How do men feel about. How do men really feel about virgins? The price of virginity or when it is really better to get rid of it, and when to keep it

Throughout its existence, society changes. Many foundations and rules are undergoing transformation. Attitudes towards virginity have also changed significantly, if we compare how it was, for example, in the Middle Ages and how it is now. As a result, it turns out that if the attitude towards virginity used to be extremely clear, today it is very diverse and many disagree on this matter.

Attitudes towards virginity then and now. What changed?

In patriarchal cultures, the male model of relationships dominated, where virginity significantly increases the value of a future partner. The virginity of the potential partner made it possible to reduce the feeling of anxiety and the feeling of inferiority of the man. There was competition in everything between men who were in the same community (tribe). And therefore, in a society where, in addition to sexual desire, such emotions as fear, envy and anger dominated, the opportunity to possess a woman who had not yet belonged to anyone was very important and significant. Such attitudes are still preserved in orthodox religious communities, including Muslim ones, where the requirements for "purity" and "fidelity" in marriage are still very high.

For modern European and American society, such a concept as chastity, the preservation of virginity before marriage has long been a moral "atavism", a relic of the past. It is typical for Russia to phlegmatically adhere to fairly free views on this issue. That is, do not condemn, but do not praise either. The intention to keep or not to keep virginity before marriage is considered a personal matter for everyone.

Why do men love virgins?

The question of the attitude of men towards virgins today is quite complex and very, very ambiguous, as is the attitude of girls towards their own virginity.

If you follow the discussion forums on the topic of when girls lost their virginity, then we can note the fact that the vast majority broke up with innocence before the age of 16. Those who lost their virginity at 16-18 are much less, those who lost it after 18 are very few.

What often happens is that girls over 18 experience anxiety that they are already old enough and already late enough. In any case, there are very few girls who would like to preserve their innocence.
This is due to the fact that men today rarely prefer virgins. For a number of specific reasons. Arguments in favor of virgins are much less.

There is a certain category of men who are quite pleased to hear from the girl they are dating about the fact that she is a virgin. This generates a certain trust in the relationship and respect for the girl. For many, this is a testament to commitment and strengthens further relationships. In such relationships, everything usually goes on the rise. After all, people are not born with rich sexual experience, but receive it in the process of relationships. If for a man's partner the virginity of his partner does not cause negative emotions, this means a willingness to get sexual experience together.

For many, the virginity of a girl is a positive moment in the sense that before that the girl had no other experience and she has no one to compare with. If the guy had an experienced partner, she would in any case compare him with the previous ones. Therefore, a virgin will only compare him in the process of developing their sexual life.

Another argument in favor of a virgin is that such a girl can be taught by her sexual preference. But most of all men express, unfortunately, that for them there is a certain difficulty in starting relationships with virgins.

Why do some men not like virgins?

Naturally, when getting her first sexual experience, a girl cannot always be liberated, sensual, passionate. All this often comes with experience. Therefore, a man who wants only sexual satisfaction from sexual intercourse is unlikely to be happy with the news about the virginity of his girlfriend. After all, this suggests that the first time can be painful not only from a physiological, but also from a psychological point of view. And if a man is not confident in himself or does not have enough of his own experience that would help make a girl's first sexual experience pleasant, then he will not want to take on such responsibility.

Sexual intercourse with a virgin requires patience and a willingness to compromise. Not every man can afford this.

There is another category of men who are interested in communication with experienced partners. This contributes to the increase of his own experience and reduces his responsibility for the successes and failures in sex. This responsibility mainly lies not with his partner.

For some men, sex is more of a physical release. Such men will not be interested in virgins either. After all, they need to be more attentive, and men need everything at once. Beauty, sexuality, experience and all this in one bottle.

Therefore, the fact that girls lose their virginity in adolescence and most of all with their peers is no longer surprising.

The price of virginity or when is it really better to get rid of it, and when to keep it?

The answer to this question in the first place should be that the girl must first of all be ready for this herself both physiologically and psychologically. Very often, society pressures the decision to lose one's virginity. Therefore, the girl may have a fear that everyone will find out that she is not a virgin, that she will not be accepted like that. Because virginity is most often ridiculed, and no one wants to give a reason to ridicule themselves.

