Peelings in a beauty salon. How to do it: stages of exfoliation. Gas-liquid facial peeling

Facial peeling in the salon takes up to half an hour, but the result will certainly not leave every client indifferent. Refreshed, tightened skin without flaws is only a small part of the positive changes after the procedure. Timely and high-quality cleansing of the skin from dead cells and dirt particles deeply embedded in the pores can prolong the youth of your face.

Benefits of a salon procedure

Youth is fleeting and many women don’t even have time to look around as problematic wrinkles cover their face at an accelerated pace after 25 years. In addition, a feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin, an unpleasant oily sheen and clogged pores, which provoke a surge in inflammatory processes on the face - these shortcomings are difficult to eliminate on your own at home using only natural masks. In this case, professional cosmetology offers its own solutions to these problems in the form of peelings.

Peeling in a beauty salon is selected and performed by specialists. This takes into account the structure of the epidermis, the type and age category of the client. The chosen cleansing technique should in no case contradict contraindications for the procedure, so as not to harm the patient.

Do not think that peeling in a beauty salon will relieve you of the problem for a long time. In addition to professional treatment of the skin, it is necessary to ensure proper daily facial care, including regularly using light and natural scrubs at home, and buying high-quality cosmetics.

Benefits of salon cleansing

Salon peelings are not a whim of clients, but a guaranteed way to improve the condition of the skin. Only a specialist can correctly analyze the problem and quickly find a solution.

Significant advantages of professional cleansing include:

  • minimal risk of post-peeling complications, because the procedure technology and procedure are strictly followed;
  • maximum effect from the procedure, thanks to the choice of a technique ideal for your skin type and problem. Only an experienced specialist can correctly determine the required technique, depth of impact, frequency and number of cleansing procedures;
  • sterile cleaning conditions, first-class, innovative peeling products and a full set of necessary tools - these requirements are difficult to comply with at home;
  • the cosmetologist follows new products on the cosmetic market, attends seminars, improves his professionalism, so definitely after peeling in the salon, the effect will be much higher, and the harmful effects will be minimized;
  • Medium peelings and deep cleansing are dangerous to carry out at home, this can negatively affect your health, bring disfigurement to your face and only worsen the problem;
  • Expensive, innovative products are used for cleaning, which would be expensive and extremely difficult to purchase on your own due to the high risk of counterfeiting.

Indications for peeling in the salon

The main prerequisites for performing facial peeling in a salon are the presence of visible skin problems.

Let us indicate the indications for visiting a cosmetology salon:

  • the appearance of the first wrinkles;
  • decreased tissue tone and elasticity;
  • dull, unhealthy skin tone;
  • hyperpigmentation on the face;
  • acne marks;
  • comedones, blackheads;
  • problematic skin, frequent rashes, irritability of the skin.

Peeling in the salon is performed before plastic surgery or as preparation for complex cosmetic procedures for skin rejuvenation. In this case, the further procedure is easier to tolerate and guarantees a better result.

If you notice a deterioration in the condition of the skin, the appearance of visible imperfections on the face, do not hesitate to contact a cosmetologist. Timely professional help is the way to easily and quickly eliminate the defect.

Chemical peels in the salon

The most common and popular option for effective cleansing and improving the quality of facial skin is chemical peels (exfoliation). To carry them out, acidic compounds are used, through which an extensive burn of the skin is performed. The body tries to heal damaged fibers as quickly as possible and replace them with new ones, thereby activating the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers. After the epidermis is renewed, skin problems partially or completely disappear.

Exfoliation with acids differs significantly from other cleansing methods; they are characterized by severe peeling and a red face, which can persist until the integrity of the integument is completely restored.

Peeling products contain various acids (lactic, glycolic, trichloroacetic, acetic and others) and even phenol, which is hazardous to health. The depth of exposure is regulated by exposure time and the concentration of acid in the composition. The higher the concentration, the deeper the acid penetrates and the greater the tissue damage; post-peeling phenomena are more pronounced, but in the end the result is higher.

Please note that chemical peels do not end in a beauty salon. It is equally important to ensure proper care of the skin after exfoliation. Hypoallergenic cosmetics, the most gentle products with enhanced wound-healing properties and intense hydration are the main aspects of post-skin facial care.

