Cool birthday traditions. Birthday traditions. Green candle - attracts finance

According to opinion polls, about half of Europeans do not like to celebrate their birthday and do not feel joy from its approach, suffering from the need to arrange a celebration with relatives, friends or colleagues. Here are 10 historical ways to celebrate your birthday.

10th place: According to pagan beliefs, the birthday annually symbolizes the transition from the world of ancestors to the world of the living. At this time, a person may be in danger, get sick, and his soul can be stolen. Therefore, it is necessary to have close people nearby who, with their ritual offerings and good wishes, drive away evil spirits. So a birthday cake with candles and making wishes is actually an altar in honor of the pagan gods who were addressed on their birthday.

9th place: In Russia, name days began to be celebrated in the 17th century - this is the latest beginning in history. On the eve of the holiday, the family of the birthday boy brewed beer, baked birthday cakes, pies and loaves. And, in fact, the song about the loaf was originally sung by adults.

8th place: The royal name-days were celebrated especially splendidly. Sometimes the tsar personally handed out birthday cakes, and large festivities with refreshments were organized for the people. So much money was spent on one name day of Elizabeth Petrovna that three royal palaces could be built on them and fully provided with furniture and curtains.

7th place: African birthdays. In the Galla tribe, a birth is celebrated every 8 years. The concept of "year" is absent there, since no one has a calendar, and the seasons practically do not change.

6th place: In the Kukuyu tribe, the gap between birthdays is even larger - 13 years. Once every 13 years, the birthday boy plants a fig tree. By the way, in Russia, after the revolution, an ideological struggle began with name days. In the 1920s, censorship banned "Fly-Tsokotukha" by Korney Chukovsky for promoting name days.

5th place: In England, everyone who has lived to be 80, 90, and 100 years old is sent personally by the Queen.

4th place: In some Indian tribes, as well as in rural areas of China, in addition to birthdays, they also celebrate the stages of human development: “sidin” - when he began to sit, “hodin” - he began to walk, etc.

3rd place: In North Africa, it is customary to celebrate your birthday only twice in life: 1 time at birth, and the second time at 52 years old (because this is the age of the prophet Mohammed).

2nd place: In Ukraine, there was once a custom to take children out into the field on their birthdays and flog them at the boundary there, so that the child knew exactly where the boundary was drawn. By the way, for the same reason, for our birthday, they pull on the ears, in England they throw it up and drop it on the floor, and in Spain they click on the forehead.

1 place: The most unfortunate birthday people live in Japan. There is no birthday celebration at all. Only parents are congratulated on the anniversary of their feat - the birth of a child. For children, there are only holidays of three, five and seven years - "City-Go-San", it is the same for all children and is celebrated on certain days that may not coincide with your personal birthday. In Japan, it is customary to give gifts only for the 60th, 70th, 79th, 88th, 99th anniversary.

At least thirty people gathered in the living room, decorated with colorful balloons and lanterns. Everyone crowds around the dining table, on which very strange objects are neatly laid out: instead of appetizers - a bowl of dry rice, instead of salads - scissors, pencils and a book, and a stack of banknotes of a solid denomination plays the role of a birthday cake. An uncomplicated Korean melody plays in the background, which is soon drowned out by applause and loud sighs of emotion - a sleepy birthday boy is solemnly brought into the room. Today he is exactly one year old. He is dressed in a national Korean costume - trousers, a long tunic and a funny hat with embroidery - and it seems that he does not understand anything. "What's happening? Where I am? - as if read in his eyes. - Who are all these people? I vaguely recognize my grandmother, but the rest ... ”The kid is brought to the table, they make a short speech - and the moment of truth comes. A birthday turns into a fortune-telling session, and a one-year-old baby turns into an oracle. What a plump pen will reach for, then it is waiting for the birthday man in life. Interested in a bowl of rice? So the house will be a full bowl. Reaching for scissors? Become a world famous designer. Got a book? A wise guy will grow up, go to a good university, get a prestigious job. You look and think: all fate is in full view. With money, everything is clear - far-sighted parents always put them closer, and sometimes even shake the papers in front of the baby in front of his nose to attract his attention. But you can’t fool a baby so easily - it’s pointless to act strategically, placing objects that are attractive, according to parents, in the “right” place. The child will crawl to the other end of the table, but will take what is interesting to him. So it was with me. I grabbed a pencil with one hand and a pen with the other. More than thirty years have passed, and I still write and draw.

