Face sculpting - step by step instructions for beginners. Some nuances should be taken into account

To always look young and beautiful, the fair sex make any sacrifice. Every woman strives to be the center of attention at any event, especially if a large number of guests are expected there.

In the same way, girls strive to be beautiful when it comes to photography.

After all, the beauty captured on photographs will remain for a long time. In such a situation, facial contouring helps a lot. This technique has long been adopted by the most fashionable and famous personalities.

Contouring is a type of make-up, resorting to which, you can visually correct the shape of the face, adding expressiveness to it. To use this wonderful technique, you need to know some of the nuances.

What it is?

To make the contours of your face perfect, you do not need to rush from one extreme to another and resort to risky steps, such as plastic surgery. You can get by with very affordable and simple products that can be purchased at any cosmetic store: a set of brushes and tonal foundations of various tones. In addition, you need to know how facial contouring is done. By modeling the contour of your face, you can achieve a stunning effect.

Celebrities were the first to try sculpting the oval of the face. Photographs began to appear on the pages of fashion magazines, where the images of the most famous personalities were complemented by impeccable makeup, made using dark and light shades, which created a clear contour. Such modeling is based on a combination of light and shadow, which helps to emphasize certain areas of the skin, while hiding others so that they are invisible.

To remove imperfections, you will need several different dark tonal products.

Light cosmetics and highlighters will help highlight the advantages. Such structuring of your appearance should begin with the procedure for leveling the skin tone with a regular foundation.

The procedure for visually changing the shape of the face has been known since the beginning of cinema. To prevent the actors in the frame from looking “flat”, make-up artists began to use the contouring technique. Gradually, she firmly entered the life of modern stars.

Face contouring must be performed, observing some application rules:

    Not worth it use products of red or orange tones, as they can give the skin color a sickly shade.

    Do not do it get a highlighter with large sequins, as they will make your face look unnatural. You should give preference to products that are a tone lighter than your skin tone. Such products will give the skin a soft glow.

    With contouring. you can make your look more expressive. To do this, you just need to apply a dark remedy to the area between the beginning of the eyebrow and the bridge of the nose.

What to do?

To emphasize all the advantages of your face, it is not enough just to know the contouring technique. You also need to know by what means this procedure is performed.

Make-up artists distinguish the following types of cosmetic procedure for modeling the oval of the face:

  • Dry contouring. As you might guess from the name, this technique is performed with dry means: powders, shadows of various shades. This design can be used for everyday makeup. Even beginners can perform it, as the products are easy to apply and shade, completely merging with the skin.
  • Cream contouring. It is performed with the help of correctors, various tonal means, highlighters. Beginners and amateurs will not cope with this type, since unprofessional application of cosmetics will create a mask effect. Therefore, it is worth entrusting cream contouring to masters with sufficient experience. The indisputable advantage of this type of "sculpting" is that the skin not only does not dry out, but even moisturizes. You should resort to this procedure if you are going to an evening event or photo shoot.

Whichever type you prefer, the main thing is not to overdo it with the applied cosmetic products, because the result should be as natural as possible. To achieve this, pay attention to the means that you are going to use. Among them, the following products must be mandatory:

    The basis for applying makeup.

    Palette with dry or cream cosmetic products. Instead, you can use tonal creams and powders of different shades.

    stick for contouring. This is a kind of pencil of a certain shade, which is easy to apply the product to certain areas of the skin.

    Kit cosmetic brushes. Among them should be a special beveled brush for applying blush and several flat brushes.

    Special powder to consolidate the effect. Many women do without it, but professional makeup artists insist on using it.

In addition, you can’t just go to the store with cosmetics and buy the first products that caught your eye.

It is worth considering many nuances so as not to purchase products that do not suit you.

Pay attention to the brand of the purchased product. A palette from an unknown manufacturer may contain a strange red tint that will give the face an unnatural look. Means for any type and color of skin are produced by NYX, Anastasia Beverly Hills, Absolute New York.

