Magic beauty secrets of Queen Cleopatra . Secrets of the beauty of Queen Cleopatra. Recipes for the rejuvenation of Egyptian women

Cleopatra's beauty secrets. Cleopatra did not want to grow old and did everything to keep her youth as long as possible. At that time, not everyone lived up to 38 years old, and Cleopatra also managed to maintain her beauty. In this she was helped by her own anti-aging inventions.

When you hear the phrase "Egyptian beauty", you immediately imagine the beautiful Cleopatra, who held the hearts of many Egyptians and Romans. The queen wrote books about the secrets of her beauty, so we know some of the tricks of the ancient Egyptians.

The ancient Egyptians did not have pharmacies where they could buy a jar of cream - they used natural ingredients and rely on their knowledge.

Cleopatra's Beauty Secrets: 15 Recipes


Already in the 30s. BC e. Cleopatra knew this, it would seem, modern facility body care. Scrub queen prepared by mixing sea ​​salt and heavy cream.

Face masks

Cleopatra took care of her facial skin with white clay masks, which have good whitening properties. Clay was mixed with milk, honey and lemon juice was added. This mask is easy to prepare yourself: 2 tablespoons of clay and milk, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon lemon juice.

Cream use

Creams for the queen were cooked according to special recipes. The main ingredient was aloe juice. To prepare Cleopatra's cream, you will need 2 tablespoons of aloe juice and beeswax and 1 tablespoon of almond oil.

The resulting mass must be heated and gradually add 100 g of melted fat. It would not be superfluous to add a vitamin E capsule to such a cream. The resulting product should be stored in the refrigerator.

milk bath

In a hot climate, the skin of the Egyptians was very dry. But Cleopatra found a solution - milk baths.

To repeat the queen's recipe, you need one cup of honey per liter of hot milk. 15 minutes in such a bath will make the skin softer and give it elasticity. The temperature of the milk should be strictly 36–37 ºC.

Nail polish

The queen used henna to give her nails a reddish-brown tint. The effect was short-lived, but it was not difficult for Cleopatra to “update” the manicure again and again.


There was no shampoo in ancient times, so Cleopatra used egg yolks to give hair shine and strength. The yolks were whipped with the addition of almond oil and honey and rubbed into the roots of the hair, and then washed off.

Recovery damaged hair the queen used a mixture of 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon castor oil.


Cleopatra even knew about the benefits of detoxifying the body. To cleanse toxins, the queen drank 100 ml of a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil every two weeks. According to the researchers, after taking such a cocktail, Cleopatra was given special massage belly.

Hand cream

Cleopatra also followed the beauty of the hands. Special baths for brushes consisted of a decoction of plantain, nettle and calendula with the addition of chicken fat, honey and castor oil.


Of course, spirits in the form in which they exist now did not exist then. Cleopatra used incense and oils of rose, frankincense, cypress and neroli.

The queen was well aware of the influence of smells on a person's mood and skillfully used it. Perhaps it was thanks to this secret that no man could resist Cleopatra.


In all films, Cleopatra is depicted with brightly lined eyes and eyebrows. But what means could she use at that time? During the reign of Cleopatra, women had a whole palette of eyeshadow colors created from mineral and plant pigments.

Cleopatra herself most often applied an emerald green shade of shadows to the lower eyelids, and blue shadows with a golden sheen made of lapis lazuli on the upper eyelids.

For black eyebrows, the queens prepared a powder mixture of lead sulfide and animal fats. For lipstick and rouge, Cleopatra used iron oxide, which gave a red pigment.

Aloe Vera Uses

The ancient Egyptians knew everything about miraculous properties aloe vera. Cleopatra and her subjects used aloe vera for hair and skin, in addition to this as medicinal product for burns, and even ate it to improve digestive processes.

Coconut oil for hair

Ancient Egyptian women did not have hair styling gels, but they still looked great using shea butter or coconut oil, which is known today as a substitute.

Peeling with natural honey

Milk and honey is a famous Egyptian beauty secret. Women taking nourishing milk baths as a skin peel used slightly candied honey.

