Which stone suits Libra - choose the perfect talisman. What stones are suitable for Libra women - protect yourself from troubles with the help of a talisman

They are able to correct the state of mind and emotions of a person. What stones are the most suitable for Libra? Let's start with the fact that the zodiac horoscope is represented by twelve signs, including Libra.

Libra - representatives of the air element, light and serene.

People born under this sign are usually very friendly, open and a little naive. In everything they strive to achieve balance and harmony, a frequent change of mood prevents this.

You rarely see Libras sad and self-absorbed, but if this happens, then it's for a long time. Representatives of this zodiac sign give themselves completely to work or passion, with all their strength and enthusiasm, but later there comes a period of complete calm. For Libra, balance and harmony in everything are of great importance, only this can give the sign happiness and peace of mind.

Whatever stone you notice in Libra, it will be special and bright, attractive and alluring. Therefore, Libra should be careful not to abuse the wearing of excessive amounts of jewelry with stones.

Let us consider in more detail which stones are suitable for Libra. Give preference to the following: tourmaline, diamond, lapis lazuli, turquoise, opal, emerald. But the list does not end with this short list. Bright and unusual in nature, Libra chooses the same stones.

The multifaceted world of stones

Each stone has special and unique qualities and properties. Which stone suits Libra the most?

The main talisman for Libra is aquamarine.

The bluish-green hue of the mineral resembles the color of sea waves. The internal state of Libra improves, becomes harmonious and serene, like the sea in calm weather. Since the stone develops eloquence, it can become an assistant in negotiations and in any conflict.

Having revived the mind, you will definitely be able to correctly convey thoughts to the interlocutor. The connection of aquamarine with the sea is inextricable, you can see its effectiveness in the fight against seasickness. Do not remove the stone for pain in the stomach or liver - it will certainly help. The healing and beneficial properties of aquamarine lose their effectiveness at night.

The main thing is accuracy

In order to accurately distribute minerals for Libra according to the horoscope, it is necessary to take into account the date of birth of a person. The zodiac stones of one decade are not always suitable for representatives of another. 3 decades are dedicated to the sign of the zodiac Libra: September 24 - October 2, October 3 - 13, October 14 - 23.

Children of Venus

Libras born between September 24 and October 2 are ruled by Venus. Nature endowed these people with special benevolence and sincerity, excessive tenderness and gentleness. Sometimes it is quite difficult to defend your interests with such a gentle character. This can help: diamond, lapis lazuli, malachite.

The best talisman for Libra is aquamarine

Diamond is the precious talisman of Libra. From the ancient Indian language, the word "diamond" is translated as "the one that does not break." This stone is a symbol of power and strength, fortitude and purity of intentions. If you need a charm that protects against negative energy and the evil eye, opt for a diamond. Keep in mind that your intentions and thoughts must correspond to the purity of the mineral, otherwise it will only bring harm. This gem has not only mystical, but also healing properties: the frequent wearing of a diamond helps to cope with stomach diseases. Diamond is a talisman of motherhood.

Lapis lazuli, or skystone, is a blue-colored mineral with gold flecks, reminiscent of stars in the night sky.

Modest and indecisive Libra sometimes lacks the courage to show themselves and their character. It becomes an obstacle to success. The heavenly mineral helps in the manifestation of perseverance, which leads to the desired result. Since Libra is quite changeable in their desires and actions, it can be difficult for them to maintain stability in love or friendship.

This can be corrected by wearing a mineral, because lapis lazuli is an amulet of love. The color of the stone relaxes, relieves emotional stress, tunes in to positive emotions. Lapis lazuli has a lot of medicinal properties: fighting allergic reactions, restoring the nervous system, pain relief for bruises, preventing asthma attacks, and purifying the blood.

