What is important to know about surface peeling of the face? The main types of surface peeling. Preparations based on trichloroacetic acid -

It is perhaps impossible to imagine a mandatory set of skin care procedures without superficial peeling. This is an effective simple procedure that you can successfully do on your own. The choice of funds is so wide that every woman, and even a man, will be able to choose the perfect mixture for herself, taking into account the needs and condition of the skin. Cleansing during the surface procedure is gentle, only the outer cells of the epidermis are affected, and the lower layers of the cover receive additional nutrition and oxygen.

Types of superficial peels

Depending on the method of exposure to the upper layer of the dermis, there are such types of superficial peels or exfoliations:

  • Mechanical (physical) - cleaning occurs due to abrasive mixtures or special devices. The composition of preparations for this type of cleaning includes particles of natural or chemical components that act as pumice stone, cleaning off the upper skin cells. Also, brushes are used to perform this type of peeling, ultraviolet, ultrasonic, laser exposure is used.
  • Chemical - the procedure is performed using chemical solutions, the components of which interact with the cells of the upper layer of the epidermis and exfoliate them. The variety of products for chemical exfoliation is very wide, which allows you to create an individual program of permanent skin care at home.

In turn, chemical surface cleanings are also divided into types according to the main components of the mixtures:

  • Enzymatic - the preparations contain protein or plant enzymes that actively dissolve dead cells of the epidermis;
  • Acid - from the name it is clear that the main component of the preparations are acids: salicylic, retinoic, lactic, phytic, hyaluronic, mandelic, etc.;
  • Combined - preparations for this type of peeling are a combination of enzymes and acids, or several acids.

The most popular in modern cosmetology are chemical acid exfoliations, which are highly effective, easy to use and are considered the safest, which is especially important given the high frequency of this procedure for a lasting effect.

Indications for superficial peeling

All changes or cosmetic imperfections on the surface of the dermis that are not related to deep processes can be eliminated or reduced with the help of surface peeling of any kind. In principle, this is a mandatory event to maintain the skin in good condition.

So, the presence of such skin problems is an indication for superficial peeling of the face at home:

  • unwanted pigmentation;
  • Increased work of the sebaceous glands;
  • acne;
  • Post-acne;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • shallow wrinkles;
  • Low turgor;
  • Bad complexion.

Contraindications for superficial peeling

Any cosmetic procedure requires caution in application and knowledge of contraindications, otherwise the most innocent facial cleansing at home can give unexpected results with a minus sign. Most of the bans are superficial chemical facial peel, since mechanical does not involve the use of products with active ingredients. But both abrasive mixtures and mechanical cleaning devices must be used with caution.

In what cases it is impossible to do superficial peeling of any kind:

  • The presence of damage to the skin;
  • Tendency to allergic manifestations;
  • Acute manifestation of acne;
  • The presence of neoplasms on the cover;
  • Skin diseases of various etiologies;
  • After the procedure of dermabrasion and epilation;
  • After a tanning session;
  • inflammatory processes.

Regarding the restrictions associated with the period of superficial cleaning, it is worth knowing that summer time is not an obstacle for enzymatic (enzymatic) peelings. Of the chemical, you can do cleansing with ferulic and mandelic acids in the sunny season. Mechanical and physical variations of this procedure can be applied regardless of the weather.

The skin with noticeable capillaries – rosacea – requires attention, peelings are used only with lactic, ferulic acid to cleanse it, and a chemical procedure with mild mandelic acid is also recommended. When choosing a product for a chemical procedure, you need to clearly understand what result you want to achieve and, based on this, select a special composition of the mixture.

A contraindication is the intake of certain medications that can enhance the effect of the components of exfoliation mixtures. The chemical option cannot be used by pregnant and lactating women, but the enzymatic ones are not prohibited. If you feel generally unwell, it is better to refrain from any type of peeling.

Preparation for peeling

Pre-peeling preparation consists in softening the upper layer of the epidermis with special means intended for this purpose, and the acid for skin preparation must be chosen the same as for peeling. It is important to remember that this procedure, like any other, is performed on clean skin. Cleansing is recommended to be carried out with mild cleansers that do not contain alcohol.

Perfectly helps to clean the pores before mechanical and enzymatic exfoliation, preliminary steaming of the cover. But in no case should this be done before a chemical one, otherwise you can get a burn of the dermis.

Another tip: it is better to plan the procedure for the weekend and in the evening, when you do not need to go outside to avoid exposure to dust and sun. In addition, immediately after cleansing the face mechanically or chemically, you can not apply makeup, but how can you go outside without makeup?

