Stone therapy - hot stone massage. Stones for stone therapy. Which minerals are suitable for stone therapy

Hot stone massage is a type of massage that uses smooth, flat heated stones. They are located along the spine, in the arms, along the legs, between the fingers. The heat coming from them penetrates deep into the muscles, warming up and relaxing. This type of massage is called stone massage or stone therapy.

This procedure is not new. Heated stones have long been used by people to treat sore muscles. The first mentions date back to 1500 BC.

In our time, it is being revived and is gaining more and more popularity, experiencing a rebirth. Now rarely any spa or sanatorium does not offer such a service.

What is useful stone therapy

Modern life is full of stress. It is he who is considered one of the main reasons for a number of serious illnesses. It doesn’t matter what it is caused by: problems at work or everyday relationships, domestic troubles.

Fortunately, today there are many different practices and procedures that will help balance the effects of stress, bring our body and feelings back to normal. One of them is stone therapy.

The theory of hot stone massage is very simple: the heat from smooth polished stones, penetrating into the muscles, warms up and relaxes them. This allows the massage therapist to penetrate into the deeper layers of the muscles.

During the procedure:

Blood vessels expand;

Improves blood circulation;


Increases lymph flow.

This stimulates the body to cleanse, remove toxins.
Poor blood circulation can lead to fatigue, muscle tension, fluid buildup and lactic acid buildup. Increased blood flow improves and increases the supply of oxygen to the tissues, thereby relieving pain during and after the session.

Hot stones have a calming effect that relieves chronic pain, reduces stress, promotes deep relaxation.

Good for people:

Suffering from circulatory disorders;

Experiencing muscle pain;

With diseases skeletal system: arthritis, rheumatism and others;

For back pain;


With insomnia;

With chronic fatigue;

Experiencing frequent mood swings, including those associated with hormonal disorders;

suffering from depression;

With frequent headaches, including migraine;

Stone massage is useful for obesity, overweight, cellulite.

Benefits of hot stone massage

Stone therapy allows the massage therapist to give a deeper, penetrating massage without putting a lot of stress on the patient's body. Excessively tense muscles make it difficult to perform a massage.

Heated warm stones relieve tension, relieve muscle pain. As a result, they are less injured during the procedure. The patient does not experience the pain that occurs in the first days during a conventional massage. After it, bruises do not remain on the body.

Heat stimulates blood circulation around the problem area, improves and accelerates healing, restoration of an injured or damaged area. Under the influence of heat, the pores open, which allows the body to better absorb the therapeutic oils.

This type of massage:

Relieves muscle spasms;

Improves blood circulation;

Normalizes metabolism;

Helps cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful substances;

Relieves muscle pain;

Improves mood;

Relieves anxiety, anxiety;

Improves sleep;


The course of stone therapy allows you to improve general state health, strengthen the immune system.

Types of hot stone massage

There are several types of this massage:

Classic - performed only with heated stones;

Contrasting - stones with different temperatures are used during the session;

Massage with precious and semi-precious stones.

Each type performs its own functions. With the classic, the muscles warm up and relax well, the pores open. It allows you to relieve tension, spasms, pain, activate blood and lymph circulation, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

With contrast, metabolism is stimulated, muscle tone improves, blood vessels, swelling of the body goes away.

The third type is aimed more at energy replenishment. For him, choose stones that are more suitable for specific person. In this form, perhaps the main healing action appears on a subconscious level.

In addition, the following groups of massage are distinguished:

Aromatic (using essential oils);

Modeling (more often used for overweight, for modeling body shapes in old age);

Energy (massage with precious stones);

Classic (wellness).

How to massage with stones

Preparation for the procedure begins even before you arrive for the session. The first thing to always do is to disinfect the stones. If oils are used, an oily film may accumulate on their surface. You can remove it with hot water, vinegar and baking soda.

Then the stones are heated in water or special ovens to a temperature of 52-54 degrees for at least 30 minutes. When using marble stones, after heating, they are cooled to a temperature of 10-25 degrees.

Before putting on the patient's body, you need to warm up the muscles. To do this, a regular massage is performed or the patient takes a warm shower.

The masseur then places the stones on the key acupressure points. In this case, it is necessary to check the temperature. They may feel somewhat hotter on sensitive skin than in the hands. The temperature is best checked by applying a heated stone to the wrist or to the forearm.

