Finger size at home. Sizing with paper. Exotic ways to find out the ring size of your beloved

Shot from the film "Mexican"

Even if you are not a fan of rings and never intended to wear them, in your life, and you miraculously you change your mind. To special efforts You don't have to, but you might want to surprise her. This is where the question arises of how to determine the size of the ring for her finger, doing it secretly.

Luckily you found desired material, in which we will fully understand this problem and tell you about the main ways to pick up matching accessory for her and you. Moreover, we will not only consider how to do this imperceptibly, but also give classic ways when all limbs are in place.

How to find out the size of the ring with a finger

In this section, we will analyze cases where you do not need to show ingenuity and spy skills to make all the necessary measurements. Just take your girl's hand and go.

Frame from the film " Stylish little thing»

What you need to know before measuring

Perhaps this will be a revelation for you, but first of all it is worth remembering that the volume of fingers in different time days are different. For example, in the morning, a person’s hands are still a little swollen due to the water accumulated in the body during the night. Therefore, it is best to take all measurements at noon. In addition, you should not take the ruler before going to bed, in this case, the data obtained may also be erroneous.

Also, the girth of the fingers will have different indicators depending on the temperature of the room in which the person is located. In a hot period, a person's fingers will be about half a size larger, and in cold weather, vice versa.

You can not compare the size of the fingers of the left hand and the right. In most cases, on the “working” hand of a person, the phalanges are slightly wider. By the way, after training, the volumes of the limbs can also be slightly different, so it is better to take measurements before sports or after a short rest.

Method #1: Sizing with Thread and Paper

First step: Take a thread and carefully make five turns around your finger. Do not wind it very tight or vice versa weakly. It just needs to be pressed tightly against the finger, without disturbing blood circulation.

Second step: when you have unwound all the turns, connect the ends of the thread and cut off the excess.

Third step: measure the length of the resulting thread in millimeters with a ruler and divide this figure by 15.7 mm. So you will get a number that will match your size (according to Russian system measurements).

By the way, in the same way you can find out the size of the ring by wrapping a finger with a thread only once. In this case, you will have to divide the resulting length by 3.14.

If suddenly you didn’t have a thread at hand, the same operation can be done with a sheet of paper. To do this, you need to cut out a strip of paper that is not too wide, wrap it around your finger and mark with a pen the place where its two ends meet. Then measure the length of the resulting segment and divide it by the same 3.14.

Method #2: Find out your ring size with a ring gauge and a finger gauge

Unlike many options measuring the size of jewelry, a ring gauge and a finger gauge are the most reliable ways. Such tools should be in any jewelry store, so just go there with a girl and ask you for advice.

And if you do not want to bother consultants with your requests, you can order these devices in some online store.

Ringmeter and Fingermeter
221 rub.

Table of Russian and American sizes

The table below contains dimensional grid for Russian and American standards.

It is worth noting that in different countries ah, the units of measurement for the size of the rings are their own. For example, in our country all calculations are made in millimeters, and in the USA - in inches. Therefore, if you want to choose a ring abroad, you will have to find out the local sizing system and correlate it with the Russian one.

Secret ways to find out the size of a finger for a ring

Now let's move on to the methods that can be followed in case your girlfriend should not know anything. In most cases, men use these recommendations.

Method number 1. According to the existing ring

This is one of the easiest ways to measure your finger size for a ring without your girlfriend. If you have the opportunity to take one of her many rings and go out of the house with it without her noticing - go for it.

Just put it in your pocket and go to the jewelry store. There, in a few minutes, they will take all the necessary measurements for you and call Exact size your girlfriend's finger. Just make sure it's not some old ring from her childhood collection. By the way, you must know which finger this ring is intended for, otherwise there is a chance to make a mistake, and the surprise will not be pleasant.

In case you can't take the ring out of the house, do the following: measure the inner diameter of her jewelry with a simple ruler. In case you forgot, a diameter is a line that connects two opposite points on a circle. Recall that in the Russian measuring system it is expressed in millimeters.

