How to establish and maintain lactation after childbirth. Diseases and breastfeeding. Early breastfeeding and frequent feeding

Undoubtedly, every woman dreams of feeling this happiness - breastfeeding her own child. All mothers know about the benefits and benefits of natural feeding, so they strive to give their baby everything only the best. In fact, it is not so easy to establish lactation. Often, new mothers giving birth for the first time do not imagine the correct sucking technique. A seemingly simple process does not bring results, women face some problems and difficulties.

Most young mothers do not have the correct technique for applying the baby to the breast, so they often have to face difficulties in establishing lactation (see also:)

Phases of lactation

When does the first breast milk appear? The next day after giving birth, women have colostrum. It happens even in the hospital. As a rule, it is not much, just a few drops. The secretion of all women who have given birth will work differently. Sometimes milk arrives in small portions, and its volume increases closer to 4-5 days. Sometimes milk comes abruptly and unexpectedly - usually for 3-4 days. In such cases, a woman notices a sharp increase in the volume of the mammary glands, they harden and cause pain, enlarged veins are visible on the chest, body temperature rises.

This period lasts from 1 to 2 days, followed by the establishment of normal feeding, but only if the breasts are well emptied. A couple of weeks after giving birth, a woman already has mature milk, which will change its composition depending on the mother's diet.

How long does it take for the body to start producing milk? In women who have given birth to their first child, milk may come late - only on the 5th-6th day, and in some cases only at the beginning of the second week. Once having arrived, milk arrives in increasing quantities every day and reaches its “climax” between 10 and 20 weeks. A high level of production will be established and will be maintained throughout the entire period of feeding. Milk production will depend on a number of reasons, in particular, on the duration of feeding. In one day, a woman in the first week after childbirth produces about 200-300 ml of useful "drink".

How to recognize mature lactation?

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Mature lactation is characterized by an uninterrupted supply of milk and the absence of sudden tides. Each woman may have her own individual characteristics in this regard. So, sometimes during the phase of mature lactation there are crises, while other women calmly continue to feed the babies without any failures.

Mature lactation is accompanied by soft mammary glands. This phase can be established in different ways, in time it takes from 1 to 3 months. A woman notices changes in her well-being. The previously present discomfort from the rush of milk becomes imperceptible. The feeling of lightness often frightens mothers with the fact that the milk in the breast could disappear completely.

How to understand when mature lactation has come? It can be identified by a number of symptoms:

  • the chest becomes soft and light (not heavy);
  • absence of pain symptoms with milk tides;
  • before each feeding it seems that the breasts are not completely filled, that milk has not arrived in them;
  • the absence of discomfort of any plan that previously bothered the nursing mother.

The period of mature lactation becomes a real joy for the mother, since the physiological discomfort from lactation remains in the past

Remember! The most important role is played not by hormones, but by the quality of the emptying of the mammary glands at each feeding.

During this period, a woman may have a place. They are accompanied by a decrease in the intensity of milk production. There is no need to be afraid of these crises - the situation, as a rule, improves within three days, rarely a week.


What to do if the woman who gave birth does not have milk? The lack of milk in the mother may well be diagnosed. This phenomenon is called hypogalactia, i.e. decreased lactation after childbirth. The reasons for its appearance can be very diverse. Some of the most significant are overwork, poor nutrition, stress and a nervous home and social environment.

Hypogalactia is curable - in order to fight it, you must first of all provide your mother with a full and sufficient sleep in the amount of 7-8 hours a day, as well as good nutrition. What it includes: strong tea (1 liter) with the addition of milk (1 liter), as well as fermented milk products in equal amounts. It is important in this case to establish and "neutralize" interfering factors.

Help in the development of lactation

A young mother should be informed about the principles underlying successful lactation even in the maternity hospital, immediately after childbirth. Medical staff must convey to the woman the following information:

  • Earlier breastfeeding. It is extremely important (experts on breastfeeding do not tire of repeating this) to give the baby a breast as soon as possible after birth (immediately in the hospital), preferably within 30-60 minutes. Why is there such a hurry? At this time, neuroendocrine mechanisms start their work, which are responsible for the regulation of milk production in a woman who has just given birth. The first early application is a signal for the beginning of active actions: “A lot of milk is required!”.
  • Colostrum is a valuable product for the baby. Thanks to the first drops, the newborn receives unique components that populate his small stomach with beneficial microflora, and protective antibodies begin to be produced in the body. The first application is an impetus to the activation of a whole range of functions. It is at this time that close bonds begin to be established between mother and child. When these connections become tangible, the mother understands the needs of her baby and gives herself a positive attitude to continue full breastfeeding.
  • Feeding on demand- the child receives a breast at first need (he wants to eat or just calm down). The duration of feeding is also not limited. This method helps to establish sufficient milk production. Frequent and prolonged sucking stimulates the mammary glands, as a result, more and more milk comes. Sucking releases the hormone prolactin. The task of prolactin is the active secretory activity of the mammary glands.

If the mother manages to feed the baby within an hour after the birth, milk production will be urgently launched in full due to complex hormonal processes.

Additional Important Factors

  • Feed at night and early morning hours. It is at this time that the maximum amount of prolactin will be produced, the likelihood of establishing stable lactation will be higher.
  • Do not supplement with water. Breastfed newborns do not need additional fluids, as mother's milk is not only food, but also drink.
  • Do not formula feed. Often mothers make a mistake and start feeding the baby with adapted mixtures, fearing a lack of milk. Such actions are erroneous: the colostrum that appears at this time in the breast is very nutritious. Its energy value is so high that even 5 ml of colostrum (and there is always a little of it at this time, from 10 to 50 ml per day) will be enough for the baby. It is easier for a baby to “get” a mixture from a bottle, and this can reduce the sucking activity of the child, complicate and slow down the process of lactation.
  • In the first practices of attachment, it is important to prevent the appearance of cracks and irritation on the nipples and areolas, they will complicate the feeding process.

To maintain breast health and improve lactation, a young mother needs to follow the correct application technique. You can see it in specialized videos, and employees of the maternity hospital or the local pediatrician are also obliged to give basic knowledge.

Milk straining

Getting to the stage of mature lactation is not always easy. Attachment pain will persist until this period arrives. A baby who is not emptying his chest well needs your help - you need to drain the milk ducts so that they all begin to function. Would you like to know how to open your chest? Follow the following rules.


