Lactic acid 40 percent for peeling. Milk peeling: it's interesting. Complications after misuse

Milk peeling is dry cleaning, contributing to the improvement of complexion, giving it smoothness and softness. Lactic acid acts extremely delicately: it helps to remove the keratinized layer of cells, moisturizes the skin, stimulates the production of collagen and improves metabolic processes.

Such peeling will not become stressful for the body, since it is not a synthetic compound.

Lactic acid is a unique natural component that can regulate the water balance of any type of skin, as well as restore its protective functions. Ever since the famous Egyptian queen Cleopatra knew that milk is a source of youth, health and beauty.

The ancient representatives of the fair sex believed that milk is a natural storehouse useful substances and various vitamins. Milk perfectly copes with whitening the face, successfully fights age-related changes, moisturizes, nourishes and restores the skin.


Lactic acid has a number of undeniable advantages and features:

  1. Keratolytic action. Thanks to this property, it becomes possible to exfoliate dead cells and renew the basal layer of the skin.
  2. Moisturizing effect. Lactic acid has the ability to attract and retain moisture, thereby increasing the elasticity of the skin and favoring the renewal of the epidermis. Due to the latter, the dead ones are replaced by living keratinocytes (these are active cells that form in the layer just above the dermis), which provide skin hydration, that is, its moisturizing at a deep level.
  3. lifting effect. This effect is achieved due to cell division and stimulation of the activity of cells of the papillary layer of the dermis. They produce elastin, fibronectin and collagen and are also responsible for the synthesis of certain molecules that are responsible for the natural lubricant in our body.
  4. Whitening action. This is due to the exfoliation of the keratinized layer of the skin. Moreover, lactic acid helps to properly distribute melanin granules in the epidermis, which leads to an even complexion.
  5. Anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic action. It is carried out due to the "acidifying effect", which provides the appearance of a barrier. Thus, for bacteria and fungi are created unfavourable conditions existence and they die.
  6. Antioxidant action. Acid significantly reduces the production of free radicals and protects the skin from aggressive environments.

Video: How is the procedure

The essence of the procedure

This is a rejuvenating procedure based on the action of lactic acid obtained by fermenting milk. In addition to it, the peeling includes glycolic and salicylic acids. Complex impact These acids can even out the tone and texture of the skin, reduce the depth of existing wrinkles, increase the protective functions of the skin, reduce the severity of acne and age spots.

The procedure itself takes from fifteen minutes to half an hour. The duration of the session and their frequency is appointed by a specialist.

On average, the course of milk peeling is from three to five sessions, depending on the depth of problems, skin type and characteristics of the patient's body. The frequency is usually two weeks.

Peeling looks like this:

  • With the help of a removing lotion, make-up is completely removed;
  • before the procedure, the skin of the face is wiped with alcohol. Thus, it is degreased;
  • using a cotton pad, the composition is applied. It is applied in strict sequence: forehead, temples, cheeks, décolleté, neck, chin, nose, skin around the eyes;
  • on the patient's skin, it lasts from two to twenty minutes;
  • the neutralizer is applied in reverse order and directly onto the peeling layer;
  • solutions are washed away in large quantities cold water(in no case, not hot, as it comes into action with lactic acid and can cause irritation);
  • the skin is dried and then moisturized. Most often, masks are used for this. seaweed, as they do not need to be washed off and have a cooling effect.
The effect of this type of peeling becomes noticeable almost immediately - already after the first procedure, and for the most pronounced effect, a course of treatment is required, after which it is necessary to use supporting and restorative cosmetic skin care products.

Frequency of holding

To achieve the most pronounced effect, it is necessary to undergo four to eight procedures with an interval of two weeks. The frequency of the session may vary depending on individual features the patient's skin.

The result of the procedure lasts for one year with the occasional use of home remedies containing lactic acid.


This cleaning has a number of advantages:

  • no allergies due to the naturalness of the components used;
  • careful action ( milk peeling recognized as the most gentle peeling);
  • no redness and irritation after the procedure;
  • lack of skin peeling;
  • lack of effect of overdrying of the skin;
  • possibility of application at any time of the year;
  • effect noticeable after the first procedure;
  • lack of a rehabilitation period;
  • the possibility of application on various parts of the body;
  • safety for patients with swarthy and dark skin(no risk of hyperpigmentation).

Superficial cleansing of the skin fruit acids obtained from apples, grapes, citrus fruits cleanses the skin of dead cells. Learn how to make at home.

Gas-liquid peeling jet peel is a real breakthrough in cosmetology. This unique technology allows you to simultaneously clean the face, narrow the pores, exfoliate with different depths, massage the face, etc. Read more about it.


