How to prepare nipples for breastfeeding. Why should you breastfeed? Contrast shower and hardening

With the advent of the child into the world, every mother is faced with the question of the proper feeding of her baby. Proper feeding, implies providing the body of the newborn with all the necessary nutrients, for normal physical and neuropsychic development. Therefore, every mother should think about what kind of food she chooses for her child.

Why should you breastfeed?

The most useful and ideal nutrition for a newborn is breast milk, which provides best development baby. Nature has provided composition breast milk, which is ideal for newborns, it contains proteins, they include essential amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements, vitamins contained in the right amount and easily absorbed by the body of the baby. It also includes immune proteins and leukocytes, with the help of which the body's resistance to diseases increases, since infants have underdeveloped immunity.

Breast milk has optimum temperature, sterility and at any time, anywhere ready for use. Breastfeeding provides emotional contact between mother and child, the development of maternal instinct. When sucking on the breast, which has elasticity and softness, the child's bite is correctly formed. With problems that develop during the eruption of milk teeth, breast milk helps to relieve symptoms. It is also known that children who are breastfed at an older age are less prone to various diseases, compared with children who were artificially fed (infant formulas). Therefore, in order to achieve best result in the development of the child, the development of immunity, it is necessary to use breastfeeding and lasting as long as possible, at least one year.

How to prepare breasts and nipples for breastfeeding?

Even during pregnancy, you should pay attention to the shape of the nipples, it depends on them how the baby will take the breast. Nipples are pronounced, flat or inverted. Pronounced nipples are the most comfortable for the baby at the moment of capturing the breast with the mouth, and flat and inverted are less comfortable. Recall that the child sucks the breast, not the nipple, but still with a comfortable nipple shape, the child takes the breast easier and with pleasure. Women with flat or inverted nipples should not be discouraged as all that is needed is a little nipple preparation before delivery.

Applying special silicone caps to the area of ​​the areola (peripapillary circle), which have a hole, the nipple is pulled into it. It is recommended to wear such caps 3-4 weeks before childbirth, and half an hour before each feeding in the first weeks of breastfeeding. If you still didn’t have time to prepare the nipples, it’s okay, using a breast pump after childbirth will solve this problem for you in a couple of weeks. For all mothers who are breastfeeding, it is recommended to wear special bras, they do not squeeze and do not press the enlarged breast filled with milk, and also prevent contact with the skin of the breast and nipples harmful substances from clothing or the environment. In such bras, you can put special pads that collect leaking milk, preventing clothes from getting dirty.

It is also recommended to wear clothes for nursing mothers, they provide easy access to the breast. Be sure to wash your hands with soap before each feeding. The breast should be washed once a day, frequent washing of the breast a day leads to a violation of the natural microflora of the peripapillary region, and possible inflammatory processes. The chest is washed with warm water, without using soap products (if you take a shower, then rinse clean water), they are harmful to the health of your child.

What is the mechanism of milk formation, the composition of breast milk?

Breast milk is produced by the mammary gland, under the influence of oxytocin (a hormone that causes labor pains) and prolactin (a hormone whose concentration increases when a woman who has given birth sucks). Both hormones are produced by the pituitary gland (a gland located on the underside of the brain), and they influence the process of milk production. With an increase in the concentration of prolactin, milk production is stimulated by the cells of the mammary gland. Oxytocin helps push it out by contracting the muscles that are around the milk-forming cells, further along the milky canals (ducts), the milk comes to the nipple, the woman feels this process as breast engorgement (milk rush). The rate of milk production depends on the degree of breast emptying. When the breast is filled with milk, its production decreases, and when it is empty, its production increases accordingly. It also promotes milk production frequent application baby to the chest. Enhanced milk production is noted only in the first 3-4 months of breastfeeding, in subsequent months it decreases.