  1. Correct application technique is the key to good lactation. When feeding, the child should capture the nipple with the mouth along with the areola, then each gland will be stimulated and work. The constant arrival of milk in the first week and incomplete emptying of the breasts by the baby can cause a fever. The way out of this situation is to express as much as possible to the last drop. Otherwise, lactostasis may lie in wait for you (more in the article:).
  2. Before feeding, you can make compresses from the cabbage leaf. Apply the leaves to the breasts for 10-20 minutes, they will help soften the breasts and relieve pain, after the compress it will be easier to spread.
  3. In the absence of a high temperature, it is quite possible to drink something hot: tea with milk, and you can also take a warm shower or bath.
  4. The flow of milk will increase if, before pumping, the mammary glands are developed with a light massage in the form of strokes, but without active pressing on the glands. It will be a great stimulation for full pumping.
  5. How to unwind after childbirth? For pumping, you can use modern devices that operate by creating a vacuum. The device is attached to the areola, after which work begins: manually, if it is manual, or from the network (with an electric type of device). Which type is more convenient is up to you.
  6. If you want to pump yourself (for more details in the article:), you need to do it “from the inside”. By making circular movements with both hands, you will help increase the flow of milk to the areola - this will help disperse lactation. Now you need to press on the areola and make a smooth movement towards the nipple, as if prompting the milk in the right direction.
  7. After the process is completed, it is recommended to leave the chest open. You need to do this for 15 minutes. So a new portion of milk will get unhindered access to the mammary glands.

You can consider the pumping technique in more detail using examples of video tutorials. Such training courses will tell you how to disperse milk and strain it correctly.

The female breast is sensitive to any changes in the hormonal status. The gestation period is the time when the mammary gland undergoes changes aimed at lactation. Under the influence of progesterone, branching of the alveoli of the gland occurs, factors that will be involved in the production of milk accumulate. Then the action of lactotropic hormone is added. After childbirth, the mammary glands are sufficiently differentiated to ensure feeding of the child.

The normal course of the postpartum period and the formation of lactation

In the last weeks of pregnancy, an almost colorless liquid begins to stand out from the nipple. This is colostrum, a product with a very high calorie content and nutrient saturation. Even in the delivery room, a newborn child after cutting the umbilical cord is trying to attach to the chest and express a few drops of colostrum to him.

It contains very little liquid, which avoids overloading the kidneys of a newborn in the first few days. Colostrum has a laxative effect. This is necessary for successful bowel emptying of meconium. Nutrients are in a concentrated form, mostly proteins.

Other beneficial properties include the following properties of colostrum:

  • the content of immune factors - immunoglobulin, lymphocytes, neutrophils, which provide passive immunity in the first months of life;
  • living T-lymphocytes produce interferons to viruses that the mother is familiar with;
  • has factors that stimulate the maturation of the intestinal epithelium and the establishment of normal digestion.

After 3-5 days, having passed through the phase of primary milk, colostrum is replaced by mature breast milk. At first, only 20 ml per day is produced, but gradually, with the growth of the child's needs, up to 900 ml can be released.

Do not be afraid of the small volume of colostrum, its concentration is enough to provide nutrients to the newborn. But a woman can influence the amount of milk herself.

By the third day after childbirth, you can notice the engorgement of the mammary glands. This is one of the signs that milk is starting to arrive. It is not able to leave the gland on its own. The best way is frequent feeding. Under the influence of the act of sucking, the alveoli are emptied, and oxytocin is also produced. The hormone affects the contractility of the smooth muscles of the breast, and also contributes to the involution of the uterus and the reduction of bleeding.

Often milk arrives in such quantity that the child cannot cope with the breast on his own. It becomes very tight and painful. The problem can be solved by decanting the mammary gland. In the hospital, a midwife can help with this. The procedure is carried out over the diaper. The chest is widely grasped with both hands and gradually squeezed from the base to the areola. The nipple is not touched. Periodically perform massaging movements over areas with increased density. With independent straining, this can be done under a warm shower.

Some women have an additional lobe of the mammary gland located under the armpits. When pumping, do not forget about it, gently massage to promote the outflow of milk.

The amount of milk secreted depends on the frequency of breastfeeding. A newborn baby eats every 1.5 hours with a longer break at night. Such frequent feeding stimulates milk production.

Milk is supplied from the alveoli reflexively, hormonal and nervous mechanisms are involved in the regulation. This process can acquire the features of a conditioned reflex, as well as be inhibited under the influence of external stimuli: fear, stress, pain. If, with sufficient secretion, the emptying of the gland does not occur, then milk production is quickly inhibited and lactation completely stops. Conversely, frequent application, especially at night, contribute to an increase in the amount of milk.

Feeding rules

The first feeding takes place in the delivery room, immediately after the birth, a few drops of colostrum are expressed to the child. The first skin-to-skin contact with the mother ensures that the skin of the newborn is populated by the microflora of the mother, as well as the formation of an emotional connection.

Subsequent attachments to the breast are performed at the request of the baby. The return of milk is improved by a glass of milk, warm tea or compote, drunk 10 minutes before feeding. Do not forget about the elementary rules of hygiene - wash your hands with soap and water. But you don't have to do this with breasts. Soap breaks down the thin layer of fat that covers the nipples. They become drier and more prone to cracking. Before feeding, it is enough to express a few drops of milk to clear the ducts.

The woman should assume a comfortable position and take care not to be disturbed at this time. The child is given feeding with one breast, alternating each time. It is necessary to ensure that it captures not only the nipple, but also the pigmented skin around it - the areola. If applied incorrectly, it can cause formation and disrupt the entire feeding process.

The duration of feeding should be about 20 minutes. At first, it can deliver some discomfort. Irritation of the nipple causes contraction of the uterus, which is accompanied by cramping pain in the lower abdomen. But gradually everything normalizes, and this process becomes pleasant.

The rest of the milk must be expressed. This will stimulate increased production and prevent stagnation. Some express themselves in a diaper with their hands, or you can use breast pumps that allow you to collect milk in a sterile container and freeze it. The date of pumping must be signed on the container. You can store it in this form in the freezer for up to 4 months.

breast care

Recovery of the breast after childbirth should begin as early as possible. You should take care of proper nutrition for the lactation period, a sufficient amount of vitamins. You can enrich your diet with them through special complexes for nursing mothers.

In the shower under a stream of warm water, you can massage the breasts. You do not need to use a hard mitten or other devices. It is enough to perform gentle stroking movements with your hands or with a jet of water using a shower head. The direction of the massage should be from the crease under the breast to the armpit. Do not use a contrast shower: lactating breasts should not be supercooled.

Stretch marks can form on the skin of the chest. This process is purely individual and depends on the tendency of the skin to form scar tissue. Creams and lotions can slightly reduce this process, but it is impossible to completely stop it in women prone to stretch marks. After pregnancy, you can use Contractubex cream, which can reduce the severity of stretch marks. Under his influence, they become pale and barely noticeable. Cosmetics have a less pronounced effect.