Lactic acid removes dead cells and honey is famous for its excellent antibacterial properties. Honey is also the best natural skin moisturizer.

Bathing in the Dead Sea

Cleopatra has done long haul from Egypt to the Dead Sea, just to swim in it. The reason is that dead water seas with a high concentration of beneficial minerals that nourish the skin and help in the fight against its ailments.

fenugreek seeds

To keep their skin fresh, soft and smooth, the ancient Egyptians used masks based on fenugreek seeds. In addition, they also believed that fenugreek seed tea could help increase breast size.

Stories from our readers

Looked 10 years younger in one week! Without Botox, without operations and expensive drugs. With each birthday, it was more and more terrible to realize how old I was, and even more terrible to look at myself in the mirror. The wrinkles became deeper and deeper, and the circles under the eyes became more noticeable. I already thought about resorting to injections, but, thank God, they dissuaded me. Believe it or not, in just a week I got rid of almost all wrinkles and look 10 years younger, and all thanks to this article. Anyone who wants to get rid of wrinkles natural method at home - a must read!

The beauty of Cleopatra has become a legend. To date, women are trying to find out her secret. It is known that Cleopatra took care of herself, loved herself, it's hard to argue with that. Maybe this lies main secret the beauty of Cleopatra?

How to take care of your face

Cleopatra in facial care great importance gave face masks, which she performed constantly. Her favorite mask was donkey's milk and honey, prepared in equal proportions. And today you can try to make exactly the same mask if you replace donkey's milk with cow's. Take two tablespoons of each of the components, mix in equal proportions. Apply to face for twenty minutes and rinse with cool water.

Another Cleopatra mask can be prepared from special grade white clay, donkey milk, honey, lemon juice. A similar mask can be prepared today. Buy at the pharmacy white clay(in powder), add two tablespoons of milk and one salt spoon of honey, one teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mask on your face for fifteen minutes and rinse with cool water.

Prepare Cleopatra Cream

The queen willingly used a face cream, the main component of which was aloe juice. Aloe juice has amazing properties, it is able to moisturize and nourish the skin, keep the cells young.

In order to prepare the Cleopatra cream, you will need two tablespoons of aloe juice, two tablespoons of water and one tablespoon of rose petal infusion. Everything needs to be mixed. Heat the mass in a water bath, gradually add one hundred grams of melted pork fat. Everything must be mixed, poured into glassware, refrigerate.

How to take care of the body

The main secret beautiful skin the queen is in milk baths. Prepared for Cleopatra special bath donkey milk and honey. The temperature of this bath is the same as the temperature of the body.

Prepare milk bath original recipe very difficult. So it's worth using alternative recipe. You need to take a bath at a temperature of thirty-six - thirty-seven degrees. Prepare a liter cow's milk, heat it and dilute in it three hundred milliliters of honey and a few tablespoons of olive oil. Pour the resulting mixture into the bath.

By the same principle, a hand bath is prepared. Take half a liter of hot milk and three tablespoons of honey.

Be the woman you're afraid to lose

A lot is known about the secrets of Cleopatra, but few people know her most important secret. Who is Cleopatra and what secrets did she possess and how can her secrets of attractiveness, beauty and sexuality be useful to us? When the power of the queen of Egypt is revealed in a woman, wherever she appears, she is immediately visible. Because it always carries a state of dignity, confidence and strength. You always want to be with such a woman. And how the secrets of Cleopatra will help us get a nice bonus - this is the state when we can be the most desirable for our beloved. This is an amazing state of inner strength that fills you from the inside, and in this state, not a single failure, illness, or anything can happen in your life, because you radiate success, you radiate the state of the queen herself. But this is just a small part of what happens in our lives when we gain the power of Cleopatra. Today we will take the first step and get in touch with this energy, and we will also learn what factors influence our insecurity.
There are 3 steps that help us find happiness. For many people, this is a motivation for life, and at the same time for those people who strive for excellence, these steps are an integral part of life. This health, beauty and youth; be desirable, sexy and attractive; power, confidence and success.

