Medicines for pregnant women for colds: a list of drugs, reviews, recommendations. To take or not to take: medications during pregnancy is the most serious question. List of medicines for pregnant women

It is very important before using any medication during pregnancy to study all possible options for the effect of this remedy on the body of the expectant mother and on the body of the child himself. After all, pregnancy is such a period in the life of every woman, when another life develops in her body and at this time you need to be very careful about taking any pharmacological preparations. The process of organogenesis begins in the first trimester, and then the growth and differentiation of tissues continues, which also requires increased attention to taking any medication. The fetus is an agent alien to the woman's body, because it contains 50% of the information from the pope. The immune system of a woman perceives it as an antibody to some extent, therefore, until the formation of her placenta with an individual barrier and blood flow, a state of relative immunosuppression develops. This is especially true of the first trimester of pregnancy, when there is no placenta yet, as an individual protective mechanism, and the fetus is very vulnerable. This condition of a pregnant woman contributes to a change in all the reactions of the female body, which before that could be normal. That is, the reactions of the pharmacological transformation of drugs also occur in a different way, which thus can significantly affect the child. Unexpected allergic reactions to medications that were not there before may come to light. Therefore, the issue of a differentiated approach to the choice of medication during pregnancy is very important, and you must carefully read the instructions before using the medication.

There are cases in which a visit to a doctor is not always necessary, and a pregnant woman does not know whether this or that medicine can be taken. In such cases, for example, in case of headache or toothache, or in case of high blood pressure, there must be some medicine in a hurry as a rescue drug, until a doctor can be consulted. In this case, you need to know some features that need to be considered and drugs that can lead to the least harm.

Allowed pills during pregnancy

It is very important to take pills only with the permission of the attending physician, but of course, there are times when it is not possible to consult a doctor, so it is necessary to know which pills can be taken under certain conditions. The most common problem that occurs is pain, which can be caused by dental pain, cold, headache, but in any case, this is a very unpleasant symptom. Very often, women during pregnancy are worried about a headache, which may be due to the lability of blood pressure or hormonal functional changes. In any case, a headache is one that is difficult to endure and it becomes necessary to take an anesthetic. Naturally, it is important to find out the etiology of such a headache. It is imperative to measure blood pressure, and if a headache is a symptom of its increase or decrease, then the treatment tactics are different here. But the means of first aid, before carrying out diagnostic measures, may be taking medications. What painkillers can you take during pregnancy? They include two main groups of drugs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antispasmodics. Among non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, paracetamol is preferred as the least harmful drug from this group. But there are some features of the use of paracetamol at different gestational ages.

Paracetamol in early pregnancy, in particular in the first trimester, should not be taken. During this period, the process of formation of the main vital organs of the child takes place, as well as the formation of the placenta, which is a barrier to harmful factors. Therefore, taking any medication, including paracetamol, in the first trimester of pregnancy is strongly discouraged. Although it does not have a pronounced teratogenic effect, the harm is high. As for taking paracetamol during pregnancy in the second trimester, there is also growth of fetal tissues, but there is a formed placenta, which in some way protects the baby. Therefore, if indicated, it is possible to take paracetamol in the second trimester. Paracetamol during pregnancy in the third trimester has the least harm, since all the organs of the child are formed, and we are already talking about the fact that intense pain has a stronger effect on the fetus than paracetamol. Therefore, taking paracetamol in the third trimester is the most favorable option. It should also be taken into account that children's paracetamol during pregnancy has a lower risk of complications due to a lower dose, so this drug should be preferred.

If we talk about the analgesic effect, then with a headache, a drug from the group of antispasmodics - papaverine can be considered more effective and less harmful. The drug has a myotropic antispasmodic property, which is realized due to the action on the muscle fibers of the arterial vessels, and this also leads to their expansion and a decrease in pressure. This is how the analgesic effect of papaverine is realized for headaches, as well as for other spasmodic pains. An additional effect of the drug is its tocolytic effect, which allows it to be used in complex therapy in pregnant women. Also, papaverine is not harmful during pregnancy, since its active substances and metabolites do not have a direct toxic effect. Therefore, if the question arises, which pills can be taken for headaches, the advantage should be given to antispasmodics - papaverine or its analogues.

When a headache occurs due to high blood pressure, it is necessary first of all to stop high blood pressure, since it threatens to cause pregnancy complications. Therefore, it is imperative to know the level of pressure and how much to lower it. Pregnancy pressure pills that can be taken are the advantage of centrally acting antihypertensives. These include clonidine and dopegyt, and dopegyt is the drug of choice. The drug is taken at 250 milligrams, starting with the smallest dose, that is, one tablet. Nifedipine can be considered a second-line drug and a means of rapid relief for high blood pressure. It shows its effect in 40-60 minutes, which can be the initial stage of therapy, and then it will show its effect and dopegyt, maintaining pressure throughout the day. If there is no Nifedipine, then labetolol can be taken from beta-blockers, but as a reserve drug. Thus, Nifedipine will show the most pronounced effect, so it can be recommended for pressure in late gestosis of pregnant women.

