Daily routine in kindergarten junior group. My child will soon go to kindergarten - how to organize his daily routine? Preparation

Daily routine in kindergarten

In order for the adaptation of the child in kindergarten to be quick and painless, parents should prepare their baby some time before the start of visits to the preschool educational institution. A huge influence on how the child will feel in a new environment plays the daily routine. It is known that in every kindergarten there is a daily routine. Sleep, games, meals and kindergarten classes are held at strictly defined hours. Before sending the baby to kindergarten, parents should arrange the daily routine at home in such a way that the time for sleeping and eating falls on the same hours as in kindergarten. To do this, dads and moms need to know what the daily routine is in kindergarten.

The organization of the work schedule in kindergarten is carried out in such a way that, depending on age, children have enough time for active games, activities and recreation. The mode for a child in kindergarten may be different, but each preschool educational institution adheres to the same general rules.

Approximate kindergarten mode:

from 7:00 to 8:00 - admission of children to a group, free activities;
from 8:00 to 8:20 - breakfast;
from 8:20 to 8:30 - free activity;
from 8:30 to 9:00 - classes with children in groups;
from 9:00 to 9:20 - preparation for a walk;
from 9:20 to 11:20 - a walk in the fresh air;
from 11:20 to 11:45 - return from a walk, free activities;
from 11:45 to 12:20 - lunch time;
from 12:20 to 12:45 - quiet games, preparation for daytime sleep;
from 12:45 to 15:00 - quiet time;
from 15:00 to 15:30 - rise, afternoon snack;
from 15:30 to 15:45 - free activity;
from 15:45 to 16:15 - classes with children in groups;
from 16:15 to 16:30 - preparation for an evening walk;
from 16:30 - a walk in the fresh air.

The time of free activity in the daily routine in kindergarten is provided for independent games. Also, children play with each other while walking outdoors. If the weather is bad outside, then instead of walking, the children spend time in a group. The summer regime in kindergarten is somewhat different from other periods - at this time, children go on excursions, visit theaters, a zoo and other interesting places.

Meal time is the same in almost all kindergartens. Some changes are found in a private kindergarten - in addition to breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea, there is a second breakfast and dinner. The second breakfast, as a rule, consists of fruits, fortified foods and sweets. Children have dinner from 18:30 to 19:00.

Of great importance in the daily routine in kindergarten is not only the time of eating, but also the composition of the dishes. An approximate menu must necessarily include: dairy products, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish products, bread. Parents can ask in advance what the children are fed in a particular kindergarten.

During quiet time, all children rest. Even if the child does not want to sleep during the day, he just lies on the bed. As a rule, the time of daytime sleep is from 2 to 3 hours.
the value of the regime in kindergarten

Kindergarten plays an important role in the full development of the child. The duration of classes, as a rule, does not exceed 30 minutes, so that the child does not have time to get tired. Basic activities in kindergarten:

music lessons;
classes for the development of speech;
physical training;
formation of primary mathematical skills.

All classes with children are held in groups depending on the age of the child. The time of classes in the senior and preparatory group is longer than in the younger and nursery.

In this article, parents will be able to find the optimal daily routine for preschool children, taking into account their age characteristics. You should pay attention to nutrition, sleep, physical activity, mental activity, walks so that the baby is comfortable in kindergarten.






An important condition for the development of the baby is the organization of a routine that corresponds to his age. The mode is the distribution of various activities of the crumbs evenly throughout the day.

The optimal mode is an important condition for maintaining the health of the baby, the basis of his life. Its features will differ as the crumbs mature. It is important to make sure that the daily routine provided for in kindergarten coincides with the home one, since the foundation of physical and mental health is laid at preschool age.
A child needs a daily routine to organize his life and switch from one type of activity to another.
The daily routine consists of the following activities:

The period of rest and sleep;
food intake;
Lessons and training.

Carrying out these activities systematically at the same time has a positive effect on the health of babies. Therefore, pediatricians strongly advise adults to do everything possible to comply with the regimen for their children. It is important to observe the daily routine for both children who attend a preschool institution and home crumbs.
The correct organization of the mode plays a huge role in the prevention of diseases.

