Wish harmony in the soul. Harmony in life, love, inspiration. Heartfelt congratulations on your birthday in your own words to tears

Congratulations "Harmony in life, love, inspiration" is one of the best ways to convey your wishes and emotions for the upcoming holiday. In the category Free birthday greetings, along with this text, you can also choose There is time for success and victories, Brightness and sharpness are chosen and Congratulations on the 43rd birthday of a man. Sincere wishes and gifts in any case are an integral part of the celebrated event. Dear friends and relatives, at any moment you want to upset and surprise with something good, in order to once again show the significance of these people for you. That is why free birthday greetings are certainly filled with love, kindred warmth and sincerity.

When choosing wishes for a future holiday - a wedding, March 8 or a birthday, one should not forget that wishes should emphasize the importance and festive mood of both the holiday itself and the heroes of the occasion. Everyone will be pleased to receive sincere and warm words of happiness and love on an important day for them.

Holidays are celebrated with pleasure and everyone is looking forward to it, and it is advisable not only to receive congratulations, but also to address them to others. Moreover, it doesn’t matter if it will be free birthday greetings, to your grandmother on a name day or to your girlfriend on March 8 - any congratulation will be appreciated and will improve your relationship with your loved one. If you want to congratulate a loved one on the upcoming holiday, arm yourself with the congratulations presented or go through the “similar congratulations” block below on this page.

The Organizing Committee of the All-Russian Business Rating reported that, based on the data of the state statistical bodies of the Russian Federation for the last reporting period, Energomash-Stroy Holding Company OJSC achieved an advantage over its competitors and took 11th place in the rating according to the profiling classifier of the type of economic activity OKVED " 74.15.2." "Activities for the management of holding companies".


Alexander Vladimirovich Rashin, Process Engineer of Belenergomash Boiler Plant LLC, was awarded by the plant management for the commissioning of the metal plasma cutting machine on the Easy Therm 3600 Messer gantry thermal cutting machine.

Feel free to plan for the future!

Dear colleagues, dear factory workers! The year is coming to an end, full of events, hard work. Seeing off the outgoing year, it is customary to sum up its results. Evaluate achievements, mentally return to all the events that he remembers. And if something didn’t work out, if what was planned was not always fulfilled, then there is no need to despair, but, leaving troubles and sorrows in the ending year, feel free to make plans for the future!

Thanks for the hard work

Dear friends! The year is coming to an end, filled with hard work. We overcame all difficulties with dignity, grew professionally, found approaches to solving many problems, and created a solid foundation for the future.

You won't go unheard

On December 14, a meeting of the Council on Youth Policy was held in the city administration under the leadership of the mayor of Belgorod Sergey Bozhenov. The main topics were: summarizing the work of the Youth Councils of the territories in 2011, discussing areas of work for 2012 and youth participation in the implementation of the Development Strategy of the city of Belgorod.

To the next level

The most important thing in 2011, I believe that we were able to bring production to a fundamentally new level. This is due to several factors, the most important of which is the organization of the production process, which has radically changed for the better, as well as timely staffing and materials for the manufacture of orders. Now the main task facing the sales service is not to lose this pace, to actively participate in tenders, as well as increase growth in the development of new proposals, new objects.

No interference in stable operation

Plasma is an ionized gas with a high arc temperature (up to 30,000 0C), capable of conducting electric current. Compared to gas cutting, this technology has a number of very significant advantages, one of them is increased productivity. Gas can cut metal 10 mm thick at a speed of 400 mm per minute, then "plasma" - 3 m per minute. Another advantage is higher precision and cut quality. Properly selected cutting conditions provide a minimum cut width, “clean” edges without slag deposits, and an acceptable cut surface roughness that does not require subsequent machining, which ultimately reduces labor intensity.

Hope for good remains

On the eve of the New Year, the editors of Our Choice turned to readers with a request to answer the questions of the festive interview. 1. What do you remember about the outgoing year? 2. Try to highlight the events in your professional life, on a personal level, that made you especially happy and that upset you the most? 3. What are you expecting from the year of the water black dragon?

Destined to work for profit

Not so long ago, the General Director of Gofrotara LLC, Alexander Nikolaevich Lagutin, went on a ten-day planned foreign business trip to the UK, Italy, and then back to the UK.
From the purpose and results of the working trip, the interview to Nashe Vybor smoothly turned into the results of the outgoing year, the real prospects for the development of paper and cardboard production at Gofrotara LLC.