The decision to lose your virginity can be influenced by girlfriends who have already had everything and who talk so much about it, but you still had nothing. But firstly, many tend to embellish, especially in such things. In reality, everything can look much different. Secondly, you are individual and your first experience will be different from the experience of your girlfriends. What is not worth it in such matters is haste and hasty decisions.

Real reviews of men about virgins and attitudes towards virginity

On the Internet, opinions about virgins from real men also differ. So, What do men really think about virgins?:

I treat well. After he himself lost his virginity, he didn’t want to deal with a virgin, as already written above, for a long time to “mess around” with them (I immediately apologize to the female audience and ask you not to consider this a reason for action)))) however, when he met his future wife It didn't stop me.

For men who are in the mood for one-time sex, virginity is bad. Good for those who are looking for a long term relationship. To exclude the possibility of running into a "deflorator", you can set the condition "first marriage, then sex", this is acceptable and quite correct.

If a guy is the same age, then he does not need an inexperienced virgin. Interest in more experienced girls.

I have a super attitude ... it is clear that technically sex with a virgin or a non-virgin, in principle, there is no difference (well, just a couple of nuances no more ..)

marry one =)

I'm okay with this. There is a chance to find here untouched, which can become your soul mate forever. I don't even know what to be afraid of.

Don't take care of your virginity. How many times have I heard: I got him a girl and he ... and so on. Virginity is valued only by defective men. A normal man appreciates a woman. It is necessary to try many men in order to choose your own, with whom you will have real harmony. Then you will get real pleasure from intimate relationships.

As for the attitude towards virgins, for me there are no special differences. It's just a physiological need of a person. And when she comes at 14 or 20 for each individually .. if she is 20 and she is a virgin, it is not for us to condemn or praise, then she drives in her own way, and if she is 14 and she wants sex, then her need is not laid down by herself and we condemn she has no right. As for the main question, I personally am pleased to be the first .... even despite certain difficulties ...)))

I will say this: sex before marriage in modern society is quite acceptable. When and to whom it happens is a purely individual matter. Life is unpredictable. The main thing is never, under any circumstances, tell your only one when he appears, how many partners you had before him, and, most importantly, no details. Trust me - this can kill your relationship forever, regardless of the length of your life together.

Girls, always remember: The first experience should pass for you with minimal damage and the main thing will take care of it, because you still have a whole life ahead of you, and the first time can leave a very indelible impression on you psychologically. And if you're not sure, don't rush.

How do you really feel about virgins?

A nice and interesting young man invited you to meet. And no matter how a man feels about sex on a first date, you intend to appear before him in all its glory. There is a lot to be done: a beautiful hairstyle, makeup, a neat manicure and picking the best outfit. We will choose clothes that are not too sexy. We don't know how men feel about sex on a first date. Yes, and they themselves are not set up right away, to rush into his arms. And we will put on beautiful underwear just in case, you never know what can happen ... Or, at the first rendezvous, “an interesting continuation of the evening” is categorically unacceptable?

Three different male views on early intimacy

There are several male opinions about this, which can be divided into 3 types. The first type goes to the first tete-a-tete solely for the sake of sexual intercourse, and then, having achieved his goal, without regret and remorse, he leaves the lady. No, well, of course, if the young lady is very good and attractive, they can meet a couple more times. But such gentlemen quickly get bored with everything, and it’s unlikely that they will be able to build something serious with them. Satisfied with one beauty, he will go, conquer new heights. It is worth noting that such suitors are not inclined to long courtship, if the fortress is impregnable for 2-3 meetings, they will not spend time besieging it. Such guys will never promise stars from the sky, but, most likely, they will tell you directly about their intentions. Everything is simple for them, they did good to each other and fled.

If we talk about how guys feel about sex on the first date of the second type, it is worth noting that after intimacy, the relationship with them will continue only if the lady is interested in them not only as a sexual object, but also hooked as an interesting, multifaceted personality. This type prefers to first get to know a woman, understand her essence, so to speak, "look into the very soul." And only if it does not turn out to be a "dummy" will they deal with it. Relations with such a man can be quite romantic and long-lasting, often developing into something more serious. But with boyfriends of the second type, it is better to postpone “close relationships” until you get to know each other better.

