The energy of natural stones and its impact on humans. The influence of stones on a person

An ancient Avestan legend says that a long time ago, at the very beginning of time, the stone sky protected the world on earth. But once, powerful forces evils invaded the earth, and the stone cover could not stand it and cracked, and small fragments woke up on the ground as gems. And now each stone, like a fragment of that stone cover, keeps its strength and ability to protect a person.

Gems are a generous gift of nature, they are amazing and beautiful! But do lovers think precious stones over the fact that each of them, accumulating the wisdom of the universe, was formed for millions of years, that he is a particle of earthly and cosmic memory and is much older than any of them.

How to choose jewelry with natural stone so that it not only beautifies the appearance, but also helps to become stronger, protects from troubles, attracts good luck and, most importantly, does no harm. And is it possible to balance the negative aspects in Bazi with the help of a gem? With these questions, I turned to the astrologer Arina Yurchenko.

Arina, how can natural stones influence the fate of a person?

Wearing a stone or jewelry with natural stone is a very effective way to correct fate. natural remedies without the intervention of magic. The age of the stones significantly exceeds the age of mankind. There is a version that the stones influenced the origin of life on the planet. Even the ancient Atlanteans used crystals to implement their scientific and technical developments. They believed that minerals can influence both the fate of individuals and entire states. Any stone, precious or semi-precious, has a memory. He remembers his master or the one who found and processed him. If, having bought a stone, you do not clean it and put it on yourself right away, then it can bring both joy and sadness, or it can change the fate of its new owner for the worse, up to fatal consequences. This is often the case with large diamonds.

Stones are surprisingly diverse and have a large color spectrum. And a person has a biofield and energy centers - chakras. Each chakra is controlled by a specific planet, which has its own stone. For example, the Sun has a ruby, amber, Mars has red coral, carnelian, pomegranate, etc. But there are different planets - good ones that bring harmony, happiness, good luck to fate, and evil ones, such as Saturn and Amazed Mars. When these planets dominate in transits and aspect evil houses or are afflicted by other planets, they can bring theft, trouble, an unhappy life. But when they are favorable in aspects, they bring vitality, victory over fate, and many blessings. For example, let's take the red CORAL, which is often called "widow's stone". It is ruled by Mars, and if a person has natal chart lacks confidence life force and energy, the stone of this planet will make favorable changes in his life. But it's still not worth wearing coral all the time. He can really attract fatal events. So any stone can bring both good luck and defeat. Natural stones have strong vibrations that affect the human aura, these vibrations can change the mood of the chakras.

How should jewelry be selected and worn?

There are two options. The first is to turn to professionals. An astrologer, for example, will build a natal horoscope chart based on the date, hour and minute of birth. He will look at which planets need to be strengthened, and which stones are suitable for this.

Or contact an experienced kinesiologist. He will test the stones on the muscles of the human body, make a selection according to the name of the stone, purpose and timing of wearing it on the body. It will determine in which metal it is better to wear it and what decoration is suitable for this. But here, too, there are some nuances, since according to kinesiology, stones are often selected to correct health and improve the aura or energy centers. And for business money luck, attracting good luck in marriage will not work. Therefore, in any case, you can choose the right stone only if you know your horoscope.

The second way to choose is independent:

1. First of all, you need to listen to your intuition and choose the stone that beckons not with its external attractiveness, but with some kind of internal attraction.

2. Should not stick strict advice according to the choice of stone, oriented to the sign of the Zodiac, because according to classical astrology, a person is not always a pure carrier of one zodiac sign.

3. You can pick up a stone by dowsing.

4. The easiest way is to put the stone you just bought under your pillow at night. If you had a bad dream or a nightmare, then you need to either return the stone back or try to clear it of negative information.

How to wear jewelry with natural stone?

Gem rings should be worn on those fingers that are intended for them. Stones of strong planets: the Sun, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter, women wear on the right hand, and men on the left. The rest of the stones are worn on the favorable side. For women it is left, for men it is right. Each planet governs a specific finger. Sun - ring finger right hand. Moon - the ring finger of the left hand. Mars - index or ring finger of the right hand. Mercury - the little finger of the left hand, as well as the middle and ring fingers of the right and left hands. Jupiter - index finger of the right hand. Venus - the middle finger of both hands. Saturn - the middle finger of the right hand. Jewelry with stones from other planets is best worn in earrings, pendant or bracelet.

First of all, you need to understand why the stone is purchased.

  1. For permanent wear, as an amulet, talisman or decoration.
  2. To correct fate.
  3. For the treatment or prevention of diseases. (lithotherapy)
  4. For meditation or for harmonizing the space of an apartment, office. (Druzes, eggs, pyramids, balls)

After that, you can look for information about the stones in the specialized literature. My advice - do not pick up stones to correct the fate or strengthen the planets on your own. But even if there are recommendations from an expert, the stone should please and “smile” just for you. There is a lot of literature about minerals and their magical properties, but you only need to trust your subconscious. Stones cannot be picked up just because you are a Scorpio or Sagittarius. Listen to yourself and find what your inner voice asks for.

Western astrology is good, but as a Bazi consultant, I am interested in the possibility of correcting unfavorable moments in fate with stones. Since it is sometimes difficult for a person to act independently and additional help is required.

I will give a few examples. I would like to pick up gems for these people that will help them cope with the negative moments in Bazi.

Irina is a pretty, talented girl. She has a very interesting Bazi map. All earthly branches form the side of the Tree, its Ruler of the Day is extremely strong. This is a special structure and, accordingly, a special character.

Irina has extraordinary energy, she is charismatic and very attractive. She is also expressive, artistic, knows how to present herself well, loves attention and the sound of applause. There is an indication that she is slim, tall, distinguished by philanthropy and humanity. She has good creative inclinations and high intellectual potential. She is active by nature, loves to act, can stand up for herself and others. Differs in a strong subjective assessment and pays attention to maintaining reputation. She is lively, frank, enterprising, has the ability to think outside the box, to create something new. She has good data for a successful career related to the creation of something new. However, not everything is going smoothly in her personal life, it is difficult for her to find a loved one, because she is attracted to strong, active men, but she does not work out with this type. lucky period creates an unfavorable background for relationships, although acquaintance and marriage are possible. Watching her TV Bazi, you can see that in 2011 she will meet a man, they will have a relationship, but marriage is more likely in 2016.

Arina, is it possible for a girl to pick up a gem that will help her become softer, happier, meet her soul mate and live in harmony?

This girl has a very young soul. She came in order to make a career and attract masculine qualities. She has a complex conjunction of the planet of the ruler, responsible for the house of marriage, damaged by the black moon. She will like active and enterprising men like her, but she will not marry this one. She has a chance of 2 marriages. And a lover who will leave a mark for life.

She has many talents, including literature and dancing. She has Mars in Scorpio, her home and in the 9th house. She is super lucky! There will be many trips abroad. Her karma is caring for loved ones and a strong connection with them. This is a complex horoscope in which a person realizes himself late.

