Wide handmade leather bracelet. Men's bracelets: ideas, examples, master class. Baubles with embroidery

This type of weaving is widespread in the East. This is how waist belts, horse harness, bag handles, etc. are woven. By learning how to weave such a bracelet, you will simultaneously learn a simple and durable way to connect leather strips without using metal fittings.

1. Cut out two strips of leather 5 mm wide and 160 mm long.
2. Use a blunt awl to mark the edges of the slots according to the dimensions shown here, or change them as desired.
RULE: a) the distance between the slots is equal to half the width of the strip;
b) the number of slots on the strips differs by one (we have six and seven).
3. Make cuts with a chisel with a blade width of 6 mm.
4. Sharpen the ends of the strips with a chisel or knife.
5. Take the strip with seven slots in your left hand, with the end free of slots towards you. Expand the nearest slot with a trowel or screwdriver. Pass the short end of the six-slot strip down through this widened slot, pull lightly and straighten the weave.
6. Sand the short end of the strip with six slots and glue the strips with seven slots to the bakhtarma.
7. Using a trowel to expand the nearest slot on the six-slot strip, pass the seven-slot strip through this slot from bottom to top.
8. The principle of weaving is clear. Pass the bottom strip through the top strip each time.
9. At the end of weaving, hem the short end of the strip with seven slots and glue the strips with six slots to the bakhtarma.
10. The choice of the length of the bracelet is up to you. Trim off the excess from the ends of the strips. Punch holes. Install a fastener.


This and the next bracelets are the embodiment in the skin of logical problems about braids. Fans of such problems are referred to books on entertaining mathematics.
1. Trim exactly one edge of the cooked leather.
2. Mark the ends of the slots, and then cut them with a knife. The length of the slots is 160 mm, the width of the cords is 3-4 mm.
3. Now cut off the second edge of the bracelet.
4. Weaving. Mentally mark the top and bottom of the weave and number the cords from left to right: 1,2,3.
First cycle: - 3rd between 1st and 2nd;
- the bottom of the weave between the 1st and 2nd (reversing the cords should not bother you);
- 2nd to 1st, 3rd to 2nd;
- the bottom of the weave between the 3rd and 2nd. After the end of the cycle, the normal arrangement of the cords is restored.
Second cycle: This cycle can be repeated 2-3 times until the end of weaving.
- 1st to 3rd;
- the bottom of the weave between the 1st and 2nd;
- 2nd to 1st, 3rd to 2nd;
- the bottom of the weave between the 2nd and 3rd.
Stop when weaving becomes impossible due to the tight arrangement of the elements.
5. Using a blunt awl or ironer and tweezers, spread the weave evenly over the bracelet. Chop off the edges with a semicircular chisel, punch the bartack holes, set the bartack.


A variant of the puzzle that uses six strips of weaving instead of three. In this case, each pair of strips is taken as one strip, and weaving is performed in the same way as in the case of a single puzzle. Options with nine stripes are possible, while three stripes are taken as one.


1. Cut three cords 220-250mm long and 3mm wide.
2. Gather the sides of the cords with a single strip of glue. The length of such an assembled strip is 25 mm. The opposite end of the cords must be free. Insert the assembled end into a clothespin or clamp.

3. Mentally number the cords from left to right: 1,2,3.
Weaving pattern: 3rd to 2nd, 1st to 3rd, 2nd to 1st, 3rd to 2nd, etc.
Make sure the cords are evenly spaced in the braid.
4. When the length of the braided part reaches 140 mm, pinch the edge of the braided part with a large clothespin or pliers so that the loose ends of the cords remain free. Glue the loose ends into a single strip with glue.
5. Trim the edges of the bracelet with a chisel so that the length of the loose ends is 10 mm.
6. Make two parts for finishing the ends of the bracelet. Details are shown in the picture.
7. Treat the loose ends of the bracelet from the side of the measure.
8. Connect the ends of the bracelet with the details of the design of the ends with Moment glue, gluing the decorated parts to the ends of the bracelet.
9. Make and install the backtack.