  • with dry, dull and dehydrated skin;
  • in the presence of wrinkles (especially small ones);
  • with acne and post-acne;
  • bumps and redness;
  • with hypersensitive skin;
  • sagging, loss of skin tone;
  • fresh stretch marks on the face;
  • photoaging;
  • with shallow wrinkles.


The milk peeling procedure has its own contraindications:

  • herpes in active form;
  • recent epilation;
  • violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • neoplasms;
  • diabetes;
  • elevated temperature;
  • fresh tan;
  • rosacea;
  • pregnancy and lactation.


At the beginning of the procedure, the dead layer of cells is removed from the skin, and the existing inflammation is eliminated. Subsequently, there is a change and improvement in complexion, but most importantly, successful cell renewal begins.

Lactic acid peeling often acts as a preparatory procedure before other cosmetic procedures. As a result of such peeling, important metabolic processes are activated, which prepare the skin for further exposure.

As a result, you can get the following:

  • renewal of the epidermis;
  • removal of the keratinized layer of cells;
  • getting rid of inflammation;
  • lightening pigmented areas of the skin;
  • stimulation of the production of collagen and elastane;
  • the acquisition of elasticity and freshness.

Here are some features that you should pay attention to before proceeding with the procedure:

  1. Before you start milk peeling, check with your beautician how much he uses this tool, and what results he got. Some milk peeling companies use very aggressive components, and as a result, the peeling is not superficial, as its essence implies, but superficial-middle or even middle.
  2. Find out what ingredients are included in the peel. In some cases, for maximum good effect whitening, manufacturers add toxic hydroquinone, disruptive work of the endocrine system.
  3. If the peel contains glycerin, it is worth considering its ability to suck water from the depths of the skin and keep it on the surface instead of taking it from the air. Subsequently, this feature leads to overdrying of the skin.
  • do not touch or comb the skin areas that have been peeled;
  • refuse to use cosmetics during the day;
  • stop using aggressive detergents within three days;
  • avoid direct exposure sun rays;
  • refuse epilation on the treated areas.

Side effects

Among the possible side effects there are the following:

  • peeling of the skin for several days after the peeling;
  • slight erythema for one or two days;
  • burning sensation (passes immediately after neutralization and moisturizing);
  • increased skin sensitivity (shea butter or panthenol helps);
  • burns (in violation of the peeling technique).

Milk peeling at home

Milk peeling belongs to a number of chemical peelings, so it must be carried out at home according to a strict algorithm in order to avoid negative consequences.

  1. Necessary components of home peeling: cotton pads, rubbing alcohol, face lotion, special solution (with lactic acid) and hair dryer. Very often, instead of lactic acid, hilak forte drops are used, which contain 90% acid. Note! For peeling at home, it is better to use a lower acid value and special peeling from reputable cosmetic manufacturers.
  2. The peeling procedure begins with washing the face. Then it is gently rubbed with a suitable lotion.
  3. The skin is degreased with alcohol, which is evenly applied with a cotton pad.
  4. A cotton pad is moistened with a solution of lactic acid and distributed over the face in the following order: forehead, temples, chin, neck, nose, skin around the eyes. Do not apply the solution to the lips or nasolabial area.
  5. The applied solution is kept for one to two minutes. At this time, you may feel a burning sensation or a slight tingling sensation - this is normal reactions. If the burning sensation becomes unbearable, the procedure must be stopped immediately to avoid irritation or chemical burns.
  6. After two minutes, the solution is washed off cold water.

Video: Cleansing your face with lactic acid at home

  1. If you feel discomfort during the procedure, direct a cold jet from a hair dryer onto your face and they will pass.
  2. If you are the owner of very dry skin, it must be lubricated before the procedure. fat cream in the area of ​​the eyes, lips and nose.
  3. The duration of the procedure should be increased gradually. So, the skin will have time to get used to the effects of lactic acid.
  4. When it's time to moisturize your skin after the procedure, be sure to use a cream that suits your skin type.
  5. Experts do not recommend using lactic acid with a concentration exceeding forty percent. In the case of this peeling, it is better to go to improvements gradually.
  6. The best time for a lactic acid peel is from October to March, as the sun is not very active.
  7. After the procedure, the skin must be protected with sunscreen a high degree protection - 30-50.

Body peeling

Body peeling with lactic acid is carried out in the shower. For this you will need the following:

  • special scrub;
  • hard washcloth;
  • body lotion;
  • pumice.

If you have tanned skin or wounds, then it is better for you to refrain from the peeling procedure for a while.

If everything is in order, then it should be carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Massage begins with a hard washcloth. This brings the skin into tone and gradually prepares for the procedure.
  2. Next, a shower is taken to warm up the body under jets of warm water.
  3. The soles of the feet are rubbed with a pumice stone.
  4. Scrub is distributed over the body in circular motions from the bottom up, starting from the sole. Use a long-handled brush to exfoliate your back.