Carrying out superficial peeling

It is important to remember that the first application of any active cosmetics requires caution, so you must first conduct an allergy test.

If we talk about chemical peeling, then the procedure is simple: we apply a special active mixture to the cleansed skin of the face or other parts of the body. If you decide to do a chemical peel at home, purchase only certified cosmetic products with instructions, otherwise you can harm yourself.

After keeping the mixture for the required amount of time, apply a chemical peel neutralizer, hold for 1 minute, then rinse with water without a cleanser. Next, you need to apply a moisturizing, soothing cream, mousse, gel with light massage movements.

As for mechanical exfoliation, the procedure is somewhat different: a peeling mixture with abrasive particles is applied to the cleansed surface of the face, neck, and décolleté, and the skin is cleansed of dead particles with massaging circular movements. Then the composition is washed off with water and the epidermis is also moistened. It is advisable to apply a nourishing mask immediately after mechanical peeling. In the same way, they clean the face with special brushes, washcloths made from natural algae: a cleanser is applied to the skin and brushes or washcloths work on top of the skin.

Hardware or physical cleanings with laser, ultrasound, ultraviolet light are carried out exclusively in salons or cosmetology clinics.

Post-peel care

After the procedure, it is important to give the skin a rest for 2-3 days from make-up and in every possible way to promote its hydration, masks and creams are used for this. But it is not advisable to use oils, because they slow down exfoliation and can reduce the effect of the procedure. Often, after chemical superficial peeling, redness and peeling of the cover are observed, in which case, in order to shorten the rehabilitation time, it is recommended to use post-peel products with a low acid content. In addition to accelerating the process of epidermal cell renewal, these products contribute to a more stable and lasting effect of the procedure.

Peeling at home

Mechanical or chemical cleaning of the face is a simple procedure that does not require special training. A variety of ready-made cosmetics for exfoliation allows you to independently maintain the skin in excellent condition. It is only important to remember the precautions and do not forget to do an allergy test.

Effect after peeling

After the end of the phase of cleansing the skin of dead cells, which often manifests itself in peeling and redness, the skin becomes noticeably younger, cleaner, toned, fresh. If you include this procedure in the complex of continuous self-care, then after a few months the improvement in the condition of the cover will become obvious.

Possible complications after peeling

Complications after superficial peeling can be caused by improper use of cosmetics, non-compliance with the rules of post-peeling care and individual intolerance to the components of the mixtures. This can be expressed in severe redness of the skin, which does not go away for several days, there may be severe itching, swelling, and increased rashes. You should not self-medicate, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

How often can peeling be done?

Soft superficial peels of any kind, depending on the condition and type of skin, can be done in a week or two throughout the year. Summer restrictions have been discussed above.

Conventional peels are done in a course, 7-14 procedures 1-2 times a year

Peeling is considered superficial if the impact of aggressive factors that cause peeling does not extend deeper than the basement membrane - the border between the epidermis and dermis.

Depending on the type of aggressive factor, surface peeling can be:

  • mechanical;
  • meso-peeling.


Chemical surface

Among all types, the most effective and affordable are the faces. For their implementation, it is enough to buy drugs. No expensive equipment is needed. And their effect is great.

Enzymatic surface

The most sparing, has the fewest contraindications, while being very effective in terms of skin renewal. Therefore, it is most often used as cosmetics for home use.

Most often, the enzymes in the product are combined with AHA acids to enhance the effect of the drug on the skin.

Name of the drug, manufacturer, compositionHow to useVolume and cost
Enzyme salicylic peeling Stop problems Russia. Contains enzymes and salicylic acid.The drug is applied to the skin for 8-15 minutes, rinse with water. Can be applied under cling film to enhance the effect of the drug. Use 1-2 times a week.100 ml.150 rub.
"I am the" - Russia. Papain, aloe extract, sea minerals, vitamins E and C.It is applied to the face in a thin layer for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with cool water. Use 1-2 times a week.60 ml.80 rub.
"Mirra" - The most natural composition without parabens. The active substance is papain.The gel is applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes and washed off with water.50 ml.339 rub.
Gigi- Contains several different enzymes at once - papain, lipase, amylase and protease, as well as citric acid, vitamin C and urea for whitening and softening the skin.It can be applied as a regular peeling on the face in a thin layer for 10-15 minutes. Can be used as a massage agent. Washes off with cool water.150 ml.2600 rub.
Janssen- As part of subtilisin - an enzyme of bacterial origin.It is used as a roll: the drug is applied to the skin for 10-15 minutes, and then, without the use of water, rolls off the surface of the skin with your hands.200 ml. 3400 rub.