1. Cut four cords 220-250mm long and 4mm wide.
2. Gather the side surfaces of the ends of the cords with glue in one strip. The length of this strip is 25 mm. The opposite end of the cords must be free. Clamp the assembled end with a clothespin.
3. Mentally number the cords from left to right from 1st to 4th.
Weaving scheme: 5th on the 2nd, 1st on the 3rd, 4th under the 2nd and on the 1st.
Further, the weaving pattern is as follows: the leftmost “ON”, the rightmost “ON and ON”.
4. Repeat steps. 4-9 "Girl's braid". The details of the design of the ends of the bracelet are similar to those given above. Change the width of the glued area according to the width of the cords.


For its manufacture, in addition to thin skin, you will need a rope around which cords are woven.
1. Cut four cords 250 mm long and prepare a rope of the same length with a diameter of 3 to 5 mm.
2. Glue the ends of the cords to the end of the rope in a circle. The length of the glued area is approximately 15-20 mm. Additionally, secure the place where the cords are glued by tightly wrapping them with thread.
3. Divide the cords into two pairs - left and right. Mentally number the cords from left to right from 1st to 4th, take the left cords in your left hand, and the right cords in your right.
4. Weave according to the scheme: draw the 1st cord behind the rope and skip between the 3rd and 4th, lay it on the 3rd, draw the 4th cord behind the rope and, skipping between the rope and the 2nd, lay it on the 1st. Next, weave like this:
the extreme left cord - under the extreme right, the extreme right - under the extreme left.
5. When the length of the braided part reaches 130-140 mm, you should fix the end of the weaving. To do this, wrap the end of the weave with a thread. Glue the loose ends to the rope.
6. Trim non-woven areas. Their length should be 10 mm.
7. Make two end pieces.
8. Lubricate the braided ends with Moment glue and leave to dry. Now grease the details of the design of the ends with glue from the side of the bakhtarma.
9. Fold the tubes of the decoration around the braided ends of the bracelet so that the threads are completely covered. Flatten the ends of these tubes by lightly tapping them with a shoe hammer. Perhaps the place of gluing on the tube itself will have to be glued additionally.
10. Punch holes for the backtack and install it.


This is a variant of the circular braid, which is woven with two pairs of cords, one of them is light, the other is dark. Place a pair of dark cords on the left and a pair of light cords on the right and follow all the instructions for weaving the previous bracelet.

The article uses materials from the book by Ilya Mitsel “Skin. Braided and embossed bracelets.

Girls, summer is coming and wouldn't it be time to take care of updating the jewelry box? I propose to start today with a couple DIY leather bracelets- They are easy and simple to make. Interested? Then let's go gutting Mom's old leather jackets and Dad's belts. The only request - do not succumb to nostalgia for parenting and cut your father's straps into thin stripes. Go.

Option one.

This is a braided bracelet. Delicate, beautiful, thin. He asks for a pair in his hand, so I advise you to immediately weave a few pieces. To make it, you can buy a blank made of leather, or you can make it yourself: Cut a wide strip of leather in two lines along, and put buttons on the ends with an awl.

Now is the time to start weaving. Pass the lower end of the bracelet alternately through the honey with three strands and straighten the twisted strips so that the bracelet is flat.

Each of the braided bracelets differs only in the thickness of the braids. Don't worry if you can't weave the bracelet the first time. Train and become a pro.

Option two.

This bracelet is made in pastel lavender colors. It is gentle and thin. Perfect for spring and summer outfits.

We will need:

  • white, light green and lavender thread (about 40 cm each)
  • strip of white leather (40 cm)
  • silver chains about 20cm
  • silver plug with clasp
  • scissors and glue

Step 1: Cut the thread into nine pieces about 20 cm, two for each color (green, lavender, white and white leather) and a silver chain. Put them in groups of three, as in the photo. Fasten the edges of the ribbons.