Amethyst is a mineral of a magical purple color, a talisman against bad thoughts. Helps to strengthen the will and self-confidence. Even in ancient times, it was believed that amethyst is an amulet from witchcraft, influence from other people. Give preference to this mineral in difficult life situations, when you need to clear your mind, gather strength and believe in yourself. Girls who want to reduce freckles, and women who dream of getting rid of early wrinkles, can resort to the help of this mineral. It is enough just to stroke problem areas with amethyst.

Moonstone is a mineral of transparent crystals of a bluish-white hue. The radiant play of the stone brings happiness and prosperity, especially to people born on the full moon. is quite rare in nature, but this is its value. The mineral is able to treat kidney diseases, paralysis, edema, blood diseases, spinal diseases, fractures, chronic liver diseases.

Malachite is the most suitable talisman for women. Attractive with emerald green tints, malachite gives attractiveness and harmony, slows down aging.

According to the horoscope, Libra-women need to pay attention to this mineral also because it is a children's talisman that prevents fear and toothache. Despite all the positive properties of the stone, do not overdo it with wearing it. Malachite can attract excessive looks and unhealthy interest. The healing properties of the stone are manifested in depressive states, melancholy. An elegant pendant with malachite can return your smile.

Ruler - Saturn

Saturn protects all Libra born between October 3rd and 13th. These people are very hardworking and calm, do not require excessive attention, fame and money. Focused on results and relationships with people rather than themselves.

Talisman stones for Libra born in the second decade: sapphire, opal, emerald, tourmaline, topaz, ruby. All of these minerals have the strongest energy.

Keep in mind that the weight of the stone that is constantly with you should be very small. The strongest amulet of Libra is opal. This mineral, iridescent in many shades, from blue-black to fiery red, can suit the fair sex. The stone will help you find your love and keep it, because opal is a symbol of fidelity. Wearing opal jewelry, you can hope for success in any endeavors. Opal is a powerful amulet against failure. Since this mineral develops logical thinking, you will never make a rash decision.

Sapphire is the talisman of Libra, altruistically inclined. This stone is needed by people who spend too much energy on work, work, other people. Sapphire has powerful cosmic energy and gives it to its owner. This is a kind of amulet against treachery, sins and fear.

A person wearing jewelry with sapphire is focused and prudent, pure in soul.

For the most part, women are not indifferent to this mineral. Shimmering in many shades, from deep blue to purple-blue, the mineral attracts admiring glances. Sapphire is a female talisman stone also for the reason that it can help with diseases of the uterus.

Tourmaline is a symbol of creativity known since antiquity. There are a huge number of varieties of this mineral: black, pink, green, blue, yellow. It is very important for the sign of the zodiac Libra to have the freedom of creativity. This mineral gives the owner an immense amount of energy and confidence, vigor and strength. Tourmaline wearers are balanced and in harmony with themselves.

Tourmaline and topaz have the opposite effect

Topaz is a very strong and hard mineral with a bluish tint. For the sign of Libra, it is very important to be in a state of harmony and peace, this is what topaz gives, as if calming the raging sea. This mineral is a talisman for both women and men. Women receive beauty and fertility, and men are endowed with wisdom and generosity.

If you suffer from insomnia, you can wear topaz jewelry. The mineral will give the baby a dream. Do not forget also that topaz is a symbol of wealth.

Ruby is a symbol of life. The zodiac sign Libra is sometimes stingy with emotions and feelings. Ruby is able to help in the manifestation of these feelings. Red represents love and passion. Shimmering with all shades of red, the mineral guarantees good luck in love and complete reciprocity in feelings. The healing properties of the stone are manifested in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Rings of Jupiter

Jupiter is the ruler of all Libra born between October 14th and 23rd. These are especially refined natures who value life and all its blessings. Stones of Libra of the third decade: diamond, sapphire, tourmaline, ruby, aquamarine, turquoise.

Turquoise will bring the wearer boundless happiness.

