Stone therapy (hot stone massage) - what is its use? Stone therapy: massage with healing stones

Stone therapy - massage with smooth basalt stones. Knowledge about the benefits of this method of healing the human body originated 2000 years ago in India. Today, this pleasant procedure attracts more and more people with the possibility of rest, relaxation and recovery.

Healing stones: from the origins of antiquity to the present day

In ancient times, the inhabitants of India, Central America and Tibet were sure that the energy of the birth of the Earth was concentrated inside the stones. Origins were used for treatment, since they contain the power of the elements of nature: water, earth, air and fire. The methods of using stones to treat a person from many diseases were known to shamans who possessed secret knowledge.

In practice oriental medicine it is believed that by massaging with stones, one can achieve the opening of the chakras to fill the body with energy. Stone-polar therapy is also based on a similar principle.

In the modern world, stone therapy became widespread in 1993 thanks to Mary Nelson, a massage therapist, who began using heated stones to reduce muscle pain. Today, stone therapy is available in many SPA and massage parlors, it is carried out with stones of different temperatures.

What is special about stone therapy?

For the massage smooth flattened stones are used. Their number: for hot therapy - 40-50 black stones (their temperature is about 50 degrees), and for cold - 18-20 white (cooled from 0 to +10 degrees and one room temperature). Stones for stone therapy should have a porous structure, be flat, smooth for comfortable sliding over the body and retain heat for a long time. Slightly porous surface deep cleaning skin and detoxification. For general massage, a perfectly smooth surface is used.

The following types of stones can be used:

  • rhinestone;
  • basalt;
  • jade;
  • marble;
  • rose quartz.

You can purchase stones as a set for offers to buy them in specialized stores "Green Elf", Axiom Cosmetologi, "Mega Spa".

What is the benefit of massage

Stone therapy is a general strengthening procedure, when using it, the following results are felt:

  • metabolism becomes stable;
  • lymph flow and blood circulation are stimulated;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system, and nervous tension;
  • thanks to the use of oils, the skin becomes elastic and soft;
  • relieve muscle pain, fatigue in the spine, heaviness in the legs.

To use such a massage method as stone therapy, basalt stones of different temperatures alternate with each other. Hot warm the body, relaxing muscles and relieving spasms. The use of cold stones during the procedure does not cause negative emotions, because the body is prepared for exposure with the help of the masseur's actions. low temperature. Stone therapy invigorates, tones muscles.

Indications for stone therapy

  • Insomnia, depression.
  • Pain in the muscles.
  • Overweight, metabolic disorders.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Diseases of the pancreas, cholelithiasis, problems with the digestive system.
  • Diseases of the bladder.

Also, stone massage can be successfully used for stress, for the prevention of colds (regular stone therapy helps to increase immunity).


Despite many good points inherent in the use of massage, there are a number of contraindications to its use:

  • skin diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of bruises, fractures, wounds;
  • hypertension.

The principle of influence on the body

Stone therapy is based on thermotherapy and reflexology combined with the principles of physiotherapy. When using stones, blood flow increases, the work of cells is activated, toxins and toxins are removed through the pores of the skin. During a massage session lasting from 45 minutes to an hour and a half, all tissues are enriched with oxygen. Lasting effect from the procedures carried out is achieved after several sessions, their number depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Stages of therapy

  • Body prep. Relaxing oil rubs. The environment should contribute to maximum peace.
  • Laying stones of different sizes (hot or cold, depending on the type of therapy) on different parts of the body in accordance with certain points.
  • Massage with stones. It starts with the feet and ends with a facial massage.

After the stone therapy, peace and rest are needed for some time in order to feel the overall harmony. It is ideal to drink a cup of fragrant herbal tea.

with the help of stones

  • Stone massage classic. Stones of different temperatures alternate or only warm ones are used. Effect: muscle relaxation, improvement of local blood circulation, acceleration of metabolism, emotional relaxation.
  • Body modeling massage consists of several restorative procedures, including stone therapy. At the same time, a point is used. It has an anti-stress effect.

  • Corrective chocolate cream massage. To saturate the skin with minerals at the beginning of the procedure, it is necessary to take a mineral bath with a hydromassage effect. This is followed by a stone massage using hot and cold stones. This effect contributes to weight loss and the formation of slim silhouette. Then the skin is treated with a scrub containing salts and minerals from the Dead Sea, which improves blood microcirculation and has an anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect. After that, a whole body wrap is applied using basalt crystals and extracts of medicinal plants. This treatment smoothes the skin and promotes the elimination of toxins.
  • Rejuvenating body massage with crystals. Applies original technique using semi-precious stones aventurine, special shape. Effect: relaxation, reduction of body volume.
  • Rejuvenating face massage with crystals. Lifting of the facial skin is provided by sliding specially selected smooth stones along special lines and points.

SPA salons in Moscow

Consider the list of beauty salons where professional stone therapy is provided (Moscow):

  • "La Grand Spa" is located at the address: Bolshoy Tishinsky lane, 10, building 1.
  • Spa-salon "Macau" on the street. Marshal Rybalko, 3, not far from the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station. Opening hours: from 10 to 22.
  • Beauty salon Evita studio of beauty is located on the street. Petrozavodskoy, 22, apt. 1. Works seven days a week from 10 am to 10 pm.
  • Beauty salon "Gallery No. 1" at 5/13. (Smolenskaya metro station).
  • Beauty salon "La titus" at the address: Sevastopolsky pr-t, 2. Metro station "Nagatinskaya", "Tulskaya". Works from 10 am to 10 pm.
  • Beauty Studio RAI can be found at the address: Sokolnichesky Val, 15. Metro stations: Krasnoselskaya, Sokolniki. Opening hours: from 10 to 21.

Average prices in salons (stone therapy lasting 60 minutes): from 2700 to 3500 rubles. It is possible to massage individual areas, such as the face (price is about 800 rubles), feet (about 500 rubles). The cost of anti-cellulite stone massage is on average 5,000 rubles.

Combination of stone therapy with other procedures

Stow therapy methods can be used both in preventive and in medicinal purposes. Quite effective combination with such types of reflexology as hirudotherapy, massage, acupuncture, vacuum massage. The aesthetic effect can be enhanced with various wraps: chocolate, blue clay, algae or honey.

