Seductive look. How to seduce with one glance? Allowance for women

It is no secret that the next part of the female body after the legs and chest, which men pay attention to, is the eyes. With the help of a glance, you can charm and bewitch a man. But for this you need to know a few tricks.
The glance can be fleeting, just look at your chosen victim for a few seconds and look away. You need to resort to this trick several times a day.
If you decide to go on the attack and win the man immediately, just look at him with a slight smile. During this time, you will find a change of emotions on the face of your chosen one. Embarrassment, surprise, confusion ... Only if he does not want to play along with you - do not be offended.

The sparkle of the eyes is an integral part of seduction. There are eye drops called Diabenil. As a specialist in the field of ophthalmology, I can advise you to put two drops of them in each eye before any important meeting. The eyes will become shiny, redness and irritation will disappear. In their action, these drops are close to drugs such as suprastin, tavegil, diazolin, which are used orally. But in no case do not drink them before the meeting - you will become somewhat inhibited. But drops can be instilled, they act only locally on the eye.

Expressiveness of the eyes can be given with the help of cosmetics. Here, too, you need to know a few rules for applying makeup.

1. The choice of shadows. Cold color must necessarily be shaded warm. Blue, light green or gray eyes harmonize well with warm beige or golden shades. Brown eyes are effectively shaded with purple, bluish shadows. Saturated green eyes are suitable for peach or apricot colors. And further. Do not paint your eyelids with bright shadows if you have light eyes. With such a contrast, the eyes will simply discolor. Never use eye shadow.

2. The outline of the eyebrows. Strongly plucked eyebrows have long gone out of fashion. But correcting the shape of the eyebrows is sometimes just necessary. The look should acquire a slightly surprised shade. Remove only loose hair, trim the bottom edge, and pluck the hair between the eyebrows.

3. Lush eyelashes. To achieve this, you should apply mascara separately to each hair, if, of course, it works out. Eyelashes should be evenly colored, mascara should not flow and irritate the eyes.

It is common knowledge that a man loves with his eyes.

This is, in my opinion, the most powerful weapon of a woman. And She has been using it successfully since time immemorial. If a man did not love with his eyes, then perhaps there would be no such fashion inventions as a mini-skirt or bikini.
Of course, everything must be done within reason. If you have crooked or very thick legs, the mini will not suit you, it will only repel a man. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize the beauty of your own body. Beautiful hair, eyes, face - it's wonderful. But it is better to show what not every woman shows, shoulders, chest, legs, stomach. This will make you stand out from the crowd.

Every woman should perfectly know her external advantages and disadvantages. In a conversation with a guy you want to seduce, you need to emphasize your strengths and hide your flaws. Think about it yourself. There are a lot of options. I will consider only two of them. You have beautiful legs, but you are not beautiful on the outside. Or you have legs, let's say so :-) average legs, but beauty on the face.

The first option is to wear a mini. Emphasize the beauty of the legs. When talking, you can cross your legs. A man will look you in the face, but not see it completely. Part of his gaze will be distracted by your feet.

You can sometimes stroke your knees with your hand to finish it with this :-). What? Holding on? Well, of course, outwardly it can be. And the fire burns inside. It will show itself. Necessarily. In conversation, you can even let him look at your feet. This is done simply. Look down at your feet and run your hands over them. He'll sort of have the right to look at them too. Let him look - he probably does not even suspect that he is being seduced :-). They say that a woman's face changes when you recognize her character (respectively, she either grows uglier or prettier), but not only her character. The face changes, it becomes prettier accordingly, when you find out that she has beautiful legs or shoulders, or a stomach.

The second option is not worse than the first. If in the first you cannot hide a flaw, then in the second you can even make it a virtue. Choose your clothes (maxi, or trousers), so that it hides your flaws. Well, then into battle!
Your face. I'm sorry guy :). You can do more tricks with the face than with the legs. A smile, squinting, a parted mouth, eyes parted in surprise, lips bulging out of resentment, etc. All this is your secret arsenal. Sitting, say, at the table, we hide our legs under the table and start shooting with our eyes. Just be careful - we need the client alive.