PHOTO Analia Sirabonian

The first birthday is the most important for many Eastern peoples. So important that the rest are often forgotten. In my large Korean family, it is customary to celebrate only three big holidays in life - one year old, wedding day and 60th anniversary. But, of course, globalization has made its own adjustments, and I, like most of my relatives, celebrate my birthday every year. Without national costumes, but with a cake, candles, gifts and the song Happy Birthday To You, thus collecting a whole heap of traditions from around the world. According to legend, round pies were baked by the ancient Greeks on the full moon to appease the goddess Artemis. A burning candle reminded them of a heavenly body. In Europe, the tradition was picked up by the Germans, who placed a large candle in the center of an impromptu cake and called it the "beam of life." Well, a birthday song, translated, it seems, into all languages ​​of the world, was born at the end of the 19th century in the US state of Kentucky. It began with the words "Good morning to all" and at first served as a morning wake-up call for schoolchildren. Our domestic “Let pedestrians run clumsily through puddles” as a congratulatory song, alas, did not take root - either the influence of Hollywood is too great, or the text is too complicated. There is a story on the Internet about how they tried to retell the content of the song to an Englishman, but he still did not understand why on this joyful day a Russian crocodile with an accordion calls on people unknown to him to jump in the rain.

World map

The tradition of celebrating a birthday is perhaps the oldest. True, only royal persons were previously awarded such an honor, but on the other hand, the scope of the celebration was not like the modern one - a feast for the whole world, state awards to close associates and amnesty to the disgraced. Over time, the ritual evolved and acquired the most incredible forms - poke anywhere on the globe and you will find yourself in an unusual "birthday" (in the words of the donkey Eeyore. - Approx. ELLE) tradition. In Jamaica, the birthday boy is showered with flour, symbolizing the "dust of time." In Latin America, on the 15th anniversary of a teenager, they arrange a whole celebration - a quinceañera, when the girls dress up, as if for a wedding, in white puffy dresses, the boys put on top hats, and the priest says a parting word. In Ireland, the hero of the occasion is hit with his head on the floor - as many times as he is old. Children like it - they hang like monkeys in their dad's arms and squeal happily, but adults are no longer laughing. (Remember how old you were when you forbade your beloved aunt to pull your ears?)

BIRTHDAY is a kind of code in which something important and unsolved is ENCODED

In Ghana, a rite of purification of the soul is carried out with the help of leaves soaked overnight in water, and then they put on white. In China, they eat pasta - and the longer the noodles that you manage to pull in without ever biting through it, the more successful your life will be. In Germany, a bachelor who is 30 years old is obliged to arm himself with a broom and clean up a little in the city - around the house, in the square, near the city hall ... Friends at this time “bewitch” the unfortunate janitor, throwing papers, pebbles and leaves, but take it off only an unmarried passer-by who deigns to kiss the birthday man can do evil spells. In some regions of Canada, you should take care of your nose on your birthday - everyone around strives to smear it with oil or sauce. In England, the queen sends a greeting card for the 100th anniversary. In Mexico, they make a piñata - a figurine of an animal made of papier-mâché with real sweets inside. The child is blindfolded, given a heavy club in his hands, and he must find and break the piñata by touch. But most of all, in my opinion, Vietnam distinguished itself. There is one birthday for everyone and coincides in time with the New Year. Often the Vietnamese does not even remember the exact date of birth, and if you ask him about it, he will name the animal according to the lunar calendar. I wonder if they can use this information as a pin code?