Enzyme peels are also performed in the salon, but rarely as an independent procedure. Usually they are used to prepare the skin for mechanical cleaning or care procedures for deeper penetration of the active components of cosmetics into the deeper layers of the skin.

The cost in the salon is 500-2500 rubles, depending on the status of the institution and the cosmetics used.

Surface chemical with the use of acids

Currently, a large number of acids are used for its implementation, which have different penetrating abilities and have different biological effects on different cells and processes occurring in the skin.

If you arrange the acids according to the degree of their aggressive effect on the skin in ascending order, you get the following sequence:

  • dairy;
  • phytic;
  • almond;
  • glycolic;
  • pyruvic;
  • salicylic;
  • retinol acetate;
  • retinoic.

Separately, there are combined preparations for peeling, which include several acids at once in different proportions.

Photo: preparations for superficial peeling

Usually, the acids in such preparations are selected in such a way as to have a comprehensive effect on the skin:

  • exfoliating,
  • rejuvenating,
  • moisturizing,
  • bleach, etc.
Skin needs and concernsWhat acids will help
dry, dehydrated, sensitive skinmilk, phytic glucon peelings
young dense oily skin with acne in the period of exacerbationsalicylic peeling, retinol, retinoic peeling
young combination skin with acne in remissionalmond, glycolic
skin with couperoseazelaic, phytic, milky
signs of photoaging, first wrinklesglycolic, phytic, retinol, retinoic
the need to whiten the skin, even out its colormilky, phytic, azelaic, retinol, retinoic
age spots, post-acnekojic acid, lactic, phytic, azelaic in various combinations, retinoic, retinol
dark skin of the facealmond
to do peeling and immediately go out to people, go to workalmond, gluconic
mild acnealmond, retinol, retinoic
moderate to severe acnesalicylic, retinol, retinoic
age-related atonic skinretinoic, retinol, pyruvic
scarringsalicylic in increasing concentration, pyruvic, retinoic, retinol
oily seborrhea of ​​the face, folliculitissalicylic, almond, retinoic, retinol, pyruvic

If we talk about salon peels, then you need to choose a cosmetologist who is not limited to just one, and can choose a peel for his client based on the client’s skin condition and its needs, and not based on what he (the cosmetologist) can do or what he has in stock.

For example, if in a beauty parlor a client can only be offered superficial peeling with glycolic acid, and azelaic, salicylic or any other peeling will be much more effective for solving specific problems of the client, then the client will not be able to get that result for his money.

The superficial-middle chemical peel, which is applicable to skin of any type and age, is known as - retinol.

Facial peeling at home is performed using special scrubs that exfoliate, improve complexion and open skin pores. Details.

How is the procedure

Here you will be presented with a general scheme for superficial peels. Different manufacturers may have their own characteristics and differences.

Step 1. Preparing the skin.

At this stage, the skin is washed with a mild cleanser to remove decorative cosmetics and impurities from the surface of the skin. After that, skin degreasing can be carried out using special lotions, as well as preliminary application of weak acid solutions to prepare the skin for the action of more concentrated preparations.

Typically, acid preparations for peeling preparation even out the depth of the epidermis and contribute to a more uniform penetration of the peeling composition into the skin.

After degreasing, washing is usually not carried out. If a preparatory composition was applied, then its residues are washed off with water.

Step 2. Applying acid.

Acid preparations can be applied in a gentle and aggressive way, depending on the purpose of the procedure. A gentle method is to apply the drug with a brush, with quick light touches.

An aggressive method is to use a cotton pad or gauze pad to apply the peeling preparation, which is applied slowly and with pressure.

As a result, depending on the chosen method, a different amount of acid enters the skin, and, accordingly, the effect of the procedure will be different. After the required amount of time, the drug is washed off with water.

Step 3. Final.

A caring mask or cream, selected according to the type of skin, can be applied to the skin.

What else do you need to know

Video: Master class - peeling

Indications and contraindications

Usually, the list of indications for any of the peels includes the most common skin problems such as:

  • wrinkles,
  • photoaging,
  • improvement of skin tone,
  • acne,
  • acne,
  • pigmentation.

Who doesn't have any of the above? In fact, for each problem, each type of skin, at different ages, different peels will be effective.

According to the depth of penetration, there are three main types of peeling - superficial, median and deep. You can read reviews about superficial median peeling.

Superficial, medium and deep peels

Depending on the acid used, peeling can be either only superficial, or only median, or only deep. can only be superficial, trichloroacetic only medium, phenol only deep. The rest is just marketing.