Turquoise is the most important talisman for the zodiac sign Libra, it is a stone of happiness. Combines wealth, love and eternal hope. Moreover, turquoise is one of the best women's amulets, because the mineral protects pregnant women. During pregnancy, a woman wearing turquoise jewelry can be calm for herself and for her child. The stone patronizes motherhood.

Thus, knowing who the person is according to the zodiac sign, you can choose an interesting and useful gift - jewelry with a suitable stone.

In the distribution of stones according to the signs of the zodiac, Libra is incomparable with any other sign. The choice of amulets is quite extensive and varied. By knowing which stone is right for you, you can control your emotional state and health. Keep in mind: choosing the wrong stone can attract misfortune and problems.

Extraordinary personalities born in mid-autumn should be serious about choosing a talisman. Gems for Libra are able to enhance strong-willed qualities and firmness of character, which this sign lacks. It is better to choose minerals by decades in order to achieve complete harmony with your patronizing amulet. This choice will save you from most of the mistakes and protracted hesitation before making a decision inherent in this sign. The amulet will hide shortcomings from others and enhance the best features of Libra, which manifest themselves as cordiality and benevolent disposition.

24.09 – 02.10. The decade of the zodiac sign Libra, transitional from the previous symbol of the horoscope, is closely associated with Venus, who endowed her “wards” with noticeable charm, softness and attractiveness for the opposite sex. Soft and sympathetic Venus type Libra lacks the fortitude to focus on priority areas in life. Support will be provided by the right crystals. They also neutralize dependence on someone else's opinion, hide negative traits - narcissism, apathy and self-doubt.

  • Moon rock;
  • Red and white coral;
  • Varieties of quartz (aventurine, iridescent binhemite);
  • Rock crystal (veined);
  • Lapis lazuli stone;
  • Jasper;
  • Malachite.

03.10 – 13.10. Libra passes under the auspices of the most amazing planet - Saturn. Modest and reliable people who lack great ambitions, altruists and dreamers. From illusions, a correctly chosen talisman stone will help them return to earth. It is necessary to select jewelry with transparent crystals:

  • Amethyst (saturated color);
  • Sultanite (chameleon stone);
  • Rose quartz;
  • Diamond;
  • Topaz;
  • Zircon;
  • Tourmaline.

14.10 – 23.10. In this decade, bright representatives of Libra are born. These are optimists and love of life, dreamers and dreamers, but most of the desires will remain unfulfilled due to lack of willpower and fortitude. At this time, the sign passes under the patronage of Jupiter, so these people are different from Libra of the Venusian type. A well-chosen gem will give you the strength to take a few decisive steps towards your dream or to realize your vocation. For the Libra sign of the third decade, amulets with the following gems are suitable:

  • Aquamarine;
  • Chrysoprase;
  • Topaz;
  • Beryl;
  • Emerald;
  • Pomegranate.

Patronizing minerals according to the Chinese horoscope

Experts do not recommend representatives of this sign to wear jewelry with “foreign” stones. You should not choose them according to your preferences, without knowing the properties and magical influence on this sign, so as not to cause an energy imbalance. Astrologers recommend that the wards of this part of the horoscope buy a different amulet for each year. But it is important to know what is shown to women and what suits Libra to men. Then the positive influence will be most pronounced and useful. But if the gem corrects weakened health, it can be carried with you constantly, for example, as a keychain, especially if it is a man.

Under the sign of Libra, the most refined, charming, talented natures were born. Such people are successful with the opposite sex, they stand out in the crowd. The energy from them is in full swing, and irrepressible imagination allows you to come up with a huge number of interesting ideas. Among Libra there are many musicians, fashion designers, artists. These people are constantly in sight, so they, like no one else, need protection, support, internal energizing. All this they can give stones. Natural minerals will protect from the evil eye, give self-confidence, give a lot of new ideas.

Characteristics of the sign Libra

In the period from September 24 to October 23, very sociable, smart, a little impulsive, but friendly and sweet people were born. To understand which stones are suitable for Libra, you need to understand their character, learn habits, features of the worldview. Representatives of the sign have diplomatic abilities, they have a well-spoken tongue, so they often act as peacekeepers, negotiators. Libras often work as lawyers, diplomats, critics (they are great debaters), hosts of entertainment programs.