It is important to teach children to follow the rules of the daily routine from an early age. Then they easily form habits of organization, discipline, order, proper rest. Strive to stick to the daily routine.
Babies up to 5-6 years old adapt extremely quickly to the established routine and react normally to it. The younger the baby, the more comfortable he is in the conditions of the correct mode. Toddlers who live according to a strict schedule grow more balanced, self-confident, because any surprise does not lead them to stressful conditions.

In the mode, it is mandatory to perform two main "NOT":

1. Do not shorten your baby's sleep;
2. Do not conduct training and development activities after 19 hours.

Good performance;
No fatigue;
Increasing the body's resistance.

The daily routine may not be strictly followed. The following factors influence its compliance:

The health status of the baby. If your baby is sick, then it is recommended to increase sleep and rest;
Weather conditions: if the weather is good, increase the time of walking.

All preschoolers need 5 meals a day:

1. Breakfast;
2. Second breakfast;
3. Lunch;
4. Snack;
5. Dinner.

Portion size should be appropriate for the age of the baby. Various seasonal fruits, pastries and confectionery, dairy or sour-milk products are ideal for lunch and afternoon tea.

Never make long intervals between meals! Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract in preschoolers often lead to:

1. Disorderly eating;
2. Long intervals between meals;
3. Overeating;
4. Too frequent eating.

The daily duration of a child’s sleep depends entirely on his age:

Up to 5 years, the duration of sleep should be 12-12.5 hours a day;
Toddlers from 5 to 7 years old should sleep 11.5-12 hours a day.

Night sleep should be at least ten hours.

It is important to follow these rules for preparing for a night's sleep:

Do not play noisy games;
Limit TV viewing;
Do not let your child play computer games.

All of the above activities greatly excite the child's nervous system and significantly worsen his sleep.
Good for the health of the crumbs daytime sleep, the duration of which should be 1-2 hours. It often happens that by the age of seven, and sometimes even earlier, many babies refuse to sleep during the daytime. Parents should do everything possible that the child just rested from activity at lunchtime:
I read;
Just dreaming;
Lie down on the bed;
Played passive games.

Insufficient amount of rest negatively affects the health of the crumbs, his mood and ability to learn and develop.

Being outdoors is one of the main activities of the baby. Physical activity is important for both health and mood.

You need to walk with children every day and in any weather, except for rain or frost. Kids do not freeze on the street due to sufficient activity. Being outside is a great way to harden. The effect of air on the child's body:

Improve and accelerate metabolic processes;
Stimulates the work of the cardiovascular system;
Breathing normalizes;
Increases the body's resistance to infections.

Physical training;
Acquaintance with the surrounding world.

Favorable time for learning:

9-12 hours;
16-18 hours.

With kids 3-4 years old, it is enough to conduct two classes a day lasting 15-20 minutes. With 5-6-year-old children, 2-3 lessons per day for half an hour are recommended.

If the baby attends kindergarten, then 2-3 sports or dance lessons are enough for him.
Excessive workload of the crumbs with classes will negatively affect his health. As a rule, this manifests itself a little later in such forms:

Decreased immunity;
Sleep disturbance.

It is important not to forget that the baby should have some time left to play on his own.


1. Strive to observe the time and duration of sleep;

3. Make sure that the baby gets up in the morning at the same time;

4. Make sure that the child eats 4-5 times a day;

5. The first breakfast should be no later than one hour after getting up, and the last one - 1.5 hours before going to bed;

6. Intervals between feedings - about 3-4 hours;

7. The kid should spend a lot of time on the street: in summer more than 6 hours, in autumn and winter at least 4 hours;

8. Avoid frequent mode changes;

9. Consider the age characteristics, abilities and capabilities of the crumbs;

10. The child should start the day with exercises;

11. In the daily routine, allocate time for water procedures;

12. Set aside enough time for eating so that the child can chew it thoroughly;

13. Set aside enough time for developmental activities.

Parents should pay increased attention to the implementation of the daily routine of their child. Then he will form positive character traits - organization, independence, discipline, self-confidence!

An important condition for the development of the baby is the organization of a routine that corresponds to his age. The mode is the distribution of various activities of the crumbs evenly throughout the day.

Why do you need a schedule?

The optimal mode is an important condition for maintaining the health of the baby, the basis of his life. Its features will differ as the crumbs mature. It is important to make sure that the daily routine provided for in kindergarten coincides with the home one, since the foundation of physical and mental health is laid at preschool age.