The Magic of Numbers

“Date of birth is not just a set of numbers,” explains psychologist Irina Markova. - Most people, even those who are generally far from esotericism, unconsciously perceive it as a kind of code. Information in which something very important and unsolved is encrypted. Astrological forecasts are built on the date of birth, psychics are primarily interested in it. Remember how you involuntarily rejoice when you meet a person who was born on the same day as you, or find out that some celebrity is your "namesake" by date of birth. This person immediately becomes closer to you, you subconsciously look for something that unites and unites you - you try on the situations in which he finds himself, consider carefully how he dresses, how he behaves, as if trying to see the reflection in the mirror. And if you don’t find anything in common, you are sincerely surprised.” Once my roommate was a girl who was born on the same day as me. To say that we did not communicate is to say nothing. We existed like parallel lines that intersected once a day in Lobachevsky's geometry, that is, in the kitchen. Biorhythms, hobbies, sense of humor - we had different everything, but surprisingly, we did not interfere with each other's life. Maybe in our, one for two, date, the absence of conflicts on domestic grounds was encrypted? Or a sense of security? Anyway, I still send her a congratulatory sms.

I like other magic. When a birthday ceases to be a set of numbers in a passport, but turns into a living, heartfelt tradition. You can arrange a holiday "from the picture": exemplary and does not require filters on Instagram. But let's be honest: Are you really moved by the music and lyrics of Happy Birthday To You? Neuropsychologist and writer Oliver Sachs, having learned that he was terminally ill, remembered his long-standing passion for metals and gave himself some thallium, the 81st element of Mendeleev's periodic table, for his 81st birthday. On the 82nd birthday - lead. A beautiful piece of beryllium - number 4 in the system - reminded Sachs of childhood "and how long ago my life began, which is about to come to an end." This tradition ended on the 82nd element, but the scientist managed to write a heartfelt story about it and, most importantly, celebrated his last birthday, in his own words, "as it should be."

PHOTO Analia Sirabonian

sad holiday

Some physiologists argue that on the eve of the birthday, the child's immunity slightly decreases and the level of anxiety increases. But for many adults, Day X is a real stress. If your own birthday makes you want to lay low somewhere in Bruges (but the treacherous positive Facebook, of course, will notify everyone about the important date), don't worry, you are not alone. The phrase “I can’t stand my birthday. And he never mentioned it. I don’t even remember the exact date,” said not just anyone, but Karl Lagerfeld himself (Lagerfeld, Karl!). He was supported by comedian Amy Schumer: “I am ashamed to celebrate my birthday, because I don’t want to stress people with anything. I'll tell you more: birthdays are humiliating. And people singing Happy Birthday To You is the most ridiculous sight in the world. Last year it happened when we were filming "Girl without complexes." The whole team decided to arrange a surprise, they brought me a big cake and sang in chorus. And I was ready to fall through the ground from shame. I was uncomfortable as hell, and that feeling was passed on to everyone else.”

“It's great that the actress confesses her feelings - this is the first step towards understanding herself,” comments psychologist Irina Markova. - The reluctance to celebrate a very personal holiday exposes several accumulated problems at once. Perhaps you do not want to answer the questions that inevitably arise on the threshold of a new year. Maybe you are not ready for the changes that will come one way or another, because life is not static, and your birthday once again reminds you of this. On the eve of the New Year, we experience approximately the same emotions, but we meet it all together, and together - both more fun and easier. On your birthday, you find yourself alone with yourself, and there is no one else to ask. There was a time when I, according to my friends, "squeezed the holiday."

It is not easy to celebrate a HOLIDAY, the formal essence of which boils down to the words: “You have become OLDER”

It was banal laziness for me - reluctance to mess with the script, cook, gather a large company ... In childhood, miracles happen by themselves, without our direct participation: the good fairy carefully, trying not to wake up, puts a silver spoon under the pillow, and the wizard piles boxes with gifts by the bed . Having matured, we subconsciously continue to wait for a miracle, but sometimes we have to take on organizational issues. Now I understand that birthdays are a kind of maturity test: are you ready to spend your personal time and effort to give a holiday to the people you love?