For a woman to be happy, perfect health is essential. Also with happy woman there must be a man nearby who idolizes her. This woman has everything. She can bring whatever she wants into life. Surely, in your life it was the same when you wanted something very strongly and it could happen to you. But this does not always happen. Too many factors go into even that.

When you have a goal, when you have specific techniques to help you achieve that goal, then you can reach the goal very quickly. And as Cleopatra achieved her throne with lightning speed and became the queen of Egypt, you can also quickly get everything you want.

Health, healthy relationships, career success is all a nice bonus that we get when we do our feminine energy. And you yourself can remember many such examples in your life when you may have returned from another trip and everything worked out for you. Lots of fans, compliments, nice gifts was in your life. And if you respect yourself, keep practicing, don't give up. Everything that Cleopatra did, it always happens in your life.

You can talk a lot about her, but the image that can be seen in the film Cleopatra with Elizabeth Taylor will be more colorful and brighter. She is beautiful, effective, independent and loved.

Cleopatra was the last queen of Egypt. She was the most desired, the most attractive woman. To get her approval gesture or look, many men were willing to sacrifice their lives. And, of course, the fact that Cleopatra was dreamed of by the most influential and strong men of that era. Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, Octavian - they dreamed of at least touching her hand. Cleopatra had a tremendous power of attraction. And in every woman of this power. But there are some enemies that do not allow us to use this power. If you see them in yourself, you can get rid of them by working on yourself. but if you say, this is definitely not in me, we risk living with this all our lives. The choice is always yours.

The first enemy is the inferiority of one's self, low self-esteem. Our self-esteem is laid down in our childhood. It is up to the age of 7 that girls should be treated like princesses. It was during these years that she laid the foundation, the feeling in the future of herself as a woman and her feminine nature. If a girl at this time feels like a Goddess, then she will carry this feeling through her whole life. Girls/women who were told few words of love in childhood, about how beautiful she is, how exceptional she is, can be seen immediately with the naked eye. They lack femininity and self-love. They don't want to be liked. And a woman who wants to be liked is immediately visible. She is beautiful, like an image descended to us from the paintings of Venetian artists. For a woman, the natural state is pleasant.
But, unfortunately, we were not brought up as kings and queens, and no matter how confident a woman is, this inner clamp can still occur from time to time. And it's not even self-confidence, it's a lack of self-confidence. female power. Everyone has heard this phrase: strength loves the strong. And if we make lofty plans, we have big dreams, then the power will come to you. But thoughts alone are not enough. And Cleopatra knew about it. and if you remember her life, then you will surely remember the moment that when her brother wanted to overthrow her from the throne and take away her power, he knew and feared her strength, and he wished for her death. However, Cleopatra did not measure up to this. And confidently, boldly, she found support and achieved her goal. She dreamed of becoming the queen of Egypt. And she became her. Because she used one special key. She believed that she could become queen. She lived 100% with this thought, this goal. She had a high purpose. She wanted to help her people.

Our second enemy is a passive life position. Let's go back to the Cleopatra example. It is very difficult to imagine her lazily lounging on the throne and dreaming that she will someday become a princess. She was looking for support, she was looking for everything possible options how to become a queen. And the obstacles that she met on her way only made her stronger. Inside each of us there is a spark, but if there is no power of thorns in the form difficult situations then this spark will not turn into a blazing fire. The fire of your individuality. Therefore, if you want to reveal your individuality, your sexuality, forget about a passive lifestyle. This is not for us.

And our third enemy, which is often encountered in our lives, is not correct image life. You will say: "Well, how is it. I'm leading healthy lifestyle life. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I have a proper diet, and all the scary women in these pictures showing unhealthy image life, they are not like me. "This is the most low level wrong image life. And I'm sure it doesn't apply to you. But the wrong way of life is also ours negative emotions. It can be to some extent laziness, nervousness. Even the fact that we are subjected to some external influences, we go into depression, stress is also the wrong way of life. And all this takes energy from us. So if you want to know what you will look like at 50 or 60, keep in front of you images of women who delight you, inspire you to follow their example.

