Fever during the first days of pregnancy. Temperature during pregnancy - causes of low and high values ​​in the early or late stages, treatment

The temperature in early pregnancy may deviate slightly from the norm, but this does not always indicate the presence of pathology. The fact is that during this period there is a restructuring of the woman's body, as a result of which heat transfer slows down.

Temperature in the early stages

From the first days of pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother begins to actively rebuild. First of all, it concerns the hormonal background, which is responsible for the heat transfer of the body. At the same time, the woman feels tired and excessive sleepiness. Given this anomaly, in the first weeks of pregnancy, a temperature of 37 is the norm.

Medical studies show that after conception, a woman's level of progesterone, which is considered one of the most important hormones in the body, rises sharply. During this period, the main thing is that in parallel with the increase in temperature, symptoms of the disease do not appear. In this case, you urgently need to go to the doctor for an examination, since even the smallest infection can adversely affect the fetus.

The temperature in early pregnancy should not exceed 37.2 degrees. Do not forget that excessive exposure to the sun can also lead to an increase in performance. In any case, if the temperature is slightly abnormal, and there are no signs of illness, it is recommended to stay in the fresh air more.

If the thermometer shows 37.5 and above, then this already indicates the presence of an infection in the body. It will not be superfluous to go to the therapist and pass the necessary tests. Infection, whatever it may be, threatens to miscarry at any time.

When to bring down the temperature

Up to an indicator of 37.5 degrees, it is strictly contraindicated to resort to the help of drugs. It is impossible to bring down such a temperature during pregnancy, even if mommy has a cold. In this case, the body itself fights the infection. According to doctors, any intervention can significantly reduce the immune defense and allow the disease to develop at an extraordinary rate.

The temperature in early pregnancy goes astray only when the mark of 37.5 degrees is exceeded. However, here you should not immediately resort to medicines. In the first trimester, it is recommended to limit yourself to such folk methods as rubbing and tea with lemon. Some mothers start eating raspberries with spoons around the clock, but at this stage of pregnancy, any berry is the strongest allergen.

If the temperature reaches 38.5, then you can bring it down, but before that it is better to call a doctor. A high fever is a huge risk for the baby developing inside the mother, but antibiotics can be resorted to only in the very last case.

Also, scientists have proven that regular walks in the fresh air are better than any medicine to normalize body temperature. In the first months, expectant mothers should be at rest and eat right.

Low temperature

If the thermometer readings are slightly lower than usual, then you should already be alert. Such a temperature in the first weeks of pregnancy can be caused by exhaustion of the body as a result of severe toxicosis. On the other hand, this phenomenon is sometimes associated with problems of the endocrine system. Treatment in this case should be put only by a therapist, since folk remedies are powerless here. If the temperature does not rise above 36.3 for a long time, then the time has come to turn to an endocrinologist.

In rare cases, readings below normal indicate a cold, when the immune system is so weakened that it cannot cope with the virus, and the body is not able to control heat transfer. Also, low temperature can be the result of unintentional starvation due to toxicosis. Therefore, in the first couple, you should restore your appetite.

Low temperature always leads to weakness and dizziness. In such cases, it is recommended to visit the fresh air more often.

Basal body temperature

According to it, it is possible with a high probability to judge diseases and pathologies in the body, as well as its reproductive state. Many doctors advise expectant mothers to regularly measure basal temperature before conception in order to subsequently observe the dynamics of its change. In some women, it is permanently increased based on the characteristics of the body.

As you know, the basal measurement method shows the core body temperature. Often it differs by tenths of degrees from the usual. Measurements are made in the rectum, but it is important to follow a few rules:

The procedure should take place in a horizontal position;
- duration varies up to 7 minutes;
The best time of day is morning.

The basal temperature in the early stages is determined in the same way as before conception, and the difference in performance should be no more than 5 divisions on the thermometer. In addition, measurements can be taken vaginally. The main thing is that the procedure is repeated daily at the same time.

