A woman with strong feminine energy. The feminine energy is the force that will save the world. How to awaken female energy

The energy of a woman is built on three pillars: her femininity, sexuality and charm.

Woman with strong energy

Femininity- the ability of a woman not to take the negative events of her life to heart and the ability to quickly get out of them, not to get hung up on her problems and the ability to quickly switch.

Charm- this is the ability of a woman to immediately, sincerely express what she feels, whether it be negative or positive. It is the ability to let the energies of emotions flow freely through her speech, without delay. When a woman suppresses something in herself, whether it be good or bad, then she causes a reaction of destruction of herself and others.

Sexuality- a concept that currently evokes images of sex and bed scenes for many. In fact, the sexuality of a woman is a kindness of the heart that harmonizes and fills the space around her.

Kindness of the heart is easy to see in a woman's eyes. A kindness- this is a positive and open attitude towards people, to the world and to current events, this is the ability to see the good in everything.

Strong energy in a woman

Men feel women with energy at a distance. They are drawn to them like a magnet, there is genuine interest and a desire to get to know each other.

How to increase the energy of a woman

Another important property that distinguishes women with strong energy is calmness. Overly emotional ladies who react violently to both negative and positive events are energetically weak.

You need to learn to calmly perceive everything that happens in life. Only in this case there will be an opportunity for a happy and harmonious life next to a loved one, an opportunity for joint development.

If still present strong zest for life and understanding that happiness and joy are its necessary and easily achievable components, then there is no price for such a woman.

Interchange of energy between a man and a woman It is built according to the following principle: a woman fills the surrounding space and a man with her kindness, sincerity, femininity and calmness.

A man, filled with female energy, gains strength and fills his business, “brainchild”, business with energy. The man's business develops and grows thanks to the woman's energy, bringing its financial "fruits" that return back to the woman in the form of gifts and financial security from the man.

Edited by Marina Belaya.

Each person is individual, but when communicating, people with strong energy attract attention to themselves. They stand out for their excellent health, success and high self-esteem. Looking at such people, I want to become the same. To do this, you need to figure out what the biofield is, whether it can be strengthened and how names with strong energy affect fate. More on this later in the article.

Signs of people with a strong biofield. What are they?

The first thing that catches your eye when communicating with a person who has strong energy is his positive in any situation. Such people are difficult to break, and they achieve their goals, despite obstacles. They charge others with their good mood, it is a pleasure to communicate with them.

What are the signs of a strong human energy? What properties distinguish a person with a strong biofield? Let's look at them:

  1. They practically do not get sick, have no problems with weight and are physically well developed.
  2. Any business started ends in success, failures pass by.
  3. People are simply drawn to them. Therefore, a person with strong energy is surrounded by a large number of friends.
  4. When problems or failures arise, there are no strong frustrations. On the contrary, a conclusion will be drawn from all this, and in the future such a person will bypass such mistakes.
  5. Such people do not have negativity and depression. They always see only positive aspects and look positively into the future.
  6. People willingly follow a person with strong energy, so it is easy for him to be a leader.
  7. They develop, do not stay long in one place. They have a constant thirst for something new.
  8. Even with an ordinary handshake, a strong biofield is felt. They can easily learn psychic abilities. They can relieve people of pain (headache, causeless pain in the joints, and so on).
  9. It is easy to communicate with them. Such people know how to listen and will definitely give the right and necessary advice.
  10. A person with strong energy draws it from everywhere, but does not keep it idle, but shares it with others and puts it in the right direction for his own development.

The listed signs of strong energy may not necessarily be present all at once. But if a person begins to develop his biofield, then he will definitely come to the point that all the signs will be inherent in him.

A person by nature can not control all of his biofield. He can use some abilities more often, while others fade away. Therefore, human energy can be of different types. Let's take a look at them.

Mirror Man

Any energy directed at a person is reflected as from a mirror. This can even be done on a subconscious level. A person simply does not want to disturb his inner balance. When communicating with a mirror person, a negative person receives back his charge of negative energy and negativity. Therefore, they avoid contact with such people. But people with positive energy, on the contrary, like to keep in touch with the mirror person. After all, all the positive comes back to them. For example, great news was shared with such a person, he certainly listened to it, took full part in the conversation, but did not let this information deep into his heart.

wall man

In this case, the energy directed at the person is not just reflected back, it is repelled from the wall like a ball. This is done, again, to maintain internal balance. The downside in this case is that the negative energy, bouncing off the person-wall, can fall into an innocent person. For example, a person was rude on the street, he did not take the insult close, but he may accidentally be rude to his friend, whom he will immediately meet after an unpleasant conversation.