The indisputable advantage of stone therapy is that only natural materials are used in its application: stones, essential oils, aromas. This procedure is as comfortable and painless as possible, brings the body a feeling of relaxation and provides a surge of strength.

Stability and metabolic processes. With the help of this procedure, you can not only help a person relax, but also heal him. However, it is very important to adhere to the correct technique and use special monolithic structures.

Essence, types, benefits

The application of this technique is to influence the muscles of the human or in order to relax them and stimulate natural processes.

The discovery and purification of psycho-energetic centers in the so-called "subtle bodies" contributes to the acquisition of inner harmony - due to the positive effect on the body. It is believed that any individual stone has a special structure and composition. Although these are inanimate objects, they have a memory, they can read the negative and direct all the good that is hidden in them to people.

Various methods of such a procedure have appeared in different countries however, it was the Thai technique that gained the widest popularity.

Did you know?Ancient people attached special importance to the stones that surrounded them. That is why the first tools, amulets, and later houses were made from these natural formations. When the first civilizations began to emerge, stones were also used in medicine. Oriental physicians were the first to practice hot stone massage, using selected elements for this, which had not only medicinal properties but also some sacred meaning. Used since the days of the Roman Empire, this method gained new life in 1993 thanks to the American masseuse Mary Nelson.

There are the following types of stone massage, each of which brings its benefits to the human body:

  1. Hot stone massage. This type of stone therapy is traditional and involves exposure to heated elements. Such therapy helps to relax muscles, relieve energy tension, eliminate spasms and activate blood circulation.
  2. Contrast massage using not only hot, but also cold elements. This procedure helps stimulate metabolic processes and has a good effect on the state, it strengthens muscle tone and helps to get rid of puffiness.
  3. Massage used for gems. It is also called intuitive, since the master himself chooses the material and optimal movements for each individual person. This type of stone massage helps to normalize the energy state of a person, gives and.

The above methods are also conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • classical;
  • modeling;
  • energy;

Indications and contraindications

Although this technique quite widely used to relieve tension in almost every SPA-salon, there are both indications and contraindications for the use of stone therapy.

  • people with;
  • to activate metabolic processes and optimize body weight;
  • if there are problems with the energy field;
  • to get rid of insomnia;
  • for the purpose of stopping muscle spasms, discomfort;
  • in order to draw out toxins from the upper layers of the skin and restore its natural elasticity;
  • those who need physiological rehabilitation of the body, treatment of muscles and joints without inflammation;
  • in order to normalize
  • people who are being tormented
  • to activate blood circulation in different parts of the body.

In order for stone therapy not to have an opposite effect on the body and not harm the client, it is necessary to take into account contraindications to the use of this technique. You can not do stone massage:

  • those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • women;
  • on those parts of the body where the skin is damaged;
  • in the presence of dermatological diseases;
  • people with pathologies nervous system;
  • if a person has complications due to.

Stones for the procedure

The technique of performing stone massage involves, first of all, the presence of special, properly selected stones. In this type of therapy, elements of different origin are used: smooth marine or chipped raw, 5-10 cm in diameter. As a rule, marble or basalt is used in salons.

Important!Before starting to lay out the elements on the client's body, it is necessary to check whether the temperature of the stones is suitable for him. This can be done by putting one of the elements on the knee: if this does not cause discomfort, you can start the procedure.

Basalt can be heated up to maximum temperature comfortable for the client. This stone is a dark gray mineral of volcanic origin. It turns black when wet.

As for marble, it has a white color and, cooled in cold water, is used for contrast massage.

Agate, amazonite, chalcedony are also used for stone massage. These are precious stones that are often used specifically for facial massage. They are selected by the master, depending on the energy properties.

How to prepare

In order for the stone massage technique to produce the desired effect and meet the client’s expectations, it is important to create an atmosphere conducive to achieving complete relaxation: turn on meditative or nature sounds, provide soft subdued lighting for the room where the procedure is performed, which, moreover, should be filled with pleasant light relaxing aromas .

Then you need to prepare (heat or cool) the stones, put them on a towel. Before starting to do stone massage, it is necessary to apply to the client’s body prepared, depending on the purpose of the procedure (relaxation, toning or healing of any disease).

At the stage of relaxation, elements are laid out along different temperatures. Often these are 16 cold marble stones and 54 hot basalt stones. In summer, it is recommended to heat the basalt with sun rays. When this is not possible, hot water or special heaters are used to bring the temperature of the elements to about 40°C. Cool the marble to 10-25°C.

Impact zones

Larger stones are used for healing than for relaxing massages. In addition to basalt and marble, sandstone and granite are used here. The genitourinary system contributes to the location of stones in the sacrum. It can also help get rid of baby bedwetting.

For the removal or prevention of weak heart pain and treatment of angina pectoris stones are placed on the outer edge of the left collarbone or on the left shoulder, then covered with a terry towel.

Is it possible to do it yourself

Of course, getting stones for this technique and warming them up from home is a simple matter. However, it is impossible to perform stone massage in the traditional sense on your own, since such therapy involves complete relaxation, which cannot be achieved if all processes are controlled independently (heating, setting stones, rubbing, etc.).

Be sure to consult with a specialist, you can simply massage individual parts of the body with hot stones, but without the right atmosphere, the necessary relaxation and feeling, this will no longer be called stone therapy.

Did you know?Eastern doctors believe that strong uncontrolled emotions can cause complex diseases. So, for example, strong joy can negatively affect the state of the heart, anger can harm the liver, and grief can cause damage to the lungs, etc. You can control these emotions in order to avoid ailments by massaging your fingers: the little finger when you are afraid; thumb when you are worried about something; index - when you yearn; nameless - to tame anger; middle - when you are offended, vulnerable or very happy.

Thus, at correct technique performing stone therapy is effective tool struggle not only with fatigue, but also with various diseases. To maximize the effect of such a procedure, it is important to create an atmosphere of calm and balance, relax a person with the help of aromas, music, oils and preparatory massage with hands.

