Calculate the amount of sand you need for the sandbox. What should be the sand for children's sandboxes

All children love to play in the sand. Each of us has seen more than once how enthusiastically they build towers, build roads, or simply make Easter cakes. And I thought: “Why not use sand in joint activities with children in a group?

Of course, any of the materials used must comply certain requirements: security, accessibility, opportunity long-term storage, multifunctional use. Sand meets all these requirements, and it is not at all difficult to purchase it, sand is sold in any hardware store and is not at all expensive. Of course, it is better to ignite it before use. This is not at all difficult to do: you need to pour the sand onto a heat-resistant tray and put it in the oven for 20 minutes. In my group, I have two options for working with sand: this is a large container with low sides, half filled with sand. 6 people can stand around it at once, which allows the guys to play together, interact with each other, negotiate, discuss, communicate. The second option is individual trays on which sand is poured. (trays are better to choose deep)

As it turned out, sand is easily combined with waste and natural material, you can use beans, beans, peas. Any small toys, various jars, cups, disposable spoons, etc. are also well suited. This makes it possible to invent various forms work, perform various interesting tasks, using both in joint and in independent activity children, and for individual work.

Work with this material does not have age restrictions, it is relevant both in younger and older preschool age.

It is very important that such an activity creates conditions for psychological comfort - when working with sand, children are not afraid to make mistakes, any inaccuracy can be easily corrected - just shake the tray, which means there is no tightness, fear of doing something wrong.

The variety of forms of work with sand meets all modern requirements and solves problems in all major areas of development.

1. Socio-communicative development:

  • Promotes the development of gaming activities
  • Ability to interact with peers
  • Introduction to the rules of safe behavior
  • Formation of volitional qualities (perseverance, patience, ability to bring the work to the end).
  • Education of independence, self-confidence.

2. Cognitive development:

  • Forms cognitive research skills
  • Develops memory, attention, constructive and logical thinking.
  • Provides an opportunity to generalize and consolidate the material covered.
  • Promotes the formation complete picture peace.

3. Speech development:

  • Promotes the development of coherent speech
  • Ability to communicate freely with adults and children
  • Helps enrich vocabulary

4. Artistic and aesthetic development:

  • Develops imagination
  • Forms an aesthetic taste
  • Develops artistic ability, sense of rhythm.

5. Physical development:

  • Helps maintain and improve health
  • Accumulation and enrichment of motor experience
  • Development of coordination
  • Development of fine and gross motor skills

Working with sand is interesting and very diverse. There are many uses for sand:

1. Experiments with sand

Sand can be poured, filled with various containers (it can be different cups or jars), you can pour with spoons different size, use spatulas or simply pour with your hands. Can be buried in the sand various items, build towers, tunnels, etc.

2. Drawing on sand trays

You can draw from ordinary lines, paths, suggest drawing various geometric shapes, magic tree, fairytale palace or Nice dress. The pattern can be decorated with beads, buttons, natural material (acorns, beans, pebbles)

3. Storytelling

Telling stories using tray drawings finger gymnastics, various activities with items (small toys, noisemakers, natural material) . At first, it is better to use familiar fairy tales and stories with a simple plot, gradually complicating both the plot and the actions that children perform, thus including them in the process of storytelling and fantasizing.

4. Also trays with sand can be used in the educational process. To consolidate the concept of magnitude, classification, comparison of groups and objects.

Such activities are very popular with children. No less important is free activity, where the task of an adult is to create conditions for the development of creativity and independence. The game is the leading activity of the child, and games with pitch allow you to realize your accumulated experience and creative potential.

Every child loves to play in the sandbox. Here the most a large number of time for the manufacture of various Easter cakes, castles and many other handicrafts. But have you ever wondered what material your children play with? It is worth putting a lot of emphasis on this. We will study what should be the ideal and safe sand for children's sandboxes.