In no case should she wear stones: Amethyst, sapphire. Dark and black stones. Also, all the stones are red and red. This will only increase her yang energy, and may also attract accidents abroad on a trip or air flight. I also do not recommend wearing diamonds and colorless or transparent stones. He can pull serious problems fate and sickness.

For frequent wear:

You can wear yellow sapphire, yellow topaz, amber, all shades yellow stones. Sapphire at least 1 carat. The rest must be at least 3 carats.

Good agate (but only white, pink, yellow and gray colors). They can be worn as large rings and pendants, bracelets. Agates protect and soothe well.

Green stones will do. Chrysolite - a talisman against enemies, it will strengthen intuition, strengthen health and the etheric body. Chrysoprase will bring success in trade and business. Emerald will calm the liver, strengthen the heart and eyesight, but only in earrings and a pendant. Green stones will bring the attraction of the energy of marriage according to the horoscope and will attract acquaintance with the future soulmate.

Perhaps the first spouse will be younger than her or look very young. Marriage is close, 2009 - 2015

the best for her family life will be wearing a yellow topaz or sapphire. This will attract a successful spouse to her, and she will stop suffering because of problems from her husband or men. Also, these stones will attract successful career and good luck.

Here is an example. Girl Masha, she is only 6 years old, this is a nice, kind child.

There is an imbalance of elements in her Bazi, an unfavorable combination of Fire is dormant in the earthly branches, and there is no Water, which is so necessary and useful for her development, study and health. A deity that can give her responsibility and diligence - Yin Metal , very weak and stands behind his back, he is made weak by an unfavorable deity Spirit of food , strong in the season. fire yang - its most unfavorable element, but at the same time it is fraught with positive potential, since with proper education it can be neutralized and aimed at strengthening character. The child has great difficulties with self-expression - Fire, which needs to be dealt with and balanced by Water. But if left as it is, without attention, then in the future it may manifest itself in behavior in an unexpected bad way.

When she goes to school, her period of good luck 戊辰 will continue to weaken Water, Masha will be distracted by things far from her studies. It will be really difficult for her to concentrate, listen, complete tasks, her energy will go against her studies. Even now, while it is small, it is necessary to introduce elements that support and strengthen the personality, the family has a difficult, albeit interesting, work to do.

This is a very interesting girl, she will have a difficult period of childhood.

It will be difficult for a girl to study due to the conjunction of the Sun and Mercury, damaged by the aspect of Uranus in her natal chart. The Sun is a malefic who has burned away the good qualities of the planet and weakened Mercury. And Mercury is childhood up to 14 years old, memory, study, which gives great difficulties in all this. With these planets in the 9th house, this can give great obstacles to higher education at a later age. The girl may also have difficulty remembering educational material. But she is very gifted with a good Jupiter, which will help her in difficulties and give her luck and help in business, and will also bring an interest in metaphysics and spirituality, make her an ascetic nature with good potential to study the spiritual world and foreign culture.

What stones will help her

In order for the child to learn better and to have a strong nervous system, I strongly recommend wearing chrysoprase on a chain in a pendant. He will protect her from the wrath of the teachers and provide her Mercury with support. All green stones are also favorable to her. In the future, when she becomes a lady, she can wear rings with green gems on her hands. I will not refuse pleasure and I will give a recommendation to find a real moonstone and give it to a child to wear to protect health, enhance good luck and strengthen the psyche. She will become more balanced, will not suffer from phobias, problems in communication. This will give the child help in communicating with other people, bring her good luck in her career, and in childhood will help her find understanding and recognition in the team. For parents, these stones will facilitate education.

Arina, thanks for the interview. The topic is very interesting and useful, I know from my own experience how the right stones can positively influence. I hope that each person will find his own gem, which will protect him in dangerous moments, help strengthen the positive properties of nature and weaken the negative.

For the selection of a stone and the choice of the day when to wear it, you can contact the astrologer Arina Yurchenko

The fact that a precious stone can influence the fate of its owner has been known since ancient times. Decoration can both bring good luck, health, love and power, as well as send a lot of misfortunes. That is why, when choosing a precious jewelry, you need to be especially careful.

Gemstones have always attracted people. Someone pays attention to them because of the color, someone because of the cost and prestige, someone because of the rarity and unusualness. Even in ancient times, people appreciated the variety of precious stones and their properties to influence life, attract happiness and protect against failure. Since then and until today, people tend to believe in the power of stones, in their extraordinary magical power, in the ability to protect them from disease and adversity.

In order to choose your stone, first you need to listen to yourself, your likes and preferences, because a person is able to subconsciously feel what exactly he needs and what suits him. The same rule applies when choosing a talisman stone. Also, when choosing a stone, you can refer to the interpretation of your zodiac sign, to the horoscope of stones. You can make your choice based on knowledge about the stone, choose a talisman in accordance with the issue in the area of ​​\u200b\u200blife that you would like to improve. If you want to influence your career and profession through stones, then you have the opportunity to choose your talisman, which patronizes your field of activity.

All stones can be divided into three types - ornamental, semi-precious and precious. Naturally, gems are more expensive and rarer. Semi-precious stones are found in nature more often, but their effect on humans is less pronounced. A ornamental stones are purely decorative.

So that jewelry with precious stones does not disappoint you, be sure to purchase them in trusted stores, as jewelry online store No. 1 Here you will find all kinds of jewelry and luxury jewelry: gold pendants with diamonds, silver rings with emeralds, earrings with sapphires and elegant watches. However, let's first figure out which stone is best for you.

It is very difficult to fit in one article a story about all the wealth of stones and their influence on fate, so we will focus on the most famous stones.

Diamond is a symbol of youth, strengthens the entire body, protects against almost all physical and spiritual diseases. Diamond helps its owner to open up, develop leadership and power traits, protects from the evil eye and damage.

Aventurine considered the patron saint of wanderers and travelers. It helps to maintain good spirits, optimism, joyful mood.

Agate serves as a talisman against accidents, gives its owner health and gives strength.

Amethyst worn as a talisman family happiness, love and a sober mind.

Turquoise protects its owner from disease gastrointestinal tract, from eye diseases, relieves headache and also ensures success and well-being.

Hematite is considered a talisman of people of creative professions, for example, artists. Helps to keep fit arterial pressure.

Pomegranate called ladies' noble stone. It heals wounds, calms anger and protects the wearer from the evil eye.

Pearl is also a female stone. It reveals the feminine essence, helps with cholelithiasis and hypertension.

Emerald- a stone that has a positive effect on cardiovascular system, It has positive influence for speech and memory.

Moon rock- a symbol of the realization of dreams, it is believed that it gives romanticism and softens an overly obstinate character.

Opal has a positive effect on mood, protects against depression, calms the nerves and heart.

Eye of the Tiger It is considered a stone that can bring wealth, protects from the evil eye and damage, protects from nightmares and helps to save love.

Zircon an excellent talisman for merchants and travelers. Along with aventurine, it helps to maintain briskness, positive thinking and good spirits.

Amber is a good protector from magic and the evil eye, also helps its owner to protect himself from fever and throat diseases.