Special gymnastics helps to improve the condition. The mammary gland is represented by glandular and adipose tissue, so the exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles that support the chest.

Complexes of exercises are aimed at the following muscles:

  • muscles located under the mammary gland;
  • back muscles;
  • formation of correct posture.

For lactation, it is important to choose the right underwear. It should fit in size, not squeeze anywhere and be made from natural materials. Nursing bras have detachable cups. Which allows you not to completely remove the breast.

Breast restoration occurs gradually, but with strong changes (ptosis, stretch marks), cosmetic lifting procedures are resorted to, as well as surgical operations for breast endoprosthesis replacement or mammapexy - lifting of a sagging breast.

Pathological conditions of the breast

Not everything always goes well. Pregnancy and hormonal changes after it can become a provoking factor for the development of various pathological conditions.


The lactating gland is prone to development - the pathology of lactating women. This is an inflammation of the mammary gland that develops with a combination of several causes:

  • milk stasis;
  • violation of hygiene;
  • pathogenic microflora;
  • structural changes in the gland:, scars.

Most often, Staphylococcus aureus is found in the foci of inflammation, in much smaller quantities, streptococci, Escherichia coli and bacteroid are detected.

Initially, a seal appears in the mammary gland, it becomes locally painful, hyperemic. All this happens against the background of an increase in body temperature. Purulent discharge from the nipple may appear. This condition develops during any period of lactation, but most often it occurs within the first month after childbirth. Predisposing factors for the development of mastitis are nipple cracks. A distinctive feature of the disease is the unilateral nature of the lesion.

Treatment depends on the phase and severity of the condition. If mastitis is diagnosed at an early stage, then conservative treatment at home can be limited.

Indications for hospitalization are:

  • the need for surgical treatment.

Antibiotics are mandatory in treatment regimens. An indicator of effectiveness is the reduction of symptoms within 2-3 days after the start of therapy. If this does not happen, then the likelihood of surgical intervention is high.

For treatment, I use broad-spectrum antibiotics:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Oxacillin;
  • Cephalexin.

Dosage and frequency of administration is set individually. The course of treatment should last at least 5 days. Be sure to carry out additional decanting. Some doctors recommend applying a cool compress.

If after 48 hours there is no improvement, additional diagnostics are necessary. When abscessed, surgical treatment is necessary: ​​under general anesthesia, the foci are opened and drained. At the same time, feeding is suppressed with the help of medications Cabergoline or Bromkriptin. Antibiotics in severe condition are administered intravenously or intramuscularly.


During lactation, it can form. This is a hollow benign formation, which is formed from the ducts under the influence of the following reasons:

  • congenital curvature of the ducts of the gland;
  • infectious inflammatory reactions;
  • trauma;
  • non-compliance with the rules of feeding - long breaks between applications or a sharp cessation of lactation with a high level of secretion.

Small cysts cannot be seen on their own. Hollow formations with a capsule filled with liquid contents are revealed. A large cyst can be felt through the skin in the thickness of the tissues.

Most often, cysts are localized in the nipple area. Its content is modified milk. When puncturing, a dark green or brown color, an unpleasant odor is determined. Depending on the type of content, cysts are divided into oily, soapy, cheese-like.

If a woman reveals some kind of uncharacteristic formation during feeding, a thorough examination must be carried out.

Treatment is carried out in two ways:

  1. Puncture of the cyst and suction of its contents.
  2. Removal of the formation along with the capsule.

The first method can be used during breastfeeding. Complete removal of the cyst is carried out when an infection is attached.


Often, by the time of pregnancy, a woman has some benign growths that can behave differently. Hormonal changes can trigger their growth.

It can form from connective tissue and fibrous fibers. This is a rounded formation that has a benign character. For a long time, she may not manifest herself in any way. The skin over it does not change, there is no discharge from the nipple, pain or swelling. The type of fibroadenoma growth can vary. In some cases, this is a formation with a capsule, delimited from the surrounding tissues, which grows rapidly. Another type is a benign tumor with slow growth, soldered to the surrounding tissues.

Large fibroadenomas are recommended to be removed before pregnancy. This is necessary because it is impossible to predict her behavior with the onset of pregnancy. During this period, there is an increased growth of connective tissue, and with it the tumor may increase. During pregnancy, fibroadenoma is removed in exceptional cases.

Breast fibroadenoma can shrink significantly after childbirth. This occurs under the influence of increased prolactin and reduced estrogen. The longer a woman breastfeeds, the higher the likelihood of fibroadenoma regression. But those who have been diagnosed with a tumor of considerable size before pregnancy should be regularly observed by a mammologist.

Surgical removal of fibroadenoma is carried out, if necessary, after the complete cessation of lactation.


Sufficient lactation is a natural defense against development. But sometimes hormonal changes in the postpartum period lead to the fact that a malignant process begins. Sometimes the disease is detected during pregnancy. Further tactics depend on the degree of the tumor.

A pathological process can be suspected if the following symptoms are present:

  • pain in the mammary gland after childbirth or during pregnancy;
  • discomfort in the nipple area;
  • swelling locally at the site of the tumor;
  • enlarged axillary lymph nodes.

Mandatory diagnostics includes ultrasound, trephine biopsy, which allows you to determine the type of tumor.

Treatment is selected individually. A characteristic feature of cancer after childbirth is its more malignant growth and detection at advanced stages.

Treatment of the first or second stage during pregnancy can be carried out with its preservation. In this case, a radical method of surgical removal of the mammary gland is used. Removal of only the tumor is not used, because. radiation therapy during this period is prohibited. can be done in the 3rd trimester. The drugs are very toxic and have a teratogenic effect. Therefore, they cannot be used until the period of complete formation of internal organs. Radiation therapy is not used during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth. Its negative impact cannot be reduced.

If the tumor is in stage 3, two options are possible:

  1. Preservation of pregnancy until the moment when chemotherapy can be performed (up to the 3rd trimester).
  2. Artificial preterm birth or abortion.

With the last stage of cancer detected during pregnancy, the issue of the priority of the life of the child or mother is decided. If the option of saving the child is chosen, then treatment is started only after childbirth.

Therapy in the postpartum period can be carried out according to the standard scheme. The woman stops breastfeeding. A massive medicinal and.

The prognosis of cancer during lactation depends on several factors:

  • tumor size;
  • flow stage;
  • type of cancer;
  • mother's symptoms.

Lactation for the period of chemotherapy is stopped.


Breastfeeding is a critical period in a woman's life. Prevention of lactation disorders will help to avoid unpleasant consequences. Be sure to pump out the remaining milk. This will protect against the formation of cysts, the development of mastitis, and will also stimulate the production of more milk.

