How to make shower gel - original recipes. Making homemade shower gel from bar soap

On the shelves of stores you can find lotions, shampoos, soaps and gels that can satisfy every whim. But the best hygiene products can be made by hand. Indeed, when selecting components for the manufacture of soap or gel, you need to take into account the characteristics of your skin. You can make a natural product with your own hands, the price will be affordable and there will be nothing superfluous. It can be a wonderful gift for mom, girlfriend, sister. In a word, handmade soap or gel has many advantages.

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Photo gallery: How to make your own shower gel and liquid soap?

Many "beginners" who take up the manufacture of hygiene products for the first time make solid soap. But it is better to start with liquid soap or shower gel. It's much easier. But when you like to make liquid soap, then the next step will be solid soap.

DIY natural shower gel liquid soap
This is the easiest option. This soap perfectly moisturizes and cleanses the skin.

To make liquid soap you will need:

  • a piece of baby soap;
  • 1 tablespoon of glycerin;
  • a few drops of essential oil;
  • Melissa, mint or dry chamomile.
Let's start making soap by preparing an herbal decoction. To do this, pour 10 tablespoons of dry grass with purified water and bring to a boil over low heat. We give two minutes to boil the broth and leave it to infuse for half an hour.

After that, pour the broth through a sieve, then dilute the resulting broth with liquid to make 10 cups of the diluted broth. While the broth is being prepared, rub the soap on a coarse grater. We take baby soap without additives. You will need a glass of soap flakes. In a saucepan of suitable size, pour the prepared broth, add soap flakes and put on fire.

Stir until the soap is completely dissolved. This will take several minutes. If the mixture looks runny, don't worry, it will thicken within two hours. Let the mixture cool, remove the foam from the surface and introduce glycerin. Mix everything thoroughly. If the composition contains essential oils, add a few drops to liquid soap. Liquid soap is ready. You can add a little food coloring to the finished composition. Pour the soap into a shampoo bottle or a handy jar. Pour the remaining soap into a glass jar or plastic container.

The second version of liquid soap
An economical version of liquid soap made from remnants, at almost no cost.


  • a glass of remnants of soap;
  • 1 tablespoon of glycerin;
  • mint (or replace with vanilla) or dry chamomile.
The making of this soap is similar to the previous recipe. The difference is that this recipe does not take a whole bar of soap. Large remnants are easier to grate. Small remnants put them in a suitable container, fill with hot water and leave for two days. Then add a decoction of herbs, as needed, and heat until the soap is completely dissolved. You can replace the decoction with water in which vanillin was diluted. To the soap base, which has cooled down, add glycerin. Mix thoroughly and pour the resulting liquid soap into an appropriate container.

Shower gel
The base is of great importance here, but if it is not possible to buy it in a specialized store, do not despair, we will prepare the gel from the available ingredients.

shower gel ingredients

  • 100 g of baby soap or replace with odorless baby shampoo;
  • 100 g of distilled water;
  • 1 tablespoon of glycerin;
  • 10 ml lime juice, a few drops of lime oil (or lemon oil and lemon juice).
If we take solid soap for the base, grate it on a coarse grater and fill it with water. We take more water to obtain a liquid consistency. Melt the soap shavings on the steam bath. Stir until smooth. If using shampoo, dilute it with this amount of water.

When the base has cooled, add citrus juice and oil, glycerin to it. We mix everything well. If you like, add a little yellow food coloring. Then the gel will have a more presentable appearance and is suitable for a gift. Mix the ingredients and pour this refreshing and fragrant gel into jars.

Body Scrub

To prepare the scrub, we will take the shower gel recipe as a basis, just add ground coffee to the composition. This scrub will moisturize and refresh the skin, cleanse the pores.

Recently, more and more representatives of the fair sex prefer to use natural cosmetics made by their own hands, rather than the one that we are all used to buying in stores. This is not surprising, since every woman wants to be not only attractive, but also healthy. And from the chemicals that are part of cosmetics made in production, there are many problems. Here I am, having long abandoned many purchased hygiene products, today I will prepare homemade shower gel, which consists of the simplest and most affordable products.

In terms of cost, it turns out to be much cheaper than purchased, and in terms of composition it is harmless and more pleasant than it. The shelf life of such a gel is unlimited. So I urge everyone who is ready to give up store chemicals and spend a little time and energy preparing home-made harmless hygiene products to work with me for the benefit of their own health.