Increase in basal body temperature

A deviation from the norm is always noticed with the onset of ovulation and lasts up to several days. Such changes are associated with an increase in the level of progesterone in the body. So the basal temperature during the cycle is fixed at around 37, when on other days it does not exceed 36.7. If the deviation lasts for a long time, then the probability of pregnancy is high.

Basal temperature in the early stages in most cases reaches 37.2. There is no need to be afraid of these changes, but it is worth signing up for a consultation with a doctor. Of course, fever can also indicate an inflammatory process in the body, so it is important to pay attention to additional symptoms.

In pregnant women, basal rates can sometimes reach 37.5, but if the mark of 38 is exceeded, then it is worth sounding the alarm. Such a temperature can lead to terrible consequences for the fetus. In addition, high basal rates may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. In other words, if the temperature is above 37.5, then you need to think about treatment. Medicines should only be taken after consulting a doctor.

Dynamics of basal temperature

The norm is from 37 to 37.3 degrees. In rare cases, the temperature in early pregnancy can reach up to 38. Exceeding this mark is a signal of an inflammatory process or a cold. If mom has such a dynamic, then you should immediately undergo a full medical examination. It is important at the initial stage of the disease to determine its causes, then to proceed with treatment.

Do not forget that basal temperature can rise even after minor stress or sexual intercourse. That is why it is best to measure it in the morning at rest. Sex hormones can also be the cause of increased rates.

What is dangerous high temperature

Despite the fact that indicators up to 37.2 are the norm, throughout the entire period, the mother should be under the supervision of specialists. The temperature at the beginning of pregnancy can vary within 37, but by the end of the first trimester it should fall to 36.8. The fact is that elevated thermometer readings can indicate both an ectopic and a missed pregnancy. This can be diagnosed with an ultrasound.

Also, the high temperature in the first trimester of pregnancy disrupts the blood supply to the placenta, because protein synthesis is significantly impaired. In this case, the risk of miscarriage is high. In the first months of the term, it is especially important to pay attention to the various symptoms of malaise in order to prevent the consequences in time.

Temperature due to disease

Pregnant women are most at risk of catching even the smallest virus. An elevated temperature in the first trimester can signal flu, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, and other diseases. The main hidden symptoms of such an ailment are a slight fever and severe weakness. Pregnant women often confuse them with normal fatigue during the restructuring of the body.

However, if the temperature exceeds 38 degrees and signs of SARS appear, treatment should be started urgently. Otherwise, such irreversible consequences during the development of the embryo as mental retardation, microcephaly, CNS defects, muscle hypotension, etc. are possible.

What to do when the temperature is high

First, you need to see a doctor. In addition to medication, it is recommended to follow simple tips for disease prevention:

1. In no case should you overcool.

2. It is important to regularly ventilate the room.

3. Contacts with strangers are excluded, since during an illness the body is especially vulnerable, there is a risk of catching another virus.

4. Rinse your nose and mouth regularly.

5. It is important to continue to monitor proper nutrition.

Many women who have recently learned that they will soon become mothers feel weakness and malaise already in the early stages of gestation. Some suffer from headaches, others have a stuffy nose, others begin to freeze and notice that the temperature rises. It happens that all these symptoms are combined with each other, and a woman has a doubt: is this normal for her situation or is she getting sick?

Let's try to figure out whether an increased or decreased body temperature can be a sign of pregnancy, and when in such cases you should consult a doctor.

Change in body temperature during pregnancy

For every woman of reproductive age, body temperature significantly depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle and the systematics changes, that is, it constantly “jumps”. If this does not happen, then we can talk about certain violations in the functioning of her reproductive system, and here's why.

The menstrual cycle consists of several periods, in each of which the egg matures, enters the abdominal cavity, fertilization and further development, or death and expulsion from the body, depending on whether conception took place in this cycle.

Each of these processes requires different conditions for a favorable course. In particular, to maintain the vital activity of a mature and fertilized egg, a higher temperature is required than for its maturation. Therefore, with the onset of ovulation, it rises and remains at high levels until the very end of the menstrual cycle. If conception takes place, then such a temperature regime will remain for some time so that the fertilized egg can be fixed and develop normally.