Chemical peeling for the face in the salon involves the following procedure:

  1. The surface is first cleaned of dust and makeup residues using a mild cleanser.
  2. The next stage of exfoliation is degreasing the integument. For this purpose, special preparations with the addition of alcohol are used.
  3. Direct peeling. The acidic product is applied with a special brush and cotton swabs evenly and quickly, the result of cleansing depends on this.
  4. Neutralization of the acidic effect and removal of particles of the product used.
  5. The final stage of acid skin cleansing is nourishing and moisturizing damaged skin. Natural masks and creams will help with this.

Acid exposure is a big stress for the skin. To smooth it out and prepare the skin for exfoliation, it is important to follow the recommendations of a specialist.

When choosing a composition, the cosmetologist relies on the client’s skin type and problem. For example, the ideal peeling for problem skin is milk or glycolic, and fruit acids will help cope with increased oiliness and enlarged pores.

Plan peelings for late autumn or winter. During this period, the risk of post-piling pigmentation is minimal.

Post-peeling care

Skin care after peeling is the second part on the path to perfect skin. Do not try to shorten the recovery time by using thermal procedures, tearing off crusts and peeling.

After peeling, try to adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not wash your face on the first day, with the exception of yellow (retinoic) peeling.
  • Do not drink alcohol, reduce your intake of fatty and spicy foods.
  • Forget for a while about saunas, steam baths, solariums and active sports. Any overexertion or stress causes increased sweating and poses a risk of infection of damaged tissues.
  • Carefully study the cosmetologist's recommendations.
  • Buy cosmetics made from natural ingredients, without fragrances, aggressive chemical components, abrasive particles, or acids in the composition.
  • Ultraviolet radiation promotes skin hyperpigmentation, so use sunscreen cosmetics for 2–3 months.

Peeling done in a beauty salon complements high-quality and competent care. After cleaning, the cosmetologist will definitely advise you on the rules of facial care and schedule the next session.

Be prepared that it is better to carry out peeling in the salon in courses. Then the effect will be more pronounced and last longer.


Patients cannot undergo peeling in a beauty salon in the following situations:

  • for oncology and any neoplasms in the treated area;
  • during exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • with weakened immunity, fever;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • there is a tendency to scarring of the skin;
  • for injuries on the face, wounds, abrasions and ulcers;
  • for complex dermatological diseases;
  • immediately after sunbathing.

These are the main contraindications for salon peeling, but please note that this list can be expanded taking into account the specifics of the procedure and the depth of impact. Don't be alarmed if your doctor insists on a preliminary medical examination. This is done for your own safety.

Peeling is a painstaking and responsible procedure. Do not risk the health and beauty of your face - contact a professional. Plunge into the world of perfect skin with salon peelings.

To preserve youth and beauty for a long time, women resort to a variety of cosmetic procedures. Facial skin peeling is cleaning the skin using chemical or rough physical substances. The process benefits the body, helps preserve beauty, and fight premature aging. However, before the session begins, you should find out the specifics of cleaning, methods and contraindications.

What is peeling

This procedure is a cleansing of dry, keratinized cells of the epidermis. After peeling, the face becomes fresher and smoother. Cleaning helps get rid of acne, age spots, freckles, and narrow pores. With the help of regular procedures, it is possible to improve the texture of the dermis and smooth out fine wrinkles. Physical or chemical peeling for the face at home gives a milder effect than salon procedures due to the low content of active ingredients. This significantly reduces the risk of injury and scratches.

What is it for?

Renewing the epidermis by removing dead skin cells is of great importance. The body is not always able to get rid of them on its own, which leads to the formation of wrinkles and other problems. If you do not use different cleaning methods, the pores become clogged, inflammation occurs, and blood circulation and metabolism are disrupted. The procedure is useful for women who want to make wrinkles less noticeable, refresh their appearance, and even out their appearance.

After cleaning, the self-rejuvenation process begins. The dermis is renewed and begins to secrete substances that help smooth out wrinkles. The result of this cleansing:

  • improved color;
  • deep hydration;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • relief leveling;
  • lift.