Components that I will need:

  • baby soap - 30 g;
  • boiled water (even better to use mineral or distilled) - 240 ml;
  • sea ​​salt - three quarters of a tablespoon;
  • food coloring - a few drops;
  • essential oil (orange and lemon) - 10 drops each;
  • vitamins A and E (can be replaced with olive oil) - 12 drops each.

The cooking process itself will take a maximum of 30 minutes.

So, to business.

On a grater with small (the smaller, the better) cells, I rub a third of a 100-gram bar of baby soap.

I spread the soap shavings in a bowl and pour 160 ml. hot water. I set the container on a mug of boiling water and put it on fire, that is, I arrange a steam bath for soap.

With constant stirring, the chips melt very quickly, turning into a homogeneous liquid mass - a soap base for the gel is obtained. I add the rest of the water (cold) to it and mix it gently, trying not to shake it too much, in order to prevent the formation of foam.

I add sea salt, gently mix again - the mass immediately begins to increase in volume and thicken.

I mix in a few drops of dye - I have it green.

Now it remains only to drip essential oils and vitamins, mix, and use an ordinary funnel to move the resulting homemade shower gel into a convenient container.

The result was about 240 ml. delicate airy soap mass with a pleasant citrus aroma.

My homemade shower gel somehow thickened very quickly, I added a little more cold water to it and shook it well. And after the evening “water procedures”, little was left of it - my daughters took a liking to this home-made product and indulged in it from the bottom of their hearts. I got quite a bit, so to speak, "for one tooth." But this was enough to appreciate the result of their efforts. When used, the gel lay very easily on the skin of the body and was very quickly washed off with water, leaving only a barely perceptible aroma of a bouquet of essential oils. With this gel, the procedure for taking a shower has become even more pleasant and desirable for me and my daughters.

Now a little about the components that make up the homemade gel:

  • Baby soap, unlike any other, contains a minimum amount of chemicals (dyes, fragrances). That is why allergic reactions after its use are unlikely.
  • Vitamins A and E have a rejuvenating effect on the skin and slow down the aging process of skin cells, promote the speedy healing of small wounds on the skin and smooth wrinkles, eliminate stretch marks and peeling, give the skin elasticity and firmness.
  • Sea salt, containing a lot of useful trace elements, perfectly tones and improves the condition of the skin, gives it elasticity, silkiness and smoothness.

Doesn't all this speak of the benefits of homemade gel?

For daily body care, especially after a hard day at work, you want to choose a natural remedy with a persistent pleasant aroma that will pleasantly relax and give you great feelings. Most natural organic gels are quite expensive, as an option - you can do it yourself. Homemade gel will cost less, make it easy, and you can include it in the composition for every taste.

How to make organic gel with your own hands?

Organic Gel Preparation Method quite simple, does not require any special equipment, and does not take much time. Initially, you should decide what goals you want to achieve - moisturize dry skin, do it, or just thoroughly and enjoy the process of bathing. For each of the options, certain components are added, such as herbal decoctions, pharmaceutical vitamins for the skin, cosmetic clay, and so on.

The big advantage of homemade gel will be its complete safety of the composition, which can be fully controlled and adjusted to your needs. This allows you to experiment, show imagination and create exclusive flavors. Homemade liquid gel will be a great gift or surprise for any celebration.

The basis of the remedy

The main component for any liquid product is the base. It will take up a significant amount of volume, so choose safe and beneficial substances for skin health. Soap nuts are considered the best of the basics, but such a pleasure is not cheap, and getting a remedy is not easy.

A professional organic gel base can be purchased at beauty salons. It nourishes the skin well, provides hydration due to base oils, soothes the skin, creates a dense foam.

Important! These products should be free of lauryl sulfate.

Any high-quality baby soap is considered the most budgetary basis. Buying it will not be a problem, besides, it does not cause allergies, does not dry the skin. To prepare a liquid gel, you will need baby soap without foreign odors and chemicals.

The easiest gel recipe

Most simple homemade personal care product, in the form of a gel soap, will make it possible to create various aromatic products on its basis in the future. It won't be difficult to prepare it. Pre-prepare a suitable container, be sure to sterile clean and dry. For disinfection, you can wipe the dishes with alcohol and dry them in the open air. This is done so that the organic gel does not deteriorate quickly.

READ ALSO: Natural organic coconut oil: composition, useful properties of the product and application in cosmetology

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • Soap base or one bar of unscented baby soap.

  • Glycerin, essential oils, depending on the intended effect or property, dry herbs of medicinal plants for decoction.

  • To improve the condition of the skin - liquid vitamins in capsules A, E. They can be bought at a pharmacy.

  • If the gel is planned to be given as a gift, you can use food coloring to add color. For personal purposes, the product can not be dyed.