You need to prepare for pregnancy and subsequent breastfeeding even before conception. Any foci of infection can cause inflammation in the mammary gland. Therefore, it is so important to treat carious teeth, to achieve remission in chronic tonsillitis, cystitis.

There is no need to be afraid of losing the shape of the breast after feeding. This happens more often in women who decide to give it up. With lactation for at least 6 months, the breast gradually returns to its previous shape on its own. An additional benefit for breastfeeding women is a reduction in the development of breast cancer.

Most women understand the benefits of breastfeeding and want to breastfeed their babies. However, in some cases, desire alone is not enough. In this article, we will share information that will help you set up breastfeeding from the very first days so that the process baby feeding brought only joy.

Preparing for breastfeeding.

Often, mothers awaiting the birth of a baby hear the opinion that prepare for breastfeeding , what is important prepare yourself and your breasts for breastfeeding . How to do it? Let's say right away that rubbing the breast, massaging the nipples, putting coarse fabrics in underwear and other ways of “strengthening” the skin of the nipples do not affect the quality of further breastfeeding. And even vice versa - such actions are highly undesirable, because excessive breast stimulation in late pregnancy can in some cases lead to premature birth. Just believe that nature has already done everything for you! Our body is already a perfect instrument and there is no need to prepare the breast for the natural process in some special way.

Perhaps one of the most important moments in preparing for successful breastfeeding will be to enlist the support of your family and friends, experienced breastfeeding friends - in the present or past successfully nursing mothers. It would be helpful to visit in your city. In addition, it is advisable during pregnancy to study all kinds of up-to-date information on breastfeeding . And after childbirth, it is impossible to overestimate the help of the family - it is she who is of great importance so that at first the nursing mother can devote maximum time to her child and the establishment of breastfeeding.

First application to the breast.

So the baby was born! What happens next? Usually, the baby is immediately laid out on the mother’s stomach and left to lie like that for a while, allowing them to enjoy the first meeting “live”. This is a very important moment for both mother and baby. Having rested after childbirth, the baby begins to look for the breast and sticks to it. The entire process can take up to 40 minutes or more. Therefore, it is advisable not to rush, if conditions in the hospital allow it. For moms, early breastfeeding helps start the uterus to contract, which reduces the risk of inflammation and postpartum hemorrhage. In the early days, due to uterine contractions under the influence of oxytocin, you may feel something like labor pains (of course, much less strong and less painful) while the baby suckles.

Of course, it is very desirable to control the child when first application .
This will allow:

  • avoid painful abrasions and cracks on the mother's chest;
  • enjoy the process of breastfeeding without discomfort;
  • prevent engorgement and swelling of the breast at the time of the arrival of milk;
  • to ensure a good separation of colostrum, and then a stable production of milk in the amount necessary for the child.

If the birth did not go as planned, or a caesarean section was performed and the first attachment of the baby happened later than we would like - do not be discouraged! You will still have the opportunity to attach the baby to the breast and organize breastfeeding properly. In any case, no matter what difficulties arise, all Problems can be resolved, especially with the help of an experienced .

The first days of breastfeeding.

Many mothers immediately after childbirth begin to worry about questions: "When will the milk come?" “What will I feed the child if the milk does not come immediately?”.

Indeed, milk usually does not come immediately, but from 3 to 7 days after childbirth (this may be accompanied by heaviness, soreness, swelling of the mammary glands). And immediately after childbirth, the breast begins to secrete colostrum - sticky liquid in a small volume. Colostrum is the most valuable liquid, rich in anti-infective factors, antibodies, oligosaccharides (playing the role of prebiotics), and vitamins. Colostrum volume on the first day it is from 10 ml, and by the third day its volume increases to about 100 ml. It is not by chance that colostrum has such a small volume, because the body of a newborn cannot yet cope with a large amount of nutrition. However, despite such a small volume, this first food has all the necessary nutrients (for example, the protein content in colostrum is 14%, which is about three times the amount of protein in mature milk). Therefore, newborns, as a rule, absolutely do not need supplementary feeding!

In the early days, all children lose weight. This is definitely a worrying moment for parents. But even that doesn't mean that the child is starving : such weight loss is physiological and natural for a newborn child - it is associated with the loss of fluid by the baby during breathing, evaporation through the skin, with urine and meconium. The norm is considered to be weight loss by no more than 10% of the initial body weight, and by the 10-14th day of life, with adequate nutrition, the child's weight at birth is restored and weight gain begins.

So, it is completely natural for a baby to be with his mother from the very first days after birth. Mom and baby learn to interact with each other, and frequent breast sucking gives a good start successful feeding . What does "frequent sucking" mean? feeding on demand ? Many mothers say: "I feed on demand, every 2-3 hours." However, a healthy full-term newborn, as a rule, wants to breastfeed more often - normally, a newborn is applied to the breast on average 12-15 times per day.

Try not to miss the first baby signals who wants to attach to the chest, for example, such as:

  • shaking the head from side to side;
  • protrusion of the tongue;
  • fist sucking;
  • groaning;
  • crying is the last signal that a desperate baby gives to mom. It is important to remember that a calm baby will take the breast most correctly, and it will be more difficult to attach a screaming, choking baby.

Also exists breastfeeding "at the request of the mother" . This means that it is better for the mother to wake the child if he sleeps more than 2 - 2.5 hours. It happens that children begin to sleep a lot and hardly wake up from weakness. Ultimately, this is often followed by weight loss of the child and / or congestion in the breast, a decrease in the amount of milk in the mother.

Try not to shift the baby often from one breast to another. Prolonged sucking on one breast (20-40 minutes) will allow the baby to get to the hind milk - more fatty and high-calorie. It is normal if at first the baby will suck and pause with the breast in his mouth. When he is satisfied, he will let go of the breast.

Objects such as bottles and pacifiers interfere with breastfeeding. The fact is that a baby sucks a bottle in a completely different way than a breast. Breastfeeding is hard work for a baby. From any bottle (even anatomical, orthodontic and any of the most modern) it is much easier to get food. It is noticed that after meeting with a bottle or dummy babies begin to get nervous at the chest , and in some cases in general.

With the proper organization of breastfeeding, there is no need for regular breastfeeding. There is no need to be afraid of milk stagnation if you monitor how the baby captures the breast and feed him on demand. Moreover, regular pumping can just lead to (after all, more and more milk will be formed, and the child will not cope with it).

At the end of the article, I would like to say that the birth of a child is the greatest joy. And at the same time, caring for a child is a lot of work, especially for parents of the first baby. Be prepared for the fact that not everything will turn out the way you imagined or not the way it is written in the book. The main thing is not to be alone with your difficulties, do not be shy to seek help from grandmothers, relatives, friends. Now more than ever you have every right to do so! Well, the difficulties in feeding the baby will always help to overcome ours.