Pills for allergies during pregnancy, which have a proven effect and do not affect the fetus - these are far from all drugs, more precisely, there are no antihistamines allowed during pregnancy. But in the third trimester, an antihistamine can be used as a last resort, and preference should be given to second or third generation drugs that do not have side effects in the form of drowsiness. Erius is an antiallergic drug that is used to treat allergic reactions. The mechanism of action of the drug in the treatment of allergic cough is due to the inhibition of histamine receptors by blocking them, which prevents histamine from showing its activity. Thanks to this, there is no swelling of the tissue, increased secretion of sputum and possible skin rash. The drug does not cause a hypnotic effect, like its predecessors, due to which it is widely used. This drug has not been extensively tested in pregnancy and is therefore not recommended for use in the first trimester. Erius is available in the form of tablets and syrup. Syrup for adults, as a more pleasant form, can be used one teaspoon twice a day. Side effects of the drug are possible in the form of dizziness, headache, heart palpitations, liver dysfunction with an increase in liver enzymes, dryness in the mouth and throat. This drug can be recommended in case of a severe allergic reaction, but not for systemic use.

Pills for colds and sore throats during pregnancy are widely used, since respiratory diseases in pregnant women are the most common. It is recommended to take those drugs that, along with a pronounced effect, have the least effect on the fetus.

The most recommended sore throat pills during pregnancy are lozenges that have a long-lasting local effect. Lozenges for the throat well envelop the mucous membrane of the epithelial cover of the respiratory tract, and therefore improve the severity of the cough when it is wet. They use similar lozenges, the same as syrups - Doctor MOM, Faringosept, Mukaltin. Such lozenges, due to the rich plant composition, have an expectorant and bronchodilatory effect, and also relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, reduce the severity of the inflammatory reaction. Thanks to such effects, sputum goes away better, transforming a dry cough into a wet one with the fastest resolution of the situation. Isla Moos- These are lozenges that have a pronounced local effect on coughing and help to reduce it. This preparation is developed on the basis of Icelandic moss extract and thanks to this it additionally acts on dryness and sore throat. The local immunomodulatory effects of this drug are also pronounced, which increases its effectiveness in the treatment of cough, as a symptomatic remedy. The drug is available in the form of lozenges and is used throughout the day when you feel a rough cough or sore throat, you can take it every two hours, but not more than a daily dose of twelve tablets. No side effects of the drug were found, the use during pregnancy has no teratogenic effect. Therefore, as cough tablets during pregnancy, plant-based tablets can be recommended - Isla-Moos, Faringosept, Mukaltin.

When a woman's general immunity decreases, local defenses also decrease, which helps to reduce the activity of beneficial microorganisms with the reproduction of pathogenic ones. This is how one of the frequent diseases that worries pregnant women develops - fungal vaginitis, or it is also called thrush. This is a pathology that is characterized by the reproduction of the fungal flora of the vagina with the development of the corresponding clinical manifestations. Thrush is the most common pathology that occurs in pregnant women and is characterized by lesions of the genital organs. This requires the fastest possible treatment, but at the same time the drug must be safe for the child. Tablets from thrush, which can be recommended as a treatment, are Clotrimazole vaginal suppositories. The drug has no systemic effect on the body even during pregnancy due to its minimal absorption. At the same time, taking the drug is contraindicated in the first trimester, since in the process of laying the organs of the fetus, any effect, even with local treatment, can be teratogenic. Therefore, clotrimazole can be used during pregnancy, as it is very effective in many fungal diseases, but should only be used in the second and third trimester.

Another representative for the treatment of thrush is Nystatin. The drug nystatin in the form of suppositories used to be the "gold standard" for the treatment of candidiasis, but over time the standards were revised due to the formation of fungal resistance to this drug. To date, they are returning to it due to the fact that microorganisms have “forgotten” this drug a little and it has a high efficiency. Candles with nystatin is a drug that has an antifungal effect, which is especially pronounced in relation to yeast-like fungi. The mechanism of action of suppositories with nystatin is to destroy the cell membrane of the fungus. This is due to the fact that the nystatin molecule has many substances that are similar to the ball of substances in the membrane of the fungus, and nystatin is embedded in its membrane, while disrupting the functioning of cellular pumps. As a result of these processes, the normal ionic warehouse of cellular and extracellular structures is disrupted, which contributes to the penetration of sodium ions into the cell, and then water. In this case, the cell disrupts its work and lysis of cellular structures occurs, and then the fungus dies, which stops the reproduction of the fungus. Candles with nystatin have only a pronounced local effect, are not absorbed into the systemic circulation. This suggests the possible use of suppositories with nystatin during pregnancy. Given the still incomplete safety of the drug, Pimafucin can be considered the "gold standard". This drug is considered safer and is more commonly used in pregnant women.