Inspired by the magical power of stones, do not forget that they need care, because a “offended” stone, with cracks, chips, in a dirty frame, can have the opposite effect on its owner. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to adhere to the basic rules of care. By doing homework Remove jewelry. Also, jewelry should be removed during heavy physical work so as not to damage them. Protect your talismans from interaction with chemistry - detergents and cleaning products, as well as from cosmetics. Jewelry should be stored separately from each other in a specially designated box or box. Well, of course, regularly clean your assistants from dust, dirt, sweat, grease.

Gems. Impact on health and well-being. Ayurveda.

The miraculous power of precious stones.

Precious stones have accompanied humanity throughout its history. Gems served as amulets and talismans. According to ancient legend, precious stones protect their owner from hostile forces, bring health, happiness and good luck. All gems work differently. Some protect from evil, others preserve health, others serve as an antidote, cause the mercy of higher powers.

(Talistman- supports and enhances positive traits owner, in resonance with natural rhythms Amulet- designed to protect the owner from unwanted influence, smooth out disharmony between external and internal rhythms)

Both in ancient tales and in research modern science there is indisputable evidence of testimonies when precious stones influenced the health and fate of a person. .

Knowledge of the right choice precious jewelry at all times used by rich and influential people. In fact, in ancient times, the person who had individually selected precious stones was considered to be “rich”, and this is not accidental. Precious stones carry strength and power, bestowing good luck on their owner.

The ruler of any state always had a crown set with precious stones. Ancient sources say that if the crown is made correctly, then it protects the ruler from all adversity.

On the other hand, no one else can wear it without harm to themselves.

Remember the famous Monomakh's hat - after the death of the owner, no one was able to put it on.

Ancient people not only used jewelry made of precious stones and metals, but also had the knowledge of how to use them correctly.

In the modern world, precious stones also have a place of honor. Thus, the bib of the Jewish high priest is decorated with four rows of precious stones. Precious stones sparkle on the tiaras and mitres of the Pope and bishops.

And of course there is a significant number of clientsjewelry houses with a worldwide reputation. Is it only a symbol of power, wealth and power, or is there something deeper and more essential behind it?

Sometimes, we experience surprise, looking at the play of light of precious stones. As if some force draws us to them. In ancient Indian scriptures it is said that precious stones are conductors of planetary energies. For this reason, precious stones are able to positively influence the psyche and human health. There is a lot of historical evidence for this. So Ibn-al-Jassasa kept precious stones in a casket, and when it became difficult for him, he demanded a casket, poured them on his knees in order to drive away his anxiety. Ancient people believed that the planets have great power and through precious stones they act not only on health and the psyche, but also determine the course of events in our lives.
The Vedic culture has a very rich experience in the use of precious stones, with the help of which, if used correctly, we can enhance the influence of auspicious planets.
The main ways to determine the most suitable stones is a serious work on the study of the individual compatibility of stones and a person.

living minerals.

According to Vedic knowledge, life can be in the stone. Under certain circumstances the soul gets into a stone and can live there. Having a strong desire to live inactive, to enjoy inactivity, the soul falls into the thickness of the rock and begins to exist there for many millions of years.
That is, there is some kind of vital energy that makes the stone function.

The Vedas say that the soul can live in stone. When the soul wants to experience happiness by doing nothing, when it does not want to do any activity, the only form of life for it is stone.

The plant - and then acts: it germinates, reaches for the Sun, breathes, gives seeds. But when the soul wishes to simply live without doing anything, it receives the necessary type of body for this. Life in a stone is very long in time, it lasts hundreds of thousands of years, we cannot even imagine it!

The Vedas repeatedly say that such a life exists.
How is life manifested in stone?

Living stones look like cocoons on a saw cut similar to a tree saw cut.

The stone grows from within itself and divides by budding.

So, even without studying the Vedic literature, one can see the Vedic science - life in stone. It manifests itself according to the following signs: if you cut off a plant or the body of any living being, then we will see certain concentric circles. This indicates the presence of a skeleton, some kind of structure.

This means that the stone grows in accordance with its cycles. Many of the nuggets semi-precious stones also have circles or layers, or exist in the form of crystals. It also speaks of a particular organization. Some stones give certain "buds" of rocks, that is, a new mineral can grow from the main crystal or cocoon. It's like a way to reproduce.

Now scientists say that the stones show signs of life. They even claim that the stone has its own breathing period, which in a certain way, periodically changes, and based on their research, scientists conclude that all signs of life are present on the face.
The Vedas also indicate that precious and semiprecious stones chipped from the cocoon also have biological power.

Just as a plucked plant retains the psychic power that gives us a change of mood after eating, stones from a broken cocoon of precious rock also retain their psychic power for a long time. And this power, the psychic energy of the stone, heals much more than any chemical preparations.

Plants are also able to act on the human psyche. Even ground herbs retain this power for the time being.

Until the grass begins to deteriorate, its mental impact on a person remains pronounced.

Gems and planetary energies.

Stones have a great healing power of impact on the body. This is due to the fact that they have a pronounced contact with the nine planets of the celestial sphere most pronouncedly affecting the psyche and human health. We list these planets: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu (ascending lunar node in Western astrology), Ketu (descending lunar node in Western astrology).
These planets affect not only our health, but also the psyche and even the course of events. They also affect plants, animals and, as already mentioned, precious stones. In other words, these planets affect all life. In precious stones, while they are still in the rock, there is also life.

Precious stones, filled with the energy of a planet, influence all living things with this energy. The same can be said about plants. For example, the Sun fills plants with fiery power, which is then expressed in pungent, bitter and astringent tastes. From the Sun, a person receives immunity, the fire of digestion, a feeling of joy, a desire to act. Ruby, garnet, red tourmaline also feed on the power of the Sun.

An observant person may notice that the aforementioned tastes produced by solar energy in plants greatly increase digestion. Ruby and pomegranate, put on a person, also act in a similar way - they increase the fire of digestion, immunity and cheerfulness. We see that the Sun acts on us not only directly, through its light, but also through plants and stones filled with solar power.

Precious stones, filled with the energy of any planet for tens of thousands of years, then themselves influence all living things around. In order for this influence to be truly beneficial, one must learn how to use it correctly. Since ancient times, it has been noted that from staying in the mountains, where there are deposits of gems, some people quickly improve their health and mental state, while others get worse.

How is the healing effect of precious stones related to the influence of the planets? Any pure stone of a certain color, as a rule, draws strength from only one planet. For example, the beneficial effect of red rubies, garnets, red tourmalines, sun stone depends on the fiery power of the Sun, which, when a precious stone touches a person, increases the fire of digestion, strengthens the immune system, restores blood functions, improves the structure of bone tissues and metabolism. The impact on the psyche is manifested by a feeling of joy, self-confidence, a desire to actively live and act.

Just as the ruby ​​is connected to the Sun, nourished by its power, in the same way all gems are connected to one of these 9 planets. Pearl and moonstone are associated with the Moon, emerald with Mercury, diamond and white topaz with Venus, yellow sapphire and yellow topaz with Jupiter, blue sapphire and amethyst with Saturn, red and pink coral with Mars. Their impact on our lives is studied vedic astrology.

