How many bottles do you need for newborns. The volume and shape of the horn. "CHICCO Nature Glass" glass bottle

Hello, Dear Parents. No matter what type of feeding your baby is on, sooner or later the question of choosing a bottle will come up. Bottles are essential for formula-fed babies. After all, this is how they get food, and also drink water. As they grow older, all children need a bottle, because they need to drink water, compote, tea or kefir. In this article, we will take a closer look at the shapes, sizes, and materials of baby bottles. And also we will find out from which bottle to feed a newborn baby.

When the need arises

A bottle can appear in the life of any child for a number of reasons:

  1. The baby is on artificial type breastfeeding (mom lost her milk or she spontaneously decided to stop breastfeeding).
  2. Mommy's milk supply does not meet the needs of the little one. There is a need to purchase a bottle and switch to a mixed type of feeding.
  3. There is a need to solder the baby with water if it is on an artificial type of feeding, and the baby on breast milk, in case of hot weather.
  4. Mom got sick, the disease is accompanied by a high temperature or there is a need to take medication, in particular antibiotics.
  5. Mom has an urgent need to distinguish herself from home. She will express her breast milk into a bottle and go about her business.
  6. The baby has reached the age of introduction of complementary foods. Many parents believe that using a bottle will allow the little one to quickly adapt to adult food. After mom's breasts, it's easier to switch to compote first or even vegetable puree from a bottle. However, it is better to immediately accustom the baby to the use of adult dishes.

Which bottle to choose for a newborn

When choosing a bottle, you must consider the shape, material of the bottle itself, as well as the type and size of the nipple. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the applied scale, to the presence of removable handles, to the determinant of sufficient heating; the neck of the bottle is also important, because washing a very narrow hole will take a lot of work.


Every mom should choose the bottle that best suits her and her baby.

There are three types of bottles, depending on what material they are made of:

  1. glass. The basis of such a product is a special glass with refractory properties. Such bottles have the following advantages:
  • they are easy to wash;
  • can be sterilized in any way;
  • environmentally friendly product.

However, this material also has disadvantages:

  1. Plastic. Bottles can be made perfectly different shapes. However, in products made from such a material, which have special strength, serious chemicals can be used in the manufacture, in particular, bisphenol, which has toxic properties. When buying a bottle, be sure to pay attention to its composition.

Plastic products have a number of advantages:

  • do not fight;
  • they weigh much less than glass ones, which allows the baby to hold the bottle on his own;
  • quality product withstands high temperatures.

However, there are also a number of disadvantages:

So which material you choose will depend on your requirements and on the characteristics of your baby's body. It is possible that you will have to try all the options until you find the one that suits you the most.

I bought my son a bottle when he was six months old. This was the time for the introduction of the first complementary foods. The pediatrician advised to get a similar device. However, we didn't really need it. I immediately began to teach my son to eat with a spoon and drink from a sippy cup. But sometimes he still liked to lie down on the pillows, holding a bottle of compote or tea in his hands. I bought a plastic bottle for my baby. And she didn't regret it.


Today there is a wide variety of bottle shapes. You can also find those that repeat mother's breasts with great accuracy, in the form of a bagel (it is convenient to hold the baby, but it is difficult to thoroughly wash the mother). Today, bottles with a "waist" are in greatest demand. This shape will be comfortable even in the hands of a toddler, so it is well suited for children over three months old.

They also differ in the diameter of the neck. It must be understood that a narrower one will be more difficult to wash.

Anti-colic protection

Not so long ago, manufacturers were able to please us with innovations. You can now purchase a bottle with a built-in anti-colic feature. Naturally, such a system will protect the baby if the cause could be excess air, and not malnutrition mothers. Anti-colic protection is a system of special valves that do not allow air to enter the baby's body when sucking. There are also special nipples that prevent air from entering. However, you need to understand that such bottles are much more expensive than ordinary ones.

Choosing a pacifier

When choosing a pacifier for a bottle, you can be guided by information on choosing a pacifier. Do not forget to pay attention to the shape of the nipple, you may have to try more than one product until you find the right one for your little one. Also, do not forget that according to age categories the size of the nipples also changes.

One of the most important criteria when choosing a pacifier is the selection of a suitable material. Manufacturers offer us latex and silicone nipples. The former are considered low-allergenic, with higher strength and service life. The latter are capable of causing allergies, have specific smell, change color under the influence sun rays, less resistant to physical factors, wear out faster.

My baby had a silicone nipple on the bottle. Since the bottle appeared when the son was already six months old, such a nipple was quite comfortable due to its elasticity. In addition, I opted for just such a material because of the low allergenicity. I didn’t want to test the child’s body for strength once again.

Required volume for newborns

When choosing a bottle, it occupies not the last place required volume. For newborn little ones, a capacity of 100, maximum 200 ml is enough. Indeed, in the first month of life, the baby does not eat more than 90 ml per feeding.

Older babies can already purchase bottles with a volume of 330 ml.

Except age restrictions it is also necessary to consider for what purpose this capacity is acquired. For example, if you need a bottle for water and compote, a 200 ml container is also suitable for you.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to graduation. If the scale is applied as a drawing, be prepared that it will be erased over time. And you will have difficulties when the little one needs to be given exactly in accordance with the age norm. The scale, which is literally squeezed out on the surface of your bottle, will last longer.