Method number 2. By clothes

Not the most exact way, but some are guided by it when there are no other landmarks.

The principle of this method is based on proportionality human body. According to him, people with the same clothing size should have approximately the same finger size.

    Clothing in size S has a ring diameter of 15.5 to 16.5 millimeters;

    M - from 16.5 to 17.5 mm;

    L - from 17.5 to 18.5 mm;

    XL - from 18.5 to 19.5 mm;

    Each subsequent X in size adds one centimeter.

Method number 3. On your finger

Another proven way to determine the size of a finger ring at home.

Shot from the film "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring"

To use it, take your girlfriend's accessory and try to put it on your little finger as deep as possible (just don't overdo it). When the decoration reaches the stop, mark with a pen the place after which it no longer wants to be pushed through.

Now you need to go to the jewelry store and show this mark to the consultants. They will measure the diameter of your finger at the mark and give you the measurements you need.

What if the ring doesn't fit?

If suddenly you are faced with this problem, it is not too late to fix everything (unless you are standing with a girl in front of the altar). You can always change the diameter of the ring by contacting a jewelry workshop. In addition, some jewelry stores can offer this service. Therefore, you should not worry much.

If the decoration turned out to be too small, it is rolled out to right size. In this case, it becomes slightly thinner, but its diameter increases.

It is more difficult to work with large rings, because in order to fit them to size, the jeweler will have to cut off part of the jewelry, and then quietly solder the ends. Otherwise, all aesthetics will be lost. Such a service is correspondingly more expensive.

If you make a major mistake with the choice, you can always change the ring or return it back. Most importantly, do not forget to take checks at the checkout to avoid conflict situations.

Eleonora Brik

Ring - a gift is always special, which carries a certain symbolic meaning. But, unlike earrings or a chain, there is a risk of not guessing with the size, because this jewelry has its own subtleties. Of course, the ideal option would be to just go to a jewelry store and measure the ring with a special meter, but if this is not possible? In this case, there are several simple and correct ways.

What is "ring size"?

We often hear about ring sizes, what is it? This is the circumference of the hole, which is measured in millimeters. If you measure its diameter with a tape measure or an ordinary centimeter, then you will get the distance you need. For example, on the ruler you see the number 1 cm and 8 mm, which means that the size of the ring will be 18 millimeters. In total, there are nine sizes of these jewelry in increments of 0.5 mm, that is: 15, 15.5, etc. The most popular ones are from 16 to 18 mm, these are the ones that are most often suitable for girls. in several ways and with the help of ordinary unpretentious items that everyone can find. They will be discussed below.

It is best to determine the size of the ring in the morning and in the afternoon: the fact is that the size of the finger can change in the evening depending on the humidity and air temperature.

Method one

An ordinary strong cotton thread about 50 cm long will help you calculate the size of the ring. To do this, you need to make several turns around your finger so that the width of the turns is about 5 mm. Wrap should be tight, but not very tight, then cross and cut off the ends of the thread.

Next, the piece needs to be unwound and measured with a ruler, and the figure obtained in millimeters should be divided by 3.14 (pi number, it will be easier to remember). As a result, you will get the size of the ring, rounded up. For example, if you got 16.2, round the number to 16.5.

If you want to get the size for a narrow ring, then the result can be rounded down (for example, 15.1 to 15), and if you need to know the size for a wide ring, then in this case it is better to add numbers.

Gold ring with cubic zirconia, SL;(price link)

Method two

There is a more simplified version: you can calculate the size of the ring using paper (medium density) and a pencil (or pen). You need to put the ring that suits you on a piece of paper, and circle it with a pencil along the inner circle. You can also simply twist the paper leaf into a tube, put it through the decoration so that it fits snugly against the decoration, and fasten it so that the sheet does not fall apart (for example, with paper clips or wrap it with thread). Such samples can be safely carried to a jeweler who can maximum precision determine the size and choose the ring you need.