How much does surface peeling cost

Photos before and after

Photos before and after peeling with salicylic acid

Photos before and after enzyme peeling

Photos before and after laser peeling

Photos before and after chemical superficial peeling

Superficial peeling is a gentle facial cleansing procedure. It is performed to the depth of the stratum corneum of the skin and does not affect the deeper layers of the epidermis. Recommended for use for problematic oily and flaky skin.

The frequency of the superficial peeling procedure for oily skin is 2 times a week, for normal skin - once, and for owners, and in the presence of vessels located close to the skin surface - 1-2 times in two weeks.

Indications and contraindications

Superficial peeling is recommended for people under the age of 40, during this period the skin aging processes are not so noticeable. The maximum effect of the procedures is achieved after 15-20 sessions: the skin becomes noticeably more elastic, the skin texture evens out, and its color improves.


  • Availability
  • Increased skin pigmentation
  • Minor cosmetic defects associated with age-related changes
  • Prevention of age-related skin changes
  • actinic dermatitis.
  • Keratosis.


  • Superficial peeling is ineffective in the presence of deep wrinkles and obvious signs of skin aging.
  • Individual intolerance to drugs used for peeling
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin
  • Acute form of herpes disease
  • It is forbidden to use superficial peeling immediately after epilation.

The main types of surface peeling

Depending on the technique used in the process of superficial peeling, there are:

  • Mechanical (microdermabrasion) this type of surface peeling allows you to solve only superficial cosmetic problems of the skin: thin the upper stratum corneum, cleanse the skin of impurities, and also activate the work of the upper cells of the epidermis. Superficial peeling (micro-resurfacing) is often used as a pre-treatment before fruit peeling or therapeutic masks.

  • Chemical (fruit acids). For the purpose of chemical superficial peeling, alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), or in other words "fruit acids", are used. In this case, lactic, glycolic, tartaric, malic and other types of acids are used. Chemical superficial peeling is suitable for people suffering from acne and with an increased level of skin pigmentation.

  • Physical (, ultrasound) superficial peeling. In this case, the skin is affected by a laser, the waves of which, penetrating under the skin, stimulate the work of epidermal cells, and also loosen the outer outer layer of the skin, which subsequently undergoes the process of exfoliation. Or ultrasound, which affects the horny and shiny layers of the epidermis. As a result, dead cells begin to peel off. With the help of physical superficial peeling, the seals under the skin are resorbed, and, as a result, the skin relief is smoothed, and dead cells are replaced by new ones.

Stages of the procedure

The surface peeling procedure is absolutely painless and does not require prior anesthesia. Superficial peeling also does not cause side effects, does not require a recovery period.

Superficial peeling can be applied on any part of the body, but it is mainly used to eliminate minor cosmetic imperfections in the neck, face, décolleté and hands. It is difficult to eliminate cosmetic defects of the skin of the body with the help of superficial peeling, since the skin of the body is thicker and less elastic.

The surface peeling procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. With mechanical peeling, preliminary preparation includes steaming the skin in order to ensure easier exfoliation of dead skin cells. Then comes the stage of directly superficial peeling, which is carried out by gradually applying special compositions (scrub, gommage, mask) to the skin. Under the influence of these drugs, the upper layer of the epidermis is loosened, which is subsequently removed using a special cosmetic wipe. After that, moisturizing and nourishing formulations are applied to the skin to prevent excessive skin exfoliation. The total duration of this type of superficial peeling is 5-10 minutes.
  2. Before chemical peeling, the patient uses a special pre-peeling cream. On the eve of the procedure, an allergy test is performed. The stages of chemical peeling begin with cleansing and degreasing the skin. For this, 70% ethyl alcohol is used. The acid is then applied to the skin. After a certain time, it is removed with a special neutralizing solution. In conclusion, a post-peeling cream is used. The procedure lasts 15 minutes.
  3. In physical superficial peeling, the skin is cleansed and treated with a laser or ultrasound along massage lines. The procedure lasts 5-10 minutes.

The total duration of surface peeling is 5-10 minutes.

After the procedure

The result after superficial peeling is immediately visible: the structure of the skin improves, the number of wrinkles decreases, the signs of pigmentation on the skin lighten, and the overall tone of the face improves.

Chemical superficial peeling is carried out in a course of 4-8 procedures with a break of 7-14 days.

The recovery period after the procedure is from 2 to 24 hours, during which a feeling of excessive tightness of the skin may appear.

Regular use of surface peeling in certain areas of the body serves as a preventive measure to slow down the aging process of the skin and reduce the number of external cosmetic defects (skin roughness).

Combination with other types of procedures

Superficial peeling is often used as a preparatory stage before various anti-aging procedures.

The combination of superficial peeling with laser skin treatment allows you to achieve lasting rejuvenation results.

