What can be done from unwanted newspapers. Tricky alternative ways to use old magazines. Teamwork "Supermarket"

You can make a lot of crafts.

And if the house is filled with newspapers and / or magazines, then even better, because. You also save on paper.

From this material you can make very beautiful products.

Here is just a small part of what can be done from newspapers and magazines.

Works from newspapers: wall clock

You can make this decoration without using a clockwork - you get a beautiful decoration for your home, reminiscent of the sun.

You will need:

Approximately 24 newspaper or magazine sheets

Pencil or pen (to make it easier to twist the tubes)


long needle

Two plastic discs (similar to those that protect a large CD case)

* disks can be replaced with colored cardboard of any color.

Cardboard in the shape of a circle with a hole in the middle (optional)

Battery powered clockwork (optional)

Crafts from newspapers with your own hands: the project "Butterfly"

You will need:

Newspaper or unwanted magazine

Butterfly stencil

Double sided foam tape

Matte cardboard

* You can make butterflies in several sizes and shapes.

* If you want to make a butterfly of the same shape and size, then you can use one stencil or buy a shaped hole punch.

1. Prepare the stencil.

2. Using a stencil, draw butterflies on different sheets of a magazine or newspaper. You can draw a butterfly on one sheet, put several sheets together and cut out several butterflies at once.

3. Cut out the butterflies.

* Each sheet can be cut into wide strips, which can be folded together, drawn on one strip of 2-3 butterflies of different sizes and cut out several at once.

4. As you cut out the paper butterflies, carefully fold them on a flat surface. You can lay them out depending on the color scheme and / or size (shape).

5. Attach double-sided foam tape to each butterfly. You can bend the wings of the butterflies a little. Also try to make several layers of double tape so that the butterflies "fly" at different levels.

6. Prepare matte cardboard. For convenience, you can mark with a pencil the places where you will stick your paper butterflies.

* Choose the right background for your composition.

7. Insert the cardboard into the frame. You can pull the glass out of the frame if it interferes.

Newspaper bracelet (master class)

You will need:

Newspapers or magazines


1. Cut out 10 cm x 4 cm rectangles.

2. Bend each rectangle in half in length and straighten.

3. On the left and right, bend the ends to the fold line.

4. Fold in half again to make a long thin strip.

5. Fold the strip in half widthwise and unfold it.

6. Fold the left and right halves in half so that they meet at the fold line.

7. Fold the figure in half again to make the letter V.

* In a similar way, you need to fold several rectangles.

8. To start folding the bracelet, you need to connect all the details. Start putting the ears of one figure into the ears of the other until you have 27 links in the chain. You need 3 chains in total.

9. Connect the chains using several blanks (V shape).

How to make a paper chain:

Newspaper Crafts for Beginners: Newspaper Vase and Stand

You will need:

Glue or glue stick


Newspapers or magazines

1. Cut each sheet of newsprint or magazine paper into 4 vertical strips as shown. Choose the length of the strips yourself.

2. Fold each strip in half, securing it inside with glue.

3. Now fold the strips in half again, and secure with glue again.

4. Start twisting the strips. This must be done tightly. After a few strokes, apply a drop of glue.

5. In order to make the base of the vase, you need to twist both several small spirals and one large one. In this example, the second option (large spiral) is used.

Glue several strips together to get one long strip, which then needs to be twisted into a large spiral. If your base isn't big enough, just glue as many strips to it as you need and add them to the spiral.

6. Begin to glue all the small spirals together, thereby collecting a vase.

* You can make a stand for a cup or teapot in the same way.

