How to make toilet water from oil perfumes. Perfume from essential oils: creating a unique fragrance yourself

All girls love toilet water and spirits. But it is not always possible to choose exactly the scent that would fit perfectly. There is an exit! Make perfume at home! You do not need any special skills and hard-to-find components.

What is needed to make perfume at home?

  1. Pipettes. They should collect essential oils. If there are no pipettes, then it will be difficult to measure one or two drops of essential oil.
  2. Pencil and notepad. In a notebook, you need to make the necessary notes that relate to the composition of the perfume, you will record the progress of the cooking process, mixing smells to find “your” scent.
  3. Opaque vials. They will store ready-made perfumes. Naturally, you can use transparent bottles for this, but perfumes will deteriorate faster in them.
  4. Spring or distilled water. Tap water will not work because it can ruin the product.
  5. Vodka. Remember that only high-quality vodka will do. Better buy the most expensive vodka in the supermarket.
  6. Any essential oils and in any quantity. Just do not forget, if you want rich perfume, then the percentage essential oils they should be at least 30%. In soft perfumes, this figure will be about 10%.
  7. Natural coffe. You will need to smell it from time to time, because the smells will simply mix and you will not be able to smell one or the other aroma.
  8. Paper stripes. Apply one drop of different essential oils to each strip.

Each fragrance consists of 3 parts: heart, head and base. The best ratio of these parts is 2:1:3.

  • Essential oils for the "base" of the fragrance: vanilla, cypress, cedar, cinnamon, juniper, frankincense, styrax, vetiver, rose or sandalwood, patchouli, musk, clove, honey, benzoic, galbanum.
  • Essential oils for the "heart" of the fragrance: ylang-ylang and hyssop, rose and tuberose, neroli, oil of myrtle, clary sage, lemon balm, mimosa, chamomile, lavender, jasmine, geranium, iris.
  • Essential oils for the head of the fragrance: lemon, orange, peppermint, limette, mandarin, lemongrass, bergamot, verbena.

It is important in what sequence to mix and add the oils. Depending on the combinations, the flavor will also differ.

Do not forget to make notes in a notebook, in what order and what was mixed. If you like the aroma, you will always have the opportunity to repeat this recipe at home.

Most likely you like certain style spirits. Perhaps these are floral aromas, or maybe the smells of freshness.

  • If you prefer perfumes with tart aroma, then you should take the essential oils of cedar or sandalwood.
  • If you prefer perfumes with woody aroma, then you should take the essential oils of sandalwood, cypress, pine, acacia or cedar.
  • If you prefer perfumes with spicy aroma , then you should take juniper, nutmeg, coriander, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, black pepper or cardamom.
  • If you prefer perfumes with sea ​​scent then you need sea salt.
  • If you prefer perfumes with herbal aroma, then you should take the essential oils of peppermint, rosemary, clary sage, lavender, chamomile, angelica or basil.
  • If you prefer perfumes with fruity aroma, then you should take the essential oils of orange, lime, tangerine, lemon, lemongrass, bergamot or grapefruit.
  • If you prefer perfume floral scent , then you should take the essential oils of ylang-ylang, rose, violet, neroli, geranium or jasmine.

The most compatible combinations of essential oils

  • Perfumes that contain such essential oils as roses, lavender, chamomile, ylang-ylang, jasmine and iris have an excellent aroma.
  • To soften the peppermint flavor, you can add lavender or rosemary essential oil (anything one).
  • Essential oils of citrus fruits go well with juniper oil.
  • Lavender essential oil can be combined with all oils except rosemary.

Making perfumes with your own hands is quite simple.

Take 71 milliliters of 57% vodka (use a medical syringe to measure accurately), add the required amount of essential oils that you have chosen in advance, and stir slowly. Stir for a long time until the oil is completely dissolved. And then you need to set aside the mixture for 2 days, so that it is infused.

As soon as 2 days have passed, add 2 tablespoons of water, mix well again and leave for another 2 days. If you have patience and persist for one or two months, you will get persistent perfume. At the end, the perfume should be filtered through a coffee filter and you're done! If the smell is very sharp and strong, you can add a little more water.

How to make toilet water at home?

The process is the same, just change the composition a little. You need 100 milliliters of vodka and 10-15 drops of essential oils. In addition, you can add 5 drops of glycerin so that the smell lasts longer.