On the back, stones are placed along the spine, on the shoulder blades, shoulders. The masseur can lay them out in one or two rows, alternating large ones with smaller ones.

If the stones are located not only on the body, but also on the head, then the temperature should be lower. This area of ​​the body contains more nerve endings and is much more sensitive to temperature.

When performing a stomach massage, stones are laid out on the stomach, face, arms and legs.

Smaller ones are placed in the palms, between the fingers, along the legs, on the feet. Thin - between the legs.

Many experts believe that the stones themselves carry an energy charge and try to decompose them into a spiral pattern.

It is necessary to lay out from below, and not from above, so as not to cause an increase in blood circulation in the region of the heart.

Then the patient is covered with warm terry towel. Pleasant warmth relaxes, soothes.

Stones can be used during massage only to warm up the massaged area or directly for its implementation.

After warming up the body, apply Massage Oil and the massage begins. In this case, the specialist uses various ways and methods using only hands or warm stones.

Holding the stone in his hand, the specialist massages the whole body with it. Can alternate hotter stones with less heated ones, large ones with smaller ones. When the stone cools down, he replaces it with another one. The session itself usually lasts about an hour.

What stones are used

Most often used basalt with a very smooth polished surface. They retain heat well during the entire period of the massage.

Sometimes they use cold marble and stones of volcanic origin, semi-precious, jade, jadeite.

For a hot massage at home, you can use polished pebbles, which are easy to find on the sea or river banks.

For ease of massaging, they should be the size of a palm.
You can buy them online or in a specialized store. The price varies from two thousand and above.

When buying, you need to pay attention to the fact that they are rounded and smooth. The presence of notches sharp corners, surface roughness is not allowed.

As a rule, stones of different sizes are sold in a set. Immediately, along with them, you can buy stoves for heating.

hot stone massage at home

It is quite possible to make such a massage at home. This requires smooth polished stones of the appropriate size. They can be bought or brought from the sea. Heat up in hot water, oven or microwave.

Of course, at home, you can only do a relaxing massage, unless none of the family members is a professional massage therapist.

The principle of carrying out is the same as in the cabin. Start from the bottom of the back and gradually move towards the shoulders and neck. It is not necessary to press hard on the muscles. Light stroking with a warm stone perfectly warms up the muscles, relieves tension.

Self-massage of feet and hands can be done independently. First you need to warm up the feet by putting a couple of stones wrapped in a towel. After warming up, apply oil and massage first one, then the other foot with your hands or a stone.

In the same order, you can massage the hands, and in some cases, the shoulders, neck.

Hot stone massage is a pleasure. Before the session:

Eliminate fatty heavy food;

Do not drink alcoholic beverages;

Arrive at least 10 minutes before your procedure so you have time to rest.

You should always tell the massage therapist if the temperature of the stones is comfortable for you. It should not be higher than 10 degrees of body temperature.

Be sure to warn about existing chronic diseases. Some of them are contraindicated.

If you are taking medications that block pain, they can reduce the sensation of temperature.

All this must be taken into account by the specialist when choosing the type of stones, the temperature of heating, the method of conducting the massage.

After the session, drink more water and herbal teas.

Firstly, during the procedure, fluid is lost with sweat.

Secondly, they will allow you to better remove toxins, salts and other harmful compounds.

Schedule a massage on a day when you don't have to rush anywhere. Still, it is a very pleasant, relaxing procedure.


You should not do hot stone massage if you have:

elevated temperature;

Infectious or cold diseases;

Alcohol intoxication or being under the influence of drugs;

You have recently had surgery or an injury, stroke, heart attack, spinal injury, or other serious illness;

Cardiovascular diseases;


Oncological diseases;

Aggravation chronic diseases;

There is a metal implant;

Rheumatoid arthritis;

Reduced sensitivity to pain;

Are you taking blood thinning medications?


Do not do in the presence of injuries, burns, abrasions, scratches on the body.
Prohibited at varicose veins veins and thrombosis.

With caution, this type of massage should be treated by a pregnant woman during breastfeeding. It can only be done after consulting your doctor.

In some cases, they may require permission from the attending physician in the presence of a certain disease.

