Where better to transfer the funded part of the pension rating. Transfer of the funded part of the pension to the NPF - features. moratorium on funded pension

Do you have doubts about where it is better to transfer the funded part of the pension? What rules have been approved and are in effect in 2019?

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A modern person is constantly busy and cannot always allocate time to find out information about pension payments in the future.

So you can deprive yourself of the opportunity to choose the option that will provide old age. It is important to understand what is the purpose of transferring funds from the funded part of the pension to the pension fund.

Basic moments

Let's define what is meant by insurance and funded pensions and how, where it is transferred.

What it is

Pension contributions have an insurance and funded component. Insurance funds are transferred to the state PF of the Russian Federation and spent on payments to pensioners.

The part that remains is considered accumulative, and it is fixed on personal personal accounts in the fund, which the citizen chooses himself.

The funded part is the second pension, and it can increase if the income of the managing organization increases.

This part of the pension is formed from contributions that employers pay, as well as insurance transfers.

To receive such a pension, it is worth preparing an application and submitting it to a representative of a state or commercial fund.

Pension contributions amount to 22% of earnings and are made by the management of the company in which the person works. 16% go to the insurance pension, the rest is a funded part.

The amount of the accumulative part of pension accruals is established taking into account the amount that is on the citizen's account and the period during which the payment is expected.

The increase in the funded part is carried out when making a voluntary contribution.

If you yourself replenish the account, government agencies will transfer the same amount to the account, but within the limits of 12 thousand rubles a year. That is, we will talk about the co-financing program.

Withdrawal of money from savings accounts is possible:

  • if the owner of the accounts dies;
  • if a person receives the status of a disabled person;
  • if the family loses a breadwinner.

Urgent payments can be made if there are additional transfers. The funded system is available only to those citizens who were born not earlier than 1967.

If a person does not take care of the transfer of funds, they will automatically be transferred to the insurance part, as a result of which the size of pension payments will increase in the future.

What are the funds (types)

There are such funds:

  • state - budgetary, extrabudgetary;
  • non-state.

Extrabudgetary funds:

  • PF of Russia;

Legal regulation

Information on non-state pension funds is contained in the Federal Law of May 7, 1998 No. 75.

There are a number of other regulations that need to be considered:

Where can I transfer the funded part of the pension

Anyone can entrust their savings to pension funds.

The procedure is as follows:

You can change the organization annually if you send a corresponding request to the Pension Fund branch.

List of available options

How to invest the funded part of the pension:

Don't act at all The money will remain in the state fund, and Vneshkonombank will manage it. Plus - the funds are guaranteed to be returned. But only the state will not promise that old age will be secured
Transfer the funded part to a private company The funds will remain in state structures, but the management is taken over by the organization that invests the pension. The amounts of money will be in securities, bonds, etc., as a result of which the owner of the account will receive a profit
Prefer one of the non-state pension funds In this case, the funded part is sent to the NPF, which will accumulate financial assets

Which fund to choose is up to you. But you should know - if you do not apply to the Pension Fund, then you can not count on a 6 percent amount of deductions to the funded part.

When choosing an organization, you should pay attention to its profitability and reliability.

Where is the best way to transfer money?

Where to transfer your funded part of the pension? Leaving the funded part of the pension in the state pension fund is advisable if you have less than 10 years left until your pension.

In other cases, it is better to choose a non-state fund. Check out these points:

  • Does the company have a license?
  • review financial statements;
  • how many insurers;
  • investment result.

First, they study the history of the fund and are interested in what conditions are offered. No one, of course, will give a guarantee that the pension will be increased in the future, but the risks of losing savings should not be allowed.

So, pay attention to the type of fund:

captive Engaged in the promotion of corporate pension programs of firms. The pension reserve is more savings. These are Welfare, Transneft, Neftegarant, etc.
Corporate Serving the pension programs of the founder. The share of savings increases every year thanks to customers. This is, for example, Norilsk Nickel
Universal Does not depend on the financial group. Both citizens and companies are served. More retirement savings. This is the European PF, Keith Finance
Territorial Operates in one or more areas. Support is provided by the local government. This is, for example, the Khanty-Mansiysk NPF

The main indicators include assets, reserves, savings, the number of people who are insured, the pension reserve, the date the fund was founded, etc.