Now about the main thing - what are your advantages and disadvantages. The best helper is a mirror. It is necessary that you, sitting or standing in front of a mirror, find your best movements and facial expressions, improve your gait, unsuccessful movements. At first it will be difficult - but then things will go. Find positions for sitting, standing, etc.
If you master this powerful weapon, the weakest point in men (I mean the eyes) will be yours!

We can tell a lot with our eyes. And smile, and express anger and indignation, and “drill”, and pour over with cold. And even falling in love with a glance is quite within our power. Not a single real one can do without a game of looks, without this silent, but very significant dialogue. Today we will talk about the technique of the look and how to make it mirror and radiant. About how to smile with your eyes and what a strong effect it has on men (and not only on them, by the way).

I already wrote about the power of the look in the article. It also said that for a better connection, a certain “connection” is important, when the interlocutor takes you for his person. Do you want a man to feel a kindred spirit in you? Then each of your dates should be held under the motto "You are me, I am you." Think of yourself with his head, feel with his feelings.

And, of course, emit an invisible but tangible light at eye level. They talk about this glow when they describe a person who is attractive to the opposite sex. These people know how to smile, "shine" their eyes the way small children do. Remember how children first begin to smile with their eyes, and begin to glow from the inside, and then they smile with their lips. With age, we stop smiling like that, and we do it purely mechanically, stretching our lips in a smile, while leaving our eyes motionless. People who smile with their eyes are very attractive. You have probably met these people too. With bright, luminous, lively eyes.

It's time for you to re-learn this miracle and with just one look.

How to conquer a man. Eye smile technique

1. Close your eyes and mentally hug the whole world, doing it with love. And then smile to yourself, repeating to yourself many times: "Light and love."

2. Imagine how the sun shines in your face, warming up and filling your eyes. This warm and clear light will add sparkle and radiance to your eyes.

3. Now open your eyes and smiling inwardly, repeating “light and love” to yourself and feeling the sunlight in your eyes, go to the mirror and look at yourself. You will see how warm and alive your look has become. For best results, work this technique with someone you trust. Look at the person first with your normal gaze, do the technique and look again. Ask what has changed.

This look technique is simple, but the result is amazing. Don't be afraid to look men in the eye, smiling and beaming at them. Additionally, you can apply the technique "Mirror look". It can also be called “A look into the heart”, because after such a look a warm feeling for you appears in the heart of a man. But, I want to warn you that with shining eyes you can look at everyone and everyone. But with a mirror look, you need to look only at the man you love and want to build a long and serious relationship with him!

I learned about this technique from Lisa Pieterkina, who gives quite a lot of such techniques and practices. And she warned that this technique should only be used on the man you really need and with whom you want to start a family. You can learn about Lisa and her free and paid webinars. And she can teach a lot, her energy practices have already helped many women to radically change their lives for the better.

How to conquer a man. Technique "Look into the heart"

When you sit and communicate with a man, look into his right eye and try to see your reflection there. Just do not tense up and be extremely relaxed so that your face does not turn into a frozen grimace. You should enjoy this technique. As soon as you feel tension, break eye contact. In the course of the conversation, you can look into the man’s right eye several times, holding your gaze for 5-7 seconds and peering into your reflection.

It is precisely at this moment of “gazing” that your gaze becomes motionless and does not let go. Thoughts stop jumping from one to another, the pupils dilate. The look becomes truly bewitching, and your eyes will become like a still pool, in which there are many interesting things.

You should not look into his pupil during the entire conversation, do it from time to time. Soon you will be able to get into such contact with him, as if you are one and no one else exists except for the two of you.

You can also look into the right eye during intimacy, entering into a strong resonance with a man. At this time, you can start thinking with his head and inspire him with all sorts of different thoughts on the topic of his feelings for you. Thoughts should be his, not yours. That is, not “You will be happy with me!”, But “How happy I am with her, how good I am with her!”. In her courses, Lisa talks about all this, but we can not go that far yet. It is enough to do the mirror look technique simply during normal communication with your beloved man.

Another very popular and effective practice from Lisa is the walking technique. You can read about it in the article

Be loved and happy!

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No matter how many tests are invented on the topic “What attracts the representatives of the stronger sex in the appearance of a woman?”, We can say with confidence: first of all, the eyes. Bright, shiny, certainly shaded by long fluffy gracefully curved eyelashes.