Tablets for nausea during pregnancy are in great demand, since nausea is one of the symptoms of early preeclampsia. Therefore, it is necessary to differentiate approach to the choice of the drug in this period.

Drugs that have a central direct mechanism of action - Cerucal - in the early stages, and even in the later stages, are contraindicated for use for self-medication, they can only be used in a hospital. In order to unload the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the severity of symptoms, you can only take sorbents and some hepatoprotectors.

Smecta is a sorbent of natural origin, which is able to adsorb viruses and bacteria, and also has a protective effect by stabilizing the mucus-bicarbonate barrier and increasing the amount of mucus. The drug reduces the symptoms of bloating and heartburn. Available in sachets of 3 grams.

The drug can be used during pregnancy and lactation, since it is not absorbed, but is excreted unchanged. Its use can reduce the severity of nausea, so at home, before consulting a doctor, you can take it yourself.

Heartburn is a common symptom that can occur in late pregnancy due to increased abdominal pressure and pressure on the stomach from an enlarged uterus, which encourages acid to reflux into the esophagus and cause irritation. This is due to the fact that the digestive system during childbearing due to the influence of hormones - prostaglandins - changes in such a way that hypotension of the gastrointestinal tract occurs. In this case, the lower esophageal sphincter cannot contract normally and its atony or involuntary relaxation occurs, which contributes to the reflux of the acidic content of the stomach. Increased reflux in late pregnancy also occurs due to an enlarged uterus, which presses on the stomach and intestines. This is accompanied by complaints of heartburn, nausea, vomiting.

Heartburn pills during pregnancy, which are recommended in this case, are antacids, which include Rennie, Gaviscon, Maalox, Phosphalugel, Almagel. These drugs are practically harmless during pregnancy, because they do not have a systemic effect, but only neutralize the acid in the stomach. They also create a protective film that protects the mucous from irritation and the feeling of heartburn disappears. One of the representatives is the drug Rennie. The release form of the drug is chewable tablets with various pleasant fruit flavors, which further inclines to the choice of this drug, although this is a subjective characteristic. The mechanism of action of the drug lies in its protective effect on the stomach and in its antacid properties. The drug contains in its composition active substances in the form of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate, due to which the effect of the drug is expressed. The active components of the drug, after being in the stomach, contribute to the connection with hydrochloric acid radicals and, as a result, it is neutralized with the formation of calcium and magnesium salts. So the neutralizing ability of the drug is revealed. The additional effect of Rennie is protective. It is explained by the stimulation of the synthesis of bicarbonates in the stomach cavity under the influence of magnesium, which helps protect the mucosa from aggression factors. No direct teratogenic effect of Rennie has been identified, it is able to penetrate the fetoplacental barrier only in the smallest concentrations in the form of calcium and magnesium compounds, which proves that this drug can be taken during pregnancy. But often there is a side effect of this type of drug - the opposite effect in the form of an increase in symptoms without taking drugs, so their constant use is not as effective as episodic.

Tablets from worms during pregnancy should be taken only after the preparation of the woman's body in the form of detoxification of the gastrointestinal tract, so immediately using any drug at home is not justified. But Pirantel is recommended and most often used. This drug has no proven harm to the fetus, but it also does not have an evidence base for use during pregnancy, so its use in the first trimester is not recommended.

Allowed antiviral pills during pregnancy is a very limited list of drugs, since, having an antiviral effect, the drugs also have a pronounced effect on the fetus. One of the most acceptable antiviral drugs that can be taken during pregnancy is Erebra. This is a herbal antiviral drug based on sea buckthorn extract, which is very effective in various viral diseases - influenza virus, parainfluenza, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus. Therefore, due to the herbal basis, such a drug can be recommended as an antiviral and its effectiveness is most pronounced for the prevention of influenza and in the treatment in the early stages of the disease.

Pills that can be taken during pregnancy are of very limited use, since it is important not only to cure this or that pathology in a woman, but also not to harm this child. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful with self-medication, and also take drugs only when absolutely necessary. Thus, it is better to prevent the appearance of pathology before pregnancy than to treat it later with a danger to the child.

For every woman, pregnancy is not only a time of happy expectation, but also of health-related worries. What to do so that there are no complications, how to cope with characteristic ailments, what drugs can be taken during pregnancy? Issues related to medicines worry every woman during pregnancy.

It is no secret that many expectant mothers who want to give birth to a healthy baby have a negative attitude towards any medication, including drugs that are allowed during pregnancy. But this point of view is also considered incorrect, since during the bearing of a child a woman can get sick or, and conditions that interfere with the normal course of pregnancy are not excluded. It is impossible to avoid taking medications in such cases, so I would like to dispel doubts about the harm and benefits of certain medications.