We decorate the suitcase with newspapers and magazines

You will need:

old suitcase



PVA glue, and even better glue for decoupage

Scissors or utility knife

1. Cut out the images you like from your favorite magazines, which will then decorate your suitcase.

2. Apply glue to the suitcase and start carefully laying out magazine excerpts on it.

3. Reapply glue over the glued pages.

4. Decorate the entire suitcase in this way.

5. Using scissors or a clerical knife, carefully cut off the excess parts so that everything is straight.

Newspaper item: bouquet of roses

You will need:


Glue gun with hot glue (you can try superglue / Moment glue)

flower wire

1. Cut out a circle with a diameter of about 10 cm from a sheet of newspaper.

2. Cut a spiral from the circle, about 2.5-3 cm wide.

3. From the outer end of the spiral, start twisting the paper until you reach the center.

4. Let the twisted flower "bloom" a little - lower the spiral.

5. Fix the flower with hot glue.

6. Prepare flower wire, bend one of the ends and glue to the flower. The end of the wire can be covered with a piece of newspaper.

7. Make a few flowers to make a lush bouquet.

8. Connect all the flowers in a bouquet and secure the stems with wire. If the stems are too long, you can shorten them with scissors.

9. Wrap the stems with pretty ribbon and secure the ribbon with glue.

Today I want to talk about how wonderful crafts from old newspapers can turn out, or rather, I will share the work of the author Denise Fiedler from America. Her paper crafts are so simple and interesting, and doable even for children. And now, let's look at the technique of their implementation.

Crafts from paper and newspapers

The wonderful master Denise Fiedler has made a successful career as an interior designer, not resting on her laurels, creates for the soul and successfully sells them. With a particular fondness for old printed books and newspapers, their intricate typefaces and yellowed pages, in the age of electronic publishing, she found a way to give old books new life. From their colorful pages, she created a series of unusual and very sincere works dedicated to pets.

Just look what a wonderful paper dog can be made using the appliqué technique. And it's not hard to make one!

The author uses for the manufacture of his works, scraps of old newspapers and pieces of colored paper. Carefully cutting out every detail and putting together the composition, she gets beautiful portraits of dogs and cats. each of which has its own character and mood.

In addition, such original crafts can be an excellent occasion to get together with the whole family and spend an interesting evening in a warm homely atmosphere, creating a portrait of a pet.

The technique is considered quite simple, and feasible to perform even for small children. And how exciting and exciting can this process be?!

Just look at this playful and smiling Jack Russell Terrier, such a mischievous paper dog can be a great decoration for a child's room.

And what a charming and charismatic pug turns out, it seems that he is about to jump out and start licking everyone!

What if there is another furry friend at home? A cat can also become a heroine for creating crafts or paper applications. A little effort and patience, and now the portrait of a Siamese cat is ready!

Just look at what an important and serious Persian from newspaper pages and old references is looking at you!

And it does not matter if at home is an ordinary tricolor kitten, picked up on the street. The endless possibilities of such a multifaceted material as paper will allow you to accurately display the color of your pet and its mischievous character.

Surely, many of us have old magazines that have already been read and re-read more than once, but the hand does not rise to throw them away. Almost everyone subscribes to newspapers, which then turn into huge piles of waste paper.

And, of course, we all get free flyers out of our mailboxes. Do not rush to get rid of this "wealth": you still need it. See what an unusual and, most importantly, beautiful do-it-yourself decor from unnecessary newspapers and magazines you can make. These cheerful and fun crafts from magazines are sure to decorate your home. What can be done from magazines with your own hands - now we'll figure it out.

What is needed for this?

What attracts this way of decor? Firstly, it is easy to perform: you do not need any special skills, surrender to the will of your imagination. Secondly, it does not take up much space and time. Thirdly, you can involve the whole family in such funny handicraft and have fun and exciting time. So here's what you need to know:


PVA glue and glue stick;

Ruler, pencil;

A thin bamboo stick or knitting needle (we will wind paper tubes on it);

The surface you are going to decorate.