The eyes, as they say, are the mirror of the soul. According to the eyes, doctors determine a person’s propensity for any diseases, and psychologists determine character traits. If you want to know more about a person, just look him in the eyes.

Eye Shape
Big eyes belong, as a rule, to sensitive, courageous natures striving for leadership. Often such people are distinguished by amazing constancy. A large iris is a sign of softness and calmness.

Small eyes indicate a certain isolation of a person, his great susceptibility to suggestion, constancy and stubbornness. Such eyes often belong to gloomy, reserved, intractable people. A small iris indicates an imbalance in internal mental processes, which adversely affects relationships with others.

A person with beautiful, attractive eyes has good health, strong will, intelligence, temperament. His eyes have an expressive iris, well protected by eyelids.

Eyes can have a different fit, which can be used to judge the character of a person. If both eyes are located on the same horizontal line, this is considered normal. If the planting of the eyes of a man is shifted down, this indicates his determination. The same symptom is observed in imprudent women.

A network of diverging wrinkles in the outer corners of the eyes is a sign of insight and easy character.

A sign of maturity is a slightly lowered upper eyelid. A severely drooping upper eyelid in men indicates depletion of energy. A swollen eyelid indicates excessive fatigue of a person.

The owner of a large lower eyelid leads a hectic life, and a too large sagging lower eyelid indicates that a person cannot control his desires. For example, Don Juan was the owner of strongly sagging lower eyelids.

eye color
According to the drawing of the iris of the eye, certain individual characteristics and the state of a person can be identified. A large iris is a sign of calmness and balance of a person, and a small one is an imbalance.

The presence or absence of vitality is associated with the color of the iris.

Black, brown and green indicate greater internal energy, blue indicates sensitivity, and light brown indicates shyness. It is believed that the owners of brown and black eyes have a more excitable nervous system than the owners of gray and blue eyes. However, blue-eyed people are predisposed to a number of nervous diseases. Blue-eyed people are sentimental, touchy, they are easily subject to frequent mood swings and are often capricious.

The subtleties of summer makeup
With skillful make-up, a woman can make her eyes more spectacular, and her look deeper and more seductive. In summer, when it is hot, humid and dusty, it is not easy to keep makeup until the end of the day. In order for you to look flawless during the day, it is recommended to change the usual technique of applying makeup. How to do it?

Give preference to loose shadows so that they do not spread before your eyes. Emphasize the contour of the eyelids not with a pencil, but with a liquid waterproof eyeliner, preferring mostly colored and shiny rather than matte. It is advisable to use mother-of-pearl shades, because in bright sunlight they create the effect of humidity, which is very fashionable this summer, and in cloudy weather they will add a little light, which also looks irresistible.

Mascara should be chosen in color and, most importantly, waterproof and water-repellent. If we talk about color, then in the summer it is good to use blue or brown mascara, as these colors make the eyes brighter and more expressive. But the black color of the mascara will have to be abandoned for a while, since in bright daylight it looks too sharp, and besides, it ages the eyes. It can only be used when applying evening make-up - then it will effectively emphasize the eyes and give them mystery. Remember one feature: light colors on the eyelashes kill the expressiveness of the look, so only the tips of the eyelashes already covered with black or brown mascara are painted with light mascara.

Draw the eyebrow line not with a solid line, as you did before, but with strokes. Then coat your eyebrows with hair styling gel - it will give your eyebrows extra shine. For summer, it is better to choose pencils in dark hazel, reddish-bronze or gray-brown colors and preferably with mother-of-pearl.

The beauty, brilliance and expressiveness of the eyes depend, among other factors, on the quality of food, in particular on the content of very valuable vitamins in it: A, B and C. Swelling of the eyelids in the morning after sleep may indicate a lack of vitamin A in the diet. It is recommended to eat more parsley, spinach, carrots. They will not only provide the body with a vitamin, but also improve vision.

To get rid of the blue under the eyes, it is very useful to introduce green salads into the diet. They contain a variety of vitamins.

The presence of vitamin B determines the liveliness of the look and the brilliance of the eyes. The source of this vitamin is dry brewer's yeast and wheat germ.