Perfume recipes at home

  1. Aroma "Aphrodite". You need 3 drops each of ylang ylang and rosewood essential oil, 4 drops grapefruit oil, 2 drops each of rosemary and geranium, and a drop of Japanese mint. As a base for this perfume, use 10 milliliters of almond essential oil.
  2. Floral fragrance. You need 12 drops of lemon oil, 5 drops of rose, 30 drops of rosemary, 2 drops of sage and mint, 5 drops of neroli and 50 milliliters of alcohol.
  3. Night fragrance. You need 5 drops of sandalwood and musk oil and 3 drops of jojoba and frankincense. Insist 15 hours.
  4. Summer fragrance. You need 2 drops of lemon balm, bergamot and neroli oil, 4 drops of rose and lemon and 25 milliliters of 90% alcohol.
  5. Male fragrance. You need 2 drops each of bergamot, lemon, lavender, vetiver, juniper and sandalwood.
  6. Erotic fragrance. You need 3 drops of puchli oil, 3 drops of ylang ylang, 3 drops of jasmine, 3 drops of verbena, 8 drops of sandalwood and a drop of rose.
  7. Women's sports fragrance. You need 2 drops of cypress oil, 5 drops of sandalwood, 3 drops of clary sage, 3 drops of myrtle and bergamot, a drop of peppermint.
  8. Slightly harsh, light fragrance. You need 5 drops of frankincense and myrtle oil, 3 drops of lilit and orange, a drop of peppermint.
  9. A fragrance for communication. You need 4 drops of lemon essential oil, 3 drops of nutmeg, 2 drops of bergamot and ylang-ylang.
  10. Scent for good luck. You need 2 drops of rose, 2 drops of neroli, 5 drops of limette, 3 drops of sage.
  11. Aroma for money. 7 drops of patchouli oil, 5 drops of cedar and 5 milliliters of sweet almonds.

If you make perfume at home, you will get “your own” exclusive fragrance, which is not found anywhere else. Or maybe you like some flavor and want to repeat it.

Perfume is an integral part of any image. And each modern girl at one point, faced with the problem of choosing the right perfume. And the assortment that is presented in perfume shops often makes searches fruitless and the only one, your scent, is not found. After all, you really want to find a fragrance that will set you apart from the gray mass and emphasize your individuality, lifestyle, your style and taste. A worthy way out of the situation is to create a unique perfume at home. Don't think it's impossible. Previously, it took several months and even years to create a fragrance. But modern equipment and accumulated material have significantly simplified and accelerated this process. In addition, now most essential oils and other necessary components to create your own fragrance at home is quite affordable.

Selection of ingredients for creating perfumes at home

To make perfume with your own hands, you will need essential oils, which will form the basis of your future perfume. The base is customized to your taste. But when choosing them, consider how volatile they are and how quickly they evaporate. And remember that in real perfumes there are several notes: base notes, heart notes and top notes. They evaporate one by one, which leads to a gradual change in aroma throughout the day.

Base note or plume is the most persistent in the perfume composition. This smell does not change for 12-24 hours and depends on which essential oil you have taken as a basis. Suitable oil of vanilla, cinnamon, cedar, vetiver, musk, sandalwood, patchouli. You can also use the scent of fruit or moss.

heart note is the basis. Combined with other components, it gives the overall composition characteristic shades or a different flavor. For such notes, essential oils of plant origin are relevant. For example, geranium, rose, jasmine, carnation, nutmeg, ylang-ylang. You can combine them with fruity, woody and oriental fragrances.

Top notes are those aromas that quickly evaporate. This role is played by essential oils of citrus, bergamot, lavender, thyme, rosemary and basil. Thanks to the top note, the first impression of the overall perfume composition is created, so it plays an important role.

As additional components you need jojoba, sweet almond or coconut oil, distilled water and alcohol.

Now you know that the choice of each note of perfume must be approached with the utmost responsibility. In such a case, the order in which the components of the future aroma are added is very important.

How to make a perfume composition?

After choosing all the components, it's time to learn how to make perfume at home:

Use the basic formula for making liquid home perfumes: 15%-30% essential oils, 70%-80% pure alcohol or vodka, 5% distilled water or mineral water

To get started, take a regular glass. Pour 70-80 g of alcohol or vodka there. Then you need to add essential oil-base to the glass, which is a plume and keeps the most long time. Enough 10-15 ml. Then 5-7 drops of essential oil are sent to the vessel - the notes of the heart, and the same number of drops of the upper notes.

Wrap the top of the glass cling film and shake the contents several times. The composition will not be ready so soon. The container should still stand for some time (from 48 hours to 1 month). As a result of such exposure, the aroma will become more saturated, bright and stable.