When applying one of these methods, it is important to consider that the fingers on the hands in most cases differ in size. For example, the ring finger of the left hand in girth may differ from ring finger right hand.

Method three

Determining the size of a finger in this way is a little more complicated, but more accurate than the previous options. To do this, you need to find a dimensional tape with a scale on the Internet, which should be printed and cut along the contour. You will receive a strip with divisions, you need to make a slit on it in the indicated place, twist the tape into a ring, thread the sharp tip into the slit and put it on your finger.

After that, you just need to pull the harness so that the strip wraps around your finger, look at the scale - and you will get the size of the ring you need. It is better to print a dimensional tape on a regular drawing sheet, since more thin paper it can simply tear at the moment when you wrap your finger, stick the narrow tip of the strip into the slot, or pull the tag.

Silver ring with cubic zirconia, SL;(price link)

Size hint table

If you decide to use the first method - measure your finger with a thread, then it will help you calculate the exact size of the ring given table. It is given in centimeters, and you simply round the resulting millimeters up.

Finger size Ring size
47-48 mm15,5
49-50 mm16
51-52 mm16,5
53-54 mm17
55-56 mm17,5
57-58 mm18
69-60 mm18,5
61-62 mm19
63-64 mm19,5
65-66 mm20
67-68 mm20,5
69-70 mm21
71-74 mm21,5
73-74 mm22

You should not determine the size of the ring in heat and cold, as well as before and after playing sports. If you doubt the result, then it is better to measure your finger several times at different times of the day - this will help you calculate the most optimal size.

If there is no sample ring at hand

All of the above methods are good if you have a suitable "working" ring on hand to take as a sample. But what to do if you want to present this jewelry as a gift to your dear person? For example, to your beloved girl, about the size of whose finger you have no idea. Asking her directly would ruin the surprise, which is undesirable. We offer you several ways in which you can provide the jeweler with data on the size of the desired ring.

The easiest option is to ask your mom or a friend, but in this case you will not be sure that they will not let it slip or that their information will be accurate. Try to resort to the second method - discreetly take the ring that she often wears from the girl and measure it yourself using one of the methods given here. And if possible, then take it to the jeweler so that he fixes the size. Do not forget to remember which finger the ring is from, this information may come in handy later.

May 26, 2016 at 11:48 PDT

Another option is to measure the girl's finger itself with a piece of thread or a strip of paper, but how to do it discreetly? There is only one answer: when she will sleep. The main thing is to do it quietly and as quickly as possible so that the girl, even if she wakes up, does not have time to figure out what is happening. It is also a good option to put the girl's ring on your little finger, remember the place where the jewelry gets stuck, or make a mark, and already in the jewelry store try on the ring you like that you have chosen again on your finger. This method is the most efficient and quite easy to use.

Be sure to consider the width of the handle of your lady of the heart. A massive ring on a graceful brush will look heavy and ridiculous, just as a thin exquisite ring will simply “get lost” on wide hand. Decoration should be chosen harmoniously.

Instructions for measuring the size of the ring

November 18, 2014

Many people love to receive gifts, but giving them is even more fun, because it's so nice to see surprise and delight on your face. loved one. The most popular gifts, both for women and for men, of course, are rings. Modern jewelry industry provides everyone with a simply colossal selection of a wide variety of products of this kind, made from precious, semi-precious, as well as ordinary alloys. Rings since ancient times are also a symbol eternal love that they give to those people with whom they want to spend their whole lives, for example, we can talk about engagement or even wedding rings. But how to determine the size of the ring at home and go unnoticed to do a pleasant surprise your soul mate? There are several simple methods, which, however, do not give a 100% guarantee of the exact result obtained, but you can still focus on them.