The determining factor when buying should be the dark shade present in the palette. It is necessary that it be a maximum of two tones darker than the natural tone. It is better to give preference to warm undertones, as such products will look more natural. If you have a fair skin tone, you can try products with a pink undertone.

For beginners in contouring, various powders are better, as they are much easier to work with. When buying such products, Givenchy, Dior or Maybelline should be preferred.

For those who decide to master modeling using products with a creamy texture, chabi sticks are best suited. With their help, you can quickly get good facial contouring skills. It is worth giving preference to Clinique sticks. Among them you can find both highlighters and dark contours.

When choosing a highlighter, remember that it should not contain too large shimmering particles, and its color should be no more than two shades lighter than the complexion.

When buying brushes, numbers 130-190 should be preferred when it comes to applying correctives. For shading, it is better to choose brushes with a large bevel. The material from which the brushes are made also matters. For dry products, you can take a brush with both synthetic bristles and natural ones, but for creams, you should take only a natural brush.

Step by step diagrams for beginners

To properly sculpt, you need to take into account what kind of make-up you are going to do: everyday or evening. For any occasion, there are application features that you need to know if you want to look natural and natural. The first thing to consider is lighting. Experts advise to carry out all manipulations with makeup in natural light or as close as possible to it. If there is not enough light, then there is a risk of getting an unnatural make-up that will be too conspicuous.

Basic steps of face modeling:

    Necessary apply a make-up base to the skin.

    Should even out the resulting tone with a foundation or BB cream.

    With help a wide flat brush is required to apply concealer cream to the area under the eyes and wings of the nose.

    Using dark corrector, outline the nose by drawing straight lines from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose. This step will help to correct the shape of the nose, making it the way you want.

    At the next stage it is necessary to highlight the cheekbones. Since they play an important role in the entire sculpting technique, they should be the main focus. In order to correctly highlight the cheekbones, it is mentally required to draw a line from the ear to the lips, and then draw in the cheeks. Under the resulting hole, a dark corrector should be applied so that the tone near the ear is as dark as possible. It is not worth drawing a line to the auricle itself, it is better to leave a small area.

    Should correct the frontal part of the face, especially if it is very large. To do this, you just need to draw a dark strip from one temple to another, stepping back about a centimeter from the beginning of hair growth. At the temples, more emphasis needs to be placed.

    With help dark corrector, it is necessary to darken the upper eyelids. This action will help to give expressiveness to the look.

    Should carefully shade all the applied lines. Transitions should be made as smoothly and imperceptibly as possible. It is necessary to start the shading process from light areas, gradually mixing them with dark ones. These movements can be performed with the fingers, but brushes can also be used.

This technique is suitable for any kind of contouring.

However, with dry modeling, it is necessary to shade the products immediately immediately after their application.

How to make your face look thinner with makeup?

Sculpting a face for different personalities cannot always be done with the same movements and use the same products. There is no universal approach. Each girl is an individual personality that has its own characteristics of appearance. These features must be taken into account when performing the contouring procedure. The main task of modeling is to achieve a flawless oval face, for this you need to visually reduce certain areas, and sometimes remove the double chin.

    Shrink a round face It is possible by highlighting the central part of the face and darkening the rest of the skin.

    Too wide the shape of the nose can be changed if the lateral parts of it are highlighted with dark means, and the back with light ones. And you can visually remove the length of the nose in a simple way - by gently shading a little dark corrector at the very tip.

    Owners of a narrow an elongated face, you need to focus on the cheeks so as not to make the oval of the face even longer. The chin and cheekbones should be darkened. When using blush, do not apply them too close to the temples.

    If everyday make-up is created using dry products, then you should first moisturize the skin, and then apply a makeup base to the face. Evening makeup using creams should start with the eyes and eyebrows to get a spectacular look.

    Mimic wrinkles visually removed with a highlighter and moisturizer.