Boiler installation completed

CJSC International Paper is completing the installation of the E-160 -3.9-440G T waste heat boiler, which is technically competitive along with other major domestic and foreign manufacturers, designed by the designers of the Engineering Center and manufactured by the specialists of Belenergomash Boiler Plant LLC. Now we are preparing for hydraulic tests.

Flawless Delivery

Life itself prompted us to tell about the specialists of the motor transport workshop of Zavod-Novator LLC in the newspaper, and here's why. In most of the orders, even at the stage of concluding a contract, delivery of goods to the construction site by the manufacturer's transport is laid today. which was not there before. This is convenient for the customer, because removes an unnecessary headache from him, because metal structures, as a rule, are oversized and are transported with the accompaniment of traffic police.

Spiritual symbol of the city

As previously reported by Our Choice, in the Southern microdistrict of Belgorod (between Konev Street and Yunost Boulevard), a church of the icon of the Pochaev Mother of God is being built on charitable donations from citizens, enterprises and organizations of Belgorod.
Energomash-Stroy Holding Company represented by General Director - Chairman of the Board Ivan Viktorovich Konev, one of the members of the Board of Trustees, made a great contribution to the construction.

We hope for good luck

(For the beginning, see "Hope for the Good Remains"). Koshelev A. A., Director of the Engineering Center:
— I remember the year with work Two projects of boilers E-160 and KGT-26 were completed. This
means that the rejuvenated Engineering Center is gaining momentum and is able to
for more. In professional terms, the Engineering Center masters the design of equipment for innovative CCGT technologies, which gives a long-term perspective.

Art studio meets friends

On December 20, the traditional pre-New Year's masquerade took place in the Art Studio, organized by the youth policy department of the city administration. The design engineers of the Engineering Center of the Holding Company who attended the event met there with their last year's acquaintances - representatives of working youth from VTB-24, OJSC Kolos, OJSC ZHBK-1, OJSC Belgorodenergo.

I wish harmony in everything!

Dear colleagues, dear workers of labor collectives!
The success we have achieved in the outgoing 2011 is undoubtedly your merit. A certain contribution has been made to the development of mechanical engineering, the construction industry, the service sector, and agriculture.

Over the past year, many events have happened in the life of each of us, joyful and not very, but which gave us a unique experience. Achievements helped to gain self-confidence, failures taught me not to give up.
Time dictates new tasks, one of the main ones is to make life worthy, to keep in each of us faith in tomorrow, in the justice and kindness of human relations.
I thank you for your conscientious work, for your indifference and patience, I hope for your optimism, creative approach to work in the future. Thanks to everyone who treated their work with initiative, full dedication.
I want to wish everyone perfect harmony in the New Year. May everything you do, may all the people with whom you communicate, cause only positive emotions in you.
I wish you the realization of all your plans, success, may luck never leave you!
Good health, happiness and family well-being!
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
Ivan Konev,
Chairman of the Board
JSC Holding Company
Energomash - Stroy.

You - the energy of the sky and spiritual growth!


The new year comes inevitably

Chasing the everyday shadow.

Be gentle and gentle with me
Like on a distant, very first day.

Returning to memorable dates,
Let's sail into the past with a smile.
Let us be younger once
But they have become wiser, perhaps.

The New Year will come unnoticed.
Where, say, snow? Freezing? Blizzard?
Won't it come back
Will not break into the present day.

A holiday is a very fragile creation -
Gather from the smiles of loved ones.
Write your own poem
And to the one who is near, give.

New Year dies on us in winter ...
In the turmoil of everyday affairs
I ask quietly:
“Be with me.
Just be with me every day."
Petr Davydov.

Article topic: Wishing harmony for your birthday. We respect for cheerfulness and optimism, we love for good disposition and generosity of soul! Congratulations on the best holiday of the year, we wish you health and all the best!

We wish you a cozy atmosphere in the house, love and warmth in relationships, respect and trust in the team, happy and joyful years of life!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I sincerely wish that life will fully make you happy with its gifts: both material and intangible. Let health never worry and the addresses of pharmacies and hospitals will be forgotten. Let work bring not only money, but also pleasure: let the first be in abundance in your wallet, and let the second be scooped by you from everywhere

I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, happiness, well-being, family well-being and new labor achievements.

May everything always work out for you, may your guardian angel protect you, may Her Majesty Luck lead you through life. I wish you good health and a long beautiful life.

