Magic trees. Magic trees Lego elves 41075 tree elves

Fairy Trees

Almost all trees from ancient times have sacred associations, but some trees are more sacred than others. There is a magical triad of Oak, Ash and Thorn. There are also fruit trees, especially Apple and Hazel; we must not forget about Rowan, Holly and Willow, Elder and Alder. Some trees are credited with their own magical essence, while others are more famous as a haven for elves or spirits.

Most people think of the Oak, worshiped by the Druids, as the first thing they think of when they mention the sacred tree, and it is quite representative in itself, although everyone knows the rhyme:

and they say about many oak forests that evil oak trees live in them.

Hawthorn has its own traits, but is primarily known as the sacred tree of the elves or the tree inhabited by them. This is especially true of trees that grow alone near elven hills or a round dance of three or more hawthorns. It was believed that the white color of the hawthorn brings death to the house, and although on May Day morning they carried it around the house, they then hung it outside, behind the door.

Ruth Tong recorded a song in Somerset whose chorus reflects popular beliefs about three different kinds of trees:

Probably due to the susceptibility of elms to disease, it was believed that if one elm was cut down, then the elm standing next to it would wither and die of grief. At the same time, oaks, in accordance with their ancient divine status, fiercely resisted felling, and oak shoots that appeared on the roots of a cut down oak forest were considered harmful and dangerous for late travelers - especially if it was a blueberry.

Willows were even more harmful, as they had a habit of digging their roots out of the ground on a dark night and pursuing a lone traveler, muttering unintelligible threats. Tolkien preserved this folk tradition in the cannibalistic behavior of his Old Elm.

McManus also writes about other magical trees - Scottish spruce, birch, prickly plum, broom (although the latter is more of a shrub than a tree).

The beech is a sacred tree that has nothing to do with the elves. It is believed that a prayer read under a beech tree immediately reaches Heaven. Finding any other tree that has nothing to do with elves and magic will not be easy.

Shortly after the death of her grandmother, Emily Jones is teleported to the parallel world of Elvendale. Here she befriends 4 elves who are associated with the classical elements: water, earth, fire and wind. Now the elves have to collect 4 keys that will open a magical portal and return the girl home. But do not assume that the story ends there. Emily will definitely visit her elf friends.

There are quite a few minifigures released in the series. In size, they correspond to traditional ones, but differ from them in detail and realism. This makes them look like little dolls. The main characters of Lego Elves are:

  • Emily Jones is a resourceful, modest, friendly and affectionate girl who is about 14 years old;
  • Emily's mom
  • fire elf Azari - spontaneous, sociable, noisy, sometimes reckless, most often cheerful girl;
  • the land elf Farran is an honest, loyal, reliable, but a little narcissistic guy;
  • wind elf Ira is a kind, enthusiastic and carefree girl. Her favorite pastime is building a flying machine;
  • edf water Naida - a calm, modest, a little shy, but a brave girl;
  • Skyra is the guardian of the portal between Elvendale and the human world. She is often overbearing and contemptuous, but treats Emily with condescension, who is her great-niece;
  • Johnny Baker is a secondary character. The chef who organized a bakery near the mouth of the volcano, thanks to which he always has a hot oven.


The designers released in the Lego Elf series allow anyone who wants to find themselves in a world of mysteries and wonders. Here the elves lead an active lifestyle. They embark on amazing journeys, engage in creativity and cooking, look for clues to mysteries, and save friends in trouble. Lego constructors allow you to create amazing scenery for fabulous adventures. The Lego Elves series features the following most significant sets:

  • Farran and the Crystal Hollow - go to an amazing and mysterious world of adventure, where dangers lurk at every turn along with the earth elf. The structure of the designer includes a huge number of game elements, including crystals, Miss Spry's squirrel and a catapult;
  • The elf tree is the tree in which the elves have made their home. It is here that the portal connecting the world of elves and the world of people is located. Includes 3 minifigures: Emily, Azari and Farran;
  • Azari's magical bakery invites everyone to look into the wonderful world of creating culinary masterpieces for elves. It is thanks to this building that the air of Edwendale is daily filled with inviting vanilla aromas;
  • Naida's ship offers to go on a sea voyage in the company of water and wind elves. Amazing discoveries and unforgettable adventures await you;
  • Aira's creative workshop. Here the wind elf is working on the creation of a unique aircraft.

And this is only a small part of the designers that help to visit the fascinating world of elves.

Fans of these fairy-tale characters will love the animated series, the main characters of which they are. It first aired on Disney Channel on International Women's Day in 2015.

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