As soon as you note for yourself that the smell has become full, add 2 tablespoons of water or mineral water to the glass and stir the contents with the future perfume. If the perfume is too harsh, you can add more water to get the scent you want. To make your scent last longer, add a tablespoon of glycerin to your perfume mixture. Glycerin is a neutral, colorless, thick liquid. It can be sold at manufacturing locations. homemade soap. When added to water and alcohol, glycerin stays liquid and helps other ingredients dissolve faster and better.

After you have connected all the components, pour the contents into your vial. In this regard, the best option is a small bottle of perfume that you have already used. Just before filling the vessel with the finished fragrance, thoroughly rinse and dry it. The main condition for choosing a vessel is a tight lid, which will provide the necessary level of tightness. This way the scent won't fade.

More about perfume notes

If your fragrance doesn't turn out the way you envisioned it the first time, don't despair. Practice and more practice. Let a lot of components go bad, but as a result of such efforts and efforts, you will get your own unique smell, which will only emphasize your advantages more profitably.

To avoid possible errors, try at the first attempts to combine the closest flavors to each other. It's about about fruity, floral or citrus compositions, the creation of which practically does not cause problems, and the result is always pleasing. After several attempts to combine smells, you will be able to combine various notes, make complex, multi-component perfumes and get a more persistent and rich perfume that lasts perfectly throughout the day, consistently, as it should ideally be, changing its sillage and character.

  1. Homemade classic women's perfume- all sorts of combinations flower palette fragrances. Use essential oils of jasmine, rose, violet, ylang ylang, etc.
  2. If you decide to do citrus perfume, then prepare the oil of orange, lemon, lime, mandarin, grapefruit and bergamot.
  3. To create an exotic aroma, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, juniper, pepper, coriander and nutmeg are needed.

In order to make not liquid, but solid perfumes, you will need wax as a base, as well as a variety of oils, selected to your taste. By the way, liquid perfumes are less concentrated than their counterparts in liquid form. It will take a little time, knowledge and effort to create such a fragrance.

On a note:

  1. Wax has its own smell, so in the process of making solid perfumes, use only refined wax or oils that fit well on wax (ylang-ylang, citrus scents).
  2. The aroma of lavender is universal - it can be combined with any smells, except for rosemary. Lavender adds sophistication to the pronounced eucalyptus and peppermint.
  3. Sandalwood will make the perfume composition more tart and deep.
  4. Any floral aroma is successfully combined with coniferous notes.
  5. Do not combine fennel with coriander and anise. This is fraught with irritation on the skin after applying such perfumes.

So, prepare: natural wax, odorless base oil (jojoba, almond or olive), essential oils (one or more that will blend well together); container or small storage molds (cream jar, empty powder box, lipstick tube, deodorant or other suitable container that will give solid perfume the desired shape), wooden sticks, such as for sushi, measuring glass bowls, a ladle of of stainless steel

- Take wax and base oil in a ratio of 1 to 2 (in this case 50 g of wax and 100 g of oil). Their number depends on the volume of spirits. Pour the oil into a ladle and heat it over low heat. Keeping a warm (not hot!) temperature, carefully add the wax. Stir constantly with sticks until the wax is completely melted into the oil. Remove the pot from the fire. Check the consistency of the wax: pouring is not a large number of on a spoon and let it cool, test it with your finger. If the wax is too soft, add more to the ladle natural wax if too hard, add more oil to the bucket.

- In a separate container, pour 120-150 drops of essential oil, combining the notes of the base, heart and top notes in the sequences you need. Using sticks, test the smell of the resulting composition.
- To the contents of the ladle, add the already mixed composition of oils. Heat can be detrimental to essential oils, so first check the temperature of the wax with the base oil - it should not exceed 50 degrees Celsius. Mix all ingredients.

- Pour a small amount of the resulting perfume composition onto a spoon, let it cool and check - smell your solid perfume; add more ingredients if needed until you have the right scent.

While your perfume is still liquid, quickly pour into the prepared mold. If you miss the right moment, the mixture will quickly harden.

The idea of ​​using essential oils instead of perfumes is gaining popularity for many reasons. This is the opportunity to create your own, unique fragrance, and the cheapness of all ingredients, and non-toxicity, and the absolute naturalness of the perfume, which blends perfectly with the smell of the body. Finally, essential oil perfumes also have - can cheer you up, relieve fatigue, headache and provide other beneficial effects.

You can make both a convenient solid perfume and eau de toilette based on a mixture of essential oils, vodka and / or distilled water with your own hands at home. In this article " Forest Fairy» will not only provide proven recipes, but also tell you the main principles of making perfumes so that you can experiment on your own.