Precautionary measures

During the procedure, the following precautions should be observed:

  1. Make sure that the product does not get into the eyes.
  2. Try to avoid the area between the nose and lips, the skin in this place is very sensitive.
  3. Before peeling, you can apply petroleum jelly to the skin around the eyes and nose, this will protect them.
  4. Be sure to keep time.
  5. The cream to be applied must contain retinoids and acids.
  6. Gradually increase the time of the procedure.

Cosmetic line TianDe

Tiande is an international brand that has established itself in the beauty industry. It is a collection cosmetics developed on the basis of ancient recipes oriental medicine and at the same time absorbing latest developments scientists.

The Tiande brand produces more than 500 types of products, which include face, body, hair care products, decorative cosmetics, peelings and much more. The main manufacturers are quite large state-owned enterprises in China, which have international quality certificates.

Here is one of their products: Peeling universal "Milk".

  • It contains: protein vitamin complex, whole milk and alpha hydroxy acids.
  • This product helps effective cleansing skin, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes.
  • Whitens, evens out the overall skin tone, nourishes, moisturizes, returns natural color and improves skin elasticity.

Price: 240 rubles.

Brand Mediderma

Mediderma has a wide range of chemical peels, including milk peels. Mediderma produces about forty types of chemical peels, ranging from superficial to deep.

Any product from this manufacturer is a first-class and high-quality drug created using the latest technologies, and also in accordance with European standards manufacture of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.

Here are some of the company's products:

1. Milk peeling "LACTIPEEL"

This product is based on lactic acid and is ideal remedy to moisturize and cleanse the skin. Its effect is delicate, but at the same time, its penetrating ability does not fall.

It is she who allows useful components penetrate the layers of the dermis and moisturize the skin at a deep level. It is best suited for dry and dehydrated skin, smoothes and tightens wrinkles, has a brightening effect. Price: 2500 rubles.

2. Peeling "Argipeel"

The composition includes: allantoin, lactic acid, arganine, urea. This peeling is suitable for pigmented and especially sensitive skin. As a result, it significantly improves skin microcirculation, reduces the depth of static wrinkles and improves overall skin tone. Price: 900 rubles.


Prices, first of all, are made up of the cost of the peels used, and this can explain the cost of one procedure, which ranges from 700 to 2500 rubles.


How often can be done?

It all depends on the depth of the problem and the type of skin. Most often, the interval between procedures is from ten to fourteen days.

Is it dangerous to do at home?

Any cosmetic procedure carries a small amount of risk, however, milk peeling is safe procedure. The only danger that can lie in wait for you at home is the inability to correctly calculate the time during which the mask will have to remain on the face. If it is overexposed, then irritation or even burns may occur.

Can it be done in summer?

It is possible, but not desirable. Like any other type of peeling, milk peeling is best done either in autumn or winter.

How many procedures need to be done so that the effect is not only noticeable, but also remains for a long time?

The best option is considered to be eight procedures. Their effect will last for whole year. For this, it is necessary to use cosmetics with care that contain lactic acid.

Can teenagers do acne?

Yes, you can. Firstly, acne is an indication for milk peeling, and secondly, it is recognized as the most gentle, so it is ideal for young skin and a fragile body.

Even at home, with the help of this procedure, you can restore the beauty and health of the skin. But here it is very important to choose the right peeling products. Learn more about how to do it right.

"Hollywood purge"Peeling" is called "peeling" with the help of calcium chloride, which was used by Soviet cosmetologists when there was not such a variety of peelings as now. .

Pyruvic peeling comes with a pyruvic acid content of 25%, 40%, 50%. See prices for the procedure.

Photos before and after

Among the variety of beauty and rejuvenation procedures available today, peeling procedures have become especially popular. But Special attention deserves such a method of chemical exfoliation as milk peeling. Be sure to ask your beautician about it. In this article we will talk about the main points that relate to this procedure.

Lactic acid

Lactic acid is an organic fruit acid that is produced during the lactic fermentation of glucose. This is an absolutely natural and natural substance for humans, as it is an intermediate metabolic product in the metabolism of carbohydrates.

Lactic acid has a lot of functions, both in the human body and outside it. It is a natural preservative. It is thanks to lactic acid that vegetables and fruits are preserved for the winter, wine and beer, and lactic acid products are formed. From this it can be concluded that given substance absolutely safe for the body and even useful.

Lactanoic (lactic) acid is part of the components of a natural moisturizer skin, maintains a slightly acid reaction of the skin secretion, which contributes to the vital activity of normal and beneficial microflora.

Chemical peeling with lactic acid is superficial - that is, it exfoliates only the uppermost dead epidermal cells. It is considered one of the most non-traumatic and sparing procedures (equivalent to almond). Suitable for all skin types, from very sensitive and dry to oily and acne prone. Most of all, this peeling is suitable for young women in the composition comprehensive care behind the skin.

