upcoming conversation with your parents in that case, and not hope "at random".

One way or another, but in any case, you need to notify your parents about your pregnancy. And then decide together whether you can raise a child.

What about the father?

Many boys, having heard that they will become fathers, simply panic and immediately predict an abortion. The unbridled morals of today's youth does not forbid the guys to simply abandon the child, accusing the girl of indecent behavior.

It is not uncommon for a boy to still agree to help. expectant mother acknowledging the child as their own. One way or another, but you, along with his parents and your own, must decide what to do next. In addition, time in this case plays against you, therefore, the sooner you tell your parents about what happened, the better.

In a young family

When you are married and everything is fine with you, it is much easier to deliver good news. A young family by itself assumes the appearance of offspring in the near future, so it is pleasant to report the conception of a baby. What is the best way to do this? It is enough to buy a cake and invite relatives for lunch or dinner and tell them that the family is expected to replenish. Undoubtedly, everyone will be only happy, and grandparents will look forward to their grandson or granddaughter to babysit him or her for hours on end.

Either way, pregnancy is a responsibility to carry through most of your life. Therefore, parents must be notified. They have already gone through this and can help not only with advice, but also with deed. It should be remembered that the conversation must be conducted in a calm and balanced state, not paying attention to hurtful words and bitter promises of the near future. Remember that parents are your friends.