1. How to create a solid perfume from essential oils

Solid perfume is very convenient to use, can be stored for about 1 year (thanks to beeswax) and is great idea for a gift, since it can be packed in a wide variety of containers.

To make a solid perfume based on essential oils, you will need:

  • Beeswax;
  • Base oil (e.g. olive, almond, jojoba, grape seeds);
  • Essential oils of choice;
  • Suitable packaging (for example, from an old lip balm).

Beeswax and base oil are usually used in a 1:1 ratio, although more oils are sometimes added. It depends on its viscosity and aromatic qualities.

For example, for a small jar of lip balm, the following ratio of ingredients is perfect:

  • 2 tsp wax;
  • 2 tsp base oil;
  • 40-60 drops of essential oil.

Step 1: Mix the essential oils in a small container and make sure you like the way the combination smells and the concentration.

Step 2: Melt chopped (grated) beeswax in a water bath. As soon as it melts, add the base oil to it and, stirring thoroughly, bring the mixture to a uniform consistency.

Step 3: Remove the mixture from the heat and quickly pour in the essential oil until the wax sets again (and this happens very quickly!). Stir again until smooth and pour the finished perfume into a pre-prepared container. After 15 minutes they will already be firm.

If the mixture starts to solidify before you can mix it well with the essential oils, you can put the bowl back into the water bath. Just try not to keep it there too long, otherwise some of the essential oil will just evaporate.

Interesting recipes for solid perfumes made from essential oils

  1. Sandalwood and vanilla with a touch of freshness:
  • 15-20 drops of sandalwood essential oil;
  • 15-20 drops of vanilla oil;
  • 10-15 drops of grapefruit;
  • 5-7 drops of bergamot.
  1. Exotic aroma based on vanilla and citruses:
  • 5 drops of lime essential oil;
  • 20 drops of orange;
  • 15 drops of cedar essential oil;
  • 25 drops of vanilla oil;
  • 3 drops of ylang-ylang.
  1. Combination of lavender, rosemary and lemongrass:
  • 15 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 5 drops of rosemary essential oil;
  • 3 drops of lemongrass essential oil.
  1. An aromatic blend of patchouli and mandarin essential oils:
  • 40 drops of patchouli essential oil;
  • 25 drops of mandarin essential oil.
  1. Flirty perfume with vetiver essential oil:
  • 17 drops of grapefruit;
  • 14 drops of ginger essential oil;
  • 10 drops of vetiver essential oil
  1. Very feminine perfume based on rose essential oil:
  • 25 drops of rose essential oil;
  • 10 drops of lime essential oil;
  • 10 drops of vetiver
  1. We combine essential oils-aphrodisiacs for perfumes:
  • 25 drops of grapefruit;
  • 25 drops of tangerine;
  • 10 drops of rose;
  • 5 drops of sandalwood;
  • 3 drops of ylang-ylang.
  1. Perfume recipe from essential oils of orange, cedar and ylang-ylang:
  • 20 drops of orange essential oil;
  • 15 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil;
  • 10 drops of cedar or sandalwood oil.
  1. Sensual fragrance based on lavender essential oil:
  • 40 drops of lavender;
  • 10 drops of cloves;
  • 6 drops of nutmeg essential oil;
  • 8 drops of vanilla;
  • 2 drops of ylang ylang essential oil.

2. Toilet water or liquid perfumes made from essential oils with your own hands

To create at home ordinary perfumes from essential oils that are sprayed on the body, it is customary to select top, middle and bottom notes.

This is because some essential oils evaporate faster than others. When you use a mixture of perfume instead of different types essential oils, the aroma you exude gradually changes, revealing its new sides.

The oils that evaporate first (usually within 1-2 hours) are called "top notes". Oils that evaporate in 2-4 hours are considered "middle notes". The “base notes” include essential oils, in which evaporation takes the most time (sometimes up to 2-3 days!).

To make such exquisite perfumes from essential oils with your own hands, follow the following generally accepted rules:

  1. In a mixing container, add essential oils for the bottom note. Usually these are rather sharp aromas that have a persistent smell, and can make up from 10 to 20% of the mixture.
  2. Then add a middle note. This is the heart of your fragrance, emerging as soon as the top notes evaporate. Therefore, it occupies the largest part of the mixture (from 50 to 70%) and includes your favorite floral, fruity and fragrant-herbal scents.
  3. Finally, measure and pour into the mixture right amount essential oils for the top note. It can make up 20-30% of the bouquet and include refreshing mint and citrus scents.