The third type of admirers are ardent opponents of rapidly developing events. Yes, such individuals also exist. And if passion has overshadowed the mind, and the unacceptable happened at the first meeting, they either lead the young lady down the aisle, or quickly disappear from her life. After that, for a long time, feeling remorse. With such male representatives, it is better not to rush things at all. If you decide to get such a guy as a husband, it may happen that this will push him away, and he will disappear from your life. And it happens vice versa; you have not yet planned a trip to the Wedding Palace, and the gentleman will follow you, offering his hand and heart, confident that after a stormy night, you completely belong only to him.

It can be concluded that if a girl really likes a young man and restrains her passion, there is no strength, then intimacy at the first face-to-face meeting is quite a place. But at the same time, the young lady must understand that there is a certain risk of losing her admirer, for example, if he does not share her modern views. And, of course, if a girl does not make far-reaching plans, but just wants to have a good time with the guy she likes, the green light is lit here for her.

How do you feel about sex on a first date?

Not so long ago, an early intimate relationship was considered something vicious and indecent. She was condemned by both sexes. Although I must say, the male half of humanity was a little cunning. Most of them, in fact, were not so against intimacy at the first meeting. The position of the fair sex in question, " how do you feel about sex at first goodbye?" until recently was unbreakable. Perhaps not always because of moral considerations, but rather because of the fear that having received what she wants, she will become another trophy for the gentleman.

There has been a sexual upheaval in the modern world. It often happens that a lady, after the first stormy night, disappears without a trace, leaving the young man at a loss and thinking about what he did wrong and what he did not please. Simply put, now how to relate to sex on a first date, everyone decides for himself based on his inner convictions. Intimacy on the first date has ceased to be something beyond the bounds of decency. But although intimacy at the first meeting is now not considered something indecent, you cannot call it an everyday occurrence either. Both opposite sexes perceive such an intimate relationship as something unusual. However, opinions differ on this matter.

Each girl, going to the first tete-a-tete meeting, should be prepared that the gentleman will try to find out how you look at a more interesting continuation of the evening and, perhaps, will insist on intimacy. Of course, you yourself are free to decide how you act in such a situation. But remember that often the stronger sex considers such a relationship to be non-binding. And the development of events after it, can be anything. In order not to be considered a frivolous person, it is better to think about whether it is worth revealing all the cards, or is it still better to postpone intercourse until the next meetings.

Yes, the modern male gender is no longer so conservative, and chastity is not the main virtue of a girl. When choosing a life partner, almost no one attaches much importance to whether the chosen one is virgin or not. But, nevertheless, a woman who delayed intercourse a little, is more respected by the male half of humanity. It doesn't matter how you feel about sex on the first date if people met only for an intimate relationship. After all, the partners met to satisfy their physiological needs, and the ethical component here does not matter. But if you are planning a long-term relationship, take a little break.

Although it is possible that, once in bed, the partners will like each other so much that they can later create a strong family. And it happens that, having gone for rapprochement only after the wedding, people do not live together for several months. The first case suggests that the stormy night was the impetus for further, deeper knowledge of each other. The second is that a very long anticipation of the moment and getting what you want made the object of adoration no longer so mysterious and attractive, and living together became uninteresting and meaningless.

How to perceive sexual relations on the first joint evening is, of course, an ambiguous question. But there are times when you should decide on it:

  • Both partners desire this passionately. Why not drop all prejudices and norms and just enjoy each other.
  • What the boyfriend thinks about intimacy at the first private meeting does not really bother a woman who prefers to immediately dot all the i's. And decide for yourself whether she will feel good in bed with this person, or maybe it’s not worth wasting her time on him at all.
  • I want thrills, a fresh breath of air.
  • For a girl, it is not very important what a young man thinks of her. The main thing is to have fun.
  • The young lady believes that this is the best way to tame a gentleman. Although in this case the night brought together should be unforgettable, otherwise you risk getting the opposite result and saying goodbye altogether.