“Another point worth considering is your attitude towards age,” says the psychologist. - If you are an ardent fighter for youth and see the meaning of life in preserving it, it may not be easy for you to celebrate a holiday, the formal essence of which boils down to three words: “You have become older.” However, this, as a rule, does not stop extroverts. They like to be in the center of attention, they willingly and gratefully accept words of praise, enjoy gifts and toasts, and even if they are a little worried about the numbers in their passports, they fix the number of candles on the cake at a certain mark by a strong-willed decision and do not invite their beautician to the holiday. . In psychology, there is the concept of “crisalism” - this is a special feeling of security and peace that you experience when, chilling on the street, you go into a warm, cozy house. A birthday in the circle of close people causes just such emotions. And this is probably the main reason to celebrate it again and again.

Letter for you

The pleasant tradition of sending birthday cards began in the UK about 100 years ago. At first, the wish card served only as an apology for the fact that the sender could not come to the holiday in person.

Digital code

In the Northern Hemisphere, a birthday is most often celebrated on October 5, and least often on May 22 (excluding February 29). But the most popular month for births in the world is August: about 9% of the total population of the Earth was born at the end of summer.

Birthday for each person is some kind of special, sacred holiday, which means a transition to a new level of perception, to the stage of growing up and wisdom. Also, this is a great occasion to gather together your loved ones and friends to chat, have fun and have a great time.

At the same time, the traditions of celebrating a birthday differ somewhat depending on the country and cultural characteristics. The P.S.BOX team will tell you about how it is customary to celebrate a birthday in different countries of the world, and also recommend cool gifts for this holiday!


A bit of history: Initially, the birthday was exclusively a royal holiday. The celebration of royal birthdays began in Russia with Fyodor Alekseevich: in 1676, in the "Books of royal exits" there were marks about services on his birthday. Subsequently, they began to celebrate the birthdays of other members of the royal family. Historians note that in pre-revolutionary Russia, not birthdays were celebrated, but name days, but over time, this tradition has changed.

Traditions: It is customary to invite guests, treat them with sweet treats. Guests, in turn, present gifts to the birthday man.

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A bit of history: Following an old tradition, all Chinese people add a year to their age on Chinese New Year's Day. This holiday is more important for everyone than a personal birthday. But this rule does not apply to children. The Chinese celebrate one hundred days from the birth of a child. Earlier on this day, hundreds of neighbors gathered one multi-colored thread, from which a thin cord was twisted, which was hung around the baby’s neck like a charm.

Traditions: In China, certain birthday traditions have formed that exclude certain gifts. For example, you can’t give an umbrella to a birthday person, since the word “umbrella” is pronounced “sǎn”, which means “to part, disperse” (傘 - sǎn - umbrella / 散 - sǎn - to part). In addition, if in Russia it is customary that gifts are given only to the birthday person, then in China the hero of the occasion must prepare gifts for the guests.

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A bit of history: Since ancient times, the main holiday in Spain was considered not a birthday, but Christmas. However, the Spaniards celebrate the birthday on a large scale, gathering all relatives and friends.

Traditions: Spaniards do not celebrate a birthday for one day, but for a month! On the first day, the date is celebrated in a narrow circle of the family, and over the next days, friends present their gifts and congratulations with whom the birthday person spends time in a cafe, club or outdoors.

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A bit of history: In the tribes of India, it was never customary to celebrate a birthday, but at the same time, real festivities were held on the day when the baby first sat down, began to walk, and uttered his first word.

Traditions: Nowadays, birthday celebrations in India are a massive ceremony! Birthday celebrations begin with a rite of blessing. The elder relatives of the birthday man - grandmother and mother - bless the hero of the occasion, who then kneels in front of the main women in the family and touches their feet as a sign of respect. All the guests are present at this event, including the children of the neighbors. They patiently wait to be allowed to sing "Happy Birthday!" in English and Hindi, or whatever language is spoken in the village. The children then receive a sweet treat and disperse, leaving the adults to celebrate. First, the guests are treated to a cake. The birthday boy cuts it, but does not eat it himself. A sister or brother should feed him. Then the hero of the occasion feeds everyone present with a cake. This is followed by a full dinner.