If you are trying to make a perfume with essential oils for the first time, we recommend that you follow the following proportion: 30% is the top note, 50% is the middle note, and 20% is the base note.

  1. Shake the vial with the resulting mixture well and send it to infuse in a dark place for 7-10 days, shaking the vial every 1-2 days. During this time, all the notes will get along with each other, and only then will you be able to adequately evaluate the resulting aroma.
  2. If you're happy with the smell of your perfume, you can add distilled water or alcohol to it, which will make your essential oil perfume last much longer.

In fact, almost any type of alcohol can be used (vodka, rum, gin, etc.), but its smell must be combined with a mixture of oils. As a rule, about 100 ml of vodka or other alcohol is recommended for a mixture of 50-70 drops of essential oils. Also, sometimes part of the alcohol is replaced with distilled water (i.e., about 60-70 ml of vodka and 30-40 ml of water are used).

  1. Step for the most patient: put the finished perfume in a cool, dark place for another 1 month. It is not necessary to do this, but such a period of time will allow the smell of alcohol to disappear and the smells of essential oils to open up even better.

Here are some more tips you might find useful:

  • Get a separate notebook, where you will record the number of drops of each oil used and the results of your experiments. This will allow you to perfect your perfume recipe and properly proportion it in subsequent preparations.
  • To store essential oil perfumes, use a bottle dark color. It will hold back the light and thus prolong the life of your perfume.
  • If you do not dilute the mixture of essential oils with water / alcohol, or use a base oil (almond, grape seed, etc.) to dilute, then you will be better off storing the perfume in a bottle with roller. Oils in pure form are quite dense, so without alcohol/water they are a little more difficult to spray on the skin.
  • try do not spray Perfumes made from essential oils directly on clothing as they can leave greasy marks.

How to combine essential oils for perfume

A love of experimentation is the only thing it takes to find your own perfect combination essential oils in perfume. But if you need to start somewhere, then you can use the table below to do this. In it you will find a list of popular essential oils with indications of which notes they belong to and which groups of essential oils blend best with. Additionally, we note that:

  • Floral scents tend to pair well with spicy, citrus, and woody scents;
  • Spicy and savory oils can perfectly complement floral and fruity ones;
  • The freshness of herbaceous scents can be enhanced by mint, citrus, and woody essential oils.

Recipes for women's perfumes from essential oils

  1. Combination of essential oils of rose and lime:
  • 30 drops of rose;
  • 15 drops of lime;
  • 15 drops of vetiver
  1. Summer floral citrus fragrance:
  • 25 drops of grapefruit essential oil;
  • 10-12 drops of orange;
  • 10-12 drops of lavender;
  • 5-7 drops of sage;
  • 5 drops of chamomile.
  1. Perfume recipe from orange, cedar and patchouli oils:
  • 20 drops of orange;
  • 10 drops of patchouli;
  • 10 drops of cedar;
  • 5 drops of lavender;
  • 5 drops of ylang-ylang;
  • 5 drops of bergamot
  1. Invigorating perfume for a good mood:
  • 30 drops of orange essential oil;
  • 15 drops of cedar;
  • 10 drops of peppermint;
  • 5 drops of rosemary.
  1. Feminine forest fragrance with spruce oil:
  • 30 drops of spruce;
  • 10-12 drops of cedar;
  • 5-7 drops of vetiver;
  • 15 drops of bergamot.

  1. Lavender perfume with spicy notes:
  • 35 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 10 drops of cloves;
  • 5 drops of nutmeg;
  • 5 drops of vanilla;
  • 3 drops of ylang-ylang.
  1. Combination of essential oils of geranium and orange:
  • 8 drops of incense;
  • 15 drops of orange;
  • 35 drops of geranium.
  1. Floral perfume with notes of cardamom and cedar:
  • 30 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 15 drops of chamomile;
  • 12 drops of cardamom;
  • 3 drops of cedar;
  • 3 drops of geranium or rose
  1. Seductive perfume based on jasmine essential oil:
  • 5 drops of sandalwood;
  • 5 drops of patchouli;
  • 15 drops of orange;
  • 30 drops of jasmine;
  1. Exquisite perfume recipe from 11 essential oils:
  • 3 drops of cedar;
  • 4 drops of vetiver;
  • 3 drops of ylang-ylang;
  • 4 drops of sandalwood;
  • 8 drops of incense;
  • 6 drops of rose;
  • 10 drops of lavender;
  • 3 drops of chamomile;
  • 8 drops of geranium;
  • 5 drops of bergamot;
  • 3 drops of orange.