Breast contouring

Do not think that the contouring technique is applicable only to visually change the shape of the face. With the help of cosmetics, you can adjust your figure, for example, make the bust more expressive. To do this, you need to follow the following steps:

    Apply dark remedy on the inner line of the chest near the hollow and blend well.

    Should powder a little shaded product to make it more invisible.

    On the upper decollete you need to apply with a brush a little dark bronzer.

    To visually enlarge breast size, you need to apply a dark agent on the line of the collarbones and shade.

    For the remainder decollete is required to apply a light corrector, shade and powder.

By adhering to these simple rules, you can easily emphasize the beauty of your chest.

This is especially important when it comes to evening events.

How to mask nasolabial folds?

Nasolabial folds can cause a lot of problems, for example, give out the age of a woman. This and other flaws can also be hidden with makeup. It must be done carefully and slowly in order to achieve the desired effect. Correction should be carried out according to the following scheme:

    Skin cleansing and hydration. It is easier to apply cosmetics on prepared skin.

    Application of makeup base and foundation. A darker tonal product is applied to the nasolabial area. Do not forget to carefully shade the applied products.

    Application to the nasolabial area of ​​the corrector ideally suited to the skin tone, shading the product.

    sculpting the rest of the face, depending on your preferences and features.

    Fixing the applied funds with the help of powder. It is important that it is not tinted, otherwise the desired result will not be achieved.

    At the end make-up should make up the lips with light lipstick.

Modeling cheekbones

The cheekbones are a very important area that should not be forgotten when doing contouring. Properly underlined, they will give aristocracy and nobility to the appearance, correct the oval of the face. That is why it is necessary to emphasize them correctly. To highlight the cheekbones, you will need dark and light proofreaders. A darker shade is applied to the area close to the temples, and a lighter shade is applied near the lips. After a good shading, the cheekbones will look as natural as possible. If you apply too much of the product, you can stretch the oval of the face too much, which is not always necessary.

Some nuances should be taken into account:

    Not worth it highlight the cheekbones with blush, as they will give excessive color to the face instead of correcting its shape.

    Not worth it use grayish unsaturated products. It is better to give preference to warm undertones, as they look more natural.

    Better learn powder contouring. They are easier to work with brushes and fingers. The main thing is to get smooth transitions of light and shadow on the face.

Choosing the right products and applying them correctly will help highlight the right areas of the skin and make your face beautiful and natural.

For different face types

Having decided on independent face modeling, you may not achieve the desired result. Often this is due not only to the wrong choice of funds, but also to the wrong application to your face oval. To avoid possible mistakes, you need to know the nuances of each form.

    For owners oval faces are lucky as they don't have to put in a lot of effort to create makeup. It is enough to apply the contour on the sides of the forehead, highlight the eyebrows and cheekbones, and then apply the highlighter to the central part of the face. After shading, the procedure will be completed.

    Girls, in which the shape of the face is similar to a rectangle, you need to take care of modeling the lower jaw. To do this, you need to apply a contour on its sides with large strokes, and then select the frontal zone with it. With a highlighter, mark the area under the eyes and the middle of the chin. Blend carefully.

    For owners round face should pay more attention to the cheekbones. If you make them more expressive and narrow, then you can visually bring your face type closer to an oval one. And then do the make-up of the first type.

Without a reserve, contour or wax line, the paint will flow out of the stencil, leaving an ugly stain on the background and mixing up all the plans of the artist. This means that the task of the latter is to do everything so that the paint remains in exactly the piece of fabric in which it is supposed to be.

The fabric is characterized by simplicity and complexity at the same time.

It’s difficult only the first time, but when you “get your hands on it”, you will act almost automatically, which is not very great for the creative process

See how much funds flow out when you press the tube, what efforts are needed so that the lines are not too thick and not thin. Practice is the best adviser. Therefore, your first work should not be too complex, with many small details and lines close to each other. Imagine that you


It is necessary to write about one more condition for the success of your actions. So the success of the business largely depends on the quality with which you work. Natural materials lend themselves better, the reserve flows perfectly into the spaces between the threads, remaining in place, absorbing well, drying out in an even line.

