How to attract good luck in work: features, rituals and practical recommendations. How to read a conspiracy for good luck at work

Well-being for each of us lies in the material condition. Conspiracies and prayers for good luck in work and the attraction of money will help you find a way out if you find yourself in a difficult situation. Many doubt the effectiveness of these methods, but they try them when nothing else is left, and get amazing results.

Each person thinks about the well-being of his family. When all methods have been tried, the magic remains.

Very often, modern people neglect magic, believing that it cannot help. But faced with a problem and completely desperate, they can look at conspiracies with different eyes, and unexpectedly for themselves get a result.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

No one can guarantee that luck is in work and financial well-being will always be unchanged. Even if a person has incredible abilities, opportunities and talent, Lady Luck can still turn to face him, or, on the contrary, turn away. After all, everyone knows that she is a windy and deceptive lady.

Even in ancient times, our ancestors used conspiracies for good luck in any business. Why and modern man not turn to magic?

These days, for many people, a good job has great importance and comes first. At the same time, employment should not only bring prosperity to a person, but also give pleasure. But finding such a place is not easy at all. In this case, they can come to the rescue.

Do not wait for better times, but create them yourself by turning to magic.

Collection of strong conspiracies

Option 1: Conspiracy for a new job

Buy a new woven nose scarf and say a spell on it seven times:

It will be for me, the servant of God (voice your name), prosperity and success on the road-road.

Where I will go, I will find my own there and I will not receive refusals


Wear the handkerchief on which you plotted with you at all times.

Option 2: Muslim Conspiracy

Muslims read conspiracies over milk cream, which in their culture are considered best part milk.

Remember the Russian proverb about luck - "skim the cream."

It is necessary to skim the cream with a wooden spoon, during this process the words of the conspiracy are pronounced in a whisper. After the rite is completed, drink them when you are alone without prying eyes. And it must be done before midnight.

Option 3: Conspiracy for an interview

If you are invited for an interview, big risk that it may not bring the desired result. To make it easier for you to pass it, turn to the help of magic words:

I go to the boyars, not old and not young.

I'm going with the hope of being hired, to appear to the boyars.

He likes my face, my soul does not get cold.

Everyone would have marveled at me, the boyars would only smile, rejoice at my words.

He cannot let go of his baptized soul.

Lord Jesus, Lord help me any hour. Amen.

Option 4: Good Luck in the Workplace

Perform a small ceremony on your first day in a new place to stay there for a long time and work successfully.

So you found Good work themselves, or turning to magic, but now the main thing is not to lose it. To do this, you can use a small and simple plot for good luck at work.

On your first day at work, you should resort to magic and ask for help from higher powers. They read it at the very beginning of the journey, after leaving their home.

I will go as the most excellent fisherman, and also I will enter as the boldest merchant.

I am a tiger, I am a bear, I am an arctic fox, everywhere I have a high staircase,

Who, perhaps, is lower than others, but I am always and everywhere higher than all.

May my soul and me be loved everywhere, exalted and revered,

I am invited to the highest position.

All the words I said earlier, be very strong and sculpted. Let it be so.

For several days in a row, you need to repeat the conspiracy until you have fully studied all your work responsibilities, get to know the management and all colleagues.

Option 5: Conspiracy from Stepanova

To fulfill this plot, you need to get up early in the morning on Easter day, earlier than all the rest of your family. Wash yourself first and when you wipe your hands and face say the words:

Lord and I by mercy to heaven.

My shadow is higher than heads with crowns,

Above houses with columns.

How people love Easter cakes

So give me love and affection

All the powers that be

For the sake of my savior angel.

In the name of the Son, the Father and the Holy. Amen.

If you tell about the ritual performed, then the spell will cease to work.

Repeat the prayer several times without looking at the leaves. Before performing the ritual, memorize the prayer and say it, carefully thinking about each word spoken.

Often even wealthy people, businessmen, having failed, believing that financial position it is simply impossible to fix magic conspiracies. Only many of them do not talk about it and secretly hide this information. This is not at all because they are not grateful, this is the law of magical rituals.

The main thing to remember is that if you have anger, resentment or hatred in your soul, then in no case do not resort to prayers and conspiracies. Before that, you need to let go of all these feelings and ask the saints for forgiveness. And only after that you can ask the saints for help to attract money.