Representatives of the sign are in constant search of harmony and balance. It is incredibly difficult for them to make decisions, so they reluctantly take responsibility, although they carry out assignments in good faith. Libra is dualistic because they want to please everyone, and this duplicity repels many people from them. This is an intellectual sign, accustomed to accumulating information in its head, and then using it for its own purposes.

The choice of stones, taking into account the decade

Not all minerals are suitable even for representatives of the same zodiac sign. Therefore, it is so important to find out which stones are suitable for Libra by date of birth before buying a gift. The first decade covers the period from September 24 to October 2, Venus patronizes it. At this time, benevolent, gentle and gentle people were born, who often cannot defend their interests. Rock crystal, jasper, lapis lazuli, malachite will give them strength and firmness.

In the second decade (October 3-13), people were born ruled by Saturn. They are modest and hardworking, accustomed to working silently for the benefit of society or family. However, they do not require fame or big money. Such Libras need energetically strong stones that would make their owners pay more attention to themselves, and not to others. Opal, emerald, amethyst, zircon, sapphire, topaz will do an excellent job with this work.

The third decade (October 14-23) is ruled by Jupiter. During this period, the most sophisticated and talented Libras were born. They value comfort and are well versed in fashion. Emeralds, tourmalines, rubies, diamonds, aquamarines will help to emphasize their uniqueness.

Diamond, aquamarine - the main talismans of Libra

The main problem of all representatives of this zodiac sign is indecision, uncertainty about the correctness of the decision made. Which stone suits the Libra sign the most? Of course, the one that will give firmness of mind, determination and independence. With this task, the diamond perfectly copes - a stone of moral purity, transparency. It protects from negative energy, stimulates mental activity, helps to make the right decisions.

It is also worth noting the positive impact on the character of Libra aquamarine. This mineral patronizes diplomats, negotiators, lawyers. Which stone is suitable for Libra for girls who have gathered for an interview or a first date? Of course, aquamarine, because it cheers up, lulls inner fears, helps to convey your thoughts to the interlocutor, presents its owner in a favorable light.

Lapis lazuli - a symbol of success and good luck in business

Despite the innate talents, the ability to find a common language with everyone, Libra very rarely experiences rapid rises up the career ladder. They lack assertiveness, innate modesty makes such people spend their whole lives in the shadow of others, silently do their work, without claiming laurels. What stones are suitable for Libra, who want to overcome their indecision and succeed in the business field? Give perseverance and bring good luck lapis lazuli. In addition, the stone relieves fatigue, protects against stress, strengthens love and friendship, brings happiness and joy to the house.

Tourmaline, opal - stones of determined people

Representatives of this zodiac sign are often accused of duplicity. This character trait is manifested because of the desire to please everyone. What stones are suitable for Libra who wants to become a whole person? Tourmaline perfectly eliminates the duality of actions and thoughts. The mineral calms, harmonizes energy flows, helps to make decisions independently, and not depend on the opinions of others and your own emotional state.

What stones are suitable for Libra for girls who are indecisive, shy, apathetic by nature? Magic opal will give confidence in one's strengths and knowledge, help overcome laziness and take an active life position. It relieves negative thoughts, improves mood, helps to find a way out of any situation, improves the functioning of the immune system.

The main charms of Libra

There are minerals that have a beneficial effect on a person, and there are those that protect him from troubles, warn against rash acts. What gems are suitable for Libra as a talisman? Beryl and opal are the strongest minerals for this sign. They give determination, help to find peace of mind, inner balance, and for Libra this is very important. Beryl helps strengthen family and friendship ties. Opal helps in any undertakings, protects against failures. The stone is incredibly strong when it is inherited; in no case should it be given as a gift.