Performing the stone massage technique on your own is extremely difficult, because in this way it is impossible to achieve relaxation and complete abstraction from the hustle and bustle and all the problems.

In stone therapy, stone massage can be performed in a variety of ways.

The most common stone massage is hot stones; procedures using cold and contrast stones are also widely applicable. The techniques for performing these types of lithotherapy are different, but all of them are of great benefit to the body. These methods are also acceptable for the improvement of children.

What stones can be massaged: basalt minerals for stone therapy

Speaking of hot stone massage, the question of choosing the material for performing this procedure is quite natural. What kind of stones can be used for a “hot” massage so that the healing heat remains as long as possible? Such procedures are performed with basalt stones for stone therapy, since their porous structure allows for a long time keep warm, and the smooth polished surface in contact with the skin gives a pleasant feeling.

Black basalt, according to the founders of stone therapy, has a hot male energy Sun and symbolizes the cosmic power of yang movement. Perhaps that is why even a relaxing massage with basalt stones fills the body with inner strength, and the mind with a desire for action.

These stones for stone massage are also used in, as they have a high heat capacity and low hygroscopicity. In addition, basalt is durable and hygienic. The steam coming from this stone lasts a long time, and it has no equal in quality.

Professionals for hot stone therapy use 54 black basalts, most of which are paired, that is, they are the same in weight and shape. This is very important, because basically the massage therapist works with both hands and his movements must be symmetrical.

In most cases, patients who received lithotherapy procedures note that hot massage put in order not only their body, but also their thoughts - a solution to long-standing problems was found, doubts disappeared, and what previously seemed an insurmountable obstacle now looks barely noteworthy. No wonder the tradition of stone massage has such a long history!

The benefits of stone massage with hot and warm stones

WITH medical point In terms of vision, massage with warm stones is much more prosaic, but the benefits of the procedure do not become less obvious. Hot stone massage enhances blood and lymph flow, activates perspiration, facilitates breathing, relaxes muscles, stimulates the process of removing toxins, renews, cleanses, and tones the body. The benefit of hot stone therapy also lies in the fact that the impact on the joints relieves swelling and pain. Even a ten-minute procedure relaxes and energizes, and a deep massage, which takes up to 1.5 hours, helps to solve much more serious problems associated with the health of the whole organism.

It is known that physical inactivity is the cause of not only the appearance of excess weight, but also the weakening of the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system.

The benefit of hot stone massage is also that the thermal effect helps to get rid of inflammation and swelling in the joints, regulates the work of the heart. According to medical indications, stone massage reduces tachycardia or increases the heart rate. At the same time, stone therapy relaxes and calms the nervous system, allows the patient to plunge into a peaceful state of relaxation, so that after the session he feels rested and full of energy.

The main procedure of stone therapy - hot stone massage - is also necessary for those who suffer from insomnia, just a few procedures help to restore night sleep. And the most important thing is that sleep becomes deep, invigorating, giving the necessary rest.

The stone massage procedure itself can last about 1.5 hours, but the session time varies depending on the tasks that the patient sets for the massage therapist, as well as the availability of the necessary time. But even in just 40 minutes, very impressive results can be achieved, because even during this time the massage therapist manages to “walk” all over the patient’s body.

Warming procedures are an excellent way to treat acute and protracted respiratory diseases. These include baths, compresses, mustard plasters, rubbing, plasters, poultices, hot drinks. Heat accelerates blood circulation, enhances the protective functions of the body, helps to get rid of cough, runny nose, inflammation. Warming procedures should not be carried out only if the patient's body temperature is elevated - this is harmful to the heart.

Stone therapy: hot stone massage with video

Read the description of hot stone massage to understand how this procedure is performed.

It all starts with a psychological impact. The patient finds himself in a special world created solely for his sake, taking into account his problems and wishes. He enters a cozy and always warm room, decorated with flowers, lit by the soft light of lamps or candles, filled with gentle soothing aromas. Quiet soothing music plays in the background.

The client undresses, sits comfortably on the massage table, hot stones covered with a towel are laid out under his back, which immediately begin to “work”. The stones are conveniently placed under the Achilles tendons, knees, along the spine and under the head, and in such a way that the client can relax the muscles of the neck.

Directly massage in stone therapy begins with the application of warm water to the client's skin. cosmetic oil. It is worth paying attention to the fact that cosmetic and essential oils are especially necessary in the stone therapy procedure - they allow hot stones to slide over the body, which eliminates the possibility of overheating or other unpleasant sensations. In addition, the oil is good for the skin. It softens, nourishes, cleanses it, retains moisture in it.

Hot stones wrapped in a cloth are placed in the palms and near the feet of the client so that the hands and feet do not cool down, as often happens if a person lies motionless for some time. Stones are also placed between the toes - this also helps to relax and causes very pleasant sensations. Hot stones are placed near the patient's face so that the heat emanating from them also helps to tune in to the stone massage session.

Up to this point, most of the stones were in hot water, and now it's time to get them. The masseur lays the stones on a towel, dries them and lubricates them with oil. During this time, his hands warm up, and the stones cool down a little - just enough so that their temperature is pleasant for the client's skin.

Before the stones are used, the masseur prepares the client's skin for their touch by massaging the body with the palms warmed by the heat of the stones. Then the actual stone massage procedure begins: the technique of movements is light at first, but the pressure increases every minute, massage movements are performed from the limbs to the body, from large muscles to small ones.

As you can see in the photo, the massage stones are oval in shape, which allows you to smooth the skin with a flat surface, and knead the muscles with a rounded edge:

The first stage of massage with the help of stones is relaxation and opening of energy zones that connect the patient's energy with the energy potential of the entire Universe.

To open the channels of the client, the stones are laid out according to the chakras. There is nothing strange in this practice - according to the tradition established by the founders of the method, work in the stone therapy room is carried out not only with the body, but also with the aura of the client.

The procedure of physical impact combines the actual massage and laying stones on the reflex zones associated with the internal organs. Impact on these important energy points has a positive effect on the functionality of the body, which is why it is believed that, together with traditional treatment Stone therapy helps to get rid of many serious diseases.