Consider the following points when choosing:

But not all such organizations are trustworthy, because some offer unfavorable conditions, delay payments, etc.

A number of such inconveniences creates a risk for the insured that they turn to a non-state firm. Therefore, study the rating of each organization, the level of reliability, reviews of people.

The funded part of the pension can be returned to the state pension fund:

  • if there is such a desire;
  • in the event that an event has occurred in which it became necessary to return funds.

But it remains possible, if desired, to redirect funds again to one of the management companies or NPFs. To transfer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you need to write an application. But this should not be done more than once a year.

You will need the following documents:

  • identification;
  • SNILS;
  • other papers that were issued in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The transfer of the funded part of the pension from the NPF to the PFR is mandatory in such cases:

  • NPF is deprived of a license;
  • the face is dead;
  • the term of the contract was terminated, which was concluded under compulsory plan insurance programs;
  • NPF is insolvent and bankruptcy proceedings are open.

Which place is more reliable

You can rely on the following table:

If a person does not make a choice in favor of any organization, 6% of the funded part remains in the pension fund of the Russian Federation. And such funds will be reset to zero from 2019, that is, they will be transferred to the insurance part.

Video: where to transfer the funded part of the pension?

In this case, a person cannot receive any interest, since this money repays the debt of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. A big disadvantage of the insurance pension is that it cannot be inherited.

If you decide that you will transfer funds to NPF:

How to find out where the amount was transferred

In some organizations, an employer that receives agency from insurers may offer employees more than one option for insurance companies.

In these situations, the transfer of the funded part of the pension to a non-state fund is centralized.

The employee must write an application to a specific fund (for example, to the Gazfond) and prepare a sample for authorized persons who will be involved in the transfer of funds.

Employers themselves carry out the registration procedure. In addition, they can receive interest from insurers for each attracted client.

The employees themselves do not always even remember which fund they applied to.

Or they simply want to make sure that the funded part has arrived within the agreed time frame and personal accounts have been created.

Another situation may also arise when a person does not know his NPF, where insurance was carried out. For example, a notice from the organization with which the contract was concluded did not come.

How to find out NPF:

Contact the regional branch of the State Pension Fund of the Russian Federation After all, when making an application, it was also submitted to this fund. So, there you can be provided with information about the transfer of the funded part of the pension
If you cannot come to the branch of the state body Then act like this - contact the accountant of the company where you work. The accounting department makes transfers for compulsory insurance, which means that they have a constant connection with the PF
Go to the website of the State Service and with the introduction of SNILS you can find out the information of interest To do this, you need to register on the portal, confirm the electronic signature, UEC (if any). Then you can go to your personal account and use the services
Contact the bank with which the state PF entered into an agreement This could be Sberbank, UralSib, GazpromBank, etc.

The future labor pension is divided into two parts. 22% is deducted from wages to the pension fund (PF), of which 16% is the insurance part and 6% is the accumulative part. The insurance part is used for current payments, while the funded part remains in a special account, and you have the right to invest it yourself.

The fate of their "savings" the Russians must determine before December 31, 2015, after which they are automatically transferred to the insurance part. In this article, we will talk about how you can profitably manage your funded pension and what you need to know in order to make the right decision.

Formation features

Automatically, these payments go to the Russian Pension Fund, and then the management company of Vnesheconombank (VEB) deals with its fate. However, few people know that every citizen has the right to give his savings part to another Management Company or even completely transfer it to. At the same time, a moratorium came into effect in 2014, and the latest news shows that it has been extended in 2016. This means that all deductions now go to the insurance pension. In the spring of 2015, NPFs entered the guarantee system and began receiving frozen savings.

Until the end of the year, the Russians must decide whether they will continue to save savings or transfer all funds to the insurance part. If an application for maintaining the funded pension is not submitted by the end of the year, then all contributions in the future will be directed to its insurance part. If you write a statement, then everything will be as before.

State PF

In this case, the deductions are invested by the state management company VEB, which invests the savings of Russians in two investment portfolios (basic and extended). All funds automatically go to an expanded portfolio consisting of government securities, bank deposits in rubles and foreign currency, mortgage-backed securities and bonds of international financial organizations. If this investment option does not suit you, then by December 31, 2015, you must submit an application to the local PF department to transfer savings to the base portfolio. In this case, the funds will be invested only in government securities and corporate bonds of Russian issuers.