Leech Man

This is not an insult. It's just that this kind of people feeds on any energy. Both positive and negative. If a person is good, then negative energy can greatly weaken the biofield. After all, when negative energy is absorbed, only positive energy is radiated back. But for negative people, it only benefits. So they are charged with someone else's energy. They suck it out of a person like a leech. You should not expect a return in the form of positive energy from them. For example, a person found out that his best friend was laid off at work. He begins to sympathize, helps to find a way out of the situation. Often forgetting about personal interests.

sponge man

This type of people also absorbs all the information - both positive and negative. But they don't reflect it back. They form a kind of cocoon around themselves. In such people, their biofield quickly weakens and begins to collapse under the influence of negative absorbed information. For example, such a person was offended out of the blue, he begins to worry, agrees with the accusation. But over time, he simply forgets the offense. And devours the next one. As a result, the human body begins to accumulate negative. But it can also be positive information.

plant man

This type of people is extremely curious. They assimilate any information and try to find only positive aspects in it. They easily become donors for people with a weak biofield. In negative people, a man-plant can only cause anger. For example, such a person is extremely interested in why a neighbor had a row with her husband in the evening. He will definitely listen, help with advice or deed. But in the end, he may not receive any gratitude in return, but this will not grieve him a little.

Intermediary man

vampire man

This type of people feeds their biofield at the expense of others. They usually have their own energy is at the point of exhaustion. For example, a person comes to visit and finds out only positive information, and this can last for more than one hour. At the same time, the interlocutor is very tired and devastated.

Filter Man

This kind of people passes information through themselves and gives it back in a modified form. Often a part of the negative settles in the filter. For example, these people are psychologists, diplomats, peacekeepers.

The energy of a person affects his environment, professional achievements. And often it manifests itself in the character of a person. For example, a human vampire rarely has positive character traits.

Women's energy

Not all girls have strong female energy. Women with a strong biofield are popular with men. The stronger sex attracts their positive, it is interesting to spend time with such a woman, besides, they always achieve their goals. Men love it.

By what signs can you identify a woman with strong energy:

  1. Men are drawn to such women like a magnet. They can easily meet even on the street or in a cafe. They are constantly showered with compliments, given flowers and gifts. This kind of women is desirable for men.
  2. Such a woman does not sit without work. Easily settles into a new place. Has many ideas. And copes with the tasks without any problems.
  3. Has no financial problems. Firstly, they attract men to themselves, and they can provide an energetically strong woman, as long as she is nearby. Secondly, this kind of women can easily cope with any job. And they may not be financially dependent on anyone.
  4. A strong woman glows with happiness and energy from within. It is easy to have a conversation with her, her eyes burn with happiness. She does not burden with boring conversations or conversation about anything. Her company is pleasant and energizing and positive.
  5. A woman almost never gets tired. He directs all his internal energy in a positive direction, creates new ideas and brings them to life.
  6. They are distinguished by unusual ideas that give a positive result. They have an interesting way of thinking. This sets them apart from other women.
  7. He lives every day to the fullest, does not postpone things for tomorrow. Takes from life everything that is possible, and a little more.

A woman who has a strong female energy will always be surrounded by friends and men. It is easy to distinguish it among the gray mass. And if a man meets such a woman, he tries to win her by any means and will never let her go. It is these girls, or rather, their strong energy that attracts the opposite sex.

Not all women have a strong biofield, but everyone wants to be desired and go through life easily and happily.

How to increase energy?

How to increase energy:

  • Monitor your behavior. Stay calm more often. Do not overreact to events, whatever they may be.
  • To love life and rejoice, like a small child, even at the first snow. Know the value of the word "happiness". It can be found even in rainy weather or in the fact that he overslept for work.
  • Surround a man with sincere feelings, calmness and feminine charm. That is, do not run in front of him in curlers and pantaloons and be indignant at how bad everything is and is tired of everything.

So even a gray mouse, if it works on itself, on its biofield, can become attractive to men. The main thing is to start, and when the result appears, there will be a desire to self-develop further.

Usually, men have an overabundance of energy. But it is used strictly for its intended purpose: to achieve the goals and objectives. Directed energy in the right direction always brings results.

Often, a man's biofield is compared with the sun. That is what can warm you up. But if you fall into disfavor with a man, then you can be incinerated by his anger. It is because of the overabundance of energy that guys are quick-tempered.