Having completed this stage, the massage therapist helps the patient roll over on the table to begin massaging the back, buttocks, and back of the legs.

Hot stones are again laid out under the body of the client, which will affect the chakras.

At the end of the whole session, the stone massage specialist "closes" the energy zones, thereby preserving and protecting the patient's energy.

The procedure ends with washing and processing massage oil hands and feet of the patient. This is followed by a ten-minute rest under the sheet - this is the time for maximum relaxation, light naps, recovery of the body, its adaptation to the positive changes that the massage gave.

After the session, the client is treated to chamomile, jasmine or other fragrant herbal tea. It's time to return from the world of dreams to reality. After tea, the patient is absolutely ready for work, but it is still best not to overload physically and mentally on the days when stone therapy sessions are held.

Massage oils are very helpful. The most important function of oils is hydration, and hydration is the basis of beauty and health of the skin. The oil contributes to the fight against cellulite, which is especially important for many women, and helps to get rid of subcutaneous fat deposits. Some types of oils provide an anti-stress effect, help to relax. You can use cosmetic and essential oils at home during hygiene procedures.

The video "Hot Stone Massage" will help you to imagine in detail how this procedure is performed:

Stone therapy: description of the procedure and massage technique with cold stones

In stone therapy, cold minerals are also used in stone therapy, which carry the hidden deep and indomitable power of the ocean. The power of yin finds its positive embodiment in stability, constancy, confidence, a sense of satisfaction and the ability to enjoy the current moment.

Cold massage seems to charge the patient with the qualities of yin energy. Judging by the reviews of clients who underwent sessions of cold stone therapy, after the massage they felt inside themselves the good energy of peace and the joy of life.

Some clients refuse cold stone massage because they think that such a procedure will not bring much pleasure. It seems that cold stones should cause a feeling of chills, goosebumps, but everything is just the opposite - a cold massage causes an even greater warming effect than a hot one.

After reading the description of the stone massage procedure with cold stones, you will understand how such a session differs from hot stone massage.

In general, the principle of the procedure with cold stones is the same as with hot stones - first, the patient prepares for the procedure, plunging into an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Music and aromas set him up for the session. Then he lays down on the stones, which affect the energy zones.

Before the cold stones touch the skin of the patient, the master massage therapist will prepare him for the procedure with stroking movements of cool hands - thanks to this preparation, the client will not experience acute discomfort from the touch of cold stones, but already at this moment the magic of cold massage begins.

Another important nuance stone therapy techniques - before applying a cold stone, the massage therapist asks the patient to make a deep entrance, and then exhale. The stone is applied on exhalation, so the cold is perceived more easily and does not cause discomfort.

Massage is carried out first on the front surface of the body, and then the patient turns over on the table. The movements of the massage therapist have the maximum impact - he kneads, strokes, hits the stone with a stone. Gradually, the patient's muscles begin to warm up, fill with strength. The cold stone successfully copes with pain, stiffness of the joints - the body is reborn to life!

And now watch the video "Massage with cold" stones and compare this procedure with "hot stone therapy":

Stone Therapy: Benefits of Cold Stone Treatment

What happens to the body at the moment when it is affected by cold?

In the process of massage with cold stones, the capillaries first reflexively narrow, the blood flows from the surface of the body to the internal organs, but after a while the brain turns on defensive reaction: it is necessary to warm the cooling part of the body! The heart begins to work more actively - it needs to be washed with blood that carries heat and oxygen, the “affected” cells. The capillaries expand, the blood rushing into them warms the skin, so the client does not experience any discomfort at all. What's more, the warmth that starts inside the body and undulates to the surface is remarkably invigorating.

Cold stones act on the human body even more intensely than hot ones. The process of cooling and then warming "trains" the immune system, creates a situation of healthy stress, the opposite of stress that destroys the human body, and forces the body to mobilize internal resources.

The benefit of cold stone massage is that by generating energy aimed at warming the body, the body prepares for negative impact environment to be able to resist him.

The procedure of cold stone therapy stimulates the metabolism, as well as the activity of the peripheral nervous system. It should be borne in mind that the full effect of the procedure will appear only after a day.

If you receive procedures regularly, you can really improve your health, and in the case of a single visit to the stone massage room, the client will simply feel better, but this will not affect the state of the body as a whole.

After a cold massage, a ten-minute rest and a cup of warm herbal or green tea are also necessary. After resting for at least half an hour, the patient will be ready to return to his usual activities. Experts in the field of stone therapy advise after a massage session to devote the rest of the day to quiet activities - reading, walking. It is important to carefully monitor your condition.

The procedure with the use of cold stones significantly affects many processes in the human body, not only improving well-being, but also strengthening health.

Cold stone therapy has a positive effect on immunity, helps to prolong youth and maintain healthy appearance, relieving swelling, unhealthy redness, lethargy skin.

People who want to get rid of excess weight, it will be useful to know that massage using cold stones stimulates the breakdown of visceral fat and glycogen, which helps to restore its former harmony.

Cold procedures - rubbing ice cubes on the face, neck, décolleté - can save women (and, if desired, men) from various problems with skin. Ice activates the regeneration processes in the cells of the dermis, makes the blood and lymph move more actively. These processes allow the skin to healthy eating and excretion of products of cellular metabolism.

Stone massage technique with contrasting stones

The technique of stone massage with contrasting stones combines and enhances the positive effect of the use of hot and cold minerals, influencing the thermoregulation of the body. It is a deeply harmonizing therapy that is most beneficial for people with problems such as muscle spasms, flabbiness, pallor and unhealthy skin (including as a result of age-related changes), stagnation in the lymphatic system and accompanying edema, chronic fatigue syndrome.

According to traditional concepts, contrast stone therapy combines both driving forces(yin and yang), so the patient has a unique opportunity to get the type of energy he lacks and balance the forces of his body. Of course, such a “reboot” cannot go unnoticed - contrast stone therapy is a serious procedure that requires preparation, and after it you need to rest until the end of the day. In this regard, it is better to schedule a session on a day off.