This may all seem very funny, but even if we have 1% low self-esteem, a passive lifestyle or a wrong lifestyle, then it already begins to block our individuality, our strength, our beauty and attractiveness. And this is the first step towards an insecure woman, when a woman stops dealing with her sexual energy. Her life becomes gray boring and uninteresting.

And now, for contrast, remember the image of the bright Cleopatra. And take note of what you want to be and what you don't. Think about your motivations, about what motivates you, and through this you will approach a state of confidence.

Now let's move on to the more practical part. Let's look at the steps that will help us to attract confidence and strength into our lives.

The first step is our women Health. When a woman is healthy, well-groomed, she is beautiful. Everyone knows that in healthy body- a healthy mind. This is what we are taught from childhood. And Cleopatra perfectly mastered this key, because if we remember the description of Cleopatra's appearance, we will understand that she was not attracted by her external data. She attracted by the state of happiness, beauty, self-sufficiency that she radiated. And such energy can live only in a healthy body.

  1. Complex of asanas "Blossoming lotus". The lotus position is one of the relaxing asanas in yoga. In yoga, the lotus symbolizes our ability to spiritual transformation.
  2. The study of aromamase. Learn the most desirable smells, aphrodisiacs. Ylang-ylang, mango, edelweiss... oil perfume with this fragrance will make you fall in love with yourself again. Oil Indian perfumes are more resistant than conventional perfumes. Plus, they do not affect the state of our aura, but only enhance it. Buy incense, special oils for lamps, immerse yourself in the atmosphere fairyland: Egypt, the East, or maybe it will be the world of sunken Atlantis.
  3. Take advantage of the energy of the sun. There is nothing better than doing yoga, meditation or jogging on outdoors. And it is even better to do it in sunny weather in the morning. This saturates your body with oxygen, vitamin D and gives you a boost of energy and energy. Have a good mood for all day.
  4. Attend bioenergetic strip plastic classes that will teach you seductive look, gait and graceful gestures. This will allow you to feel your body. Get out of the head into the body, switch from world problems or affairs at work. Makes you ask yourself "what do I really want?". It will help you to feel how sexy you are, how much beauty and feminine power you have.

The next step - it affects our relationship. The beauty of a woman lies not only in beautiful figure and grooming. The beauty of a woman is that attraction that is created around us when we are filled with energy. And of course, in such a filled state, we become very attractive to other people, men and even women. Men want to start or continue a relationship with us. And women, they are very smart and wise, and want to learn this power of charm from you. Thus, the beauty of a woman is determined by her level of fullness of sexual energy. And you can wake her up either at home yourself. There are really a lot of technicians. The main thing is to find yours. They will help you gain confidence in yourself and your attractiveness, gain desired state. It won't fall on our heads. It will not knock on our doors and will not come by e-mail. You need to invest your energy in order to acquire happiness, beauty and success. Our contribution is our pleasant bonus, which we receive in the form of our beauty, youth, charm.

  1. Be a passionate person. Exude passion.
  2. The ability to touch yourself study of one's own body. Learn which touches you like and which you don't. The body of a woman is a vessel filled with energy. And it is very favorable for her both to do self-massage, choosing pleasant aroma oils, and to attend sessions of massage therapists. So the energy in her body will not linger, create energy blocks, stagnation, but flow freely and smoothly. Can be practiced female taoist self-massage . Learn to enjoy yourself and your body.
  3. Sexuality. Be sexy, radiate sexuality. But here I would like to remind you that sexuality is something that cannot be hidden, and not something that many people diligently show. Buy beautiful underwear, stockings - all this gives us a sense of femininity, a sense of self. And it all starts with self-awareness. Sexuality lies in mannerisms, looks, gestures, voice, movements, gait ... Develop in yourself hypostasis of the Mistress and the result will not keep you waiting.
  4. Meditations. Set aside at least 15 minutes a day for meditation. Even my philosophy teacher at the institute said: "A person who meditates is already a step above those who do not." There is relaxation, clarity of mind. An unfavorable time for meditation is morning. In the evening before going to bed, meditation will help you relax and bring peace.