Daria Feldsherova, lactation consultant
(edited by Alena Korotkova, psychologist, lactation consultant)

Breastfeeding is a natural process. However, not all mothers manage to fix it immediately after the baby is born. So, let's learn how to do it right.

About the development of lactation

This process takes place in several stages. First, colostrum is formed in the mammary glands, which is a thick yellowish liquid. It has a high nutritional value, has a pronounced immune activity. Colostrum begins to be produced during pregnancy, and after the birth of the baby, it provides him with biologically active substances during the first 3-5 days of life. During this period, the body of the newborn is under enormous stress, because it adapts to the new environment. Colostrum is a valuable product that allows you not to load the digestive system with a large amount of food, and the kidneys and liver - the need to process and remove substances that are unnecessary from the body. Thus, the baby can save energy in the process of eating and use energy efficiently.

Already on the 4-5th day, milk begins to be produced in the breast, which is called transitional. Its composition changes gradually: the concentration of protein decreases, and the content of sugar and milk fat increases, the amount of minerals normalizes. The transitional stage is characterized by an increase in milk production. The woman feels it like a tide. The breast increases in size, roughens due to the filling of the milk ducts.

In the third week of a baby's life, his mother's milk is already becoming mature. Its composition is more stable. The volume of production is regulated by the individual needs of the crumbs. That should be the norm.

Features of feeding in the first days after childbirth

The quality of breastfeeding is largely determined by the development of the skills of properly attaching the baby to the breast in the first days of his life. Ideally, the baby should be attached to the mother's breast within half an hour after he is born. This is very important, because it is the sucking of the baby breast that starts the process of lactation and helps the muscles of the uterus to contract. The baby should be at the breast for about 20 minutes. Together with colostrum, the baby at this moment receives a strong energy supply, the first portion of immune protection and substances that stimulate the growth of microflora in the intestines.

Yes, sometimes there are contraindications to attaching the crumbs to the mother's breast immediately after childbirth. These are the Rh-conflict, the prematurity of the baby, the oppression of his central nervous system. But these restrictions do not mean that lactation will be more difficult to establish.

Already in the first days, the mother should tune in to the free-feeding regime, that is, the child should be applied to the breast as often as she wants to. It can be 10-12 times a day. At night, the frequency of application is higher than during the day. As for the time the baby stays at the breast, it is individual, but the duration of one feeding should not exceed 20-30 minutes. Too long sucking provokes irritation of the nipples and the appearance of cracks. If the baby is weak, sucks sluggishly and often falls asleep at the mother's breast, then it is recommended to stir it up. You can just stroke lightly on the cheek.

Breastfeeding experts advise women to put the baby on both breasts at each feed until full milk arrives. This is what will stimulate lactation. Further, when the milk has already arrived, you need to continue to act like this, and then give only one breast for each feeding.

It is very important to master the technique of attaching the baby to the breast. It will provide more efficient emptying of the mammary glands. The correct grip of the nipple by the baby is the prevention of the appearance of cracks and does not allow the baby to swallow air while sucking. Then the baby will suffer less from colic.

The baby should be placed belly to mother's belly and eyes to eyes. With a proper grip, the baby's lower lip is turned outward, and the cheeks, nose and chin fit snugly against the mammary gland. The child draws in the nipple and areola, presses on them with the tongue and squeezes out milk.

It is not necessary to wash the breast before each feeding. It is enough for a nursing mother to take a hygienic shower once or twice a day. If the gland has hardened and hurts, and the milk arrives at a rapid pace, then pumping may be necessary. But in this case, you should definitely consult a doctor. And in order to avoid pumping and establish healthy lactation, it is necessary to put the baby to the breast at least once every two hours. In order for milk to arrive regularly and in sufficient volume, mommy must drink plenty of fluids.

1. On the 1-5th day after childbirth, when your milk has not yet “arrived”, the child has enough colostrum: his kidneys can only withstand these 2-5 ml. And the benefits to his health and your breasts are enormous!

2. From colostrum, the child receives immunoglobulins that will protect him if insemination by pathogenic flora occurs when passing through the birth canal. Therefore, demand to attach the baby to your chest in the first minutes after birth.

3. You can only be prohibited from breastfeeding on the delivery table if: you have had a caesarean section with general anesthesia; you lost a lot of blood in childbirth; you have HIV, syphilis or other viruses; the child's condition on the Apgar scale is below 7 points, he has asphyxia or intracranial birth trauma. 2-3 hours after birth, the effect will not be the same.

4. Attaching the crumbs to the breast on the birth table provokes uterine contractions - the placenta separates faster. It also starts the mechanism of normal lactation and helps to establish better psycho-emotional contact with the baby.

5. If you want to attach the baby to the breast immediately, on the delivery table, but you are shown delivery only by caesarean section, choose not general anesthesia, but epidural.

6. Doctors have the right to refuse to bring your baby to breastfeeding if: the newborn is in serious condition and is in intensive care; you are undergoing antibiotic treatment or are also in intensive care. A cold, runny nose or bronchitis is not a reason to refuse to feed you. It is enough to put on a gauze bandage on the face during feeding.

7. Breast size does not affect the strength of lactation. From the first minutes of a child's life, regularly apply it to the breast. The main thing is to be completely sure that you will feed the baby safely.

8. If breastfeeding is not possible in the first days after childbirth, be sure to express with your hands or with a breast pump. If the fluid does not leave the chest, lactostasis will develop, followed by mastitis. Regular outflow of milk from the first days after childbirth is the key to a long, full-fledged lactation in the future.

9. In the first 6 weeks after birth, put the baby to the breast at his first request. There is no need to set the feeding mode. Indeed, in these weeks, the baby develops all life attitudes and trust in the world into which he has come.

10. In the first 3 months of lactation, as well as in the 7-8th month of feeding, so-called milk crises are observed. At this time, it may seem that the amount of milk decreases. In no case do not supplement the baby with a mixture, just breastfeed more often. After 3-6 days, lactation will be restored.

11. The less weight the baby was born, the less milk he sucks out in one feeding and the more often he will demand breasts. But the stronger he becomes, the less often he needs feeding.

12. You should not give the baby a breast at the first sign of anxiety, if only he would shut up. Maybe he's just hot (or cold) or has his diaper dirty. Or maybe he wants to "talk"?

13. From the 3-4th day after birth, the child may require breasts up to 12-20 times a day, the intervals between feedings are from 15 minutes to 3-4 hours. A relatively regular regimen should be established by 2-2.5 months after birth.

14. Try to choose a feeding position that is most comfortable for you. If you are uncomfortable (pain in the neck, back, excessive tension in the lower back and arms), you may develop negative associations with feeding, and this will be the first step towards unjustified weaning of the crumbs from the breast.