The fund has agreements on trust management with non-state management companies. On the PFR website, you can find reports showing the profitability of various management companies (MC). The average profitability of the state management company over the years of operation is 7.17% with a basic portfolio and 6.85% with an extended one. In recent years, the indicator has decreased to 5.03% and 6.22%, and in 2014 the profitability of all management companies turned out to be below inflation - 12 companies, including the state-owned one, were at a loss (VEB's profitability was only 2.68%). According to the law, in the event of losses, the state guarantees the return of the contributors only the insurance premium that was received for the funded pension. If you refuse it in favor of the insurance part, then the state guarantees the protection of contributions from inflation.

Now let's see what is the difference between a management company and an NPF? If the funds are in trust management of the management company, then the accounting of this money and the results of investment is assumed by the PFR, and if the funds are transferred to the NPF, then the non-state fund is responsible for accounting, investment, as well as for the payment and calculation of pensions.

In the spring of 2015, about 550 million rubles (freezing of the funded part) went to the Non-State Pension Funds, which were included in the guarantee system. It is worth paying attention to the fact that recently in Russia there was the first mass withdrawal of licenses from NPFs. Licenses lost five funds at once. In this case, contributors can only count on the return of their contributions. If the PF is included in the guarantee system, then not only contributions are returned, but also the investment income received.

The process of investing funds of NPFs is fully regulated by the state; according to the law, they can only invest in permitted instruments with maximum reliability. Since 2016, it is planned to introduce a five-year period for investing pension contributions, which will allow investing in risky, but also more profitable instruments. In addition, the investment portfolio will soon be supplemented by infrastructure projects. It is expected that their profitability will be much higher than inflation, which will significantly increase the size of the funded part.

What happens in case of refusal

As we said above, the insurance part is indexed by the state in terms of inflation, while the funded part is invested in financial markets, so the profitability of this part depends entirely on the investment results. At the same time, the general director of the consulting company Pension Partner, Sergei Okolesnov, believes that the state does not actually have any obligations to index pensions. After all, the coefficients that affect the amount of payments are determined annually depending on the state of the budget, so the insurance share depends on the capabilities of the state, and it is impossible to predict what they will be in subsequent years.

Lump sum payment

Many Russians do not know that under the law they are entitled to a lump sum payment from the funded share, a monthly urgent payment and a lump sum payment of funds to the legal successors of the deceased person. Prior to reaching this share, you can only receive it in the form of a lump sum payment in the event of a disability or loss of a breadwinner. Upon reaching the required age, citizens who do not have the necessary length of service or coefficient for assigning the insurance part by age or if the funded share is less than 5% of the insurance can apply for payment. To receive a lump sum payment, you should write an application to the FIU at the place of residence or to the NPF in which your savings are located.

How to choose an NPF

Experts recommend trusting your money to Non-State Pension Funds that have several management companies; in this case, the funds are proportionally distributed among different management companies, which makes it possible to “insure” savings. Please note that there are about 80 NPFs in Russia, 29 of which are already included in the guarantee system, respectively, the savings in these funds are insured by the DIA, therefore they are more reliable. Also, when choosing NPFs, it is advisable to pay attention to their profitability in past periods.

For example, one of the largest NPFs, which most Russians trust out of habit, is the Sberbank fund, created back in 1995. It offers a wide range of programs: compulsory insurance, individual plans and corporate programs. NPF works with three management companies: Kapital, CJSC REGION EsM, LLC Management Company Pension savings with an A++ reliability rating.

Alfa-Bank presents accumulative life insurance programs "Children's Account" (creating capital for your children), "Reserve Account" (for the safe placement of funds) and "Pension Account", with which you can easily save up the desired amount by the time you reach the well-deserved rest. You can pay contributions monthly, annually or every six months, while the period must be at least 10 years and not more than 35 years. The client independently chooses the amount of the contribution and the currency, which can be changed later.

Evgenia Noskova on how to choose a non-state pension fund.

