Why are hormonal ointments dangerous?

This compound is a derivative of petroleum products. It is the second most popular component of moisturizers after water. This compound may cause eye and skin irritation. Propylene glycol is found in shaving products, baby oils, and shampoos. If the label contains Propylene Glycol, Proptylene Glycol, 1,2-Propanediol, we don’t take it!

2. Formaldehyde

It's formaldehyde. This is a common preservative. You can find it in nail polishes, shampoos, and whitening products. On the label it can be designated as 4 formaldehyde, formalin, formic aldehyde, oxomethane, oxymethylene. Toxic and carcinogenic. Never.

3. Hydroquinone

Hydroquinone is a popular ingredient in whitening cosmetics, hair lighteners, concealers, face washes and sunscreens with an SPF greater than 15. Hydroquinone reduces the production of melanin pigment in the skin. This leads to increased exposure to UVA and UVB rays in the deeper layers of the skin. You understand how dangerous this is. May appear on the label as 1,4-Benzenediol, 1,4-Dihydroxybenzene, P-Dioxybenzene, 4-Hydroxyphenol, P-Hydroxyphenol, 1,4 Benzenediol.


4. Sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate

These substances remove fat and salt from the skin. May cause irritation to the skin and eyes, but pose a real threat only after prolonged (more than an hour at a time) contact with the skin. So if your shampoo contains it, don’t panic, but in the future try to choose products that do not contain Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate, Anhydrous Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Irium, SLS, SLES, MSDS, ALES , A.L.S.

5. Paraben

Any cream contains substances whose names end in -paraben. For example, butylparaben, methylparaben, propylparaben. These substances are used as preservatives. Parabens are considered safe, but recent research has confirmed that methylparaben may interact with UVB rays and accelerate skin aging. Be careful with him!

6. Aluminum acetate

Used in face creams as an astringent. It was originally developed to create waterproof fabrics... interesting analogy with leather, isn't it? With prolonged use, Aluminum Acetate causes peeling of the skin.

7. Bithionol

Used in creams as a bactericidal agent. May cause increased skin sensitivity to sunlight, itching and redness. If you have sensitive skin, then the mention of Bithionol on the label is a stop sign!

8. Triclosan

The latest achievement in antibacterial chemistry. Used in cleaning products and detergents for household needs, as well as in cosmetics. But scientists noticed that bacteria began to “learn” and form strains resistant to triclosan. Since regular soap cleanses the skin just as well as triclosan, let's not help bacteria prepare universal soldiers? Triclosan will not work!

9. Glycerin/Vaseline

Chemical compounds of fat and water in which fat is broken down into smaller components. Contrary to advertising, they are not a moisturizer, but cause dehydration and drying of the skin (at air humidity below 65-70%, they “pull” moisture from the deep layers of the skin, which increases the drying of the deep layers of the epidermis, making dry skin even drier). It is easy to identify them in the composition: Glycerin and Vaselin, there are no pseudonyms.

10. Dihydroxyacetone

This chemical compound is most often found in low-quality auto bronzers. It can worsen asthma. Particularly harmful for pregnant and lactating women. Hiding under the name Glycerone, 1,3-dihydroxypropanone-2. Armed and very dangerous.

11. Fluorocarbon

Commonly used in hairsprays under the name Fluorocarbons. Toxic to the respiratory tract.

12. Phenoxyethanol

Causes serious allergic reactions. Trade name: Arosol, Dowanol EPH, Phenyl Cellosolve, Phenoxethol, Phenoxetol and Phenonip.

13. Fluoride

For many years, this ingredient has been advertised as being good for teeth, strengthening enamel, and protecting against caries. It was introduced into toothpastes and recommended to children as “a component necessary during the development of permanent teeth.” But the National Toxicology Program, with the assistance of the US National Health Service, conducted studies that confirmed that fluoride, although one of the natural components of dental tissue, should not enter the body in the form of fluoride. Fluoride is needed in small quantities and can be absorbed in organic forms through food.

14. Talc

Terribly toxic. This is especially true for powder. Make sure yours is marked “Talc free”.

15. Butane and propane

Found in deodorant sprays, they are very harmful to both the skin and the respiratory tract. Do you need it?

Despite the absurdity of the question, it still exists in cosmetology. And an increasing number of women are asking themselves: should they use face cream and how often so that it is beneficial and not harmful. Where did such doubts come from, what gave rise to the fears of the fair half of humanity? It's time to deal with double standards, which, as it turns out, exist not only in world politics.