We define quality

It is important when choosing the first bottle for a newborn to pay attention to quality. You should not chase after a low price, although an expensive product does not always indicate high quality. Most moms choose plastic bottles. You just need to know that such dishes should not contain bisphenol. It can be used in the manufacture of plastics due to the properties that affect the increase in strength and transparency. finished product. For a baby, such dishes are not suitable. Moreover, this chemical is likely to cause intoxication of the child's body.

Important feature- at the bottle good quality the weight should correspond to the volume divided by one hundred (minimum), that is, if you have a product with a volume of 330 ml, then such dishes should weigh at least 33 grams. In addition, you can gently press your finger on the bottle - this should not cause dents.

How many pieces should be

Since bottles are used not only for formula feeding, but also for other purposes, it is reasonable that parents may have a question about required quantity bottles.

If desired and possible, you can use a bottle for each type of liquid, separately for water, compote (tea), mixture (expressed milk).

If the baby is on an artificial type of feeding, then you can get at least a bottle for the mixture and for some water (and drinks). However, you need to understand that it is much more convenient to prepare two or three bottles in the evening, so that later you do not waste time preparing the mixture when your little one wakes up, cries, wants to eat very much.

If the baby is on mixed type feeding, then it also does not hurt to get at least a separate bottle for the mixture and water.

A baby who is breastfed up to 6 months can do without a bottle at all. However, it is still better to get at least one. Indeed, on a hot day, the liquid obtained from breast milk may not be enough and there will be a need to supplement with water. Or you will need to dilute the medicine with breast milk and also give it to drink from a bottle. Or the mother urgently needs to go away on business (without a baby), it becomes necessary to express milk and leave it in a bottle.


When choosing a bottle, you also need to take care of how convenient the process of caring for baby dishes will be. Pay attention to what parts it consists of, how it unwinds.

It is important to take care of hygiene, both the bottle itself and the nipple. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the components with soap and sterilize them before the first use. It is also important to follow this process daily. For the first time, we subject the dishes to complete sterilization by boiling for 5 minutes, in the subsequent ones, you can simply pour boiling water over them. It is desirable, after all, to boil the components once a week.

In addition to using the old method, you can go the other way and purchase a sterilizer - a convenient device in which children's dishes are placed and steamed there.

Parents should understand that sterilization of children's dishes is essential in the first six months of a baby's life. After all, the peanut's immunity is still not strong enough, the child's body is still extremely vulnerable. Particularly acute is the process of careful processing of the bottle in children who are on an artificial type of feeding. After all, such little ones do not at all receive immunity cells produced by the mother's body.

Choosing a bottle is very important for every toddler. Also, parents need to take care of a sufficient number of containers for drinking and food. Remember that in the life of every baby, sooner or later there comes a time when you have to get a bottle. Although some parents, with the introduction of complementary foods, immediately switch to plates with spoons and cups.

In caring for a child from the first day after birth, absolutely every little thing is important.

When choosing products for him, parents are always looking for the best. Of course, any care item must meet the highest quality standards. However, sometimes there is simply not enough information or experience. In this case, the best option would be to contact a pediatrician and read this article.

Young parents carefully select clothes, hygiene products, toys. At the same time, one must be careful when buying any product for children, especially if we are talking about the feeding bottle.

Volume, material from which it is made, shape, size, as well as some additional options lead many to confusion. On the shelves of stores you can see them different in shape and volume, large and small. All of this makes my head spin.

To prevent this from happening, consider the main issues that are associated with choosing this important food device for your baby.

What is the best bottle to buy for a newborn?

Each family in which a child was born asks this important issue. How to find the one that suits you best from a huge number of options.

The fundamental rule is that it should be safe and comfortable for the baby and for you.

A bottle will be needed regardless of what her baby eats: breast milk or formula. With natural nutrition, it is used in situations where the mother needs to leave. At artificial nutrition- an irreplaceable attribute.

The need for it arises even in cases where the mother applies to the breast. Well, with, you can’t do without it.

Most needed use cases:

  • If there are contraindications for breastfeeding. This most often happens when the mother is undergoing medication.
  • In cases where, for any reason, the baby refuses to take the mother's breast.
  • The child drinks juice, water, or, in some cases, a dill drink.
  • If there is a need, mom will be away for a while.

How to choose a bottle for a newborn - basic rules

Quality is the main and main factor.

You can protect yourself from fakes if you buy products in a special children's store or pharmacy.

A guarantee of safety for you will be a quality certificate, which will be shown in the store at your first request.

Some materials that are used in the manufacture crack if the shelf life is exceeded or has been violated. temperature regime during storage. Therefore, when buying, carefully read the label on the product.

You have to pay for high quality, especially when it comes to health. Firms that guarantee high quality mark not only the packaging, but also the product itself.

Kinds. Form. Size

  • An unusual design or a bizarre shape will not guarantee that the baby will like it. The ring-shaped bottle is convenient for the baby to hold, but inconvenient for the mother to wash. Choose from straight or slightly concave sides. They are comfortable to use and easy to wash.
  • To drink juice or water, samples with a volume of 125-150 ml are perfect. If you are feeding solid foods or formula milk, use a 250-300 ml feeder.
  • The neck can be narrow or wide (expanded). The wide neck is better and easier to use.
  • If everything is in order, then at a time the baby consumes about 80-90 ml of milk. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the labeling of the packaging. Numbers indicate age, for example: 0+, 3+, etc.
  • The presence of a lid will help protect the pacifier from dirt, and the bag from contamination.