All drugs prescribed during pregnancy are classified into two large groups:

  1. preventive group. It includes vitamins, micro and macro elements. All these drugs are prescribed to the expectant mother with a preventive purpose to prevent the development of complications of pregnancy and the normal development of the fetus.
  2. Medical group. It includes drugs prescribed for various diseases, such as colds and thrush.

Drugs prescribed for prevention

Let's take a closer look at this list.

Folic acid

This substance takes an active part in the process of hematopoiesis, that is, the formation of new blood cells. Deficiency in the body leads to - a condition dangerous during pregnancy.

In addition, folic acid performs the following functions:

  • blocks the formation of malignant cells;
  • restores muscle tissue;
  • takes an active part in the formation of DNA structures, that is, is responsible for genetic information;
  • participates in the laying and subsequent development of the nervous system of the unborn child;
  • participates in the formation of the vascular bed.

During pregnancy, vitamin E prevents mutations at the gene level, promotes healthy cell division of the embryo. Taking the recommended dose of vitamin E at the planning stage of conception and in early pregnancy prevents the formation of pathologies and deformities in the unborn child, contributes to the normal formation and development of the fetal respiratory system. Vitamin E also prevents and regulates the functionality of the placenta.

Vitamin E can be purchased under the trademarks Vitrum and Zentiva (Slovakia).

Calcium and vitamin D

Magnesium preparations

Magnesium deficiency in the body increases the excitability of muscle muscles. During pregnancy, this can provoke, which will cause a threat of miscarriage. Violation of the muscle muscles due to a lack of magnesium in the blood also provokes the development of convulsions in the muscles of the lower extremities.

What drugs can be taken during pregnancy to prevent and compensate for the lack of magnesium, the gynecologist will tell you. Usually it is (Russia) and (France).


Iodine deficiency in the body of the expectant mother primarily negatively affects the formation and functioning of the fetal thyroid gland. With the beginning of the 2nd trimester, the child's thyroid gland begins to work independently, but for this she needs iodine. With its deficiency, hypothyroidism develops, which is dangerous and a decrease in his mental abilities in the future (up to the birth of a child with cretinism).

Also, a lack of iodine during pregnancy leads to complications such as anemia, deafness and short stature of the unborn child. Regular intake at the stage of pregnancy planning up to its logical conclusion will help to prevent all these problems. Just 1 tablet of Iodomarin 200 per day guarantees the necessary balance of iodine in the body.


It is an antiplatelet agent that reduces blood viscosity, improves microcirculation, and increases the body's resistance to viruses and infections.

Indications for the appointment of Curantyl during pregnancy:

  • lag in the physical development of the fetus;
  • increased blood clotting, thrombosis;
  • signs;
  • decrease in immunity.

Usually, expectant mothers are prescribed the drug Curantil 25.


Duphaston and Utrozhestan belong to the same group of drugs.

Indications for their use in expectant mothers:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • and fetal membranes;
  • deficiency of progesterone in the body.

Often expectant mothers have a question - which is better: Duphaston or Utrozhestan? It is impossible to answer it unambiguously. The advantage of Duphaston is the immunostimulating effect, besides, it is convenient to divide the tablets in half. But Utrozhestan is used vaginally, which is relevant during. Duration of reception in both cases depends on the course of pregnancy. Usually, drugs are prescribed up to 16, less often up to 22 weeks of gestation.

Drugs prescribed for therapeutic purposes

Pregnancy puts a serious burden on the female body, for this reason, its resources do not always cope with certain adverse factors, so the expectant mother can get sick. What drugs can be taken during pregnancy without fear for the health of the baby? Let's consider in more detail.

Cold remedies

Treatment of a cold comes down to combating the symptoms of the disease and normalizing the well-being of the expectant mother.

With an increase in body temperature, you can use antipyretic agents based on. It can be both the drug of the same name, and medicines based on it under the brands Panadol, Kalpol. Cannot be used during pregnancy to relieve fever.

If the nose is stuffy, then the mildest and safest remedy is oil-based nasal drops. Also, in the fight against a runny nose, washing with sprays based on sea water - Aqualor, etc.

Symptoms of a sore throat will help to eliminate antimicrobials in the form of Chlorhexidine spray,.

Cough in expectant mothers is effectively treated with drugs based on ambroxol - Lazolvan, Coldrex-broncho, ACC.

Many people love to be treated. Tablets are eaten by the handful with or without the joy of pharmaceutical companies. Sometimes, just a TV commercial or a salesperson's consultation at a pharmacy is enough. Of course, there are some patients who, without taking the necessary drugs, cannot live a full life. One However, during pregnancy, your unborn child takes these medicines with you. Even aspirin in these nine months can provoke irreparable problems with his health, not to mention potent substances. Therefore, remember the main rule: now you take any drugs after consulting a doctor.