Men's perfume from essential oils. The best flavors and ready-made recipes

What essential oils are best for men instead of perfume? See table:

Top notes: Middle notes: Bottom notes:
basil black pepper cedar
bergamot cardamom carnation
cypress cinnamon incense
grapefruit nutmeg ginger
lime ylang-ylang immortelle
orange dill patchouli
mandarin juniper berries vetiver
ylang-ylang sandalwood
pine and other conifers

The principle of making men's perfumes from essential oils is the same: first we select a mixture of essential oils that we like, then we add alcohol and store it in an opaque or dark bottle.

We suggest you try the following recipes. men's colognes based on essential oils:

  1. Perfume with a subtle woody scent:
  • 30 drops of cedar;
  • 15 drops of bergamot;
  • 10 drops of sandalwood.
  1. Men's perfume with notes of bergamot and nutmeg:
  • 20 drops of bergamot essential oil;
  • 10 drops of patchouli;
  • 10 drops of nutmeg;
  • 5 drops of vetiver;
  • 5 drops of ginger;
  • 10 drops of neroli
  1. Refreshing forest fragrance:
  • 25 drops of spruce;
  • 10-12 drops of cedar;
  • 5 drops of vetiver;
  • 15 drops of bergamot.
  1. The combination of smells of spruce and orange:
  • 25 drops of spruce essential oil;
  • 25 drops of orange;
  • 10 drops of incense.
  1. Perfume recipe based on cardamom essential oil:
  • 30 drops of cardamom;
  • 10 drops of vetiver;
  • 10 drops of ylang-ylang.
  1. Spicy Blend of Pepper and Coriander Essential Oils:
  • 30 drops of black pepper;
  • 20 drops of coriander;
  • 10 drops of sandalwood.

Have you tried making your own perfumes with essential oils? Share your experience and recipes with our readers in the comments!

All women love perfume and toilet water. But it is not always possible to choose exactly the flavor that would fit perfectly. There is an exit! Perfume can be made by hand at home. You do not need any hard-to-reach components and special skills.

What do you need to make perfume at home?

  • Vodka. Please note that vodka should be of high quality and expensive. It is best if you take the most expensive vodka from the nearest supermarket.
  • Distilled water or spring. Don't use tap water when making perfume. One water can ruin future perfumes.
  • Opaque vials. In them you will store ready-made perfumes. Of course, you can store in transparent bottles, but they will deteriorate faster in them.
  • Notepad and pencil. In a notebook, you will make the necessary notes regarding the composition of your perfume, you will record the course of the experiment, mixing smells in search of "your" aroma.
  • Pipettes. They will need to collect essential oils. Without pipettes, it is very difficult to measure one or two drops of essential oil.
  • Paper strips. On each strip, you will need to apply one drop of essential oil (each strip has its own).
  • Natural coffe. You will sniff it from time to time, as a large number of smells will mix, and you will no longer smell this or that aroma.
  • Essential oils. Any and in any quantities. Just keep in mind, if you want to get rich perfumes, the percentage of essential oil in them must be at least thirty percent. In softer perfumes, the percentage of essential oils will be about ten percent.

How to choose an essential oil for perfume?

Any fragrance consists of three components: base, head and heart. Most best ratio these components 3:1:2.

  1. fragrance heads: verbena essential oil, bergamot oil, lemongrass oil, tangerine oil, limette, peppermint essential oil, orange oil, lemon oil.
  2. Essential oils that are recommended for use as "Hearts" of the fragrance: iris oil, geranium essential oil, jasmine essential oil, lavender oil, chamomile oil, mimosa essential oil, lemon balm essential oil, clary sage essential oil, myrtle oil, neroli oil, tuberose and rose essential oil, hyssop and ylang ylang oil.
  3. Essential oils that are recommended for use as Fragrance bases: galbanum, benzoic, honey essential oil, clove oil, musk oil, patchouli essential oil, sandalwood and rosewood oil, vetiver, styrax, frankincense oil, juniper oil, cinnamon, cedarwood, cypress, vanilla.

Very great importance has the order in which to add and mix the oils. Depending on this or that combination, the aroma will be different.

Do not forget to make notes in a notebook what and in what order you mixed. If you like the fragrance, you can always look at the recording and make perfume at home again.

Most likely, you prefer one style of perfume. Perhaps these are the smells of freshness, or maybe floral aromas.