Why does body temperature rise during pregnancy

This is just one of the many changes in the body of a pregnant woman, which are all interconnected. The hormone progesterone affects the temperature change (it prevents the body from expelling heat), the level of which rises after ovulation and continues to increase after conception. For this reason, elevated body temperature as a sign of pregnancy is noted not only before conception and in the early stages, but also throughout the first trimester, while the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone, lives. In some cases, the temperature may remain elevated until the very end of the gestation period, and this does not affect the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus.

Another explanation for such a reaction of the body of the expectant mother to the development of the embryo is a temporary decrease in her immunity, as a result of which the temperature slightly rises. The immune defense is now naturally suppressed so that the mother's body does not fight against the "foreign" cells of the fetal egg and does not reject them, otherwise it will not be able to implant safely.

There is also an opinion that body temperature during pregnancy may increase in response to intoxication that occurs in the mother's body during the development of the embryo. Perhaps for this reason, in vegetarians who eat only plant foods, such reactions are less common.

What body temperature should be in early pregnancy

The generally accepted norm for a healthy person is a body temperature of 36.6 degrees. It should be understood that this is an average. For each individual person, the norm may be a different figure with a difference of several tenths of a degree. And the same is true with pregnant women.

Most often, elevated rates mean subfebrile temperature - about 37 degrees and slightly higher (37.2-37.4 o C). But in some cases, these may be other indicators, if before pregnancy the normal body temperature of a woman differed from the “average” at 36.6 ° C.

This fact is especially important for women leading a schedule of basal temperatures. After all, not everyone ovulates and the onset of pregnancy is necessarily accompanied by such high marks on the thermometer. In some cases, changes can be indicated by much lower rates if the usual t⁰ for a woman was slightly lower. Therefore, obstetricians say that it is possible to judge the onset of ovulation (and then pregnancy, if t⁰ does not decrease against the background of a delay in menstruation) when there is a difference of at least 0.4 degrees on the basal temperature chart.

Low body temperature during pregnancy

It should be noted that the temperature increase often goes unnoticed: some women may feel "not well", while others do not feel these changes.

But the reverse situation can also be noted, when the body temperature decreases with the onset of pregnancy.

This situation should not be ignored, because it may indicate insufficient production of progesterone in the body, which is necessary to maintain pregnancy. It is likely that the decrease in temperature may be just an individual feature of your body. But it is possible that hormone therapy will be required to maintain the pregnancy (especially if the temperature has suddenly dropped after the increase). Therefore, the most correct decision in such a situation would be to contact a gynecologist who will professionally assess the situation and make his own conclusions.

Increased body temperature during pregnancy: norm and pathology

Of course, a body temperature of 37 ° C and above in the early stages cannot always be considered as a sign of pregnancy. After all, usually diseases - viral and not only - are also accompanied by a temperature increase. How to recognize if you are getting sick or is it just a symptom of an “interesting situation”?

Understanding the true cause of malaise can be difficult. Even against the background of absolute well-being on the part of health, fever as a sign of pregnancy can be combined with a number of other symptoms that many pregnant women experience already in the first weeks after conception, but can also be considered as signs of a cold or flu. In particular, we are talking about nasal congestion, increased drowsiness, weakness, chills. This reaction of the body to pregnancy is absolutely normal. But the difficulty lies in not missing the onset of the disease, because now you can not use drugs, and it is easiest to overcome the disease with folk remedies at the initial stage.

Pay attention to the following. The temperature as a sign of pregnancy rises against the background of a relatively stable state of health. That is, the condition of a woman (if this is a reaction to pregnancy) does not worsen after a few days, but remains plus or minus the same. With the development of the disease, others join the already mentioned symptoms (cough, copious nasal discharge or lacrimation, perspiration or sore throat, etc.) and there is a deterioration in well-being.

If you suspect that you have caught a cold, it is best to immediately contact your doctor and warn him that you are pregnant so that he can advise you on effective safe methods of treatment.