Talismans of Libra

Products in the form of Cupid, a heart or a frog will help the representatives of the sign in love. To be always in harmony with yourself, to have a good mood and a positive attitude, you should acquire an image of scales. To reach unprecedented heights in the business field, it is worth buying jewelry with ancient Greek or Japanese symbols. It is important to know not only which stones are suitable for Libra, but also how to wear them.

Minerals show their greatest impact when placed in pendants, medallions or pendants. When buying a bracelet or beads made of stones, you should make sure that they are all the same size, and the number of beads is even. Silver jewelry with inserts of blue, white or green minerals is most suitable for Libra. It is important to maintain balance: all jewelry should be harmonious, match each other in terms of stone strength and size.

What stones should not be worn by Libra?

There are minerals that are beneficial, smooth out negative character traits, strengthen faith in one's strengths, and there are those that are better to stay away from. It is categorically contraindicated for Libra to wear products with a serpentine and onyx. Representatives of the sign will not bring happiness to blood-red stones. Since Libra is opposite to Aries, their representatives can be harmed by the talismans of the spring zodiac sign: sardonyx, carnelian, rhodolite.

To believe in the power of stones or not is a personal matter for everyone. But still, it is not in vain that since ancient times people have studied the properties of minerals, used them for treatment and performing magical rituals. At least in order to feel protected and believe in one's own strength, it does not hurt to acquire a talisman.

Which stone is suitable for Libra: in order to choose the right talisman, which can serve as an uneasy beautiful decoration, but also save from any negative impact, you need to seriously approach the choice of men.

In the article:

Which stone suits Libra for decades

There are three decades in total. If you were born from 24 to 2 October, then refer to the first decade. Such people are sometimes two-faced, but, basically, this quality manifests itself only in youth. With age, Libra, born in the first decade, become gentle, soft and friendly.

The patron planet of people born during this period - Venus. These people know how to get the attention of others. Often, because of the desire to please everyone, representatives of the first decade may lose their true appearance. Gems such as:

  • malachite;
  • coral;
  • amethyst;
  • zircon;
  • quartz;
  • lapis lazuli.

If born from 3 to 13 October, then you are under the auspices of Saturn. Those who are born at this time are extraordinary personalities. They are very impulsive, changeable, love work. Such people love to help their close friends and relatives for free.

People under the auspices of Saturn are very smart, and their intuition is well developed. A representative of such a sign needs to learn how to rest properly, because due to constant work they can often overwork. In order to restore harmony, the representative of Libra must have jewelry with stones such as:

  • emerald;
  • ruby;
  • sapphire;
  • amethyst;
  • topaz.

The third decade includes people born from 14 to 23 October. The patron of these people is Jupiter. Representatives of the 3rd decade are very kind, sincere, refined. Sometimes they are indecisive and lazy to take a responsible step.

Libras are very afraid of loneliness and depend on the opinions of others. In order to get rid of the negative influence of people and adjust their own character, Libra needs to have one of these stones with him, such as:

  • aquamarine;
  • diamond;
  • sapphire;
  • ruby;
  • beryl;
  • emerald.

Lapis lazuli - a stone suitable for the sign of the Zodiac

In order to become more persistent, assertive and successful, Libra representatives need to have lapis lazuli jewelry. It is this amulet that will help restore self-confidence and emphasize all the best qualities of a person. If Libra cannot find a common language with the team for a long time, lapis lazuli will help strengthen friendships, partnerships and love ties.

This jewelry is very important for Libra, as it can set a person not only for work, but also for proper rest. The stone will help relieve emotional stress and take over all the negative energy that accumulates on the owner. The stone must be cleaned at least once every two weeks with water, so that it does not lose its magical properties.

Diamond - a reliable stone talisman

It is the diamond that is considered a symbol of the moral purity of the representatives of this zodiac sign. This is one of the most important talismans a Libra can have. If you understand that in many situations you are indecisive and cannot make the right choice, then be sure to arm yourself with this amulet.