Stone massage is a pleasant procedure that will help improve health, tighten, strengthen muscles, cleanse the body of toxins. Before deciding on it, consult your doctor. Choose specialized centers. Feel free to ask a specialist to look at the diploma. Only if all the rules are followed will it benefit.

What is useful massage with stones, how to do it, see the video

Stone massage is a relatively new direction in medicine based on performing massage using cold and hot stones.

Review of hot stone massage from the Internet: “After all the unsuccessful experiments and failures with a variety of massage therapists, I must say that I raise two hands “for” hot stone massage, stone massage is my favorite massage. This is the most relaxing thing I have ever experienced. The reason it's exciting is because the warmth of the stones, combined with the massage technique, dramatically improves blood circulation throughout the body. The combination of “stone heat” with massage works, muscles and tendons relax, pain and tension go away.”

Stone massage - what, where, how

For massage, stones from those places where there are active volcanoes (hot stones) are best suited. Volcanic basalt has a porous structure and due to this it tends to cool for a long time and keep warm. They use not ordinary stones, but black and light basalt stones, which are heated in special furnaces up to 50 degrees. Basalt stones from Indonesia, which were formed from volcanic rock, perfectly retain heat. Marble from Italy is more suitable as cold stones; it is almost impossible to heat them.

Stones for stone massage

Stones vary in shape and are suitable for different parts bodies:

  • cushion stone;
  • between finger stones;
  • large sacral stone;
  • massage stones.

The depth and effectiveness of the procedure on the human body, its muscles and joints depends on the heating temperature and duration of exposure.

Where and why is stone therapy effective?

What is the basis of stone massage according to doctors?

The idea of ​​stone massage is based on the effect of cold and heat on the receptors. Warm basalt stones promote deep relaxation. Cold, in turn, activate the metabolism, contribute to an increase in leukocytes and erythrocytes in the blood. During the massage, you can use various oils which enhances the effect.

What is the basis of stone massage by specialists from the East?

Stone massage originated from the east (this oriental massage), it is based on warming up, including the chakras. The energy of the body warms up where it is in excess and is transferred by a warm stream to where it is lacking. Stone massage affects nerve endings and red bone marrow. It is possible to achieve a similar effect with the help of vibration exposure. But to achieve the same sensations with the help of hands will not work.

This unique technique affects very deeply. The energy of the stones neutralizes negative energy, relieves tension and stress, promotes harmony, gives peace and balance.

The effect of the procedure is manifested in the following:

  • improves metabolism and blood circulation;
  • deep muscle warming;
  • calming effect on the nervous system and emotional state;
  • effect on blood vessels, their expansion.

Stone massage helps to get rid of muscle pain, migraine, improves cardiovascular system, contributes to the normalization of pressure, helps to forget about insomnia, improves psychological condition, soothes. This method is excellent for radiculitis, pinched sciatic nerve.

The effect of the massage is prolonged (from several days to a week). The person becomes more reasonable and calm. This is a great way to relax, listen to your body, find harmony

After the massage procedure, there is a feeling of complete relaxation of the body, as after a good vacation.

Contraindications for stone massage:

  • any type of malignant tumors;
  • diabetes;
  • deep varicose veins;
  • critical days for women.

Types of stone massage

Types of massage depending on the type of stones:

  1. hot stone massage;
  2. massage with cold stones;
  3. combined massage with cold and hot (alternately) stones.

Depending on the technique and specific purposefulness, stone massage can be divided into the following types:

Contrasting. Basalt and marble hot stones alternate, heated up to 50 degrees in combination with cooled down to 20 degrees. Exposure to temperature changes affects the level of relaxation. Stabilization occurs during the massage emotional background, cleansing of negative thoughts, elimination of stress and diseases.

Modeling . In contrast to the contrast, the temperature of hot stones rises to 60 degrees, and cold ones to -10 degrees, i.e. treatment using cryotherapy technique (cold). Massage helps relieve extra pounds, stabilizes water-liquid metabolism, models tissues and tones them.

Thai. Carrying out technology Thai massage developed in ancient times in 500 BC. Includes elements of Vedic medicine Ayurveda, philosophy of yoga and ancient Chinese medicine. Yoga teacher and Indian doctor Jivaka Kumarbhasha pioneered a special technology that combines the effects of enjoying massage and healing properties from the procedure.