Properties of lactic acid that are used during milk peeling:

  • exfoliative properties;
  • pronounced moisturizing effect on the skin;
  • lifting effect, due to the activation of the processes of skin cell division and epithelium renewal, the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers;
  • decrease in production sebum, reducing the number of comedones, acne elements and other inflammatory skin formations;
  • alignment of skin color, its clarification;
  • antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action;
  • antioxidant properties.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Superficial peeling lactic acid is indicated in the following cases:

  • symptoms of dehydration of the skin (peeling, feeling of tightness);
  • acne in a mild form;
  • cicatricial changes after acne and other causes;
  • uneven complexion (areas of hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation);
  • symptoms of hyperkeratosis;
  • excess production of sebum;
  • black dots;
  • decreased elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • the first signs of photoaging or premature age-related changes;
  • a network of unexpressed mimic wrinkles.

Who is eligible for the procedure?

Despite the fact that exfoliation with lactic acid is very gentle, there are conditions in which peeling is contraindicated:

Benefits of milk peeling

Exfoliation with lactic acid has a number of advantages over other similar ones:

  • practically does not cause allergic manifestations;
  • safe method, does not cause discomfort and pain;
  • No recovery period, redness, wounds and erosion, chemical burns are not formed;
  • it is possible to carry out even without pre-peeling preparation, since the procedure is very soft and sometimes it is used as a preparatory manipulation;
  • does not dry the skin, does not violate the composition of its normal microflora;
  • suitable for both dry and normal and oily skin;
  • can be performed at any time of the year, there is no photosensitizing effect;
  • can be used on any part of the body, not just on the face;
  • suitable for people with dark and hypersensitive skin.

How is peeling performed?

There is a protocol for milk peeling, that is, a certain sequence of actions that must be followed for the effectiveness of the procedure.

Stages of milk exfoliation:

Preparation for peeling is not always necessary, you only need not to sunbathe 2 weeks before the procedure. Depending on the type of skin, the cosmetologist may advise pre-peeling care - apply night cream with a low concentration of lactic acid or with other fruit acids.

Cleansing the skin of dirt and make-up residues with the help of special cosmetics.

Degreasing the skin with a tonic with lactic acid.

Trial application of the composition. Has multiple goals - diagnosis hypersensitivity to the composition, for further uniform distribution of lactic acid.

The main stage is the application of peeling. Depending on the type of skin, the goals pursued, the condition of the skin, the doctor will select the required concentration of lactic acid (from 30 to 90%). Composition to be applied special tool in 2 layers certain time(5-20 minutes).

Acid neutralization. A special neutralizing solution is applied directly to the lactic acid, then washed off in cold running water. Warm water should not be used as it can react with lactic acid and cause irritation.

Moisturizing the skin. To begin with, the beautician will make you a soothing mask, and then apply a moisturizer that suits your skin type.

Care after peeling. It must be continued at home. A regular moisturizer for your skin type will do. sunscreen for face.

What to expect after exfoliation?

If you have chosen a milk peeling for the face, then you need to know what will happen to you after the procedure. In the first days after peeling, the skin will peel off a little. This is absolutely normal. You should not expect a big peeling, since the action is superficial.

Facial redness may be present, but not longer than 2 days. The sensation of warmth and slight burning should pass immediately after neutralization. If this does not happen, then consult a doctor - you may have allergic reaction.

Complications include:

  • allergic reaction
  • chemical burn.
  • if after applying the composition to the skin you feel discomfort, burning, then blowing with cold air from a hair dryer will alleviate the condition;
  • to protect delicate skin around the eyes and lips, lubricate it with Vaseline before the procedure;
  • be sure to watch the time, do not overexpose the composition;
  • it is necessary to wash off only with cool water;
  • as a moisturizer after the main stage, choose creams with retinoids;
  • the first session should be started with a minimum concentration, gradually the concentration can be increased;
  • you can not comb the skin, which is treated with acid;
  • better not to use decorative cosmetics within 2 days;
  • avoid sun exposure.

Greetings my Dear friends. Agree that now there is a fairly rich choice of peels - from deep chemical peels to delicate superficial ones. If you are not a supporter of aggressive cleansing procedures, milk peeling for the face is perfect for you. How to make it yourself at home, I will tell in this article.

Lactate, or lactic acid, is an organic type of acid. This substance is formed during the breakdown of glucose. It is present in pickles, curdled milk, wine, natural kvass and ripened cheese. But this does not mean at all that you need to rub yourself with pickles 🙂 For aesthetic medicine, lactate is released using an enzymatic reaction.