For a stone massage therapist, a contrast procedure is a great opportunity to demonstrate their skills, which consist in the ability to find a balance, to make the procedure as useful and enjoyable as possible for the client. If the body is overheated, give it more heat than it should, the client will feel discomfort, and the therapeutic effect will be reduced to zero. With cooling, the situation can be even more serious, given that cold massage is much more effective than hot.

Stone therapy is to some extent an art based on a sense of proportion and the ability to empathize with the patient's emotions and feelings.

Given that the patient must fully trust the massage therapist, at the beginning of the procedure, both parties must establish mutual understanding. Good way for this - several joint, when the patient and the massage therapist simultaneously do deep breath and exhale.

Contrast therapy begins with warming, so the massage therapist takes out hot stones, dries them with a towel and treats them with oil. The client lies on his back, and under his neck, back of the head, on the front surface of the body, in the palms and near the feet, hot stones are laid out. If, for medical reasons, some area of ​​the patient's body cannot be warmed up, cold stones are used.

According to the generally accepted method, a contrasting stone massage is carried out in four stages and consists of three deep heating and one cooling of the client's body. To make the procedure as effective as possible, the massage therapist slowly drives the stones over the client's body, pressing gently but strongly. The degree of pressure depends on the temperature of the stone - the hotter it is, the stronger the pressure. The method provides deep and uniform heating.

When the masseur taps the stone in his hand on the stone lying on the patient's skin, he achieves deep stimulation of the tissues located under the skin, as well as subcutaneous fat, muscles, joints. This is the so-called vibration stimulation, which is considered one of the most effective techniques.

The stone therapy technique does not provide for a shocking transition from heat to cold, so cold stones are applied only after the client's body is prepared for cooling. In fact, the contrast between heat and cold is also used in the Russian bath, but with stone therapy, the temperature changes in a more gentle mode, eliminating the appearance of discomfort caused by ice water.

And yet, the change in temperature, no matter how smoothly it occurs, provides the so-called vascular gymnastics. A hot stone causes blood vessels to expand, while the pulse quickens, cellular metabolism is activated, lymph flow accelerates, muscles relax, spasms are relieved, the body adapts to temperature changes.

A cold stone disrupts homeostasis (the vessels narrow sharply, breathing becomes deeper), as the cells require more oxygen, an analgesic effect appears, weakens inflammatory process, the blood rushes into the expanding vessels and the body again adapts to the change in temperature. Thus, the vessels are trained, and with them the human immunity.

Such exercises are especially useful for people suffering from vegetovascular dystonia. Due to the change in temperature, the body learns to overcome the dysfunction of the system and becomes healthier.

Contrasting massage with cold and hot stones can be compared with training in the gym - the body warms up, breathing quickens and becomes deep, the skin turns pink, metabolic processes are activated. If the client for one reason or another is deprived of the opportunity to play sports, to some extent he can compensate for this with stone therapy.

Stone therapy gurus, such as the American Jane Scrivner, are confident in her highest efficiency. In her book, Jane Scrivner writes: “If illness is an imbalance in the state of the body, then stone therapy is an extremely powerful means of healing or returning to balance. And the more different techniques a massage therapist has, the more opportunities he has to choose the most suitable treatment.”

Depending on the patient's well-being, a session of contrast stone therapy can last from 40 minutes to 2 hours.

How to understand how effective the stone massage procedure turned out to be?

It is enough to trust your feelings and sensations. If after the first session you feel lightness in the whole body, a surge of vigor and spiritual uplift, then there is a benefit. However, the effect is often noticeable visually - the skin turns pink, becomes more elastic to the touch and seems refreshed, the person smiles, the eyes shine.

But a full course of massage with stones provides the patient with even more pleasant sensations that will not leave him for several months. The healing result will not go unnoticed.

First, the patient feels a burst of efficiency. Perhaps this is how the mysterious qualities manifest themselves. internal energy, which is being revived thanks to stone therapy. It may be worth clarifying that stone therapy involves significant work with a person's aura, his spiritual capabilities, even regardless of his attitude to this aspect.

Secondly, contrast stone therapy regulates the vegetative-vascular system. As a result, a person ceases to experience discomfort when changing the temperature regime - he quickly warms up and cools down in a natural way, without resorting to changing clothes and other, often not very useful methods. In addition, he forgets about the spasms and headaches that tormented him before, bouts of weakness and dizziness, becomes more optimistic and full of hope.

Thirdly, and this is perhaps the most important result of stone therapy, immunity is strengthened as the basis of health. Usually this happens as if by itself: the patient begins to notice that the diseases seem to bypass him, the season will change into the season, those around him will sneeze and cough, and he will remain healthy.

Another important effect of contrast stone massage, if combined with other methods (diet and exercise), is to get rid of excess weight. IN this case weight loss is associated with the activation of metabolism in skin cells and in the body as a whole, as well as with improved blood circulation in places of fat deposits.

It is also known that at the time of cooling, the human body spends a significant amount of calories to raise the body temperature - and this also helps to lose weight.

Besides, positive mood helps to overcome bad habits like overeating and physical inactivity, not to succumb to stress, which almost all people are subject to, forced to change their lifestyle. Many losing weight claim that thanks to stone therapy, appetite is reduced and this allows you to treat food more consciously and reasonably.

Contrast pouring can be done after a shower by simply turning off the tap hot water. You need to alternate hot and cold water several times, but you need to be under hot jets for 2 minutes, and under cold ones - no more than 30 seconds. Finish pouring with cold water.

Cultivate the habit of contrast soul better from the beginning of summer, when the air is warm enough and there is no chance of hypothermia.

Stone therapy for children

The question of whether stone massage can be used to treat children is being actively discussed by specialists of the stone therapy method. Some believe that stone massage is absolutely contraindicated for children, others are sure that stone therapy in combination with traditional methods of treatment is quite acceptable as a method of healing children.

But it is definitely not necessary to carry out massage procedures using stones for children under the age of 6-7 years, and in relation to a child aged 8-15 years, one should be especially careful about the temperature regime.

In addition, children cannot understand and appreciate the bioenergetic aspect of the session, which means that the benefits of such complex therapy will not be sufficiently obtained.

Children preschool age often get sick, so they need to be strengthened in every possible way. The least benefit will come from various medical preparations especially if they are not prescribed by a doctor. in the best way to give your baby health are accustoming him to sports, proper nutrition and a massage course once a season.