Step 2: Start weaving. To get an even pattern, make sure that the multi-colored threads remain in the middle of each strand.

Step 3: When you get to the end, secure before cutting off the ends. Glue the ends of the bracelet and clasp together.

Step 4: If the bracelet is too short, extend it with a chain.

That's it - your bracelet is ready!

Option three.

For this bracelet, you will need some sewing machine skills, but the result is worth it. In our version it is white and pink DIY leather bracelet, but you can swap colors and choose a different composition.

So, get ready to go:

  1. scissors, knife;
  2. a piece of white leather measuring 3x25 cm;
  3. dense pink fabric;
  4. hooks;
  5. ruler;
  6. sewing machine.

Cut the skin into nine strips 0.33 cm wide. Divide the strips into three parts: three strips each and weave the braid.

Fold the pink fabric as shown in the picture and sew it to the skin. Fasten the hooks. Everything, the bracelet is ready - it's time to show it to your girlfriends.

Option four.

This bracelet is fundamentally different from the previous three in that it is not woven with braids. Measure your hand and calculate the length of the leather strips (you will need two of them). In addition to them, stock up on coarse thread and follow the instructions shown in the figure. Good luck.

Option five.

This cute bracelet contains a lot of elements: braided braid, stones, and even chains. I recommend you be well prepared.


  1. knitted fabric
  2. thread, needles, pins
  3. scissors
  4. ruler or tape measure
  5. leather cord
  6. thin metal chain
  7. 2 wooden beads
  8. 2 clasps
  9. jewelry pliers

We offer interesting workshops on creating unique bracelets from simple to more complex ones. It is not difficult to learn this craft.

Prepare a presentable piece of leather belt (without scuffs or protruding threads). Before cutting off a segment, measure the width of the wrist, be sure to leave a small margin so that you can sew on the clasp.

Pick up a few suitable beads to decorate the jewelry. It is better that the beads are flat, then the jewelry will be more comfortable to wear.

Gently start sewing the decor elements to the leather belt with a needle and thread of a suitable color.

Fill the entire space of the bracelet symmetrically with beads.

Buttons are used as a fastener in factory leather bracelets. If there is no special riveter, then prepare ordinary sewing accessories. The wider the decoration, the more buttons it is better to use.

Gently sew the button elements to the ends of the bracelet with strong shoe threads.

This method will allow you to get an invisible clasp. But a button or clasp from old jewelry is also suitable as a fastener.

As you can see, you can make a leather bracelet with your own hands in a few minutes and at minimal cost.

A thick old leather belt can be easily and happily turned into a stylish bracelet. This is a pleasant activity that will captivate and allow you to realize yourself in needlework. We don't need any special tools. This handmade idea does not require financial costs. You can cut the skin with a clerical knife. We will sew beads with an ordinary strong needle. Beads are sure to be in stock. Colored string can be purchased. It's quite inexpensive. We choose the color of the lace depending on our own preferences. The bracelet-pigtail is made like this:
Cut off the workpiece from the belt. It should be of medium thickness so that you can then braid it. We cut this blank not completely into three thin strips of equal width.

We make a hole in the part where we will have a buttonhole.

Cut off two pieces of colored thin lace. Their length should be longer than the leather blank, since we will form the buttonhole from the lace.
We pass both pieces of lace through the hole.

We tie it in a knot so that we get a loop into which our beautiful metal button will pass with medium effort. We fasten this loop with a thread.

Weave a braid of five parts (three leather and two parts from the lace).

We wrap the end of the bracelet with a colored cord. We tie a knot.

We sew a button so that the length of the bracelet fits us. To do this, mark the place where the button is fastened when trying on your own wrist.
Cut off the excess ends of the pigtail with a blade. Tie two wooden beads to the ends of the cord.

We sew beads, all kinds of metal decorative elements, beads with invisible stitches.