Before buying sand, carefully study its properties. What you really have to pay attention to is its quality. When it comes to our children, we must first think about their health. After all, sandbox games can end badly. To prevent this from happening, you need to know the main points. One of these includes sand requirements for children's sandboxes. Namely:

  1. In the composition, in addition to the sand itself, impurities of clay, silt, gravel, as well as various components, such as sulfates, copper sulfides and similar substances, should not be present.
  2. The presence of shells and stones is strictly prohibited. No matter what size they are.
  3. Sand for children's sandboxes and playgrounds is allowed only washed. It must be of the river type.
  4. Never use mountain sand. It does not lend itself well to cleaning and rinsing.
  5. Before entering the playground, sand must be sent for a sanitary and epidemiological check. The authority must issue an appropriate conclusion, which will state that the material does not contain pathogens of infectious diseases.

Sand for children's sandboxes is divided into two main categories:

  1. Small faction. Used for places where small children play. This sand is different. the following characteristics: soft, loose, safe for small and gentle hands, perfect for sculpting.
  2. Major faction. Most often, such sand is used for older children. On such material it is convenient to play outdoor games, run, jump and walk.

Correct Application

Remember one thing important rule. Even if you bought high-quality sand for children, then over time it still needs to be changed, as it becomes a habitat for various viruses and infections. In addition, old sand is dangerous for the following factors:

  • garbage accumulates in it;
  • during operation, fine dust-like particles are formed, which are dangerous for child's body those that can cause allergies;
  • from the old sand children can get serious illness respiratory tract.

In addition to replacing old sand with new material experts recommended at least twice a year to give it for analysis to the laboratory of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Bureau. In order for the material for children's games and fun not to turn into weapons of mass destruction, certain conditions must be met:

Great quality

Note to all parents and people responsible for children should take the following: no matter what kind of sandbox you have, the main thing is to worry about its contents. This rule should become your main one. It is worth paying attention to such material for games as calcined sand for children's sandboxes. During its manufacture, the following processing steps are carried out:

  • flushing from dirt or clay;
  • calcination of sand in the firing chamber, in which all sharp edges are removed.

In addition to such sand, you can also use a quartz look. But due to its high cost, it is rarely found.

Correct calculation

You can buy sand for children's sandboxes in bags. In order for the purchased quantity to be enough for the playground, it is necessary to make the calculations correctly. First of all, you must know the exact size of the sandbox. To do this, multiply the length, height and width among themselves. The next important step is the calculation of the sand that needs to fill the sandbox. In this case, it is worth knowing the correct specific gravity of the material. In our case, it is equal to 1.5 tons in 1 cubic meter. Now you need to multiply the volume of the sandbox by a factor that is equal to 1.5. As a result, you will receive the amount that you need.

Where to get?

There are not so many options here. If you are tormented by the question of where to get the sand, then the first thing that comes to your mind is:

  • dig it yourself at the ravine;
  • buy ordinary sand from any trading company.

But none of the options are correct. For playgrounds it is better to use special children's purified sand. Upon contact with him, the child will not have any sad consequences. Initially, purchase only high-quality and certified sand for children's sandboxes, the GOST of which is confirmed by special certificates and documents and signed by the number P 52301-2004.

Modern know-how

Now any playground can be decorated with colored sand. You can not only play with it, but also expand the child's imagination. A large number of colors of such sand are produced. With this material you will decorate not only the sandbox, but also emphasize landscape design site. Colored sand has the following characteristics:

  • a large palette of shades;
  • colored sand is made on the basis of a quartz representative;
  • tolerates moisture well;
  • does not lose its bright color;
  • soft;
  • suitable for molding.

This sand is sold in bags. I would like to note right away that its price will be much higher than usual, so it is suitable for filling small areas.

Now that you know what the perfect sand for children's sandboxes should look like, go shopping. Consider all our recommendations, and you will never encounter problems that may arise due to savings on the purchase of material for games.

