When do the working days of the year start? How are weekends handled? The fate of the long winter holidays

Why not? Unlike New Year's Eve, this holiday is warm and unfussy. It prolongs the Christmas charm and allows those who have been fasting to enjoy the festive meals. In addition, he also has a second practical component - on the TV box, and you can see all the missed New Year's programs and concerts on a sober head. If you celebrated the New Year with friends, this holiday can be dedicated to the family. And vice versa. In a word, a second chance so beloved by the Russian people. And of course, the Old New Year is the time to make dumplings and guess!
In the Russian tradition, on the evening of January 13, it was customary to generously and abundantly set the table. Unlike Christmas, an exclusively family holiday, it was customary to visit each other, carol and eat in every house. People made every effort to outdo their neighbors. The table was served with jellied fish, partridges, homemade sausage, pancakes, stuffed poultry, pies, baked pork. One of the main dishes was "rich" kutya. For her, they did not spare nuts, dried apricots and raisins.

The belief says that how you meet the new year is how you will spend it. And also, what will fall in the New Year's dumpling - that's it. Guessing fate on the night of January 13-14 is not for life, but only for a year. To believe or not to believe dumplings is a master's business. The main thing: do not forget to thoroughly rinse the “fillings”, and also warn guests that the dumplings are with surprises in order to avoid broken teeth and swallowed buttons.

Subtleties of cooking dumplings

The main fillings for dumplings are cottage cheese and potatoes with fried onions. But in fact, you can stuff them in such a variety of ways that you won’t immediately think of them: from mushrooms to oranges. With cheese, cherries, peas, fish, tomatoes, raisins, dried apricots, shrimps in the Japanese version. Eggs are not put in the dough for dumplings. An exception is made only for sweet fruit fillings, and then only yolks are taken.

If you are gathering in a large company and intend to stick a lot of dumplings, put them on a towel sprinkled with flour and cover so that they do not get weathered. When dumplings are thrown into the pan, make sure that they float freely and do not cling to each other. Otherwise, the dumplings will tear, the filling will spill out and settle at the bottom of the dish. Do not cover the pan with a lid either - you risk boiling "your fate" and not seeing surprises.
Serve the finished dumplings hot - it's tastier. And if they are cold, sprinkle with warm milk and heat over low heat.

Filling values

And now the most important thing is the symbols of various old New Year's dumplings:

Orange - to enjoy
Peanuts - for a love affair
Cherry - good luck
Peas - home peace
Walnut - health
Buckwheat - favorable and profitable news
Mushrooms - to a long and happy life
Big money - to a big win
Grain - to wealth
Raisins - to the great temptation
Cabbage caught - for money, and in the old days they said "Cabbage was caught - the wife clung to her husband"
Caramel - to love
Potato - to increase at work
Cranberries - to unexpected changes in life
Ring - for the wedding
Red pepper - to chagrin
Dried apricots - to joy
Bay leaf - to glory (career growth)
Honey - health
Coin - a prosperous year in material terms
Carrots - to new acquaintances
torment - to suffer
Meat - for well-being
White thread - long journey (long and long journey)
Green thread - the road abroad
Thread with knots - for a difficult year
Black thread - a short and not very long trip
Cucumber - to a strong man, good sex
Walnut - immediately to two fans (admirers)
Pepper - thrill
Ground allspice - to "hot", i.e. eventful life, serious changes
Button - for a new thing
Millet - futile chores
Rice - well-being in the house
Sugar - sweet life (easy, auspicious year)
Seeds - to new fruitful plans
Salt - to quarrels and failures (tears)
Capsicum - to sexual pleasures
Cheese - to win
Cottage cheese - to new friends
Dough, beans, or fish scales - to replenish the family
Dill - for good health
Hazelnuts - to successful acquisitions
Bread - the year will be full, good
Chain - strengthening family ties
Black peppercorns - to friends (to new friendships)
Garlic - for a marriage of convenience
Apple - to a well-deserved reward
What else to guess

In addition to dumplings, on New Year's Eve in Ancient Rus', fortunetelling was done on porridge. There's nothing stopping us from doing it today. After removing the foam, our great-grandmothers looked at the porridge - if it is dark, full, there will be happiness, and a harvest, and a talented daughter. If the porridge is small and white - be in trouble. Good porridge was eaten for breakfast, bad ones were thrown into the river.