A child needs a daily routine to organize his life and switch from one type of activity to another.
The daily routine consists of the following activities:

The period of rest and sleep;
food intake;
Lessons and training.

Carrying out these activities systematically at the same time has a positive effect on the health of babies. Therefore, pediatricians strongly advise adults to do everything possible to comply with the regimen for their children. It is important to observe the daily routine for both children who attend a preschool institution and home crumbs.
The correct organization of the mode plays a huge role in the prevention of diseases.

It is important to teach children to follow the rules of the daily routine from an early age. Then they easily form habits of organization, discipline, order, proper rest. Strive to stick to the daily routine.
Babies up to 5-6 years old adapt extremely quickly to the established routine and react normally to it. The younger the baby, the more comfortable he is in the conditions of the correct mode. Toddlers who live according to a strict schedule grow more balanced, self-confident, because any surprise does not lead them to stressful conditions.

"NOT" rules for children's mode:

In the mode, it is mandatory to perform two main "NOT":

1. Do not shorten your baby's sleep;
2. Do not conduct training and development activities after 19 hours.

Signs of a good routine:

Good performance;
No fatigue;
Increasing the body's resistance.

Strict observance of the daily routine:

The daily routine may not be strictly followed. The following factors influence its compliance:

The health status of the baby. If your baby is sick, then it is recommended to increase sleep and rest;
Weather conditions: if the weather is good, increase the time of walking.

Mode principles:

1. Strict compliance;
2. Constant changes in the rules of the order are not allowed;
3. Mandatory consideration of the age of the crumbs, his individual needs and characteristics;
4. The nature and duration of various activities should correspond to the development of the crumbs and his abilities.

The most rational mode for preschoolers:

7.00 - 7.30 - awakening, gymnastics, water procedures;

8.00 - 8.30 - time for the first breakfast;

9.00 - 10.00 - training sessions;

10.00 - time for second breakfast;

10.20 - 12.00 - walks on the street;

12.30 - 13.00 - lunch time;

13.00 - 15.00 - day rest;

15.30 - afternoon snack time;

16.00 - 18.00 - game activity, walks and outdoor activities, educational activities;

18.30 - 19.00 - dinner time;

19.00 - 20.30 - games, independent activities;

21.00 - preparation and going to bed, sleep.


All preschoolers need 5 meals a day:

1. Breakfast;
2. Second breakfast;
3. Lunch;
4. Snack;
5. Dinner.

Portion size should be appropriate for the age of the baby. Various seasonal fruits, pastries and confectionery, dairy or sour-milk products are ideal for lunch and afternoon tea.

Never make long intervals between meals! Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract in preschoolers often lead to:

1.Disorderly eating;
2. Long intervals between meals;
3. Overeating;
4. Too frequent eating.

Sleep organization:

The daily duration of a child’s sleep depends entirely on his age:

Up to 5 years, the duration of sleep should be 12-12.5 hours a day;
Toddlers from 5 to 7 years old should sleep 11.5-12 hours a day.

Night sleep should be at least ten hours.

It is important to follow these rules for preparing for a night's sleep:

Do not play noisy games;
Limit TV viewing;
Do not let your child play computer games.

All of the above activities greatly excite the child's nervous system and significantly worsen his sleep.
Good for the health of the crumbs daytime sleep, the duration of which should be 1-2 hours. It often happens that by the age of seven, and sometimes even earlier, many babies refuse to sleep during the daytime. Parents should do everything possible that the child just rested from activity at lunchtime:
I read;
Just dreamed;
Lie down on the bed;
Played passive games.

Insufficient amount of rest negatively affects the health of the crumbs, his mood and ability to learn and develop.

About walks:

Being outdoors is one of the main activities of the baby. Physical activity is important for both health and mood.

You need to walk with children every day and in any weather, except for rain or frost. Kids do not freeze on the street due to sufficient activity. Being outside is a great way to harden. The effect of air on the child's body:

Improve and accelerate metabolic processes;
Stimulates the work of the cardiovascular system;
Breathing normalizes;
Increases the body's resistance to infections.

Features of developing events:

Physical training;
Acquaintance with the surrounding world.

Favorable time for learning:

9-12 hours;
16-18 hours.

With kids 3-4 years old, it is enough to conduct two classes a day lasting 15-20 minutes. With 5-6-year-old children, 2-3 lessons per day for half an hour are recommended.