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All women want to look attractive. This is possible only with clean matte skin, on which there are no blackheads and blackheads. But due to various factors, its tone is lost. Beauticians have developed many facial enhancement procedures. One of them is surface peeling. This procedure has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, as described in the article.


Surface peeling is of several types, each of which has its own characteristics. The main ones include:

  1. Mechanical, which includes vacuum procedures.
  2. Physical, performed only in beauty salons.
  3. Chemical.

The last option is:

  1. Enzymatic, in which the effect on the skin of natural substances.
  2. Acidic. The epidermis is treated with acidic agents.
  3. Combined. In this case, different cleaning methods are used.

Before performing any procedure, you need to consult a specialist. After all, not everyone is suitable for such cleaning.

Mechanism of action

Surface peeling of the face is called the impact on the skin by abrasive, physical, chemical means. As a result of this exposure, the keratinized cells of the epidermis exfoliate and fall off. Therefore, the underlying layers of cells get more nutrition and oxygen, which activates them and leads to division. This process is called regeneration - the restoration of epidermal cells.

Among the advantages are the following points:

  1. The procedure affects only the layers above the basal layer of the skin. Therefore, the deeply located membrane of the dermis is not damaged, its structural bonds are not broken. This procedure can be performed frequently, on average - 1 time in 10 days.
  2. Alternating peels are used. For example, enzyme and acid are carried out alternately, which allows you to rejuvenate the skin. At the same time, there is no metabolic disturbance in the epidermis and the depletion of its regenerative capabilities.
  3. Superficial peeling is carried out throughout the year, even in the spring and summer. To eliminate the risk of pigmentation, sunscreens are used.
  4. Compared to more serious procedures. When trauma occurs to the upper and deep layers of the dermis, superficial cleaning has a small price, even if it is performed in the salon. Mechanical peeling costs from 2800 rubles, ultrasonic - from 2200 rubles, and chemical - from 3400 rubles.
  5. The procedure is performed not only in the salon, but also at home.


Superficial peeling is performed with the following symptoms:

  1. Skin aging.
  2. Uneven pigmentation.
  3. Peeling.
  4. Pimples and blackheads.
  5. Loss of elasticity.
  6. The presence of scars.
  7. High production of sebum.
  8. Clogged pores.

Procedures are also performed at home, but the best effect is expected from a salon event. Experts perform peeling according to all the rules, so you should not worry about the result.


Surface peeling of the face can not be performed with:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation.
  2. The presence of tan residues.
  3. Diseases of the heart, blood vessels.
  4. Oncology.
  5. Scratches, wounds, ulcers.
  6. Elevated temperature, fever.
  7. Herpes, warts.
  8. Allergies.
  9. Pathologies of the nervous system.
  10. diabetes mellitus.
  11. Chronic pathologies during exacerbation.

So that after the event there is no irritation, it is advisable to entrust the selection of funds to a beautician. He will choose the right cosmetics that will not harm the skin.

How is it done?

Superficial peeling is performed in the following steps:

  1. Preparation. The skin must be well cleaned: it is washed using a mildly acting gel or other means. Then they are degreased with special preparations. Additionally, at the discretion of the beautician, the skin is treated with products that open pores and prepare the surface for deep cleansing.
  2. Main stage. It is necessary to apply an acid preparation to the skin, using the rules of the instructions. This is done with your hands, a cotton pad or a special brush. Manipulations should be carried out slowly.
  3. The effect of the acid is then neutralized. This is carried out by a special neutralizer, which is applied to the skin with massage movements. Then it is washed off with warm water.
  4. To protect against complications, the skin is treated with a nourishing mask or other remedy that the beautician will advise.

Superficial peeling is only useful if it is performed regularly. One event will not be enough. The number of procedures depends on the type of skin, sensitivity, cleanability. Whether the problem is mild or severe is important. For the treatment of acne and blackheads, it is recommended to perform 10 treatments. And for rejuvenation, 7 is enough.

preparatory care

The benefits of a superficial chemical peel will only come about if proper pre- and post-treatment care is performed. There is a basic list of actions to prepare for this event:

  1. A few days before peeling, the face should be lubricated with a weak acid solution to protect against burns and prepare the skin.
  2. Sometimes anti-tanning creams are used.
  3. Often, experts recommend using cosmetic products with salicylic acid.

With improper preparation or lack thereof, a burn may occur. Negative consequences include roughness of the skin or, conversely, severe vulnerability.