Option 6: Conspiracy to attract money

Do not forget that just wanting a lot of money is not enough. It is necessary to start with a clear goal and specific amount. Money comes only for specific goals and dreams.

Probably, every person dreams in childhood that one day he will definitely finish his studies and immediately find a good job that will bring an excellent income and you can afford to buy everything that your heart desires. But, having a higher education behind you, and sometimes even several of them, it is still difficult to find the job of your dreams.

Although, some did not try, but settled down so well that they don’t even have to strain, because the money itself runs into their hands. Why is this happening? "Why am I worse?" - you ask yourself the same question every time you meet a former classmate who is now working in a prestigious and highly paid job. You are absolutely no worse. It's just that someone is more fortunate in life, and someone a little less. But, it's never too late to change everything.

It is quite understandable your desire to have not only a highly paid job, but also a favorite one. This is very rare, unfortunately. Some people love what they do and put their whole soul into their work, but the salaries are pennies, and there are those who earn good money from their work, but you don’t even want to go to it at all. If you use magic and make a conspiracy for a good job, then you no longer have to force yourself to do anything for pennies. You will soon win exactly the job that you have dreamed of for so long, but could not find it.

Conspiracy to work - rules to follow

Do not think that it is very easy to make a conspiracy. Sometimes one text that you somehow read from a piece of paper will not be enough for the ritual to be considered successful and take effect. Many neglect any kind of rules in this matter, and then they also wonder why nothing works out for them, and nothing has changed in life. There is a lot different kind conspiracies. Some are simpler, others are more complicated, but one thing unites them - each of them must be done correctly in order to really achieve one's goal, and not invite trouble. Below are the rules that you should follow if you are going to pronounce a conspiracy to work.

1. Conspiracies cannot be read on any day you want. Some days have a special energy that only enhances the entire power of magic, and some, on the contrary, suppress it, preventing you from realizing the goal that you are pursuing by conspiring. It is better not to choose Sunday and the days when they are celebrated for reading conspiracies. Religious holidays.

2. It will be a big plus if you can memorize the plot, but this is not important, but it is necessary so that you are sure that you will not stumble. You will be able to become familiar with the text and will carry it around in your head for a while, scrolling over and over again. But, there are very long and complex conspiracies that are simply impossible to learn. In this case, you can just read the text from a piece of paper, it's okay. This does not make it less or more effective.

4. Before you start reading the plot, you should make sure that you are left alone with yourself, and there is nothing nearby that could disturb you, interrupt or bring you down from the necessary thought. It is better if you are completely alone in the house. If this is not possible, then close yourself in your room or simply ask your relatives not to enter you for a while.

5. A few days before the ritual, you need to purchase an ordinary church candle and read “Our Father” over it several times. Before reading the plot, you should read this prayer again and light a candle. Do not start reading the words of the conspiracy until the candle burns to the ground. This is necessary in order to protect yourself from all those negative consequences that a seemingly harmless conspiracy can bring into your life. Any magic can turn into something bad for a person who is fond of it, therefore, it is better not to neglect this rule.

6. On the day you are going to read a plot for money at work, do not eat anything. Your stomach should be empty and your thoughts positive and pure. Try not to enter into conflicts with anyone that day, not to provoke quarrels. Draw a little positive in the morning from the business that brings you real pleasure and stock up on positive for the whole day to read the plot in good mood without holding a grudge against anyone.

7. If you are reading a conspiracy to be hired for the first time, then you need to know that it is better to adhere to everything that is said in the rules for a particular ceremony. Do everything exactly as it says. The text of the plot cannot be changed, because it will completely lose its power. It is also forbidden to replace items that are necessary for the ritual. If you do not have the opportunity to use the item about which in question in the rules of the ceremony, it is better to choose something else. It is good that on the Internet there are many of the most various conspiracies and rituals, because everyone will be able to choose for themselves the one that is most suitable for him.

8. Do not forget that the conspiracy will only work when you really believe in it with all your heart. Take it seriously. Do not say a conspiracy just to have fun or prove to your friends that no magic exists. And by the way, you can’t tell anyone that you are going to perform a ritual or have already done it. Keep all the details to yourself and do not talk about what you could achieve with the help of a conspiracy.