  1. If you want to make homemade perfume with floral scent, take the essential oils of jasmine, geranium, rose, neroli, violet, rose and li ylang ylang.
  2. If you want to make fruity perfume at home, take the essential oils of grapefruit, bergamot. Lemongrass, lemon, tangerine, lime or orange.
  3. If you want to make herbal perfume at home Take basil, angelica, chamomile, lavender, clary sage, rosemary, or peppermint essential oils.
  4. If you want to make homemade perfume with sea scent for this you need sea salt.
  5. If you want to make spicy perfume at home, take cardamom, black pepper, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, coriander, nutmeg or juniper.
  6. If you want to make woodsy perfume at home, take the essential oil of cedar, acacia, pine, cypress or sandalwood.
  7. If you want to make homemade perfume with a tart aroma, take the essential oils of sandalwood or cedarwood.

The most compatible combinations of essential oils:

  • Lavender essential oil is compatible with all other essential oils except rosemary essential oil.
  • Citrus essential oils pair well with juniper essential oil.
  • To soften the strong peppermint aroma, you can add rosemary or lavender essential oil to your perfume (one thing!).
  • Perfumes containing the following essential oils have an excellent aroma: iris, jasmine, ylang-ylang, chamomile, lavender and rose.

How to make perfume at home?

Do-it-yourself perfume making technology quite simple.

Take 71 ml of 57% vodka (you can use a medical syringe for accurate measurements), add to vodka required amount selected essential oil, and begin to slowly stir the ingredients. It is necessary to stir for a long time until the oil is completely dissolved. Leave the mixture to infuse in a dark place for two days.

After the specified time, add 2 tablespoons to the liquid. water, mix everything thoroughly again and insist for another two days. If you have patience, and insist on perfume for one to two months, you will get persistent perfume. Strain the perfume through a coffee filter and it's ready! If the smell of perfume is too strong and sharp, you can add a little more water.

How to make toilet water at home?

The procedures are the same, the composition is slightly changed. You will need 100 ml. vodka and 10-15 drops of essential oil. In addition, you can add five drops of glycerin to your perfume to make the scent last longer.

Perfume recipes at home

  • Male fragrance. You will need two drops of sandalwood, juniper, vetiver, lavender, lemon and bergamot essential oils.
  • Summer fragrance. For creating summer fragrance you will need two drops of essential oils of neroli, bergamot and lemon balm, four drops of lemon oil and rose oil. In addition, 25 ml. 90% alcohol.
  • Night fragrance. You will need five drops of musk and sandalwood oils and three drops of frankincense and jojoba oils. It should be insisted for fifteen hours.
  • Floral fragrance. You will need 12 drops of lemon essential oil, 5 drops of rose oil, 30 drops of rosemary oil, 2 drops of mint and sage oil, five drops of neroli oil and 50 ml. alcohol.
  • Aroma "Aphrodite". You will need 3 drops each of rosewood and ylang ylang essential oils, 4 drops of grapefruit oil, 2 drops of geranium oil and rosemary oil, and 1 drop of Japanese peppermint oil. 10 ml should be used as a base for perfume. sweet almond oil.

  • Light, slightly pungent aroma. You will need 5 drops of myrtle and frankincense essential oils, 3 drops of orange and lilitta oils, and 1 drop of peppermint essential oil.
  • A sporty feminine fragrance. 2 drops of cypress essential oil, 5 drops of sandalwood oil, 3 drops of clary sage, 3 drops of bergamot oil, 3 drops of myrtle and 1 drop of peppermint oil.
  • Erotic fragrance. 3 drops of patchouli essential oil, 3 drops of ylang ylang oil, 3 drops of jasmine oil, 3 drops of verbena oil, 8 drops of sandalwood oil and 1 drop of rose oil. More about aphrodisiac essential oils you can read in the article Essential oils to attract love.
  • Scent to attract money. 7 drops of patchouli essential oil, 5 drops of cedarwood oil and 5 ml of sweet almond oil.
  • A scent to attract good luck. 2 drops rose oil, 2 drops neroli oil, 5 drops limette, 3 drops sage oil.
  • A fragrance for developing communication skills. 4 drops of lemon oil, 3 drops of nutmeg oil, 2 drops of ylang-ylang and bergamot oils.

By making perfume at home, you will receive an exclusive version of a perfume that no one else will have. Or, perhaps, you will find out the composition of expensive perfumes that you like and try to repeat the aroma.

Good luck with your creative experiments!