Lactic acid has a small molecule. It easily passes through the membrane of epidermal cells. Therefore, it provides the same effect on all areas of the skin.

Lactic acid has a wonderful effect on the skin:

  1. Helps to brighten the skin by affecting the production of melanin. Due to the excessive production of this substance on the skin appear dark spots. Peeling helps to level these effects.
  2. Enhances the natural production of elastin and . As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out and skin turgor increases.
  3. Provides anti-inflammatory action. This is due to the fact that lactate acidifies the skin.

  1. Antioxidant effect - acid reduces aggressive impact harmful factors (for example, ultraviolet radiation) on the skin.
  2. Keratolytic effect - is achieved by exfoliating dead cells.
  3. Provides intense hydration skin.

The effectiveness of lactic acid peeling depends on correct technique carrying out the procedure. Cosmetologists work with a higher content of the active substance. But it is also more dangerous in terms of side effects when used independently. For home use funds with a concentration of 10-15% are quite suitable.

What skin is suitable for

The main advantage of milk peeling is its versatility. It can be used for all skin types (sensitive is no exception). Indications for exfoliation:

  • dehydration of the skin, its pallor and dullness;
  • increased dryness of the skin, peeling;
  • photoaging;
  • acne
  • the presence of freckles and age spots;
  • reduced skin elasticity, wrinkles, etc.

How cosmetologists perform milk peeling

Peeling with lactate can be done in a beauty salon. There are professional cosmetologists who will perform the procedure. the best way. It is advisable not to sunbathe 2 weeks before the event. And even in cloudy weather sunscreen products should be used.

Exfoliation in a beauty salon does not take much time. On average, the procedure lasts up to 45 minutes

Before starting peeling, the beautician will carefully analyze the condition of the skin. And he will give recommendations on what to do after the procedure at home. For peeling use 30 - 80% lactic acid. The concentration of the active substance is selected by the cosmetologist, taking into account the type and color of the skin.

Here are the photos before and after the procedure:

protocol in cosmetology

  1. Cleansing the skin from the remnants of cosmetics and dirt. For this, special gels and lotions for make-up removal are used.
  2. After toning and degreasing is carried out. A lotion that contains fruit acids helps to achieve this effect.
  3. Pre-peeling procedure - used to determine the sensitivity of the skin to lactic acid. If pre-peeling is not performed, exfoliation is carried out with a minimum concentration of lactate. Only after making sure that there is no side reaction, the cosmetologist proceeds to carry out a full-fledged procedure.
  4. The peeling procedure itself. The drug is applied to the face, neck, décolleté with a special brush. And leave for a certain time (from 3 to 20 minutes). The duration of lactate exposure in each specific case individual. All this time, the beautician monitors the reaction of the skin.
  5. Next, the drug is washed off with cold water. Usage at this stage hot water forbidden! It can react with lactate and cause skin irritation. After washing, the epidermis is dried.
  6. Neutralization is in progress. A composition with a neutralizing effect is applied to the entire area where exfoliation was performed.
  7. At the final stage of the procedure, masks are applied depending on the type of skin, for example,. After applying a nourishing cream.

I picked up a video where a cosmetologist performs exfoliation with lactic acid. The master comments on his actions in detail, paying attention to what he is doing and why. She also gives recommendations about the drugs used, describing their composition and action.

How often can be done and the cost of the procedure

The result after exfoliation (based on what the reviews say) lasts for six months. However, one procedure is not enough, although the effect will already be visible after it.

How much will it cost you full course exfoliation depends on several factors. Firstly, this is the price of the drug used during the procedure. It may vary depending on the brand. cosmetic product. Secondly, the cost is affected by the qualifications of the cosmetologist who performs this procedure. Here it is better not to save, but immediately turn to good master with experience. Naturally, this will cost more.

On average, the price of one procedure is 3000 rubles. If this price is too expensive, then look at the promotions on Biglione or groupon. Often there are very attractive offers.

Post-peel care

The most important thing to do at home after cosmetic procedures is skin care. At first, after the procedure, itching and pain may occur. It's quite normal phenomena- there are no pathologies and deviations. But they should not be tolerated. Hydrocortisone or fireweed extract will help remove itching. deal with painful sensations you can use ibuprofen or arnica extract.

And regular post-peeling care is a must. It includes 3 stages, which are described in detail below.

cleansing- suitable for these purposes cosmetic milk with antibacterial ingredients. These include orange oil, lemon acid, green tea etc. When the skin begins to peel off, use products with small abrasive particles to care for it. They provide a light cleansing effect. The name of such products contains the word polish.

Recovery– perfect cosmetic formulations with panthenol, and omega acids. Care products will help prevent hyperpigmentation, where the active ingredients are arbutin, cucumber or grapefruit extract. Never use cosmetics with a high content of mineral oils and dimethicone silicones. They will raise the temperature of the skin and create an ideal microclimate for bacteria to thrive.