9. Of course, if you read the plot for a good job, and then just sit down, fold your hands on your belly and watch TV shows for days without doing anything else, then you, of course, will not see work. Unless, the director of some company will knock on your door and personally invite you to work for him.

10. The texts of some conspiracies may seem incomprehensible and illogical to you, but, as already mentioned, you cannot change them. The whole secret lies in the fact that conspiracies are shrouded in some magical secrets and a special energy mystery, which, alas, almost no one understands. Therefore, just do everything that this or that conspiracy requires of you, without trying to understand it.

A strong conspiracy for good luck at work

Such a conspiracy is intended not only for you to be lucky to find the job of your dreams, but also for you to gain confidence in yourself and in your abilities. It’s clear what confidence there can be if at all past interviews they showed you the door and shamelessly listed all the qualities that you lack to be worthy of such wonderful work and such a high salary. So that before the next interview your hands do not shake, your eyes do not twitch, and your speech is calm, smooth and coherent, then use this conspiracy for good luck at work.

Buy yourself a handkerchief white color and on the same day that you bought it, say the following words over it: “I whisper good luck into a handkerchief. I want to be able to find a job wherever I go. If I didn’t know a negative answer, I don’t want to hear the word “no”. The words above the handkerchief must be repeated three times.

Now the scarf is endowed with good luck and has a special positive energy. Carry it everywhere with you and you will see that within a few weeks you will find the desired job. It is very important that the scarf is with you all the time, because we cannot know at what point we will be lucky.

Conspiracy to get hired

Buy one each of white, black, green and Brown. Look for candles of just such colors, because in this ritual even the color of a candle is of considerable importance. You will also need some cinnamon and one dried patchouli leaf. Place a small basin of water next to you and place a towel nearby. During the ceremony, you will have to get your hands a little dirty and, in order not to be distracted later and not to run to the bathroom every few minutes, just rinse your hands in the basin.

The room in which you perform the ritual should be dark and quiet. Sit at the table and light a black candle. It symbolizes all the bad weather and problems that haunt you in life. Grind the patchouli leaf and sprinkle it on the candle in such a way that the remains of the leaf touch the flame and burn completely in it, settling on the candle itself. Say these words: "I want to defeat my enemy with the same ease with which this candle burns out." Place a black candle in the very center of your table, and then wash your hands thoroughly in a basin of water so that there are no residues of the leaf on them, and the patchouli does not get on other candles.

Now light the remaining three candles and sprinkle them with cinnamon. Each candle symbolizes something, so when lighting and sprinkling cinnamon on the next candle, think about what you would like to receive. The white candle symbolizes yourself, therefore, taking it in your hands, you need to imagine how happy you will be when you get the desired job. Say these words aloud: “I am not asking for anything bad. I only ask you to win what already belongs to me. The white candle must be placed on the table so that it is higher than the black one, as if you are above your problems and can overcome them.

green candle- this is a symbol of the money that you will earn in your new job. Say the following words: "Let luck accompany me everywhere." Put it on the table with right side white candle. As you know, the most important is always on the right. Thus, you show that you will own a lot of money.

The brown candle is a symbol of the work itself, which you will soon find. Sprinkle the flame of this candle with cinnamon to visualize your ideal work. Mentally draw a picture where you get out of bed in the morning with a satisfied look, get ready and go to your favorite job, where you will meet your colleagues, with whom you have become very close and friends. Say these words: "I want to find a job that I like." The brown candle should be placed to the left of the white one.

Sit silently in the dark for a while, and wait for all the candles to burn to the end. Collect the wax that remains of them and save it, because now it will be your talisman and you should carry it with you when you are going to go in search new work. After collecting the wax and hiding it in a secluded place, head to the bedroom and go to bed. Start looking for a job the next day. You will definitely succeed, because this conspiracy to work is one of the most powerful.

Effective conspiracy for money at work

This conspiracy can only be used when you already have a job, and the problem is that you have not received bonuses, raises and salary increases for a very long time. If you consider yourself a good worker and you think that the authorities do not encourage you out of harm, then feel free to start reading the conspiracy for money at work and performing the ritual.