When it is worth delaying the rapid development of events:

  • Of course, many men will be happy to have fun at the first rendezvous. But a certain type of gentlemen will completely lose interest in you and, rushing towards new victories. Therefore, it is better to postpone close relationships for a while, maintaining a spark of passion in the guy.
  • If a girl wants a strong and serious relationship with her chosen one, then it would be better not to rush things. Thus, making it clear to him that he is not an easily accessible person. Although it is not worth it to tighten too much.
  • Cavalier does not cause desire. It happens that a woman is simply not yet in the mood for intimacy, she feels embarrassed and constrained. Then she just needs a little time to get to know the person better, to feel on the same wavelength with him. There is no need to rush her, because such sex will only harm the health of a woman and will not bring much pleasure.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that if a girl really likes a guy and restrains her passion, there is no strength, then a passionate continuation of the evening takes place. But at the same time, the lady must understand that there is a certain risk of losing her boyfriend, for example, if he does not share her modern views. And, of course, if the chosen one does not make plans for a serious relationship, but simply wants to have a good time with the young man she likes, the green light is lit here for her.

Take the test

Do you think that a woman should reach the peak of pleasure with every act of love?

We always go first: what to hunt for a juicy mammoth, what is in a mortal battle with aliens, what is in the abyss of new relationships. And we do it in a very specific way: introduce ourselves, offer to meet, invite to a restaurant or look at a unique collection of tropical butterflies in our home. After a successful acquaintance, we continue to take the initiative: we try to hug the waist, kiss on the cheek, and so on. According to the distribution of social roles, it is assumed that all these actions should be done first by a man. He does.
But is everything as simple as it seems at first glance?
Any man with experience on a subconscious level intuitively feels whether a girl will allow him to do this or that. Therefore, they do only what their ladies “approve” for. And no matter how this idea infringes on our male pride, in fact it turns out that often we do not choose, but choose us. And the girls themselves take the first step towards a man. But all this is beautifully veiled and understandable at the level of feelings. Well, let ... Why dissuade us from this? We love it!
And no problems or questions...
And how do we, men, you ask, react to a clear manifestation of women's initiative? Yes, we react badly, what is there to hide. And there are several reasons for this.
First of all, as I have already said, a man is a hunter and earner, therefore he considers himself the main one in relationships and, therefore, he is sure that he has the primacy in undertakings. In addition, we console ourselves with the illusion that we are the masters of life, who dominate the weaker sex: all the girls belong to us, and only we decide which one to choose. And the most subtle point: it is believed that a girl is a shy creature and requires a long “siege”, therefore an enterprising woman is perceived as an easily accessible representative of a certain profession and can only count on short-term relationships.
By the way, some interesting statistics. It turned out that a man and a woman entering into a first marriage, in about 30% of cases, get to know each other at the place of work, study or residence. Remarriage in half of the cases is "at work", another 32% of the spouses meet in places of recreation and entertainment. And young people under 23 in 78% of cases begin to build marriage plans at the place of work or study. Psychologists argue that such a high efficiency of working acquaintances is largely due to the “office-greenhouse effect”: women wear light clothes in offices, which somewhat eroticizes the business atmosphere, exciting the male imagination.
All this is fine, but remember one important thing: by showing a clear initiative when meeting you, you can quickly achieve all your goals and even successfully and beautifully marry. However, on a subconscious level, your beloved will always have the thought that you are an insidious girl who jumped out to marry him and deprived him of a free male life. Over time, this will begin to manifest itself in your family life, provoking scandals, quarrels and ... even betrayal.
I can give a simple advice: mask your desires and intentions as much as possible by cleverly "putting" your ideas into your partner's head. And never, remember, NEVER tell him (even in the heat of a heated quarrel) that it was you who "picked up" him in a cafe or in a club and that it was not he who chose you, but you "connected your life with him in vain." Let your loved one always feel like a successful hunter, a breaker of women's hearts and a conqueror of you. He will be happy and, believe me, he will make you happy!

Critical days for women are a real disaster for the stronger sex. The beloved girl turns into a real vixen, and a cozy and familiar apartment turns into a battlefield. It seems that now she will eat her chosen one alive, acting on the principle of a female praying mantis.

But is it only fear men , whose companions are about to begin " red calendar days"or have already arrived" guests from Krasnodar"? It turns out that not at all, and some individuals managed to adapt to the situation and even use it for their own benefit.

So how do guys under 30 behave?