How to do stone massage?

Stone massage is enough expensive procedure. This is primarily due to its great popularity. Although masseurs working in this area will say that the high cost is due to the equipment and special stones that need to be bought and are expensive. But in massage - the main thing is technique. And oddly enough, the same Swedish massage (or) is much more complicated in technique than stone massage. Therefore, if you want to enjoy this effective and delight your household, then everyone (or almost everyone) can master it at an elementary level.

Minimum inventory required:

  1. a set of massage stones (45-60 pieces of various sizes);
  2. Crockot (a special oven for heating massage stones) or another stove in which stones can be heated to the desired temperature;
  3. special tongs (or a ladle or a spoon) in order to get the stones out of hot water;
  4. a towel on which you will need to put the stones after heating for quick drying;
  5. Massage Oil.

Preparatory procedure for stone therapy

Massage stones must be preheated. To do this, you will need 30-60 minutes, depending on the method of heating the stones. Usually the stones are heated in a special brazier or in hot water. That is, a regular saucepan or slow cooker is also suitable.

After the stones are heated, they must be taken out and placed on a specially prepared towel so that the stones cool slightly to a temperature when they can be picked up and dried. Drying is also important so that drops of boiling water do not scald the skin of the person being massaged.

The stones can be lubricated with oil before starting the massage.

It is necessary to prepare a place where it will be comfortable for the “patient” to lie. The atmosphere is very important, which will complement the relaxing effect. Since the person will be lying face down, the pillow should be soft and comfortable.

Oil is applied to the client's body so that the stone slides well.

Lay stones along the spine. Stones also:

  • inserted between the toes,
  • put into the palms of the hands;
  • are placed on the feet.

This is a very relaxing preparatory part of the stone massage. The patient should be covered with a light blanket so that the heat does not leave quickly.

Then the stones are removed from the back and you massage with hot stones. The technique is very well shown in the video below the article. Unfortunately the video is in English. But very well not only told, but also shown. And the technique can be carefully observed and adopted by watching the video several times.

Stone massage video technique

  • the stone is passed through the body quickly so as not to burn;
  • the stone is "deep in the palm";
  • massage is carried out along the lines of massage (bottom-up);
  • when you feel that the stones are cooling down, you need to put them in hot water, and from there get the hot ones;
  • you can stop in separate areas (knees, elbows) and warm up these places by spending more and. These techniques are very effective for osteochondrosis and joint problems.

Massage is a great cure for everything: blues, colds, fatigue, obesity, problematic skin and other troubles. Stone therapy allows you to not only relax and save good mood a few days after it, but also significantly improve their health. However, before signing up for a salon, you should find out if you have any contraindications for hot stone massage, how it is performed, whether it can be done on your own and how much this procedure costs. More about all this in the article.

hot stone massage

Massage with stones heated to a hot state is called “stone therapy” in beauty salons. This method of relaxation and healing is one of the most ancient, which was used several centuries BC. The combination of ancient practice and modern knowledge about the human body creates a unique multifaceted technique based on the interaction of the four elements to improve your physical and spiritual condition.

Stones. Stone massage is most often performed using volcanic basalt. The stones have round shape, polished by wind and water, have a porous structure. The latter provides a slow cooling of the stone, and a gradual deep heating of the part of the body on which it lies. Basalt stones are formed in the process of sedimentary activity after volcanic eruptions - they concentrate the energy of the five elements, are saturated with magnesium and iron, macro- and microelements.

Massage basalt stones shown to people with a sore back, joints. It helps to get rid of insomnia chronic fatigue, migraine, depression. Stone therapy improves blood circulation, reduces the appearance of cellulite, fights overweight, rejuvenates and cleanses the skin. Basalt is designed to open energy channels, fill the body natural energy calm the mind and pacify the person.

Jade stones are saturated with minerals and useful vital elements. human body. Jade conducts heat well and shares its rich composition with human body Therefore, it is very often used for recreational purposes. It helps fight diseases of the heart and blood vessels, blood and lymph, kidneys and Bladder, liver and spleen, stomach, other organs and systems. Massage with jade stones has a positive effect on immune system, rejuvenates the skin.

Carrying out a stone massage. Special attention is given to the atmosphere in the office: relaxing music is turned on, the lights are dimmed, aromatherapy techniques are used. This approach contributes to the complete relaxation of a person, which makes the massage even more effective, and its result is long lasting.