Cooking method

Organic gel at home is prepared as follows:

  1. First you need to make a decoction of plants, for example, mint or lemon balm. For cooking, take 10 tablespoons of dry raw materials, pour boiled hot water and bring to a boil. Boil the broth over low heat for 10 minutes. Next, the broth must be carefully filtered through gauze, avoiding the remnants of herbs.
  2. After the herbal liquid is ready, you need to start making the base of baby soap. Take a bar and grate, preferably fine. Mix the resulting soap shavings with a decoction and put on a slow fire.
  3. During the boiling process, be sure to stir the composition so that all soap flakes dissolve. The resulting foam should be removed last.
  4. Next, the solution must cool.
  5. In the cooled composition, pour 1 tbsp. l. glycerin and the necessary essential oils, then mix thoroughly, pour into a sterilized container.

Important! The shelf life of the product is limited to 2-3 months. Keep this in mind and be sure to tell if you are going to give the gel as a gift.

Gel scrub at home

For scrubbing, you can supplement the homemade gel with the appropriate components. This will help get rid of keratinized dry skin, make it smoother, cleanse pores, normalize blood circulation and refresh the body. Ground coffee, sea salt, buckwheat or rice groats, oatmeal are suitable as ingredients for a scrub.

To combat cellulite, the added essential oils of a citrus type, such as grapefruit, lemon, orange, will have a good effect.

The ingredients are added to the cooled gel, along with aromatic oil and glycerin. Such a unique tool will make the skin smooth, beautiful and help even out the structure.

For skin hydration

If the skin needs increased nutrition and hydration, two tablespoons of glycerin should be included in the gel recipe, instead of one. Also, as fragrant oils, you should choose options from roses, musk, orchids, which have a moisturizing effect.

An excellent homemade gel for dry skin is made from coconut milk. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 250 ml coconut milk;

  • 1 tsp natural honey;

  • 150 ml olive liquid soap;

  • wheat germ oil in the amount of 2 tbsp. l.;

  • geranium essential oil (6 drops).

All components are mixed in a container and you can proceed to the procedures in the bathroom.

Relaxing liquid soap

For the effect of relaxation, there is a special recipe that relieves stress and fatigue. This liquid soap is recommended to be used in the evening, before going to bed. Make a relaxing remedy can be as follows: you need to grate baby soap, then pour 50 ml into it. pure water. It is necessary to melt the composition with a water bath. Next, you need to add 1 tsp to the composition. finely ground sea salt, 1 tsp. dry blue clay and 1 tsp. grape seed oils. After that, mix thoroughly and add 10 drops of lavender oil. The gel is ready and you can pour it into the prepared container.

DIY gel for children

Liquid cleanser for children should cleanse the skin of impurities well, and also have an antibacterial and antimicrobial effect. It is important that the gel does not dry out the skin, otherwise irritation cannot be avoided. The best recipe in this case will be the option with the following components: baby soap, a tablespoon of glycerin, chamomile decoction 50 ml, 5 drops of lavender oil, a teaspoon of cane sugar, a teaspoon of fresh aloe juice.

Initially, grate a bar of baby soap, mix with a decoction of chamomile and melt in a water bath. When the solution is ready, add sugar, glycerin, and dye to it. Mix well until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Advice! You can use beetroot juice to color the gel, which is completely natural and safe for children.

At the end of production, you can add aloe juice and aromatic oil. Before use, make sure that the child is not allergic to these ingredients.

Top Best Brands

On sale you can find many branded organic gels, which are based on natural oils and herbal ingredients. Such a cosmetic line favorably affects the condition of the skin, moisturizes and nourishes it.

There is no need to spend money on expensive shower gels when you can make your own from any soap.

All you need:

  • Any soap. We chose Dove cream soap.
  • Grater.
  • Measuring cup.
  • Saucepan.
  • Mixing spoon.
  • Bottle with dispenser.

The instructions for preparing the shower gel are very simple and will only take 10 minutes of your time. First of all, we grate soap. The Dove soap is very mild so it was easy to rub and took about 2 minutes.

We only rubbed half of the soap since our dispenser container was not too big. Place the soap flakes in a saucepan and pour in the water. It took us two cups of water to make half of the soap. Take 4 cups for one whole soap.

Place the saucepan over medium heat. Stir contents until all soap flakes are dissolved. Heating will take you about 5 minutes.

You can add some coconut oil (if you have dry skin) or olive oil to the resulting mixture. You can also add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. But this is a completely optional step. Such a shower gel will be good on its own. Let the gel cool for a couple of hours and pour it into a container with a dispenser.