1. High-quality rubies, red tourmaline are used to influence the Sun.
2. High quality pearls, moonstone, labrador, rambo, black star are used to influence the moon.
3. To influence Mars - high quality corals.
4. To influence Mercury - high-quality emeralds, green tourmaline.
5. To influence Jupiter - high quality yellow sapphires.
6. To influence Venus - high-quality white sapphires.
7. To influence Saturn - high-quality blue sapphires, blue-green alexandrite, black tourmaline.
8. To influence Rahu - high quality gametes.
9. To influence Ketu - high quality cat's eye.


The influence of ruby ​​on a person.

Amazing and radiant, bright red and other shades of rubies (corundum) have numerous virtues. Rubies come in a variety of colors. Some of them resemble the color of blood, while others resemble the color of pomegranate seeds. Some rubies are red like cinnabar, while others are yellowish red like saffron or shellac. Quality rubies should be evenly colored, and in the light a soft glow should come from their core. Illuminated by the rays of the sun, these crystal specimens emit a radiance of wonderful color and sparkle, reflecting light in all directions.
The beneficial effect of rubies, red sapphires and tourmalines is determined by the fiery power of the Sun. Accumulating in these precious stones, this force, in contact with the human body, enhances the fire of digestion, increases immunity, and improves metabolism.

His misuse can lead to insomnia. When correct selection wearing it with reduced digestion, polyarthritis, rheumatism, reduced immunity, diseases of the skeletal system and teeth gives
great results. Ruby also affects the human psyche. It increases responsibility, composure, concentration, efficiency, influence and power of a person.

The sun, acting through these stones, fills the mind of a person with a sense of joy, self-confidence, a desire to live and act. Ruby is one of the most expensive gemstones, its value can be equated to diamond.

In India and China, the ruby ​​has been used for thousands of years to improve health and increase happiness. Also, the power attributed to the ruby ​​in the East and in ancient Europe lies in its ability to predict danger. It foretells danger by showing a loss of color and brilliance.
The ruby ​​is commonly used in Eastern astrology to strengthen the heart, improve digestion, circulation, restore body fire and increase energy. Ruby strengthens the will, gives independence, intuition and increases the mental strength of a person. For this reason, this gem is called the “gem of kings”

Pearl (moonstone).

Associated with the planet Moon and increases emotional stability, friendliness, contentment. It should not be worn alone overweight, disorders of the lymphatic system, metabolic diseases. Moonstone and pearls are used to calm the mind and give strength. reproductive system. These stones are worn on the fingers in a silver frame (more often on the little finger and ring finger) They are also favorably worn as a medallion. But it must be taken into account that it is difficult for a person himself to understand where and how to wear a precious stone, this requires the help of a specialist. In addition to all that has been said, we use these stones in the traditional ancient oriental scheme of the navaratna talisman.
Wearing stones associated with the moon is also used to treat memory impairment, fatigue. Moonstone has a particularly strong effect on women. Therefore, it is often used to treat menopause, female infertility.

Pearls and moonstone improve metabolism in the body, restore hormonal functions, improve sleep, normalize mental tone and blood pressure, bring peace, tranquility and relaxation.

Pearls should be without color inclusions, and the moonstone should be clean and dull-transparent.

Red (pink) coral.

This stone is associated with the planet Mars. Therefore, wearing it stimulates courage, energy, penetration and with

ability to win over opponents. Bright red corals are rarely suitable for Europeans. It is these corals that have a very hot nature. They are more suitable for people in very sunny climates. Therefore, we use pink corals more in our practice. But even they should not be used for increased sexuality and fever. However, wearing corals selected by a competent specialist, even in these cases, is absolutely harmless. Coral is extremely useful for immune disorders, reduced efficiency, physical and mental weakness, decreased digestion, joint diseases, anemia.

Coral restores appetite and gastric digestion, gives strength to the voice, fills the liver with strength, improves the functioning of the bronchi, kidneys, uterus, male genital organs, gives a person’s character determination, the ability to withstand difficulties.

It endows a person with an unyielding will, stimulates courage, energy, penetration and the ability to win.


Its influence is associated with the planet Mercury and therefore has an impact on intelligence, good memory. Emerald is able to improve a person's ability to communicate more vividly and confidently, accelerates logical thinking. Emerald has a positive effect on heart rhythm, bile production, hormonal functions of the pancreas and thyroid gland, improves metabolism, improves memory, speech, and activates thinking processes.

This stone is very favorable for those who are engaged in business, it protects when concluding trade transactions, conducting financial transactions.

Like coral, bright intense green stones are rarely suitable for Europeans and are more suitable for people living in hot climates. For this reason, in our practice, we often use soft emeralds, pastel colors, light green.

Yellow sapphire.

This stone interacts with the planet Jupiter. According to ancient writings, the correct wearing of this stone increases a person’s goodwill, complaisance, mental activity and endurance, gives the character optimism and determination, wisdom, compassion and enthusiasm.

Yellow sapphire enhances immunity, improves metabolism in the liver and pancreas, brain, normalizes fat metabolism, heals the lymphatic system, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and, in particular, on the brain. Wearing this stone brings good luck and prosperity.

Diamond (white sapphire).

This stone is associated with the influence of the planet Venus. It increases attractiveness, self-control, eliminates emotional vulnerability, brings composure and calmness. It gives a person endurance, the ability to be influential and successful. Also, a diamond has a good effect on Creative skills, gives a person grace and charm. It, like all other gems, has a great effect on health. Diamond and white topaz have strong impact on metabolism, kidneys, lymphatic system, genitals in women. They eliminate emotional vulnerability, improve hormonal functions and the condition of the skin, joints and spine, bring composure and calmness.

Blue sapphire.

This stone is associated in its influence with the planet Saturn. It protects against accidents and accidents. Increases efficiency, activity of the nervous system, calmness, practicality, and endurance. Blue sapphire restores intestinal activity, vascular metabolism, heals joints and spine, improves the activity of the nervous system, positively affects the functioning of the brain, gall bladder, bladder, kidneys, and metabolism. This stone must be chosen with particular care.


Associated with the planet Rahu, which in Western astrology is called the North Node. It has a pronounced protective effect. Gamete calms the psyche, increases warmth and responsiveness in character, helps to get rid of the oppressive influence of people around. Protects from the bad influence of the computer, TV, mobile phone, gives clarity of consciousness and high spirits. Gamete has a beneficial effect on digestion, hormonal functions, the activity of the cardiovascular system, and blood purity. Gamete heals the immune system, skin diseases, hormonal functions, metabolism, hematopoietic functions, increases warmth and responsiveness in character.

This stone is associated with the influence of the planet Ketu. In Western astrology this planet is called the South Node. The cat's eye makes a person fearless, increases calmness, improves sleep (counters the bad influence on the psyche during sleep).

It protects from any mental influences on a person and therefore is a talisman. The cat's eye effectively treats the nervous system, hormonal functions, mineral metabolism in the body, circulatory disorders, skin diseases, cardiovascular pathology, mental illness, relieves excessive mental stress, eliminates fears. It helps to cope with bad habits, strengthens willpower and mental stamina, gives clarity of consciousness and general popularity in society.