Interestingly, the Old New Year is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in other states. Naturally, this tradition is still preserved on the territory of the former USSR - in the countries of the near abroad. In Ukraine, in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus they continue to celebrate the New Year twice. The same is happening in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Georgia.
In addition, there is a tradition to celebrate the old New Year in Serbia and Montenegro, since the Serbian Orthodox Church, like the Russian one, continues to live according to the Julian calendar. Serbs call this holiday the Serbian New Year. The Old New Year is also celebrated in Macedonia and Switzerland. Or rather, in some of its German-speaking cantons. Like ours, these are traces of popular rejection of the transition to the Gregorian calendar (this transition in Protestant Switzerland took place in the 17th-18th centuries).

New Year is a family holiday. In our country, it is customary to celebrate both the traditional New Year and the Old New Year. On the eve of the Old New Year, it is customary to guess for the next year. This is done in many ways. For this purpose, you can cook dumplings with a surprise for the Old New Year and find out the meaning of the predictions inside. Dumplings have become a great alternative to a dish that helps to find out your fate in the coming year. Their preparation is a very exciting activity for the whole family.

Traditional dumplings with fillings in the form of a surprise for New Year's divination

Not only the New Year, but also the Old New Year is a family holiday. New Year's holidays, as a rule, are always saturated with an abundance of cooked dishes. Cooking dumplings, and even with surprises inside, is a great way to diversify the holidays.

Of course, you can’t do without goodies for the holidays, dumplings will wonderfully diversify your table. Preparing and serving them will help to involve all family members and create a wonderful and mystical holiday atmosphere.

Making dumplings with the whole family is a very fun activity.

All members of the family can be involved in the modeling of dumplings. Everyone can contribute. Some family members can prepare the dough, while others can prepare the filling or sculpt the dumplings themselves.

The most important thing is not so much working together as creating and maintaining a festive atmosphere. The surprise inside the dumpling for the Old New Year will have many meanings. To someone he will promise a betrothed, to someone career growth or family or material well-being.

You can imagine how by tearing it, you can touch your future. It is worth immediately dividing the dumplings and doing some with predictions, and some with values. And pre-warn the guests so that there is no unpleasant end to the holiday. It is possible to capture surprises on a photo or video camera.

Fortune telling on dumplings for the Old New Year

There are special rules for divination on dumplings. Namely:

  • guests sit down at the table;
  • each guest must put dumplings on himself, so as not to violate the sacred meaning of fortune-telling.

Do you guess on dumplings?

Interesting serving of dumplings

There is a well-known sign that how you meet the New Year, so you will spend it. A sign regarding fortune-telling on dumplings says that how the next year will go depends on a surprise or a written prediction in a dumpling for the Old New Year. Fortune telling on the eve of the Old New Year and only for a year. To believe or not to fortune-telling, everyone decides for himself.

Perhaps it is worth remembering the old famous Christmas movie, in which one of the characters connected his soul with evil spirits. Sitting and making no effort, he used dumplings with sour cream, which themselves climbed into his mouth.

Dumplings and what lies in them carry the way the whole next year will pass

For skeptics who doubt the magic associated with a traditional Ukrainian dish, we offer recipe options.

An interesting fact is that no one knows exactly when the tradition of making dumplings for the Old New Year was introduced. Despite this, it is actively observed in our country. Many go beyond their families, connect and celebrate with friends they know, looking forward to their significance in the dumpling.

Children can also guess on dumplings

The most popular dough recipes for making dumplings with a surprise for fortune-telling on the eve of the New Year

An important ingredient for making dumplings is dough. It does not contain any special products. All you need is flour, salt and sugar, as well as water and an egg. The dough is kneaded into a tight lump.

Many recipes for dumplings

The main fillings for dumplings are cottage cheese, as well as potatoes with onions fried in vegetable oil. But besides these, the most common, there are many other fillings. They are made with the following products:

  • all kinds of fruits (orange, cherry, strawberry);
  • legumes (peas, beans);
  • different types of fish;
  • tomatoes;
  • dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots);
  • cereals (corn, rice);
  • in Japan they add shrimp.

For a large company in the manufacture of dumplings during their modeling, so that they do not wind up, they can be covered with a towel, pre-sprinkling it with flour. After throwing the dumplings into the water, it is necessary to mix them and observe them. This is important, because the filling can simply fall out of the dough.

Step by step modeling dumplings

It is preferable to serve dumplings hot, because they are the most delicious in this form. If they have cooled, they can be sprinkled with milk and heated over low heat. There is a special recipe for making dumplings with a surprise.