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A bit of history: In Germany, the tradition of celebrating a birthday dates back to the 12th century. In Germany, all children, regardless of birthday, were happy. Because the German people laid the foundation for a wonderful tradition: to celebrate a children's party on the birthday of their baby. Such a holiday was called and is still called "Kinderfest".

Traditions: On a birthday, one of the family members gets up at dawn and lights candles in the house and on the birthday cake, which burn all day long. According to tradition, the candles on the cake are one more than the birthday of the birthday. Because one candle is a symbol that should bring good luck to the birthday man. By the way, the tradition of lighting candles on this day itself appeared in Germany, since it was there that they began to make beautiful wax candles.

What to gift? will help to master the culinary features of different countries of the world.

Materials worked on:

Text - Valeria Vasilyeva

Design - Ksenia Kachanova.

Candles on the cake, a cheerful feast, surprises, gifts and congratulations, it would seem, what else is needed to have fun celebrating your birthday? However, each country has its own peculiarities of celebrating this wonderful day. We offer you to get acquainted with the most interesting traditions of different countries. Some of them may seem extreme, but originality cannot be taken away from them.

  1. The tradition of giving a beautiful cake to be torn apart by kids appeared in the United States relatively recently, and instantly gained immense popularity. But since no one canceled the traditional song and blowing out candles, an additional cake is purchased specifically for this purpose.
  2. And in Venezuela, even adults are allowed to destroy the cake. You just have to do it on your own!
  3. A birthday boy in the Atlantic part of Canada is waiting in ambush to smear his nose with something - most often with oil. This custom has come from ancient times and is designed to avert various failures.
  4. In the UK, it is customary to swing and throw the heroes of the occasion in their arms.
  5. A funny custom exists in the countries of the Caribbean - there birthday people are sprinkled with flour. The more flour sticks, the better.
  6. In the Czech Republic, ordering your favorite song on the radio is becoming increasingly popular.
  7. In Denmark, it is customary to fly the national flag in the birthday man's house. And also their cake must have the shape of a man.
  8. If you happen to celebrate your birthday in Hungary, prepare your ears - you will be well dragged there by the earlobes, wishing you all the best.
  9. German bachelors who have reached their 30th birthday will have to work hard on their birthday, as an ancient tradition obliges them to sweep the porch or street. Apparently, the custom originates from a desperate desire to demonstrate one's cleanliness to potential brides.
  10. Swiss parents love to hire an evil clown to run after the kids with a cake, so if you hear a happy squeal, it's most likely someone's birthday.
  11. In Ireland, they don’t stand on ceremony with birthday people - they grab them by the legs, turn them upside down, and let's beat them on the floor. How many years - so many times and hit, and one more for good luck.
  12. In Japan, it is customary to update your wardrobe on your birthday.
  13. In China, the birthday boy must eat noodle soup. The longer the noodles, the longer the life.
  14. If you see a girl in a pink dress in Ecuador, feel free to congratulate her on her birthday. All Ecuadorian girls wear pink on this day.
  15. On their 15th birthday, every Argentine considers it his duty to dance the waltz.
  16. In Israel, birthdays are raised on a chair.
  17. In South Africa, on the 21st birthday, it is customary to give a symbolic key to a new adult life.
  18. In Cuba, anyone can join the celebratory party, you just have to buy a ticket to enter.
  19. In New Zealand, “magic bread” is considered a solemn delicacy on this day. The recipe is simple - a regular toaster and confectionery colored powder.
  20. In Vietnam, birthdays are celebrated on New Year's Day - Tet. According to tradition, on the day of "tet" the Vietnamese all add one more year to their age on the same day.
  21. Mexicans remain true to their tradition of smashing a piñata stuffed with candy.