Of course you need: advantages

What benefits does regular use of face cream provide? According to cosmetologists and many years of practice have shown, with the skillful use of this type of product, the skin is transformed over time:

  • during the day, the epidermis is protected from harmful atmospheric influences in the form of snow, rain, sunlight, etc.;
  • in the dark, it regulates cellular regeneration processes, i.e., promotes rejuvenation of the epidermis, so the question of whether it is necessary to smear the face with cream at night should not even arise, especially for ladies of Balzac age;
  • since different skin types require different care, it can be provided with the help of creams of different effects: - moisturizing, - drying, for normal - nourishing, etc.;
  • over time, cells stop producing collagen and elastin, which is why the skin begins to age, become covered with wrinkles and folds: to prolong the synthesis of these substances in the dermis, you need to apply it to the face;
  • At a young age, other problems are not uncommon: pimples and acne, from which there is no escape, as well as the first expression lines, so the question of whether you need to use face cream at 25 years old should also be resolved positively.

All these advantages can be appreciated only if the face cream has been selected correctly. You need to be able to understand the variety of products available on the modern market. You need to know how to apply them correctly so as not to cause harm.

If dry skin is regularly treated with a drying cream, within a week the face will be covered with a fine network of wrinkles, and the skin itself will begin to crack and peel. If you do everything correctly, even after 40 you will surprise everyone with your perfectly smooth and radiant skin, as you will provide it with maximum care.

What about men?

No less interesting is whether men need face cream for daily use. Here most cosmetologists are unanimous. Men's skin is thicker, it has high barrier functions, and is not as sensitive as women's. Accordingly, representatives of the stronger sex do not need to use such means regularly. Unless they need a cream to eliminate a specific deficiency: whitening or anti-inflammatory, for example. And so it is enough for men to apply the cream once a week, after a bath or sauna (just need to do it correctly).

What are the doubts: disadvantages

Still, there are some pitfalls in the question of whether you should use face cream. Recently, a large number of laboratory studies have been carried out, the results of which are not always pleasing to representatives of the fair half of humanity.

Not all substances are able to quickly penetrate into the dermis and deliver the necessary nutrition there. Most of them come across sebaceous plugs in the pores and clog them even more. As a result, cellular respiration is disrupted, tissues do not receive oxygen, complexion deteriorates, and there are more and more foci of inflammation.

In connection with such discoveries, the question arose: is it necessary to smear the face with cream after a mask if the skin after it is already oversaturated with nutritional components? If the mask is light and quickly absorbed, then it is necessary to maintain the effectiveness of the selected line. If it has a heavy consistency, it is better not to do this. Otherwise, the number of pimples and blackheads will increase several times.

Many women notice that when applied in the morning, small wrinkles often form around the mouth, on the forehead and cheeks. During the day they pass, but each time the trail from them remains clearer and more corrugated. Early aging scares everyone, and therefore some, when deciding whether they need a night cream for their face for regular care, refuse it. And completely in vain. This kind of problem occurs only among those who apply anti-massage lines. This entails disruption of subcutaneous lymphatic drainage.

And the most important discovery concerns those very innovative technologies in the world of cosmetics. New acids, amines, peptides and other powerful substances are being discovered. They form the basis of face creams and are able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin. At the same time, they drag the entire trail of the notorious chemistry behind them - deep into the body. This can negatively affect human health.

Choosing a middle ground in resolving this issue is not easy: advantages and disadvantages balance each other. The latter can be minimized if everything is done correctly. Depending on the type of skin and the existing cosmetic problem, it is advisable to independently determine whether you need to smear your face with cream every day or whether it will be enough to do it less often. In most cases, cosmetologists have nothing against regular, but not too frequent use.

Skin prone to inflammation, as alcohol has a drying and disinfecting effect. However, the most important thing here is to observe moderation: the alcohol content in the preparation should not exceed 15-17%. But for girls with dry skin, it is better to avoid products containing alcohol altogether, otherwise peeling, irritation, and an unpleasant feeling of tightness may occur on the face.

In addition, forget about alcohol lotions in winter, because at this time of year the skin is already exposed to a lot of unpleasant influences, such as cold, temperature changes, dry air from heaters. If you really can’t bear the pimples that appear out of nowhere, choose a product with a high content of zinc, white clay and a small percentage of salicylic acid.