Before the massage, the stones are disinfected and heated or cooled. The temperature of volcanic stones is in the range of 45-55oC. If marble stones are used in the massage technique, then, on the contrary, they are cooled - to a maximum of 0 ° C. Stone massage different temperatures leads to improved metabolism, narrowing and dilation of blood vessels, elimination of venous stasis, increased muscle tone. This technique has a positive effect on the immune and nervous systems.

Massage volcanic stones begins with warming up the human body. To do this, the masseur will use rubbing using olive, sesame or other oil that will saturate the skin. beneficial substances and make it velvety and taut. After that, the specialist will begin to lay out the stones on the body. They will be everywhere: on the back, legs, even between the fingers and in the palms, since it is necessary to use the maximum amount of biologically active points.

When all the stones are in place, the masseur will begin to use them to press, rub or stroke certain areas on the body of a lying person. Usually this process starts from the bottom, that is, from the feet. Classical stone massage is performed on all parts of the body: back, abdomen, chest, face, neck, etc. The procedure should last at least an hour, and ideally two. After its completion, the person is left to lie down and relax for a while, they are offered to drink green tea, which further enhances the tonic effect.

Indications and results of stone massage. This procedure is not only cosmetic, but also medical. It has the following indications:

  • Diseases of the spine;
  • Metabolic disorders, slow lymph outflow;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • Decreased tone and pain in muscles, ligaments (as an option - a consequence of sports injuries, for example, sprains);
  • Pain in the joints;
  • Fat deposits, cellulite and aging skin;
  • Depression, stress and apathy;
  • emotional instability;
  • Chronic fatigue, overwork;
  • Insomnia.

The main effects of stone massage are:

  • Favorable effect on the activity of the respiratory system and heart;
  • Stimulation nervous system;
  • Activation of the endocrine system;
  • Normalization of hormonal levels;
  • Increased immunity;
  • Enhanced metabolism, cleansing the body of toxins and other decay products;
  • Improving blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • Treatment of pain in the back and joints;
  • The disappearance of muscle tension and fatigue;
  • Removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • Elimination of venous stasis;
  • Skin cleansing;
  • Removing a person from a stressful state;
  • Normalization of appetite and sleep.

Due to the influence of hot and energetically saturated stones, the body begins to cleanse and heal. This procedure and the environment in which it is carried out relax a person and give him the opportunity to escape from pressing thoughts, get rid of tension and fully relax.

Facial stone massage

Stone massage of the face is not just pleasant, it can help get rid of tension, relax facial muscles, increase blood circulation in the skin, cleanse it and give softness and elasticity to tissues. This procedure refers to lifting, as it produces soft polishing and enhances lymph flow. In addition to a beneficial effect on the skin, a properly performed hot stone massage procedure has a positive effect on the metabolism of brain cells, it is the prevention of cataracts, atherosclerosis and some other diseases.

Stone therapy is best done in specialized salon, but you can master simple techniques at home. Get the stones you like and start learning. To begin with, remember that after each procedure they must be thoroughly cleaned and left in salt water for at least half an hour, then wiped dry. They heat the stones in a slow cooker, but at home you can use a heating pad (pre-wrap them in a towel) or hot water.

Consider several options for how to massage with warm stones. Initially, prepare yourself a bed or a comfortable chair to relax. Ask your loved ones not to distract you - the massage can last more than an hour - it all depends on your feelings and patience. Any type of stone therapy begins with moisturizing and preparing the skin: apply on it daily cream, and also better oil: for dry skin - sandalwood or rosemary, for normal - pink or lavender, and for oily - eucalyptus or basil oil. The easiest massage method:

  • Check the temperature of the stones by applying them to back side palms, otherwise you risk burning your face. If the stones are overheated, then put them in cold water;
  • Massage face light movements, respecting the order massage lines. Make longitudinal circular motions, do not forget to pay attention to the bridge of the nose, brow ridges, cheekbones. Enjoy the sensations that hot stones give you;
  • At the end of the facial massage, select 4 stones and place one on the forehead, chin and on each of the cheeks. You can rest like this for 10 minutes, or you can massage your neck, shoulders and chest at this time to get the maximum benefit and pleasure from the procedure.
  • More difficult option stone massage of the face - the use of hot and cold stones alternately:
  • Put the dark stones in a pot of hot water, and the light ones in a container with ice. Wipe them dry before use. Do not forget to monitor the maintenance of temperatures in containers with stones;
  • Take out 2 hot stones and begin to massage your face with them. Continue for about 2 minutes, then return them to hot water, and take cold stones in your hands and stroke your skin with them. Such a temperature difference is extremely beneficial for the skin and head as a whole. Change stones at least 10 times per procedure.