The composition of milk changes over time. At the birth of a child, "colostrum" is secreted for several days, it is thick and sticky, yellow color, contains a large amount of immune proteins, they provide the development of immunity, for adaptation, the sterile body of a born baby, to environment. Colostrum is secreted in drops, and compared to milk, it is fatty, so even a very small amount is enough to saturate the baby.
"Transitional milk" appears on the 4th day after childbirth, it becomes more liquid, but its value remains the same as that of colostrum.

Mature milk appears at 3 weeks after birth, when breastfeeding, it white color, liquid consistency, less fat compared to colostrum, but fully meets the requirements of the body baby. Almost 90% consists of water, so you should not give water to children, this only applies to children who are purely breastfed. The fat content of breast milk is approximately 3-4%, but this figure often changes.

At the beginning of feeding, the so-called foremilk (the first portion) is released, there are fewer of them in it, therefore it is less high-calorie. In hindmilk (subsequent portions), the amount of fat increases, such milk is more high-calorie, and the child is saturated faster. In the first months of breastfeeding, milk is richer in fats than in the following months (starting from 5-6 months). Protein in breast milk is approximately 1%. The composition of proteins includes essential amino acids, which are easily absorbed by the baby's body. Among the usual beks that are necessary for the development of the child, there are also immune proteins that contribute to the development of immunity. Carbohydrates contain approximately 7%, the main representative is lactose. Lactose regulates the intestinal microflora, the absorption of calcium by the body. Also in the composition of milk, leukocytes (white blood cells) are included, when they enter the intestines of a child with milk, they destroy harmful bacteria. Milk also contains vitamins, various microelements involved in complete satisfaction child's body.

How can you tell if your baby is getting enough milk?

A breastfed baby should be breastfed at will during the day and at least 3 times at night, averaging 10-12 times a day. Feeding on demand - this means that at the first sign of restlessness of the baby, it must be applied to the breast. In order for the baby to be satiated, it must be properly attached to the breast, sucking should be rhythmic for about 5-20 minutes, swallowing movements should be heard during sucking (swallowing milk), well-fed child may fall asleep under the breast, after feeding the breast should become soft. Signs of a hungry infant: opens the mouth wide, turns the head in different sides(looking for a nipple), whimpering, sucking fist.

A child suckles at the breast not only to quench thirst or hunger, but also to calm down, comfort, it is easier to fall asleep, recover, and get gassies out. Newborns are not able to regulate their bowels, so in order to push out gassies, they need a new portion of milk. Therefore, than younger kids, the more often they need to be applied to the chest. If the child is not naughty, gains weight well, neuropsychic development corresponds to age, this indicates that the body develops normally, it has enough food and enough milk, but this only applies to children under 6 months old. A child who is breastfed (up to 6 months), gain weight, must be at least 500 g per month, the upper limit of the increase for each child is individual. But if the process of eruption of milk teeth began earlier, then weight gain is possible and less than 500 g.

How to stimulate milk production?

  • As mentioned above, the formation of milk occurs under the influence of two hormones, prolactin and oxytocin, which are produced in response to the suckling of the breast of a woman who has given birth. Therefore, in order to stimulate the production of milk, frequent stimulation of these two hormones is necessary, this implies frequent attachment of the child to the breast (necessarily night attachments), proper breast latch.
  • Elimination of stress, tension, increased mental and physical tension, fatigue, these factors contribute to a decrease in the production of oxytocin and prolactin, and if they are not enough, the muscle cells will not be able to form and secrete milk, as a result of which the child will not be able to get the amount of milk he needs. Thus, all nursing mothers need: calmness, rest, calm environment, they should try to get a good night's sleep (mandatory daytime sleep next to the child).
  • Constant contact with the child (affects the production of hormones).
  • Warm shower promotes better milk flow.
  • Special lactagons ( better breeding milk) teas (sold in pharmacies) for nursing mothers.
  • Lactic preparations, for example: Apilak.
  • Walnut with honey also has a lactogenic effect, use honey with caution for mothers with children suffering from allergies.
  • A nursing mother should follow a diet: eat on time, high-calorie foods and rich in vitamins (it doesn’t matter if your weight changes or not), drink more fluids, forget about any diets.
  • Under no circumstances should you smoke or drink alcohol.
In case of insufficient milk production, it is urgent to seek help from a consultant on breastfeeding.