The third step is self-confidence. One of her biggest secrets. This is the foundation, the basic self-confidence. We can develop it with the help of special techniques and installations.

  1. Affirmations to increase self-esteem. Internal installation "I am worthy".
  2. Cleopatra was a queen. Behavior like a queen. How do you know that the queen has entered the room? Luxury woman? Pay attention to how such women broadcast this state. It's posture, first of all. Lessons with books on their heads, I think everyone remembers. Manners ... Gait ... she is confident, of medium speed. Sight. This is the real one hypostasis of the Queen .
  3. Energy protection technique. It is very good to use the following practice. Imagine that you are... no, not in glass ball, so it will be difficult to remove it later, but in the energy dome, where all negative energy does not arrive. This dome transmits sound and light, but absolutely does not transmit energy, that is, you see and hear everything, but you do not feel anything. It is also desirable to imagine that the surface of the dome with outside- mirror, and all the energy that comes up against the dome - is sent back to the owner.
    Or you can repeat to yourself: "You can take as much love energy from me as you want, but only the energy of love and no more!"
    When we line up energy protection, then no negative in your direction can affect you.
  4. committed action. This will help instill confidence in yourself. Because the actions, the events that you do every day, every day, give strength perfectly. Take a word from yourself, for example, every day run for 20 minutes or do some exercises in certain time. Or learn a new recipe every week. Or go to work by new roads ... Anything. Give free rein to your imagination.


Turn on slow music, you can with the motives of Arabic compositions. Do deep breath, smooth exhalation See the image of Cleopatra in front of you. strong look. Powerful jewelry, reflecting her inner strength. She looks at you and she seems to challenge you. You take another breath. Smooth exhalation. Cover your eyes. And now you begin to remember all the situations in your life that broke your self-confidence. All situations when you were afraid about your desires, when you doubted the correctness of your actions and when you remember, an image of yourself begins to emerge before you. Slouched shoulders, downcast eyes. Feelings of uncertainty, doubt and fear come from you. You understand that it's not you. All this is not you. All these thoughts, doubts, fears. All this is not you. All these doubts, thoughts, fears, all this is not yours. A protest breaks out inside of you. You want to be free from these states. From this fear, insecurity, resentment, shyness. You take a deep breath. Smooth slow exhalation. And in a place with it, you strain your whole body. You clench your fists. You want to get rid of this fear and insecurity once and for all. Hold your breath as you exhale. And you feel how fear begins to come out of every cell of your body, fear of being alone, fear of losing a man, fear of losing your youth and beauty. See how it all leaves your life forever. Take a deep breath. Focus on your free breathing. You destroy all fears and doubts. This cleansing breath has set you free. Power comes to you as you breathe in. Straighten your back. Raise your chest up a little. And take the position of a strong, self-confident woman. I salute you, queen of Egypt. You are the queen of the world. Confident, strong, wise, beloved, attractive, self-sufficient. Remember this state and live in it every day of your life. Take a deep breath and in the state of the queen, open your eyes.

Now a little magic has happened. And you can feel a surge of strength and energy. Bring this state to life. Achieve all your goals.

In order to be more imbued with the state of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, I recommend watching films Cleopatra(1963) and Cleopatra(1999).

One of my favorite musicals Cleopatra, the last queen of Egypt /Cleopatre, la derniere reine d "Egypte(2009)

And for reading, I think you will be interested in reading the bookStacy Schiff - Cleopatra(2012).

By Tamara Ra

A courtesan queen, the evil genius of Egypt. cunning, cruel,
cowardly and treacherous, building her well-being on the misfortunes of others,
in the end she had to die, entangled in the networks of her own intrigues.
Caesar, very sophisticated in sex, could not be tied to one for a long time.
skirt. And Cleopatra did not shine with beauty. Her portrait: deep-set eyes,
aquiline nose-beak, protruding chin. Of course, Cleopatra, like any
Eastern woman, knew a lot of erotic tricks, but they were not the main magnet ...