However, the little experience in the field of children's stone therapy, which is currently available, indicates that easily excitable, nervous children with diagnosed hyperactivity respond well to the calm atmosphere that prevails in the stone therapy room.

Singing birds, skillfully selected aromas, friendly staff have a calming effect on the child's psyche. In such an environment, almost every child is ready to endure a half-hour procedure, which is enough to obtain the desired effect.

In what cases can stone therapy be recommended for children and adolescents? Basically, stone massage is useful during the rehabilitation period after colds and viral infectious diseases that affect the respiratory system. Massage with warm, but not hot stones helps to prevent a complication that can cause a child's health, much more harm than the primary disease, as a result of which it developed.

Such complications of a child's illness as sinusitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, frontal sinusitis and sinusitis can last for several months or even become chronic.

Even more serious threat represent inflammation of the lymph nodes or diseases of the genitourinary system, aggravated due to the fact that or destroy the child's immune system. The otitis media that has arisen after the primary disease is very difficult, but the most dangerous is a complication on the heart. The child becomes lethargic, pale, loses his appetite, his growth slows down, and development stops.

The treatment of heart pathology is a very complex process with an unpredictable result, so every possible effort must be made to avoid such a serious pathology.

Warm stone massage can also be helpful for children who are serious about sports. Long and hard training aimed at achieving a certain result often leads to the fact that children receive minor injuries.

The muscles of young athletes are under enormous stress and need improved blood supply and kneading. In professional sports clubs, this need, common to children and adults, is always taken into account and pays tribute to massage procedures.

When choosing a sport for a child, one must take into account its nature, degree of activity and interests. Almost all children are suitable for team sports, while for not very sports it is better to choose dancing or swimming.

Rhythmic gymnastics will appeal to flexible and patient girls. Artistic gymnastics attracts purposeful children who love to compete and win. Children who react acutely to stress can be taken to a martial arts club - this will allow them to become more self-confident.

As for possible harm from exposure to warm stones, there is an easy way to prevent it. If parents regularly examine a child with doctors and know what the state of his health is, they can think about sessions of children's stone therapy.

The most correct thing in this situation is to get professional advice first from the attending physician or local pediatrician, and then from a specialist in the field of stone therapy. After receiving the necessary recommendations and finding out in advance if the child is allergic to essential oils or massage creams, parents can bring him to a stone massage therapist.

Children's stone massage is significantly different from procedures for adults. It is carried out only by a specialist with a certain qualification, who is well acquainted with the features of the anatomy and physiology of children. With children under 10 years old, one of the parents may be present in the massage therapist's office, older children and teenagers usually prefer to communicate with the massage therapist “like an adult”.

Children's skin is more sensitive, so it must be treated very carefully. The stones are selected medium-sized, weighing no more than 150 g.

After the procedure, rest is shown, and after 2 hours - a full meal.

The duration of the session should not exceed 30 minutes, taking into account preparatory measures. The stones are heated to no more than 30 ° C, and cold massage is indicated only for patients older than 15 years.

On massage days, the child should not take part in active games, sports training, long walk on fresh air swimming in a pond or pool.

Stone therapy is a special massage technique using various natural stones based on the method of thermotherapy - the alternation of hot and cold stones. Born by the earth, polished by water, sun and wind, stones are a source of natural and cosmic energy.

The specific energy of the stones eliminates tension and stress, neutralizes negative energy, redistributes energy from areas where it is in excess to those areas where it is not enough.

Each stone and each color carries a certain energy, has a cleansing and unblocking effect on a person.

Special stones are used as conductors of heat and cold:

  • for hot exposure: basalt of volcanic origin (from the Hawaiian Islands of the USA);
  • for cold exposure: marble (from Norway).

The main effect of the procedure:

  • increased metabolism;
  • regulation of the autonomic nervous system;
  • activation of the endocrine and immune systems

The use of natural stones guarantees not only the effectiveness of the procedure, but also a complete degree of relaxation. Serving as an extension of the master's hand, the stones enhance the effect of massage, being a real "gymnastics" for blood vessels.

Classic stone massage of the whole body

Hot stone massage promotes muscle relaxation, increases the intensity of metabolic processes, brings a feeling of physical peace and mental balance. The main local effect of hot stones on tissues is due to vasodilation and hyperemia, while improving local blood circulation, more intense metabolism, and rapid excretion of metabolic products.

Massage with cold stones (when alternating with hot ones) causes constriction of blood vessels and capillaries of the skin, eliminates venous congestion, increases muscle tone, and increases the supply of fresh oxygen-enriched blood to the tissues.

Stone therapy sessions not only have a relaxing effect, but also regulate the work of the autonomic nervous system, reduce muscle pain, strengthen the respiratory and immune systems of the body, help overcome mental and physical overload, stress, depression, chronic fatigue, promote general healing and increase vitality. General contraindications for stone therapy are the same as for classical massage and physiotherapy.

This procedure is extremely comfortable. You will forever remember the touch of the stone and remain grateful to the professional who gave you this fairy tale.

  • Duration of the procedure
  • Cost of the procedure
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 4 000 rub

Stone modeling full body massage

An extremely interesting massage technique using hot and very cold stones. The main action is weight loss and silhouette modeling. The procedure uses hot basalt stones and cold Norwegian marble. The basis of this program is the healing methods of the peoples of the Scandinavian countries using problem areas very cold stones

The purpose of cryotherapy is not cooling, but the activation of the internal energy inherent in our body. It has been proven that extreme cold improves metabolic processes and stimulates the immune system, which noticeably and significantly rejuvenates the human body due to its own reserves.

  • Duration of the procedure
  • Cost of the procedure
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 4 000 rub.

Stone-modeling facial massage (hot basalt and cold marble)

  • Duration of the procedure
  • Cost of the procedure
  • 30 min.
  • 1 200 rub.