Surely, you have noticed that the decor from old newspapers and magazines is based on the use of the same blanks - newspaper and magazine tubes and strips rolled up by a snail. By varying their size and color, you can create interesting compositions and transform ordinary or already boring things - photo frames, mirrors, wall clocks, vases, floor lamps, candlesticks and all kinds of boxes for storing a thousand and one little things. In such an original way, you can arrange gift wrapping or make a panel on the wall. So, let's learn how to make these blanks.

Newspaper and magazine tubes

1. Take a sheet of paper and fold it in half, smooth the fold well with scissors.

2. Place a bamboo stick or a knitting needle diagonally (the size of your future workpiece depends on its diameter) and start winding the tube carefully and tightly. After several layers, coat the remaining sheet with glue. It should not be too liquid (it is better to take a glue stick). After you get the tube of the diameter you need, carefully remove the stick.

3. Done! Now it remains to dry it and create masterpieces .

You can use these newspaper tubes in their original round form. Cut them into pieces of the length you need and glue them end to end. Do not feel sorry for the glue, they should be well fixed. If you don't want to get your hands dirty, you can use double-sided tape.

On a note: In order to fix the magazine tubes with a “herringbone”, it is not at all necessary to cut them, you can simply gently bend them, as shown in the photo.

No less beautiful look "flattened" tubules. If you “flatten” them a little, you get a very interesting shape, which is simply a sin not to beat (see photo). In this case, you cut short pieces and glue them at the cut point. .

It will be effective if you squeeze such tubes strongly and cut the resulting strips into small pieces. Butt-gluing them is not necessary (see photo).

Newspaper and magazine "snails"

1. Take a sheet 8 times as wide as the intended strip. Fold it in half in the same way, then fold the edges to the middle and fold it in half again. Smooth each fold well so that your strip is as thin and neat as possible.

2. Now we twist the "snail". To do this, start winding the strip on a bamboo stick or knitting needle (you can also take a pencil or felt-tip pen, then you will get magazine “rings”). Do not forget to smear the inside of the strip with glue so that the “snail” does not spread.

3. After you have received the blank of the right size, cut off the rest of the strip and let the “snail” dry .

In the decor, both blanks of the same size or color look beautiful, as well as different ones. Turn on your fantasy! By the way, the strips do not have to be twisted, they can be used in this way, winding them in a spiral onto a cylindrical surface, for example, a vase, a round box or a candlestick. If desired, the finished composition can be painted or coated with a layer of varnish. And a few more words about the background. It can be just a white surface or a surface pasted over with magazine or newspaper pages.

Unusual panel of magazine strips

And finally, another very interesting and simple idea for a do-it-yourself panel. In this case, you do not need to twist the tubes or snails, just cut thin strips (you can use both color pages and black and white). You will need a frame with a passe-partout, preferably under glass, and two sheets of cardboard. On white cardboard the size of your frame, stick magazine strips at a small distance from each other. From the second sheet (it is better to take cardboard with an interesting texture), create a stencil. Now put the stencil on the background of the stripes, fix it - and under the frame. If it allows, it is better to put a sealant between the sheets of cardboard, then the picture will turn out to be three-dimensional .

It is unlikely that anyone will be left indifferent by homemade items decorated in such a simple, but very effective way. In addition, this is a great opportunity for creative self-expression and relaxation. Create beauty with your own hands with pleasure!

Sourcesphoto: www.craftstylish.com, papercreative.ru, biovi.ru, stranamasterov.ru.

Surely, many of us wanted to transform our interior more than once, but somehow we didn’t raise our hand to lay out an impressive amount for a designer thing.

Do not despair, because you can make a spectacular decor element yourself from ... old magazines. Tricky ways to alternatively use unwanted glossy waste paper will help you make something special with your own hands.

1. Photo frame

The rolled pages of glossy magazines and catalogs can be used to create and decorate photo frames and mirrors. New colorful frames are perfect for children's pictures and wall decor.

2. Flower pot

With the help of magazine pages, nondescript flower pots can be updated. To do this, the pages need to be twisted into tight tubes and glued around the perimeter of the pot.