At one time, the Russian Empress Catherine the Great gave
order to get... recipes cosmetic masks and special baths
invented Egyptian queen. The order was carried out. Let's be with you
Let's try to use the secrets of Cleopatra?

According to legend, use baths
V cosmetic purposes Cleopatra was the first. It is known that the great queen
skillfully used the gifts of nature, putting many of them "at the service"
its beauty. So, while taking a bath, Cleopatra never used
soap, replacing it ... oatmeal. As you can see, the very first "bathroom"
the ingredient of the great Egyptian proves that her beauty recipes are quite accessible
modern woman.

So, oatmeal bath. To start, 3-4 handfuls of cereal are soaked
in two liters of water a few hours before bathing, then bring
to a boil, filter and pour the broth into the bath. Such a bath
will cleanse the skin no worse than cosmetic soap. Another invention
queens - milk and honey bath. Warm up without bringing
to a boil, 1 liter of milk, and in another bowl -
in a water bath - a cup of honey. Dissolve honey in milk
add 2 tbsp. tablespoons almond or other vegetable oil)
and pour the mixture into the bathing water. The result will not force itself
wait after the first few treatments.

About once a week Cleopatra did hand baths from raw
. And here is the cream recipe that she used daily:
a mixture of herbs is brewed - calendula, plantain
and nettles - at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the mixture per glass
water. Two tablespoons of the resulting infusion are mixed with 50 grams
softened chicken fat or interior lard, then add
a tablespoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of castor oil.

She had everything she wanted - love, power, wealth,
prestige. Because she knew the trick: the goal is easier to achieve if it
"deceive". Focus internally on desired result, A
appear relaxed on the outside. Like, I'm not acting seriously, but playfully! Such
method of "paradoxical intention". With the help of the game, Cleopatra could
achieve a lot.

1. Mind games. To
do not let your life take its course, you must always build possible events
in my head, invent intrigues, pronounce dialogues, count steps. Path
Cleopatra to the throne, which went to the young princess at the age of 18, is an intricate
a chain of complex moves, precisely thought out in advance. Her path to love, to conception
the first son of Caesarion is also the fruit of mental games. According to dynastic rules
of the Lagid family, Cleopatra was to become the wife of her own younger
brother. And she did, but formally. And actually figured out the best for myself
man from all that were available. Caesar. Cleopatra came up with a plan
conquer. How to get to a meeting with him, bypassing the cordons of enemies. How
seduce him instantly. And now she first appeared before Caesar, emerging
from a bale of rags, which the servants brought and threw at his feet. It was also the way
disguises, and an unusual joke. After all, the richest, most noble queen suddenly appeared
from rubble and dust. The spoiled emperor has no women with a sense of humor yet.
was, and he did not resist.

2. Love games. To
to keep a real man, he must be surprised and interested every day.
Cleopatra did not shine with beauty, but Caesar loved her. Of course Cleopatra
every oriental woman knew a lot of erotic tricks, but they were not
main magnet. Every morning she woke up joyful, knew how to make laugh
Caesar like no other. And intrigue. When Caesar was needed in Rome,
The Egyptian woman took him on a joint journey along the Nile. How? She thought to him
riddles with no answers. Where are the sources of the great river and what
"mechanism" of its flood? And Caesar got caught again.

3. Marriage games . IN
marriage, you need to be able not to be exposed to scandal and always have a sweet
"gingerbread" to distract a loved one. Cleopatra succeeded in marrying Antony to
yourself. And this is with a living Roman wife, worthy and beautiful Octavia. Meanwhile
the commander either fell into despondency, or was unrestrained. When he was angry, Cleopatra
disappeared from his eyes, which instantly brought him to his senses. And then she
returned with some new pleasurable remedy,
rare wine, idea grandiose holiday. And Antony remained with Cleopatra until the end of his life.