The most important thing with strong energy is to learn how to manage it. Then it will be possible to achieve big goals and at the same time apply a minimum of effort.

How is the lack of energy expressed in guys?

When a man's body is exhausted and feels a lack of energy, this is expressed as follows:

  • life loses its colors, becomes boring and uninteresting;
  • weakness and fatigue, constantly sleepy, but it is impossible to fall asleep;
  • indifference to the outside world;
  • depression becomes habitual;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • uncontrollable mood swings, aggression.

How to replenish a guy's energy deficit?

A man with a lack of energy can even be dangerous to others. Yes, and the body at this time is in exhaustion. To replenish energy reserves, you should:

  1. Analyze the menu. There are foods that help restore imbalances in the body.
  2. Give the body time to recover, arrange a day off, let it sleep.
  3. If necessary, change the field of activity so that the work is a joy.
  4. Learn to enjoy the little things again.
  5. Spend more time in nature and fresh air.
  6. It is recommended to play sports. For example, running, tennis, swimming and so on.
  7. Ignore the negative, avoid stress.
  8. Make it a rule: “What didn’t kill me will only make me stronger.”

It is not at all difficult to pull yourself together and align your biofield (maybe only at first). Every day, rejoicing at the changes and achievements, it is easier to bring the energy back to normal.

Often there are disputes and arguments about which energy is stronger, male or female. The comparison is inappropriate here. After all, the moon is considered the patroness of female energy. And a woman with strong energy will be calm, reasonable and sincere. For men, the patron is the sun. And therefore, men are more temperamental, quick-tempered, sometimes even harsh in their behavior.

In any case, both sexes with strong energy coexist perfectly and harmoniously complement each other.

How does it affect others?

Many may be interested, but is it not dangerous to be near a person who has a strong biofield? What is its effect on ordinary people? Let's figure it out:

  • When a person has strong energy, it is pleasant to communicate with him. He unconsciously attracts people to him and calmly makes new acquaintances.
  • If a person is positive, he will definitely charge others with positive energy.
  • But it is better to stay away from negative or vampires. It's easy to spot them. After communicating with such a person, a feeling of weakness and weakness appears.
  • A person with strong energy brings a sense of calm.
  • For many, communication or just being around such a person gives a feeling of security (as if again under parental care).

The main thing is to feel after communication what kind of person you want to live with, and the world sparkled with new colors, and after which life is not sweet and there is a feeling of weakness.

Women's names with strong energy

No matter how surprising it may sound, names also have strong or weak energy. Sometimes parents, without realizing it, reward the child not only with a name, but also with a strong biofield.

  1. Evgenia are passionate, intellectually developed girls.
  2. Inna - a woman with the same name stands out for her honesty, temperament and changeable character.
  3. Karina is a rather bright person with a strong energy that attracts the attention of others.
  4. Martha - a woman is characterized by calmness, stability.
  5. Regina - has positive energy, is very passionate about work.

Male names with a strong biofield

The most powerful energy - the names of men:

  1. Alexander - people with this name are distinguished by courage, optimism. These are quite strong people, but impulsive.
  2. Vladimir - the name rewards a person with the traits inherent in a leader, these are strong people.
  3. Daniel - stands out with an analytical mindset, a balanced personality.
  4. Mark - people with this name are quite jealous, take the place of the leader / winner.
  5. Gleb - usually these are self-confident people who achieve their goals.

Of course, female names with strong energy are very popular. That is why some meet so often.

Parents from the very conception try to give the best to the child. And if the fate of the baby is not indifferent, then the name will be chosen consciously. Sometimes it is suggested to select it by date.

Just for example, 5 names with strong energy were considered. You can try to compare whether this is true. If everything is one in a person - both the name and the energy field, then his life will develop successfully.

Negative Potential

We named female names with the strongest energy. Considered also men's. Now let's talk about the fact that, unfortunately, people with strong energy can have not only positive potential. There are also negative people. They can be recognized by the following features:

  • After communicating with a negatively strong person, ailments appear (headache, incomprehensible feeling of aggression, nightmares disturb).
  • A person with strong negative energy often gets sick, gets tired quickly, and it is quite difficult for him to achieve something in life.
  • Difficulties and problems literally haunt such people. Basically, these people are pessimists.

But for such people there is a way out of the situation. Negative strong energy can be turned in the right direction. Although it can be difficult to do so. But the most important thing is the desire to change. Some people just like being a problem person, drawing attention to themselves and being miserable.