At night take light color handkerchief and wrap a couple of coins in it. Now go outside, find a birch tree and bury a handkerchief with coins under it, saying: “As the bees work, so I work hard every day. Send me, God, a reward, honestly deserved by me. Now you can return home, but do not look back, otherwise the conspiracy will not work. Upon arrival home, do not talk to anyone, but simply go to bed and, plunging into deep sleep, think only that very soon you will have such a job that you have been dreaming of all this time.

Please note that this conspiracy is considered the most powerful and effective, so strictly follow all the rules and take the matter seriously, because if you do not believe that you can achieve something with the help of a conspiracy, then you will not succeed.

Do not listen to those who loudly insist that magic does not exist, and all conspiracies and rituals are the most common nonsense that will not lead to anything good. You must decide everything for yourself. To believe or not to believe is your right, but if you really need the help of higher powers, then try conspiracies and you will see that life has really changed dramatically for the better.

Have you noticed that employees at work somehow feel differently. At the same time, nothing depends on their real abilities, sometimes.

Some appear in the service like the suns. They loaf, they drink tea, and the bosses give them a bonus, their colleagues catch every word. .

Do you think it's all about innate luck? But no! Magic can work wonders, especially when it comes to personal, and therefore the overall assessment.

Let's figure it out.

in the service of personal qualities a lot depends.

How to behave, what to say and to whom, how to official duties concern, all these questions create an image, and he is the engine of success.

Sometimes, a smart, gifted person simply does not understand how valuable he is for this enterprise. He sits to himself, digging quietly. Doesn't look at others.

And his colleagues gradually shift all the responsibilities and difficulties onto him, begging for bonuses for themselves.

And only when the quiet one gets tired of all this, he finds (fortunately) another job for himself, it turns out that without him everything has stopped, nothing happens, the stupor is complete.

Why, one might ask, was it necessary to bring oneself to such a state? Wouldn't it be better to do it right away? Open your eyes and see what's really going on.

A conspiracy for good luck at work is precisely for this purpose conceived. With his help, a person begins to appreciate himself, and behind him, colleagues and superiors are pulled up.

There are also spells for self-confidence. In order not to be silent, but to express those very thoughts that are then recognized as valuable by the whole team.

There are also conspiracies that help establish normal business relationships.

Sometimes everything goes well, but the team is not friendly, hence the failures. And when the cart is being pulled by everyone in all directions, can there be success? There is no mention of luck here.

It must be said that many conspiracies for good luck at work benefit not only the one who reads them, but everyone around them.

Under their influence, the entire team acquires creative inspiration, adjusts, grows together, like the details of expensive mechanical watch. It works better and better (and how it affects income!).

Conspiracy for good luck in work to increase self-esteem

Go to the park on your day off.

There, collect fallen leaves (in autumn), yellow flowers(in summer). At other times of the year, find a few cones, twigs.

  1. Take it all home.
  2. Put the loot in one pile on a metal tray.
  3. Set it on fire (remember the safety precautions).
  4. While it is burning, you need to have time to read the plot thirteen times.

“I burn all obstacles on the way with golden fire! My plans and projects will now be ahead! The flame in my hands gives me great luck! I take it with gratitude, I use it for joy!

The ashes must be collected in a small bag. Put it and a small gold coin in a vase or box and place it at the doorstep.

Every time you go to work, remember the words of the conspiracy. You can say them to yourself before leaving the house.

See, things start to get better.

A conspiracy for good luck in work to normalize communication in a team

This ritual must be carried out at the workplace.

Stand facing the window so that the light falls on you. Read once:

“The sun’s clear light illuminates the earth. Nature flourishes under its rays. I am very happy with the dawn. Hello luminary! And I want my business to live without barriers! The sun feeds the plants with its warmth! Give me success, that you revive again! Illuminate this place with life-giving rays! Remove all obstacles so that the enemies run!”

The plot must be repeated three days in a row at the same time.

If a faithful comrade is working nearby, then attract him to magical work(of course, if he supports such an idea). You are trying for the prosperity of the team. Here also use all opportunities both the, and colleagues.

You will need a small padlock with a key. This can be purchased at an ordinary store.