* * *
Imagine how strong the healing effect will be if the gems are individually selected and used at the same time! The scheme for selecting precious stones has existed since ancient times and is called the navaratna talisman.

The effect of stones is much more effective and stable than herbal treatment. This is due to the fact that the duration of the decay of the stone is hundreds of years. Therefore, the stone on the body can be worn for life. A person is unlikely to be able to noticeably deplete the psychic energy of a stone in his short (compared to the life of a stone) life. In decades to come, it will act as strongly as it does now.
So, semi-precious stones have biological power, affecting our mind. This special shape life, in it the soul has a body not in the form of a person, animal or plant, but in the form of a frozen stone. What consciousness - such and a body. The stones in which life develops have their own prana and energy of the subtle body or character. With the destruction of the cocoon of stone, precious rock does not lose its prana and psychic power. When prana and the nature of the stone act on a person through certain zones, his health improves.

There are artificial or artificially grown stones that are used everywhere today. They also affect the body through electromagnetic fields. However, treatment with them is much lower than with the use of natural stones. With the help of artificially grown stones, you can get some vigor, increase efficiency. However, they cannot treat mental illness or, for example, allergies, skin diseases. It is important to find out whether the stones are really healing minerals. For most people, this is impossible to do on their own. Also, in addition to artificially grown minerals, there are simply fakes made of plastic or just empty rock, which only affects the movement of prana in the body. For example, shungite only affects prana, it has no biological power.

How to choose suitable stones for myself? You can seek help from an Ayurvedic astrologer, who, according to the horoscope, finds those planets that have a devastating effect on health, and with the help of the selection of stones tries to neutralize their bad influence. On the other hand, stones are also selected that enhance the influence of those planets that are favorable. Usually, after a painstaking selection of stones, a person immediately begins to feel their positive impact on the psyche and health. In other words, these stones become more precious than you can imagine, as they consistently help maintain health for many years.

eight years ago , starting to study the ancient Vedic knowledge about the healing effect of precious stones, I seriously thought about how correct it is to use them as jewelry? Some interesting results of many years of research in the field of lithotherapy allowed answering this question. Thus, it turned out that people who wore precious stones as jewelry were divided into three groups: with clear signs of a negative impact on their health; without such influence; With positive influence to health and destiny.

Many of the first group noted that only sometimes, on holidays, they put on purchased stones. What's stopping them from doing it all the time?

Some time after the use of jewelry, most felt unwell. Often there was heaviness in the head, pain in the lower back and chest, nausea, heaviness and "incomprehensible heat" in the whole body, weakness. Sometimes this ailment did not appear immediately, but only the next day. In addition, some people who are notoriously negative about the use of jewelry recalled that they often found themselves in “some strange situations” or simply had a bad mood.

I wondered if these negatively acting jewelry are really made of natural stones? A thorough examination showed that almost all the gems that caused health and mood problems are natural.

As for the second group, spectral analysis revealed that most of the stones that do not have any effect on their owner are either fake or are artificially grown crystals.

Only a few of the respondents, those who used real gems as jewelry, felt a clear improvement in health, mood, and even relationships with others.

The conclusion was that in our time it is much safer to wear artificial stones than natural ones. However, all ancient treatises claim that the latter have a huge positive effect on our health and our destiny. Deciding to continue my research, I began to explore all sorts of ways and systems to wear gemstones. After some time, certain regularities re-opened.

It turned out that the opinions of Western and Eastern astrologers coincide - precious stones can really improve the health, character and fate of a person. The most important question seemed to be how safe it is to wear certain stones recommended by an astrologer. After all, they helped some, and on the contrary, they hurt others. When interviewing those who did not fit the recommended stones, it turned out the following.

Most often, when choosing precious stones, astrologers did not specify in what kind of jewelry to wear them - in a ring, in earrings, a necklace or a bracelet, and what color this stone should be. If an experienced astrologer clarified these positions, then the gems had numerous positive effects on both the health and the fate of their owner. The most fortunate were those to whom astrologers carefully selected stones and reported the most favorable time for their use.

In Vedic astrology, there are special rules for wearing precious stones and jewelry made of precious metals. In ancient times, people knew that properly selected gems help maintain self-control and self-improvement, can enhance a positive attitude and dispose to goodness. Incorrectly chosen stones, on the contrary, have a completely different - negative - effect.

It is not surprising, therefore, that in ancient times, jewelry was selected very carefully, taking into account the horoscope map and individual temperament. Preference has always been given to clean, transparent crystals without cracks and foreign inclusions.

The place and method of carrying stones, which were of great importance, were also thoughtfully determined. For example, rings with gems worn on the fingers act very selectively, influencing certain organs and systems of the body.

The ring on the thumb affects temperament and hormone function; opal, diamond or rock crystal set in silver are preferred.

The ring on the index finger greatly affects the strong-willed attitude, the work of the bronchi, stomach, and genital organs. This finger is usually worn with a gold ring with pearl or moonstone, coral, yellow sapphire or yellow citrine.

The ring on the middle finger affects the performance, spine, joints, blood pressure. It is best to wear nine stones at once according to the Navaratna scheme (ruby, pearl, red coral, emerald, yellow sapphire, rock crystal, blue sapphire, gamete, cat's eye).

Gems on the ring finger affect the determination in the performance of one's duties, the body's heat exchange, and blood pressure. Here, gold jewelry with yellow sapphire, ruby, red coral is best suited.

A ring worn on the little finger will affect speech abilities, the functions of the heart, thyroid gland, and kidneys. It should be silver jewelry with emerald, moonstone or pearl and blue sapphire.

Rings are put on each finger according to a certain scheme, taking into account the weight of the stones, their quality and combination. The most effective ring is the one in which two or three stones are correctly selected. Each phalanx of the finger corresponds to a certain planet and a very specific gem.

Jewelry on the wrist greatly affects the body as a whole. Usually here they wear the navaratna, which has already been mentioned. As a rule, this talisman is made of an alloy of silver and gold. If the bracelet is worn on the right hand, then it has a stimulating effect - it enhances digestion, increases blood pressure. Wearing a talisman on the left hand, on the contrary, causes relaxation, a decrease in pressure and general tone. Thus, without an individual approach to the place of wearing precious stones, it is not at all safe to use them.

Numerous Vedic texts state that gems are a primitive form of life.

What does life look like in stone? Minerals are separated from the surrounding rock like cocoons, the cut of which is similar to the cut of a tree. The concentric circles tell the tree's growth story and can be used to determine its age. A similar picture can be observed on a cut of a stone cocoon. This means that the gem really grows in accordance with its own life cycles. Most of the nuggets have similar circles or layers, or exist as crystals encased in a cocoon.

It turns out that the mineral grows and divides by budding - next to most of the cocoons, budding small “cocoons” were found (doesn’t it look like a well-known method of reproduction?) Now scientists are increasingly saying that stones show some signs of life. Even the opinion is expressed that the stone has its own breathing period, which lasts for years.