Care after the procedure

According to reviews, superficial peeling should be performed only in compliance with the recommendations of cosmetologists. After the procedure, you need to perform the following care:

  1. Avoid sun exposure, use sunscreen.
  2. The use of moisturizers and creams that nourish the skin with vitamins.
  3. Do not eliminate the crusts that appear after peeling. This can result in small scars. A positive effect is noticeable after 1 procedure, and even better results are visible after 2 weeks.

Thanks to proper care, the face after superficial peeling will take on a neat appearance. It is necessary to perform this type of procedure regularly, because only then a positive result is expected.


After superficial peeling, the skin of the face acquires a renewed look. The results include the following positive points:

  1. Elimination of oily sheen.
  2. Improvement in complexion.
  3. Treatment of acne, blackheads.
  4. Skin rejuvenation.
  5. Narrowing of pores.
  6. Starting metabolic processes in the skin.

The procedures allow to eliminate dermatological problems of adults and adolescents. Peeling eliminates imperfections that have appeared for various reasons. But it should be borne in mind that if the rash appeared due to malfunctions inside the body, problems will be noticeable again and again until the main cause is eliminated. The effect persists for at least 4 months. But it usually lasts 6 months.

Possible risks

In order for the surface peeling procedure to bring only positive results, some risks must be taken into account:

  1. You should not perform the procedure during an exacerbation of acne, as this may worsen the condition of the epidermis.
  2. When cleaning in the spring and summer, you need to use sunscreen.
  3. During mechanical superficial peeling with abrasive components, do not apply force and rub them into the skin, as this can lead to injury. Because of this, irritation is likely to occur, which will require treatment.
  4. If an unfamiliar agent is to be used, a skin test should be performed.

At home

At home, peeling can be done thanks to affordable products that are sold in pharmacies. Although this does not require the presence of a beautician, there are still some tips to consider before performing this cleaning. Usually superficial peeling is performed with lactic acid or fruit acids - strawberry, malic, citric.

When it is required to eliminate dead cells and pigmentation, glycolic acid or median peeling should be used. In order not to confuse anything and not harm the skin, the finished product must be bought at a pharmacy. Only use it after reading the instructions. You should pay attention to the composition, as there may be some components that cause individual intolerance.

Before use, the safety of the drug should be checked. This is done as follows: a little product is applied to the skin, which is especially sensitive - the elbow or the area behind the ear. Leave it on for 5-10 minutes. If redness appears, do not perform procedures. If no unpleasant moments followed, then the remedy is perfect.

Compared to salon peels, superficial peels performed at home, due to the low concentration of acids, are considered a safe and easy way to cleanse the skin. For oily epidermis, it is advised to do the treatment every week. If the skin is dry and sensitive, then peeling is carried out every month.

A few minutes after applying the product, there will be some tingling. This is due to the effect of the acid. The duration of the procedure is usually indicated in the instructions, it is better not to violate it, since burns and other negative consequences are likely to occur. After the end of the procedure, the product is removed from the skin of the face, washing off with warm water. The first 10-20 minutes after treatment, there may be some redness of the skin. For home peeling, a product is prepared based on coffee grounds or ground natural coffee, sea salt and oils.

Complications and disadvantages

People who perform a superficial chemical facial peel need not worry about complications. Slight redness is often observed, but this disappears after a few hours.

This procedure has no noticeable disadvantages. It does not lead to such pronounced results as with deep types of peeling. But this disadvantage is covered by such advantages as a short rehabilitation period, a minimum of contraindications and side effects. But still, there are some nuances that you should pay attention to before performing superficial facial peeling. Reviews of cosmetologists indicate that:

  1. After 40 years, this procedure may be ineffective, the skin needs radical measures.
  2. If there are minor dermatological problems, many procedures will be required, which will cost a lot.
  3. If the skin is sensitive, then the active substances can penetrate deeply into it, so the recovery can last up to 10 days.

There are gentle peeling options performed at home, but they have the effect of a nourishing mask. But there will be no noticeable changes after them. If peeling is found, then you should not worry. This phenomenon is considered a normal reaction.

There are many compositions for home peeling on sale. Cosmetologists advise to first consult with specialists before using any cosmetics. If such procedures are performed with caution, a positive effect is expected.

Chemical peel (chemoexfoliation) - removal of the surface layers of the skin with the help of various chemicals to accelerate its regeneration and subsequent rejuvenation. To solve this problem, agents are used that can dissolve and exfoliate epidermal cells - acids, alkalis, enzymes, retinoids. The choice of a particular compound depends on the severity of skin changes that need to be corrected, its color, fat content and other conditions, but the main criterion is the depth of the effect. Compared to other types of peeling (mechanical and physical), chemical peeling is the most studied and predictable in terms of results. In addition, it is relatively simple to perform, economical and fairly easily tolerated by patients.