If the baby attends kindergarten, then 2-3 sports or dance lessons are enough for him.
Excessive workload of the crumbs with classes will negatively affect his health. As a rule, this manifests itself a little later in such forms:

Decreased immunity;
Sleep disturbance.

It is important not to forget that the baby should have some time left to play on his own.

1. Strive to observe the time and duration of sleep;

3. Make sure that the baby gets up in the morning at the same time;

4. Make sure that the child eats 4-5 times a day;

5. The first breakfast should be no later than one hour after getting up, and the last one - 1.5 hours before going to bed;

6. Intervals between feedings - about 3-4 hours;

7. The kid should spend a lot of time on the street: in summer more than 6 hours, in autumn and winter at least 4 hours;

8. Avoid frequent mode changes;

9. Consider the age characteristics, abilities and capabilities of the crumbs;

10. The child should start the day with exercises;

11. In the daily routine, allocate time for water procedures;

12. Set aside enough time for eating so that the child can chew it thoroughly;

13. Set aside enough time for developmental activities.

Violation of the regime:

The correct routine should not be disturbed on weekends or holidays. In kindergarten, the regime is strictly followed, but many parents sometimes violate it at home. Then the baby after the weekend comes tired or excited, and not rested. Both children and adults suffer from daily routine violations. They spend more energy, experience fatigue, do not have time to do a lot. Therefore, the implementation of the preschooler's regimen is important to make life easier for all family members!
Most often, violation of the regime is caused by such reasons:

1. Insufficient physical activity of the baby;
2. Passion for watching TV;
3. Passion for computer games;
4. Parents are not aware of the role of daytime sleep.

Parents should pay increased attention to the implementation of the daily routine of their child. Then he will form positive character traits - organization, independence, discipline, self-confidence!

Most kindergartens have a 12-hour day regimen (from seven in the morning to seven in the evening). This allows parents to free up time for work, and children to receive full-fledged preschool education.

The daily routine is a thoughtful alternation of such regime moments as food, play activities, rest, educational activities. Such alternation gives the children the opportunity not only to acquire new knowledge, but also to have a rest in time.


The day in kindergarten begins with the reception of children. It is the morning time that is important for the general mood of the group. The task of the teacher in the morning is to find out in what mood the children came to kindergarten. For quick monitoring, so-called "mood screens" can be used. This will allow the teacher to understand exactly how to build communication with a particular child.

Charging is a mandatory element of physical activity. As a rule, it is carried out before breakfast. Thanks to charging, the baby's body prepares for daytime activity. Also, this is facilitated by the obligatory musical accompaniment.

Breakfast is the first meal of the day in kindergarten. From the age of 4, children help at the table. It promotes the development of self-care skills and responsibility.

Educational activities take place in children in the form of classes. Depending on age, they last from 7 to 25 minutes. The game form allows you to learn new knowledge well. Classes are held in the morning after breakfast and in the evening after afternoon tea.

Kindergarten teachers integrate learning material into other activities. Thus, preschoolers learn the material better and acquire new skills.


Walking is an obligatory regime moment in kindergarten. Movement in the fresh air gives children rest. In addition, various types of outdoor games are held during the walk, which enriches the motor activity of children.

After a daytime walk, which lasts 1-1.5 hours, preschoolers have lunch. For lunch, children are offered a salad, first, second and third courses. A full meal allows the child's body to restore the calories spent in the first half of the day.

An important regime moment in the daily routine in kindergarten is sleep. Children are put to bed from 13.00. Rise - at 15.00. Such a break helps children to relax and prepare for evening activities.

If the child does not sleep during sonchas, the teachers offer him to lie quietly in the crib. It also allows the body to rest.


After a daytime nap, children get an afternoon snack. A light snack allows children not to feel hungry until dinner. In addition, during the afternoon snack, the body of children finally wakes up.

The educational block in the evening consists of light classes (construction, reading fiction, etc.). The advantage of the game form of holding is preserved.

Dinner is held at 17.00. After it, parents can pick up their kids from kindergarten. Those children whose parents work longer stay with caregivers until 19.00.