A plucked and dried medicinal plant retains its healing power for no more than 5-6 years. In precious stones, the effectiveness of the healing effect does not dry out even after centuries.

Studies have established that precious stones affect the energy flows in the body, not the nervous system and mind of a person. A properly selected gemstone can be worn all your life as an ornament and receive a charge of positive energy from it. This is due to the fact that the disintegration of the stone and the decrease in its healing power begins hundreds of years after the start of wearing. Therefore, during one human life it is hardly possible to noticeably deplete the psychic energy of the crystal. In tens of years, the decoration will act on health and character as much as it does now.

Where do stones get their power from? It turns out that they tend to interact with positive and negative energies emanating from the planets closest to the Earth. Each of them fills the gemstone corresponding to it with a strictly defined type of energy that can have a healing effect on the human body.

Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu (ascending node in western astrology), Ketu (descending node in western astrology). These planets affect not only health, psyche, but even the course of events in our lives.

Precious stones, for tens of thousands of years, being filled with the energy of any planet, then they themselves influence all living things around. In order for this influence to be truly beneficial, you need to learn how to use it correctly. Since ancient times, it has been noticed that from staying in the mountains, where there are deposits of gems, some people quickly improve their health and mental state, while others get worse.

How is the healing effect of precious stones related to the influence of the planets? Any pure stone of a certain color, as a rule, draws strength from only one planet. For example, the beneficial effect of red rubies, garnets, red tourmalines, sun stone depends on the fiery power of the Sun, which, when a precious stone comes into contact with a person, increases the fire of digestion, strengthens immunity, restores blood functions, improves bone tissue structure and metabolism. The impact on the psyche is manifested by a sense of joy, self-confidence, a desire to actively live and act.

Pearl and moonstone are associated with the Moon, emerald with Mercury, diamond and white topaz with Venus, yellow sapphire and yellow topaz with Jupiter, blue sapphire, blue tourmaline and amethyst with Saturn, red and pink coral, brown tourmaline with Mars, gametes - with the shadow planet Rahu.

The influence of all these planets and their corresponding gems on our lives is also studied by Vedic astrology. Knowing exactly the date of birth, an experienced Vedic astrologer, with the help of an individual selection of precious stones, is able to help a person overcome many diseases, improve his character and destiny.

The results of a practical study of the healing power of stones, described by Vedic astrology, exceeded the wildest expectations. It turned out that with the help of precious and semiprecious stones, many diseases are effectively treated, which is often beyond the power of official medicine. Migraines, bronchial asthma, malignant tumors of 1-2 degrees, cysts, fibromas, diabetes mellitus, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, tuberculosis, anemia, mild schizophrenia, etc. have been cured with precious and semiprecious stones.

Healing with precious stones is much more effective than treatment with chemicals. With migraine, polyarthritis, diseases of the skin, spine and nervous system, allergies, asthma, anemia, cerebrovascular accidents, diabetes mellitus, hypotension and hypertension, after a few minutes of wearing stones (provided that they are chosen correctly), the healing effect reaches a significant degree and feeling better. This effect can last for years: if gems are worn constantly, then health improves constantly.

The impact of minerals and crystals on humans

Kuleshova Ludmila

Man has been using crystals for a long time, finding them various uses: for storing information in liquid crystal displays, lasers, medical industry, etc. In addition, it is known that many ancient civilizations skillfully used the wonderful properties of crystals to promote health.

Choosing a crystal for yourself (or jewelry), take your time, especially when purchasing antiques. Hold it in your hands, feel the structure, weight, whether there is a response resonance (heat, cold or other sensations). Trust your intuition and your feeling of liking or disliking for him, and him for you. If the stone is “not yours”, then it will fall out of the setting, crush or fall, forcing you to remove it.

The fact is that crystals store information in their “memory”. This may be information about the previous owners, their possible "adventures" (sometimes bloody). Therefore, having acquired even a very nice crystal, be sure to clean it from old information programs: rinse thoroughly in a vessel with sea salt (2 tablespoons of salt per glass of water), in spring water or, in last resort, in running tap water. After cleaning, the crystals must be activated by standing in the sun for at least an hour. It is also good to place the stones on a quartz druse at night.

Below are the most known properties common crystals.

quartz crystals help you get closer to the stars. They are like crystallized starlight. Like a laser, quartz radiates energy in a bound, highly concentrated form that can heal a person.

You can use a quartz crystal to gain strength, as a "magic vine" or drink an elixir infused with stones. Preparing it is simple: place a quartz crystal in a glass or porcelain container of water and place it on a windowsill to recharge the water with sunlight. The finest vibrations of the quartz crystal are transferred to the water. Now you can wash your face with this water, rinse your hair, and quench your thirst. It is also useful to look at quartz crystals, which improves vision and clears the mind. If you look at a lit candle through a quartz crystal for a long time, then a state of peace and relaxation sets in.

Quartz crystals are considered natural purifiers. For quick energy recharging and rejuvenation of the body, hold a quartz crystal in your left hand, pointing to your wrist, and vice versa in your right, and after 5-10 minutes there will be no trace of fatigue.

For the development of perception, hold the crystal in your left hand (point up hand). It is necessary to comply with this condition, since the right hemisphere of the brain, responsible for the intuitive, creative principle, is connected with the left half of the body. The crystal mobilizes the latent potential of the right hemisphere and makes it possible the best way reveal your abilities. It will strengthen and help convey to consciousness what you have known for a long time.

And now a little about some water elixirs infused with other stones and having a healing effect on the human body. Take any clean glass vessel, pour in filtered water, place rock crystals, amethyst, smoky and rose quartz, carnelian and cacholong (the so-called “Tibetan mix”). Soak in the sun for 3 hours. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, water is charged with healing vibrations of stones, and, as a result, you get an elixir of vigor and health. Consume half a cup daily. You need to drink water in small sips, with joy feeling how a multi-colored rainbow flows into you along with water. Set your own deadlines. The effect will not be long in coming.

Almost all representatives of the world of minerals have a biologically active effect. An information exchange takes place between a mineral and a person. Some minerals (for example, carnelian, agate, cacholong) work more effectively when they are slightly heated. The strength and energy of the mineral can charge not only water, but also oils or ointments.

Amethyst - establishes internal balance, brings harmony to all levels of consciousness, has a beneficial effect on the activity of the kidneys.

Turquoise - one of the most powerful healers. Helps with diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, hormonal and genetic disorders, treats eye diseases, tumors and ulcers. Stops internal bleeding. Favors pregnancy and easy childbirth. Improves memory.

Jet - helps with convulsions, reduces excessive tension and arousal. Improves eyesight. Removes head and toothache. It is also recommended for diseases of the uterus and ovaries.

Hematite - Promotes resorption of hematomas. Purifies the blood. Treats the spleen, liver, kidneys, bladder. Stops bleeding.