As for vitamin C, almost all vegetables and fruits are rich in it, especially citrus fruits. Thanks to him, the mobility of the eye muscles is maintained.

The cause of a tired look can often be an excess of toxins in the body, the removal of which is facilitated by mineral waters.

Learn to relieve eye strain
The eyes, like a mirror, reflect all the worries of the day, give out visual and nervous tension. Try to relieve fatigue. Close your eyes and with the middle fingers of both hands lightly massage them in a circular motion, starting from the base of the nose, continuing under the line of the eyebrows to the outer edge of the eyes and again returning to the nose. Place your palms over your closed eyes for 1-2 minutes.

When the eyes are very tired and blue circles have formed under them, do not be too lazy to make soothing compresses by moistening with a piece of cotton wool with a chilled decoction of chamomile or cornflowers, strong tea and apply them to your closed eyes.

If the eyelids swell in the morning, it is necessary to dissolve a tablespoon of coarse sea salt in warm water, moisten cotton swabs with the solution and put on the eyes for 20 minutes. Rinse the compress with water.

Exercises that can make a difference...
Do eye exercises daily. It is known that the eye muscles are very mobile and are in constant motion. Special gymnastics has a beneficial effect on the motor reaction of the eyes. Here are some exercises:
Slowly raise and lower your eyelids. Repeat 12 times.
With two fingers, lightly press on the outer edge of the eye and vigorously open and close it 10 times. Do the same with the other eye.
The head is motionless, look up, down, left, right and vice versa.
Move out of the corner of your eye to the left, up, left, right. Perform alternately with the left and right eyes.
Raise eyelids as high as possible, lower.
Open your eyes wide, tighten the muscles and skin of the face, relax.

Follow all the basic rules for eye care, and you will avoid many problems, and for a long, long time you will surprise others with the youthful brilliance of your seductive eyes.

From ancient times, for the sake of one languid glance of the beauty, battles were unleashed, empires were created, palaces were built and feats were performed.

With just her eyes, a woman can show a whole range of emotions and feelings, inspire and confess her love. It is important for each of us to be able to control these weapons, to keep them in full combat readiness at any time of the day or night.

How to seduce a man with a look

Gaze - eye to eye to seduce a man

Remember the famous quote from the operetta "Die Fledermaus"? The method of conquering men with one glance is simple - "Look into the corner, at the nose, at the object." Ridiculous, but completely justified. With a sharp change in focus, the pupils dilate, and men subconsciously notice this and perceive it as a signal, a call to action. Your eyes become for them the very “pool” in which you can drown.

It is also important to remember that a direct eye-to-eye look is regarded as a manifestation of the highest degree of attention. Don't be afraid to openly look at the man you want to attract. Coquetry is coquetry, but the stronger sex loves manifestations of looseness and courage. Psychologists have found that in order to build a good relationship with another person, about 60-70% of the time you communicate, your gaze must meet his gaze, especially when you yourself are talking.

Seduction of a man with a look in different countries

Be careful - the same view in different countries is perceived differently. The Germans raise their eyebrows all the time if someone's idea excites them. But the same thing in England will be regarded as an expression of skepticism. The Japanese, Indians, Pakistanis and Norwegians, when talking, look at the interlocutor's neck, a direct look in the face, according to their traditions, is impolite. Representatives of the "contact" nations, Arabs, Latin Americans, French and Spaniards feel quite differently. They, on the contrary, consider it necessary to look at who you are talking to.

Gymnastics for the eyes to seduce a man

An excellent signal and expression of interest is a sideways glance, over the shoulder. The eyebrows are slightly raised, the eyelids, on the contrary, are lowered, there is a slight half-smile on the face. This look works flawlessly - not direct and defiant, but soft and cunning. Some explain its effectiveness by the fact that the roundness of the shoulder reminds men of the shape of the chest and immediately attracts attention. Practice this look in front of a mirror, flirt with your own reflection, watch facial expressions. Such exercises will surely give you a lot of pleasure and will be useful, because the ability to control your eyes will come in handy in any situation!