The main thing when feeding is a nipple. In shape, you can take a round, orthodontic and reminiscent female breast. The last option is the most optimal, since the transition will become less noticeable to the crumbs.

Material for the manufacture of latex or silicone. Latex is soft, hypoallergenic, but wears out quickly, requires careful permanent care it needs to be changed frequently.

Much higher in quality and durability of the papilla, which is made of silicone. It does not smell of anything, is easily disinfected, durable and hygienic.

Replacement is carried out every 2-3 months and selected according to age. As a rule, one small hole is needed at the papilla to start feeding from the first days of life. For a peanut who is already a month old - 2 holes, and if he is from 3 to 6 months old, then 3-4. On the packaging, this is indicated by the number of drops drawn.

Soft latex, for example, is suitable for passive sucking, and crumbs with a big appetite - elastic silicone.

In order to form the correct bite, experts recommend using the option with a wide base. And if there are still transverse rings, then this makes it possible to properly eat.

The materials from which products are made are important: glass, plastic and silicone.

Glass baby bottles are easy to clean and sterilize. For production, refractory glass is most often used. Its use eliminates the appearance of cracks from hot liquid. A significant disadvantage is the heavy weight. In case of careless operation, there is a high probability of damage.

The most common plastic ones, because they are safe, have a small mass. High-quality plastic withstands high temperatures and does not deform if you pour boiling water. The disadvantage is that they need to be changed quite often, since staining from food can occur and cracks can form on them with systematic use.

When choosing a product made of plastic, it should be noted that the weight of an empty product is not less than 25 grams. This fact indicates the amount of material spent. It is also important to take into account that the manufacture does not use phthalate and bisphenol A. A chemical that gives polymers strength, but when heated, bisphenol A builds up in the body. This negatively affects, slowly destroys it.

Thanks to light weight, silicone are convenient to use. Designed for both liquids and thick foods. The disadvantage is the tendency of silicone to stain.

Children's goods stores offer a choice of a large assortment. Let us briefly describe the main characteristics of children's products from leading manufacturers.

  1. Suavinex. The range of this brand is quite wide. Each product is made of high quality plastic and undergoes special testing. Produced in Spain. May be heated in the microwave and washed in dishwasher. Bright design and drawings on the product are liked by both parents and children.
  2. . The kit from this manufacturer has everything you need. The package includes 4 containers, a brush for washing, a classic pacifier. You can also purchase each item separately. Produced in the UK. Plastic does not contain bisphenol A, provided.
  3. Munchkin Latch. The nipples of this brand have a flexible base. When feeding, the base is stretched like an accordion. The rising of the bubbles prevents the anti-colic valve from rising up. This allows the baby to spit up or hiccup less. Produced in Germany.
  4. Born Free. Users of this cookware note that with prolonged use appearance remains unchanged, even when doused with boiling water. Manufacturer - Israel.
  5. Tommee Tippee. Containers are sold in sets. You can also buy separately. There are 3 colors to choose from: pink, blue and beige. Silicone nipple with anti-colic valve and a bottle with a concave center and clear divisions make feeding as convenient as possible. The presence of an indicator of the temperature of the mixture or water helps to determine its readiness for use. Manufacturer - UK.
  • The first use of dishes should begin with the sterilization of the container. How exactly to do this is indicated individually in the instructions.
  • Regular inspection of the food container will protect the baby from cracks, infections.
  • The contents in the container can be heated using a microwave oven or using. The instructions also detail how best to heat food for the crumbs.
  • Use special caps. Especially in those cases when you are going for a walk or on the road.
  • Any utensils that are used for feeding should only be used for their intended purpose.
  • The temperature scale on the surface of the plastic or glass should be convex, not drawn, as the paint wears off over time.

Benefits of using breastfeeding bottles:

  • A nursing mother has more time to do household chores or rest, since there is no need to feed on demand;
  • Both the father and the rest of the family can feed the baby;
  • When feeding with a mixture for newborns, the mother may not limit herself in nutrition.
Interesting Facts
  • New generation baby bottles have a built-in temperature indicator. Optimal temperature food is easy to identify by color change.
  • If you start complementary foods, then for this, manufacturers offer options with a spoon instead of a papilla. By pressing on the soft silicone surface, the necessary portion of food or porridge comes out and enters the child's mouth.
  • If the baby is fully breastfed, then the mother can get by with one bottle. A child receiving formula will need three or four.
Breast milk is the best. Hippocrates said: the product must be the medicine, and the medicine must be the product. Mother's milk nourishes, protects against diseases and brings relatives closer. But in life it happens that it is necessary and then it is worth reading everything that manufacturers offer in this direction and taking what will be the best. Remember that the most valuable thing is health.

Painless termination of breastfeeding

If you decide to stop breastfeeding, you should not bandage the breast, as this can cause compression of the milk ducts and, as a result, mastitis. It is best to wean the baby gradually, achieving an automatic decrease in milk production. To do this, between rare feedings, you can express your breasts, but not completely, but in order to reduce the feeling of discomfort.