How to apply the baby to the breast?

Correct attachment to the breast contributes to the sufficient receipt of milk by the child, gaining it in weight, preventing the appearance of pain in the nipples and their cracks.

You can breastfeed while sitting or lying down, whichever is more comfortable for you. The baby should be turned with the whole body, and pressed against the mother. The baby's face should be close to the mother's chest. The baby's nose should be at the level of the nipple, tilting his head back a little, for free breathing through the nose, for convenience, a woman can hold her breasts at the base. The chin of the baby should touch the chest. The contact of the nipple with his lips will cause a search reflex and an opening of the mouth. The mouth must be open wide to capture maternal breast mouthful, underlip should be turned outward, so the baby should capture almost the entire areola with his mouth. During attachment to the breast, he makes rhythmic deep sucking movements, while swallowing milk is heard.

Expression of milk - indications and methods

Indications for expressing milk:
  • feeding a premature or sick baby (in the case when the baby cannot suckle);
  • leave milk if the mother needs to leave the baby;
  • in case of lactostasis (stagnation of milk), to prevent mastitis (inflammation of the breast);
  • increased milk production (when the child has already eaten, and the breast is still full of milk).
  • With mother's inverted nipples (temporary pumping).
Breast milk can be expressed in 3 ways:
Expressed milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours or in the freezer for up to 3 days.

Cracked nipples, what to do?

Nipple cracks are caused by improper attachment the baby to the breast, or improper expression of milk, frequent washing of the breast and the use of soap (when taking a shower, it is recommended to rinse the breast with clean water). If an infection penetrates through a damaged nipple, then mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland) may develop, therefore, if there are cracks, their timely treatment is necessary.

With small cracks, breastfeeding is continued, through special silicone pads, with pronounced and painful cracks, it is recommended to stop feeding the diseased breast, and the breast must be carefully decanted. For treatment, use: washing with a solution of furacilin, Bepanten ointment, Panthenol spray, 5% Synthomycin ointment, washing with 2% Chlorphyllipt solution, celandine juice and others. After each feeding, it is necessary to dry the nipple, treat it with one of the above means, cover the nipple with a sterile gauze pad.

Diet and hygiene of a nursing mother

A nursing mother should observe body hygiene (take a shower every day, rinsing her breasts with clean water), wear clean underwear, wash hands with soap before each feeding. Before each feeding, it is necessary to express a few drops of milk, to remove germs that could get from clothes.

A woman who is breastfeeding should not smoke, drink alcohol, drugs, strong tea, coffee, and, if possible, medicines.

Nursing mothers are recommended to take frequent walks with the baby on fresh air, frequent rest and daytime sleep.
Observe the diet, exclude all diets, drink plenty of water. The diet should include foods rich in vitamins (vegetables and fruits), iron (found in meat, it is better to eat veal), foods rich in calcium (dairy products), rich in phosphorus (fish). With caution, use red vegetables and fruits (tomatoes, strawberries and others), eggs, as they can cause allergies in a child. Exclude citrus fruits from the diet, they also cause allergies. Products containing vegetable fiber (peas, beans) should also be excluded, as they lead to bloating in the baby. Garlic, onions, spices can spoil the taste of milk.

How to feed the future baby, how to prepare the breast for feeding is a question of interest to many mothers, especially those for whom this is the first birth. To make the feeding process as comfortable as possible for you and your baby, there are several recommendations for preparing the breast for feeding. You need to start preparing even during pregnancy. Special attention preparatory procedures should be given to women with flat, inverted nipples and overly sensitive breasts.