No less than all of the above men are attracted by the sparkle in their eyes. For his appearance, it is not necessary to recall the sad moments from the films, it is enough, looking into the eyes of a man, to say to yourself everything you want to say out loud, to “fill with meaning” your visual message. It can be anything: a sexual fantasy, a declaration of love, a compliment. Speak the words in your mind without looking away, and the man will definitely feel your mood.

Eye care for a seductive look

The most important thing that any woman should know is the rules for caring for her natural weapons. Unfortunately, not all of us have been endowed with thick dark eyelashes and eyebrows since childhood, and many of us have to put in a lot of effort to maintain expressiveness and freshness of our eyes.

We regularly use mascara, shadows, pencils, tattoos, false eyelashes and more to enhance the beauty of our eyes, but we often forget that daily and thorough care is necessary to maintain the beauty of our eyelashes. Remember this, and perhaps decorative cosmetics will not be needed at all. It will take no more than fifteen minutes a day!

Seduction of a man in a general way

So, in order to drive a man crazy, first of all, you need to interest him in your image, attract his attention, so to speak, with bright packaging. When going on a first date, you need to pay attention to every little thing - from hair and manicure to shoes and a handbag, and don't forget about accessories that create the effect of femininity, style. To help lovely ladies, we note that most men simply do not understand what is stylish and fashionable, and when evaluating a woman's appearance, they pay attention to the general appearance.

Therefore, in order to attract attention to yourself, you need to create a certain image that matches your mood (this is extremely important, since any image will be incomplete if you do not feel confident in it). The image should be unusual, bright, sexy and seductive. Remember, the image of a mother-heroine in a sweater stained with baby food, you can only cause tenderness among the sentimental in matters relating to motherhood, but never seduce a male male! In creating an image, it is not so much the main things that are extremely important, but all sorts of little things and a variety of accessories. For example, the image of a complete bitch - dangerous, passionate and surprisingly seductive - is unthinkable without a bright, slightly aggressive make-up, lush hair, black transparent underwear, stilettos and many large jewelry (rings, bracelets, pendants, etc.).

The image of Lolita to seduce a man

The image of Lolita - gentle, sensual and inexperienced - is achieved by using a gentle but noticeable make-up, a simple hairstyle, light underwear and cute jewelry (brooches, thin rings).

The image of a socialite to seduce a man

The image of a socialite - mysterious, glamorous and impregnable - can be created with the help of bright, stylish make-up, complex hairstyles or trendy styling, expensive lingerie, stylish accessories, matched tone on tone, and a small amount of expensive, exclusive jewelry. Psychologists say that in nature there is no one universal image that would be equally seductive for all men, since there are no two men who prefer the same style. Each image, as well as the woman who creates it, is inimitable and unique, they have their own sexual energy.

However, female beauty, necessary in matters of seduction of representatives of the strong half of humanity, is not only in clothes. None, even the most expensive and stylish clothes, will look good on an untidy body. Note that men attach great importance to this factor. The sight of a graceful, plastic, slender female body, its delicate smell can drive a man crazy even without the help of clothes (and vice versa).

How to seduce a man with your behavior

General view for seduction

Look after yourself! Go to the gym regularly to keep your muscles in good shape and keep in good shape, do not forget to visit beauty salons not only to cut your hair, but also to properly care for your skin. Natural cunning and artistry given to a woman by nature is another equally important component of the art of seduction. Sometimes, in order to sell something, you need to resort to cunning, paint qualities, point out abilities ... After all, you really want to buy an interesting, functional, and most importantly, unusual product, even if you don’t really need it! Men are buyers who look only at what they are interested in, what is attractive due to its unusualness.

Communication style to seduce a man

A real woman is an actress by nature. Throughout her life, she has to play a huge number of roles: a friend, a lover, a wife, a mother, a colleague, etc. In order to seduce a man, acting lessons are sometimes indispensable, here you need to show all your charm, all the facets of your attractiveness. At the beginning of this article, we mentioned women who drop the glove. Do you think it just happens? No! This is one of the little female tricks that have been used by the fair sex for centuries to lure another victim into their networks.

Despite the outward simplicity of this kind of tricks, it is hard work. Before dropping the glove, you need to make a lot of manipulations, and so that it is imperceptible from the outside.