To bookmarks

Pension savings are "frozen" for the fourth year in a row. But this does not prevent people from transferring money to non-state pension funds (NPFs): last year, almost 5 million Russians changed the Russian Pension Fund to NPFs, and almost 2 million more changed one NPF to another.

What does "freeze" mean?

It was decided in 2002 to divide the pension into two parts - insurance and funded. Then it was assumed that payments to current pensioners would be fully covered by the insurance part. And the accumulative (6% of the salary) will go to the future pension of the one who makes contributions. It can be given to the management of the NPF or a management company, or it can be left in the state management company, Vnesheconombank. Those who chose the second option are called "silent".

But something went wrong - in 2013, the deficit of the Pension Fund of Russia was discovered, and it was proposed to cover it with contributions to the funded pension. The “freeze” was supposed to be one-time, but it has been extended for several years.

This means that the 6% that the employer deducts from each employee’s salary is not sent to his savings account with VEB or NPF, or a private management company, but goes to payments to current pensioners (and other expenses of the country). Receipts for the years of the “freeze” are promised to be taken into account as certain points, but it is not known how they will be calculated when the retirement age of the NPF contributor reaches the retirement age.

Now, according to the Pension Fund of Russia, 76.4 million people have savings. Most of them are “silent” (46.5 million), NPFs have chosen 29.8 million (the rest are private management companies).

Pension market participants say that in order to attract clients, NPFs focus on the fact that savings in the fund are formed in rubles. In addition, they can be inherited. Silent players are accumulating incomprehensible points, the value of which is difficult to assess - especially considering that the rules of the game are constantly changing.

How to choose a fund

The pension market is quite concentrated: 80% of its assets at the end of 2016 were controlled by 13 NPFs. The concentration will continue further, experts say, including through captive funds (those that serve individual employers).

There are many criteria by which the reliability of a fund can be assessed. Most often, it is advised to pay attention to the life of the NPF (the longer the better), the amount of pension savings in management, the number of insured persons, and the amount of own property.

The most obvious criterion - the profitability of investing pension savings - is not so easy to evaluate. For example, according to the results of the first half of 2017, according to the Central Bank, more than half of the NPFs showed a yield lower than that of VEB. He managed to earn 8.8% per annum, and such large funds as the NPF "SAFMAR", "Lukoil-Garant" and "Future" - 3.4, 3.3 and 3.9%, respectively.

But we must bear in mind that pension savings are a long-term story. By the end of this year, the distribution of profitability may change. For example, at the end of last year, all three NPFs managed to earn more than inflation (5.4%, according to Rosstat): NPF SAFMAR had a profitability of 10.6%, NPF Lukoil-Garant - 9.5%, NPF "Future" - 5.6%.

Other parameters can be viewed, for example, on the website of the Expert rating agency. The leaders in terms of pension savings for 2016 are NPF Sberbank (353.1 billion rubles), NPF Future (257.4 billion rubles), NPF Lukoil-Garant (250.6 billion rubles). They are also leaders in terms of the number of insured persons (4.2 million people in NPF Sberbank, 3.9 million in NPF Future, 3.3 million in NPF Lukoil-Garant).

In terms of capital (property intended to support statutory activities), NPF Gazfond (40 billion rubles), NPF Lukoil-Garant (28 billion rubles) and NPF Surgutneftegaz (20 billion rubles) are leading. You can also look at the leaders in the average account for compulsory pension insurance - NPF Surgutneftegaz (224 thousand rubles), NPF Alliance (183 thousand rubles), NPF Transneft (167 thousand rubles).

You can calculate exactly how much you will receive as a funded pension in a particular fund. On the website of most large NPFs there are pension calculators in which you need to enter gender, age, in what year you started working, average salary, how much you deduct to the co-financing program, if you participate in it. With my parameters, it turned out that if I transfer the funded part to the VTB Pension Fund, the pension will be 18,329 rubles. In NPF "Sberbank" - 15,309 rubles, in NPF "Lukoil-Garant" - 18,853 rubles.