The first dish in the life of a baby is a bottle with a pacifier. Such an accessory will be needed during breastfeeding, and with artificial feeding it is simply irreplaceable. But which bottle is best? Young parents, having come to the pharmacy, are often lost at the sight of a huge assortment of baby bottles on sale. Let's try to figure out what's different various models and how to make the right choice.


Most of all, babies need bottles, who, for various reasons, cannot receive the right amount and in right time breastfeeding mother's milk. They also help out if the nursing mother is forced to leave for a long time. From the age of 6 months, growing babies are given complementary foods from bottles.


In feeding bottles, you can pour not only water or infant formula, but also juice, porridge or grated soup. In this regard, parents have a logical question: how many bottles do you need to have on hand and which ones?

There is no universal answer, since it all depends on the type of feeding the baby, the mode and conditions of feeding, as well as the age of the crumbs.

Experienced Moms and experts believe that:

  • with regular breastfeeding, only one small bottle (100–150 ml) of water may be needed on demand;
  • with regular breastfeeding according to the regime, you should stock up on one small and one large (250-330 ml) bottles - for water and expressed milk;
  • with mixed and especially artificial feeding you will need at least 4-6 bottles (for milk/formula and water).

For example, at night, a child may ask for food several times. In order not to make the crumbs wait for a long time (while you prepare a new portion of the mixture), it is better to prepare food for the future and, if necessary, quickly reheat.


An important factor on which the choice of a baby bottle depends is its volume. Manufacturers offer dishes different sizes and forms, taking into account the age of the child and his "menu". Since in the first months of his life, the baby can drink up to 90 ml of milk at a time, a 100–200 ml bottle will be enough for him. The grown-up little ones need more dishes - up to 330 ml.

For ease of use, a measuring scale is applied to the surface of the bottle, which allows pouring the optimal amount of milk, as well as ensuring the exact proportions of dilution of milk mixtures. The scale can be drawn, raised or embossed (the second and third options are preferable, since the drawn markers fade and fade over time).


Previously, only glass bottles were used to feed newborns. Now also use dishes made of plastic and silicone. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages that you should consider before buying:

Material Peculiarities
Glass In the manufacture of bottles, durable fire-resistant glass is used. This dish can serve long years. It is not afraid of sterilization, is hygienic and environmentally friendly, does not stain under the influence of various products. Glassware is easy to clean. Among the minuses should be noted the fragility of glass and a lot of weight.
Plastic These bottles are easy to use. They are light in weight (compared to glass counterparts). Quality plastic withstands impact high temperatures(you can use boiling water). Plastic dishes are made in different shapes. The disadvantages of plastic include the fact that over time, microcracks may appear on the bottle, and the surface of the bottle may also be painted (for example, if you pour juice into it). Also, low-quality plastic bottles may contain the dangerous substance bisphenol A - therefore, their composition must be checked before purchase.
Silicone Silicone utensils are convenient to use. It is lightweight, does not break (withstands mechanical stress), and is hypoallergenic. The peculiarity of silicone bottles is that they are soft, they can be squeezed, which has its pros and cons. For example, milk can spill when squeezed hard, but it is more convenient to eat porridge from such dishes.

If you prefer glassware, do not put it in the hands of a child, as the bottle may be too heavy for the baby, and he will drop it. For independent toddlers, polymer and silicone analogues are more suitable, very convenient for a walk or on the road.


If you ask a pediatrician to recommend a bottle for a newborn, he will definitely pay attention to the quality of the materials. So, when choosing plastic tableware make sure it's free of phthalates and bisphenol A. This is a chemical that gives polymers increased strength and transparency, but when heated, bisphenol can build up in the body. This toxin is dangerous due to its effects on the endocrine, reproductive and immune system in humans, it can also cause cancer. Since 2010, BPA-containing plastic has been banned in many countries.

The weight and hardness of the bottle will help to draw a conclusion about the quality of the polymer. If it is designed for a volume of 250 ml, its weight must be at least 25 g, and it must not be squeezed. Otherwise, we can talk about the low quality of the product (the wall thickness of such bottles is uneven).


What is the best bottle shape to choose - often asked inexperienced moms from pharmacists and on various online parenting forums. The entire range of bottles available today can be classified into the following main types:

  • Classic bottles shaped like a straight cylinder. They are quite easy to use and maintain, but it is not very convenient for the baby to hold them in his hands - they are too wide.
  • Figure variations. Many manufacturers offer their own design solutions. These can be models with a notch in the middle, concave in the middle or on top, expanded at the bottom, etc. “Convexity” and “concavity” are designed to make gripping the bottle as convenient as possible, but this makes the process of caring for dishes more complicated.
  • Models with a wide neck, designed to prepare mixtures directly in the bottle.
  • Curved models with the so-called anti-colic system. Such bottles are equipped with a gas outlet tube, which allows you to cope with the problem of swallowing air while eating.

Classic bottles, which are made of plastic and glass, are universal - they can be used for milk, mixtures, cereals, juices. Dishes of non-standard shape and bottles with an extended neck, as a rule, are made of plastic (in some models, a sealing disc is additionally provided, which ensures the tightness of the container).

Before giving preference to any option, experts advise evaluating its practicality and convenience. For example, for the smallest crumbs, it makes no sense to buy a curly model - the baby will still not be able to hold it on its own anyway. It is also worth remembering that such a bottle will not be easy to wash, so it is better to use it only for water or juice. Well, if the child has digestive problems, try the anti-colic option.