Artificial fabrics require experience and patience of the master. Both the reserve and the paint can lie very poorly on the fabric, act up, and not be absorbed.

Final stage

Job is done? Now we are waiting for everything to dry. Usually half an hour is enough in case of a reserve and an hour or two is needed for a colored contour (in general, you need to be more careful with it!).

If you are not sure about the absence of gaps, use this advice. Take an ordinary brush, dip it into water (without impurities!) And start “drawing” with water all the elements of the picture. You will immediately see if the water has leaked outside the stencil.

After applying the contour to the fabric and checking, you can proceed to the most exciting part of painting on silk - directly painting over the canvas with paint. Good luck!

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Previously, facial contouring techniques were only available to professional makeup artists. We looked at photos of stars in glossy magazines and admired the wonders of modern plastic surgery. But, as it turned out, not all celebrities resort to the services of plastic surgeons, but no one refuses the services of a good makeup artist. Moreover, in just an hour, without pain and rehabilitation, you can get high cheekbones, a chiseled nose and plump lips.

Thanks to glossy publications and video blogs, facial contouring has become available to everyone. With a little practice, patience, brushes and cosmetics, even a beginner can master the magic of makeup. Let's take a closer look at what contouring is, what it is for, and how to do it yourself.

What is contouring

Facial contouring, or sculpting, is the technique of applying products in two different shades in order to give relief to the face, as well as adjust its features. Here everything works the same way as in the fine arts: what needs to be made larger or brought to the fore, we make lighter, move away and reduce by darkening.

In order to master this technique, you need to study your face well. Determine what shape he has and what features require a little correction, since the contouring of a round face is different from the contouring of a triangular or elongated one. You will also need products for sculpting, they can be dry or creamy, they are chosen based on the type of skin and the desired result. And of course, as a real artist, you will need tools - brushes and sponges, without which you cannot make high-quality face contouring. A step-by-step instruction that allows you to master this makeup technique will be presented below.

How to prepare your face

Before applying makeup, you need to properly prepare the skin: cleanse and moisturize. If the skin is very dry and dehydrated, then you can first apply a moisturizing mask, otherwise the tonal base will emphasize peeling and fine wrinkles. If the dermis is oily, then after the cleansing ritual, you need to apply a mattifying moisturizer. So the makeup will not “float”, but will be neat and persistent.

If the skin texture is uneven, there are enlarged pores or acne marks, then you can apply a primer or makeup base. This tool evens out the relief, allowing the foundation to lie evenly, without stains, and also increases its durability.

Now apply foundation all over the face. This can be done with fingertips, a brush or a beauty blender. The latter will make the coating thin and light, the first two methods will give a denser layer. On problem areas - redness, dark circles under the eyes, acne - you need to apply a concealer or corrector.

After applying the foundation, the face loses volume, looks flat and unnatural. Therefore, even if you do not want to “sculpt” your face, a drop of bronzer under the cheekbones, highlighter under the eyebrow and blush on the “apples” of the cheeks will not hurt. So the skin will acquire a fresh, rested look and a natural relief.

What cosmetics are needed for facial contouring? Based on the type of skin, we choose the right products. As a rule, these are either dry textures (bronzers, dry highlighters), or cream sticks and special sculpting products, available in several shades for each color type.

dry textures

Dry textures are lighter and give a natural finish suitable for daily wear. But it is important not to make a mistake with the choice of shades. The darkening bronzer should be no more than one to one and a half shades darker than your skin tone. Otherwise, you risk getting rough, sharp features or just dark spots and stripes. Dark bronzers can only be used by owners of naturally dark skin. The undertone of contouring products should be gray, reminiscent of a natural shadow, but not orange or brick. The highlighter can be with a cold (silver) or warm (golden) undertone. It is simply obliged to be in harmony with the natural skin color and the general color type. If you are the owner of light so-called porcelain skin, then a highlighter with silver shimmer particles is ideal for you, and if you have dark olive skin, then with gold or bronze.