For example, a 35-year-old woman who started her career in 2002 with a salary of 50,000 rubles a month will receive a funded pension of 19,123 rubles a month if she transfers her savings to NPF Lukoil-Garant. If the average salary is 70 thousand rubles, the pension will not grow much - up to 19,707 rubles, with a salary of 100 thousand rubles - up to 20,046 rubles. When transferring savings to the VTB Pension Fund, with the initial input data, the funded pension will be 21,264 rubles, with a salary of 70 thousand rubles - 21,866 rubles, 100 thousand rubles - 22,466 rubles.

If financial literacy allows, you can look at the investment portfolios of funds. Most large NPFs disclose them on their websites. True, market participants say that the final result of management is important for a fund investor, that is, profitability, and not whether it is earned on stocks or bonds.

There are too many factors that influence the dynamics of investment assets. And even if you know that your fund has invested, for example, 54% of its funds in bonds, it is unlikely that you will be able to assess how this will affect long-term returns. At the same time, the funds that earned less than VEB in the first half of 2017 invested in shares, and those who invested in bonds managed to show the maximum return (14.7%).

The FOM survey showed that 10% choose NPFs in terms of profitability, 6% follow the recommendations of acquaintances and friends, 4% form a savings part in the fund chosen by their employer. If you choose a fund by profitability, then you need to look at the accumulated profitability for 8-10 years. Experts call this range sufficient to understand how stable and efficient pension funds are managed.

personal plan

In addition to the funded part of the pension, it is still possible to form an individual pension plan in the NPF. They are offered by large funds. As a rule, there is a certain minimum down payment (from a thousand to 30 thousand rubles). Some funds allow you to choose the amount and frequency of subsequent contributions. You can even set the automatic deduction of money for an individual pension plan from your salary. This is suitable for those who have a stable income.

Financial advisors advise those with unstable incomes (eg, creative professionals, freelancers) to choose plans with flexible contributions. You need to understand that the smaller the deductions, the smaller the amount of payments will be when reaching retirement age. For investments, you can receive a social tax deduction - 13% of contributions (but not more than 120,000 rubles per year).

As in the case of the funded component, you deposit money into an account, the fund invests it and then pays you a non-state pension, taking into account the accumulated investment income. Individual pension plans can be inherited, are not divided upon divorce, and are not recoverable by third parties.

Pitfalls can come up if you want to leave your IRP early. In most funds, this can be done without loss no earlier than five years later. For example, 100% of paid contributions and 50% of investment income are returned to the NPF of Sberbank in two years, and 100% of contributions paid and 100% of investment income are returned in five years. In the NPF "Future" when leaving the plan earlier than in three years, 80% of the paid contributions are returned.

Some NPFs charge a commission on each contribution - this should also be paid attention to when applying for a pension plan.

If the license is revoked

The Bank of Russia revokes licenses not only from banks, but also from NPFs. In 2015–2016, 28 funds lost their license.

What happens if your NPF has its license revoked? Before January 1, 2016, all NPFs had to enter the guarantee system. Therefore, pension savings will be transferred to the Pension Fund of Russia. However, only the amount of the contributions that your employers have paid for you, as well as the funds paid under the state pension co-financing program, if you participated in it, are guaranteed. Investment income is not taken into account.

Theoretically, it can be paid if the Deposit Insurance Agency manages to earn more than the guaranteed nominal value from the sale of the assets of the licensed NPF.

After the pension savings are transferred to the Pension Fund of Russia, you will need to write an application (may be in electronic form) about choosing a new insurer.

Evgenia Noskova on how to choose a non-state pension fund.

To bookmarks

Pension savings are "frozen" for the fourth year in a row. But this does not prevent people from transferring money to non-state pension funds (NPFs): last year, almost 5 million Russians changed the Russian Pension Fund to NPFs, and almost 2 million more changed one NPF to another.

What does "freeze" mean?

It was decided in 2002 to divide the pension into two parts - insurance and funded. Then it was assumed that payments to current pensioners would be fully covered by the insurance part. And the accumulative (6% of the salary) will go to the future pension of the one who makes contributions. It can be given to the management of the NPF or a management company, or it can be left in the state management company, Vnesheconombank. Those who chose the second option are called "silent".

But something went wrong - in 2013, the deficit of the Pension Fund of Russia was discovered, and it was proposed to cover it with contributions to the funded pension. The “freeze” was supposed to be one-time, but it has been extended for several years.