In any kindergarten, your baby, one way or another, will have to get used to a certain characteristic routine, which, we note, can differ significantly from his usual daily routine at home. In the garden, all group activities, and these are periods of wakefulness and sleep, meals, hygiene and wellness procedures, walks, games, time for learning and self-development, take place during the hours allotted for this. And day after day it remains the same. The creation of such a schedule is nothing more than a mechanism for the upbringing and education of small people. The mood, behavior and activity of the kids depend on how correctly the daily regimen proceeds. If this well-established system fails (a late or incomplete walk, a delay in eating or going to bed), then this will certainly affect the nervous system of the guys.

What do children do in kindergarten?

After numerous studies of domestic pedagogy, as a result of many years of practical experience in the work of preschool educational institutions, an adequate daily work schedule was drawn up individually for each age kindergarten group. Depending on seasonal and climatic conditions, the wishes of the parents, the administration of the garden may make adjustments to the standard operating hours of the institution. At the same time, the main positions, their sequence and the time allotted for them remain unchanged: food, sleep, games, walks, educational and developmental programs.

Be sure to alternate between active and passive activities. So, if the children played or were engaged in developmental activities that required a lot of activity, the next activity should be calm - have a sedentary character or not require excessive effort.

All events in the kindergarten remain unchanged and are repeated day after day (with the rare exception of seasonal or other adjustments). So the baby gets used to constancy, but he should not get the impression of the monotony and monotony of events. Therefore, every day traditional classes are held in game forms, where you can develop new behavior each time. Again, during the so-called free activity, when the baby is left to himself, he is engaged in a business that he likes.

Classes that are held with the kids in the garden are selected according to the age of the children. They are carried out in subgroups or for the whole group at once, depending on what kind of lesson. Their number, as well as the duration, are adjusted according to the daily routine of a certain age category of babies. For the correct distribution of the load, the group's class schedule is compiled for the whole week.

Walks are an integral part of the daily routine in the garden. Nursery groups may be limited to one exit to the yard, but older children are required to spend the afternoon and afternoon outdoors. The head of the kindergarten is responsible for the proper organization of walks. His task is to make sure that the equipment on the site is safe, whether the children are dressed for the weather, he sets the duration of the kids' stay on the street, and also must ensure that the children's leisure time is spent with benefit. After an active walk, children have a much better appetite and are more likely to go on vacation during the day.

Approximate mode in kindergarten

So what does a typical kindergartener schedule look like in practice? From 7 to 8 in the morning, parents bring their children to the group, and this hour is allotted for their free activities. From 8 am, the kids start breakfast lasting about 20 minutes. Then the children begin to study in groups until 9 am, after which they go on a two-hour walk, which ends at about 11.30.

After the walk, the kids get some time for free activities, and around noon, it's time for lunch - 20 minutes are allotted for it. From one o'clock in the afternoon until 15.00 - the time of daytime sleep, after which half an hour is allotted for the next meal - afternoon tea. After an afternoon snack - classes in groups or games. From about 4:15 p.m., the children go for an evening walk and soon their parents begin to come for them.

Difficulties in addiction

Children who have just entered the kindergarten will not immediately perceive and follow the rules of a preschool institution. Here, both parents and educators will need remarkable patience and endurance. Although the adaptation of each baby occurs individually. Someone quickly gets used to regime and discipline, someone more slowly. This is influenced by various factors: the age, the state of health of the baby, the previous similar social experience, the psychological characteristics of the child, and so on.

For the normal development of a child who already goes to kindergarten, similar daily routine conditions should be maintained at home. It is recommended to follow these rules both on weekdays and on weekends, then the child will not get out of his usual "garden" daily routine.

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LinaZ 21.12 14:52

Those children get used to the regime in kindergarten very badly and for a long time, whose parents do not adhere to the regime at all. I remember that in my group of two-year-olds there was a kid who, in the midst of dinner, literally fell asleep at the table: he just dropped his head into a plate! I had to constantly wipe it with a wet towel and make sure that it did not choke. But when all the children went to bed, he began to play with great pleasure and disturb everyone's sleep. I had to dress him up and take him out to the game room, for which I got hit by the authorities more than once.
And all this is because the child at home did not go to bed until 12 o'clock in the morning, sat with adults near the TV and played with his older brother. And in the morning it was raised very early, since they lived far away, and the result was a downed regime! And any teacher will also confirm that on Monday all the children are excited and naughty. And all because of the regime, or rather, because of its absence. And then they wonder why they cannot cope with a child at home, and in kindergarten their baby is a good boy.

It is difficult to stick to the daytime baby sleep regimen, and the evening son should be a prerequisite.