Before cleaning your face in a salon or at home, you should consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist. Contraindications to cleaning are:

  • progressive rash;
  • thin and sensitive skin;
  • scratches, ulcers;
  • herpes and inflammation;
  • skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis);
  • individual intolerance to the components of the product;
  • neoplasms;
  • CNS disorders;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Types of peeling

There are a huge number of cosmetic cleaning methods. The procedures differ in how they affect the epidermis and the degree of removal of contaminants. The following types are found:

  1. Superficial (physical, mechanical, ultrasonic, biological). This option is especially relevant for people with acne and enlarged pores. The method does not provide effective correction of age-related defects. Cleansing is used to get rid of impurities and helps to intensively moisturize the skin.
  2. Middle (laser). This type is used as a way to correct pronounced age-related changes, for example, with overhanging folds, deep wrinkles, and stretch marks on the body. In addition, this procedure is prescribed before plastic surgery.
  3. Deep (chemical). This procedure is the most aggressive and is sometimes performed under anesthesia. However, the effect of such cleaning will not be long in coming. The session helps to get rid of pigmentation on the face, create powerful lifting, and eliminate deep wrinkles. However, this type can lead to serious complications, so it is used after consultation with a specialist.


You should choose a cleaning method based on the effect you want to achieve. Depending on the specific method, cleaning is carried out using special equipment, exposure to cosmetics, or rough superficial exfoliation of the dermis. Beauty salons offer a whole list of different cleaning options, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.


The principle of this type is to loosen the epidermis with special brushes. Before the session, be sure to cleanse and steam your face. Peeling using brossage technology resembles a massage and is very useful. Cleaning helps eliminate dead epidermal cells, improve blood circulation, and activate metabolism. This procedure can be carried out in a salon or at home on your own, but it is important to follow the directions of movement of the brushes so as not to harm yourself.


This type is available only in beauty salons. The main advantage of the method is that it is absolutely painless. A special device affects the face, helps restore and even out the skin without causing burns or injuries. As a result, you get excellent metabolism in the epidermal cells, accelerated protein synthesis, and long-lasting beauty.


This type of cleaning requires a special apparatus. It is worth noting that the procedure is painless, does not injure the dermis, and gives a good result. During peeling, the device creates a vacuum effect, the pores open and impurities along with dead cells are removed using the principle of a vacuum cleaner. This cleansing helps reduce the number of acne and comedones, evens out, improves tone, and improves color.

This type of cleaning is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. Microdermabrasion is a whole course of cosmetic procedures. It is important to consider that this method injures the skin. Peeling is carried out according to the grinding principle. Small particles of aluminum are thrown onto the skin, with the help of which the upper layers of the skin are renewed, wrinkles are smoothed out, and defects are eliminated. After the first sessions of microdermabrasion, consequences in the form of redness and irritation are possible.


This type of cleaning is one of the most effective. The advantage of this method is that it can be used to deeply cleanse and renew epidermal cells without harming the skin. Laser peeling helps fight many imperfections, such as pigmentation, age-related changes, and post-acne. Another advantage of this method is that it allows you to cleanse the skin around the eyes, which is not possible with other types. However, after the session, it takes several weeks for the skin to recover.

Not many people will like this type of facial cleansing. The fact is that during the procedure the skin is exposed to low temperatures, after which it becomes very red. In fact, the session causes a burn, which provokes the regeneration of epidermal cells. Due to intensive blood circulation, collagen begins to be produced in the skin, the color and texture of the face improves. A safe alternative to such cleaning is to rub the skin with a piece of ice at home.


This method is not as popular as others, but is very effective. Enzyme cleaning is carried out in several stages. The face is first cleaned, steamed, after which a special composition of natural enzymes can be applied. The period of exposure of the product to the skin lasts 10-30 minutes, after which it is washed off. After cleaning, it is recommended to apply a nourishing mask to problem areas. As a result of this procedure, the facial skin is deeply cleansed and the cells are regenerated.


The presented method consists of applying special products to the face that will last for a certain time. Active substances penetrate deeply into the skin, destroy dead cells, and start the renewal process. After the session, the face becomes noticeably fresher and younger. Chemical peeling is carried out using special creams or acids. It is important to first consult with a cosmetologist, because the session can cause serious burns.


This method is the most popular. Cleaning is carried out using special products containing small exfoliating particles. These can be natural ingredients: ground apricot kernels, nut shells, clay, sand, algae, etc. It is worth noting that such cleaning is rough, so you should not carry out sessions often. The skin must first be cleaned and steamed. Do not rub your face too intensely to avoid damage and scratches.