Such a massage for 20-40 minutes will give you not only fresh and radiant skin, but also get rid of fine wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face, and most importantly, headaches and Bad mood if they were.

The Japanese version is massage with jadeite stones. Get stones with holes inside (for your finger) - they look like large coins. They can be used both hot and cold - according to your wishes. The hole inside the stone serves to vary its position relative to human skin:

  • Flat position - the stone just lies. This is the easiest option - you hold the stone with your finger and make massage movements - this relaxes and soothes;
  • Compliance with the 45o angle is touching the face with the rounded side of the stone. It is used for stroking, rotation, detailed study of each area;
  • Vertical position - the stone is held with two fingers perpendicular to the face. In this position, the stone can be rotated and rolled, which provides excellent tissue stimulation.

Choosing a massage method, pay attention and choice suitable stones to carry it out. Today, massage with semi-precious stones is extremely popular and not only:

  • Jade rejuvenates the skin, is famous for its deep impact;
  • Amber prolongs youth and helps with suppuration, ulcers, various diseases skin;
  • Lazurite has an anti-inflammatory effect, indispensable after sunbathing;
  • Moonstone is used for problematic skin;
  • Turquoise increases the elasticity of tissues and normalizes all processes in them;
  • Aventurine improves complexion;
  • Hematite is indispensable for skin with poor circulation;
  • Rock crystal perfectly relaxes.

result quality massage face is an improvement in skin color and tone, the absence of psycho-emotional stress. Despite the great benefits of this procedure, it is contraindicated in pregnant women, the elderly and those who have health problems, for example infectious diseases, skin damage.

Hot stone massage: contraindications

Hot stone massage has a number of contraindications, which you must be notified by a specialist. If you want to carry out the procedure yourself, then make sure that it does not harm you. Contraindications for stone therapy:

  • problems with blood pressure;
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Circulatory disorders and a tendency to bleeding;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases, such as bronchial asthma;
  • Thyroid dysfunction;
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Pathology of the kidneys;
  • Thrombosis;
  • Skin diseases (meaning bacterial infections, fungal, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.);
  • Skin damage (wounds, abrasions, cuts, ulcers);
  • Pregnancy;
  • Excessive exhaustion of the body.

Stone massage: reviews

You can find and hear a lot of reviews about stone therapy and, surprisingly, there will not be a single negative one among them! Those who have experienced the effects of hot stones say that this is the best of salon procedures. In addition to the fact that it tones the skin and improves the condition of problem areas, it also gives a state of peace, heals the entire body.

Other girls were at fairs and presentations and saw with their own eyes how the color and condition of the skin improves significantly after massage with hot and cold stones. Women are especially pleased that massage of the abdomen with a stone is able to tighten the skin, which after childbirth has somewhat lost its elasticity. The same applies to the neckline. Many people rejoice at getting rid of headaches and constant depression thanks to stone therapy.

Stone massage: cost in Moscow

Hot stone massage and its price depend on the wishes of the client. The cost is affected by the duration of the procedure, the techniques used, the status of the salon, the professionalism of the master, and of course the quality of the stones. Consider several options for stone therapy:

  • Classic full body massage. It has a relaxing effect, relieves muscle tension, strengthens the immune system and respiratory system, relieves depression. Its duration: 1-2 hours, and the cost: 3000-4000 rubles;
  • Back massage will cost in the range of 1000-2000 rubles. and last no more than an hour;
  • Modeling or anti-cellulite body massage aimed at losing weight and cleansing the body of stagnant fluid and toxins costs in the range of 3000-4000 rubles, and its duration is 1.5 hours;
  • Rejuvenating body massage with crystals lasts 1.5 hours and costs at least 3,000 rubles;
  • Thai massage with stones is carried out for 2 hours, and its price is from 3000 rubles;
  • Modeling facial massage lasts 30 minutes, costs no more than 1500 rubles;
  • Stone therapy using techniques acupressure- This is one of the most expensive types of stone massage. Duration: from 1 hour, cost: from 4000 rubles.