Look around in search of an object of influence (a suitable man), calmly and imperceptibly approach the right place, without looking up, choose the moment and ... it is absolutely natural to drop a glove (handkerchief, napkin, pen, lighter, keys and other things that are purely by chance in pocket). But the most difficult thing in this process is then with a surprised and a little guilty look (which, by the way, men really like) to say: “Oh, I'm so awkward! If not for you, then ... "Yes, women's ingenuity in matters relating to the seduction of men knows no bounds! Of course, a beautiful bright appearance, eye-catching, and female cunning are the main components of seducing a man. But, they are needed only in order to attract, interest, surprise.

The purpose of seducing a man (of course, if it is not an easy, non-committal flirting) is his love, which brings the seductress a lot of sensual and physical pleasures. So, in order for a man, like a butterfly flying into a fire, not to be able to escape from the nets spread by a chic seductress, you need to have other abilities. Sensuality, emotionality, passion are integral components of the art of seduction. When selling a product, we often resort to all sorts of psychological tricks, such as, for example, rapprochement. First of all, this is visual contact. A languid look penetrating into the very heart, as well as the famous female “shooting” with her eyes, drove more than one man crazy. Women's eyes, passionate or tender, black as night or pure blue as the sky, have been sung by poets for generations, giving rise to a strong and deep feeling in men's hearts.

Then you need to establish bodily contact, that is, make the man flinch at just one touch. There are some proven tricks for this.

A conversation to seduce a man

Since we have begun to talk about the art of seduction, we will lift the veil of secrecy. Light, seemingly not quite conscious, spontaneous touches during a conversation, argument, and especially flirting can say a lot about a woman, about her sensuality and sexuality. A passionate woman always actively gesticulates, touches her partner, explaining something or asking him for something, strokes him, praising or making compliments, shakes hands in greeting or goodbye. In general, a certain primitive force is hidden in touch, indicating trust, disposition, dedication. Therefore, in order to seduce a man, you should not sit back!

In general, the art of seduction is, first of all, the art of being a woman, the art of loving and being loved, the art of attracting male gazes. There is nothing illegal and unnatural in this, as they say, in love and in war, all means are good! Unfortunately, nothing in this world happens by chance, all achievements, all successes, as well as all our problems are the result of our actions, our labors.

Contrary to women's opinion, women to whom men are drawn like flies to honey do not exist in nature, just as there are no women who are naturally unhappy in love. Everything, including the art of seduction, can (and should) be learned, you just have to want to...

How to seduce a man with fantasy

In fact, there is nothing special about male fantasies, they are quite predictable and normal (after all, after all, every male wants to be not just a boy, a husband, but also a hero!). Among the most popular male fantasies, three main ones can be distinguished, which are the basis (all the rest are various modifications dictated by the degree of depravity).

Fantasy for seduction - I am alone, but there are many of them!

This is the most common male fantasy. In it, he is strong, handsome, courageous, drunk with desire, burning with passion, having sex with many gorgeous women, satisfying each in different ways. As a rule, this fantasy is accompanied by views of an oriental palace, a hookah, roses, a luxurious bed with many pillows and other attributes of an average sheikh. Well, since he likes when many women surround him, you can try to bring his fantasy to life, because in fact there is nothing unnatural in this. Decorating a room in the form of an oriental palace is not difficult, you just need to collect all the fabrics available in the house, hang them in the form of canopies on the windows, headboard, chairs. You can sprinkle the floor with rose petals or put fresh fragrant flowers in a vase. If you are not ready to fill your bedroom with female concubines, then the easiest way to create an atmosphere of an oriental harem is to furnish the room with many mirrors, and placing them in all possible places, directing them to the bed: on the walls, on the ceiling, etc. Such a Looking Glass will reflect and multiply your own body, and sexual intercourse will turn into a stormy orgy, pleasing the sophisticated male eye and amusing his pride.

Fantasy for seduction - I am timid and helpless, but she is strong and determined

Many women, accustomed to their passive role, consider this fantasy perverted. In fact, this is quite normal, because even a strong man sometimes wants to feel helpless and weak. As a rule, such male fantasies are accompanied by an image of a sort of luxurious, sexy and domineering. To satisfy this male fantasy, you can simply radically change the usual conditions of sex.