Protection- this will help cosmetic products. Also, cosmetologists advise choosing products for skin care that contain physical filters. For example, it can be zinc oxide or. It will provide both UV protection and antimicrobial support.

Do-it-yourself peeling at home

Now the majority professional tools available for free sale. On the one hand, this is good, on the other hand, the ingredients are potent. We are not taught how to use them. And we turn to the Internet for help, and then we “badya” in our kitchen.

Found an option first. self cooking peeling. Probably in everyone there is a “devil” who says: “ This cheap remedy worth every penny! See how girls talk about him. Let's run to the pharmacy and do". Only then does the understanding come that you have to pay for everything. Not with your wallet, but with your health.

I will tell you about a cheap recipe for peeling at home and why I do not recommend it. This is the use of lactic acid at a concentration of 80%. This is a very large percentage, which even cosmetologists do not always use. Houses are diluted with ordinary water. The percentage is different for everyone - 1:13 or 1:3. After dilution, the product is wiped cotton swab or drive face for about 5-7 minutes. Then they wash, apply their favorite cream. And oplya - instantly rejuvenated 🙂

On YouTube I found only 3 reviews from girls who tried this remedy. Here is one of them.

It reminds me of the recipe of our grandmothers, when there was nothing and at least spread something. Dear girls, approach everything wisely. I'd rather use professional cosmetics with well-chosen components. In it, I am at least sure that the allergic reaction is minimized and I will not get any side effects. Yes, cosmetics are more expensive. Although no, skin restoration after homemade products costs even more.

Which peeling to buy for use at home

Took a long time to fundraise. Thought I'd tell you about different manufacturers. But so far I liked the line from the brands BEAUTYMED and GIGI. These products are used by professional cosmetologists. The GIGI line includes products for skin preparation, peels themselves with an acid concentration of 10-30% and post-treatment products.

Even at home, you need to follow the protocol for the procedure:

  • before performing the procedure, clean the skin with a special emulsion;
  • Apply the exfoliator to clean, dry skin, avoiding the eyelid area. This must be done with gloves. Leave up to 5 minutes;
  • then wash with cool water. Next, blot the epidermis and treat it with a neutralizing tonic;
  • apply moisturizer.

When performing the procedure, be extremely careful. Avoid getting the drug in the eyes. If suddenly during exfoliation occurs severe burning wash immediately with cool water. If the irritation does not go away in a couple of days, be sure to consult a dermatologist. Plus, a week before the start of the procedures and during the time, exclude from care. This will prevent an increase in skin photosensitivity.

To begin with, I picked up products with a 10% concentration of acids for you. For beginners, this is ideal.

Peel Therapy Glycolic Acid Complex- This is a product from the company BEAUTYMED (France). This is a 10% peeling with a healing complex. It contains: apple, dairy, wine, lemon and. In addition, there are extracts of blueberries, grape leaves and sugar cane. Arginine PCA has also been added to the composition. Acidity level - pH 3.

This combination of ingredients is perfect for normal, pigmented and very dry skin. Exfoliates gently and renews the epidermis. The drug is sold in a 50 ml bottle. Judging by the reviews, it lasts a long time.

Peel Therapy Salicylic Acid Complex- This is already a remedy for problematic, oily and acne-prone skin. The drug has a 10% acid concentration.

The composition contains 6 acids: citric, grape, salicylic, lactic, malic and hyaluronic. The drug helps to soften and regenerate the skin. And due to the presence, it reduces pores and normalizes the fat content of the epidermis.

The product is sold in containers frosted glass. Volume - 50 ml. The drug has a transparent thick consistency.

Neutralizer GLYCOPURE- it contains propylene glycol, hydroxyethylcellulose, triethanolamine and water. It is an alkaline clear solution that can be used on all skin types. The volume of the bottle is 250 ml.

Side effects and contraindications

As I said, after peeling, itching and pain may occur. But these problems are fixable. If you cannot cope with them on your own, consult a dermatologist.

Although exfoliation with lactate is considered an extremely gentle procedure, it also has contraindications:

  • an allergic reaction to the components of the drug used;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • herpes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • rosacea;
  • increased body temperature, etc.

Although this peeling can be performed in the summer, it is still undesirable to do this. The sun's rays during this period are very active. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend this procedure to be carried out either in autumn or in winter.

My friends, have you ever done milk peeling? If yes, please describe your experience. And a photo, if any, attach to the comment. Yes, and . And that's all I have for today: bye-bye.

Since ancient times, women have used dairy products as a means to care for their skin and fight the signs of aging. Many have heard about the famous procedure called "Cleopatra's bath". Over time, the adoption of milk baths was replaced by the use of special exfoliating mixtures and solutions - peelings. Today, milk peeling is famous for its popularity, the main active ingredient of which is lactic or lactonic acid. Due to the fact that the human body is able to produce this compound on its own, it does not cause an immune reaction, so the exfoliation process is completely painless.