Much can be said about the magical properties of a diamond. This stone acts like a mirror shield, not only taking on all the negativity that is directed at its owner, but reflecting its side of the attacker. It is the diamond that will help Libra develop in the right direction, direct the entire energy flow that a person has in the right direction.

Beryl is the key to strong relationships

When it is necessary to establish relations with relatives or friends, then you need to use beryl as a talisman. Jewelry with this stone will help restore harmony to the life of Libra and will help balance all areas of their lives.

It is best to use beryl for creative individuals or people who are engaged in mental work. Beryl is able to endow its owner with the wisdom that Libra needs so much to achieve harmony and balance.

If you like to travel or often have to move from place to place on duty, then you should use beryl as an amulet. This stone is able to protect from any danger on the journey.

Coral will return youth and beauty

In order to maintain their youth, Libra representatives need to have coral jewelry. Most often, such a talisman is chosen by women. Coral helps to always remain attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.

He is able to endow his master with the ability to make decisions quickly, think rationally and correctly form his point of view. Coral can be used as a protective amulet against dark forces and black magic.

Tourmaline is the magic stone of Libra.

Tourmaline has long been known for its magical properties. This is especially true of the black attribute. It promotes the development of psychic abilities and will teach its owner to make the right decisions. With the help of tourmaline, you can get rid of duality, which often interferes with representatives of this zodiac sign.

The longer you wear tourmaline jewelry, the more you will feel like a complete person. Black tourmaline will make its owner a calm and balanced person. You can use magical properties during rituals of varying complexity. The famous amulet can protect against any negative impact.

Sapphire - stamina and calmness

Since almost all representatives of the Libra zodiac sign are very emotional personalities, something is needed that could pacify their ardor. In particular, it is necessary to suppress such negative emotions as anger, aggression, hatred and irritability. Sapphire will help with this.

You can use this stone not only to eliminate negative character traits and harmonize the personality, but also in the treatment of various ailments. If you are sick, then it is enough to pick up a sapphire talisman and ask him to take away the painful energy. With the help of sapphire, you can protect yourself from enemies and envious people.

Achieve Peace of Mind with Amethyst

In order to achieve peace of mind, to be prudent and calm, representatives of the Libra sign need to use an amethyst as a talisman. This stone will help protect a person from any temptation and bad habits.

Therefore, if you are afraid of falling under any negative influence, you should wear amethyst jewelry. The stone is able to protect a person from nostalgia, which can destroy the integrity of the individual. With it, protect yourself from negative programs that can be launched by enemies.

Amber will help you make the right choice

Very symbolic for each representative of the sign of the Zodiac Libra, the talisman is a ring with amber. It is this stone that will be able to direct its owner in the right direction. With its help, a person will learn to make the right choice, will always remain in sight. The amulet is worn only on the index finger.

Stones of Libra-men according to the horoscope

Treat the choice of a talisman stone for men with extreme caution. Representatives of different sexes of the zodiac sign Libra express positive and negative qualities in different ways. Therefore, if you choose a gift for a man, then you should choose the stone that is most suitable for the stronger sex.

Aquamarine - stability and confidence

A stone such as aquamarine is able to bring a man's life confidence in the future, which is very important for representatives of this sign. Aquamarine is able to significantly stabilize the behavior of a representative of this sign.

Significantly improves the talisman of relations with a partner. Aquamarine will teach you how to properly respond to the situation and control yourself. The longer a man wears this stone, the easier it will be for him to pull himself together in a difficult situation and not let negative emotions prevail.

Harmony in the soul will bring opal

Opal is a stone that can greatly harmonize men. With the help of a talisman from this stone, men will stop rushing from one extreme to another, they will learn to control their emotions.

Air Libra is often subject to mental hesitation, cannot make the right decision and determine their goals. Libra stones according to the zodiac sign will help them gain stability. Opal will give women self-confidence and help them make the right choice. Coral will help Libra to decide on life goals and will contribute to their achievement.