  1. On white paper, write what is relevant to your case. You can draw the main outlines of an idea or plan.
  2. Fold the sheet in quarters.
  3. Read (or rather write on the same sheet) the conspiracy:

“Dawn, lightning, beautiful girl. I follow you to the first star. Lead me along dense paths, untrodden forests, untrodden paths, unknown places. The trees and grass around will part suddenly. They will open the key of the earth so that I can take it with me! As trees do not get tired of growing, so now I have one step from work to joy, and another to success, we will dance with joy and laughter! I am the Servant of God (name), I will use the talent and take the power of the earth so that the work of the hand is asked. So that the mind does not close the door! So that losses do not haunt me! Good luck and success, thank you all! Amen!"

Now thread the shackle through the folded sheet. Close with the words:

“I close, I execute the sentence. Success came, found the way! Stay with me, with your friend, not for a day and an hour, but forever and now! Amen!"

Place the resulting design closer to the place of the “birth of the project”. For example, near the computer or at work. And drown the keys in a deep pond. As long as the castle remains closed, your luck will not go anywhere.

Take any item from work (even a sheet of paper). Bring home. At night by candlelight, read the following words on the little thing:

“The devil worked, he pleased everyone, but no one rewarded him. He came to the owner to ask for payment, but he gave the batog to his brother. The devil got angry, screams and barks, blasphemes the owner, but strives to bite. If the master (the name of the boss) will not give money, but scare him with a batog, I’ll call the devil, but I’ll bring him to court! Here joy will be at the devil, only care will remain. Bite and blaspheme the villain so that he does not forget to pay! We swore an oath to each other, do me a favor!”

Take it back to work the next morning.

And on the way, throw a coin on the road with the words:

“Pay the devil, don’t forget, fulfill the terms of the contract!”

Yes, attach the little thing so that someone does not throw it away. You can shove it deeper into the table or attach it under the leg of the furniture. Let him lie, scare the boss!

About, how to get good luck at work, many think. It is difficult to do this, but nothing is impossible. It is enough to arm yourself with the necessary knowledge. Here various sciences and practices, signs and conspiracies come to the rescue. If you combine them, you can get a recipe for how to become lucky.

The thought is material

Luck is picky. She goes into the hands of not everyone. A person who does not believe in himself and his strength will never be able to grab a fastidious lady by the tail. Therefore, the first step should be self-awareness, recognition of one's own capabilities.

Most esotericists agree that a person has huge reserves. You can open them by getting rid of negative thoughts and replacing them with positive settings.

That's enough daily use the right affirmations and setting yourself up for victory. Affirmations are short, concise phrases containing necessary settings. Experts say that their regular repetition will gradually lead to the fact that the program being laid down will start working.

And here is affirmation examples to bring good luck at work

On this day I will find the job of my dreams, because I deserve it!

All the necessary people have an interest in my resume data.

My knowledge and work experience attract employers.

I am a determined person, so I show my knowledge and skills in a position that I love!

I can be a contender for competition in any economic field, as I have the necessary qualifications and talent!

I am a responsible person! This or that boss was lucky to work with me!

Every time I talk to an employer, I assure him of my importance in the enterprise.

I am confident in my talents! To date my career growth actively increasing!

I make it clear to the employer, at each of our conversations, that I do not doubt my abilities.

Employers trust me and feel my energy, communicating with me in person.

I can have a dialogue. I trust myself.

I have to get a job that I'll be happy with! And without any pretexts, I will start the search today!

If a start has been made, a person began to feel more confident, you can move on to folk magic.

Work cannot appear on its own, so it must be actively sought. And conspiracies and rituals will help you not to miss what should be yours and get around possible competitors.

On the eve of an important interview, take two tablespoons of salt, sugar and rice. They must be poured in turn on a saucer with a golden border. Should be a small hill. An open pin should be stuck into its top. You can’t touch all this anymore, it’s best to put it in a secluded place so that no one can destroy the structure. In the morning, the pin must be pinned to own clothes from the wrong side.

To attract good luck, you can make a kind amulet. In a small leather bag, you need to add coins of all existing denominations. There you also need to add a bay leaf, a pea of ​​black and allspice and a bird feather. The bird can be any, but the amulet has great power if the pen is bright. The finished bag should be hung in your room or never moved from place to place.