2. Paraffin. Strong comedogen

It is often included in anti-aging drugs. It is strictly not recommended for girls with problematic, oily or combination skin. By forming a film on the epidermis, paraffin prevents the removal of toxins from the pores and impedes the access of oxygen. As a result, the skin loses a good half of its attractiveness - it becomes uneven and unkempt.

You may ask why paraffin is used in cosmetology at all? The fact is that it has a warming effect, accelerates metabolism, and has a slight exfoliating effect. In addition, paraffin is often used for anti-cellulite wraps and softening the skin of the hands (the procedure is called “paraffin therapy”). The latter, by the way, you can safely try. Tested: works great.

3. Mineral oils. Like paraffin, a serious comedogen

And therefore mineral oils have the same “contraindications”. There is another problem with them: they may not be cleaned well enough, and then they will clog the pores even more, and may even cause inflammation, or even allergic reactions. The film that oils form protects the epidermis from dehydration, but does not leave room for additional hydration. In addition, mineral oils are poorly absorbed and interfere with the excretion of cellular metabolic products.
N.B. did you know that paraffin and mineral oils are obtained from petroleum?

4. Glycerin. Dehydrates

Yes, yes, it is glycerin, which has long been considered an excellent emollient. In excess, it can be harmful to dry skin, as it draws moisture from the deep layers of the epidermis. In no case do we urge you to completely stop using cosmetics containing this component. After all, it has a lot of advantages. But if your skin is prone to dryness or dehydration, when purchasing, do not forget to check with consultants whether there is a lot of glycerin in the chosen cream or mask. Yes, and more. Glycerin soap, so beloved by our mothers’ generation, is better to avoid altogether. It’s better to wash your face with foam or gel - it’s much healthier and more pleasant.

5. Retinoids. Lots of contraindications

Retinoids are derivatives of vitamin A. They are one of the most effective cosmetic ingredients, as they not only slow down the aging process of the skin, but also cope well with the problem of acne. But don’t rush to the pharmacy for a new tube - retinol has many side effects and contraindications.

In particular, preparations based on retinoids cannot be used during, while taking medications containing tetracycline and thiazides, with hypersensitive skin, in the presence of wounds and mechanical damage. Side effects may include dryness and flaking of the skin, itching, and irritation of the mucous membranes. During the summer season, experts also advise abandoning retinol or at least limiting its use, since substances in this group increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and increase the risk of melanoma. As you can see, there are many arguments against it, so before you start using such products, be sure to consult with a cosmetologist, or even a doctor. And be prepared for “long-term therapy”, because in order to get a pronounced anti-aging effect, cosmetics with retinol must be used for about a year!

6. Glycolic acids. May cause redness

Often used in salon procedures, in particular, acid peeling is now becoming increasingly widespread due to its painlessness and, in general, good effect. Glycolic acids are prescribed for acne and its consequences, age-related skin changes, and pigmentation disorders.

However, like retinoids, they have a number of contraindications, such as breastfeeding, acute herpes, colds, wounds and scratches on the skin. In addition, if peeling is carried out unskillfully, severe redness may appear on the skin, which can last for quite a noticeable time. So think about whether you need such a procedure. And if you still decide that you need it, have it done at a salon with a good reputation.

7. Natural plant extracts. Cause allergies

Good for everyone, except for one thing: they can cause allergies. If you have never encountered this unpleasant phenomenon, buy it and don’t be afraid - you will only win. But when allergies are an integral part of your life (even if they occur occasionally), be very careful. So, if at least once you have experienced skin redness and burning after collecting chamomiles, you should not use cream or even shampoo with this ingredient. Do you start sneezing from cornflowers? Avoid cosmetics with its extract.

In general, if allergic reactions occur, immediately consult a doctor and get tested to help determine the cause of the disease. In advanced cases, a complex and rather lengthy procedure may be necessary. For “mild” symptoms, it is enough just to avoid allergens, including “cosmetic” ones. And be sure to warn cosmetologists about your presence. Otherwise, all their work may turn out to be not only meaningless, but even harmful.