A small conclusion

People who have strong energy harmoniously fit into life itself. They simply radiate warmth, comfort and protection. And everyone can become such a person. It only takes a little effort and life will begin to change right before your eyes.

1. Everyone wants you - no matter how intimidating it may sound, but it is! When a woman or a man has high sexual energy, they become insanely attractive and desirable. People are drawn to you like a magnet. They start approaching you on the streets to get acquainted, strangers treat you to coffee and give you flowers just like that, not to mention compliments and invitations to dates.

2. You attract opportunities. It's not just about men, it's about opportunities in general. There is a feeling that all roads are open for you. You are invited to various projects, various proposals flock to you, new ideas dawn on you and you quickly see ways to implement them.

3. Your cash flow is increasing. Since sexual energy is associated with financial energy, people with high sexual energy, as a rule, everything is fine with money. Money begins to come easily and in large quantities.

4. You become charismatic. People with high levels of sexual energy tend to be very charismatic and persuasive. It feels like you are glowing from within. Your eyes sparkle, and when you enthusiastically talk about something, everyone listens to you with their mouths open. Moreover, people are ready to follow you just like that, feeling your inner strength. They just want to be in this flow of energy raging inside you.

5. You are overwhelmed with energy.. There is a feeling that a “perpetuum mobile” has started working inside you – a perpetual motion machine. You do not feel tired and are ready to move mountains. And usually this energy is directed to creation, and you get extraordinary results easily and effortlessly.

6. You have a creative flow. You start to give out brilliant ideas and find unexpected solutions, come up with non-standard moves and amaze everyone with your extraordinary thoughts. Simply put, you live in the flow. No matter what you do, you can get creative with writing financial statements, starting a business, cooking dinner, and driving a car. But it is this approach that makes your life filled with new discoveries, joy and anticipation of every day.

7. You enjoy life - all sensations become sharper, and pleasure - stronger. You savor life in all its manifestations, and not just eat, sleep, go to work and have sex. You get high from every moment, as if champagne was sprinkled into your blood. Colors become more vivid, tastes more intense, sounds more melodic, smells more intoxicating, and sensations more unusual.

When a flower is loved, it is watered. That is, they nourish life and give energy.

When a woman is loved, she is taken care of. She is not a flower, but without love may also fade.

And if outward love is not enough, look for love in yourself.

This is the most rewarding job. Also, increase your energy. It will give you strength and a feeling of fulfillment inside.

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In young years, a woman easily becomes the object of attention of the opposite sex. Youth itself is beauty.

But with age, they attract with energy. Here lies the answer to the question “What did he find in her?” When you meet an unequal couple, where the advantage in appearance is clearly on the side of the man.

An internally free woman will be happy, she will find a resource and a way out of any difficult circumstances. Internally unfree will suffer even in a favorable situation.

Therefore, it is not necessary to wait for a good day when the Universe is with you at the same time and gives strength for the current day.

You can water the so-called flower of energy yourself, filling with true femininity and self-love.

How to increase female energy - 14 rules

1. Sleep 8 hours and go to bed before 24.00

Train your body to take time to rest. The night is made for love or for sleep.

Find motivating quotes, reading which you will feel the beauty of getting up in the morning. Ritual coffee or tea, preferably a bite with a view from the window, communication with yourself, unhurried planning of the day.

And most importantly - silence.

And also self-pride.

Believe me, space will quickly respond to these changes. And the most common saying on this topic, “He who gets up early, God gives to him,” will also work in your life.

2. Use spiritual readings, gratitude, prayer

It doesn't matter what your faith is. The main condition is sincerity.

When your brain censor has not yet fully woken up, say words important for the heart, communicate with your guardian angel. AND give thanks.

At the beginning, at least for the seven wonders of the world that are constantly with you - you can see, hear, breathe, walk, and also feel, love and smile.

3. Take time to meditate

Especially after crowded places, it is useful to come home, take a contrast shower and be alone in silence.

Five minutes is better than nothing.

This may be the study of some chakra associated with the current day. Or just a trip to the colorful world of your dreams.

In the modern world, meditation has ceased to be sacred (hidden) knowledge, and has become available to each of us. After all, these are not just abstract metaphysical practices, but a very useful and valuable tool for improving everyday life.

4. Be filled with joy and positive emotions

You can develop a habit - at the end of the day, write down in a beautiful notebook "5 things that made me happy."

It will be an invisible and constantly updated collection of interesting meetings, fleeting smiles, joyful discoveries.