The procedure of milk peeling of the face is recognized as the most gentle and less traumatic, unlike all other chemical peels. She happens to be ideal option For dry, hypersensitive skin prone to irritation. Lactic acid (lactate), contained in dairy products, has a beneficial effect on skin cells without causing allergic reactions.

Lactic acid or lactate is α-hydroxypropionic acid, the formation of which occurs as a result of the breakdown of glucose. This organic product is safe, as it actively participates in the process of carbohydrate metabolism in human body. Lactate is a type of fruit acid and a component of the skin's natural moisturizing factor (NMF).

Lactonic acid - the main active substance of peeling - promotes the renewal of dermal cells, improves microcirculation, as well as the accelerated formation of lycosaminoglycans or mucopolysaccharides in it and the basis of connective tissue - collagen. Acid moisturizes the skin well, enhances its protective function. lipid barrier, increasing the synthesis of lipid molecules.

Lactate has the property of soft destruction of dead skin cells, intercellular bonds, which initiates a gradual exfoliation and cleansing of the skin. Lactic acid has a beneficial effect on the deep layers of the epidermis, activating the production of elastin, thanks to which the skin of the face remains elastic and smooth.

Stages of the procedure

Like many other procedures, milk peeling begins with the preparation of the working area for subsequent actions. With the help of special lotions or creams, the surface of the skin of the face cleanse removing dirt and grease. Milk peeling is often used as the first step before more serious and deep procedures.

Pre-peeling! If the procedure is performed for the first time, professional beautician always apply a solution with a lower percentage of lactic acid in order to check for any negative reactions and prepare the skin first.

After preparatory manipulations, the skin of the face cover peeling agent. The concentration of the drug, as well as the duration of its contact with the skin, is determined and established by a specialist, depending on the problems being solved.

At the end of the solution delete from the face and neutralize the action of lactic acid with the help of a special tool that provides rapid restoration of the skin, its regeneration, while eliminating irritation and preventing inflammatory processes.

Post-peeling! After removal from the face acid mixture it is necessary to apply a cream or mask with regenerating properties. It serves as a kind of first aid for slightly damaged skin, soothing it and helping to recover.

During the rehabilitation period, serums and high-quality moisturizers are a must. At this stage, daily use a cream with SPF-30 and above. Sometimes to achieve best result you have to buy a whole series of products designed for facial skin care after peeling.

The effect of the milk peeling procedure

A moderate effect of lactic acid on the skin contributes to its transformation. After peeling, many visible positive changes are observed.
The initial effect after milk peeling is visible after the first procedure: the complexion evens out, the skin becomes smoother and velvety.

  • The renewed surface of the skin of the face becomes smoother, painted with a blush.
  • Deeply hydrated and cleansed skin looks healthy and supple.
  • There is a lifting effect - small wrinkles are smoothed out. In the dermis, increased production of collagen and elastin occurs.
  • The secretion of fat is regulated, the pores are narrowed.
  • Milk peeling eliminates acne marks and prevents their reappearance.
  • Skin color becomes lighter.

Contraindications for milk peeling

Despite its effectiveness and popularity, the procedure for cleansing and rejuvenating with lactic acid is not suitable for everyone. There are both indications for its implementation, and a number of contraindications that should be paid attention to. So, milk peeling is undesirable for:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the peeling mixture.
  • exacerbation of the herpes virus;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute inflammation of various origins;
  • damage to the skin;
  • photosensitivity of the skin associated with taking certain medications;
  • skin irritations after recent hair removal or sunburn;
  • oncological diseases, diabetes;
  • acute respiratory infections and colds;
  • vascular diseases (telangiectasia and rosacea).

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that milk peeling is a cosmetic procedure using high concentration lactic acid. Therefore, in order to avoid adverse effects, the dosage and preparation of the solution should be carried out by an experienced specialist. Beauticians recommend to carry out the procedure once a year (3-6 sessions with a break of 2 weeks). The number of procedures is determined by the condition of the skin and the problems that the patient wants to solve in this way.

Milk peeling is a novelty in the world of beauty that is gaining popularity, because in addition to the visible effect after the first procedure, it also differs careful attitude to the skin. But despite the delicate action, this is one of the most effective cosmetic procedures.

The secret of the action of milk peeling

As the name implies, this procedure is based on the use of products made from lactic acid, which automatically ranks it in the category. At the same time, lactic acid peeling is one of the most gentle ways to deal with skin imperfections, since it affects only its upper layers. Due to its superficial action, it can be used by owners of sensitive, capricious or allergic skin.