It is believed that it is impossible to save on cosmetics, and even more so on perfumes and eau de toilette. But this is most likely a statement, not a fact, since perfumes and eau de toilette can be prepared independently without special costs. It is worth noting that, unlike the products of stores and departments where perfumes are sold, the aroma of self-made perfumes will be individual and unique. So ladies, let's get started. making perfume at home.

Base for making perfumes at home, most often, is alcohol, but you can take your favorite cream or base oil instead.

To prepare perfumes, you will need essential oils and utensils. It is best to take ceramic or glass dishes (dark glass). Avoid using metal or plastic utensils, as essential oils strongly corrode plastic and react with metal.

Perfume recipes at home

We present the most interesting perfume recipes you can make yourself at home.

Perfumes for men

Essential Ingredients: Two drops each of juniper, sandalwood, vetiver, lemon, lavender and bergamot essential oils.

Place 100 ml of 70% alcohol in a bowl and add the above oils to it, mix the mixture thoroughly. Pour the resulting perfume into a ceramic or glass bottle dark color, shake them well and leave in a dark place to infuse for two to three weeks.

Summer perfume

To prepare summer perfume you will need: bergamot essential oil - 2 drops; neroli oil - 2 drops; lemon ether - 4 drops; lemon balm essential oil - 2 drops; rose essential oil - 4 drops; 90% ethyl alcohol - 25 ml.

Alcohol should be poured into a dark glass bottle and, adding essential oils, mix thoroughly. You need to insist on such perfumes for at least three days.

Perfume " Erotic fantasy» (oil-based)

You will need: rose essential oil - 14 drops; neroli - 14 drops; lemon - 4 drops; benzoin - 5 drops; verbena - 3 drops; cloves - 3 drops; sandalwood - 3 drops; ylang-ylang - 7 drops; jojoba base oil - 20 ml; almond oil- 10 ml.

Pour into a dark glass bottle base oils and esters, shake well and leave to infuse for two days in a dark, cool place.

Perfume Basic

To prepare the base perfume, you will need fresh flower buds (1 cup), mineral water (1 cup).

To prepare a light and unobtrusive base perfume, put flower buds in cheesecloth and place it in a large bowl. Pour flowers mineral water and leave them to infuse overnight. In the morning, wring out the gauze with flowers, and the resulting fragrant water place in a bottle with dark glass and put it in the refrigerator. You can use this fragrant water for a month.

Perfume "Quiet Rain"

To prepare the Quiet Rain perfume, you will need ethyl alcohol - 3 tbsp. spoons, water - 2 cups, bergamot aromatic oil - 10 drops, sandalwood oil - 5 drops, cassis essential oil - 10 drops.

Place all ingredients in an airtight container and mix thoroughly. Leave the perfume to infuse for 15 hours. Shake well before applying perfume.

Perfume "Starfall"

To prepare Starfall perfume, take distilled water (2 cups), valerian and chamomile essential oils (10 drops each), lavender essential oil (5 drops), vodka (1 tablespoon).

Put all oils, water and vodka in a bottle dark color and mix thoroughly. Put the mixture in a dark place to infuse. After 12 hours, the Starfall perfume is ready.

Perfume "Night"

To prepare the Night perfume, you will need the following ingredients: 5 drops of musk oil, 5 drops of sandalwood oil, 3 drops of frankincense oil, 3 teaspoons of jojoba oil.

Place all the ingredients in a dark bottle, mix thoroughly and leave to infuse for 15 hours. Perfumes should be stored in a dark, dry place.

Perfume flower

To prepare floral perfume, take 50 ml. ethyl alcohol, lemon essential oil - 12 drops, rose essential oil - 5 drops, rosemary essential oil - 30 drops, sage essential oil - 2 drops, mint essential oil - 2 drops, neroli essential oil - 5 drops.

Pour all the ingredients into a dark bottle, shake well and leave the mixture to infuse in a dark place for 10-12 hours. Perfumes should be stored in a dry and cool place. These perfumes have a short shelf life - only 1 month.

solid perfume

To make solid perfume at home, you will need: hard beeswax (2 tablespoons), sweet almond oil (2 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon), wax emulsifier (1/4 teaspoon), stearic acid (1 / 4 teaspoons), distilled water (2 tablespoons), a few of any essential oils (1-2 teaspoons).

To prepare solid perfume melt the wax and wax emulsifiers in a water bath. Once the wax melts, add stearic acid, water and almond oil to it. Stir the mixture thoroughly and remove from heat. Add essential oils to the warm mixture. Divide the resulting mixture into molds. Once the perfume has hardened, you can use it.