Any manipulations with the breast require prior consultation with a doctor. He will talk about ways to prepare for feeding that are right for you, as well as help you avoid the most common mistakes among new mothers.

What is your nipple shape?

Some mothers who have flat nipples or inverted nipples start to panic that this will somehow interfere with feeding, that the baby will be uncomfortable. Actually, it won't hurt. You just need to prepare the nipples in advance.

The first thing to do is validate the form. Perhaps your suspicions are unfounded, and everything is in order with the form. Take the halo of the nipple with two fingers (forefinger and thumb) and lightly press - if the nipple is pulled inward, then the shape is not quite correct, if the nipple protrudes forward - it is convenient for feeding the baby. Also, the normal nipple, under the influence of cold, is pulled forward and acquires convex shape, retracted - retracts into the areola, flat - does not change shape at all.

Flat or inverted nipples

  • Massage. But it is in your power to change it slightly to make it more convenient to feed the baby. Enough effective method- massage. The first and simplest is stretching and twisting the nipples. With two fingers, gently pull on the nipple, twisting it slightly. Probably, there is no need to remind that the hands must be washed clean, and the nails trimmed and filed? But do not overdo it - the skin on them is very delicate, you can damage it. Also, twisting the nipples too much can cause increased tone uterus.

There is also the Hoffman maneuver that can be used to pull the nipple. Two thumbs you need to place it at the base of the nipple and start soft rubbing movements with one finger up, the other down, then to the sides. Thus, the adhesions at the base of the flat (or inverted) nipple are loosened and it is brought out. It is recommended to do this exercise for several minutes 2-5 times a day. This method a little controversial, some experts consider it effective, others are extremely opposed.

  • Special bra with special inserts and nipple correctors. The bra gradually changes the shape of the nipples, making them more convex. You can also find special correctors in the pharmacy that act on the principle of a pump. But often they cannot be worn - start putting on correctors a month before the birth of a child for about 5 minutes a day, gradually increasing the time to 30 minutes, and before engaging in such procedures, consult a specialist. After the baby is born, continue to put on correctors before feeding for 15 minutes. Correctors and pads put pressure on the areola area and help the nipple to stretch.

  • The third method is a breast pump. Use it after the start of feeding, but consult in advance if you have any contraindications to pumping. It also helps to draw out the nipples.

In no case do not listen to the "advisers" who recommend switching to artificial feeding when too flat shape nipples (do not use a pacifier and a bottle with a nipple for supplementary feeding. Remember that in the case of inverted nipples, after a bottle with a nipple, you will definitely struggle with your baby's "nipple confusion";). Even if you didn’t have time to prepare your breast for feeding before the baby was born, don’t worry, the baby will do everything by itself. In the process of feeding with lip movements, he will gradually change the shape of the nipples. In this case, try to use bottles, nipples and pacifiers to a minimum.

What to do about nipple sensitivity

nipples with hypersensitivity make every feeding a torture. You are distracted by discomfort, and this interferes with the comfortable feeding of the baby. Preliminary preparation of the nipples will help get rid of the problem. There are several ways to do this.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

  1. Bra made of coarse fabric. The fabric should not be too hard so as not to injure the skin, but at the same time rough enough to help the halo get rid of excess sensitivity.
  2. Go without a bra more often - every day for 10-15 minutes, arrange air baths for your chest (walk bare-chested around the apartment). You can go to the nearest store without a bra - 10-15 minutes is just enough. In warm weather, you can expose your chest on the street in your summer cottage.
  3. Another way is massage with imitation of feeding a baby. Grasp the nipple with two fingers, squeeze lightly and begin to pull. But do not press too hard on the mammary glands - it may seem to the body that the feeding time has already begun.
  4. Do not rub the nipples and do not use lotions containing alcohol! These manipulations break the protective layer of the areola and injure the nipples.