"Shi-Tao" - the poetry of space"

"Shi-Tao" face and body care with elements of shiatsu and stone therapy (hot stone massage)

According to the philosophy of the East, the skin of the face of each person is a reflection of his inner state. It reflects not only our nutrition, the state of metabolism, but also our mental life. Systematic beauty care must take into account each of these factors and offer the skin a luxurious treatment, and our nervous system - rest and relaxation, inner harmony gives us vitality and energy, which positively affects our well-being, inner mood and appearance.

"Poetry of space" includes wellness procedures both for face and body. During the procedure, stone therapy is used - a hot stone massage technique, which allows for an additional therapeutic effect, as well as a shiatsu technique - acupressure. The care is anti-stress, relieves tension, while setting in motion the flow of vital energy Qi (Qi). The Shi Tao method follows the basic philosophy of life.

  • Duration of the procedure
  • Cost of the procedure
  • 1 hour
  • 4000 rub.

Rejuvenating body massage with crystals
(charoite, hematite, ammethyst, fluorite, rose quartz, jadeite)

Exclusive massage technique with crystals and the original form of massage semi-precious stones - rose quartz, rock crystal, aventurine and fluorite - will not only give you incomparable pleasure, but will also allow you to plunge into the atmosphere of real luxury.

Massage with crystals harmonizes the inner space, balances emotions, soothes, gives the body a pleasant caressing sensation, softly models the silhouette.

  • Duration of the procedure
  • Cost of the procedure
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 3 200 rub.

Harmonizing stone facial treatment

This rich in pleasant sensations and surprising beautiful care help you get away from the hustle and bustle big city, at least for a while, forget about all the problems and find harmony with yourself and the world around you.

During stone care for you:
● Chakra Therapy:

There are 7 main energy centers in the human body, where life energy is focused and concentrated. These centers are called "chakras", which in Sanskrit means "Wheel of Light".

The seven major chakras have their own individual characteristics and functions. Each chakra has its own color, stone and relation to any endocrine gland. Certain stones are able to open the chakras, harmonize their work and take on negative energy.

The following stones are used in this program: hematite, carnelian, Tiger's Eye, rose quartz, blue chalcedony, sodalite, amethyst, jadeite, fluorite.

The main goal of working with chakras is to create harmony and balance of the physical and mental, correction of the emotional state.

● Stone massage (face, decollete, head)- either hot basalt stones and cold marble are used, which provides a lifting and rejuvenating effect, or crystals of the original form (rose quartz, fluorite, jadeite) for massage of various areas of the face and auricle

● Modeling nourishing mask on professional cosmetics

  • Duration of the procedure
  • Cost of the procedure
  • 45 minutes
  • 1 800 rub.

Physiotherapy is also used in the treatment of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system and other organs. They have many benefits and healing effects.

Stone massage is a special technology of using hot stones during the massage procedure. It combines the benefits of physical impact and manual therapy.

Stone massage is very common in large cities. What kind of effects does it have, and is the procedure worth the money spent?

History of therapy

Hot stone massage combines pleasant sensations and extremely beneficial healing effects. Where did this therapy come from?

Without a doubt, stone massage can be considered one of the oldest therapeutic procedures. Our ancestors gave stones a special meaning, representatives of various religions and beliefs believed in the power of the stone. That is why natural materials began to be used for medicinal purposes.

It is believed that stone massage first became a medical procedure in the countries of the East. These or other stone impact techniques were used:

  • Monks from the islands of Japan.
  • Healers from Tibet.
  • Healers from India.
  • Doctors from Mesopotamia.

Many healers of that time took away for a long time perfect stones for massage, which would carry not only a therapeutic effect, but also restore spiritual balance.

The most valuable thing is that many ancient methods of treatment have been preserved until today and are applied everywhere. Massage healing stones has been studied traditional medicine, supplemented and adapted for modern man and his problems.

Method features

Hot stone massage combines many healing effects. The mechanism of its action on the body is quite complex.

The easiest way to imagine the effect of such treatment is as follows:

  • The impact of stones on the reflexogenic zones of the body. Massage with stones sometimes affects the body with heat, which provokes a reflex response of nerve endings, improves the tone and speed of neurons.
  • Stone massage causes tissue heating, which increases blood circulation in the affected areas.
  • Blood circulation is activated, the walls of blood vessels expand, biologically active substances are delivered to the place of exposure.
  • Stones for stone massage also affect muscle fibers. Warming up the muscle tissue helps to eliminate spasms and restore normal tone.
  • Stone therapy with cold stones is designed to normalize the balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation of a specific area of ​​the body.
  • The combined effect of cold and hot stones is designed to restore the normal functioning of nerve receptors, improve the conductivity of peripheral nerves.

Stone therapy is a complex method of influencing the body. Many aspects of its influence on our body have not yet been fully explored. However, the therapeutic effect of this method of therapy has already been proven.


It is not necessary for the layman to know the mechanisms of influence on the body listed above, but it is better to find out what therapeutic effects stone therapy causes in order to not waste your money in vain.

So, the whole variety of therapeutic effects of the technique comes down to the following effects:

  • Improving the state of the nervous tissue - restoring the conductivity and sensitivity of nerve receptors.
  • Acceleration of blood circulation, normalization of venous outflow and the state of the capillary wall.
  • Impact on spasmodic muscle fibers, normalization of muscle tone.
  • Relieve mental stress, increase resistance to stress and fatigue.
  • Improving lymph flow. Removes swelling of tissues and normalizes local metabolism.
  • Increasing local tissue resistance to adverse environmental influences.
  • Restoring the balance of the autonomic nervous system.

These effects may be useful for the treatment of a wide variety of pathological processes in organism.

Types of treatment

Modern SPA-centers offer the most variety of options procedures. Stone therapy in various options may not be equally useful, so you should familiarize yourself with the most effective methods of treatment:

  1. Stone therapy with hot stones. This method is the most popular, and for good reason. This method of exposure most effectively restores blood circulation, and eliminates pain. To enhance the effect, aromatic oils are used and stones are placed on the reflexogenic zones of the body.
  2. Treatment with alternating hot and cold stones. Such stone therapy primarily affects the state of the autonomic nervous system. The treatment also restores the normal tone of muscle tissue and eliminates swelling by accelerating lymph flow.
  3. Another valuable method of treatment is the impact on the body with jade stones. This procedure is not available everywhere, but it is it that helps to restore strength, relieve mental stress and normalize mood.