Sand is a unique natural material. If the grains of sand are viewed under a microscope, you can see a handful precious stones. Indeed, in practical work sand - best material. When a child touches the sand, on the beach or in a special sandbox, a strange spectacle of inner life begins to unfold outside. And when the child finishes playing with the sand, he changes, renews himself internally.

sand playas the process of self-awareness of the child and his spontaneous "self-therapy" has long been known. Indeed, getting to the beach, the child begins to build bizarre palaces, connecting them into real fortified cities. The child creates a palace out of sand, admires it, and then the wave or he himself destroys the work. One plot of life ends, giving way to another. And so on ad infinitum.

Sand is of great preventive importance for the improvement of children.

For a variety of activities, we use colored sand. The sand is painted the day before with gouache paint different colors, dried and bottled.

First, children are invited to draw a picture in the sandbox with their finger, and then with the help of “colored sand”, which is placed in plastic bottles, “revive” it, that is, color it.

Educational math games in the sandbox

"Pattern from dictation"

(orientation in space). gives instructions in which corner, in which place of the sandbox to put this or that object. You can use natural material.

"What's on the right, left, top, bottom?"

(Orientation in space). The child determines and names the location of an object in the sandbox.

"Numbers and Figures"

The guys dig up objects hidden in the sand, natural material, classify them, compare the quantity, designate each group with the corresponding number.

"Shortest way"

Children determine routes in the sandbox using a conditional measure and a centimeter ruler.

What number is hidden?

The plastic figures are not completely buried in the sand. Children must recognize and name them in fragments.


Some arrange sand labyrinths, others look for ways out of them.

"Geometric Mosaic"

Create sandbox patterns from geometric shapes according to the model, from memory, according to verbal instructions.

"Math Exercises"

The teacher offers the child to lay out as many shells as he has, or one more or less, etc.

Sand literacy games

"Who Hid"

Find figures in the sand and select those of them whose name begins with a given sound. Make up sentences with these words.

"Writing letters, words in the sand"

(Finger, stick, "snakes" - simple ropes with a knot at the end).

"Happy Transformations"

We turn one letter into another, drawing them in the sand, etc.

"Add a letter, a word"

The teacher writes a letter or word, fills it with sand, invites the child to restore what was written.

"Find and Name"

Children look for plastic letters in the sand, name them, divide them into vowels and consonants, and put words out of them.

"What's hiding in the sand?"

Children find tablets with words in the sand, read, classify.

"Who is faster?"

The game-competition is held with children in pairs, triplets in two sandboxes. The winner is the one who quickly digs out the letters and lays out the words according to the model.

Artistic and speech activity

"Who will find it faster"

Find an object in the sand and make sentences about it (description, purpose, etc.).

"What do you feel?"

Children describe their feelings when interacting with sand.

"Sand Fantasy"

We randomly pour colored sand on paper plates, sheets of paper. The teacher offers to tell what the children saw.

"Storytellers of the Sandland"

Modeling fairy tales from sand using small figures, compiling and telling fairy tales, stories about them.

Games for the development of tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity and fine motor skills

"Cars, sleds, skates are coming"

Sliding palms on the surface of the sand in a zigzag pattern in a circular motion, as well as movements in different directions.

"Nimble snakes", "Paving the railroad"

Performing movements with the edge of the palm, following the tracks laid earlier, parallel to them.

"Magic Patterns"

Creation of patterns, various images using handprints, cams, fingers.

"Do as I do"

Paired with a caregiver or another child. Repetition of hand movements, fingers on the sand.

"There are unexplored paths..."

Passing on the surface of the sand with fingers grouped in two, three, four, five. The teacher offers to imagine whose traces these could be.

"Ocean is shaking"

Moving your hands in the sand, watching how the sandy terrain changes.

"Mina", "Sapper"

Careful digging out of a comrade's hand, trying not to touch it.

"Surprises for Friends"

Making caches in the sandbox, digging into them small toys, colored stones, shells, etc.

Rhymes for sand exercises for the development of fine motor skills


The venerable elephant walks through the jungle

And he leads his elephants.

He raises his trunk higher -

Calls the family for dinner.

A caravan is moving through the desert.

There, behind the dune, there is again a dune.

Camels wander day and night

I'll carry luggage on humps.