Many seemingly harmless chemicals can have different effects on the body during pregnancy. First, your liver and kidneys began to work differently. Therefore, it is possible that now the drugs enter the bloodstream in a more concentrated form. Secondly, your baby eats all these pills with you. And they can have an irreparable effect on him. It is especially important not to self-medicate in the first 12 weeks, when all the life support systems of a small organism are being laid.

Therefore, before you put another pill in your mouth, you must have an official prescription from your doctor on hand. Yes, it's the official one. This drug must be recorded in all medical documents. Otherwise, the doctor is not responsible for all possible problems with your health. This rule also applies to self-medication.

Moreover, it would be useful to check the drug yourself. A good help in this matter will be the site of the encyclopedia of drugs . Here you can find indications and contraindications for the use of any substance, prices for medicines, as well as information about the interaction of drugs with each other.

Many, even the most harmless drugs, are prohibited during pregnancy. For example:

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) and analgin

Causes disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys and heart of the child. Doctors recommend during pregnancy to bring down the temperature and pain with the help of paracetamol. And WHO does not recommend analgin even for adults. The fact is that the drug has a negative effect on human blood. First of all, small.

Some antibiotics

This group includes: tetracyclines, streptomycins, sulfonamides (Biseptol, sulfadimesin, sulfadimethoxine), levomycetin (chloramphenicol). So, tetracycline in the early stages can provoke malformations in the development of the fetus, and in the later stages - severe caries in the baby. It negatively affects tooth enamel, and, as you know, the rudiments of teeth are laid in the womb. Levomycetin, in turn, has a bad effect on the hematopoietic organs of the fetus. Streptomycin in large doses can generally provoke deafness.

In general, doctors prescribe antibiotics during pregnancy and breastfeeding only as a last resort. These are drugs of the so-called penicillin series (ampicillin, amoxicillin, flemoxin solutab, flemoklav solutab and a number of others), and (from the beginning of the second trimester) cephalosporins. This does not mean that you can assign them to yourself. It is believed that they do not cause negative harm to the fetus, but, nevertheless, they penetrate the placenta well.

Antitussives and vasoconstrictors

Codelac and Terpincod. Codeine is generally classified as a drug. It should not be used by healthy people either. From a cough, it is better to dissolve sage lozenges, and in extreme cases, spray Stopangin and Geksoral with aerosols. In the second half of pregnancy, Kameton may be used.

Vasoconstrictor drugs for the common cold are prescribed only "if the benefit to the mother is greater than the risk to the child." These include galazolin, xylometazoline, naphthyzine. Otolaryngologists recommend rinsing the nose more often with saline or preparations with sea water, and from congestion, drip pinosol or smear with evamenol ointment.


From the first day of pregnancy, the immune system of any woman works "in sleep mode". So conceived by nature, so that the body does not reject the child as a foreign element. Therefore, a decrease in immunity in expectant mothers is normal.

In general, the effect of most immunomodulators (Likopid, Ribomunal, Bronchomunal, IRS-19) on pregnancy has not been studied, but doctors recommend that you stop using them. They still do not help to strengthen the immune system. It is better to temper and walk more in the fresh air. The drug Remantadine is categorically contraindicated.

Hemorrhoids and constipation

Weakness of intestinal activity and is another consequence of pregnancy. Intestinal peristalsis is inhibited under the influence of hormones, as it can provoke premature contractions. Doctors recommend expectant mothers to diet and drink more fluids, but in extreme cases, medication may also be prescribed.

So, while waiting for a child, you can take, for example, drugs to increase the volume of intestinal contents (Mukofalk, Fayberlaks). However, this should be done in the absence of contraindications from the urinary system, since along with the drug you need to drink a lot of water, which, as you understand, can provoke swelling.

It is best to take osmotic drugs (Forlax, Duphalac, Tranzipeg). They are not absorbed from the intestines, but only soften the feces. More aggressive agents from this group, for example, Karlovy Vary salt or magnesium salts, can provoke a threat of miscarriage due to excessive stimulation of intestinal motility.

In the same way, substances that cause chemical irritation of the intestines are prohibited for use during pregnancy. These include Regulax, Bisacodyl, Senna, Sennade and so on. Firstly, they can cause contractions, secondly, addiction, and thirdly, dehydration, loss of salts, and even disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Herbs, alternative treatment and dietary supplements

It can also be detrimental to your pregnancy. St. John's wort and ginseng can raise blood pressure, coltsfoot and comfrey can have a carcinogenic and mutagenic effect, valerian can depress the digestive system and slagging the liver, and even garlic can increase uterine tone.