The quality of feeding the baby also depends on the nipple - its choice must be approached as scrupulously as when buying a bottle. Nipples differ in the material of manufacture, size and shape. For example, a silicone baby bottle nipple is denser and more durable than a latex one, but it is easier to bite through.

  • When choosing, it is recommended to take into account next nuance: babies themselves usually prefer soft latex nipples, which, when heated, feel like human skin. But to mothers who practice mixed feeding, it is worth giving preference to silicone analogues, because, having tried soft latex, the baby may refuse to breast, since it is much easier for him to “get” milk through the nipple.

As for the shape of the nipples, they can be completely round with a simple oblong base or have a beveled edge. The first option is ordinary standard nipples, the second is anatomical models created taking into account physiological characteristics oral cavity babies. Samples with a wide base are also on sale - such an accessory, according to the developers, most of all resembles a mother's chest. Choose suitable option the baby himself should - often parents have to experiment with different nipples until the child is satisfied with a particular model.

The sizes of the nipples are also not the same (the larger / older the baby, the bigger size he needs an accessory). Usually, the numbers from 1 to 4 are indicated on the packages of nipples: for the first month, second, third-sixth months and No. 4 - for children from six months. However, different manufacturers may have their own gradation, so be sure to read the instructions before buying.

But that's not all! In order for the baby to drink milk as comfortably as possible, the mother should choose a nipple with the optimal flow rate. What is meant? The baby must be fed under a certain pressure: if it is too small, the child will not eat, and if it is too large, it will choke. The pressure is regulated thanks to the holes in the nipple, and the intensity of the flow depends on their type and number.

  • If the bottle has to be used from the first days of a child's life, a size zero will do.
  • For babies from 3 to 6 months, use the slow flow teat #1 and the medium flow teat #2 (for milk). Teat No. 2 is also useful for drinking juice and tea for babies from 6 to 12 months.
  • Fast flow teats (#3) are for babies 1 year and older.
  • The fourth number with a cruciform section is convenient for drinking not only milk, but also thicker foods, such as cereals. This pacifier is suitable for a six month old baby.
  • Variable flow nipples can be used as early as three months (if necessary, the flow intensity can be adjusted in it).

Above, we mentioned the anti-colic system in bottles. The nipples themselves can also be anti-colic - these are models with special holes and / or a tubule (valve).


To satisfy all the wishes of customers, manufacturers are trying to constantly improve feeding bottles, and also create additional accessories. So, the package with a bottle may include an additional lid that simplifies the process of storing food, a brush for washing the container, and an airtight plug.

In addition to (and sometimes instead of) mom's bottles use a sippy cup. This is a special sealed cup with a spout. When answering the question of how to choose a drinker for a child, pediatricians advise paying attention to the material (it must be durable non-toxic plastic), volume (the cup must “grow” with the baby) and the design that is convenient for operation and maintenance.


Now that you know how to choose the right bottle for your baby, it remains to remind you of the rules for caring for her.

  • A new bottle must be sterilized before the first use (the instructions describe in detail how and how much to sterilize the product). In the future, the dishes should be regularly treated with boiling water. To wash the container well, use a brush.
  • Because newborns are susceptible to different kind infections, it is recommended to sterilize feeding bottles. There are several ways to sterilize: the easiest is to boil the bottle over " grandmother's method» in a saucepan for 5-10 minutes. But this the way is fine only for glass containers, plastic is deformed. You can also sterilize the bottles in the microwave and household electric sterilizers.
  • Inspect the bottle and teat regularly. If you notice damage, cracks, discoloration, plaque - it's time to buy new dishes. There is no exact answer on how often to change the bottle, since it depends on the material (for example, glass models have an unlimited shelf life), the age of the child (the baby has grown up - he needs a bigger bottle and, possibly, a different shape), the condition of the dishes (if plaque has formed, it is better to replace the container). Detailed information look in the instructions.
  • The heating of the baby bottle requires special attention. To do this, many people use a microwave, but to simplify the process, special heaters (including automobile ones) were created. You can read the instructions for the bottle for the best way to reheat food for your baby.
  • Caps are attached to the bottles - cover the nipple with them whenever you are going for a walk (or on the road), as well as at home if the bottle has been idle for a long time.

Baby feeding bottles irreplaceable thing for young parents. A bottle is needed when artificially feeding with a mixture, for supplementing with water or feeding the baby with expressed milk during the mother's absence. At correct selection the child suffers less from colic and bloating and drinks from a bottle with pleasure. Modern bottles are closer to breastfeeding conditions to meet the baby's sucking needs and avoid breast rejection.

bottles Russian manufacturer"Mir Detstva" are produced under strict control in accordance with the quality standards in force in Russia. They are safe for children and are not inferior in quality to foreign counterparts. The manufacturer offers bottles of standard and ergonomic shape with silicone nipples volume of 125 and 250 ml. There are specimens with a wide neck, which facilitates the process of washing the bottle after use. All bottles are decorated with cute children's drawings.

The manufacturer's defect is the lack of a clearly drawn measuring scale. The marks are convex, but merge in color with the bottle. To determine the volume of liquid, you have to strain your eyes and look closely. Many parents complain about the quick failure of the nipples included in the kit and the lids that are inconvenient to use.