How to do peeling at home

It is recommended to cleanse your face at home in the evening. Overnight, the skin will have time to recover and rest. The session will require a previously prepared product. For example, you can use a pharmaceutical solution of calcium chloride 5%, clay, natural ground coffee, etc. Beforehand, the face must be cleansed of makeup, dirt and dust using a cleansing foam or toner.

Cleansing for oily or normal skin can be done daily using a gammage or scrub. Chemical compounds can only be used by women over 30 years of age due to their strong effect on the dermis, no more than once a week. After cleansing, the skin becomes vulnerable to negative external factors (wind, ultraviolet radiation). In this regard, it is important to ensure complete hydration and facial care.

Peeling recipes

There are many ways to cleanse your face at home. One of the most effective is the following recipe:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream.
  2. Add 1 tsp. salt and soda.
  3. Apply the resulting mixture (along massage lines, in a circular motion).
  4. Wash off the product with warm water.

Oatmeal peeling is an equally effective, harmless and useful procedure. To carry it out you need:

  1. Grind rolled oats in a coffee grinder.
  2. Prepare your face.
  3. Take a handful of ground oatmeal.
  4. Add some water. Wait 10 minutes for the mixture to swell.
  5. Apply to face.
  6. Massage for about 10 minutes.

For dry and normal skin, the following recipe is suitable:

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of ground almonds.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of buckwheat flour, 10 ml of cream and 5 drops of tea tree essential oil.
  3. Mix the components.
  4. Apply to the prepared face with massaging movements. Wash off with warm water.

If you have oily skin, try the following home cleaning method:

  1. Mix egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of crushed eggshells.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream.
  3. Apply the composition on with circular massaging movements.
  4. Rinse off with warm water after 10-15 minutes.

How to care for your skin after cleansing at home

Following certain care rules will help maintain the effect after the session. It is important to provide intensive moisture after rough sanding. Peeling increases the sensitivity of the dermis, so it needs nutrients and moisture. In addition, the following rules should be observed:

  1. After cleansing, you need to use quickly absorbing foams and tonics for several days.
  2. 5 days after the session you should start using restorative creams.
  3. Cleaning with rough means injures the dermis, so you should not touch your face often to avoid infection.
  4. For the first 7 days after deep cleaning, it is recommended to protect yourself from sun rays with spf cream and limit visits to the sauna or bathhouse.


How much a facial peeling from a cosmetologist costs depends on which salon you go to, the type of procedure, and the medications used. Approximate data is presented in the table below:

Cost in Moscow showrooms

Cosmetic (massage, scrubs)

Up to 1000 rubles



Peeling is a widely known means of skin rejuvenation and renewal. The condition of the skin improves by exfoliating the upper layers of the epidermis and stimulating cell regeneration. The “Chemical peeling” procedure in a beauty salon is in great demand among clients of different ages.

What is a chemical peel?

The name of this procedure comes from the verb “to peel”, which means “to cleanse”. This is the principle that underlies the “Chemical Facial Peeling” procedure. Dead cells are removed under the influence of acid, which makes the surface of the skin smooth, elastic, radiant, that is, healthy and beautiful.

Organic acids are used for the procedure. Compared to mechanical exfoliation, this is a more gentle procedure, since the integrity of the skin is not damaged under the influence of acids. After a chemical peel, dead cells give way to new ones.

Beauty salons offer chemical peeling for the face, body, and hands. Typically, clients are advised to undergo 4 to 6 sessions spaced two weeks apart. The final result, noticeable 8-10 days later, lasts up to six months. After 6-12 months, sessions are repeated. To demonstrate the effect of the Chemical Peeling procedure, photos are posted on social networks or on relevant resources.

When opening your beauty salon, take care to equip it

Why is it better to do chemical peeling in a beauty salon rather than at home?

To achieve the best results, contact a good specialist. Diagnostics, determination of skin type, competent selection of peeling - these wisdom are understandable only to a professional. Unfortunately, an amateur can harm both himself and the client.

The cosmetologist will choose the appropriate acids, draw up the proportions, and ensure the safety of the intervention. So, chemical peeling in a salon is about taking care of yourself, because the risks of service in a decent establishment are minimal.

In addition, professionals always use only high-quality products when performing the “Chemical Skin Peeling” procedure. The specialist will not only put your face and body in order, but will also advise how to care for your skin after peeling.

What are the different types of chemical peels?

Superficial peeling allows you to remove the top layers of skin. This is the most gentle chemical peel for in-salon treatments. After the procedure, clients lead a normal lifestyle. This peeling option is suitable for young people with acne. Additional sessions will help consolidate the results.