Thus, even the most harmless, from your point of view, chemicals can adversely affect the baby or pregnancy in general. Therefore, remember: self-medication while waiting for the baby is strictly prohibited. If you do not trust your doctor, see another specialist, but do not indiscriminately swallow everything that the pharmacy has recommended to you. Your child's health and your well-being depend on your discretion.

Author of the publication: Olga Sergeeva

It is generally accepted that drugs should not be taken during pregnancy. Many women, having learned about their special situation, follow this rule and avoid taking any pills. However, it is impossible to completely insure against diseases during the period of bearing a baby. Sooner or later, almost every expectant mother is faced with the need to take medication. It turns out that not all pharmaceutical preparations can harm, so there is no need to be so afraid of them.

When are drugs prescribed during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, women suffer from diseases characteristic of their position, which cannot be left untreated, as they can develop further and threaten the fetus. The diseases that expectant mothers most often encounter include allergies, thrush, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, colds, functional disorders of the intestines and stomach.

Antihistamines during pregnancy

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Pregnant women often develop intolerance to various substances. Sometimes allergies are quite severe. If the expectant mother poured out from a previously beloved dish, after an insect bite, the injured place swelled up and turned very red, you can’t do without special preparations.

Antihistamines will help eliminate allergy symptoms, but not any that are in the medicine cabinet (for more details, see the article:). Suprastin, Fenkarol and Claritin are considered the safest for the expectant mother. These drugs are contraindicated in the 1st trimester (we recommend reading:).

Medications for colds

What cold medicines can expectant mothers use? The answer to this question is unequivocal - all medicines that are suitable for the treatment of children under 3 years of age are not prohibited for pregnant women. All cold medicines can be divided into several groups:

  1. Remedies for fever. You can bring down the high temperature with Paracetamol tablets and its analogues (Efferalgan, Panadol). If the fever does not decrease, you should seek medical attention.
  2. Cough medicines. Mukaltin, Bromhexine, Dr. Mom syrup, ACC will help cure a cough in a future mother.
  3. Sore throat remedies. The safest remedy for the treatment of pharyngitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis in pregnant women is rinsing with a water-salt solution. Also, expectant mothers are allowed to treat a sore throat with a solution of Chlorhexidine. You can use Iodinol and Lugol, but for a short time and after consulting a doctor.
  4. Cold medicines. Children's drops Naphthyzin are mainly used. However, their reception must be agreed with the attending physician. During pregnancy, a runny nose can be treated with preparations based on natural oils, saline solutions or purified sea water (Pinosol, Salin, Aqua Maris, Aqualor, etc.).
  5. Antivirals. For the treatment of a viral infection, it is best to use Immunal drops, Interferon tablets or Grippferon suppositories.
  6. Antibiotics. They are not prescribed for a cold, but any viral disease can be complicated by a bacterial infection. What antibiotics are allowed for pregnant women? It is difficult to single out a particularly safe group. Most drugs in the list of contraindications do not have pregnancy, but self-medication is strictly prohibited, you must first consult with your therapist and gynecologist.

Hormonal drugs

Hormone-based drugs are sometimes given to women in the 1st trimester so that they can keep the pregnancy going. Sometimes the female body is deficient in progesterone. In this case, complications are possible during pregnancy, up to the threat of spontaneous abortion. To save the fetus, the doctor prescribes the drug Duphaston. The medicine has an analogue - Utrozhestan.

These drugs are taken orally. The dosage and treatment regimen is prescribed only by a doctor. It is believed that the most effective way to use hormonal capsules is to introduce them into the vagina.

Constipation remedies

It is recommended to solve stool problems during pregnancy with the help of optimal physical activity, proper drinking regimen and a balanced diet. If a pregnant woman has constipation, it is necessary to enrich the diet with fiber-rich foods (white cabbage, beets, buckwheat porridge, prunes, bran bread, etc.).

If it is impossible to cope with the problem without a medicine, the safest and most effective drugs should be used. Permitted drugs for constipation when carrying a baby at any time include Duphalac syrup, Senadexin tablets, glycerin suppositories. Regulax is widely used in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

Heartburn medications

Many women are familiar with a burning sensation in the epigastric region in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. To combat heartburn, expectant mothers are advised to properly organize their diet, not to overeat, to give up spicy, sour and salty foods. However, they do not always manage to avoid the temptation to enjoy something tasty and harmful. As a result, heartburn appears, which in ordinary patients, doctors treat with antacid drugs.