Even if you don't have any problems with your nipples, there are a few guidelines for preparing them for feeding that you should follow:

  • Try to avoid getting soap on the nipples so as not to overdry the skin - wiping the halo with a damp towel is enough;
  • During pregnancy, the breasts increase in size. To prevent sagging breasts, you need to wear the right bra. It should not squeeze the chest, preventing proper blood circulation. It is recommended to choose underwear with wide straps, made from breathable hypoallergenic natural materials;
  • Breast care. Preparing the breast for feeding includes taking proper care of the skin condition. On later dates pregnancy, it is recommended to avoid the use of aggressive cosmetics leading to overdrying of the epidermis;
  • Compresses. You can make natural decoctions from oak bark or strong black tea, moisten a cotton swab in the solution and apply to the halo for several minutes. This strengthens them and prevents the appearance. Repeat the procedure several times a day;
  • hardening. For future mother it is very important to harden the breast, because during feeding it is in constant voltage. The easiest way is air baths. You can also pour over the chest cold water. Gradually reduce the temperature - it is impossible to start pouring ice water over the nipples from the first procedures. A tonic effect has a dousing of the chest alternately cool and warm water. Another way is to rub your chest with ice cubes. You can make a frozen decoction of chamomile, oak or string, which is good for the skin of the areola of the nipple. Ice cannot be kept for a long time to prevent hypothermia;
  • Special bra. Its shape is specially designed to prepare the female breast for feeding the baby. When wearing such a bra, avoid tight and overly tight clothing;
  • Massage. Periodically massage the chest, making circular movements around the breast. This increases blood flow and prevents pain during feeding ();
  • Communication with the doctor and with other mothers. The waiting period for a baby is very exciting. Many questions arise in my head, including how feeding will take place. You can talk about this with your doctor. Ask him about everything that interests you. Also try to talk about this topic with other moms, ask about the problems they have faced, and learn from their experience. You can go to special classes for new mothers, where they will show you how to properly attach the baby to the breast, how to prepare her for feeding and how to take care of her after that.

If during pregnancy you responsibly approached the preparation of the breast for future feeding, after the birth of the baby, the process will be comfortable and painless for you. As soon as the baby is born, he will feel the mother's warmth, and your body will start the processes responsible for the production of milk.

How to keep your breasts in shape

  • It is recommended to wear a special bra, just like during pregnancy. You can't let him squeeze his chest. Excessive squeezing of the mammary glands can lead to the fact that milk is completely lost. Do not buy it "for growth" - it is better to get a new one every time the breast increases or decreases. It is advisable to buy a bra with wide straps;
  • Do special exercises. Push up from the floor or wall, squeeze an object with your palms, placing them inside to each other, as in prayer, cross your arms in front of you. But skip jumping and running for a while;
  • Don't sleep on your stomach when your breasts are full of milk;
  • Do not try to drastically lose weight in the first time after the birth of a child;
  • Feed the baby in the correct position ();
  • Do regular breast massage with natural oils.

What Not to Do

  • Rubbing the chest with a rough cloth, terry towel, put a rough fabric in a bra (so that the nipples become less sensitive), as doctors advised several decades ago, it is forbidden. From this, the skin around the nipples is erased and covered with cracks. Nature has made female breast ready to feed your baby, you only need to slightly adjust, if necessary, some points for personal comfort and ease of feeding your crumbs;
  • It is impossible to pull with force, massage the nipples, and also subject them to too strong manipulations in the later stages, otherwise you can cause an increased tone of the uterus and provoke premature birth;
  • It is also impossible to smear nipples with cream. Natural lubrication by the breast is produced independently - this is enough. Do not trust the beautiful jars in stores and pharmacies with the inscription "nipple softening cream" - this is a skillful marketing ploy. An exception - the cream may be needed if there are cracks on the nipples, but subject to prior consultation with the doctor. Also, do not use alcohol-based lotions.