Medium peeling- chemical peeling with acids, during which the epidermis is affected down to the basement membrane. After the intervention is completed, exfoliation of small and large skin particles continues for some time, and recovery occurs within 14 days. All this time the client is at home. The method is effective for eliminating age-related changes and solving serious dermatological problems. The result lasts for about a year.

Deep chemical peeling- a procedure associated with exposure to the basement membrane. The effect is achieved due to the regeneration of the epidermis. The method allows you to remove deep wrinkles and scars. Rehabilitation lasts 5 months, the results remain noticeable for several years.

What do clients get after a chemical peel?

The procedure will help eliminate almost any skin imperfections. Even if only a superficial chemical peel was performed, clients notice the following effects:

  • the skin looks noticeably better as it becomes softer and smoother;
  • acne, scars, age spots disappear;
  • the acid-base balance of the skin is normalized, the sebaceous glands work more intensively;
  • Deep chemical peeling promotes collagen production. the substance increases firmness and elasticity of the skin, smoothes wrinkles;
  • Clients' mood improves and their self-esteem increases.

Indications and contraindications for chemical peeling

Indications for chemical peeling

1. Acne, comedones. The skin becomes clearer after a chemical peel.

2. Hyperpigmentation.

3. Low tone, sagging skin.

4. Skin changes caused by the aging process.

5. Excessive ultraviolet irradiation of the skin, photoaging.

6. Scars and ingrown hairs. Medium chemical peeling is used to remove them.

7. Oily skin, enlarged pores.

8. Thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin.

9. Dull skin.

10. Preparation for longer procedures.

Indications for chemical peeling by age

It is contraindicated for boys and girls under 14 years of age, and upon reaching this age, the procedure is performed only if there are medical indications.

People from 25 to 30 years old suffering from acne, post-acne, hyperpigmentation, photoaging.

Clients over 35 years of age are offered salicylic chemical peels and other types of peels to combat skin blemishes or prepare for upcoming cosmetic surgery.

Contraindications for chemical peeling

1. The period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.


3. Pregnancy, breastfeeding.

4. Hypertrophic and keloid scars, high probability of their occurrence.

5. Radiotherapy or preparation for it.

6. Darkening of the skin from tanning.

7. Facial cleansing, mesotherapy, laser facial treatment and other similar procedures performed in the last 2 months.

8. Mental illnesses.

9. Intolerance to components, for example, hydroxyacetic acid, if it is a chemical glycolic peel.

10. Taking immunosuppressants, retinoids, photosensitizing drugs.

11. Cuperosis.

12. Oncology.

13. Skin phototypes according to Fitzpatrick IV, VI.

14. Exacerbation of dermatological diseases: eczema, psoriasis, etc.

15. Injured skin, violation of the integrity of the integument.

17. High blood pressure.

18. Diabetes mellitus.

Relative contraindications for chemical peeling

1. Many moles (nevi) on the body.

2. Excessive hair growth on the part of the body that is being peeled.

3. Skin sensitivity.

4. Age before adulthood.

5. Menstruation period.

How is chemical peeling done? Stages of the procedure

1. 1-2 weeks before the procedure, pre-peel preparation is carried out, which consists of applying preparations containing a small amount of acids to the skin. This is done so that the skin adapts to the effects of acid.

2. The specialist applies acid to the skin in order to obtain the desired result. The type, concentration, pH of the substance and duration of exposure are determined by a specialist.

3. The last stage is post-peeling care. It is necessary to prevent possible complications and consolidate the result. The client should follow the cosmetologist’s instructions and use recommended products, including sunscreen with at least 30 SPF.

What acids are used for chemical peeling?

Fruit acids have a gentle effect on the skin without causing discomfort. Superficial peeling, which is most often performed using fruit acids, is very popular, because the procedure gives amazing results, but does not cause any discomfort. These acids are called fruit acids because their main source is fruit. Of course, the content of the substance in one fruit is very small and cannot be compared with what is needed for peeling.

Glycolic (hydroxyacetic) acid smoothes the relief of the epidermis, normalizes the production of collagen and keratin. The skin becomes firm and elastic due to increased collagen synthesis. The rejuvenating effect is achieved as a result of the anti-inflammatory and stimulating effect of the acid. This acid relieves such an unpleasant skin disease as molluscum contagiosum.