Sociologists were not too lazy to conduct relevant surveys, the results of which became very entertaining and even unpredictable:

  • 30% of respondents express irritation that menstruation does not allow them to enjoy communication with their lady of the heart. This is especially not encouraging when it comes to the long-awaited joint weekend;
  • 25% of guys are sure that menstruation is a great opportunity to try or hone other types of sex, from oral to tantric;
  • 20% of survey participants see exclusively positive aspects in the monthly problems of their girlfriends. You can take time to communicate with friends or cheat on your wife with another lady, motivating your behavior by worsening the character of the second half;
  • 15% of men perceive menstruation as a long-awaited and completely natural pause in intimate relationships, preparing to take a quality break from daily and repeated sex.

But the most interesting thing is that 10% of guys, in general, are not puzzled by this question, while men over 35 years old demonstrate a completely different attitude towards the critical days of their life partners.

But what do male personalities think, whose age has exceeded the mark of 35 years?

Here begins the most interesting, mainly related to age-related changes and established marital relations.

So what do we have:

  • 30% of those surveyed refer to menstruation as an excellent excuse to avoid insipid marital sex and sexual responsibilities in general;
  • Only 20% of men are offended by nature, which prevented them from fulfilling their sexual fantasies planned for the weekend;
  • Another 20% of guys of this age consider menstruation to be an excellent excuse to accuse a girlfriend of worsening her character and behavior. As a result - gatherings with friends and random betrayals;
  • 15% of people who took part in the survey use critical days to learn or new types of sex;
  • 10% of men experience a panic fear of the approaching "red" days, anticipating the nervousness, scandalousness and susceptibility of their other half. They not only try to avoid sex in any form, but also communication in general.

Well, the remaining 5% don’t care at all that their lady will soon go to the store for another pack of tampons or pads. They take it as a matter of course a temporary phenomenon, which is given no more than a few days.

The opinion of psychologists

The question of how men and guys relate to menstruation has long ceased to be shameful and not subject to public discussion. The attitude of your life partner on such days is a kind of projection of his attitude towards you in general.

And it is completely wrong if the chosen one avoids this topic, especially when the relationship is far from being friendly. In such a situation, one can say the following: one of you is not ready to discuss the problem, and if it is a man, it is still difficult for him to realize the naturalness and irreversibility of the process, which does him no credit.

If it is not possible to build a dialogue, advise the guy to look for information about female nature on the Internet, since now it is available to everyone. Basic knowledge in this area will be useful to him not only with you, but also in building future relationships with women, choosing the right contraceptive, and so on.

If a man shows a calm and normal attitude to menstruation, then he can be considered emotionally mature and ready for a long and serious relationship.

He certainly will not avoid a sensitive topic, he will demonstrate a gentle and caring attitude in “these days”, he will make indulgence for hormonal surges and their manifestations. Such a man will know for sure about your “golden” character and will surely calmly wait for the end of menstruation.

Is there a place for sex?

This is also a rather sensitive issue, which both partners will have to solve. Usually, sex during menstruation attracts with its taboo and the impossibility of a lady getting pregnant.

But in order for it to be not only safe, but also enjoyable, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Use a condom;
  • Turn off the light;
  • Have sex on the 2nd or third day of menstruation, when their intensity and abundance decrease;
  • No need to douche.

And yet, a slight pain syndrome is removed by taking the usual painkiller that eliminates the spasm. Do not be afraid of these days, trust each other, devote a pause to communication and then "these days" will fly by quickly and unnoticed!

Over the centuries, attitudes towards virginity have changed dramatically. If earlier men married only immaculate girls, now the situation has changed a lot. Guys are currently in two minds about girls with no experience. In modern society, purity is not condemned, but it is not praised either. Therefore, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how men relate to virgins.

Not so long ago, one social network organized a survey in which the opinion of guys to girls without sexual experience was found out. The results were quite interesting: more than 60% of the respondents said that they did not care how many partners the girl had before. However, 40% of respondents say that purity and innocence is a prerequisite for a long-term relationship for them. After reviewing the comments, it becomes clear that guys who plan to tie the knot with a girl prefer her to be innocent. If acquaintance is limited to one night or casual meetings, men prefer to deal with experienced partners.