In Bulgaria, May 24 is one of the brightest and most unusual holidays. On this day, the work of the Slavic first teachers Cyril and Methodius is celebrated.

There is an opinion that the Day of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles began to be celebrated as early as the 12th century, although the Bulgarian Church canonized Cyril and Methodius at the end of the 9th century.

During the period of the Bulgarian Revival, the Day of Cyril and Methodius turned into secular holiday of letters.

With the light hand of the figure of the Bulgarian Renaissance, Gerov was found in 1851, first in Plovdiv, and then in Shumen, Loma, Istanbul, as well as throughout Bulgaria, they began to celebrate May 24 as the Day of Bulgarian Literature. Once upon a time, this day was the final school session, and the holiday was a convenient occasion to demonstrate to guests and parents the knowledge and achievements of schoolchildren.

And in modern Bulgaria, on the eve of May 24, holidays of letters and knowledge quizzes are held in primary classes. Schoolchildren, with the help of their teachers, make wreaths of fresh flowers, which adorn the portraits of the holy brothers-first teachers.

By tradition, on the day of May 24, Bulgaria organizes festive processions of scientists, teachers of schools and universities, schoolchildren and just those who wish to lay wreaths and flowers at the monuments to Cyril and Methodius throughout the country.

As usual, the hymn to Cyril and Methodius is played, written by the famous Bulgarian composer Lyubomir Pipkov to the words of the Bulgarian poet Stoyan Mikhailovsky.

And although on the day of memory of Cyril and Methodius in Bulgaria they no longer arrange mass demonstrations, every year a range of cultural events. This is the "Salon of Arts" in the People's Palace of Culture in Sofia, and all kinds of book fairs, and concert cycles, and open-air poetry readings, and amateur art reviews, and exhibitions dedicated to books or the case of Cyril and Methodius also open.

The Day of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Brothers Cyril and Methodius, celebrated in the Czech Republic on July 5, is a public holiday in this country.

This holiday of Slavic writing is the only state-church holiday that is included in both the secular and church calendars.

On this day in the Czech Republic are festive services in churches and cathedrals of the Czech Republic, including in the Orthodox Cathedral of Cyril and Methodius in Prague.

May 24 is celebrated in Russia Day of Slavic Writing and Culture. The holiday is timed to the day of memory of the first teachers of the Slavic peoples - the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius.

In Russia, the holiday dedicated to Cyril and Methodius is not a day off, but it is celebrated by organizing festivals and concerts.

Every year, some Russian city becomes the host of the holiday. Samara, Murmansk, Novgorod, Kostroma, Vladimir, Smolensk, Yaroslavl, Belgorod, Orel, Moscow, Pskov, Ryazan, Kaluga, Novosibirsk, Voronezh have already played this role.

This day is one of the most important events in the Catholic world. The Catholic dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary appeared in 1854. And although, Catholicism does not approve the seedless conception of the Virgin. It is only said that the original sin did not pass to Mary, who was born from ordinary parents. Orthodoxy, Protestantism and other Christian movements reject the absence of original sin on the Virgin. However, these denominations do not argue with its integrity.

Spaniards deep venerate the Virgin Mary. She is the main patroness of Spain.

December 8 is celebrated on a national scale. All over the country on this day it is customary to organize festivals and sing hymns glorifying the Mother of God.

December 8 in Spain priests wear blue robes. These garments were bestowed on them by the papacy as early as 1864 as a reward for strengthening faith in the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary in Spain.

Traditionally in the Plaza de España The Holy Father blesses a basket of white roses, which is installed at the foot of the column with the statue of the Blessed Virgin and reads a sermon on the occasion of the veneration of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary.

On December 8, one of the main feasts of the Mother of God is celebrated - the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, whose cult is very popular in Catholicism.

And in Italy this holiday is considered Christmas harbinger. On this day in northern Italy, children are given gifts. Some private companies do not work in Italy on December 8.

In Naples on this day in Jesus Square firefighters traditionally place flowers in Madonna's hands- statues several meters high - the flowers change every year on this day. Even in Naples, it is customary to decorate the Christmas tree on this day.