This means that the 6% that the employer deducts from each employee’s salary is not sent to his savings account with VEB or NPF, or a private management company, but goes to payments to current pensioners (and other expenses of the country). Receipts for the years of the “freeze” are promised to be taken into account as certain points, but it is not known how they will be calculated when the retirement age of the NPF contributor reaches the retirement age.

Now, according to the Pension Fund of Russia, 76.4 million people have savings. Most of them are “silent” (46.5 million), NPFs have chosen 29.8 million (the rest are private management companies).

Pension market participants say that in order to attract clients, NPFs focus on the fact that savings in the fund are formed in rubles. In addition, they can be inherited. Silent players are accumulating incomprehensible points, the value of which is difficult to assess - especially considering that the rules of the game are constantly changing.

How to choose a fund

The pension market is quite concentrated: 80% of its assets at the end of 2016 were controlled by 13 NPFs. The concentration will continue further, experts say, including through captive funds (those that serve individual employers).

There are many criteria by which the reliability of a fund can be assessed. Most often, it is advised to pay attention to the life of the NPF (the longer the better), the amount of pension savings in management, the number of insured persons, and the amount of own property.

The most obvious criterion - the profitability of investing pension savings - is not so easy to evaluate. For example, according to the results of the first half of 2017, according to the Central Bank, more than half of the NPFs showed a yield lower than that of VEB. He managed to earn 8.8% per annum, and such large funds as the NPF "SAFMAR", "Lukoil-Garant" and "Future" - 3.4, 3.3 and 3.9%, respectively.

But we must bear in mind that pension savings are a long-term story. By the end of this year, the distribution of profitability may change. For example, at the end of last year, all three NPFs managed to earn more than inflation (5.4%, according to Rosstat): NPF SAFMAR had a profitability of 10.6%, NPF Lukoil-Garant - 9.5%, NPF "Future" - 5.6%.

Other parameters can be viewed, for example, on the website of the Expert rating agency. The leaders in terms of pension savings for 2016 are NPF Sberbank (353.1 billion rubles), NPF Future (257.4 billion rubles), NPF Lukoil-Garant (250.6 billion rubles). They are also leaders in terms of the number of insured persons (4.2 million people in NPF Sberbank, 3.9 million in NPF Future, 3.3 million in NPF Lukoil-Garant).

In terms of capital (property intended to support statutory activities), NPF Gazfond (40 billion rubles), NPF Lukoil-Garant (28 billion rubles) and NPF Surgutneftegaz (20 billion rubles) are leading. You can also look at the leaders in the average account for compulsory pension insurance - NPF Surgutneftegaz (224 thousand rubles), NPF Alliance (183 thousand rubles), NPF Transneft (167 thousand rubles).

You can calculate exactly how much you will receive as a funded pension in a particular fund. On the website of most large NPFs there are pension calculators in which you need to enter gender, age, in what year you started working, average salary, how much you deduct to the co-financing program, if you participate in it. With my parameters, it turned out that if I transfer the funded part to the VTB Pension Fund, the pension will be 18,329 rubles. In NPF "Sberbank" - 15,309 rubles, in NPF "Lukoil-Garant" - 18,853 rubles.

For example, a 35-year-old woman who started her career in 2002 with a salary of 50,000 rubles a month will receive a funded pension of 19,123 rubles a month if she transfers her savings to NPF Lukoil-Garant. If the average salary is 70 thousand rubles, the pension will not grow much - up to 19,707 rubles, with a salary of 100 thousand rubles - up to 20,046 rubles. When transferring savings to the VTB Pension Fund, with the initial input data, the funded pension will be 21,264 rubles, with a salary of 70 thousand rubles - 21,866 rubles, 100 thousand rubles - 22,466 rubles.

If financial literacy allows, you can look at the investment portfolios of funds. Most large NPFs disclose them on their websites. True, market participants say that the final result of management is important for a fund investor, that is, profitability, and not whether it is earned on stocks or bonds.

There are too many factors that influence the dynamics of investment assets. And even if you know that your fund has invested, for example, 54% of its funds in bonds, it is unlikely that you will be able to assess how this will affect long-term returns. At the same time, the funds that earned less than VEB in the first half of 2017 invested in shares, and those who invested in bonds managed to show the maximum return (14.7%).