Such a divine procedure as hot stone massage should be experienced by every person. In addition to the amazing cosmetic effect, it has a powerful healing effect on the body, so with regular repetition it will provide an excellent appearance and well-being. Do not save on yourself - the results of stone therapy are priceless.

stone therapy- a popular spa procedure that combines three healing methods at once: reflexology and hardening. Depending on the temperature of the stones, it gives a relaxing or tonic effect, and the contrast effect brings maximum benefit.

Hot, cold and contrast litho massage: what is the difference

For lithotherapy use smooth flat stones volcanic rocks and white marble. The choice of these minerals is not accidental: the porous structure of black basalt retains its hot temperature, marble - keeps the cold. The polished surface excludes damages of skin. The procedure requires 27 pairs of stones: each pair has the same shape and mass for symmetrical work with both hands.

Spa clients often prefer an express massage with warm stones. It does not take much time, and the main goal is to relax and energize the body. But for the expressed health effect this is not enough: the minerals must be hot, and the impact must be deep and long. It takes at least 40 minutes to “walk” stones all over the body. A full-fledged stone procedure takes up to 1.5 - 2 hours. During this time, the massage therapist carefully works out the bioactive zones associated with the work of certain organs.

The main difference between hot litho massage and other types of stone therapy is the warming effect. During the procedure, the fabrics receive the warmth of basalt, absorb trace elements of volcanic origin, which complements and enhances the effect of sliding stones. Due to warming up, such a massage is recommended for problem joints: it relieves pain, swelling and inflammation. Hot stones have a calming effect on the nerves, normalize the pulse and restore healthy sleep.

It is more difficult for patients to decide on a massage with cold minerals. They treat him negatively, subconsciously expecting discomfort, chills and overexcitation of the nervous system instead of relaxing heat. However, this procedure does not cause anything. Shock cooling in stone therapy is not used. Before touching the skin with a cold stone, the massage therapist prepares the client physically and mentally.

The body reacts to the impact of low temperature not with chills, but with activation of blood circulation and metabolic processes. First, the vessels contract reflexively, throwing blood from the surface to internal organs. But later a short time capillary vessels are filled with hot blood again, tending to heat the “freezing” surfaces. As a result, a person does not feel cold, but, on the contrary, feels a wave-like surge of heat.

Massage with marble stones stimulates metabolism, normalizes the functioning of peripheral nerve fibers, trains the immune system, strengthens the skin, muscles and blood vessels. The procedure is of great benefit to those who want to get rid of excess weight. Cold litho-massage promotes the breakdown of visceral fat and glycogen.

Contrast stone therapy combines the benefits of hot and cold treatments and has a powerful effect on the body. This healing method is especially indicated for vegetovascular dystonia, muscle spasms, congestion, depression, chronic fatigue.

Hot stones dilate blood vessels and accelerate cellular metabolism, blood circulation and lymph flow. The pulse quickens, organs and tissues receive more oxygen and nutrition, muscles relax, spasms go away. Then there is a cold effect with a sharp narrowing of the capillaries and subsequent adaptation of the body to a new temperature. At the moment of cooling in the body are blocked pain and reduce inflammation.

Such training leads to the tone of blood vessels, muscle tissue, skin. Course treatment helps the body strengthen its defenses, adapt to temperature changes, adverse climatic factors, in fact, it is a hardening procedure.

Contrast stone therapy, although not fully, but partially compensates for physical education for those people who are limited in activity. During the massage, the same mechanisms are involved as with sports loads: warming up the body, increased breathing and heart rate, muscle work, redness of the skin. Together, all this stimulates metabolism.

In addition to the physical impact, massage with stones harmonizes the energy balance of a person. According to the principles of alternative medicine, stone therapy opens "chakras" - active points at the intersection of meridians, through which flows Vital energy. Fans of oriental healing techniques claim that litho massage puts in order not only the body, but also the mind.