Also suitable for superficial peeling lactic, mandelic, malic, pyruvic acids. They are excellent exfoliators, but each is designed to address specific concerns. In particular, pyruvic acid is best offered to clients with sensitive skin. Exposure to acid makes the skin more elastic, protects against moisture loss, and stimulates the skin barrier function.

By the way, chemical almond peeling also applies to superficial peeling. It helps even out skin texture, eliminates redness, acne, comedones, and wrinkles.

Lactic acid regulates hydrobalance, softens the skin, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Peeling with lactic acid can be done at any time of the year without the risk of hyperpigmentation.

Fruit acids are suitable for young people whose skin is able to recover in a short time. Mature skin is affected by stronger substances.

Acids used for medium peeling.Trichloroacetic acid (TCA peel)) And salicylic acid- substances intended for deep penetration into the skin. Peeling with salicylic acid, the concentration of which is 35-40%, is suitable for medium and deep peeling.

Using medium peeling using special acids, wrinkles around the eyes, lips, and forehead are removed, stretch marks, scars, and age spots are eliminated. The result is approximately the same as when treating skin with a laser. All equipment and materials are offered by the chemical peeling store.

Trichloroacetic acid provokes a frost effect: a white coating similar to frost appears on the treated area. This is how protein denaturation occurs. The resulting barrier film prevents the penetration of acid into the body. The time of chemical peelings is regulated by a cosmetologist. Sensitive skin turns white in the first two minutes of exposure, and at the site of postpartum stretch marks, the frost effect appears after 10-15 minutes.

Upon completion of the procedure, the skin must be well moisturized, protected from ultraviolet rays, and also apply a product that stimulates tissue regeneration. This is a medium chemical peel, the contraindications for which should be studied; for example, such a procedure cannot be done in the summer and spring in order to eliminate the possibility of hyperpigmentation.

Salicylic acid causes severe peeling. Most often, the skin is exposed to a 20-25% solution in isopropyl alcohol. Stronger solutions with a concentration of 30% are also used. Salicylic acid not only perfectly exfoliates, but also removes excess fat and prevents the development of inflammatory processes.

The epithelium is rejected a day after the procedure and peels off within 5-6 days. The skin becomes especially soft. Remember that the skin must be moisturized and carefully protected from the sun. The chemical peeling procedure can be repeated after 2 weeks.

What is needed for chemical peeling in a beauty salon?

Materials without which chemical peeling is impossible:

  • skimmer;
  • microhook;
  • slotted spoon;
  • combination spoon;
  • uno spear;
  • Vidal needle;
  • a spear;
  • Magnifier Lamp;
  • vapazon.

During the session, carefully monitor the condition of the salon visitor, because in essence, chemical peeling is a mild burn of the skin.

A specialist with the education of a doctor or medical worker in the areas of “Cosmetology”, “Dermatology”, who has completed the “Peeling Technique” course, has the right to perform the procedure. The cost of training is 5,000 rubles for 8 hours of classes. Chemical peeling of the body is a complex, responsible matter, and amateurism is unacceptable here.

The room for the procedure must be at least 12 square meters, have a window, an additional light source (lamp), and a sink. The floor and walls should be washed regularly with special compounds.

The skin is constantly renewed, millions of cells are replaced with new ones every day. For regeneration, health and tone of the skin, it is necessary to remove the stratum corneum, which interferes with the respiration and nutrition of cells. To do this, peeling is done in the salon - a cleansing procedure that:

  • successfully fights acne and acne marks;
  • restores skin tone and structure;
  • stimulates cellular rejuvenation and regeneration;
  • activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • gives the skin matte, velvety, smoothness.

Skin peeling methods

  1. Cosmetic –
  2. A delicate procedure for systematic skin care. It is carried out 1-2 times a week using scrubs, fruit acids, cleansing masks.

    application to the skin of one or several layers of substances that soften and exfoliate the stratum corneum. The most effective and popular in this group are the Jessner and PCA Skin (USA) procedures, which are in demand in Moscow.

    Price - from 3000 rubles per procedure.

  3. Hardware –
  4. a number of techniques performed using special equipment: ultrasonic facial cleansing, Jet Peel - exposure to a high-speed flow of fine liquid and gas.

    Price (for JetPeel peeling) - from 2500 rubles

Types of peeling in the salon according to depth of impact

Superficial peeling– the impact is limited to the granular and horny layers of the epidermis.