I wish that happiness does not forget you, that joy knocks on the house and the fun continues! Happy birthday!

Dear (name, patronymic)! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and express our gratitude for your professional leadership, high-quality approach to work and sensitivity that you show to your subordinates. We wish you to preserve your beauty and femininity, subtly combined with the firmness of your boss, and make your innermost dreams come true.

We wish you happiness, because you deserve it. And luckily for you to dispose of all the blessings that will fall on your head! Happy birthday, long years!

On this birthday, we have a lot of joys - to eat and drink to your heart's content, have fun and, perhaps, heartily congratulate you on the holiday! And of course, we will not forget to wish you a long happy life and hot, true love! Let your dreams come true, and every day will be decorated with a sunny mood and amazing luck!

Happy birth day! May your life be filled with pleasant surprises and gifts of fate!

On your wonderful birthday, I sincerely wish you to be a bright and versatile personality, a happy and amazing person.

Congratulations on your birthday! I sincerely wish that you always remain so charming and attractive, that you are always loved, happy, joyful, that mischievous rays sparkle fervently in your beautiful eyes, I wish that you are constantly taken care of and you can always lean on the reliable shoulder of your husband!

I congratulate you on your birthday and sincerely wish you excellent health and stable well-being, peace and happiness, great luck and great joy.

My good colleague, I wish you eternal health and immeasurable beauty, attractiveness and seductiveness, charm and grace, wealth and luck, a rich personal life and interesting working days. Your birthday will become the happiest, warmest and brightest day of your life!

We wish you to enjoy the bright sun and good weather, the smile of a child and the warm look of the dearest person on earth!

Dad, You are a wonderful person, a real man, a caring father! I congratulate you on your birthday and with all my heart I wish you fulfillment of desires, warmth and understanding of loved ones, optimism in life! May your health be strong, and the support of true friends and family always warms your heart!

I don’t want to wish you red caviar all year round, but I just wish you health - it is priceless, love - it makes us naive children, joy - it gives a smile to your face in the most difficult moment, good luck and everyday luck in the end. Happy birthday

Dear daddy, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you not only good luck in business and the most sincere hopes, but also simple human happiness. Know that I am always there and very grateful for the care and love that you have given me since childhood. Happy holiday to you, my precious! I love you very much!

I wish that this birthday will become for you one of the many intermediate starts, each of which will lead to new achievements and victories, and the finish line for you will always be only on the distant horizon.

20 years is a great date, ahead is a whole life. We wish you to be beautiful, healthy, cheerful and, of course, loved. So that adversity and bad weather do not meet on your life path, so that the sun of good luck always shines on you!

Darling! Congratulations on your birthday! You are my protection and support. Next to you, I always feel more confident. Thank you for this! I sincerely wish you to be successful, successful in all matters, purposeful and optimistic! Happiness to you, joy, love!

Dear, beloved mother! Happy Birthday to You! You are the most caring, dear and affectionate for us! Even if wrinkles appear on your face and your head is already turning gray, we love you very much! And we will never forget you! I wish you good health, constant happiness and good luck!

Dear friend! Happy birthday! Happiness to you, health, joy, success and in general all the best! And I also wish you that really smart people speak to you in simple words coming from the heart - like me.

May the wonderful splendor of the bright colors of life always fill the daily palette with freshness, and may fleeting clouds boldly disperse the lightning rods of your loved ones.

We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Best wishes! May your dreams come true, wishes come true and your dreams come true!

When I look at you, I understand one important thing. I realize that I don't live in vain. And on your birthday, I really want to wish that my life is always filled with warmth, affection, beauty and perfection, that is, you.

Let the wonderful puzzle of your interesting life consist only of elements of happiness and good luck.

Happy Birthday to You! We wish you more happiness and less sadness and anxiety! Let the wind on your way be only fair! Happy birthday!

We wish you happiness and kindness on this day, feel the fullness of life, joyfully meet the morning and keep this feeling until late at night. We want to wish you to have time for everything in life and over the years not to grow old, but to become younger. Maintain health and vigor and live for many, many years!

I wish you immense happiness, boundless goodness and boundless joy in life! May your successes, both in raising children and in your personal life, multiply and prosper!

If suddenly one day, on a dark night, a UFO looks into our window, I will ask you to take us far, far away, to another planet, because I don’t want to share you with anyone, I don’t want to let you go to work and even to friends! Happy birthday my treasure! Let happiness be the most frequent guest in your life!