Universal conspiracy to find a good job

It will help to get a job and a specially prepared and charmed coin. If you are invited for an interview, immediately look into your wallet and select the largest metal money. Until the evening, it should be carried in your pocket, then put under the pillow at night. In the morning, the coin should be firmly held in the palm of your hand and whisper to it about what you expect from the new day, ask for help and assistance. Then the amulet must be put back in your pocket and go about your business.

The next ritual must be performed on Thursday evening. For him, you will need to find a secluded place in the garden or park where no one walks. Having dug a shallow hole, a large coin, a live bug and a remnant should be placed in it, then covered with earth. In the process of performing these actions, it is necessary to pronounce a conspiracy:

Faster than soap, let my bad luck end,

Replace him with good luck in all matters.

As the bug gets out into the light,

So luck and money will come to me.

How to bring back lost luck

If a black streak has come in life, do not despair. It will definitely change to white. But you can't just sit and wait. How to attract good luck in work and money in this case? You can use special rituals and conspiracies.

First you need to get rid of bad thoughts. If you are sure that someone deliberately deprived you of your luck, try to get rid of the negativity towards this person. Ask for forgiveness from all those who deservedly or undeservedly could offend. As soon as you feel lightness and peace inside yourself, proceed to magic.

On Sunday morning, pour water into a glass. It must be consecrated or spring. Take a slice of black bread. Sit at the table and light a candle in front of you. Then take the bread in left hand, and the glass to the right. In this position, look at the flame of a candle and say a conspiracy:

« The Lord God gave people life, and bread, and his mercy. Jesus Christ brought faith and hope, saved from inevitable death. Give me back my fickle luck. Take away evil people with unclean thoughts. Let us do charitable, bright and pure deeds, and bring benefits to our neighbors. Take away my failure, let him curl up like a snake in a distant lair. Let him not go outside, neither drink, nor eat, nor breathe. Amen»

After that, eat the prepared bread to the smallest crumb and wash it down with water. Extinguish the candle and take it to the church. There, put the Savior in front of the icon and ask him for help.

To strengthen the conspiracy, give alms to those who ask. At the same time, whisper to yourself: "What I give, it will return to me a hundredfold."

How to arrange a workplace

We learned, how to attract good luck and find a good job. But you can’t stop there, because the action of the rituals ends sooner or later.

First of all, the workplace needs order. Then flows positive energy will circulate freely, and the negative will have nowhere to be born. Therefore, never arrange a dump of folders, documents, directories and other things on the table. Even if all this is necessary for work, put what in this moment do not use, in the appropriate boxes.

Never keep unnecessary papers on the table. Throw them away right away. The trash can also needs to be emptied regularly, without waiting for the evening and the arrival of cleaners. If there is too much used paper around you, you run the risk of getting stuck in your business in one place.

Be sure to keep a plant on the table. It not only disperses negative energy, but also adds strength, uplifting.

Having used all the above rituals and conspiracies, get ready for the fact that you will have to work hard. However, success awaits you, as it will definitely turn out to attract good luck in work. .

Nowadays, conspiracies and prayers for good luck and luck are often not accepted. modern people seriously, and very much even in vain. Ignorant skepticism is only the result of the fact that people themselves push away with their hands that which can bring them good. What many generations before them counted on are numerous prayers, for example, a prayer for good luck in love, which can be applied at home.

Who among us can confidently say that he can do without luck in his life? Whatever it was good man, no matter what abilities and talents he possesses, but in all his undertakings he needs exactly her - Lady Luck!

A short video on the topic of luck:

How to make luck always be on your side?

How to enlist the support of higher powers in any of your affairs? The way out is obvious - magic. Conspiracies to attract good luck are the most ancient and common types of magical intervention in the fate of a person.

Even our distant ancestors in dark and harsh times resorted to the help of shamans and sorcerers of the tribe. Before each outing of warriors to hunt or fight, they called on spirits to help and conjured good luck. So why don't you provide yourself with such reliable support before starting an important business, like conspiracies that attract good luck?