Why do men prefer virgins

There is no single answer why guys prefer innocent young ladies, but the most important aspects can be highlighted:

  • Men are by nature possessive and do not like to share. The mere thought that his chosen one used to have another boyfriend infuriates many.
  • A girl with no experience simply cannot compare her first man to someone else. In this case, the guy greatly increases his self-esteem.
  • According to many men, the mother of his future children should certainly be a pure and innocent girl, and not a frivolous person jumping from one bed to another.

These are purely subjective judgments of some representatives of the stronger sex. But the opinions of almost all the guys agree on one thing - girls without experience are more clamped and harder to make contact. They need to be treated more carefully, and a possible break could lead to a real tragedy.

What kind of men do not want to mess with virgins

Every girl loses her virginity due to certain circumstances. The first experience few people bring pleasure and enjoyment. A man whose plans include the desire to get sexual pleasure is unlikely to be happy with the news about the purity of his partner. After all, the upcoming act is a real test for the girl, physically and emotionally. The first partner must be experienced and patient with the girl, and not everyone wants to take on such responsibility.

There is also a certain category of representatives of the stronger sex, who, for their sexual improvement, enter into a relationship only with experienced women. They do not need to be persuaded, reassured and make impossible promises. These are a kind of males who are accustomed to treating intimacy as a certain sport. They are not interested in long-term relationships, a one-night stand is considered commonplace.

Men who treat sex as a physical release will also not be interested in virgins. This category includes married guys who like to "go left" with a sexy and experienced partner.

After listening to the advice of friends or reading a bunch of articles on the Internet on how men treat girls without experience, young ladies prefer to get rid of their virginity as early as adolescence, and most often with their peers. Therefore, an innocent girl aged 20-25 years is surprising in our time.

The price of innocence in the modern world

Another important issue for girls is the moment of parting with innocence. In this case, it is impossible to talk about any standards and norms, each case is strictly individual. Many young ladies are in a hurry to get rid of their virginity as soon as possible and enter into a relationship with the first partner they come across. Mostly they are peers with no experience. After such an "experience" there may be an aversion to sex or to men in general. It turns out that age is not so important, the first partner and mutual relations are of great importance. If a girl understands that she is ready for intimacy and is not afraid of her, then the moment has come. If in doubt, it is better to postpone intimacy until the next time.

Also of great importance in the issue of deprivation of virginity is the character of the girl. Some young ladies lose their innocence at the age of 15-16, without the slightest regret and psychological trauma. Having received the first experience, they part with a partner and look for a new relationship. Such girls, of course, it is easier to survive the loss of innocence. Other girls, on the contrary, even at the age of 18-20 are not quite ready for intimate relationships. We are not ready psychologically, not physically. This mainly affects strict upbringing, vulnerability of character, quick attachment to the opposite sex. The first bad experience for such young women can be a real tragedy in later personal life.

With the loss of virginity around the age of 18, everything is more or less clear, but what if the age is approaching 25, and there was no first time? According to psychologists, girls at this age begin to experience a number of psychological problems: they cannot freely communicate with members of the opposite sex, they feel inferior, they often hear ridicule from their friends, they are constrained and squeezed. Such a girl does not know how the guy will react to her innocence, and is afraid to scare him away in advance. As a result, the relationship does not develop and quickly ends. The girl no longer hopes to build a serious relationship, closes in on herself, depression and disappointment in life set in. Therefore, the proverb “Everything has its time” in this case comes in handy.

Conventionally, men can be divided into three categories:

  • The first category includes guys who consider innocence a symbol of purity and purity. They try to start a serious relationship only with girls with no experience.
  • The second category of men is wary of virgins, and they try not to mess with them. In their opinion, becoming a "pioneer" will certainly have to marry a girl.
  • And finally, the third category of representatives of the stronger sex, who bypass virgins. They are looking for experienced, passionate partners who do not have to be persuaded and taught something. As a rule, this category of men does not commit themselves to long-term relationships, and often change sexual partners.

The attitude of guys to girls without experience directly depends on their inner convictions.

Psychologists advise girls not to rush to part with innocence. No need to succumb to the persuasion of girlfriends and go to bed with the first person you meet. Perhaps such an experience will not be entirely successful, and the young lady will have a persistent dislike for sex. Let this step be deliberate, and happen with an attentive and experienced partner, and not with a peer in the alley. Only the girl should decide when to part with her virginity, and not those around her.