  • Colorless scale, which makes it difficult to navigate the volume of the drink in the bottle
  • Low quality nipples and plastic from which the lids are made

Avent natural - the easy combination of bottle feeding and breastfeeding

British manufacturer Philips Avent has been producing baby bottles for over 30 years. The Natural series is designed to help new mothers combine bottle feeding with breastfeeding when they need to supplement their baby. The peculiarity of this bottle is the shape of the nipple, which follows the contours of the breast. To drink from a bottle of Avent natural, the baby has to make an effort and make movements with the tongue, just like when sucking at the breast.

Bottles are produced in 3 versions - 125, 260 and 330 ml. To reduce colic, a double valve is provided that prevents air from entering the stomach. The bottles have a wide mouth, convenient for washing or filling the mixture.

Parental feedback on Avent natural bottles is mostly positive. Although some note an uncomfortable position in the hand when feeding.

  • Breast-moulding nipple to reduce the risk of not breastfeeding in favor of a bottle
  • Variable flow rate that changes with the age of the child
  • wide neck
  • Double anti-colic valve
  • Not suitable for weak babies, because drinking requires some effort
  • Not everyone is comfortable holding wide bottles in their hand

Bibi bottles

Anti-colic bottles from the Swiss brand "Bibi" have an interesting nipple design that is easy for newborns to grip. Compliance with European standards guarantees high quality and safety. The bottles can be sterilized by steam, microwave or dishwasher. The shape with a "waist" contributes to a comfortable arrangement in the hand.

Of the minuses, a strong flow can be called even when using a pacifier 0+. Some babies may in large numbers incoming liquid to choke.

  • Made of high quality plastic or impact resistant glass
  • They have an anti-colic system in the form of a special valve
  • Ergonomic shape, comfortable for adults and children
  • Strong fluid flow rate from the nipple

Bottle "Nuk First Choice" - imitation of the female breast at an affordable price

Bottles of the German manufacturer Nuk of the First Choice series are designed to help parents combine natural and artificial feeding baby. The wide base of the nipple and the beveled tip imitate the female breast so that the child does not get confused when different ways feeding. Bottles of this brand are produced from polypropylene and glass in several volumes - 120, 150, 240 and 300 ml. Parents can choose from a latex or silicone nipple.

According to customer reviews, these bottles have one weak point - an insufficiently tight fit of the cap leads to leakage of liquid when shaken or in a horizontal position.

  • Excellent German quality
  • The possibility of combining breast and artificial feeding
  • nipples different material and flow rates
  • Weak lid that does not cope with the function of leakage protection

The Italian company Chicco offers parents of a newborn an innovative nipple with a velvety top layer and an inclination to one side. This bottle provides the baby with comfort and ease of feeding. The shape of the pacifier encourages the baby to make sucking movements. According to research conducted by the company in 2016, 96% of children from birth to three months agree to drink from a Natural Feeling bottle.

The disadvantages include the difficulty of emptying the bottle to the end. Due to the beveled nipple, tilting the bottle so that the last drops fall into the baby's mouth is almost impossible. Therefore, it is better to dilute the mixture or pour milk with a small margin. Many users complain about the lid being too tight and opening with a lot of effort.

  • Soft, velvety silicone nipple surface
  • Angled tip to encourage suckling
  • The shape of the pacifier is liked by most babies.
  • Inability to feed the baby the entire amount in the bottle
  • Doesn't fit in most thermal containers
  • tight lid

Another manufacturer who tried to replicate the sucking mechanism from maternal breast in a bottle, became the Japanese "Pigeon". Like its competitors, the Pigeon Peristaltic Plus bottle is anti-colic with a patented nipple valve. A decrease in colic during use was noted in 97% of cases, which was confirmed by scientific tests of the SCCH RAMS in 2013. The nipple has a raised surface that makes it easier for the newborn to grasp it.

The rather high price of the bottle corresponds to its quality. There are practically no negative statements about her. The disadvantages include the absence of a 30 ml mark on the measuring scale and a slight sound that appears during the operation of the anti-colic valve.

  • Mimics the shape of mother's breasts
  • Effective anticolic system
  • Rough nipple surface for a comfortable grip
  • High price
  • Extraneous sounds when using
  • Measuring scale starts at 60 ml

"Tommee Tippee closer to nature" with anti-colic tube and valve system

The next contender for the title of Super Baby Bottle comes from the UK. Manufacturer Tommee Tippee offers a nipple that follows the curve of the breast, its elasticity and movement during feeding, as well as a whole system of valves and tubes to combat air swallowing. The bottle fits comfortably in the hand due to the curves on the sides. There is a temperature sensor that changes color when the drink cools down.

A slight inconvenience is the washing of all constituent parts bottles. Another disadvantage is the inability to drink the mixture or milk to the end, about 10-20 ml remains in the lid area.

  • The shape of the nipple is comfortable for the baby, but does not distract from the breast
  • Anti-colic valve system
  • Ergonomic shape
  • Thermal sensor
  • Difficulty washing
  • The need to pour liquid with a margin

"Medela Calma" is a bottle that repeats the process of sucking from the breast as much as possible. In order for the liquid to enter the mouth, the baby must apply the same force to create a vacuum as when breastfeeding. This happens due to a special design - the smart nipple is pulled over a plastic base of several parts, attached to the bottle. As a result, the transition from breast to bottle and vice versa occurs imperceptibly and naturally for the baby.