We wear with pleasure a stylish bracelet, which is made with our own hands. From the old belt turned out to be a real author's decoration.

Other rework options and the use of old things can be found in.

Master class on making a bright leather bracelet

A stylish leather bracelet is an essential attribute of a fashionable look. The variety of these accessories, today, is huge. And despite this, nevertheless, it is quite difficult to choose what will suit us in any particular situation. Therefore, we suggest making a stylish decoration yourself. They will make a bracelet that will complement an airy dress with a leopard print, or any other “leopard” thing. The whole secret lies in the stone that we will use. This is a moss opal that resembles the color of a leopard. To emphasize the stone, we will use bright red skin. Place the metal base inside the bracelet.

Materials for making jewelry:

— genuine leather of bright red color;
- moss opal 2.5x1.7 cm;
- metal base 18x2 cm;
- cord (5 cm);
- instant glue;
- scissors;
- ruler.

We lay out natural leather in front of us. We put a metal base on top of it. Using a ruler, we measure the dimensions of the future decoration. We designate the center where the stone will be attached to us, and the edges.

We fix moss opal in the center of the workpiece. Lubricate its flat side liberally with glue and apply to the skin. We wait until the glue dries completely.

On the wrong side of the skin, glue the metal base. At the same time, we lubricate only the central part (under the stone) of the base with glue, while leaving the edges unfixed.

We take a small segment of the cord.

Lubricate it with glue and wrap it around the stone from the wrong side of the skin.
We stretch the skin on the cord in such a way that we get a convex frame of the stone.

Lubricate the metal base with glue. We put the skin on it first on one side. We make a light wave on the surface of the skin. To do this, gently tighten the skin with your fingers in the center, and smooth the rest of the skin space.

We do the same on the other side.

Trim off excess skin. We leave a little margin for the inside of the decoration, literally 1.1 cm each.

Lubricate the back side of the metal base with glue. Gently glue one of the edges of the skin, tucking it inward.

We glue the second edge of the skin. We make sure that the edges lie as evenly as possible, and there is no gap left at the junction.

We also tuck the skin at the junction of the two ends of the bracelet and hide it inside.

We remove traces of glue from the surface of the skin. Gently bend the metal base.

Bright leather bracelet is ready!

Leather bracelets are a fairly versatile accessory that has not gone out of fashion for more than a season and has not lost its popularity. It has countless varieties and shapes: flat and voluminous, wicker, with various accessories, with spikes. Leather bracelets symbolize the spirit of freedom and the denial of any rules, because they are made by hand.

We sew leather bracelets with our own hands step by step in a master class

Experienced craftsmen and craftswomen know that when creating bracelets it is very important to choose the right leather material. For each of the patterns of weaving bracelets with your own hands, you need to select the appropriate type of leather material.

So to create thick, large leather bracelets, it would be right to give preference to a rough type of leather: saddlecloth or crust. Saddle leather is most often used to create men's bracelets.

For the manufacture of thin, elegant woven leather accessories for women, leather substitute will be most suitable. This material is softer in texture and easy to work with needles and hole punches.

Since leather elegant bracelets have become very popular, we offer several detailed descriptions of the manufacturing processes for this accessory.

Let's try to create a leather bracelet decorated with beads. First, prepare all the material necessary for work:

  • Several pieces of leather lace, which will have a length equal to the circumference of your wrist, plus a small margin for the formation of knots;
  • Clip or clothespin;
  • beads for decoration;
  • Clasp for your bracelet.

Take your cut laces and fix one of the sides with a clothespin or clip. Now start stringing decorative beads onto one of the threads. Don't forget to secure them on both sides with knots. Repeat the above manipulations with all your laces.

After you complete these manipulations, secure the free ends of the leather threads with the bracelet clasp. Now your leather bracelet is ready to use.

We create quickly and simply leather bracelets for men: the manufacturing process

Men's leather bracelets are distinguished by their simplicity and conciseness compared to women's.