Breastfeeding is such an important process in all respects that it must be approached with special care. Breastfeeding develops natural immunity in a child, protects against allergens, nourishes with vitamins. In addition, putting the baby to the breast connects mother and child with a powerful emotional thread. To make this process painless, pleasant and comfortable, the breast for feeding must be prepared even before the baby is born.

How to prepare breasts for breastfeeding before childbirth

The main problem associated with breastfeeding is cracked nipples. Open cracks and wounds are a gateway for germs and infection. In addition, this is a very painful phenomenon, but it can be prevented. To do this, during pregnancy, even before childbirth, you need to prepare the nipples for the upcoming "work".

  1. Friction. Rub your nipples with a towel for five minutes. This will slightly roughen the skin of the nipples and make it stronger. If rubbing your nipples with a towel brings you pain and discomfort, you can slightly modify this process. Cut out two circles from terry cloth and sew them into the bra at the level of the nipples. Such a relaxed and light friction during long and regular wearing of underwear will perfectly prepare the breast for feeding.
  2. Compresses. To make the nipples slightly hardened and the skin become less sensitive, you can prepare compresses from black tea or oak bark. Brew strong black tea and soak in it cotton pads. Apply wet cotton pads to your chest, cover with cling film and put on a bra. Leave the black tea compress for 15-20 minutes. Instead of tea, oak bark can be used. The bark is crushed and poured with boiling water, simmered over low heat, and then insisted for several more hours. From a warm broth make a compress for the nipples. Oak bark and black tea contain a large number of tannins, which make the skin of the nipples rougher, harder and more elastic.
  3. Massage. To prepare the breast for feeding, open the milk ducts and soften the gland, you need to do a light gentle massage on the chest daily. Massage will soften the breast so that when milk appears in it, it will be easily sucked out by the baby. Massage should consist of stroking, patting and pinching movements. First, massage the skin around the nipple with circular light pressure. Then, with both hands, rub the mammary gland from the armpit towards the nipple. After that, lightly press on the top and bottom of the chest, as if we want to express milk. All these movements should not bring pain or discomfort - everything is gentle, soft, delicate. Massage should be done every day starting two months before the expected date of birth.
  4. hardening. This is an invariable component of preparing the nipple for feeding. To make the skin not so thin and vulnerable, the nipple needs to be hardened. For starters, you can carry out air baths. Go for a while without underwear at home or in nature. But be careful - it is undesirable to substitute nipples under straight lines. Sun rays. Along with air baths, you can carry out water hardening. Run warm or cool water on your nipples every day after showering. Gradually, every day, as the skin gets used to cold water lower the temperature by one degree. Do not pour excessively cold water, do not lose your common sense.

We are all different, like our figures, faces and souls. Likewise, the shape of the nipple in each woman differs in its own characteristics. Even before giving birth, a woman needs to evaluate the shape of her nipple. The nipple may be convex, then sucking the breast for the baby is easier. If the nipple is flat or as if internal, the child cannot grasp it and sucking becomes problematic. Often, babies refuse to suck on such breasts, cry incessantly, and mothers are forced to transfer the child to artificial feeding. This can be avoided by preparing the breast shape for feeding in advance.

First you need to determine what shape your nipple is. To do this, lightly pinch it between two fingers. The pads of the fingers should be on the border of the areola. If at the same time the nipple popped out, then it is convex, and if it hid inward, then it is retracted.

If you have an inverted nipple, you need to gently pull the nipple with your hands, as if twisting it around its axis. Do not overdo it - excessive stimulation of the nipples can lead to premature birth.

The pharmacy has special vacuum pads that artificially pull the nipple out. They need to be worn for half an hour every day before giving birth. These pads will come in handy after childbirth, they will need to be put on 10 minutes before feeding to prepare the nipple and make it easier for the baby to suckle.