The FOM survey showed that 10% choose NPFs in terms of profitability, 6% follow the recommendations of acquaintances and friends, 4% form a savings part in the fund chosen by their employer. If you choose a fund by profitability, then you need to look at the accumulated profitability for 8-10 years. Experts call this range sufficient to understand how stable and efficient pension funds are managed.

personal plan

In addition to the funded part of the pension, it is still possible to form an individual pension plan in the NPF. They are offered by large funds. As a rule, there is a certain minimum down payment (from a thousand to 30 thousand rubles). Some funds allow you to choose the amount and frequency of subsequent contributions. You can even set the automatic deduction of money for an individual pension plan from your salary. This is suitable for those who have a stable income.

Financial advisors advise those with unstable incomes (eg, creative professionals, freelancers) to choose plans with flexible contributions. You need to understand that the smaller the deductions, the smaller the amount of payments will be when reaching retirement age. For investments, you can receive a social tax deduction - 13% of contributions (but not more than 120,000 rubles per year).

As in the case of the funded component, you deposit money into an account, the fund invests it and then pays you a non-state pension, taking into account the accumulated investment income. Individual pension plans can be inherited, are not divided upon divorce, and are not recoverable by third parties.

Pitfalls can come up if you want to leave your IRP early. In most funds, this can be done without loss no earlier than five years later. For example, 100% of paid contributions and 50% of investment income are returned to the NPF of Sberbank in two years, and 100% of contributions paid and 100% of investment income are returned in five years. In the NPF "Future" when leaving the plan earlier than in three years, 80% of the paid contributions are returned.

Some NPFs charge a commission on each contribution - this should also be paid attention to when applying for a pension plan.

If the license is revoked

The Bank of Russia revokes licenses not only from banks, but also from NPFs. In 2015–2016, 28 funds lost their license.

What happens if your NPF has its license revoked? Before January 1, 2016, all NPFs had to enter the guarantee system. Therefore, pension savings will be transferred to the Pension Fund of Russia. However, only the amount of the contributions that your employers have paid for you, as well as the funds paid under the state pension co-financing program, if you participated in it, are guaranteed. Investment income is not taken into account.

Theoretically, it can be paid if the Deposit Insurance Agency manages to earn more than the guaranteed nominal value from the sale of the assets of the licensed NPF.

After the pension savings are transferred to the Pension Fund of Russia, you will need to write an application (may be in electronic form) about choosing a new insurer.

Many citizens are puzzled by the question of which NPF to choose in order to reliably invest the funded part of their pension. Not every person understands financial matters, so it is difficult for many to make a choice among the numerous NPFs that vying with each other offer their services.

In view of the encroachments to abolish the mandatory funded part, we will have to take care of our savings on our own. With the help of the Club of Private Investors, we have made and replenish - read and offer your ideas: together we will find the most profitable ways.

It is not easy for an ignorant person to understand the numerous ratings informing about the profitability of each fund, the growth rate of property, the number of depositors, the amount of investments, etc.

Which of these indicators most objectively characterizes the degree of reliability of the pension fund? Financial experts advise paying attention to two main criteria: profitability and reliability.


It is on it that the annual growth of the savings of each depositor depends. This procedure can be compared with the growth of bank interest on a deposit. Usually NPFs announce the profitability at the end of the first, at the beginning of the second quarter, and after that the accrued income goes to the accounts of clients. Accordingly, the higher the profitability of the NPF, the faster the funded part of the pension increases.

At the same time, it is very important to look at the profitability not for 1 year, but the average for the entire time of work. If a fund does not show its average annual return in the rating, it means that for some reason it does not disclose this data. This is a signal that you should be careful when choosing.


There are many professional rating agencies that assign ratings to NPFs. Expert RA-rating is considered the most authoritative among professionals. It analyzes more than 25 fund indicators quarterly and yearly. There are five classes in the rating scale. The highest of them is A. In class A, experts assign three ratings to funds:

  • The exceptionally high level of reliability is A++ class;
  • Very high is grade A+;
  • High is class A.
  • In terms of reliability - this, and others.
  • According to the average annual return - Welfare, National and a number of other funds with an open indicator of the average annual return.