  • acne and post-acne;
  • pigmentation;
  • small wrinkles.

Medium peeling in the salon– chemical and hardware techniques are used that reach the capillary dermis. Removes a network of wrinkles, scars, and irregularities.


  • acne and oily skin;
  • collagen and elastin deficiency;
  • pigmentation;
  • stretch marks.

Deep facial peeling in the salon- a powerful technique performed with a laser or chemical method under anesthesia exclusively in a beauty salon. Affects the reticular dermal layer.


  • pronounced stretch marks;
  • deep wrinkles;
  • scarring;
  • hyperkeratosis.


After superficial cleansing of the face, the epidermis is quickly restored without peeling; aesthetic results are achieved with regular use. Immediately after the mid-peeling in the beauty salon, peeling and sometimes swelling occurs, but after a week the skin is transformed. Deep cleansing of the face provides the most powerful rejuvenating effect. Many skin renewing products have restrictions for use in the summer. All-season procedures are performed all year round - for example, the new generation PCA Skin cosmetics (USA) used in our beauty salon in Moscow.

The word “peeling” is borrowed from English, and in Russian it means “cleansing”. Thanks to this procedure, the condition of the skin improves and dead cells are removed from its surface.

The prerequisite for peeling is age-related changes and aesthetic problems, which cannot be eliminated with conventional cosmetics. Let's take a closer look at what facial peeling is like in a salon, reviews of different types of this procedure, as well as the cost of the service.

Benefits of salon peeling

This rejuvenation procedure can be done in a beauty salon or independently at home. However, it is better to do facial peeling in a salon. This is explained by the fact that only a qualified specialist can diagnose the skin, determine its type and select the appropriate type of peeling. In addition, performing this procedure in a salon is safer than at home.

During peeling, the doctor uses high-quality cosmetics to cleanse the facial skin. If necessary, the cosmetologist will conduct a consultation and tell you what care your skin needs after the procedure.

In the salon, reviews of which will be below, it will help get rid of small wrinkles, age spots, acne scars, as well as heal acne and tighten pores on the face.

After the procedure, the skin will look young for a long period of time.

Facial skin peeling technology

Facial peeling in the salon has mostly positive reviews. But this procedure comes in different types, and the choice of one depends on several factors. You should proceed from what effect you are hoping for and what problem the cosmetologist is trying to solve. The superficial type of peeling is used in the presence of epidermal defects, such as freckles. The medium type of peeling is used in the presence of dermal defects (acne, superficial wrinkles, etc.). necessary to get rid of scars, deep wrinkles, sagging skin.

Facial peeling (photos “before” and “after” are posted below) have the following effects on the skin:

  1. Exfoliating.
  2. Anti-inflammatory.
  3. Moisturizing.
  4. Antioxidant.

How is the peeling procedure performed?

All clients are interested in the question: “How do they do facial peeling in the salon?” Let's take a closer look at the process of this procedure.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to steam the skin so that the pores open. Begin to apply the peeling mask from the least sensitive areas: forehead and nose. Next, the mixture is applied to the cheeks, neck, chin and décolleté, and then to the cheekbones and eyelids. The area around the eyes should be avoided. The mixture should remain on your face for a couple of minutes. The facial muscles should be motionless, so you cannot talk at this time. After two minutes, you need to wash your face with warm water and pat your face with a towel. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer to the skin. The whole procedure takes about 20-30 minutes.

Superficial facial peeling

This type of peeling is suitable for those girls who have minor skin problems, such as increased oiliness, enlarged pores or acne. Every day, the skin is affected by a huge number of factors: dirty air, stress, poor diet. Superficial peeling will perfectly support and cleanse the skin from the influence of all negative factors. Thanks to this procedure, the skin becomes moisturized, clean, and glows with a healthy shine and color.

Well-known cosmetics manufacturers offer a wide range of surface peeling products. All of them are designed based on skin types. Cosmetologists prefer to use botanical and fruit extracts for this type of peeling.

Fruit facial peeling

Fruit facial peeling in the salon has extremely positive reviews. This type of procedure is the safest way to cleanse your face. After it, skin restoration occurs as quickly as possible compared to other types of peeling.

To carry out this type of procedure, cosmetologists use fruit acids. During the cleansing process, dead skin cells are removed from the surface of the skin, pores are narrowed and acne is eliminated.