Milk peeling of the face can be done not only by specialists in the salon, but also at home. To do this, you just need to purchase special agent for home use, the concentration of acid in which allows you to carry out the procedure yourself, minimizing the risk of burns.

The procedure owes its effectiveness to lactic acid, which can not aggressively destroy and exfoliate dead cells. As a result, the production of collagen and elastin in the deep layers of the epidermis is enhanced, and the skin becomes firm, radiant and elastic.

Milk peeling of the face will help correct small wrinkles, lighten age spots, narrow pores and cope with acne. In addition, this procedure is often used to prepare the skin for more serious treatments.

Who is suitable and contraindicated for milk peeling

As mentioned earlier, the effect of lactic acid on the skin is superficial, which means that it will not be able to radically cope with such troubles as deep wrinkles, scars, severe pigmentation. That is why facial peeling with lactic acid should be chosen by those who wish to overcome the following imperfections:

  • dim, earthy color facial skin;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • skin dehydration;
  • acne;
  • small wrinkles;
  • indistinct pigmentation.

The procedure will give the greatest effect to the owners of young skin, ladies under 40 years old. After this age and with pronounced age-related changes on the face and neck (deep wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, etc.), milk peeling can be used as an addition to care, but not as the main means of skin rejuvenation and correction.

Despite the wide possibilities for use, lactic acid peeling should not be carried out in the following cases:

  • various skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema, herpes;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • violations of the integrity of the skin: scratches, wounds;
  • recent tan.

Beauty studio at home

Milk peeling will appeal to those who, for whatever reason, cannot visit a beauty salon, because it can be safely carried out by yourself using special “non-professional” commercially available formulations.

The level of concentration of lactic acid in such preparations allows you to achieve excellent results without the risk of burning the skin of the face. When buying, you need to pay attention to whether the instructions are attached to the product, which explains step by step the scheme and rules for using the drug.

Home peeling with lactic acid will not give you the same quick and clear result, like a salon, so you have to show a little patience: a persistent and noticeable effect will appear after 2-4 procedures. However, even after the first application, you can see changes for the better.

Rules for conducting and frequency of the procedure

Milk peeling can be performed both 1-3 times a year, and as a course, doing 4-6 procedures with a difference of 10-14 days between them. Of course, the latter option is preferable, because the effect of such a directed effect on the skin will be much higher.

The process itself consists of a number of successive stages:

  1. Cleansing the skin using foam or gel for washing and its subsequent treatment with tonic.
  2. Applying a peeling agent. Many cosmetologists prudently apply a small layer of a less concentrated product to the skin to make sure that the client does not have individual negative reactions to the components of the drug. This rule can be used when doing lactic acid peeling at home.
    The exposure time of the product in the salon is 2-15 minutes. It depends on the condition of the skin and the concentration of the acid. Preparations for home use require much less time, usually 1-2 minutes.
  3. At the end of the exposure time, it is necessary to wash off the product with cool water, without any additional products.
  4. After the product has been washed off, you need to apply a moisturizing or soothing serum or cream to the skin.

During the course and within 12-14 days after milk peeling, you need to:

  • avoid sunlight (and, therefore, it is more convenient to spend it in autumn and winter);
  • use sunscreen even on cloudy days.

Making yourself a safe milk peeling at home is not difficult. The main thing is to follow the instructions for the drug step by step and follow all the recommendations.

Milk peeling results

The effect of the procedure, whether it is milk peeling at home or by professionals in the salon, will be noticeable from the first time, which is confirmed by numerous reviews and photos before and after the session. At the same time, no side effects in the form of redness, itching, swelling or peeling you will not find, so there is no need to take a break from work in order to take care of yourself.

The reflection in the mirror will delight you with an even complexion, radiant and elastic skin, lightened freckles and clean tight pores.

Risks and Complications

Although this procedure is mild, there is a risk of complications if the drug is not used correctly or the recommendations regarding skin care before and after exposure are not followed. To minimize them, before doing milk peeling, you need to make sure of the following:

  • The expiration date of the peeling agent has not expired.
  • There is no allergy to the components of the drug.
  • The skin has not been exposed (and will not be exposed in the future) to ultraviolet radiation.

Peeling cost

Both salon and home peeling lactic acid is collected by well-deserved positive reviews. On average, the price for this service in beauty salons "floats" in the range from 500 to 3000 rubles per procedure. It depends on the level and location of the salon, as well as on the brand, whose drug is used for sessions.

Carrying out this procedure at home is much cheaper. The cost of a jar of funds ranges on average from 250 to 1200 rubles, the price depends on its volume and manufacturer. Taking into account the fact that 100-120 ml of the drug will be enough to carry out 7-10 procedures, home milk peeling can be a good alternative to a salon procedure.

Video: milk facial peeling procedure