Calculating the amount of river sand you need for a children's sandbox is quite simple. It is enough to know the size of your sandbox. For square or rectangular sandboxes need to multiply it among themselves length, width And height. Please note that the height is not the height of the sandbox itself, but the height of the bulk layer of sand, which is 2/3 sandbox height. The resulting number will be the size of your sandbox.

Next, we calculate the amount of sand for the sandbox, which will be required to fill the resulting volume of the sandbox. To do this, you need to know the correct specific gravity material. In our case, it is equal to 1.5 tons in 1 cubic meter. Now we multiply the volume of the sandbox by a factor that is equal to 1.5. As a result, you will receive the amount of sand for the children's sandbox that you need.

For example, let's calculate the amount of sand we need for a standard children's sandbox 1.5x1.5 meters and 30 cm high:

First, let's find out the volume of our sandbox by multiplying its Length, Width and Height. We get 1.5 x 1.5 x 0.2 = 0.45 m 3

Now we multiply the volume of our sandbox (0.45) by a factor of 1.5 (the specific gravity of the sand). We get 0.45 x 1.5 = 0.675 tons, which is required to fill such a sandbox, or 675 kg.

If you order sand for sandbox in bags, then you need to know the number of bags needed for your sandbox. Our sand for the KROHA sandbox is packed in 40 kg bags, so we divide the resulting volume by 40, and round it up to a whole number: 675:40 \u003d 16.8, i.e. we need 16-17 40 kg PO bags. to fill the sandbox.

Another popular shape for a children's sandbox is round sandbox. Its volume is calculated by the formula cylinder volume: V= P r 2 h, where P- constant value equal to 3.14; r is the radius of the sandbox squared; h is the height of the desired sand layer, which is also equal to 2/3 of the height of the sandbox, as in the previous case. The resulting volume is multiplied by 1500.

For example, let's find out how much sand is needed for a round sandbox with a radius of 50 cm and a height of 15 cm: V \u003d 3.14 x 0.5 2 x 0.15 \u003d 0.11775 m 3

0.11775 x 1500 \u003d 176.6 kg of sand, i.e. 4-5 bags of 40 kg each.

Regardless of the shape and size of the sandbox, the recommended layer depth should be at least 10-15 cm.

If you are wondering how to change or purchase sand for a sandbox in bags in Moscow or the Moscow region, clean and safe for children, then our company will be happy to help you with this!

The online store offers to buy sand for the sandbox in environmentally friendly paper bags, High Quality with a certificate for favorable prices. Our company will be happy to deliver sand to you at a convenient time for you. required quantity, unload it, scatter it into the sandbox, if necessary, clean your sandbox from old sand. You just have to enjoy the games with clean, child-safe, certified, calcined river sand in the sandbox with your child. Although in such a sandbox the child himself will be happy to spend time, build Easter cakes, dig tunnels. And you provide good mood yourself and your child without any hassle.

Certified washed seeded calcined sand for a children's sandbox, playground and children's play area packaged with delivery in Moscow, the Moscow Region and the Regions to kindergartens, cottages and playgrounds.

Many teachers who use sand in their practice often have questions: what kind of sand to use for? How to handle sand for classes in kindergarten? We answer everything.

Sand for working with children must be chosen very carefully. It should not contain harmful impurities, large grains, gravel. It is imperative that the sand comply with GOST 8736-93, "Sand for sandboxes" and SNiP III - 10-75.

How to properly care for sand?

The interactive sandbox turns into a touch table - this helps to additionally protect the sand from dust when it is not being used. Sand indoors, requires special care. But information about sanitizing sand in a room where a group of children is in normative documents No. For clarification, we turned to Boris Artemenko, candidate of biological sciences, an expert in the field sanitary norms and rules:

Now in stores you can find sand ready for use in classes with children. Its cost is higher than usual, but it has undergone the necessary processing. In our interactive sandboxes the set comes with special certified sand, it is already ready for use in childcare facilities. It is recommended to change the sand in the sandbox 1-2 times a year.