When a woman noticed that at the same time as the temperature rises, she also has other signs of pregnancy, which she does not yet know about, then first of all it is necessary to do a test in order to determine your further actions and not harm the unborn baby.

Thermometer readings reaching 38 ° C (and even more so exceeding it) are already regarded as pathological and require medical intervention. High temperature is dangerous for the fetus, so it must be lowered. Most often, it is recommended to use paracetamol for this, because other antipyretics during the period of bearing a child are prohibited. Never take aspirin or other medicines without consulting your doctor. Plentiful drinking is safe and effective at a temperature in pregnant women: warm teas with lemon, honey, lemon balm, lingonberry and cranberry fruit drinks.

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina

During pregnancy, it is important for a woman to be extremely careful not to get sick, because this will negatively affect the health and development of the fetus, and any medications during this period are contraindicated for a woman. High temperature during pregnancy is a dangerous phenomenon, most often indicates the presence of a disease. Regardless of the reason for the increase in temperature, it, an indicator close to 38 degrees or exceeding it is the reason for an immediate visit to the doctor.

Causes of fever during pregnancy.
Changes in body temperature can be observed in any trimester of pregnancy. There may be several reasons for this - pregnancy itself and various diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature. During the period of hormonal changes in a woman's body during pregnancy, body temperature may rise slightly (normally up to 37.4 degrees Celsius) due to the influence of a large amount of progesterone produced, which is responsible for the preservation of the ovum, and suppression of the immune system.

Due to the weakening of the immune defense, a woman's body is susceptible to attacks by various viruses and infections, which is why during the period of bearing a baby, it is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene and, if possible, avoid mass gatherings of people. Very often, the measures taken do not work, a woman develops SARS, influenza or any other colds (most often during epidemics), which may be accompanied by fever. Urinary and intestinal infections are considered more serious, in which fever is one of the first symptoms.

Temperature during pregnancy against the background of diseases.
In addition to a high temperature in a pregnant woman due to SARS, other symptoms of the disease are added, in particular a severe headache, drowsiness, sore throat, runny nose, aches all over the body, cough. SARS are insidious by the development of complications in the form of pneumonia, tracheitis, laryngitis, otitis media. Viruses can easily cross the placental barrier and adversely affect the fetus. Against the background of the emerging infection, spontaneous miscarriage occurs, or various malformations occur.

Pyelonephritis or inflammation of the renal pelvis is a fairly common disease among women during pregnancy. The development of the disease is accompanied by an increase in temperature, the disease develops due to fetal pressure on the ureters. Against this background, the outflow of urine is difficult, infection occurs. In addition to high temperature, there is general weakness, headache, pain in the lower back area, which can radiate to the thigh or groin, and painful urination. It is quite difficult to identify the disease during pregnancy against the background of low severity of signs of kidney damage. It is impossible not to treat the disease, gestosis (late toxicosis) develops in the later stages, as a result of this, oxygen starvation and developmental delay occur in the fetus. In more serious cases, the disease provokes a miscarriage.

Intestinal infection is also a common disease among pregnant women. It manifests itself in the form of nausea and vomiting, the symptoms, in principle, are similar to those of pregnancy. The addition of other manifestations to the already existing symptoms should be alert - loose stools, pain and cramps in the abdomen, and, of course, fever.

High body temperature always indicates an infection, both of these factors are dangerous.

It is difficult to treat infections in the first trimester of pregnancy in conditions where almost all medicines are contraindicated for expectant mothers. Therefore, do not delay, do not self-medicate, it is better to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Risk of fever during pregnancy.
In the first trimester of embryonic development, temperatures up to 37 degrees Celsius are perceived by experts as the norm, you should not worry. Another thing is if its indicator approaches 38 degrees. In this case, the fetus and its development, as well as the nervous system, begin to suffer. The laying of many organs and systems of the baby occurs precisely in the first few months of gestation, an increase in temperature over 38 degrees during this period leads to various malformations and mental retardation of the child. If the temperature over 38 degrees does not subside during the day, the brain, limbs, facial skeleton suffer (most often there are malformations in the development of the jaw, palate and upper lip).