Indications for the procedure and its effectiveness

The effect of any kind of peeling is based on its ability to inflict strictly dosed superficial damage to the skin, to which it reacts by activating protective and restorative forces. At the molecular level, this is manifested by increased synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, stimulation of cell division, mobilization of immune processes, acceleration of blood and lymph flow. The external changes that follow these processes are skin cleansing, increasing its luster, normalizing color (whitening), increasing turgor, reducing the number of superficial wrinkles and small scars (relief leveling). Chemical peeling is most often performed on the face, secondarily in the area of ​​the neck, décolleté, hands, somewhat less frequently on the abdomen, back, buttocks. If there are no contraindications, the procedure can be performed at almost any age.

The main indications for chemical peeling are as follows:

  • The presence of superficial wrinkles caused by biological (age) or photoaging.
  • Skin pigmentation disorders, including hormonal and age-related.
  • Some types of acne.
  • Consequences of acne treatment (post-acne).
  • Superficial scars and striae.
  • Lethargy and dryness of the skin.
  • Hyperkeratosis (excessive thickening of the stratum corneum).
  • Seborrheic and actinic keratomas.
  • Xeroderma, ichthyosis.
  • Excessive pore size.
  • Preparation for cosmetic procedures or plastic surgery.
  • Mimic wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, deep scars and folds (in case of deep peeling).

Chemical skin peeling, like its other types, has limited capabilities - it is not able to correct significant skin sagging and deep scars and wrinkles (with the exception of its deep varieties). In such cases, other types of lifting are required - or the introduction of fillers.

Chemical peeling has a gradation according to the depth of exposure (superficial, medium and deep); for each type of procedure, the corresponding groups of substances are used. The technology of the method in all cases is approximately the same: applying the appropriate mixture to the prepared (cleaned and degreased skin of the required area of ​​the face or body). After the reaction time has elapsed (it can be from 15 to 60 minutes), the reagent is removed. If necessary, painkillers, sedatives (soothing) and moisturizing agents, as well as the application of a special protective film (for deep peeling) can be applied.


Contraindications for chemical peeling are:

  • Freshly acquired tan.
  • Dermatological problems in the acute stage (dermatitis, fungal infections, eczema, psoriasis).
  • Oncopathology.
  • Severe internal diseases.
  • General and skin infections of any nature.
  • Active phase of herpetic lesions.
  • Unhealed damage in the area of ​​​​the proposed treatment (cuts, abrasions, burns).
  • IV - VI Fitzpatrick skin phototypes (from swarthy to very dark).
  • Recently transferred (up to 2 months ago) traumatic procedures (laser resurfacing, mesotherapy, deep cleaning).
  • Tendency to poor wound healing.
  • Individual intolerance to the substances that make up the peeling mixture.
  • Severe manifestations of rosacea (areas with dilated capillaries).
  • Taking certain medications (antibiotics, hormones, immunosuppressants, hypoglycemic drugs, undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy, etc.).
  • Mental illness.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.

Some contraindications are relative. For example, enzyme peeling is allowed during pregnancy, azelaic - with rosacea; in each case, the final decision is made by the cosmetologist. Relative contraindications are also considered to be under 18 and over 60 years of age, menstruation, increased skin sensitivity, the presence of multiple nevi and hypertrichosis.

Superficial chemical peel

With this type of procedure, affecting only the stratum corneum of the epidermis, alpha hydroxy acids (Alpha Hydroxy Acid, AHA) are mainly used. These are substances of natural origin that have a so-called plasticizing effect - they weaken the mutual bonds in the molecular chains of keratin, but at the same time practically do not change the level of moisture in the tissue. Their source is fruits, sugar cane and milk. The AHA's list is quite extensive; most commonly used are lactic, glycolic, salicylic, citric, malic, grape, pyruvic and phenylglycolic (mandelic) acids. In addition, retinoids (vitamin A derivatives), weak solutions of trichloroacetic acid (up to 15%) and alkalis can be used for superficial peeling.

Superficial chemical peeling has a minimal effect on the skin, therefore it is a gentle and practically safe procedure. Its main purpose:

  • thorough cleansing and hydration of the skin;
  • reducing the visibility of superficial wrinkles, scars and stretch marks;
  • elimination of pigment disorders;
  • relief alignment;
  • correction of various types of acne;
  • therapy for disorders of fat metabolism (seborrhea);
  • preparation for deeper manipulations (etc.).