To make the effect of the amulet more pronounced, wear it constantly with you.

Women's Libra Stones: Opal and Coral

Since ancient times, opal has been considered a precious stone. Minerologists describe it as silica hydrohelium, which shimmers with iridescent radiance, comes in various colors and shades: blue, milky, green, red, yellow, etc.

Opal stone is extraordinary, it takes on its exceptional colors and their iridescent play from water. Therefore, he is so afraid of dryness and heat, from them the opal quickly dies and loses its charm. One has only to put it in clean water, and after a short time it can again be reborn. Chemists claim that it consists of a third of water.

This is the stone of Libra according to the horoscope, which have an indecisive character. Thanks to the opal, its owner gains self-confidence and firmness in the decisions made. A talisman with an opal is able to give an active life position and good spirits during periods of laziness and apathy, which Libra often has. This mineral replaces a negative mood with a positive one and gives fortitude. Thanks to this, its bearer can direct his activity, strength and talents to a peaceful and good cause. If its owner is noble, able to overcome the desire for wealth and selfishness, the talisman guarantees success in all endeavors.

Opal - the stone of Libra women according to the horoscope - will help her in relationships with the opposite sex and creating a strong family. It contributes to making the right decisions and develops logic, which helps in personal life and restores mutual understanding between lovers. It is also called the stone of loyalty and hope.

For friendly and sociable Libras, this crystal can do a good job, it helps to make acquaintances with the right people and build good relationships with them. Each person has his own character and temperament, everyone needs to find their own approach, an opal amulet helps to find a common language even with people who are stingy with emotions and withdrawn. It is especially useful for individuals who occupy high positions and are engaged in managerial activities.

Opal is a stone for Libra, as they are fighters for nobility and justice. The gem is able to regulate mood swings that can develop into melancholy. This talisman contributes to the formulation of a goal and the development of a plan to achieve it, it helps to make decisions quickly.

If the stone coincides in energy with its owner, it can become an excellent antidepressant that drives away negative thoughts, sharpens the mind and protects against destructive energy. Opal owners develop logical thinking, the ability to make the right decisions.

Thanks to this amulet, the intellectual potential is aggravated, which helps to get rid of anxiety and negative thoughts. The talisman is especially useful to those who often fall into a melancholy state and have a tendency to commit suicide.

Medicinal properties

The ancient Romans knew many healing properties of this mineral. It was used as a remedy for problems with the nervous system, poor sleep, depression and nervousness, which have a very negative impact on the health of representatives of the Libra sign. In the modern world, lithotherapists still use this mineral and the water infused on this stone to treat the effects of stress and damaged nerves.

It has a beneficial effect on the formation of the immune system. Opal can be called a shield that protects its owner from infectious and catarrhal diseases, facilitates their course. Rare and expensive black opal will help to cope with diseases of the nervous system, cardiovascular diseases and even restore vision.

magical properties

Opal has powerful magical properties. He brings the gift of prophecy. The owners of this stone are credited with the ability to influence the minds of other people with the help of telepathy. It is believed that it can protect its owner from theft, fire, preserve health and life during epidemics, protect against the influence of dark spells.

In European countries, opal is considered an assistant to gifted and talented people, which can be attributed to those born under the sign of Libra. In the East, opal is popular as an amulet that brings love and happiness.

The black mineral should be handled with particular care, because it is directly related to magic and the supernatural abilities of a person. If a person does not have such abilities, then opal can do much harm. Therefore, it is recommended to set it with gold, this enhances the positive effect of the stone.

White opal helps to find inner peace and find harmony with the outside world.

This mineral is able to be a powerful amulet that will help in any endeavors and protect you from failures and failures. Opal is acquired before responsible events in order to protect oneself from embarrassment and to show oneself brilliantly.