High temperature leads to disruption of protein synthesis, impairs the blood supply to the placenta, which provokes miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy, and premature birth in the later stages.

An increase in body temperature, even a slight one, is dangerous before childbirth, as it can cause the future mother to develop various complications from the heart and nervous system. For the baby, there is a threat of infection during childbirth.

What to do with fever during pregnancy.
So, if the temperature has risen to 37-37.6 degrees, you should not be afraid, this is normal, unless, of course, there are no other signs that bother you. If the temperature value is close to 38 degrees (37.7-38), or exceeds this figure, you should consult a doctor. The gynecologist (if necessary, together with narrow specialists) will conduct a full examination in order to identify the cause that provoked the temperature rise. You should lower the temperature on your own only after consulting a doctor!

Remember, in the second half of childbearing, progesterone no longer affects the woman's body, so the temperature during this period is the main symptom of infection or inflammation. If, in addition to a high temperature, there is a gradual or sharp deterioration in general well-being, accompanied by vomiting and pain in any area, call an ambulance without delay.

How to lower the temperature during pregnancy?
Let me remind you that the use of any medication antipyretic should be done only on the advice of a doctor. Aspirin and preparations based on it are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy, in the first months there is a high risk of miscarriage when taking it, and in later months it provokes bleeding and delays the birth process. Also, the drug can cause fetal malformations, reduce blood clotting, against which bleeding may occur.

If the temperature is rapidly approaching 38 degrees, you should take half a tablet or another drug based on it (Panadol, Efferalgan, Paracet, etc.), and call a doctor. I repeat, taking pills should be in exceptional cases, it is advisable to do with a single dose of medication. Prolonged and uncontrolled use of Paracetamol during pregnancy leads to anemia and causes bleeding.

Folk remedies to reduce body temperature.
Hanging body temperature (up to 37.6 degrees) does not require any treatment, you can simply use folk remedies. To begin with, you should drink more warm (not hot!) Liquids. For this purpose, green tea, lime blossom with raspberries or lemon, cranberry juice, chamomile decoction, milk with honey and butter are suitable. If there is a problem with edema, you will have to be extremely careful, excess fluid is not desirable, especially in the second half of pregnancy.

At low temperatures, herbal infusions will help: two tablespoons of raspberries, four tablespoons of coltsfoot, three tablespoons of plantain placed in a glass jar (0.5 l) and brewed with boiling water, let it brew. Drink a tablespoon four times a day.

Or this recipe: put a teaspoon of chopped white willow bark in a small jar, pour 250 ml of boiling water, insist until completely cooled. Take four times a day for a tablespoon.

You can bring down the temperature by the usual rubdown with vinegar solution, lemon juice, cold water, cold compresses on the forehead.

If these measures do not help you, moreover, the condition worsens, call a doctor. It also happens that these application of these methods is a waste of precious time in situations where you need to act immediately. Therefore, be attentive to yourself, during pregnancy, any delay can cost the fetus life.

Prevention of fever during pregnancy.

  • If possible, avoid crowded places, especially during epidemics.
  • Thoroughly ventilate the apartment several times a day.
  • After the street, rinse the nasal passages, wash your hands with soap.
  • Take vitamin complexes and compounds to increase immunity, but with the permission of a doctor.
Low temperature during pregnancy.
A decrease in body temperature can also be observed during pregnancy and be a feature of the woman's body. However, this symptom may be a sign of toxicosis (against the background of dehydration and electrolyte disturbances) or the presence of endocrine pathologies, which requires inpatient treatment. This kind of reaction of the body may also indicate an immunodeficiency state. In any case, it is necessary to inform the doctor leading the pregnancy.

An increase in body temperature of any person always has its own reasons. And during pregnancy, they are also there. One of the few is changes in hormonal levels and thermoregulation as a reaction to pregnancy itself. This is a sign of a new position for a woman and fluctuates within the boundaries of subfebrile condition. The temperature may not drop for a long time. If other reasons for its increase are excluded, do not worry and do not take any measures.