Methods of treatment with stones are also divided according to the place of impact. It is possible to perform massage in the face, back, neck, abdomen and limbs.


Stone therapy will be most effective if the procedures are applied in accordance with the indications. The procedures are useful for healthy people as a preventive measure. However, the most valuable is the use of massage in the following cases:

  • Reduced arterial pressure. Stone therapy has a direct effect on vascular tone.
  • Headache. If a migraine is caused by overwork or a malfunction of the nervous system, massage will help get rid of the symptoms.
  • Overwork, chronic fatigue, stress - in these conditions, the normalization of work vegetative system is extremely necessary.
  • Depression and apathy, as well as insomnia - the use of jade stones is recommended for the treatment of these conditions.
  • Reduced turgor skin, wrinkles, dry skin - stone therapy restores local blood circulation and has a rejuvenating effect.
  • Muscle spasms and pains - massage is designed to eliminate these influences.
  • Edema syndrome - in this condition, stone massage immediately affects the venous and lymphatic system and eliminates swelling.
  • Frequent colds and impaired immunity - with this pathology, it is necessary to restore the overall resistance of the body.
  • . Osteocondritis of the spine.

It is important to remember that stone therapy may not affect any pathological processes, but the listed conditions respond well to treatment with this technique.


Even the most efficient and safe methods treatments have their contraindications. The same effect on the body helps with some diseases and harms with others.

Stone therapy has the following contraindications:

  • Many skin diseases. The warming effect of stones can harm with fungal and bacterial infections cause exacerbation of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.
  • Open wounds, abrasions and other skin lesions. These areas cannot be affected by stones.
  • Acute infectious processes. It is not known how thermal influence will affect the course of an infectious disease.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs. Before the procedure, it is necessary to stop the exacerbation phenomena.
  • Pregnancy at any gestational age. For the fetus, such exposure can be harmful.
  • oncological processes. In the presence of malignant neoplasms stone therapy can accelerate tumor growth.
  • Decompensated diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Heart failure.
  • Increased bleeding and open bleeding. Stone therapy can accelerate blood loss.
  • Diabetes mellitus - with this disease, peripheral nerves and blood vessels cannot be subjected to thermal effects.
  • Gallstone and urolithiasis disease. Exposure to massage can cause displacement of stones in the ducts and blockage.

If all possible contraindications are excluded before treatment, the therapy will be as effective and safe as possible.


So that the procedure does not harm the skin, and the reflexogenic effect is maximum, it is necessary to prepare for the massage:

  • Preparation activities should include mental attitude: important things must be done, you should not rush anywhere, it is recommended to turn off your cell phone for the duration of the session.
  • The whole body must be clean. You must take a shower or bath before undergoing the procedure.
  • Try to relax and mentally tune in to receive pleasant sensations.
  • Before the procedure, a light warming massage is performed. Manual exposure prepares the skin and muscles for subsequent exposure.
  • At the request of the patient, massage with aromatic oil can be carried out. This will improve mood and increase nervous susceptibility.

Preparation should be not only a pleasant event, but also preventive. Before the procedure, be sure to inform the master about your state of health, the reasons for seeking help. Do not forget to mention the presence of chronic diseases, allergies, this will avoid unwanted effects from the procedure.

Massage stones

What is a stone? WITH in English this word is translated as a stone. It is the effect of stones that makes stone therapy special.

Not all stones are suitable for influencing the body. That is why the ancient healers throughout their lives selected the most valuable and useful materials.

Each type of technology requires its own natural materials, here are just some of their features:

  1. Marble stones and rocks from the seabed have the best effect on edematous syndrome. They improve lymphatic drainage and normalize the tone of venous vessels.
  2. Jadeite - this stone is designed to normalize the tone of muscle fibers. Best of all, it eliminates spasms of the large muscles of the back and helps in complex therapy osteochondrosis.
  3. Dolomite - material white color, which contains many useful trace elements. It perfectly normalizes nerve conduction and accelerates blood flow.
  4. Finally, jade stone is used to normalize the mental state. It perfectly increases resistance to stress.

Other stones are also used during the therapeutic effect, however, those listed here are most effective in each specific case.


Knowing the listed aspects of the impact of stones, you can also analyze the description of the procedure. During the treatment, the master performs the following:

  1. The specialist makes sure that the materials for treatment and the body of the patient are ready for the procedure.
  2. Hot or cold stones are placed on the reflexogenic zone, depending on the treatment technique.
  3. If heated materials are used, then the average temperature is 40–70 degrees.
  4. It is important to select materials that are ideal for a specific anatomical zone in terms of shape and impact.
  5. If the technology of alternating hot and cold stones is chosen, then they should be changed after 7-10 minutes.
  6. The entire procedure usually takes about one hour.

It should be understood that the therapeutic effects described above are achieved in the best way only when passing professional procedure. At home, it is difficult to choose the right materials and influence the reflexogenic zones.

Many are interested in when the effect of treatment will be noticeable? It all depends on the state of human health and the disease that the master is trying to eliminate. An improvement in the condition is observed after the first procedure, however, most pathological processes require a minimum of five massage sessions.

Myths and misconceptions

There are many rumors and myths around stone therapy. You should get rid of misconceptions so that the treatment is correct and physiological:

  • Massage moves only the extensor surfaces and the back. This method was used in ancient Eastern practices, however modern medicine proved that it is useful to act on any surface of the body.
  • Stone therapy is used only for pleasure. Although procedures have a strong influence on mental health, the human body also receives many beneficial effects.
  • Massage helps with urolithiasis and gallstone disease. This delusion is very dangerous, since the presence of lithiasis in the biliary and urinary systems is a contraindication for the massage procedure.
  • Hot stones help with inflammation of the joints. This is not true; in the presence of inflammation, cold exposure should be used. Thermal procedures are useful in case of osteochondrosis.
  • Warm stones help during a cold. Massage can not be used for acute infectious diseases. Heating can provoke the appearance of mucosal edema and the development of sinusitis.

These features are important to know in order to correctly assess the need for treatment with this technique.