And in Rome on the square erecting a statue of the Madonna, the culmination of the holiday is the universal worship of the statue of the Virgin, during which it is removed with wreaths and the Pope himself consecrates it on the day of December 8th.

On the same day, the traditional Christmas market in Italy is solemnly opened on Piazza Navona.

June 12 is Russia Day in Russia. Until 2002, this holiday was called Independence Day of Russia.

June 12 in Russia official holiday. So the Russians have three days off, which they traditionally spend on holidays outside the city, trips to picnics or summer cottages.

However, in the cities on the occasion of the Day of Russia, you can also have fun. Discotheques, concerts and festivals are held in city squares, parks and squares. At the end of the day, traditional fireworks rumble over the capital.

Hundreds of thousands of normally reserved Norwegians take to the streets of towns and villages to the sound of brass bands. Singing songs, whistling, waving flags - this is what traditionally happens on May 17 in Norway.

Norway celebrates Independence Day parades of schoolchildren and various other processions. On this day, Norwegians dress up in their beautiful national costumes. If the weather is favorable, then on the streets games, competitions and theatrical performances are arranged.

Annually 4th of July In the United States of America, a public holiday is Independence Day.

the day before USA Independence Day, the security measures are always being strengthened in the country

Main event - independence day parade– takes place at noon in Washington. At the same time, festivities are held in America, fireworks are arranged, Americans hang the US state flag on their homes.

Traditionally, on the Independence Day of the United States, residents of the capital and tourists perform actors dressed in camisoles and hats of the 18th century who read the text of the Declaration aloud.

In small American towns, it is customary to celebrate this day in nature, with a barbecue. To celebrate Independence Day in the United States, a large picturesque meadow is chosen, on which tables with festive treats are set: grilled sausages and ribs, hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, pies, fruits, ice cream. The festive menu also includes national potato salad (potatoes , egg, onion, celery, mustard and lots of mayonnaise), as well as Texas chicken and American meatloaf with coleslaw. From drinks on this holiday, Americans prefer cola and beer. The holiday is accompanied by various competitions and festivities.

Many US residents use a three-day weekend for travel.

The traditional 4th of July in the USA is grand fireworks, completing such a significant day for all Americans.

One of the most important Muslim holidays, Kurban Ait, falls on the 70th day after the end of the Oraza fast. Calculation, according to the lunar calendar, changes annually with a difference of about 10 days. In Arabic, Eid al-Adha means "Feast of Sacrifice."

The victim may be: sheep, cow, ram or camel.

It is believed that the one who performed the Kurban Shala provided his family with a happy life.

The most important for Muslims is the first day of Kurban Ayta. On this day, Ait Namaz is read in mosques, it is on the first day that believers try to congratulate each other and invite each other to dastarkhan, this is the name of the festive table.

On this day, every Muslim must have covered dastarkhan, because someone from the clergy can come to him at any moment.

Eid al-Adha is the most important Muslim holiday. He ends up The Hajj rite is a pilgrimage to the shrines of Mecca and Medina.

In Turkmenistan, Eid al-Adha is one of the most beloved holidays by the people. Every self-respecting Muslim must perform the traditional ritual of sacrifice and prepare a dish from the meat of the sacrificial animal in his house. And everyone can come and enjoy them.

During the celebration of Eid al-Adha, most often such an animal is ram. However, you can donate a larger animal, such as a camel or a bull, and invite even more guests to the celebration.

The traditional entertainment of Kurban Bayram in Turkmenistan is considered to be swing ride. At the same time, the swings are very different, from small to giant ones, on which riding is not a completely safe activity. It is generally accepted that riding on a swing during the days of Eid al-Adha you are cleansed of sins.

As a rule, there is a huge queue at the swing - either there are a lot of sinners, or the way of atoning for sins is rather funny.

Also, during the three festive days, popular pop artists and folklore groups perform traditionally at the places where the swings are installed.