During pregnancy, many of these drugs are prohibited. Doctors often prescribe:

  1. Rennie. The active substance of the drug is calcium carbonate (a substance that is part of natural minerals). The agent is alkaline, therefore it effectively interacts with hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice.
  2. . It absorbs everything that the stomach itself cannot get rid of, and displays. Lack of use - with frequent use leads to constipation.
  3. Pumpkin seed oil. A natural enveloping agent that eliminates stomach pain, quenches excess acid and accelerates the process of bowel cleansing.
  4. Decoction of flax seeds. This folk medicine is not forbidden to be used by pregnant women. To eliminate heartburn, boil a handful of seeds in 0.5 liters of water for 5-10 minutes, cool the broth, then strain it through cheesecloth and use 150-200 ml when heartburn occurs.
  5. Mineral water Borjomi. Drink warm, without gas, 1.5 hours before meals.
  6. Almagel. An antacid drug that coats the walls of the stomach and quenches acid. Contraindicated in early pregnancy.

Medicines for thrush during pregnancy

High estrogen levels and low immunity create a favorable environment for the reproduction of the Candida fungus. What medications work well for a fungal infection? Diflucan is considered the most effective. However, the remedy is not included in the list of safe medicines for expectant mothers. It is possible to treat thrush during the gestation period with the help of suppositories, depending on the gestational age:
(we recommend reading:)

  1. In the early months, to eliminate the symptoms of thrush, doctors recommend that pregnant women use Betadine, Pimafucin, Ecofucin (see also:). These drugs are gentle and harm the fetus less than other anti-candidiasis drugs.
  2. In the second and third trimesters, women are prescribed candles or ointments Clotrimazole, Zalain, Terzhinan, Livarol, Nystatin, Ginofort (see also:).

On any month, the use of therapeutic tampons soaked in borax in glycerin is allowed. This remedy is practically not absorbed by the mucosa, therefore it is considered safe for mother and child.

Vitamins and macronutrients

Vitamin-mineral complexes for expectant mothers are prescribed for almost the entire pregnancy. The developing body of the baby needs a lot of nutrients, the deficiency of vitamins and minerals negatively affects its development.

For all pregnant women, the prescribed means are standard (depending on the timing):

  1. Up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, doctors suggest taking a woman folic acid, vitamin E, Magne-B6 (we recommend reading:). With a shortage of these substances, there is a high risk of spontaneous abortion.
  2. For the treatment of anemia in pregnant women in the early stages, drugs such as Ferrum Lek, Sorbifer Durules, Maltofer, etc. can be used.
  3. From the 2nd trimester, special vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women are prescribed. These drugs are recommended for expectant mothers to take until the very birth.
  4. In the 2nd trimester, some women who live in areas with a low supply of iodine need to take Iodomarin (more in the article:). What is iodine for? Deficiency of this trace element can lead to various pathologies in the development of the baby.
  5. In the 3rd trimester, calcium supplements are added to the list of necessary medications for pregnant women. During the bearing of the baby, the body of the pregnant woman loses the trace element in large quantities, as a result of which the baby “pulls out” the necessary substance from the bones of the expectant mother. Proper nutrition and taking Calcium-D3 tablets Nycomed, Calcemin, Calcium gluconate, etc. will help prevent deficiency.

This article will focus on drugs that are prescribed to very many (and some to all) pregnant women. At the same time, a woman does not always understand why she was prescribed this or that remedy at all. The issue of safety of use is also of concern, because all expectant mothers are worried about the health of the baby.

Folic acid

The most important effect of folic acid is the prevention of congenital malformations. Since almost everyone in the Urals has a deficiency of this vitamin, during pregnancy the vitamin is prescribed in doses exceeding the physiological need. There is no overdose, allergic reactions are extremely rare.

Iodomarin (potassium iodide)

Iodine preparations should be prescribed only after consulting an endocrinologist and monitoring the level of the TSH hormone (in case of impaired thyroid function, its level changes earlier than other hormones).

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant, that is, it protects cells from pathological peroxidation, which leads to their aging and death. With a lack of vitamin E, cells become susceptible to the action of toxic substances, they are damaged faster, immunity is weakened. Rapidly dividing cells especially need protection from negative environmental influences, therefore vitamin E is necessary during pregnancy, especially in the first 12 weeks.

Vitamin E can cause malformations in the fetus only at doses of more than 40,000 IU / day, and it is usually prescribed at a dose of 200-300 IU / day.

Magne B6

This drug replenishes the deficiency of magnesium and vitamin B6 in the body. Magnesium is an essential trace element involved in most metabolic reactions, inhibits neuromuscular transmission, which leads to relaxation of muscle cells. Magnesium also increases the body's resistance to stress. Vitamin B6 improves the absorption of magnesium, and is also involved in metabolic processes, in the regulation of the nervous system.

During pregnancy, this drug is often prescribed when there is a threat of interruption or for the prevention of such, in which case its relaxing effect on muscle cells, including the muscular layer of the uterus, matters. At a later date, the drug can be prescribed as part of the complex therapy of preeclampsia, since due to its action on the vessels, blood pressure decreases and swelling decreases.

The drug can be used for long courses, usually prescribed for 1 month courses, if necessary, the course is repeated. The drug does not have a negative effect on the fetus.