It happens that some kind of inflammatory process occurs in the body of a pregnant woman. But when registering and in the subsequent time, a woman takes a lot of tests, which, if available, will reveal this problem.

Yet more often fever during pregnancy is a symptom. And in this case, you need to start with a medical consultation. It is the doctor who must give you the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Indeed, during pregnancy, the use of drugs is an extreme measure and requires special qualifications. But with low temperature rises, you can completely do with home treatment: during epidemics and viruses, the clinic is not the best place for a pregnant woman.

Non-drug treatment is the best during pregnancy

If the temperature is low, take folk remedies. The very first and most important of them is to drink plenty of water. You really need to drink a lot, but in view of your situation, be extremely careful: excess fluid can lead to unwanted swelling. , usually, there is no reason to limit yourself in drinking. But in the second and third, the amount of fluid consumed will have to be controlled.

As a drink, sweet tea with lemon, a weak decoction of chamomile or linden, fruit drinks, raspberries are suitable. Milk with butter and honey helps very well. An important condition: the drink should be warm, but in no case hot.

When the temperature rises (about 38 degrees), you can brew herbal tea from raspberries (2 tablespoons), coltsfoot leaves (4 tablespoons), plantain (3 tablespoons). But you need to take it only one tablespoon four times a day.

Another recipe: pour 1 teaspoon of finely chopped white willow bark with 1 cup of boiling water, cool. Drink 4 times a day, 1 tablespoon. Or you can prepare a coniferous cocktail (though you should do this in advance). Grind 100 g of young shoots of fir or pine buds and 50 g of raspberry roots. Fold in a glass jar, pouring 100 g of sugar. Add 1 tablespoon of boiling water, leave for a day, and then heat for another 6-8 hours in a water bath. Leave to stand for 2 days, drain the resulting bright raspberry juice. Store it in a dark cool place and take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times before meals.

You will have to control the temperature as often as never before. Because a lot depends on its performance. Medicinal methods of lowering it are very undesirable now, but under certain indicators, the temperature can threaten the developing fetus.

If the temperature has risen slightly, then the above funds will be quite enough. A slight temperature does not pose a threat to the life and development of the baby. Therefore, it is quite possible to get by with traditional medicine. Does not have a serious detrimental effect on the child and a short-term increase in body temperature by 1-1.5 degrees. But there are situations when you can’t waste time on rubdown teas and you should actively act.

When to bring down the temperature during pregnancy:

  • the temperature cannot be brought down by folk methods for a long time;
  • despite all attempts to lower the temperature without medication, it is still growing rapidly;
  • an increase in temperature is caused (possible intoxication is too dangerous for the mother and fetus);
  • body temperature reaches 38 C;
  • in the later stages, the temperature should be brought down after 37.5 C.

Why is high fever dangerous during pregnancy?

  • intoxication of the body with harmful substances can cause disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • a long time not decreasing temperature in a pregnant woman can lead to a change in protein synthesis;
  • high temperature can affect the condition of the placenta, which in turn often leads to premature birth;
  • high temperature can cause various disorders in the development of organs and systems of the fetus.

A temperature starting from 37.8 C is considered dangerous during pregnancy. Reaching a 38-degree mark, it already affects the development of the child's nervous system and can affect his mental abilities.

How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy?

Let's start with how you can not bring down the temperature during pregnancy. it is now contraindicated, especially for the first and: in the early stages, acetylsalicylic acid threatens to terminate the pregnancy, in the later stages - bleeding and protracted labor. In addition, aspirin can cause fetal malformations. If necessary, take something based on Paracetamol: Panadol, Efferalgan, Tylenol, Paracet. Indomethacin is also possible: Metindol, Indomethacin-Darnitsa, Vramed. But you should always start with a half dose and only as a last resort.

There is evidence that the active use of Paracetamol can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Therefore, it is desirable to do with a single dose of medication. Otherwise, you should contact your doctor to clarify the dosage.

So, if the mark on the thermometer reaches critical for pregnant women (that is, up to 38), take half of Paracetamol and call the doctor at home.

Especially for- Elena Kichak