4. Games with fate . Not
be afraid to tempt her. The queen of Egypt considered this very useful. Such a tactic
gave the highest pleasure - to take everything that the moment offers. When Anthony
called Cleopatra to the first meeting, so much needed by her, she several times
postponed the rendezvous, risking that he would completely give up on her. But in this
Cleopatra secretly erected a grandiose surprise ship. Huge ship from
precious wood under scarlet sails, exuding a fantastic
fragrance, sailed to Antony in the twilight to the sounds of the most tender music. When
Anthony came to his senses from the shock, twilight deepened, and the ship lit up
great illumination. The commander caught his breath again, and even before
negotiations, I realized which of the two is the main and great.

5. Games in
It's always worth striving to be on no one
similar and invent life events. An Egyptian woman lured Mark Antony into her
Alexandria just when the sea was closed to navigation. Antony not
could return to Rome. It was then that Klepa arranged for him the winter vacation. She created
a circle of 12 close friends - "Society of inimitable way of life".
These people tried to make every day so that no one could repeat it.
Every morning and for the whole day, Cleopatra came up with pleasures - a real theater
pleasures with an hourly updated repertoire. Enchanted Antony gradually
I forgot my Octavia.

6. Games with death . Fear
death poisons our days. In order not to be afraid of death, it must be thoroughly
explore, turn it on actor into a life show. Once it became
it is clear that Cleopatra and Antony are doomed. But they still had time while cruel
Octavian did not come with his army to Alexandria. Then the queen dismissed
circle of "inimitable" and founded the "Society jointly
striving for death. " Again from 12 members. The goal is to tame death,
"cherish her like a pet, feed her with your hands every day
thoughts". Cleopatra arranged holidays in the crypts, dissected corpses and
embalmed them with her with my own hands removing the entrails from the bodies. She
studied the effect of poisons on the condemned. She thought through the script to the details
her departure from the stage and chose the most exotic way -
the bite of a viper brought by a faithful servant in a fig. Octavian couldn't
shame to lead the proud queen in chains through the streets of Alexandria.

On August 12, 30 BC, the most legendary queen, Cleopatra, died. She is still an example of femininity and sexuality. Although the beauty standards are completely different now, Cleopatra's beauty secrets are still very popular. Of course, they are very difficult to repeat, if only because the ingredients of her care products are almost impossible to find in our time. But analogies can be found. So if you still want to use her beauty secrets, we will try to help. And we will choose for this the most famous secrets of Cleopatra.


One of the most famous recipes Cleopatra's beauty is milk baths. The bath was completely filled with donkey milk, added almond oil and honey. In such baths, Cleopatra basked for 20 minutes. But we cannot afford such a recipe, and donkey milk is something completely exotic. Therefore, we advise you to simply add to your regular bath milk, honey and almond oil.


Cleopatra also used donkey milk for her face. She mixed it with honey, with white clay, with an infusion of rose petals and with aloe. Well, we offer this option - 2 tablespoons of white clay, 1 tablespoon of milk, a teaspoon of honey and a few drops of lemon. Apply this mask to complete drying clay and rinse. Repeat once a week. It makes the skin firm and youthful.


But Cleopatra's hair care was very simple. She rubbed a few beaten egg yolks into the roots of her hair and washed it off with warm water.


Cleopatra's diet was sparing. After all, she did not follow the weight, it was more important for her to cleanse the body. Once a week, she mixed 100 ml of lemon juice and the same amount of olive oil and drank it in the morning. Cleopatra was then massaged abdominal cavity so hard that the abdominal muscles are pressed against the spine. This cleansed her liver. We advise you to simply eat more often. olive oil and in the evenings drink water with a slice of lemon.


Very important to Cleopatra was the scent of her body. That is why she so often used milk and honey to smell fresh and young. In addition, the queen used infusions of incense and myrrh as spirits.

Of course, it's much easier for us. We bought a cream, went to the SPA, in the salon they applied a mask to our hair ... But the point is not in the means themselves, but in how carefully Cleopatra took care of herself. This example is really worthy to remain for centuries.