A very great helper in matters of attracting good luck and luck is white magic. Conspiracies for good luck can be used independently by any of us without the obligatory magical training. For example, you are going to the government house. And there is constant red tape, shifting your pieces of paper from one pile to another, bribes and rudeness of officials. In this case, you will save time and nerves by reading the following plot (read to yourself, holding the door handle of the government house):

“Protect me from evil deeds, and help me, and bring good luck”

If you need to negotiate with someone or you sat down at the gaming table and want to win, then you need to do so. Sit at the table at which the case will take place, pull it slightly towards you and whisper softly:

"All mine, all to me"

There are also ways to attract good luck through money. Find three shiny brand new coins not issued in leap year. Put them under the threshold so that they are not moved from there and not seen and say:

"Gold to gold, silver to silver, money to money to this threshold to this house"

Spell for good luck in business

There are very strong conspiracy good luck in business. For the ritual, you will need a small green bag.

Put in it ten pinches of basil, five pinches of mint, three pinches of coarse salt, dried peel powder of three apples, three copper coins and one of white metal. Tie the bag with string. Read a conspiracy on him and hang over the place where you do business.

Good luck will always be with you if on Mondays every time you crumple the bag in your hands and read this plot:

"Things behind, things ahead, profits in the middle"

Conspiracy to attract good luck

And here great plot to attract good luck (you can also read about a conspiracy to work). Take a small plate and pour three tablespoons of coarse salt into it. Pour the same amount of sugar on top of the salt, and the same amount of rice cereal on top of it. Next you need a new safety pin, which you need to stick with a tip into this hill, and leave this structure for the night.

In the morning, fasten the pin to your clothes so that it is not noticeable, and read the following plot before leaving the house:

“From the sky you, the Sun, shine and give warmth to the earth. Well, you give me luck so that my business succeeds. You are life, the Sun, the source and stream of bright light. Well, give me success, so that you can become the most successful of all!

Prayers for good luck and luck are also very popular among the people. Well, a conspiracy, at least one, should be remembered by heart by every person. Here is an example of such an easy-to-remember and powerful plot:

“What was an obstacle to happiness, I completely blow it off, I attract luck and money to myself”

If a streak of bad luck has begun, then there is a conspiracy that allows you to return good luck. Light a candle as big as possible:

Yellow or blue candle- if health problems
Dark blue candle- if you want to defeat your enemies
green candle- if you are in dire need of money
Candle purple- if you need spiritual development or new knowledge
Candle brown- if you experience a lack of success in the professional field
red candle- if there is no luck in passion and love
white candle- if you need to complete an important matter, and your strength is running out.

The candle should be taken with two palms. "Adjust" your breathing so that it becomes calm, slow, but deep. Gaze with adoration at the flame and visualize yourself cherished desire(Learn more about the conspiracy to fulfill a wish). The candle is charged with the energy of your desires and dreams and gives you the confidence that everything that your dreams are about will certainly come true.

Conspiracies and prayers for good luck and luck on the full moon

Conspiracies and prayers for good luck and luck on the full moon are considered the most effective. Here is an example of one of them:

On a full moon night, put the cauldron on the table. In it, place a saucer with a dry mixture of a few pinches of cinnamon and cedar needles. Place three shiny new coins on the table next to the cauldron. Strike each coin index finger right hand and say to each coin:

After that, the coins are placed in a cauldron on a saucer of herbs. Right hand drive over the boiler seven times clockwise, saying:

Take a small bag of green or brown fabric prepared in advance and pour coins with herbs into it. You need to wear it with you for the entire lunar cycle. Then you need to store it at home so that no one sees or touches except you.

Natalia Stepanova's conspiracies for good luck

Natalia Stepanova's conspiracies for good luck are also very popular, we bring you one of them. We take thick threads (those for knitting) and begin to weave a pigtail.

In the process of weaving, imagine your luck in those matters in which you have to take part. Imagine how you get the result by reaching a successful decision in business.

The cord is woven from threads of four colors:

  • Red thread - it is a symbol of love and passion;
  • A thread yellow color - is health and physical strength;
  • Green thread - symbol material well-being and wealth;
  • A thread of blue color - a symbol of fulfillment of desires and achievement of the goal.

And here is another conspiracy for good luck in life from her:

Conspiracies Siberian healer are considered the most powerful. Therefore, we will give you one more of her conspiracies for happiness and good luck (read when leaving home to return with a profit):

The most important thing is to believe that your conspiracies and prayers for good luck and luck are not an empty phrase, but real magic words that will always help you. And do not forget to deserve the help of higher powers yourself, magic does not like lazy people, remember this!