Despite the “ease” of the procedure, a pre-peeling examination is mandatory - to determine the type of skin, its features, identify existing problems and select the optimal composition for their correction. In addition to the actual peeling, there is always a preliminary preparation of the skin (mainly cleaning and deep moisturizing). After the end of the manipulation, softening, hydrating and antibacterial agents are prescribed to prevent complications and speed up recovery. The general rule is to protect against ultraviolet radiation, which can cause persistent flushing and hyperpigmentation.

Superficial chemical peel procedures:

Medium chemical peel

The action of median chemical peeling affects the epidermis in its entire thickness up to the basement membrane; in some cases, the upper layers of the dermis are also involved. Compared to the superficial version of the procedure, this is a more aggressive effect, requiring compliance with the home regime for the period of active exfoliation of the surface layers of the skin and the disappearance of hyperemia (up to 14 days).

With median peeling, by removing the epidermal layer, the relative number of living cells increases, the skin receives a powerful regenerative stimulus. Problems solved by the procedure:

  • small and medium wrinkles;
  • scars after treatment of acne and striae;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • decreased skin elasticity;
  • gloss loss;
  • acne
  • fat balance disorders;
  • relief unevenness.

The main chemical agents used in median peeling are trichloroacetic acid (Trichloroacetic acid, TCA) at a dilution of up to 35%, salicylic acid at high concentrations (30%) and a three-component mixture of Jessner (lactic and salicylic acids in combination with resorcinol).

It is desirable to carry out median peelings in the autumn-winter period to avoid complications associated with exposure to solar radiation (the occurrence of hyperpigmentation). The main impact area is the face, as well as the décolleté, neck, and hands.

Medium chemical peel procedures:

Deep chemical peel

With deep chemical peeling, in addition to the entire thickness of the epidermis, the basement membrane and the papillary layer of the dermis are involved in the process. This is a serious dermatosurgical procedure that is performed exclusively in a hospital by a qualified specialist, usually under anesthesia. Beforehand, a comprehensive examination of the patient is always performed in order to identify contraindications and decide on the admissibility of exposure. Deep peeling techniques have the greatest number of contraindications, they are relatively often accompanied by complications. The application area of ​​the procedure is limited to the face, since scars form on all other areas of the body after manipulation. The rehabilitation period can last up to 1 year (after phenol peeling).

Deep chemical peeling allows you to correct serious cosmetic defects:

  • deep wrinkles and folds;
  • large and rough scars;
  • significant striae;
  • severe hyperpigmentation;
  • skin laxity;
  • severe acne and demodicosis.

The effect after the performed peeling is persistent (lasts up to 10 years with a single procedure).

The main preparations used for manipulations are phenol in high concentrations (more than 35%) and croton oil.

Deep chemical peel procedures:

Possible Complications

Complications encountered during a chemical peel procedure can be divided into expected and unexpected. The former are considered to be complications conditionally, since they occur in most patients, go away on their own, and in fact are features of the post-peeling process. The second category is due to violations of the peeling protocol, errors in preparation and subsequent processing.

Expected Complications

  • Erythema. It is a reddening of the treated area of ​​​​the skin, goes away on its own after a few days.
  • Puffiness. Part of the inflammatory response of the skin due to increased capillary permeability. Keeps for several days.
  • Peeling. It can be small- and large-lamellar, usually passes on its own, the process is accelerated with deep moistening.
  • Skin hypersensitivity in some cases, it can last up to 1 year.
  • Darkening usually goes away with the cessation of peeling.

Unexpected Complications

  • Allergic reactions are possible in patients with increased reactivity of the immune system, to prevent them it is necessary to perform a skin test with a small amount of peeling mixture.
  • Infectious complications occur when asepsis rules are violated and require the use of antibacterial agents.
  • Activation of a latent herpetic infection - to avoid it, preventive antiviral therapy is carried out.

Other possible complications are often pigmentation disorders, scarring and exacerbation of acne and seborrhea.

Contents: Features of crotonic acid Indications Contraindications Preliminary preparation Peeling procedure Post-peel care Complications Croton peeling is a method of deep exfoliation of the epidermis using croton tree oil. In terms of the level of changes caused and the results obtained, the procedure is comparable to phenol peeling, however, crotonic acid ...

Jessner peeling is a procedure for chemical exfoliation of the epidermis, which can be superficial, medium or deep, depending on the number of applications of a special reagent. With a single application of the mixture, only the stratum corneum of the epidermis is affected, with large amounts of treatment - the entire thickness up to the basal ...

Retinoic peeling (also retinol, or yellow peeling) is a superficial procedure using retinoids - synthetic analogs of vitamin A. In terms of effect, these substances are comparable to fruit acids, but they have an additional ability - the effect on division and differentiation (specialization and maturation) of cells ....