  1. For him, you need to take two glasses of wheat and a glass of buckwheat flour, one egg, half a glass of liquid, half a teaspoon of salt, and the filling itself is a surprise. For the dough, you need to mix two types of flour, and sift them.
  2. Form a hill, make a depression, pour in the liquid, salt it, add the egg. Slowly knead the dough. It must be elastic. After that, you need to transfer it to a special dish and let it stand for about half an hour.
  3. Then roll out thinly and cut out circles, put the filling inside and close the edges. Throw dumplings into boiling water and wait until they float, then take them out and serve with butter, sour cream and so on, depending on the filling.

Cooking dumplings takes a lot of time

To prepare unleavened dough, you will need milk and water, salt and flour. Salt should be dissolved in warm water or milk, then a small amount of water and flour should be combined, then gradually add flour and knead the dough. It is better to make the dough in a bowl.

Knead the elastic dough until soft. Lubricate with oil or wrap in a film, let it stand. Divide the dough into pieces and roll it out. We form the blank, add the filling and close up the dumpling. We make the dough either in the form of a sausage or roll out a thin layer of dough. Roll out the sausage and cut into circles.

If we roll out the dough, then cut out circles on it and put the filling in the middle, then close the edges and get a dumpling.

After cooking, dumplings can be fried a little with onions

The meanings of fillings for dumplings for divination for the Old New Year

The main criterion in choosing the filling is your preferences. Children will be happy with any filling, adults need to select them for the situation (for example, marital status), men will like status fillings related to work.

Coin in a dumpling

It is worth understanding what each means. Consider the interpretation depending on what is in the dumpling:

  • if peanuts come across, this will mean a slight intrigue;
  • citrus fruits - a pleasure of a love nature;
  • cherry bone - replenishment in the family;
  • a sprig of greenery - tying a new relationship;
  • legumes (pea) - a long journey;
  • apple - a calm future life;
  • raisins - career growth;
  • bay leaf - recognition of true merits;
  • cabbage - financial profit;
  • ring - the fastest offer;
  • bread - success in endeavors;
  • carrots - good health.

If money comes across, then a large coin promises the acquisition of a large purchase, small - some kind of profit. A white thread - a long business trip, a black one - a close road. A button that comes across means an unexpected new thing, a grain means an increase in salary, sugar means a sweet life, a chain means strengthening family relationships.

With the help of dumplings, you can tell fortunes for your betrothed, for solving problems, and for your future life. Do not take this kind of fortune-telling seriously - this is just comic entertainment, a simple fun tradition for the New Year.

You can also have fun with the help of predictions in poetic form, in a dumpling in the form of a surprise for the Old New Year.

Under the Old New Year, which falls on Christmas time, it was customary for the whole family to sculpt dumplings with a surprise and guess for the next year. Whatever gets in a dumpling with a “surprise” will be in the coming year. It is believed that predictions received on the Old New Year come true.

Vareniki is a traditional Russian pastry dish. The filling for dumplings can be very diverse - from potatoes, cabbage, meat, cottage cheese, pumpkin, etc. In addition to the main filling, various edible or inedible items that have their own meaning are placed in dumplings with a surprise for the Old New Year. You can put coins, pepper, salt, buttons, peas, beans, thread, ring and other items into dumplings.

The meaning of "surprises" in fortune-telling:

  • coin - the year will be monetary
  • beans - to profit and replenishment in the family
  • Salt - to tears
  • Thread - to the road
  • Button - for the cherished new thing
  • meat - to well-being
  • Dough - hard life
  • Ring - to true love
  • Mushrooms - for longevity
  • Dried apricots - joy
  • Cherry - good luck
  • Potato - promotion at work
  • Rice - success in business
  • Cottage cheese - to new friends
  • Bread - for a satisfying year
  • Carrots - to good health
  • Sugar - to the sweet life
  • pepper - to the thrill
  • Seeds - fruitful plans await
  • Buckwheat - to favorable and profitable news
  • Peas - for travel
  • Cranberries - unexpected changes in life
  • Apple - to a well-deserved reward
  • Garlic - marriage of convenience