How to prepare your breasts before each feeding

Already after childbirth, women are wondering how to prepare their breasts before each feeding. There is no special preparation recipe, everything should be natural. Some women advise new mothers to wash their breasts before each feeding so that the nipple is clean. In fact, you shouldn't do this. Frequent washing the nipple, especially with soap or shower gel, is very drying delicate skin halos. Taking a shower every day is usually sufficient.

Before feeding the baby, slightly remember the chest so that the milk flows more strongly and the baby is full. During one feeding, the child needs to be given one breast, so that the baby quenches his thirst with the front liquid milk, and gets enough of the back, more fatty and thick milk. This will make it easier for him to gain weight.

It is very important during lactation to pay attention to your underwear. The bra should be as comfortable and comfortable as possible. It is best if it is made of natural breathable fabrics. Choose a bra with wide straps, because the load on the shoulders increases - during the feeding period, the chest grows by one to one and a half sizes. Be sure to wear special nursing bras - they make the process much easier thanks to the opening nipple.

And further. If you don't want your breasts to sag after childbirth and breastfeeding, wear a bra at all times, even at night. After all, the skin can stretch under the weight of milk. And the constant wearing of underwear will help maintain the shape of the breast, this will help you return to the previous shape and size after the cessation of lactation.

To get an idea about upcoming breastfeeding, talk to young women who have had a successful breastfeeding experience. They will tell you how to properly latch your baby to the breast, which affects milk production. The emotional component of the question is also important here. Optimistic reviews and pleasant memories of this touching period in a woman's life will create fertile ground for you. You will be looking forward to the moment when you can finally put your baby to the breast. And this will be the highest manifestation of love and devotion.

Proper breast preparation for lactation is the basis for a successful and painless feeding. Establish breastfeeding and enjoy these intimate moments of happiness and unity with your baby.

Video: breast preparation for feeding

Every mother, while still pregnant, thinks about how to prepare her breasts for feeding. In order not to feel discomfort while applying the baby to the chest and pain simple rules must be followed. They are usually mentioned in perinatal centers before giving birth. In order to avoid problems with lactation, let's look at the main preventive measures for good and proper breastfeeding.

There are several stages of preparing the mammary glands for feeding. The main ones are:

  • determine the shape of the nipples: flat, retracted and convex. The most suitable of them for breastfeeding is the third. For the first two, you will need to purchase special overlay or massage the nipples to correct their shape. Before starting a massage, it is imperative to consult a doctor so as not to inadvertently cause premature birth;
  • prepare the skin of the chest. In the second half of pregnancy, it is better to give up soap and shower gel to avoid dry skin. Which in turn can provoke the appearance of cracks;
  • take air baths with bare breasts for 10-15 minutes daily;
  • hardening. Positive influence renders dousing the nipples with cool water or rubbing with frozen cubes with decoctions medicinal herbs with antiseptic properties;
  • nursing bra. You can buy it in specialized departments of stores for mothers or pharmacies. It is made from natural fabric, has a detachable cup and does not squeeze the chest. In addition, it helps to maintain its shape and elasticity;
  • compresses with decoctions of herbs. Oak bark or black tea brewing will not only disinfect the nipples, but also prevent the appearance of cracks. Carry out the procedure several times a day for 10 minutes;
  • soften. This item is necessary only in case of injury to the nipples during feeding. Then they are treated with an ointment, which the doctor should prescribe after examination;
  • breast massage before feeding is also very helpful.

How to develop breasts for nursing

Massage should be done daily in the morning and before bedtime for both pregnant mothers and those who have already given birth. It includes simple tricks:

  • stroking the chest with smooth movements from outside parties to the nipple;
  • circular movements on the chest. The nipple is not affected;
  • lift the chest with one hand from below, and with the other lightly press from above;
  • we sort out the chest in a circle with massaging movements of the fingers.

Each movement is performed 5 times. Massage will help not only strengthen the mammary glands, but also useful for expressing milk. In no case do not press hard on the chest, so as not to injure it.