Simple and affordable methods for "secret agents": how to determine the size of the ring on the finger

It is clear that the most in a simple way, which will allow you to accurately determine the size of the ring, this is a trip to the nearest jewelry store. Only there experienced master can ideally measure the size of the finger so that the ring fits completely and completely, does not cause discomfort when worn, and most importantly, it does not fly off while a person is doing something, because it’s so short to lose a ring, which is not at all desirable, especially If we are talking about the gift, and even more so, about wedding ring. In fact, there are several fairly simple "spy" methods that will allow you to qualitatively figure out how to measure your finger size and go unnoticed in order to make a pleasant surprise for your soul mate.

Basic rules for measuring finger size: be extremely careful

First of all, you should decide on which finger the girl or guy will wear your gift. It is clear that the fingers differ from each other in thickness, and, consequently, in size. It is worth understanding that the size of the ring is its inner diameter. For those who have long forgotten school curriculum, to clarify: the diameter is a straight line that passes through the center of the circle and connects its opposite ends.

You should not measure your fingers to determine the ring in the early morning, in the fierce January cold or summer heat, as the fingers may swell a little at this time. As a result, you will get inaccurate measurements and the ring will simply be large. It is also not recommended to measure fingers after heavy physical activity, for example, after an hour in the gym.

You also need to know that according to the rules adopted by jewelers from different countries, the difference in the original sizes of the rings varies in increments of half a millimeter. This means that the size of the rings will be indicated, for example, 15, 15.5, 16, 16.5 and so on, up to the largest. Moreover, in mathematics, which many undoubtedly remember, there is a special formula that allows you to determine the diameter, knowing only the circumference. To do this, you need to take this length and divide by the number π, which is an infinite, non-periodic fraction, but is most often used in the abbreviation 3.14. For example, an approximate calculation was made for a circle of 52 millimeters.

Thus, we found out that the size will be 16.5, and this should be purchased. However, this is far from all that you need to know in order not to miscalculate with the size, but to choose perfect option. For example, if the size is not accurate, but for example, 18.3 or 16.7, you should always round up. In addition, it is worth making allowances for the fact that the ring should pass through the joint, and in some thin people they are somewhat wider, something like a place where the ring will be worn.

Consider all these points when choosing and it will be much easier in the future. In addition, even if you do not guess a little with the size, experienced jewelers, they can roll it out or, on the contrary, roll it up, that is, make it a little wider or narrower. At right approach, the question of how to find out the size of a finger for a ring will not become overly critical for anyone, especially since you can then slightly “correct” it if necessary.

How to find out the size of a finger ring: table will help anyone

Most simple method to find out the size of the ring, if you do not take into account the joint trip to the jeweler and the measurement of the size by a professional measurer, is to measure the coverage and calculate the size from the length of the coverage. How best to determine this indicator is up to you, you can come up with many options, turn on your imagination and get to work!

  • The easiest way is to quietly take one of the rings of the person to whom you are going to give a gift, and by attaching it to a sheet of paper, circle around the inner diameter. Here everything needs to be done quite clearly, and already with this pattern you can immediately go shopping, the consultants in the store themselves measure it and select the appropriate size.
  • In addition, you can effortlessly measure your fingers, comparing the results. The most important thing here is to make everything easy, game form so that a person does not even guess why you started all this, therefore you will have to apply the maxim of your conspiratorial abilities.
  • You can carefully fold the paper and also insert it into the ring, noting where the sheet converges. By cutting the strip and measuring it with a ruler, you can easily get the length of the finger coverage, after which desired result, that is, in fact, the size of the ring itself can be viewed in the corresponding column of the table located just below.

Clothing size matters: how to measure ring finger size

All methods that are offered for measuring the size of a finger for a ring at home give only approximate result Therefore, you should not think that in this way you can choose a perfect gift. However, even an approximate result is already good, especially if you can’t do without a surprise. If, however, it doesn’t matter at all on which finger it is supposed to wear that very ring, then these measurements will fit perfectly, since on some, it will certainly fit.