Dry contouring is performed with special products, usually assembled into palettes of two or more shades. In texture, they resemble compact powder or dry blush.

Suitable for dry contouring:

  • Sculpting Kit Palette by Make Up For Ever. It is presented in only two shades, with its help it is very easy to make facial contouring. For beginners, this palette is ideal. The texture is very light, due to which the product blends easily without leaving streaks and dark spots.
  • Contour Kit by Smashbox. The palette contains three shades, as well as a convenient beveled brush, with which it is very convenient to contour the face. Step-by-step instructions for applying shades are included, it is very easy to understand how to use each color to correct facial features.
  • Master Sculpt by Maybelline. The palette contains two shades - a highlighter and bronzer of a natural shade, as well as a flat brush for contouring the face.

Cream textures

Correction with cream textures is more dense and is appropriate mainly for evening events or photo shoots. For everyday wear, this makeup is too bright and sharp. Concealers can be assembled into a palette of several shades or be in the form of sticks. Means from sticks can be immediately applied to the skin from the case, cosmetics from the palette are more convenient to apply with brushes.

  • Makeup Atelier Paris. The palette of proofreaders contains six shades with a dense degree of coverage. This tool is ideal for photo shoots and video filming.
  • Concealer palettes face contouring kit from MAC. The professional palette contains six shades for face correction. All colors can be mixed together to get the perfect shade. For greater durability, at the end of makeup, it is recommended to apply powder.
  • Master Contour V-Shape Contouring Duo by Maybelline. Despite the creamy texture, this stick has a light coverage. The tool blends perfectly and has natural shades, ideal for contouring the face. For beginners - the best option, since it will not be difficult for them to apply and shade the product well.

Contouring brushes

What do you need for facial contouring besides cosmetics? Of course, the tools are brushes for applying and shading. What brushes are best for contouring?

  • Kabuki. This is a round, densely packed brush with a thick, short bristle. Ideal for applying dry bronzers and blushes.
  • Beveled brush. Suitable for darkening the cheekbones, wings and back of the nose. It is convenient for both applying and blending cosmetics.
  • Beauty blender. This sponge has long been a leader among all tools for blending correctors, tonal foundations, bronzers and other products. With it, you can perfectly shade dark and light correctors, without spots, stripes and sharp borders.

Now a little about how to do facial contouring using the cosmetics already described. Consider several options for sculpting different ovals of the face, as well as the nose and lips.

Round face contouring

The contouring of a round face is designed to make its oval more elongated, and the cheekbones more defined. To do this, you need to apply a dark corrector on the sides of the lower jaw to visually narrow the face, under the cheekbones to make them clearer, and on the sides of the forehead. With a highlighter, you need to “highlight” the middle of the chin, so it will stretch a little, then apply the product to the upper part of the cheekbones to lift them, and to the middle of the forehead.

If you need to correct the double chin, then apply and carefully blend the bronzer in the neck area.

Square face contouring

The square shape of the face lacks smooth lines. To smooth out the sharp corners of the lower jaw, you need to apply dark powder or corrector on the sides of the chin. When using a brush to contour the face, it is necessary to emphasize the line of the cheekbones with sufficiently large triangles, and it is also important to darken and smoothen the sides of the forehead. We put light highlights in the center of the chin and forehead, we “highlight” the cheekbones with a long line from the temple to the wings of the nose.

Triangular face contouring

A triangular face has a narrow chin, which visually needs to be made a little wider to balance with the forehead line. To do this, apply a light corrector on the sides of the lower jaw, and in the middle of the chin you need to apply a little dark corrector to smooth out its “sharpness”. The forehead needs to be made narrower, so we darken its side parts. We put a shadow on the cheekbone space to give the face a relief.