You can make the mixture more or less soapy and thick by adding water. Experiment to find the right consistency for you.

Today, the stores offer a huge selection of a wide variety of shower gels. But, as you know, the more cosmetics available, the more difficult it is to stop at any one of them. In one, the price may not suit, in the other, the aroma, in the third volume, etc. And, besides, it is difficult to be sure that the composition of the purchased shower gel is of high quality and safe.

But don't worry about this. After all, this hygiene product is very easy to do with your own hands. And for this you don’t even need to get some exotic ingredients. All components are simple and affordable.

At the same time, such a shower gel can be made truly individual, taking into account the type of skin, its features and other parameters, and, starting from this, choosing the right ingredients.

What is the best homemade shower gel compared to store-bought?

Homemade shower gel has a huge number of advantages over store-bought ones. Let's look at three main reasons to prefer handmade products.

  1. First of all this is its composition. Having made the tool under discussion with your own hands from high-quality, natural ingredients, you can be sure of its harmlessness. This gel is perfect even for a child. Indeed, unlike purchased ones, it will not contain dyes, preservatives, flavorings and other similar components that negatively affect the skin. Only a mild washing base, for example, from baby soap, as well as natural essential oils and natural extracts that care for the skin, softening and moisturizing it.
  2. Secondly, this is an opportunity to independently choose the ingredients and aroma. You can make almost any shower gel you want. For example, if you need to cheer up in the morning with the help of the discussed remedy, then you should add a few drops of sweet orange essential oil to it, if you want to start fighting cellulite, then coffee grounds, etc. Thanks to the opportunity to think over the individual composition. Such a gel can be a great gift for any occasion.
  3. Third it is worth noting its economy. Even adding high-quality essential oils and other similar ingredients to homemade shower gel, you can still make it more budgetary and profitable. In this case, you do not have to overpay for the big name of the manufacturer or a beautiful bottle.

How to prepare such a gel yourself at home?

Today there are a huge number of recipes for homemade homemade gel. You can simply choose among them the most suitable for yourself. All recipes are simple and affordable.

The easiest way to do this is from a special base for the gel. It is sold in stores with ingredients for home cosmetics.

Base - 200 grams (it is best to take Organic Liquid Castile Soap Base, which does not have to be diluted);

Avocado oil - 1 tablespoon;

Essential oil of lemon, tea tree or any other that you like the smell;

First, the base is heated to 30 degrees, so that all components perfectly reveal their beneficial properties in it. Next, avocado oil is added to it. Then 4 drops of essential oil are sent to the mixture.

When the turbidity from the oils has passed, the liquid is lightly whipped with a mini-mixer. It remains to add salt to it to thicken. This ingredient should be 1.5-2 percent.

It remains to pour the gel into a clean, disinfected bottle. After a couple of hours, it can be used for its intended purpose.

You will need to take 1 piece of natural baby soap for him. It is best to opt for the most common and inexpensive with a minimum composition. If there are a lot of remnants of baby soap at home, then they will do.

Dry grass suitable for skin type - 10 tablespoons (mint, lemon balm, chamomile, celandine);

Essential oil (for aroma, it is better to take citrus - orange, lemon, grapefruit oil);

Glycerin - 1 tablespoon.

First of all, an herbal decoction is prepared. To do this, the selected grass or flowers are poured with purified water and sent to a slow fire. After the broth boils, it should be left for another couple of minutes, and then turned off and let it brew for half an hour.

Now is the time to strain the liquid and top it up with water so that you end up with 10 glasses. Next, you need to grate soap or remnants on a grater. You should get a whole glass of cereal. Then we mix the decoction with grated soap and again send it to the fire until the flakes are completely dissolved.

Lastly, the foam is removed, glycerin and essential oil are added. If the mass turned out to be too liquid, do not worry, then it will thicken.

It remains only to pour the resulting shower gel into a convenient bottle. If a baby cream is chosen as the basis, then salt will also need to be added to it in order for the product to thicken.

If you are fond of self-preparation of cosmetics, then you will be interested in learning how to make your own lip balm. Such a balm has its own advantages - you will be 100% sure of its composition, since you will control it!

It is best to store the resulting gel in dark glass bottles in a cool place. Experts recommend that you first thoroughly wash the container, and then disinfect it with alcohol.

If you want to extend the life of your homemade gel for a long time, you can purchase a special preservative. For example, "AminoForce", which is also sold in specialized stores with goods for the production of cosmetics. It will make the shelf life of a homemade gel almost as long as that of a store-bought one.