There is another approximate method based on the fact that people of a certain build are basically almost the same size. This method is simple, obscenely, but also not accurate, but nevertheless, we will talk about it. For girls and guys who wear T-shirts and blouses in size S, rings from 15 to 16.5 millimeters are most likely to fit. Size M suggests already larger rings, ranging from 16.5 to 17.5. Similarly, clothing sizes L and XL suggest, respectively, from 17.5 to 18.5, and from 18.5 to 19.5 millimeters. However, there really is no need to talk about accuracy here, because all people have their own anatomical features, and it is quite possible that you will “miss” quite seriously.

How to measure ring size with the help of a thread

There is a fairly simple method that will allow you to find out the size of a finger for a ring quite accurately, with virtually no errors, if everything is done in right time, and stress-free. However, it should be understood that quietly using this method may not work. Unless you have to act on a dark night, at a time when the "object" will sleep and see, as they say, the tenth dream. Moreover, sleep should be quite strong, since manipulations with hands, even quite gentle and light, can wake up a person whose sleep is quite sensitive, for example, mothers have such a sensitive sleep, especially when their children are still at the age of babies. However, it is worth understanding how this can be done and what is required for such a measurement.

  • Take a fairly strong thread that does not stretch, and wind it around your finger, where you are supposed to choose the ring, exactly five times. Make sure that the thread does not pinch the finger, but fits snugly enough to the body.
  • Cross the ends of the thread and carefully cut it with threads exactly where the threads crossed, or mark this place with a marker, pen, and so on.
  • Very carefully remove the thread from your finger and measure its full length.
  • The result obtained will simply need to be divided by a factor of 15.7 - this will be the desired ring size.

It is also worth remembering that you need to round the result, again, to half a millimeter, and only exclusively upwards.

Experienced Tips: how to find ring finger size and don't sleep

We have already talked about the fact that you can slowly take an already existing ring from a set of a chosen one or a chosen one and select a gift for it, so we will provide some advice from “experienced” super agents who have some experience in such matters. Naturally, all these methods tricky ways will not give a perfect result, but they can be studied.

  1. A good method is to simply take an existing ring and put it on your finger, for example, on the little finger, if we are talking about men. You need to put it on as tightly as possible, and then mark the place to which it was put on. You can also just remember how the ring sits and then choose a similar one in the store.
  2. It would be ideal if you ask the mother or friend of your beloved for the size of the ring. Parents most often know such information and can answer such a question, and you will end up with a double profit. First, you will get trusting relationship with future relatives, after consulting with them, and secondly, keep the surprise a secret. However, you need to be especially careful with your girlfriends, it doesn’t hurt to take a promise that everything will definitely remain secret until the moment of the gift. True, such the way is fine exclusively for the proposal or the choice of a ring for the spouse.
  3. Playing is always great, because you can get the size you are looking for just by playing fun and entertaining games, or by doing joint creativity. For example, you can make handprints on canvas or in clay. Home Tasks, which will rise later, how to imperceptibly measure the diameter of the print.
  4. If the object of your gift has thin leather gloves, then you can also choose the size of the ring from them. But such “numbers” pass only with those gloves that do not stretch at all and fit perfectly on the hand.

When you buy a ring online, especially if it's a gift, you need to know its size. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice.

In jewelry, the ring size refers to its diameter in millimeters. All fingers are different sizes, and a ring that fits perfectly on the ring finger of the right hand may not fit on the ring finger of the left.

According to the existing ring

Take one or more rings and place on a piece of paper. Circle each from the inside. Then take a ruler and divide the drawing into two equal halves, drawing a line through the center. Now measure the length of the segment between two opposite points of the circle in millimeters - this will be the size of the ring.

With a conical candle

Device for measuring ring sizes, which is used in jewelry stores, looks like a long cone-shaped candle. She is what we need. Take the decoration and put it on the candle. Make a mark where it left off, and then wrap the thread around the circle. Measure the length of a piece of thread with a ruler and look at the table to see what ring size this length corresponds to.