Items, jewelry, the stone itself must be purchased independently, except when the opal is received as an inheritance. It is very undesirable to give and receive it as a gift. If the opal was donated, then it can cause hostile feelings towards the one who gave it, become a cause of enmity or contention.

Second Stone of Libra: Coral

Coral is considered a stone for Libra, although in fact it is not a stone. Corals are marine animals that live in colonies, from which skeletons form coral reefs, and sometimes entire islands. They are pale pink, red, white, black, blue.

In many countries, coral is believed to be a symbol of immortality and happiness. In Europe, it is considered a symbol of modesty, and in Rus' it is a prophetic stone. There were a lot of beliefs about this stone, one of them says that coral was found in the brains of dragons. The stone affects metabolism, digestion and body temperature. It is considered the strongest assistant in getting rid of envy and anger.

Those born under the sign of Libra are trying to get to know the surrounding reality, to discover something unknown for themselves, which pulls them on a journey and does not allow them to sit still. On a long journey, you need to take an amulet with you, which will save you from dangers along the way and help you return. Coral can become such an amulet for Libra. Since ancient times, sailors have taken coral amulets with them, which protected them from storms, storms, fires, floods and other natural disasters.

Medicinal properties

Healers in many countries use coral as an excellent means of increasing tone and relieving fatigue, with diseases of the spine and joints, as well as with fractures. Thanks to the healing properties of coral, its owner can cope with the most complex diseases.

Coral has the strongest impact on children, women and the elderly. If Libra needs to remain calm in business or difficult situations, coral can help him. It maintains the balance of the nervous system, helps to overcome stressful situations more easily, develops intuition.

Coral is endowed with the ability to improve blood circulation. It facilitates the healing of wounds and ulcers, including internal ones. Corals strengthen memory, heal the heart, improve hearing and vision. If worn around the neck, they relieve tics, nervous breakdowns in various stressful situations.

Which stone suits Libra? The color of the coral should be chosen based on what effect you want to achieve:

  • Pink coral calms the nervous system, fights insomnia. It has a calming effect on young children, helps to get rid of problems with teeth. It helps the elderly to strengthen and maintain their mind over the years and not suffer from diseases that come with age. Serves as a preventative for arthritis.
  • Red coral improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and normalizes blood circulation;
  • In case of throat diseases, it is recommended to wear coral beads, which can be of any color;
  • From attacks of sharp headaches, massage with any untreated coral helps;
  • The stone for Libra women is white coral, and for men it is red.

The white coral talisman preserves female beauty and youth for many years, improves well-being, improves the menstrual cycle, reduces menopause symptoms, smoothes the skin and gives it a natural healthy color. Coral also has an impact on rational thinking, helps to formulate one's own opinion about any situation. The talisman with this stone gives the Libra woman the love of the people around her, liberates her, helps to improve family life.

magical properties

In Europe, it was considered a symbol of purity. The ancient Greeks believed that it gives longevity. The Indians still wear coral beads with the belief that they protect a person from a fever that is sent by evil spirits.

Libra often feel a strong influence of bad energy and the evil eye, and I consider coral to be an excellent means of protection. All negative energy directed at the owner of this amulet is reflected in the opposite direction, that is, on the one who is the primary source. In family relationships, coral brings mutual understanding, makes them more peaceful, which is very important for Libra. Such a talisman helps the owners of houses to keep them safe during natural disasters. When traveling, it contributes to a successful road.

Mineralogical experts do not recommend wearing this talisman all the time, as it endows its owner with a penchant for adventure, obstinacy, absurdity and capriciousness. Coral from a fairly long wear may lose its attractiveness, as due to contact with the skin it may turn pale or become dull. Products from coral are advised to be worn when the moon is in the growing phase, to clean during the full moon and to remove and not to wear before the onset of the new moon.

Libra is recommended to have a bush or a sprig of red coral at home, this will not only decorate the home, but also cleanse it energetically. Travelers and romantics simply need a coral talisman, because it protects from adversity and obstacles on the way.