And don't forget clean, comfortable underwear that fits and fits well. When choosing a bra, pay attention to models with wide straps and natural cotton.

If you have too much sensitive breasts, then it is necessary to choose underwear made of coarse fabrics (linen, terry cloth) or use bra inserts made of coarse fabrics.
If discomfort and pain persist during feeding, seek the advice of a doctor to find out the causes of discomfort.

It is necessary to prepare the breast for feeding or not, doctors argue about this among themselves. But as in any business, the best is an individual approach.

Any woman who has already given birth will tell you that the first days after meeting with the baby were filled not only with joy, but also with pain. And the main source of pain was the mammary gland.

A newborn baby is born with the most basic instinct, as soon as he is born, he already knows that he needs to suck in order to satisfy his hunger. But strangely enough, he usually doesn’t have the skills for this.

The child often takes the breast incorrectly, which, combined with the inability of the mother to give her baby, ends in failure. Already a day after the birth of the baby, painful cracks appear on the nipples.

More recently in women's consultations there were instructions and illustrations for expectant mothers showing how to prepare breasts for breastfeeding during pregnancy. It was even proposed to rub the nipples with a waffle or terry towel so that they would “harden”, walk with bare chest and do many more strange things.

The opposite opinion, which also exists among obstetricians and is absolutely justified, is that it is impossible to prepare the breast for feeding during pregnancy. All manipulations with the nipples in the presence of readiness for childbirth can provoke them, which is very dangerous when threatened. premature birth. In response to stimulation of the nipple in the body of a pregnant woman, the contraction hormone, oxytocin, is released.

Of course, in the absence of a mature cervix and a general readiness to give birth, this is not scary, and will only bring the uterus into tone, but if you already have a risk of not delivering a pregnancy, you can induce labor yourself.

Only in special occasions prepare the breast for breastfeeding during pregnancy is a necessity. This is necessary for those women who by nature do not correct form pacifier. Of course, it is not always possible to prepare the breast before childbirth in such situations. Flat and inverted nipples can cause very big problems, for example, the extreme form of inverted nipples (hiding nipple) is due to very short connective tissue fibers at its base, and here no massage and stretching will help - only the surgeon's scalpel. However, this is rare, but the paradoxical reaction of the nipple to irritation is common. If your nipple retracts during an erection, it can be “trained” to behave correctly with the help of simple exercises, we wrote about them. And in all other cases, there is no need to prepare the breasts for pregnant women for childbirth. It is enough just to look after her and provide support with good linen.

When going to the maternity hospital, it is only important for you to tune in to successful breastfeeding, to master the techniques of putting the baby to the breast, this is shown in the preparation courses for childbirth. Nature has already done everything for you - millions of women have breastfed their children and you, of course, can do it too.

In the first days after childbirth, it will be difficult for you and you should know about it. The first rush of milk is painful, it is difficult to learn how to properly attach a child to the breast, and the baby also does not always manage to learn how to take the breast correctly right away. This is often accompanied by the appearance of painful cracks on the nipples, pain when the baby is attached to the breast, therefore, when going to the hospital, be sure to put breast care products in your bag when feeding.

Now Bepanten and Purinal are the most popular in the Russian Federation, although the whole world uses Lansinoh HPA lanolin ointment when breastfeeding, which has huge advantages: it does not need to be washed off before feeding, it allows the breast skin to breathe and instantly relieves pain in the nipples with cracks, so often during the first days of breastfeeding. Until recently, this ointment could not be bought in Russia - it simply was not supplied, today you can purchase it when ordering a bag to the maternity hospital from our partner.

Preparing breasts for feeding is not difficult, breastfeeding experts believe that it is necessary to prepare not the chest, but the head. Because the breast is ready from the very beginning - it was created for breastfeeding, and all problems arise due to fear, unwillingness to feed, or simply lack of self-confidence.