Video: Stone therapy and massage with hot and cold stones. Features and technique of massage

Indications and contraindications for stone massage

The treatment course of contrast stone therapy consists of 8-10 sessions of 40-120 minutes each. The frequency of procedures is twice a week. Main indications:

  • migraine;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • insomnia;
  • excess weight;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • cellulite;
  • depression;
  • emotional instability;
  • PMS in women;
  • severe malaise with menopause;
  • articular pathologies;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • muscle spasms;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • recovery after illnesses, injuries;
  • relaxation after sports activities;
  • digestive disorders;
  • frequent colds.

A stone therapist takes into account current health problems and builds a treatment program. The duration and number of procedures, the number and temperature of stones, stimulation points are determined individually.

Some conditions prevent stone massage:

  • oncology;
  • some types benign neoplasms, cyst;
  • acute infections;
  • temperature;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • reduced thermal sensitivity;
  • spinal injury;
  • thrombosis;
  • varicose veins (for hot procedures);
  • severe cardiovascular pathologies;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • bronchial asthma out of remission;
  • psoriasis;
  • violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • mental disorders;
  • thyroid disease.

The presence of contraindications precludes treatment with contrast stones. By agreement with the attending physician, in some cases, it is possible to massage with warm basalt, bypassing potentially dangerous points.

Contrast Stone Therapy Technique

Stone massage is not easy wellness procedure. This is a complete relaxation session in an appropriate environment: it is important that the patient is completely relaxed. In the office of lithotherapy, subdued light is used, natural materials and sounds, aromatic substances, natural oils.

The client is laid back on the table, on which heated stones are located at the level of the Achilles tendons, popliteal fossae, neck and along the spine. Hot basalt is put into the palms, placed next to the face, feet, put between the fingers.

Massage minerals lie in hot water or a special device. Immediately before the massage, they are taken out, dried with a napkin and lubricated with oil. The masseur vigorously rubs the patient's body with oil - this moisturizes and nourishes the skin, and most importantly, it facilitates the sliding of stones. When the temperature of the basalt becomes comfortable, the procedure begins.

With light movements, the reflexologist slides the minerals along the energy lines, gradually increasing the pressure and periodically connecting the vibration technique. Direction: from the limbs to the body, first the large muscles, then the small ones.

At the first stage, relaxation occurs, and from the point of view of oriental techniques- opening energy channels. Then the patient turns over to treat the back surface of the body, the cooled stones on the couch are replaced by heated ones. hot massage repeated 2-3 times, after which the cooling stage begins.

The transition to cold stones does not occur abruptly, the skin should cool slightly. The patient does deep breath, and on exhalation, the masseur applies the mineral. Thanks to the use of special breathing, the client does not feel discomfort from low temperatures.

Cold massage technique is similar to hot massage. The stone therapist uses stroking, kneading, tapping stone on stone. Works on the front first, then moves on to the back. This stage is carried out once.

At the end of kneading, the stones are laid out on energy points in a static state, after a while they are removed - this is how the massage therapist closes the chakras. The procedure ends with stroking and a 10-minute rest under the covers. After the session, it is advisable to drink herbal tea.

After a contrast massage, the patient feels a surge of strength, especially the next day. Stone therapy relaxes, but at the same time does not “lull”, but tones the body.

Hot and cold stone massage at home

Is it possible to use stone therapy techniques at home? Completely - no, but this is not a reason to refuse pleasant relaxing procedures. Most available methods self-treatment:

  1. Put smooth stones on the palm, cover with the second hand and rotate the upper palm clockwise. 20 minutes of intense movements invigorate, slow - soothe.
  2. Spread small stones on the floor and walk on them bare feet A couple of minutes.

On the soles and palms there are hundreds of bioactive points, the stimulation of which has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Only having a basic knowledge of the principles of reflexology, the exact location of active points and their connection with organs, it is recommended to practice massage with cold and hot stones at home.

Instead of volcanic rocks, smooth pebbles, hematite, turquoise and other minerals are suitable. Apply to the body base oil, and on the face - cream, slide stones different sizes along bioactive lines. The main thing is to follow the rule: first heated, then cold, with both hands at the same time, making synchronous movements.

Like any therapeutic and prophylactic procedure, and even more so based on the principles of reflexology, stone massage is allowed only after consultation with a doctor. You should not trust such a procedure to an unprofessional massage therapist, so as not to harm your health.