I wish you good health and physical strength. Luck, success and good luck in all endeavors, fulfillment of cherished desires. Reliable friends and family happiness.

I am the happiest woman in the world, because I have a loving and beloved husband, and wonderful children - what else is needed for simple female happiness! And I would like to tell you that you are the best man in the whole universe! Happy birthday my dear!

Let this day be only a home holiday, and not a red day on the calendar, but it is the happiest and most beautiful, because on this day you appeared on Earth. We all, your whole family, heartily congratulate you on this bright day and sincerely want to wish you good health and joy in everything!

On your birthday, I wish you to be someone's treasure, to have full prosperity and a true dream in life.

I wish you good luck and a summer cottage by the sea!

What could be the best wish? First of all, this is a wish for the health of the soul and body, a wish that love always blooms in the heart and a holiday sounds. So let's raise our glasses and wish all this to our dear birthday man!

On your personal holiday, I raise my glass to make dreams come true, but not all at once. After all, while a person dreams, he is alive. I wish that the stock of your dreams is enough for at least a century.

Happy arrival in this world! Live in such a way that you never regret a single moment. Use every chance to do something good and pleasant.

The artist must draw his plan with fire, but execute it with composure. For the fiery composure of the hero of the occasion! - Birthday wishes for harmony

We want to wish you a happy birthday and wish you to always be bright and beautiful, wise and strong, to please loved ones and friends with blooming beauty and freshness. Today everything is for you: gifts, flowers, and may this holiday give you a good mood and positive, which will last for a whole year. Happy birthday to you, our dear and beloved friend!

Congratulations on a wonderful holiday - happy birthday! We wish you eternal spring in your soul, bright and warm sun, real happiness, positive and more smiles.

We wish Luck, Success and Inspiration to be faithful companions in all your endeavors, and health and well-being in your daily life.

Let this wonderful day become a new step on the way to the highest achievements and wildest dreams! Congratulations!

Dear sweet mother! Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you eternal flowering, may love always live in your heart! I love you very much and I want your kind eyes to radiate the light of happiness, and a smile bloomed on your face. May there be more pleasant events and happy moments in your life!

Love, bright, unforgettable meetings, true friends, festive mood, fulfillment of cherished desires and creative achievements!

I'll bring you a bouquet of flowers! No, not roses and not orchids! I'll bring you a bouquet of field daisies! Those from your distant childhood! Let them rejuvenate your soul and heart! Enjoy their scent! And be happy! May health never leave you! Happy birthday, Grandma!

Hello! Congratulations! Today is your birthday, which means that I have a huge holiday. Why, you ask, and I will answer: how else? Can anyone imagine you without me?
You know, I've been preparing for your birthday for a very long time. I thought: how to congratulate you in an original, unusual way and to be remembered? A sea of ​​flowers? Exclusive billboard? The inscription on the asphalt under the windows? No, it's not that...
And I thought, why all this? After all, only genuine manifestations of feelings bring true joy. So I just wish you a happy birthday. And that's it!
Oh, No. Not all. Usually, it is customary to congratulate birthdays with poems - both of your own composition and taken from reliable sources. But I want this prose to be the only prose in your life.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! I sincerely wish that life will fully make you happy with its gifts: both material and intangible. Let health never worry and the addresses of pharmacies and hospitals will be forgotten. Let work bring not only money, but also pleasure: let the first be in your wallet in abundance, and let the second be scooped by you from everywhere: let relatives and friends bring pleasure, the weather outside the window and many pleasant little things. I wish you to live in a constant sense of harmony with yourself and with the world and refute the statement that happiness is a moment. May this happy moment be a lifetime for you, and life be long, long, until the most round and respectable dates!

May this wonderful birthday bring the fulfillment of cherished desires, and all the intended goals will noticeably approach and be defeated by a well-aimed hit by a professional. Let the golden steps of a career not be steep and hard, but, on the contrary, submit to a quick and bold ascent to the very top! May the wonderful splendor of the bright colors of life always fill the daily palette with freshness, and may fleeting clouds boldly disperse the lightning rods of your loved ones. In pursuit of the joy of success and prosperity, do not forget about your friends, because the most valuable thing a person has is enduring values ​​that cannot be bought: sincerity, love, compassion and support. Be happy, love and cheerful - happy birthday!