Gypsum - restores the protective forces of a person. Helps with epilepsy, depression, insomnia and migraine. Improves the function of bones and joints. Prevents tooth decay. Dissolves and removes negative emotions. It has a positive effect on the lymphatic and endocrine systems. Improves memory and enhances attention.

rock crystal b - heals skin diseases, allergies, mental disorders, insomnia, headaches. Helps with hormonal disorders, diseases of the reproductive system, both in women and men, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Relieves alcohol and drug addiction.

pomegranate green - relieves stress and harmonizes all body systems, improves vision, hearing, metabolism, cardio - vascular system and removes excess salt.

Garnet dark red - enhances immune system, improves skin color, helps with frigidity and infertility.

Pearl - cures headaches and dental diseases. Helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genital area, bleeding, diabetes, cancer. Purifies the blood. Protects the fetus during pregnancy.

Malachite - stone of health. Helps with toothache, stabilizes the work of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Relieves asthma, rheumatism, eye diseases, normalizes metabolism, blood pressure, menstrual cycle and gastrointestinal tract. Protects against heart attacks and hypertension.

Cacholong - has long been used by Chinese healers to treat asthma, kidney stones, promotes normal childbirth.

Obsidian - increases physical muscular strength, improves the function of the kidneys and adrenal glands. It treats gout and rheumatism, female and male diseases of the genital organs. Cleanses organs at the cellular level.

Rhodonite - normalizes the work of the endocrine system; recommended for mental and nervous disorders. Helps with infertility.

cat eye - treats rheumatism and gout, female and male disorders of the genital organs, cardiovascular system, eczema, psoriasis and others skin diseases, nervous and mental dysfunctions.

Hawkeye - treats the same as the cat's eye, as well as the kidneys, eyes and nerves.

Carnelian (carnelian) - Renews the body as a whole. Helps the body to restore the reserves of silicon it needs, which decrease with age.

Eye of the Tiger - treats bronchi and lungs, relieves constipation, diseases of the female genital organs, allergies.

Amber - Helps with cancer, lung disorders. Restores the endocrine system, vision, nervous and muscle tissue. Protects from infertility, facilitates childbirth. Promotes the removal of sand and stones from the kidneys. Restores strength. In addition, it contains succinic acid, which is a natural biostimulator of the nervous system, improves the functioning of the respiratory system, kidneys, and helps to increase the hemoglobin content in the blood in case of anemia.

Nephritis - chemically stable and does not enter into any reactions inside the body. It has amazing heat capacity. Applied to the area of ​​the stomach or kidneys, it acts as a warm compress, gradually eliminating inflammation and pain. It is recommended for all diseases of the urinary and digestive systems.

Several ways to treat stones

Preparation for stone treatment requires spiritual nobility and purity. In order to treat another person, you yourself must be practically healthy!

To gain energy must carry yellow, white, or green stone. Stand up straight, inhale while raising your hands up, then exhale sharply, saying loudly “ha”; at the same time, quickly lower your hands down, leaning towards your shins. In this position, make a slight breath hold for 2-3 seconds. Repeat this exercise 3 times. Then make a light run in place (7-10 sec.)

To eliminate wrinkles and rejuvenate the face: pour into glassware water room temperature. Put in it crystals of amethyst, rose quartz, jasper. Charge water by moving another crystal over its surface (seven times). At the same time, you can make a healing slander: “I am young and beautiful, I am the Goddess of Beauty.” Then wash your face with this solution and wipe your face with an amethyst stone along the cosmetic lines.

To improve vision put pieces of chalcedony or malachite on the eyes. Exposure time 5-8 minutes. Tuning: “The fundus of the eye is well supplied with blood, the blood washes the fundus well, I see clearly and distinctly.”

magical properties gemstones

An old Persian legend tells that noble stones are the creation of Satan, who, having noticed how Eve admires the colorful flowers in the gardens, gave them magnificent colors in order to arouse greed and temptation in people's hearts.

More prosaic is their geological origin - noble minerals formed as a result chemical processes occurring during the formation of the earth's crust.

Already in ancient times they served as ornaments, and their brilliance and color aroused surprise and admiration. Each era has its favorite noble stones.

The Egyptians willingly wore jewelry made of emeralds, turquoise, amethysts, rock crystal. The Romans valued diamonds and sapphires above all else.

Semiramis, Cleopatra and other queens of ancient times adored pearls. Fashion of the Renaissance and Baroque preferred colored precious stones: rubies, sapphires, topazes.

The toilets of ladies and gentlemen of the Rococo era sparkled with diamonds and, finally, the era of romanticism revealed the beauty of semi-precious stones: garnets, opals, aquamarines and chrysolites. Jewelers made beautiful and original brooches, necklaces and bracelets, studded with reddish carnelian, green "cat's eye" or iridescent milky-blue luster of moonstones (selenites).

However, the choice of this or that jewelry depended not only on the taste of its owner. A variety of superstitions and beliefs were associated with noble stones. The stone was not only an ornament, but also a talisman that brought happiness, an amulet that protected from illness and trouble, and sometimes a sign of a profession.

Astrologers claimed that each stone belongs to a certain zodiac sign, which is why people born in this month, must wear rings with the appropriate stone.

Wearing a stone that does not correspond to the sign of the zodiac under which its owner was born has bad influence to his fate.

In various everyday situations it was good to have suitable talisman stone. During the renaissance, newlyweds exchanged rings with emeralds , because these stones were supposed to provide constant feeling and also they favored pregnant women. moon rocks overcame love obstacles. The players were lucky.

It was widely believed that medicinal properties precious stones. In the Middle Ages, the goldsmith had to be not only a craftsman and merchant, but also sometimes a doctor who, if necessary, knew how to pick up a stone for his clients that would help with various bodily and spiritual ailments.

How to choose gemstones for yourself

It is known that the stolen stones show rather negative properties; those bought become talismans after many years, but stones donated or inherited are genuine talismans.

Also, stones are not indifferent to the gender of their owner; "female" stones are happy on a man's hand; "male" - on the hand of a woman.

It is known that male stones shine brighter and have warm tones and shades, female stones do not shine so much and have cold colors and shades.

In order to increase the affinity with the stone, they put it on and, imagining themselves shrouded in an invisible golden light of the sun, try to absorb it in their imagination through the stone and pour it over the body or concentrate it in a diseased organ. By doing the exercises several times a day, one gradually accustoms oneself to "breathe sunlight through the stone" without any effort on the part of consciousness.

In crystals, the vibrational frequency of the elements is very high and stable, which is confirmed by scientific research (measurements). And they make everything that is at a short distance from them go to their level of vibration, including the cells of our body, which have their own internal vibrations.

When communicating with gemstones, you need to trust your feelings, and select for yourself what you instinctively like, what you are “drawn to”, what your hand wants to touch.

If you like a stone, it means that its vibrations help you, give you "energy", which corresponds to what is happening in your life in this moment. But, “everything flows, everything changes,” and you and the internal vibration of your body also change depending on your condition, so it is possible that after a while you will need something completely different from what you need today.

For example: if you are now drawn to a green stone, it means that your body needs peace and balance, but time will pass and you will be drawn to stones of a revitalizing red color. Your inner state has changed - your choice has changed.

There are many options here, trust yourself, your intuition.