Long face contouring

The contouring of the face, which has an elongated shape, requires darkening of the chin and the sides of the lower jaw, as well as the upper forehead. We put light accents on the highest point of the cheekbones and the central part of the forehead.

Nose contouring

Correcting the shape of the nose with makeup is easy. In order to make the back of the nose narrower, you need to draw two parallel straight lines with a dark corrector on the sides of the bridge of the nose, connecting them in the form of a semicircle at the tip. In the center of the back, you need to lay a thin line with a light color corrector. If you applied creamy concealers, then blend the borders with a beauty blender, and if dry, then drive in the product with a kabuki brush.

To correct the width of the nose, apply dark bronzing powder or corrector to the wings.

By putting a light highlight, a little short of the tip of the nose, you can adjust its length.

Lip contouring

To add volume to the lips, apply a light highlight with a highlighter on the check mark above the upper lip. The contour will be clearer if you circle the lips with a light corrector (do not forget to carefully blend the borders). A highlight set in the center with a light color corrector will visually enlarge the mouth. And on top you can apply light lipstick and a drop of gloss in the middle.

When sculpting, keep in mind that the purpose of sculpting is to slightly correct facial features, not completely change it. Cosmetics help us look fresher, younger, and should not work against us in any way. It should be noted that the fashion for pronounced contouring is passing, today natural makeup is in trend, emphasizing the natural beauty of the face and only slightly correcting its shortcomings.

Decola's wide range of contours, including primary colors, glitter colors, pearlescent and metallic shades, provides endless possibilities for creative experiments.

How to use contour correctly? What you need to know when applying images to textiles? How to fix the finished drawing? We have prepared answers to these and other common questions about working with fabric contours.

1. To create a neat drawing, it is very important to choose an outline with a comfortable nose. Decola decorative contours are equipped with a removable cone-shaped nozzle with a long thin nose, which allows you to create graceful lines and small dots.

- If the fabric is thin enough, then put the sketch under the material and circle it with a pencil;

- You can put carbon paper on the fabric, and then the drawing and circle it with a pencil or a needle, make small holes along the outline of the drawing, make marks through them with a pencil, and then connect the dots with a line.

3. Before using the contour directly on the product, it is recommended to practice on a tissue sample. This advice is especially relevant when working with synthetics, because. you need to make sure the strength of the fixing pattern.

4. The basic rule for beginners is not to be afraid to apply contour, otherwise the hand will tremble and the lines will be uneven and intermittent.

5. Hold the outline at about a 30 degree angle to the surface to be decorated. If you hold it at a right angle, it will prevent the paint from flowing out of the hole. The tip of the tube should be held above the surface, and not close to it, then the paint will flow out of the contour evenly.

6. When applying the contour, it is advisable to evenly press on the tube so that the line is of the same thickness. It is very important that at this moment the hand rests on the table, and does not hang in the air, because this way the movements will be much more confident, and therefore more accurate.

7. The painting created using the contours must be dried for 3 hours before applying acrylic paints to the Decola fabric. Also, contours can be applied to decorate the finished painting.

8. After applying the contour to the product, the finished painting must be dried for 24 hours in a horizontal position. Next, the pattern should be fixed with a hot iron without steam, ironing the product through the cotton fabric from the wrong side for 5 minutes. To fix the painting on leather products, it is recommended to use a hairdryer or Decola acrylic varnish.

9. When drawing a pattern on large surfaces, a contour with a larger diameter nose is often needed. To obtain the required diameter, you can simply cut off the spout with a sharp clerical knife at a right angle. If you prepare several spouts with different diameters, then you can use them on the same contour, getting lines and dots of different sizes.

10. Often, after several months of storage, the open contour is difficult to squeeze out of the tube. In this case, clean the nose with a needle. For convenience, it is recommended to clean the spout after each use.