15. If you have a cracked nipple, use a crack healing cream. Don't stop feeding your baby. Breastfeed through a special silicone pad that you can buy at a pharmacy or maternity supply store.

16. So that you do not get cracked nipples, make sure that the child takes the breast correctly. When capturing the nipple with his lips, the baby must take into his mouth not only the nipple, but also the areola - a dark circle around it. If he didn't, pull back the skin around the nipple, take it out and offer the breast again.

17. Feeding a baby with expressed milk from a bottle due to cracked nipples is very dangerous for lactation. Already after 2-3 “bottle” feedings, the baby will learn that mother’s milk flows easier from the nipple (in order to eat, you don’t have to “work” and suck), and will soon refuse to eat from your breast. And this directly leads to an early cessation of lactation, since no breast pump can completely empty the breast like a child.

18. If a child takes a breast ahead of time and offers a second one, he will not suck out of the first “back” milk that is more nutritious and saturated with useful substances. It will also turn into a lazy sucker - it will not try to pull milk out of the breast and will get used to it, there is only fore milk, which literally pours from the breast. Poorly satiated, he will soon again demand food.

19. As a rule, milk from one breast is enough for a child. Large children sometimes need to "finish" from the second gland. It is important to adjust lactation so that one breast produces enough milk for the next feeding. To do this, let the strong man "finish" from the second breast. At the next feeding, start feeding from the breast where you finished the last feeding. Gradually the balance will be restored.

20. Don't force your baby to breastfeed at the "appropriate" time: it makes him nervous and does nothing to help establish a "regime."

21. Most children are saturated in 10-20 minutes, but there are also “sloths” who need at least 40-60 minutes to feel full. During this time, they eat the same amount of milk as "agile" children. They just make sucking movements less intensively, they suck less. Accordingly, more time is spent on eating.

22. Learn to recognize a hungry cry of a baby and crying - a demand for your attention. When the baby wants to eat, he smacks his lips, turns his head in search of a nipple, tries to suck your finger. These reactions are observed long before crying. If you don't respond, the baby will soon begin to cry. Try not to bring it to this, otherwise the baby will learn the formula: attention and feeding can only be obtained by screaming.

23. If milk flows from the breast before feeding, the newborn may “choke”. To prevent this from happening, express some fore, watery milk.

24. How to properly breastfeed your baby
Place the baby on the inside of your elbow. Lift him up so that his face is against the nipple.
"Tickle" his cheek or lips with the nipple. Flatten the breast near the areola.
Insert the nipple and part of the areola into the baby's mouth.
While feeding, hold your breast so that it does not block the baby's nostrils.

25. If you can not give up addiction to cigarettes, try not to smoke immediately before feeding, because nicotine provokes vasoconstriction - milk is produced and excreted worse.

26. Get a special bra when you start breastfeeding. It is more convenient to feed with it, as its design allows you to quickly and easily give the baby a nipple without unfastening or removing the entire accessory.

27. When choosing a bra, make sure that the cups fit snugly against the chest (but do not squeeze it). Models without elastane are not able to support the glands well, and they can sag.

28. As a rule, milk from the breast leaks a little. Therefore, at night and during the day, insert disposable cotton or fabric discs into the bra. They are sold in pharmacies or any baby supply store. Buy them already when you are packing a bag for a trip to the hospital.

29. Postures for feeding
The classic pose is the head of the child on the elbow bend. Most comfortable for small breasts.
Pose "child at hand." Suitable for mothers with very large breasts (size 4-6) and low nipples.
Feeding lying down: the position is comfortable if the breast does not slip out of your hands.

30. Women who are physiologically unable to "give" enough milk to the child, only 3-8%. To say that you have “little milk” after childbirth is possible only if you have hormonal pathologies, physiological infantilism, diseases of the internal secretion organs, or you are over 35 years old.

31. Weak milk production after childbirth happens if the mother suffered severe toxicosis in late pregnancy, severe bleeding during or after childbirth, obstetric surgery, postpartum infection. But this is not a reason for refusing to stimulate the glands. Keep breastfeeding or pumping and lactation will return.

32. It happens that lactation is normally established, but then decreases. The reasons for this are violations in the feeding regimen of the child, irregular attachment to the breast, long breaks between feedings, and sluggish sucking of the breast by the child. So the glands are not stimulated enough and “produce” less and less milk.

33. The process of milk production is controlled by the brain, not by the breast. Therefore, in the first 3-4 months after childbirth, exclude any factors that can cause stress: work, family and friends that make you nervous, television news.

34. To keep the skin of the chest in good shape, do contrast douches on the chest daily, wipe the mammary glands with a coarse washcloth and a terry towel.

35. For feeding, choose a quiet, gloomy place in the apartment where there is no TV, telephone, pets and other annoying factors that can distract you and the baby from the process of breastfeeding.

36. If the baby takes the nipple incorrectly (does not capture the areola), while sucking, he may swallow air. This phenomenon is called aerophagy. It is observed in all children (which is why babies spit up after feedings). Normally, if the volume of air swallowed is not more than 10% of the volume of the stomach. Otherwise, the baby will not suck out the prescribed amount of milk: the air will stretch the stomach and create a feeling of satiety.

37. The calorie content of the diet should be 300 kcal more than in the 3rd trimester - 2600-3100 kcal. But do not overeat: three meals a day and 3-4 light snacks a day are enough. Get your calories from lean meats, vegetables, fruits, whole grain breads, cereals, and dairy products.

38. During feeding, you can use creams for nipple cracks with lanolin. Buy them only in pharmacies or specialized stores for mothers. As a rule, the composition of such funds includes components that are safe for the health of the child.

39. When there is too much milk, there is a risk of stagnation, and excessive pumping will only increase milk production. Breastfeed the baby, and if the gland is too tight, express a little, literally 5-10 ml.

40. If you have milk stasis, the breast pump will not drain your breasts. An experienced midwife who knows the techniques of "anti-congestion" massage can help. She can teach you this too.

41. The breast produces as much milk as the baby sucks. If you pump after a feed, more milk will come out.

42. To prevent cracks on the nipples, you need to help the skin on them to harden. To do this, for the whole day, put shreds of linen, terry or waffle fabric into the cups of the bra at the level of the nipples.

43. Some foods can cause allergies in a child through milk.

44. Inverted or flat nipples can be pulled out. To do this, stretch the nipples 2-3 times a day and scroll between your fingers for 3-4 minutes. Do this daily for a month, preferably in the second trimester.

45. Cream against stretch marks is best applied during pregnancy or after lactation: you can not know for sure that its components will not penetrate into milk and will not harm the baby.