But if you doubt yourself, or want to make a gift to a person who does not have the opportunity to ask what he is intuitively drawn to, you can turn to the old known way, which puts the choice and time of wearing stones in a certain connection with the planets, luminaries and zodiac constellations. At the same time, those gemstones that are associated with the planet astrologically dominant in his destiny are considered the most favorable for a person.

Sun Stones : chrysolite, diamond, as well as aventurine, heliotrope, hyacinth, ruby ​​and chrysoprase.

moon stones opal, adularia (moonstone), pearl, coral, aquamarine and beryl.

Mercury stones : golden topaz, agate, carnelian, emerald.

Stones of Venus : sapphire, agate, pearl.

Stones of Mars : ruby, hematite, jasper, garnet, diamond.

Jupiter stones : turquoise, sapphire, lapis lazuli.

Stones of Saturn : onyx, amethyst, dark topaz.

Neptune stones : amethyst, crystal, adularia.

From the table below, you can find out which planet ruled the year of your birth, while keeping in mind that the astrological year begins on March 21. To use the table correctly, you need to shift your date of birth back by 2 months and 21 days, and then set the astrological year of your birth and the patron planet.

There are many horoscopes of stones. I present for your consideration a generalized horoscope of stones, compiled according to 21 literary sources (the number in brackets corresponds to the frequency of the name of the mineral in different lists).


Year of birth









































































Onyx (11), ruby ​​(6), chrysoprase, malachite (5), emerald, cat's eye, opal (4), agate, amethyst, jet, obsidian, jasper, charoite (3), all black, transparent and red stones



Lapis Lazuli (10), Obsidian, Sapphire (8), Zircon (Hyacinth) (5), Turquoise, Garnet, Hawkeye (4), rhinestone,opal, topaz, jasper, charoite (2)



Amethyst (8), alexandrite, coral, sapphire (5), aquamarine, zhemchug, chrysolite, jasper (4), lapis lazuli, moonstone, carnelian (carnelian), chrysoprase, charoite (2)



Jasper (8), amethyst (7), carnelian, ruby ​​(6), diamond (5), rhodonite, sardonyx, chalcedony, all red stones



Agate (9), Carnelian (8), Rose Quartz (5), Turquoise, Coral (4), Haicinth, Jade, Onyx (2), all white and clear



Beryl (8), agate (6), Tiger's Eye, potaz, chrysoprase (5), rock crystal, sardonyx (4), amethyst, jade, rhodonite, chrysolite, citrine, charoite (2), all colored stones



Chalcedony (6), moonstone (5), selenite, pearl, chrysolite, chrysoprase (4), carnelian (3), aventurine, agate, amethyst, jade, onyx, chrysoberyl (2), all white opaque stones

a lion


Ruby, chrysolite, jasper (7), amber (6), beryl, topaz (4), sardonyx, zircon (3), rock crystal, garnet, obsidian, opal, citrine)2), all yellow and golden stones



Jasper (8), emerald, sapphire (6), jade, carnelian (5), rock crystal, chalcedony, chrysolite, citrine (4), diamond (3), agate, beryl, sardonyx (2)



Diamond, opal (7), beryl, rock crystal, lapis lazuli, rauchtopaz (5), jade, jasper (4), emerald, moonstone, carnelian, topaz, citrine (3), chrysolite (2), all pink stones



Topaz (9), hematite (bloodstone) (6), aquamarine, garnet, carnelian (5), ruby, sapphire (4), coral, malachite, chrysoprase (3), agate, rauchtopaz (2)



Turquoise (6), hyacinth, emerald (5), amethyst, topaz, chalcedony (4), chrysolite, charoite (3), amazonite, garnet, lapis lazuli, onyx, radonite (2), all red and green stones

Horoscopes compiled by different astrological schools are somewhat contradictory, but in general they are no more contradictory than our life itself. Nevertheless, despite all the shortcomings of the horoscopes of stones, the mysterious symbolism of noble gemstones is full of charm for very a large number all countries and continents. You should not rush to completely abandon it, since its psychotherapeutic effect is well known and tested for centuries.

I would like to note that the most accurate selection of stones is carried out with the help of specialists who own the method of electroacupuncture diagnostics developed by R. Fol. This method allows you to determine the effect on a person of drugs and their bioenergetic radiation, medicinal plants and various minerals.

The stones are assigned the following meanings:

Amethyst - protects from drunkenness, restrains passions, "widow's stone."

Carbuncle - reconciles friends.

Chrysolite - drives away nightmares.

Coral - protects from lightning.

Pomegranate - gladdens the heart.

Topaz - calms anger, promotes friendship.

Sapphire - a symbol of fidelity, chastity and modesty, brings happiness in love, protects a woman from slander.

Opal - gives hope.

Chrysoprase - predetermines success, brings peace.

Cornelian - keeps marital happiness and fidelity, protects from witchcraft.

Emerald - brings happiness and joy.

Diamond - a symbol of innocence, firmness and courage, brings happiness.

Agate - saves from the evil eye, poisons, gives longevity and health.

Turquoise - "stone of happiness", helps lovers, a symbol of unchanging and true love.

Pearl - "tears of anguish", protects from the torments of unrequited love.

Amber - protects from spells, the evil eye.

Olivine - Ensures the sympathy of others.

Nephritis - "stone of life".

Lapis lazuli - "healing stone".

Aquamarine - “stone of lovers”, protects marital happiness, promotes well-being in life.

Coral - Protects from the evil eye.

Ruby - reciprocity in feelings.

Onyx - "stone of leaders".

Malachite - strengthens spiritual forces.

Zircon - improves mental capacity, excites the desire for science.

Beryl - favors the constancy of feelings, a good companion of wanderers.

Chalcedony - helps to cope with spiritual weakness and despondency.

Sardonyx - protects from infidelity and lies.

Hyacinth - symbolizes good luck, strengthens strength.

Crystal - provides women with happiness in love, relieves bad dreams.

Stones and medicine

Gemstones are energy condensers. Nowadays, many scientists believe that stones are a very important component for maintaining health. The inseparable connection between the psyche and physiology, as well as the importance of microelements for the normal functioning of the body, allow us to take a serious look at the relationship between a person and a stone in terms of health. With the help of precious stones, diseases that arise as a result of a violation of the harmony between the vibrations of living tissues and cosmic radiation are treated.

Diamond, sapphire, moonstone - skin diseases.

Pearl, emerald - inflammatory diseases, infections, jaundice, vomiting, enlarged liver.

Diamond, emerald, sapphire - kidney disease, urinary tract, diabetes, can have a hypnotic effect.

Pearls, sapphire, stones with eyes (cat's eye, tiger's eye) - female diseases, depression.

Emerald, ruby, eye stones - psoriasis, blood pressure.

Diamond, topaz, emerald, pearl, coral, moonstone, ruby, zircon, sapphire, cat's eye - various kinds chronic diseases. It also contributes to the effectiveness of medication.

Coral, moonstone, topaz - severe depression, jaundice, hormonal disorders.

Pearl, ruby - Asthma attacks.

Diamond, ruby, eye stones - schizophrenia, depression, insomnia, irritability, fatigue (wear at night for 3 months).