Try on yourself

Instead of taper candle you can also measure the circumference of the finger for which the ring is intended. Measurements should be taken at the widest part of the finger.

The best way to find out the size of another person's ring is to try it on yourself. Take the ring of the person you want to give a gift to and put it on one of your fingers. Make a mark where it left off. Knit a thread in this place, then measure its length and check according to the table what size of the ring corresponds to its length.

By sizing tape

There is one more universal way find out the size of the ring: a dimensional tape with marks and numbers. Print it out and cut along the outline. Make a slit in the indicated place, insert the other end of the paper tape into it and twist it so that it “sits” on your finger. last number on the scale where the mark will stop, and will be the required size.

One of the tips related to determining the size of the jewelry. In today's post, we'll take a closer look at ways to measure the size of the ring, and also find out what affects the increase or decrease in the diameter of the finger.

What is ring size? This is the product diameter inside, measured in millimeters. The step of each size is 0.5 mm, for example 15, 15.5, 16 sizes.

Important!When determining the size of your finger yourself, you need to round the number depending on the thickness of the ring. If you choose a narrow ring up to 5 mm wide, you can round down. For example, 16.2 or 16.1 to size 16. For a wider decoration, it is advisable to take 0.5 mm in stock.

What affects finger size and when is the best time to take measurements?

  • The weather (heat, rain, cold) directly affects the thickness of the hand and fingers.
  • The amount of liquid you drink.
  • It is not recommended to take measurements in the morning, after sports or a wild party.
  • You were carrying a heavy bag in your hand, and the circulation of your fingers was greatly reduced. In such a case, it is better to refrain from measuring the size.
  • The most favorable moment is at noon, in sunny, moderate weather, after checking the amount of water that you have drunk.
  • A few hours before the measurement, do not play sports and do not put stress on your hands.

Remember! the ring should not sit back to back, but also not loosely dressed. The correct size of the ring is one that passes without problems in the thicker part of the finger (the joint) and does not fly off.

6 ways to determine the size of a finger for a ring:

№1. In a jewelry store.

In every salon jewelry there is a special device - a finger meter. They will measure your finger size without any problems, but first you should not forget about the rules above.

If you go to a jewelry store on a hot day after drinking 2 liters of water, the thickness of your finger will increase significantly.

No. 2. We find out the size of the ring with the help of a thread.

This is a "home" version of how to find out the size of a finger on a hand. To do this, you need a dense thick thread. We measure the length of one girth of the thread around the finger. It is worth remembering the thicker area - the joint. The thread should end up running along the widest point. Next, look at the table:

No. 3. With the help of the existing ring.

  • If you already have a ring that fits perfectly on your finger, and you just need to know its size, there are many ways to do this quickly and easily. Most easy way - bring this ring to our workshop and we will select the required size in 1 minute.
  • If you want, but you don’t know the size of the girl’s finger, and then her ring caught your eye, but there is no paper, no pen, or even the most seedy thread at hand. Do not despair! Put the ring on your little finger and remember where it stopped. And now run to us, the master will help you find out the size of the ring finger of your beloved.
  • Attach the ring to a piece of paper and with a thin pen draw its outline along the inner circle. Now measure the diameter with a ruler. Round up.
  • Roll the paper into a tube and place inside the ring. Fix the position. Using this tube, the jeweler will easily select the size of the jewelry.

No. 4. Mom (future mother-in-law) or a friend to help!

If you want to make friends with your future mother-in-law in advance, as well as be the most beloved son-in-law, ask her what ring size her daughter wears. The fact that she is consulted in such a difficult choice will only bring positive notes to your future communication!)))
Or will they help you best friends. Most importantly, make sure that your sweetheart does not know in advance about the surprise.

No. 5. With a measuring tape.

1. Print or redraw this size tape.