3. Desktop stand

Simple manipulations with scissors and glue will help turn an old magazine into an original stationery stand.

4. Finishing material

Magazine pages can be used as a full-fledged finishing material for walls. True, the finishing process is quite painstaking and will take a lot of time. To implement this idea, the pages need to be twisted into tight tubes and glued to the wall one by one. The result of the work will be an accent wall with a unique texture and pattern.

5. Organizer

An original stationery organizer woven from magazine pages twisted into thin tubes.

6. Animal figurines

Figurines of dogs glued together from magazine pages twisted into tubes. Such crafts can become sources of real income, because on the Internet their price reaches $ 200.

7. Handbag

A lady's bag that each of the dense glossy pages folded into long strips can weave.

8. Coffee table

Made from a stack of rolled magazines and a round glass top, this coffee table is a stylish addition to any living room.

9. Dishes and coasters

Magazine pages rolled into thin tubes can be used to create unusual plates and coasters. The only drawback of such crafts is that the paper does not tolerate moisture well. Therefore, in order for the products to last longer, cover them with a thick layer of glue or other protective coating.

10. Christmas decorations

Instead of just throwing away an impressive collection of gloss, use it to create original Christmas decorations. This way you can get a lot of Christmas balls without spending a dime on it.

11. Panel

Creativity and a little diligence will allow you to turn the pages of old magazines into unusual wall panels.

12. Baskets

If your magazine collection is large enough, use them to create colorful and practical baskets. Finished products can be used to store clothes and other small items.

Video bonus:

13. Stools

Low stools made with only stacks of magazines, old belts and soft cushions.

14. Vase

A stunning vase that can be made with a stack of magazines and glue on hand. To create this masterpiece, the pages of magazines need to be folded into strips, and the strips must be carefully twisted into three-dimensional circles, fixing with glue. When the glue dries, mugs of different sizes must be glued together using a suitable form.

15. Clock

A bright clock made from the pages of glossy publications, twisted into voluminous circles, will become a spectacular detail and a wonderful decoration of one of the walls of the apartment.

16. Volumetric letter

From magazine pages, you can make large three-dimensional letters, which are now widely used for decoration. To do this, the pages need to be folded into thin tubes, fixed with glue and glued to a letter cut in advance from thick cardboard.

17. Lamps

Magazine pages perfectly transmit light, so they can be used to create original lampshades for lamps.

18. Casket

Thick pages of magazines are perfect for creating an original box in which you can store hairpins and jewelry.

19. Framed covers

Some of the covers are so beautiful that it's a pity to even throw them away. Such samples can be put in laconic frames and used to decorate walls.

Tatyana Saenko

"Collage" comes from a French word meaning literally "sticking". A collage is when a variety of pieces of materials are glued onto a base - paper of different colors and textures, fabric, feathers, flowers - it depends only on the creator's imagination. Collage is used mainly to obtain the effect of surprise from the combination of dissimilar materials. Some believe that this is a "garbage dump" technique. Scraps of magazines and newspapers "to throw away" find new life in a collage. Collage is a creative game.

Collages of magazine clippings are inexpensive, read old magazines can be found in every home.

Cutting objects with an asymmetric structure, with curvilinear contours, with complex outlines, develop hand-eye coordination. This creative activity has a positive effect on the development of aesthetic feelings, improves the skills and abilities necessary for children, develops fine motor skills, perseverance, intellectual and creative activity.

You can cut and paste whatever you like, indiscriminately. And you can collect a collage on a specific topic.

Magazine paper is great for cutting out symmetrical objects, the main thing is to find a beautiful background.

The collage can be completed with felt-tip pens, pencils, paints, etc.

Collective work "The street is full of surprises"

Collective works "Wonder Tree"

Teamwork "Supermarket"

Teamwork "Useful Products"

Collective work "Visiting Moidodyr"

Thank you for your attention! I will be very glad if our works inspire you to create!