Finally, let’s say a few more words about such traditionally considered “harmful” ingredients as various types of fragrances, thickeners, emulsifiers, and preservatives. Some of us sometimes refuse to use cosmetics if they contain any of the above. However, they are not always right, because these substances are not included in creams in order to spoil us. Thus, fragrances give cosmetics a pleasant smell and thereby make their use much more pleasant. Emulsifiers and preservatives increase the stability of drugs and improve their absorption. In general, according to experts, there is nothing wrong with various chemical ingredients - of course, if they are of high quality and have passed the necessary stages of control. How to distinguish high-quality products from low-quality ones? Of course, no one can give a 100% guarantee. However, if you use products from well-known, well-established brands and are not looking for cheapness, you can be sure that all cosmetics will only benefit you.

We won’t hide it, but most women who shade eyeshadow over their eyelids, apply foundation to their faces, apply lipstick and feel guilty. And this is not in vain, because each woman was often told by her grandmother or mother that in pursuit of a sensual mouth, expressive eyes, and a face without flaws, they were wasting their natural colors and youth. Who doesn’t know the expression “he who often paints his face grows old sooner”? Is this really true or not? Do decorative cosmetics harm the skin, and do you really have to pay for it with the health of your skin to keep your face “in shape”?

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Photo gallery: Do decorative cosmetics harm the skin?

All cosmetics are divided into luxury cosmetics and medicinal cosmetics. The former do not harm the condition of the skin and give it an excellent shade. High-quality cosmetics contain components that can moisturize the outer layer of the skin, protect against ultraviolet rays, and contain antioxidants with anti-radicals that fight photoaging. Problems with intolerance to ingredients, improper use and storage, when cosmetics are applied to unclean skin, or applied with dirty, foreign sponges and brushes.

Decorative medicinal cosmetics.
Recently, decorative medicinal cosmetics have appeared in the pharmacy chain, which solve serious problems and beautify the skin. Foundations have appeared that protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation with a high protection index. Foundation powders and creams that are used after surgical operations. These are drugs containing a high concentration of anti-inflammatory ingredients.

The cosmetics market is overflowing with decorative cosmetics. And the desire to try some of them is very great. Many of us remember the instructions of our grandmothers and mothers and ask ourselves the question: how many hours can you wear makeup, how often should you apply makeup, can decorative cosmetics harm your skin? Modern cosmetics are different from those cosmetics that our older generation used; they have made great strides forward. Decorative cosmetics not only decorate, but also protect and care for the skin. You can use it freely, but you also need to know that each person has an individual intolerance to any cosmetic product. Decorative cosmetics should be chosen taking into account your skin, this is currently possible.

Quality of decorative cosmetics.
The quality of decorative cosmetics determines whether or not it will harm your skin. For example, foundations should not clog skin pores, and lipstick should not contain low-quality dyes, otherwise you will not be able to avoid problems. You need to buy good cosmetics, and the basis for its quality is the price of decorative cosmetics. The prices are quite high, but when buying, for example, good foundations, you can say with confidence that they contain proven ingredients and are a good emulsion.

Decorative cosmetics is an opportunity to put yourself in order, besides, it is also a game that lifts your spirits, gives you the opportunity to experiment with your appearance a huge number of times, the opportunity to constantly change. And there is no reason to refuse these pleasant moments. Decorative cosmetics are repeatedly tested and produced using scientific advances. Low-quality and expired products can harm the skin. Long gone are the days when lipstick was a mixture of unprocessed hard pigments (metal oxides) and petroleum distillates. Currently, manufacturers “dress” all pigments in shells, and silicones in them alternate with nutritional and vitamin supplements and use natural waxes. When applying makeup, you should not expect a healing effect from it, but it will cope with its protective functions.

Protection of decorative cosmetics.
We can say that decorative cosmetics will not harm the health of the skin. It reliably protects the skin from environmental influences. Not all of us can work and live in an environmentally friendly environment, and living in the harsh conditions of a metropolis, our skin needs protection. As a rule, high-quality cosmetics prevent the skin from inflammation, dehydration, aging, prevent the formation of free radicals and have mild caring properties.

Modern foundations have nothing in common with the pasty creams of the 60s. The powders became very light. Lipstick attracts moisture from the outside, moisturizes the delicate skin of the lips, prevents moisture from evaporating from the surface of the lips, and is rich in various waxes of natural origin. Currently, all decorative cosmetics contain vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant. You need to be serious when choosing decorative cosmetics and use high-quality cosmetics from well-known brands.