We invite you to learn how to weave a simple men's leather bracelet. To work, you will need a piece of leather five centimeters wide and about twenty centimeters long.

Start making a bracelet:

  1. Form a pattern of the product on the back of the skin. The length of the bracelet must be at least nineteen centimeters. In the middle, make two slits that do not reach the edges by 1.5-2 centimeters.
  2. Lay the workpiece vertically and, using a washable pencil, number the cords from one to three. Bring the bottom edge of the bracelet between the second and third cords.
  3. Straighten the leather laces as your weaving progresses. Continue weaving in the following order: the first cord with the second, the third with the first, the second with the third.
  4. Bring the bottom of the workpiece forward between the third and second laces.
  5. Lay the cords again so that the lines descend to the bottom of the weave in the correct order - the first, second, third cord.
  6. Repeat steps two through four. You should get a weave in the form of a braid. Give the desired shape to the edges of the bracelet and make holes with an awl.
  7. To fasten, glue together several pieces of leather and leave to dry for a day. After drying, round the edges, make a hole in the middle and smooth out the bumps with sandpaper.
  8. Pass a thin leather cord through the holes in the bracelet. Pull both of its edges through the resulting leather nut. Tie the ends of the lace in knots.

Such an accessory will be a wonderful gift for your man, will be a pleasant and bright addition to his image.

Children are very fond of imitating adults, decorating themselves and putting on parental things. You can please a little fashionista or fashionista and weave leather bracelets with your own hands, which will attract a child with a bright design. Such bracelets will be able to compete in popularity even with well-known rubber bracelets.

For children's bracelets, it is best to use leather laces in bright and rich colors. Kids will be happy to wear such funny accessories both to school and to kindergarten.

Video on the topic of the article

At the end of our article on making leather bracelets for women, men and children, we offer you a selection of thematic videos. We hope that it will help you to explore the topic we have described in more depth. Enjoy watching!

The creation of leather bracelets is reminiscent of something primitive - of the times when the first people invented jewelry. Now such jewelry is at the peak of popularity, symbolizing freedom and non-recognition of the rules.

Try making your own leather bracelets to subdue fashion trends.

Selection of materials

Craftsmen who make leather bracelets with their own hands know that each needlework scheme requires a certain type of material.

For example, if you want to create wide symmetrical or asymmetrical bracelets with a minimum of jewelry, you will need thick rough leather - saddlecloth and crust. Most often, men's bracelets are obtained from saddlecloth.

If you need thin woven bracelets and baubles, choose soft leather ribbons, like suede or yuft - they bend and stitch well.

Make a wide blank, which you decorate with many ribbons and stones, from leatherette - it is soft and easy to process with needles and hole punchers. In addition, leatherette is much cheaper than natural material.

Women's bracelets

In the last few years, world-famous designers have introduced fashion for leather bracelets. Lines lined up in jewelry stores to buy Chan Lu leather bracelets with natural stones, nuts and rivets.

But after all, handmade jewelry is in no way inferior to the originals! Try it, it's very simple.

Leather bracelet with beads

The embellishment consists of several strands of suede, bracelet clasps with flat clips, and beads with holes large enough to fit your laces through.

  • Prepare the required number of pieces of lace, equal in length to the size of your wrist + margin for knots.
  • Clamp one side of the laces with the clasp clip.
  • On one of the threads, start stringing beads with your own hands, securing them on both sides with knots. Do the same for all other threads.
  • After completing the process, secure the free ends of the laces with a clip of another clasp.

Your bracelet is ready! To diversify the appearance of the jewelry, use several types of beads, alternating them on a thread or putting each new type on a new cord.

Braided bracelet with chain

These leather bracelets can be worn not only with casual wear, but also worn for special occasions due to their sparkling appearance. Beaded bracelets are woven in a similar way, which are also versatile in wearing.

In the process, you will need clasps for the bracelet with ring fasteners, 1 long piece of suede ribbon and 1 thin gold chain.