Fruit acids are a natural antioxidant, therefore they have a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Fruit peeling can be lemon, milk, apple, grape. In addition, they can be used in combination with each other.

After the fruit peeling procedure, the skin is tender, soft and velvety.

Medium peeling

This type of peeling has a minimal aggressive effect on the facial skin. With its help you can give your skin freshness and cleanse it. This is a great way to eliminate scars, various scars, and acne. This procedure can only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, since the upper layer of the dermis, that is, the second layer of skin, is exposed to the influence of cleansers. This becomes possible after the dissolution of the top layer of skin - the epidermis. Thanks to this peeling, the structure and color of the skin is evened out, it takes on a healthy and radiant appearance. In addition, with medium peeling, the skin is not injured and does not peel off.

Deep peeling

Today, according to cosmetologists, deep peeling is the most aggressive method of skin cleansing. But despite this, it is also the most effective. The result of skin rejuvenation with deep peeling lasts for several years. This procedure eliminates age spots, deep wrinkles and creates a lifting effect.

Deep peeling is considered a mini-surgery and should be performed under general anesthesia. Before deciding on this procedure, you need to make sure that there are no various contraindications. If there are any, it is better to choose a medium or light facial peeling in the salon.

Physical appearance of peeling

Physical peeling is one of the varieties of this cosmetic procedure. It comes in two types: ultrasonic and laser. The first is used to eliminate adhesions in skin tissue.

Laser peeling is applied using a carbon dioxide laser. With its help, the depth of the skin area that is being treated is adjusted. This type of peeling must be performed under general anesthesia.

Mechanical peeling in the salon

To carry out light mechanical peeling, you need special equipment with built-in brushes that rotate. For this type of procedure, various scrubs with microcrystals or fruit seed crumbs are used. Before peeling, the skin must be steamed. The process itself takes about 10 minutes. This method of cleansing the skin improves blood circulation and renews skin cells.

Aluminum crystals are used for medium mechanical peeling. The procedure is carried out exclusively under anesthesia. The main advantage of this type of peeling is the absence of complications and almost instantaneous achievement of the desired result.

If the skin has large scars, scars or wrinkles, it is recommended to use deep mechanical peeling. It is carried out using equipment with hard brushes that rotate at higher speeds. Peeling must be carried out under anesthesia. It can take from several minutes to an hour.

Chemical peeling of the face

Superficial is carried out on previously cleansed and degreased skin. Solutions containing acids are applied to its surface. During the procedure, unnecessary cells are removed, collagen is produced, and the skin becomes firm and elastic.

Medium chemical, or acid, in the salon is carried out using This procedure can remove small wrinkles and age spots. To achieve the desired effect, peeling must be repeated several times. No anesthesia is required.

During deep chemical peeling, mixtures containing phenol are applied to the skin. Anesthesia is also not needed. After this procedure, a crust appears on the face that cannot be touched. It will disappear on its own, and in a month the face will acquire a pleasant shade. It takes about six months for the skin to heal after such peeling.

Contraindications to the procedure

Despite the positive reviews and excellent results after peeling, there are some contraindications to its use:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  2. Allergy to any cosmetic products.
  3. Herpes.
  4. Various lesions or scars on the surface of the skin.
  5. Acne exacerbation period.
  6. Increased body temperature.
  7. Various skin growths, warts.

Service cost

All girls, before deciding on this procedure, ask the question: “How much does facial peeling cost in a salon?” The price of the procedure depends on many factors, for example, the type of peeling, the salon in which you are going to carry out the procedure. Deep peeling is considered the most expensive - from 12 to 15 thousand rubles. Median and superficial will cost less: from 2500 rubles. The price of the procedure is different in each salon. It may also depend on the qualifications of the cosmetologist, on the quality of cosmetic skin cleansing products, the prestige of the salon and many other factors.

Facial peeling in the salon: reviews

This facial cleansing and rejuvenation procedure, such as peeling, is actively used by many modern beauties. And all the girls and women who tried this procedure at least once were satisfied. Salon clients note that after peeling, the skin noticeably looks younger, fresher, becomes velvety and soft. Many women use peeling before important events. They note that it helps them feel more confident and younger.


So, we looked at various types of facial peeling in the salon. Before choosing any of them, you need to consult with a cosmetologist who will study your skin type and help you make the right choice.