  • Cooking dough for dumplings with a surprise: ½ tbsp. boiled water, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of salt, 3 tbsp. flour. Mix the ingredients and knead an elastic dough. Roll out the dough into a layer about 2 mm thick. Filling options for dumplingsPotato stuffing with mushrooms: 2-3 pcs. boiled potatoes, 300 g champignons, 1 onion, rast. oil. Fry mushrooms with onions in vegetable oil and mix with mashed potatoes. Cabbage stuffing with herring and forest mushrooms: fresh cabbage - 300 g, salted herring fillet - 150 g, forest mushrooms - 120 g, 1 pc. onion, butter. Finely chop the cabbage and stew it with mushrooms. Mushrooms pre-fry with onions and herring, diced. Add pepper and salt to taste. Cherry stuffing. For her, we need pitted cherries 500-600 g, 1 tbsp. sour cream, 4-5 tbsp. sugar and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of starch. Put the berries in a colander so that the juice is stacked, sprinkle with sugar and mix with starch (the starch will prevent the filling from leaking out of the dumplings). You can serve sour cream separately for ready-made dumplings. Curd filling. Ingredients: cottage cheese - 500 g, 2 tbsp. sugar, 1 yolk, butter, salt. How to cook: Cottage cheese should be rubbed, adding sugar, egg yolk, melted butter, salt. Mix everything thoroughly. Serve the dumplings hot, after pouring them with sour cream, melted butter or honey. Most importantly, do not forget to thoroughly rinse the “surprises” before putting them into dumplings. And be sure to warn your guests about the Surprise dumplings to avoid broken teeth or swallowed coins.

Old New Year is an original holiday (no one has such a thing) and cheerful. Most people love it not for feasts (which are already getting bored by this time), but for interesting traditions and entertainment. These include divination on dumplings. Sometimes, this fun takes on a special meaning. If you conduct it regularly, and even write down what and to whom you guessed, then the realism of the predictions will turn out.

It seems that there is little sense in dumplings with surprises. Yes, this is only until you perform the ritual correctly, with a “feeling”, but do not erase it from your memory. The forecast is given for the whole year. If you fix it, and then (for the next Old New Year) check it, then a wonderful fact will turn out: everything turned out exactly as predicted! Here are some recommendations for organizing reliable divination.

Cooking dumplings with surprises!

It is clear that you need to organize a treat, which will be a prediction. You need to sculpt dumplings with a team of several people. You should not "lay" in the delicacy the energy of only the "hostess" of the feast. This will not give a high probability of "hitting". It is necessary that a “bouquet” of emotions, thoughts and desires be laid in dumplings. And the best way to do this is to work together.

Advice. Sometimes girls try to save time and pass off purchased dumplings as a product of their own making. This is, in principle, easy to do. But this will not give the result that a dish prepared by oneself.

The energy will not be yours, but those of the people who sculpted them. So you can bring something alien into your destiny, something that is not supposed to be by fate. Therefore, it is better not to be lazy, but to sit down at the table, and stick your dumplings for fortune-telling under a cheerful conversation.

Actually, in addition to a good mood, and the pleasure of work, you will need special fillings. They should be taken care of in advance. Yes, and it would be nice to write down what this or that filling of a fortune-telling dumpling means. And then you will forget at the most crucial moment, when you will need to make predictions!

The dough is made in silence, with pleasant music. Naturally, the meaning of fortune-telling is in the filling. The dough is just an "envelope". But, when you knead it, you need (to the one who performs the operation) to slowly ask the Guardian Angel to join the "fun". You cannot even imagine how much the Higher Beings adore all sorts of jokes and adventures. Definitely, the result will not disappoint you.

Fillings for divination on dumplings in 2020

What exactly to put in a flour product depends on the year when fortune-telling is carried out. It is clear that you can use both millet and porridge so that the symbol of the coming year rejoices. Approximately so they argue every time. From the list of products, they also exclude that which can “hurt” the sign of the coming year.

And here are the meanings of the fillings for dumplings with a "surprise":

  • Dill (any greens) - diseases are not terrible, they simply will not be.
  • Coin - to wealth and stability.
  • Beans - to huge profits, grain - it will come as a result of hard work, buckwheat - unexpectedly.
  • A crust of bread - to the fulfillment of a secret desire (material).
  • Thread - to the road, white - to the far, blue - to the sea, green - to the cheerful, red - romantic, black - mourning.
  • Ring - there will be a marriage.
  • Sugar is contentment with life.
  • Bay leaf - waiting for honor and achievement (career, social activities).
  • Apple is a calm year.
  • Button - many meetings and contacts.
  • Raisins - to a man to temptation, to a girl - to narcissism.
  • Cabbage - find a couple for life.
  • Carrots are a lot of pleasant surprises.
  • Pepper - a stormy life, pleasant, but very risky events.
  • Flour is an unfavorable sign, a person will suffer.
  • Caramel - to a love interest.
  • Cucumber - success in a particular case.
  • Walnut - many fans.
  • Rice is a journey to the East.
  • Millet - a trip to the West.
  • The dough is pregnancy.
  • Sour berry - love will remain unanswered.
  • Garlic is a hard life.

Just keep in mind that cooking filling for divination on dumplings should consist not only of “prediction”. The product is added in such quantity that it cannot be determined. Otherwise, in appearance it will be clear what is inside, and this is no longer fortune-telling, but a choice!