The full nudity of partners (which, according to psychologists, tends to quickly become boring) should be replaced by aggressively sexy clothes: black lingerie, corset, stockings, massive jewelry. The usual “missionary position” or other positions in which the initiative is in the hands of a man should be replaced by opposite postures, for example, the posture of a horsewoman.

You can also change the interior of the bedroom by decorating the windows with thick curtains instead of delicate tulle, throw a tiger-colored blanket on the bed instead of the classic satin bedspread, etc. The most important thing that can please any man is a little depravity (the main thing is not to overdo it! ). Even if you have never done this before, everything has to be done for the first time! Most often, such sexual fantasies occur in men who live with conservative, strictly educated women.

Fantasy to seduce a man - sex with Marilyn Monroe

In fact, no woman will like that her man dreams of having sex with a famous singer, actress, model, or even a female politician. However, many representatives of the stronger sex dream about it almost every day! Most often, this fantasy arises from the beautiful, sexy image of the star, formed by stylists, makeup artists, image makers, an image that he will never get in real life with a real woman.

There is nothing wrong with pleasing your partner and offering him great sex with the heroine of his dreams. No no! To do this, it is not at all necessary to lay out a lot of money by inviting a sexual double into your home, because you yourself can turn into his dream. The main thing is not to make a problem out of this and quietly find out the name of the one you need to turn into, get her photo (cut out from a men's magazine), buy everything you need (namely: a wig, cosmetics, jewelry and underwear) and start reincarnation. Believe me, if you are a sexy woman, you will not only definitely succeed, but will also give you pleasure.

Satisfying such fantasies of your man, you not only give him indescribable pleasure, you make your sex life more diverse. So you can not only take on the appearance of the heroine of a male fantasy, but also play out a whole performance, for example, a striptease or a performance to the soundtrack. Be sure that your man will definitely appreciate your efforts and maybe next time he will allow you to have sex, for example, with Brad Pitt.

How to seduce a man with games

Riddles games to seduce men

Everyone loves to solve riddles since childhood. What could be more pleasant than breaking your head over a difficult problem or making a long associative series and finally finding the right answer? Riddles or just questions with erotic overtones are ways to “turn on” any man, so this game should not be put off, especially since you can play it at any time. It will look especially exciting if you start playing in some crowded place, such as public transport, a cinema, a restaurant, or just visiting friends. The piquancy of this game is that you have to have erotic conversations that can be heard. What is the essence of the game? The conditions are simple: while in a noisy company, you suddenly ask your companion to guess what you are thinking right now by offering him three keywords as a clue (for example, whipped cream, lace and caress). He can ask you any three leading questions and then, on reflection, give the right or wrong answer. You can be sure that a man who solves such a riddle will turn on all his imagination, attract all the sensory experience, and by the middle of the party you will both be burning with impatience to be alone as soon as possible!

The game "Lucky ticket" to seduce a man

Remember, as a child, you looked at the numbers on the ticket with great interest in search of a happy one? Of course you remember! However, this childish prank can be turned into a completely erotic action, you just need to connect the fantasy and desire to excite your partner so that when he comes home he burns with impatience! Yes, this game is also played in a crowded place, or rather, in public transport. The sharpness of sensations, passionate expectation can excite even a man who is tired after a working day!

It is extremely easy to play this erotic game. To do this, during your lunch break, you need to write on a piece of paper the numbers from one to ten and ten of your favorite erotic actions corresponding to the numbers. Roll up this paper and put it in your pocket. In the evening, standing at the bus stop, invite your companion to think of what you would like to do tonight! Then give him a piece of paper and offer to solve it on a travel ticket. When you get your ticket, add up all the digits of the number until you get a single digit, and then see what matches that number on your list.

Men, despite their external coldness, are very suspicious people: when they hear a word, they imagine a detailed action. Imagine how he will wait for the right stop!

Game "Hide and Seek" to seduce a man

Everyone remembers this childhood fun. Surely your loved one in childhood loved to hide! Do not deny him pleasure, especially since you can play erotic hide and seek without getting out of bed. Unlike the previous two games, this one is played together without the presence of witnesses. Its highlight lies in the fact that both you and your partner will be constantly in suspense and search, which cannot but excite! For this game, you will need simple things: a silk scarf, as many different sweets as possible (for example, honey, chocolate, whipped cream, cherry jam, etc.). The conditions are elementary: you blindfold your loved one, then apply one of the cooked goodies to a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body and invite him to find it.