Despite the complex design, which, moreover, is not easy to rinse, the Medela nipple often gives a strong pressure and the child chokes when feeding. Bottles are produced only in a small volume - 150 ml, which is not suitable for grown-up babies.

  • Breastfeeding simulation system to reduce the risk of breastfeeding
  • Comfortable nipple shape
  • High price
  • narrow neck
  • small volume

The Polish brand Canpol offers its own version of the anti-colic feeding bottle for newborns with a nipple shifted to the edge of the bottle. The design has a special filter, thanks to which the milk or mixture is constantly in the nipple, and the air and foam remain in the bottle. The nipple allows liquid to pass through only when feeding, ensuring the tightness of the product.

It will take a little more time to assemble and wash the Canpol Haberman system than for a simple bottle. This is a small price to pay for getting rid of colic when feeding.

  • Comfortable nipple shape that mimics breasts
  • Anti-colic filter
  • Not very convenient process of washing the pacifier and air filtration system

Dr. Brown's Best Baby Bottle of 2018

The generally recognized leader of our rating is the feeding bottle from the American manufacturer Dr.Brown's. It was created by a pediatrician to relieve colic in babies. The patented ventilation system prevents air bubbles from entering the liquid by directing them to the bottom of the bottle. Milk and formula do not oxidize, retaining all the benefits and natural taste. Dr. bottles Brown's has earned the approval of neonatologists and parents around the world.

The ventilation system has its own negative sides. If the nipple is twisted, the cap is screwed too tightly, the bottle is horizontal, or the bottle is agitated, liquid will leak through the cap. Please keep this in mind when using the product.

  • Created by a pediatrician
  • Unique ventilation system that prevents fluid from coming into contact with air
  • Drip liquid supply
  • Often leaks when operating conditions are violated
  • The ventilation system is difficult to clean

Final table

small bottleManufacturer countryprosMinuses
Russia+ BPA Free
+ Low price
+ Bright design
- Colorless scale
- Poor quality of nipples and lid plastic
AventGreat Britain+ Breast-shaped nipple
+ Flow rate that changes with the child's age
+ Wide neck
+ Double anti-colic valve
- Not suitable for weak babies
- Not comfortable to hold wide bottles in hand
bibiSwitzerland+ High-quality plastic / impact-resistant glass
+ Anti-colic system in the form of a special valve
+ Ergonomic shape
- Strong fluid flow rate from the nipple
NukGermany+ German quality
+ Possibility of combining breast and artificial feeding
+ Nipples of different materials and flow rates
- Weak lid
ChiccoItaly+ Soft velvety nipple
+ Angled tip to encourage suckling
+ The shape of the pacifier is liked by most babies
- The inability to feed the child the entire amount in the bottle
- Does not fit into most thermal containers
- Tight lid
Japan+ Follows the shape of mother's breast
+ Effective anticolic system
+ Rough nipple surface for a comfortable grip
- High price
- Extraneous sounds when using
- Measuring scale starts at 60 ml
Tommee TippeeGreat Britain+ comfortable nipple shape for baby
+ Anti-colic valve system
+ Ergonomic shape
+ Thermal sensor
- Difficulty washing
- The need to pour liquid with a margin

  • Breastfeeding simulation system

  • Comfortable nipple shape

  • Prevents swallowing air

  • High price

  • narrow neck

  • small volume

  • Inconvenience when washing and collecting the bottle

CanpolPoland+ Comfortable nipple shape that mimics breasts
+ Anti-colic filter
- Not very convenient process of washing the pacifier and air filtration system
USA+ Created by a pediatrician
+ Unique ventilation system that prevents fluid from coming into contact with air
+ Liquid drip
- Often leaks when operating conditions are violated
- The ventilation system is difficult to clean

How to choose a bottle for feeding a newborn?

When choosing a bottle for feeding a newborn baby, we recommend paying attention to certain features of the product:

  • Shape - bottles with a wide neck are more convenient to wash, but especially pot-bellied specimens are not very comfortable to hold in your hands and they may not fit in standard thermal containers and heaters. It is convenient when the bottle has a “waist” or special notches for fingers;
  • Pacifier - it is desirable that the pacifier can be chosen depending on the age of the child. As they grow older, the fluid flow rate should increase. If you want to combine breastfeeding and artificial feeding, then buy bottles with nipples that mimic sucking from the mother's breast. Their shape and behavior facilitate an easy transition from bottle feeding to breastfeeding and back;
  • Anti-colic system - when buying, make sure that the selected bottle has anti-colic valves or a ventilation system that prevents babies from swallowing air when feeding. This will reduce the amount of gas in the baby's tummy and minimize the likelihood of colic;
  • Volume - as the baby grows, his need for nutrition increases. If a newborn drinks 100-120 ml per feeding, then by 4 months this figure reaches 180-200 ml. Therefore, it is more profitable to immediately purchase a bottle for feeding a larger volume. But for supplementing with water or diluting drugs, you can choose a smaller instance.