  • Pass the ribbon and chain through the ring of the first part of the fastener. Arrange them so that you have 2 side leather laces and a double chain in the middle.
  • Start weaving with your own hands an ordinary three-strand pigtail.
  • After weaving is completed, fasten the parts of the bracelet in the ring of the second clasp.

Now you can put on your leather bracelet. You can thicken such bracelets by fastening together several similar weaves at once.

To learn how to weave the popular Chan Lu leather bracelets with your own hands, check out the following video tutorial.

When creating such bracelets with your own hands, round or faceted natural stones are used. They are easy to replace with cheaper plastic beads that look like turquoise, coral or pearls.

All women's leather bracelets can be worn with sports, casual, safari and marine styles, that is, with clothes for nature, walking and relaxing in neutral tones similar to the skin color on the bracelet.

Bracelets for men

Men's leather bracelets are distinguished by their simplicity and conciseness compared to women's. Often the maximum decoration of such jewelry is rivets, spikes or types of weaving.

Now you will try to make a woven men's leather bracelet with your own hands. During work, you will need a piece of leather 5 centimeters wide and about 20 centimeters long.

  • Draw a pattern for the product on the back of the leather. The length of the bracelet must be at least 19 centimeters. In the middle, make 2 cuts that do not reach the edges by 1.5-2 centimeters.

  • Lay the blank vertically and mentally or with an erasable pencil number the cords from one to three. Pull the bottom edge of the bracelet between 2 and 3 cords.

  • Straighten the cords as you progress the weaving. Continue weaving in the following order: the first cord with the second, the third with the first, the second with the third.

  • Bring the bottom of the blank with your hands forward between the third and second cords.

  • Adjust the cords again so that the lines descend to the bottom of the workpiece in the correct order - the first, second, third cord.

  • Repeat steps two through four. You should have a finished braid.

  • Give the desired shape to the edges of the bracelet and make holes with an awl.

  • Set the bracelet aside. To fasten, glue together several pieces of leather and leave to dry for a day. When the workpiece dries, round the edges, make a hole in the middle and smooth out the bumps with sandpaper.

  • Pass a thin leather cord through the holes in the bracelet. Pull both of its edges through the resulting leather nut. Tie the ends of the cord in knots.

Weaving is quite simple in execution, so it will be possible to master it the first time.

The jewelry will be a welcome gift for your man. These bracelets are perfect for casual street style. Quality work will even go well with classic-style suits if you are heading to an informal meeting. But at a gala event it is better to appear without a bracelet.

Children's bracelets

Children love to imitate adults by decorating themselves and putting on parental clothes. Make DIY leather bracelets for a little fashionista or fashionista that will attract a child with a bright design. Such bracelets will be able to compete in popularity even with well-known rubber band bracelets.

You will need a long thin leather cord and bright floss threads. This decoration is universal - depending on the colors of the threads you choose, it can be given to both girls and boys.

  • Wrap the bracelet loosely around your wrist 2 times and add tie allowances. Cut off the measured length.
  • Secure the cord with tape. At a distance of approximately 5 centimeters, drip glue and attach the first color of the floss. Start winding the thread tightly around the cord until you reach the distance you need. Place a drop of glue again and secure this thread.
  • Start wrapping the bracelet with a thread of a different color. Continue alternating colors until you have braided about 2 inches of the bracelet. Secure the last color of the floss with a needle and glue.

  • Knot the rest of the cord around the second side of the cord. The knot must be strong, but the cord must pass through it freely.
  • Repeat the previous steps on the other side of the cord and tie the cord again.

To make it easier for you to make strong knots on a leather thread, wet it with warm water and remember well to soften and give elasticity.

Kids will easily wear such jewelry to kindergarten, school or for a walk. And thanks to the bright design, the bracelets are suitable for any everyday children's clothing. But with elegant dresses and formal suits, it is better not to wear them.