46. ​​The amount of milk produced does not depend on how much you eat. The main thing is that the diet is balanced and contains the necessary vitamins and minerals.

47. The reason for the appearance of colic in a child is still not clear. It is only known that some foods eaten by the mother can cause increased gas formation through milk.

48. Take a vitamin complex for pregnant and lactating women. It will provide the child with those vitamins and minerals that you may not get from regular foods.

49. Scientists say that there are substances in mother's milk that can prevent the appearance of intestinal colic. When the baby suckles, he calms down, and the pain from colic may also recede. Often, intestinal colic appears precisely in excitable, nervous children who do not find comfort in the chest.

50. Night feedings are a means to maintain sufficient lactation. This is due to the increased production during these hours of the lactation hormone - prolactin. Therefore, do not exclude night feeding from the regimen. They are necessary to continue natural feeding.

51. By the age of 2 months, the baby should spontaneously establish a feeding regimen. He will ask for a breast every 3.5-4 hours: so much time does the child's body need to digest a portion of food. If the mode is not set in any way, the baby often wakes up at night, which means that something is irritating him. Make sure that the situation in the house is calm, because the baby feels EVERYTHING and requires you to calm down.

52. To fully relax and enjoy skin-to-skin contact with your baby, try feeding lying down in warm water in the tub.

53. It is not necessary to supplement the child with water (tea) in the first 6 months after birth! Colostrum and milk contain the necessary amount of liquid (they are 87-90% water) and provide the needs of the crumbs even in the heat. Liquid from milk is healthier and better absorbed than from other products.

54. When supplementing a baby, a false feeling of fullness is created; because of this, he sluggishly sucks at the breast, sucks less milk, weakly gains weight. If the child needs to give tea for colic, do it 40-50 minutes after feeding.

55. Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. Milk is mostly water, and your body needs enough of it.

56. Breastfeeding should be associated not with work, but with rest: this is the key to successful long-term feeding. Choose the most comfortable position for feeding, in an easy chair or on a bed. When feeding the baby, establish a very important eye-to-eye contact, think about the baby, mentally and aloud praise him, caress, smile.

57. If a child “hangs” on his chest for hours, does not let the nipple out of his mouth, and when you try to “tear it off”, he starts crying heavily, then he is in a state of increased anxiety. Try to resolve possible family conflicts, do not be nervous, avoid communicating with people who annoy you.

58. To enhance lactation, you can drink teas and decoctions from the seeds of cumin, dill, anise, fennel, alfalfa, oregano. However, the best remedy is your commitment to breastfeeding and your confidence that you can breastfeed.

59. Skin-to-skin contact between a child and mother is welcomed by pediatricians and psychologists and is recommended from the first minutes of a baby’s life. This is how acquaintance and the formation of attachment, additional hormonal stimulation of lactation, which is very important in the first weeks of its formation and during lactation crises, occurs.

60. If you have a headache or a toothache, take half a tablet of analgin or paracetamol. These medicines, if passed into milk in small doses, will not harm the baby and will help bring down your temperature.

61. Have you caught a cold? It is enough to wear a gauze mask during feeding. The child will not become infected if you do not stop feeding, because it is in your breast milk that all the immunoglobulins necessary for the baby are contained, which can protect his body from infections.

62. Avoid taking drugs that inhibit lactation: diuretics, ether anesthesia, DOPA, parlodel, bromocriptine, dostinex; drugs containing gestagens, androgens, camphor, ergot alkaloids. Reduce lactation infusion and tea from ergot and sage.

63. If you are sick, but do not want to take medicine and are treated with "herbs", check out the list of plants that are forbidden to use while breastfeeding. Through milk, they can cause allergies, irritability, or more serious disorders (dehydration, vomiting, convulsions, respiratory arrest) in a child.

64. Never think badly about your breast: it can be “offended” and “respond” with illness or lack of milk. And mentally and aloud praise her, admire and admire her!

65. If a child is over 3 months old but he often asks for breasts, he may need your attention and love. It is possible that the baby is very nervous. So instead of supplementing with formula, restore a calm atmosphere in the house, hug your baby more often and continue to feed only breast milk.

66. Doctors, parents, friends can assure you that you do not have enough milk, the child is malnourished, does not gain weight. Most often they are wrong. Only children's electronic scales will give reliable information: weigh the baby before and after feeding. If he has gained weight by at least 50-70 g, then everything is in order with milk and it is NOT NECESSARY to supplement the baby with the mixture.

67. If a child does not gain weight, the “fault” for this may not be weak lactation, but the peculiarities of the digestion of the crumbs, possible violations in the assimilation of food. Do not stop breastfeeding, do not supplement the crumbs with a mixture. Get your child's stool tested first to see if his digestion is okay.

68. If you think that you have little milk, pump more often. Breast milk contains a substance - an inhibitor (suppressor) of lactation. It accumulates in a full breast and reduces lactation. The outflow of milk stimulates the glands.

69. To understand if the baby is getting enough milk, do a wet diaper test. For a day, save the baby from diapers and put only a diaper on. If the child urinates 6 or more times a day, the urine is colorless or pale yellow, then he has enough milk.

70. At the age of 3-6 weeks, 3; 7; At 11 and 12 months, the child's need for food increases due to the growth of activity and the body. At this time, it may seem that he does not have enough breast milk. Just do not stop breastfeeding, and soon the glands will "adjust" to the new needs of the little one.

71. The taste and smell of onions, garlic and other spices is transferred to milk, and the baby may refuse to breastfeed. If the baby does not breastfeed because of this, let him “think better” for 30-60 minutes.

72. To keep your chest in shape, do exercises for the chest muscles every 2-3 days.
Join your palms at chest level. Straighten your back and firmly press the bases of your palms together. Relax after a second. Repeat contraction-relaxation 25 more times.
Grasp your wrists, holding your hands firmly in this position, stretching them as if you are trying to break the clutch. Do 25 repetitions.
This analogue of the first exercise is good because it involves not only the pectoral muscles, but also the muscles that support the shoulder joint. Just as described in the 1st exercise, squeeze your palms above your head. Do 25 repetitions.

73. If you have too much milk, give only one breast at a time and do not express milk from it. If the other one is too swollen at the same time, express 10-15 ml (but no more) to ease the tension. At the next feeding, give the baby the breast that was pumped and do not apply to the other (which was fed last time).

74. If a baby sucks for a minute and then tears away from the breast with crying, this may indicate that:
the baby has a runny nose, stuffy nose;
sore throat;
stomach ache (or colic);
inflammation in the mouth (thrush, teething);
you somehow prevent him from sucking (twitch, move);
you are nervous, and this is transmitted to the baby;
milk flows too much.