If you are liberated and devoid of complexes, then you can choose quite secluded places, if you still do not know each other well enough and there is some tension between you, then it is better to limit yourself to lips, chest or stomach. A special piquancy can be achieved by swapping places at a certain moment.

Game "Bottle" to seduce a man

Everyone knows this ancient erotic game, since all teenagers play it sooner or later. You can offer your partner a new version of this game, more intimate and more sexy. Just think how exciting the game looks in which every time you get a new task and access to a new part of the body. If the usual "Bottle" is usually played by many people, and the more, the better, then the erotic "Bottle" is a game for two! Invite your man to drink a bottle of champagne at dinner (the sparkling bubbles will quickly hit your head) and then play a game. Take small sheets of paper, write on them the part of the body that you would like to kiss, roll it into a tube and place it in a bottle. The more tubes there are, the more interesting the game will be. Then sit opposite each other and start spinning the bottle in turn, taking out one tube at a time and kissing the part of the partner’s body that is indicated in the task. As a rule, this game ends before it starts, and the result is wild, unbridled sex!

Golden rules of erotic games

Erotic games are a spacious field of activity for dreamers and inventors. Any childish prank can be turned into an enchanting erotic action! However, in any case, you need to remember the three golden rules.

  • Do not take the love game as something exotic, sexy, just enjoy the fun and new sensations
  • Every game should have its limits. The most common technique to limit a partner is to come up with a "conditional" word denoting the end of the game.
  • A love game is an intimate affair that does not tolerate the intervention of strangers, so you should not talk about your erotic fun to your friends, relatives, work colleagues. Remember, the secret that two people keep brings together and unites!

As you can see, in bed there is a place not only for serious feelings and relationships, but also for play, fantasy, and fiction. Indeed, from the cultural studies course, we know that the most skillful priestesses of love are those women who know how to come up with something new every time. Remember the famous phrase: “Only those sexual relationships can be called ideal in which partners can laugh in bed!” Indeed, there can be no forbidden tricks in sex, everything that you do (of course, provided that it suits and excites your partner) is normal and great!

In matters of seduction, at first glance, everything is clear. She put on a shorter skirt, stilettos, fishnet stockings and you can be sure that you are provided with interested and admiring glances of men. But if the object of adoration is, for example, your boss or work colleague, then such a style of clothing in an office environment is unlikely to be appropriate. In this case, the question arises, “How to excite a guy with a look?” and in general whether such a focus would be sufficiently successful.

So, exciting look...

“... I like it when I see interest in the eyes of a girl. It seems to me that if she boldly looks at me and at the same time does not hide her eyes, it means that she is set up for a closer acquaintance ... "

“... I love it when a girl expresses her admiration with her eyes, as if she says with her eyes: “What a cool guy! I would not refuse to drink a cup of coffee with him ... "

“... It turns me on when a girl frankly seduces me with a look, urging me to take the initiative in my own hands ...”

Thus, let's sum up. Men pay attention to how the fair sex looks at them, moreover, they consider their eyes a powerful weapon of seduction, so every girl will need to know how to seduce a guy with a look.

Let's consolidate the material. In order for the young man at the next table to pay attention to you, your gaze should burn with undisguised interest, mixed with a slight amount of admiration. But it is important not to overdo it. No need to look at him with "puppy delight", alternately blushing, then turning pale. You must behave like a lioness, for whom, of course, he is a very curious object, but nothing more. Because, although men will not admit it, in women's eyes they want to read a challenge, a call to battle or, if you like, an invitation to participate in an exciting adventure.

Be that as it may, it is important to remember the main rule of how to excite a guy with a look - give him hope for your favor and at the same time give confidence that you are “not an easy thing.”

Step-by-step instructions for seduction or how to excite a man with a look:

However, it is advisable to think about how to excite a guy with a look only in cases where this guy is really interesting to you. If you just decided to test the power of your seductive gaze on him, then you run the risk of becoming a victim of his obsessive attention later. And excessive interest, as you know, is no better than a complete lack of interest.