Hello. I've already somehow created a topic about neighbor's dogs, how to scare them away. In the autumn, in September, a neighbor's dog bit our kitten, in the middle of the day, one might say, in front of a neighbor (the owner of the dog) and ours (I and my son saw it). They simply simply did not have time to do anything, how much does a 3-month-old kitten need. I then said a lot of things to the neighbors because of their dogs. They apologized, promised to look after them, but at the same time the phrase sounded: hunting dogs (ordinary mongrels at the same time) and cats will still be attacked, they called it happy (((
To be honest, I didn't want to more cats start, but in October, for her daughter's birthday, they brought her a gift-kitten .. There is a tray at home and the cat goes there, but only in a small way, but in a big one she got used to the street. They let her out, looked after her all the time. And that week, the neighbor's dog jumped over the snowdrifts to our yard and grabbed the cat right at the porch. At that time, I was hanging clothes to dry under a canopy, he did not see me, but I did not immediately see / did not hear him, he attacked without a sound. I jumped out at the squeal of a cat. I repulsed it, while he slashed his teeth on the sleeve of the jacket and tore my sleeve. When I calmed down and treated the cat a little and calmed down myself, I went to the neighbors and said I would complain. The weekend passed, they did not take any measures (the dog both ran down the street and continues to run). Today I wrote a complaint to the district police officer, but I was struck by his words, they say, we cannot take any measures in relation to the owner of the dog, there is no punishment or fine for this. Only if you go further and sue them for material and moral damage. But I don’t want to get involved with the court because of the cat and the torn sleeve. Are there really no laws so that the district police officer, relying on them, could somehow influence the owners of dogs who strangle cats on their own and in other people's yards? In general, I wrote a lot, just if you start a war with your neighbors, then relying on the laws ... Maybe someone will tell you something ...



She divorced her husband five years ago. From marriage, two children 9 and 11 years old. Tired of deciding and dragging everything on yourself family problems And besides, my husband started walking. She left him, as they say, "with one bundle" ... All this time I was equipping a house from scratch, paying off three loans, raising children, it was not easy. Thank God I was lucky and I changed jobs, began to earn more. More or less life began to improve. A year ago I met a man... And Oh God... This is the man I dreamed of. The complete opposite of mine ex-husband. And care and attention. One But ... He is a single father ... His wife left him with a child, went to his to the best friend. In principle, this situation did not frighten me and I thought, well, where are two children there and the third one will not be a hindrance ... But it turned out that everything is not so simple ... I like wise woman immediately began to look for an approach to the child, bought her toys, completely replaced her wardrobe, the poor child did not even have decent things, everything was washed out so much .... I bought her a bunch of beautiful rubber bands for the garden. I tried my best to please. The girl is 5 years old ... The child is problematic, does not understand anything, in the garden they complain about her that she does not obey, does not want to study .... At home she does whatever she wants, does not respond to comments. He says that he understood and immediately creates again !!!
Mom does not participate in the upbringing of the child in any way, she does not pay alimony, referring to the fact that she pays a joint loan ... Well, okay, God bless her ...
We all lived together for a year ... I thought that she would change and we would live happily ... But nothing changed ...
I was infuriated by her behavior and because of this I was constantly not in the mood, so we began to swear with Alexei. I couldn't tell him that his daughter pisses me off... I understand that he loves her more life... I thought about breaking up, but I love him and he loves me very much .... and he communicates well with my children, goes to chess with my son .... I don’t know what to do .. It seems to me that his daughter will never change And I will never love her...



Topic to chat. Do you think about the skills of your children? Will explain. A friend's son is a couple of months younger than mine, and now she proudly sends me a video where her baby crawls on the floor like a worm. She happily writes that he is starting to crawl. But for me, it's just a fuss on the carpet))) Or he kicks his ass back, and she thinks that he gets on all fours. I'm just either too critical of my son, or a realist. But until he specifically crawled at least 30 centimeters, I somehow didn’t say that he was starting to crawl. And if he sits with support on one arm - this is not yet sitting. Which camp do you belong to and why?



I got a job half a year ago. Child 3.5. He goes to the garden. Walked well in autumn. I went out for a full day. And now, for almost the whole of February and half of March, I have been sitting at home. I got a job through an acquaintance, no one said anything to me for the omissions, but last time they already hinted that something should be done with the sick leave. I found a nanny through an agency, but my mother panicked that a nanny was not needed (my mother has the same commander), she herself meets him from the garden, but the hospital says we will sit in turn, she will be 2 days, I will be three. But often she either flies away somewhere, then she has a theater, then she doesn’t want to at all and everything is unreliable. And nothing good came of it. The nanny eventually found some other shift work and now she can’t come at the click of a button, only on her own weekends. Mom also teases that I will give half of my salary to a nanny. I can't work normally. I don’t want to leave, because now my husband doesn’t earn enough for everything, I buy clothes for myself, for women’s necessities, plus I pay for vacation, I can save for a mortgage, we save up. Mom realized that we just couldn’t save up for an apartment, she stopped reproaching the purchased apartment, before that her husband was constantly baling, what was he thinking about when he created a family. The husband, although he considers himself a breadwinner, is not enough for everything. And I don't want to lose my job, experience, qualifications. And it’s also very difficult mentally to sit with a child for 2 weeks. I'm better at work, but I can't get there. Only goes to the garden for 5 days and again for 2 weeks at home. I am constantly nervous. How to work and look at the child at the same time. How do women do it?