75. The smell of your perfume, deodorant or the strong smell of sweat can push the child away from you. During the feeding period, try not to “water” with perfume and take a shower more often. The most favorite and soothing for a little man is the smell of your skin. Certainly clean.

76. Are you sure that the child is refusing the breast? After all, a little man can simply:
for a long time "aims" at the nipple, turn his head;
it is easy to be distracted by extraneous sounds (movement, the appearance in the room or the departure of another person), which is typical for the age of 4-8 months.

77. So that the baby does not refuse the breast, hold it in your arms more often; ensure skin-to-skin, eye-to-eye contacts; sleep with him and feed him at night; exclude pacifiers; try other feeding positions.

78. Natural feeding does not negatively affect your intimate relationship with your husband. Quite the contrary: many men find the process of breastfeeding very sexy. But if you are hiding from your husband at the same time, there may be something wrong in your relationship. Contact a family psychologist!

79. A good way to maintain breastfeeding is the approval of the husband. It's good if he compliments you when you feed the baby; especially if he emphasizes that you are beautiful during feeding and it is very important for him that you give his child breast milk. If he himself does not guess to do this, tactfully “hint”.

80. Don't let your husband speak negatively about your "expanded" breasts, compare you with a "milking cow". This reduces your mental attitude to breastfeeding, which inevitably leads to a decrease in lactation and weaning.

81. Reject any negative statements about breastfeeding from the grandmothers of a newborn. Especially those that reduce your confidence in your ability to breastfeed. The only thing worth listening to in this regard is stories about how they breastfed for a long time and how glad they are that you can also give your milk to the crumbs.

82. If you suspect a lack of milk, the grandmother of the baby should only support you. Do not take on faith phrases like "I fed you with a mixture (broth, porridge, cow's milk, etc.) - and nothing." Even the most modern mixtures cannot replace your milk for crumbs, and decoctions, cereals, and even more so cow's milk, will only harm the crumbs at his age!

83. Physical and emotional overwork can cause a decrease in lactation. Therefore, try to leave home 2-3 times a week for 2-3 hours. Take a walk, go to a hairdresser, go shopping, visit a friend, visit a theater, a museum. Successful feeding requires periodic emotional discharge.

84. Pediatricians in district polyclinics often speak in favor of supplementary feeding. If the doctor has not tried to find out the cause of the decrease in lactation and improve your breastfeeding for at least 2 weeks and immediately prescribed supplementary foods, naming mixtures of 1-3 certain brands ... say goodbye to him and choose another pediatrician.

85. If you are lactating, a pediatrician can only prescribe therapeutic mixtures that give 30-50 g at the end of breastfeeding with milk. Their packaging indicates that the mixture is therapeutic and is not a substitute for breast milk. If the doctor unreasonably recommends supplementary feeding, he violates the recommendations of the WHO.

86. If you are going to do fitness, wear a bra with the maximum degree of support. Now that the weight of each of the mammary glands has increased due to lactation, the risk of stretch marks and sagging breasts is also higher.

87. The most suitable sports for nursing mothers are yoga, Pilates, callanetics. Drink more water while exercising. It will help to quickly remove metabolic products from the body, "bypassing" breast milk.

88. After your first fitness session, the child may begin to refuse breast milk, not sleep after eating, or suffer from colic. It’s just that during classes, toxins and toxins are removed from the body that can get into milk and cause colic. Reduce the load, and over time, the composition of the milk will return to normal.

89. Intense cardio workouts cause increased lactation. The baby cannot suck out all the milk, and over time it begins to “burn out”. This leads to a decrease and cessation of milk production, as well as to a change in its taste and properties. Do not be zealous with training and choose a fitness that is more suitable during this period.

90. If you have moved (to a dacha, or to another apartment), the child may require breasts more often. Do not deny him this in such circumstances, because the feeling of your closeness gives him a sense of security, and he adapts faster.

91. If you can't wait to swim in the open water in the summer, do it in a large river or sea. In stagnant water of ponds, lakes, pits filled with water or small rivers, the concentration of pathogenic bacteria is higher. Once in the milk duct or mouth, they can cause infection (breast, intestines, whole body), and breastfeeding a child can be dangerous. Do not swim where there are waterfowl.

92. When planning to go to work and transfer the child to feeding with expressed milk from a bottle, stock up on a good breast pump, 3-5 bottles, bags for storing milk in a frozen state. The bottle nipple should have a very small hole (1 or 3) so that the baby does not forget how to make an effort to "get" milk. Otherwise, he will no longer suck on your breast.

93. After going to work, at first leave home for no more than half a working day. The transition to feeding expressed milk from a bottle should be gradual. This is important both for the baby's psyche (abrupt weaning from the mother will provoke severe stress), and for lactation (natural breast sucking by the child supports lactation better than pumping).

94. Store bottled milk in the refrigerator. After a few hours of standing, it can be divided into 2 layers, "cream" will emerge. This does not mean that the milk has gone bad. It is enough to shake it, warm it up, and the baby can be fed.

95. For the preservation of frozen milk, it is important under what conditions it was collected. Therefore, before pumping, wash the parts of the breast pump that will touch the breasts, nipples, and hands with hot water and soap. Store milk in special disposable plastic bags for expressed milk.

96. Heat the expressed milk only in a water bath and do not bring it to a boil, otherwise all the beneficial substances will be destroyed. Reheating milk in a “microwave” is dangerous: with this type of heat treatment, hot spots form in the milk, and the child can severely burn the mouth and esophagus.

97. Be sure to express milk at work. To do this, take a portable manual or electric breast pump with you. If you don't express, the milk may "burn out" and lactation will stop.

98. At room temperature (23-25 ​​degrees C), expressed milk can be stored for 4-5 hours, in the refrigerator (0 - +3) - 2 days. In a frozen state in the freezer of a single-chamber refrigerator (-4 - 5 degrees C), it is stored for 8 days, in the freezer of a two-chamber refrigerator - 2 months. In the freezer (-18 - 25 degrees C), milk will be stored - up to 6 months.

99. It is necessary to feed a child only with breast milk, at least until 6 months of age. Therefore, until this time, do not introduce any other products into his diet. The baby should suckle at the breast and thus stimulate lactation.

100. You can think about the abolition of breastfeeding by 12-14 months after childbirth. Weaning will go unnoticed if you correctly introduced adult table products into the child’s menu after 6 months of age. If the fidget continues to often ask for a breast, this may be a sign of increased nervousness and hyperexcitability of your child.

101. The best lactagon remedy - "lactation dominant" - is the mother's conviction that she can breastfeed her baby, her milk is the best and is an ideal and indispensable food for the baby. In a word, the main thing is to believe and know!