Contraindications for taking the drug are individual intolerance, severe liver and kidney disease, phenylketonuria. Side effects are rare. It could be nausea, abdominal pain, or allergic reactions.


This drug during pregnancy is usually prescribed for the prevention and treatment of feto-placental insufficiency. The drug improves microcirculation, prevents dystrophic changes in the placenta, eliminates hypoxia in the tissues of the fetus. In addition, chimes have antiviral and immunomodulatory effects, so it is sometimes used in the treatment of influenza and SARS.

The drug is contraindicated in angina pectoris, decompensated heart failure, severe forms of arterial hypertension or hypotension, exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers, renal and hepatic insufficiency.

Side effects, if the drug is used with contraindications, are extremely rare.

The effect of the drug is reduced by tea and coffee. When taken simultaneously with heparin or aspirin, the risk of bleeding is increased. Curantil enhances the effect of drugs that lower blood pressure.

Usually the drug is prescribed in courses of up to 1 month.


Ginipral is a drug that reduces the tone and contractile activity of the uterus, due to its effect on receptors that relax smooth muscle cells (beta2-adrenergic receptors).

The drug is used in threatened preterm labor. Up to 26 weeks, beta-adrenergic receptors are not sensitive and the drug is ineffective. Sometimes it is prescribed already in childbirth with discoordination of labor activity (excessively strong contractions of the uterus and with this weak opening of the cervix).

Ginipral sometimes causes side effects. Possible headache, dizziness, a slight increase in heart rate, lowering blood pressure, sometimes pain in the heart, nausea, diarrhea. When using ginipral, edema of the legs may increase and the amount of fluid released may decrease, especially if kidney function is impaired. In addition, sometimes a violation of the fetal heartbeat (tachycardia, arrhythmia) is possible. After discontinuation of the drug, side effects quickly disappear.

The drug is contraindicated in case of heart rhythm disturbances with tachycardia, heart defects, severe liver and kidney diseases, premature placental abruption, thyrotoxicosis, intrauterine infection, polyhydramnios, impaired fetal cardiac activity. When using ginipral in high doses, it is recommended to monitor the pulse and pressure of the mother and the heartbeat of the mother and fetus.

With tachycardia in the mother more than 130 beats / min and with a pronounced decrease in blood pressure, the dose of the drug should be reduced, with the appearance of difficulty breathing and pain in the heart area, the drug should be discontinued.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the drug is not used. The most appropriate reception in the third trimester for the treatment of threatening preterm birth. Initially, the drug is usually prescribed in the form of a dropper, after the symptoms are removed, the threats are transferred to the tablet form. If the symptoms of a threatened abortion are not very pronounced, the drug can be immediately prescribed in tablets.

Simultaneous administration with calcium and vitamin D preparations negates the relaxing effect of ginipral on the myometrium (uterine muscle). Some drugs that lower blood pressure reduce the effect of ginipral. But some anti-asthma drugs can increase the side effects of the drug. Also, side effects can increase coffee and tea.

Duphaston and Utrozhestan

These drugs are analogues of natural progesterone, are often prescribed from the very early stages of pregnancy, and some start taking them even at the planning stage.

During pregnancy, these drugs are often prescribed with the threat of interruption and a high risk of miscarriage. Progesterone is the "hormone of pregnancy", it contributes to the creation of favorable conditions for the fetus: it reduces the tone of the myometrium, reduces the excitability of the uterus, affects the endometrium (uterine mucosa) and ensures its normal development. Lack of progesterone is one of the most common causes of threatened miscarriage.

Often, women have a question why, before prescribing progesterone preparations, the initial level of progesterone is not determined. The fact is that in addition to the absolute insufficiency of progesterone, there is a relative one, when its level is normal, but for some reason it is still not enough for the normal development of pregnancy, which is manifested by the threat of termination.

In addition to the hormone-replacing effect, there is evidence of the immunomodulatory effect of duphaston.

During pregnancy, side effects from duphaston and utrogestan are usually not observed. Rarely, allergic reactions are possible. No adverse effects on the fetus have been identified.

Often the question arises: which drug is better. Unfortunately, there is no single answer to it. The advantage of duphaston is the immunomodulatory effect. Conveniently enough, duphaston tablets can be divided in half. But utrogestan can be used vaginally, which is important, for example, in case of toxicosis. Utrozhestan is identical in structure to progesterone, duphaston differs by one radical, but duphaston has more bioavailability, so the dosage is lower. Sometimes there may be an allergy to one of the drugs, while the second is well tolerated.

The duration of the drug depends on the course of pregnancy. Usually it is necessary to use the drug for up to 16 weeks (during this period, the placenta is formed, which itself synthesizes progesterone). If necessary, it can be used up to 22 weeks. It is necessary to cancel the drug gradually, usually the dose is reduced by 0.5-1 tablet per week.