If personnel decides everything, then the head of the personnel department is a unique person because it decides ALL everything! There are still “cadres” among us who need to be treated more strictly. But (name patronymic) is a condescending person, so he forgives us a lot. On this festive day, I want to sincerely wish our esteemed birthday girl that all hardships, sorrows and failures remain behind the scenes. We wish you success, success and more success! Our team will repeat this wish very often, so that, similar to the effect of the 25th frame, it will definitely come true! We set you up for success! Happy birthday!

My dear, I am happy to congratulate you on your birthday. I wish health and longevity to your parents. After all, only such wonderful people could give birth to such a wonderful child.
I wish life to be favorable to you, and the people who meet on your life path to be kind and sincere. Let your professional career smoothly and rapidly go up, giving you moral and material satisfaction.
I also want to wish you happiness. May your eyes be clear and your smile be radiant. I wish you an all-consuming love that makes you want to sing and fly. Life long love. Happy birthday!

On this wonderful day - your birthday - I sincerely want to congratulate you! I wish you the very least - may everything that you have bring you joy, may everything that you do not have is not a necessity for you, may everything that you dream of miraculously appear in your life. I wish you to be a happy person, enjoy every new day, find pleasure in familiar things, in a word - appreciate what you have, and fate will surely give you even more!

Expensive! Accept a bouquet of sincere compliments! There are few women like you in this world!
Let there be a place in life for vivid impressions, inspiration, the embodiment of plans and desires. Let exotic travel await you. Let your career go up quickly. All changes may be for the better. And, of course, I wish you the strongest health, extraordinary happiness, endless love. Cheerfulness, smiles, optimism and a sea of ​​​​positive!

With all our hearts today we congratulate the most beautiful, most desirable, kindest woman in the world. On your birthday, we wish you to always combine fragility and great strength, kindness and firmness of character, refinement and the ability to find a way out of any situation. We wish you simple female happiness, we wish you to love with all your heart and be loved, and may there be only true friends and girlfriends in your life who will support you in any situation. Let your life be filled with new, unforgettable experiences, joyful events and enchanting moments that will make you truly happy, because you deserve it. Happy birthday!

I wish you only one thing, but the main thing: be happy! This concept is very voluminous and includes everything that is necessary in life! Do not regret anything and always look forward with hope and a smile! Happy birthday!

On your birthday, it is customary to wish what all people on the planet dream of. Everyone wants to be healthy – and from the bottom of my heart I wish you good health for many years to come. Everyone wants to be loved, and I wish you this with all my heart. I want to always see you joyful, warmed by mutual love, with a happy gleam in your eyes. Of course, in order for happiness to be complete, you need to do what you love, feel needed and successful. I wish you that your work always brings you decent income and pleasure!

I wish you on your birthday everything, everything and much, much:
If health - the strongest!
If love - then bright, passionate and mutual!
If the work is interesting and well paid!
If happiness - then the real one!
May there be a lot of good things in your life, and only a little bad, so that you do not stop appreciating the good!

May there always be those who love and appreciate you, I wish you that your dreams come true, your plans come true, and interesting people and things meet along the way. Many good words and wishes sound on your birthday, may they be heard by fate and may they return to you with small and big joys and happiness!

I wish you that your life be bright, like a clear sunny day, full, like a glass of champagne, cloudless, like the sky over the desert. And let, like stars in the night sky, the lights always burn in the windows of your friends and relatives, the lights of hope. Be healthy, happy and lucky!

You know that not only on your birthday, but also on any other day, I wish you only from the bottom of my heart and very sincerely all the most beautiful and cheerful!!! Love, bright, unforgettable meetings, true friends, festive mood, fulfillment of cherished desires and creative achievements!
Happy birthday!

Health, Happiness, Happy Birthday! I wish your dreams come true, your luck is always there, indicating the path of life, may this path be brighter with dreams come true, with hopes that come true, and may well-being always stay in your soul.

Let this day be only a home holiday, and not a red day on the calendar, but it is the happiest and most beautiful, because on this day you appeared on Earth. We all, your whole family, heartily congratulate you on this bright day and sincerely want to wish you good health and joy in everything!

A birthday is an occasion to come to a person and say what is in your heart.
So, with a clear conscience, I declare:
I have joy in my heart because you, dear birthday man, are in the world.
That you decorate our lives, come to the rescue and just love to live. Thank you for everything and for bringing us all together.