Decorative cosmetics must be of excellent quality.
These are cosmetics that have been tested for safety, have a pleasant smell and color. Products should not have any adverse effects on the skin, that is, accelerate the aging process, if they are correctly selected for your skin.

For dry skin types, you need to use fat-based cosmetics, use cream powder instead of dry powder, do not use dry shadows, but apply oily shadows. Recently, a trend has emerged to produce decorative cosmetics with biologically active additives that relieve inflammation, improve skin elasticity, and moisturize.

Now we know whether decorative cosmetics harm a woman’s skin. Good decorative cosmetics solve not only masking problem skin, but also work against eyelash loss, prevent seborrhea and aging, and solve many other similar problems.

Are depilatory creams harmful?

Is hair depilatory cream harmful?

Depilatory cream is a simple and affordable way to take care of your body without making much effort. Let's figure out how harmful it is. So, the chemical method of removing excess hair does not cause harm in most cases. However, do not forget that negligence and non-compliance with instructions guarantees you harmful impact and burn from depilatory cream.

Therefore you need to know how use depilatory cream correctly so that there are no burns.

Not a single woman, no matter what country she lives in and what religion she professes, will allow herself to be undesirable for her chosen one. The beautiful half of humanity is created for admiration by her. She allows herself to be carried in her arms, giving in return all her beauty and tenderness. A beautiful female appearance is not given to her just like that.

This is long, painstaking work, where smooth, silky skin plays an important role. It's like a haircut that will never look good if the hair is dry and split.

Women's skin requires care. If you go to a salon and store the number of your personal cosmetologist in your phone, that’s great. But there are times when, for one reason or another, a trip to professional impossible.

Then a chemical method of hair removal comes to the rescue - this is a depilatory cream.

The impact of this method is the impact and further destruction of the hair structure. The cream acts on the first layer of the skin, so the result lasts from 2-3 days to a week. The hair becomes so weak that it can be removed with a simple movement of the hand combined with a rubber spatula.

Harm and benefits of depilatory creams

Chemical depilatory products exist in the form of five consistencies: gels, mousses, creams, powders and sprays. Each of them has its own properties, which you should learn about in advance from the attached instructions. But they all have similar advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of using depilatory cream

  • Cheapness of products, which is an aspect of the use of such a product by all segments of the population;

  • Ease of use will allow you to cope with the task yourself;

  • Even the shortest hair will be removed without problems, as long as it is not noticed by others;

  • The painlessness of the procedure cannot but rejoice;

  • Convenient to use on absolutely all areas of the skin, even the most difficult to reach.
  • Disadvantages of using a chemical drug

  • The effect of the depilator does not last long;

  • The substance has a destructive effect not only on the hair structure, but also on the skin. Not suitable for sensitive skin;

  • Does not remove ingrown hairs and leaves dark spots in the area where the hair was removed.

  • Manufacturers promise that you will need the next procedure no less than 72 hours later, i.e. three days. Be careful, some illnesses do not allow you to carry out such procedures. These include skin problems, pregnancy and lactation, mechanical damage, oncology and even moles.

    How to use depilatory cream

    The conditions that must be observed are noted in the instructions. If you read the insert, you will learn how to use the depilatory cream without redness or blisters. You can use the cream only after testing for allergic reactions. To do this, the depilatory cream must be applied to the area to be depilated, wait up to 15 minutes and rinse. If the skin is not damaged, depilatory cream is suitable for you.

    In the instructions you will also learn about the dangers of the substance, how to use it and the time for the hair removal process.

    Instructions. To perform depilation with cream you need:

    1. Expand pores. Take a warm bath, spend 15-20 minutes in it, then remove dead epidermal cells with a scrub;

    2. Dry the skin area and degrease with a special product;

    3. Distribute the cream evenly over the entire area and leave for 15 minutes maximum;

    4. Remove the depilator along with the softened hairs using the special spatula that comes with the kit. Allowed use sponge or towel for removal;

    5. Wash off the remaining cream and rinse with cool water to tighten the pores;

    6. To achieve greater effect, use a hair growth retardant. If not, just moisturize your skin.

    How you achieve smooth skin results is a purely personal matter. Don’t experiment, take care of your health and listen to the opinions of professionals. You can harm yourself, because depilatory cream is still a chemical substance.

    Act wisely and you are guaranteed a wonderful, and, most importantly, harmless result.

    Video: depilatory cream - real review.