Isn't it more pleasant than collecting your failures, empty wallets and bad news.

And then you will notice that during the day you began to stop more often and notice more beauty and wonder.

The best materials on femininity, female energy and strength that will remind you that everything you need is within you.

5. Create and express yourself

Even if you are not an artist, a needlewoman or a poetess, create anytime and anywhere.

This is how you share what you have accumulated inside, express yourself, leave a personal imprint in this world. In the end, this is how you calm your nerves.

Write down an interesting thought - yours, collect autumn leaves and make a bouquet, tie a scarf in a new way, decorate the ceiling insanely.

It can't work out. This is creativity.

And you can always say: I see it!»

A woman creates every moment, looking for non-standard options. She sees and creates beauty and magic even in the simplest everyday things. A dance, a painting, a game with a child or a meal - everything in her hands becomes a miracle.

6. Travel

A very pleasant and varied source of replenishment of energy.

Make it a rule once a year to visit places where you have never been before.

Go out of town at least once a month.

Once a week, travel through the unexplored streets of the area where you live.

And once a day, you can change the usual route - to work, to the store, to a friend.

Refresh the picture. The journey never fails. This is a much needed reboot.

What a pleasure to be back home!

7. Be closer to nature, forest, mountains, water

This is also a journey. But more cleansing and energizing than just visiting new places.

Embrace a tree and let its power flow through you through your spine. Greet the mountains with open arms.

Go into the river with the words "wash everything off me."

And just scream. From the heart!

8. Give yourself flowers

It doesn't matter if you get them from men or not. Wanted - buy.

We choose so carefully for others. Why not choose for yourself?

Not for a holiday. And just like that!

But this should not be a demonstrative reproach to someone who, perhaps, has not yet presented them.

Let it be your harmless whim. A little joy given to myself.

9. Eat Right

We are what we eat. A very broad topic. Try to eat 30% cooked food and 70% vegetables. Drink natural virgin oils.

Every year, the female body needs more and more Vitamin E, which is best absorbed with Vitamin C. Therefore, feed your body and energy with a spoonful of olive oil and lemon juice, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

Have pity on the liver and remove white bread from the diet.

But a woman should not be too pedantic in food. Have a day of frivolous behavior and eat what your body asks for.

Our body is a unique tool with a body mind that knows much more about our needs than we ourselves often realize. Our body can “read” what exactly we need at one time or another, and gives clear clues. For example, the body tells you what substances and microelements you lack today.

10. Move and move again

We all know about it, but we put off a new life for tomorrow. Everyone needs sports, even slim and beautiful. It just needs to be in your life.

In any form. And that's it.

The rest of the comments are redundant.

The only and effective way to stop weight gain once it has started is through exercise. I mean very intense exercise like lifting weights, cycling, running or swimming. Exercise should be enough to start building muscle mass.

11. Cleanse the body

Not too poetic point of replenishment of female energy. If the doctor approves, a castor oil cleansing once a week is useful. 1 g of castor oil is recommended for 1 kg of body weight.

In the morning there are only vegetables and fruits. From 14 to 17 drink water. And at 17, take the right amount of castor oil and 150 g of lemon juice. And there is nothing else.

To restore the acid-base balance, it is recommended to eat only fruits three days a month.

A nice bonus awaits you - a change in appearance (of course, for the better) and external changes))

12. Train your intimate muscles

In addition to additional energy, you will improve your health and surprise your loved one.

The most common option is Kegel exercises. For the shy, but purposeful, there is the Internet. Or go to a training where you will be taught how to breathe correctly.

13. Keep a diary

You can call it "The Diary of a Successful Woman". He will become your silent interlocutor and the most faithful friend.

Write down your plans for life, for a year, for a day, prioritize. There may be quotes you like or useful conclusions made during the day.

Find time for letters "to nowhere". In them, your liberation from negative thoughts, resentment, forgiveness of yourself and others. And hide away from prying eyes. And for better therapy and safety, destroy immediately.

14. Chat with girlfriends

A woman has a natural need to communicate a lot. She needs girlfriends, bachelorette parties, long phone calls.

In addition, during the day she is assigned a certain, much larger masculine, vocabulary that needs to be exhausted.

The main thing is that these conversations should not be chatter, after which a feeling of fatigue and emptiness, but a full-fledged energy exchange that fills.

If these rules are not to your liking, there is an even simpler way to increase energy:

Fall in love. And choose for this the most worthy object - YOURSELF.

Natalia Stepanova
Especially for the project "Keys of Mastery"