Conspiracies on a glass of water to remove the stomach. Preparation for magical rituals. Preparation for the ceremony


Many do not know how to quickly remove fat from the abdomen and problem areas with the help of magic, and this is not difficult to do if you read the conspiracy to lose weight and get rid of fat and you don’t have to go anywhere, you need to read the conspiracy at home! Fat on the sides and abdomen, the most problematic areas, and if you do not know how to restore them, a conspiracy that can remove the stomach and excess fat will help you. Our ancestors used the magic of beauty and these secrets have come down to us. If you need to quickly remove the stomach, magic will help. This is the easiest rite for those who do not know how to lose weight and how to remove the stomach. To do this, every time you wash your hands, say the following spell:

Fat, fat, get out of my body.

Words whisper on soap suds and last word rinse off hands.

Strong conspiracy how to remove the stomach

Before reading the plot, read the text of the prayer in Russian three times. Put a candle to the Mother of God and wait until the candle burns out. And start reading strong conspiracy for body shaping and getting rid of fat in the abdomen:

I speak the food of the servant of God (name):
Breathe in, food, spiritual, blissful strength,
Be, food, not a stone in the stomach and fat on the body,
And nectar in the soul and in the whole healthy body.
Fill, food, with a satisfying spirit, calmness,
Give the servant of God (name) complete pleasure.
Most of all, nourish her blood and brain,
Veins and skin, and the rest that will not go away, return.
For it is worthless neither to her body nor to her spirit.
Servant of God (name), have strength,
And the desire to eat tightly - die.
Turn your back on food
Pray to God once again.
God help you, slave (name):
Do not strive to overeat, think more about the soul.
Home and away - everywhere.

Read the conspiracy only if you believe in its power. Otherwise, it will not work, you need to pronounce the magic words in a whisper, quietly, calmly, measuredly. You need to read the plot on an empty stomach. by the most auspicious days Monday and Friday are considered to read conspiracies for weight loss and those able to remove fat from the abdomen, but not during the service in the church - this time is dedicated to God, not to yourself!

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It is rare to find a girl who is happy with her belly. Even those who are constantly involved in sports and have more than one press cube wish best result. But the reason lies in the phase menstrual cycle, and in a natural predisposition to bearing a child. It is impossible to change the nature, but it is possible to conduct a conspiracy to remove the stomach and the result will not be long in coming.

The main condition for any love spell is faith in the best. This is especially necessary when performing the ritual on your own. The slightest doubt about the effectiveness of the case can ruin everything instantly. Correct Application rituals can help get rid of unwanted guests or bewitch a loved one, or attract money to a wallet. The same rules apply not only to energy level relationships, but also to material things.

Charmed water will help improve the figure and health. Every morning you need to start with one glass of clean water. natural origin. Even if this condition cannot be met with accuracy, tap water can also be used. The main thing is that it is clean. This famous words Vanga, who constantly argued that pure thoughts come from pure water.

clean water must be spoken before use. In this procedure, the main positive attitude. Pure water is poured into a glass, then you need to look at it closely and imagine yourself in the form that a person aspires to. At this point, it’s absolutely not worth it to be shy, to grumble. Even embellished external state body will allow you to realize the best ideas.

Particular attention should be paid not only to the external appearance, but also to the mood and inner state of the soul. All this, according to the famous Vanga, will materialize in the near future. For a conspiracy, you need to say the words:

“The water flows in the earth, does not allow the thirsty to drink. It flows through granite - it keeps the secret of youth and freshness. It flows through the sand - the belly disappears. The depth takes it away - the chaff disappears. I will drink water and the fat will melt, but there will be food and water. Amen".

These words must be repeated three times. Then drink water completely to the last drop. The ritual can be performed every day. Vanga's conspiracy for water is known all over the world.

Recipe for Old Believers

Siberian Old Believers shared their recipe for weight loss of the abdomen. For them it was completely unacceptable. big belly, since it interfered:

  • perform work in the field;
  • clean up after livestock;
  • do household chores in the hut.

For the ceremony, you need to lie on a hard floor in the evening. Then you need to imagine that there are knives with a sharply sharpened blade in the palms. Having imagined this, you need to begin to slowly and carefully draw over the stomach with characteristic movements that cut off excess areas on the stomach. At this moment, you also need to imagine how the stomach decreases, and the fat is cut off and dissolved. In doing so, you need to say:

“Reduce, cut off and thoughts come true. Amen". This procedure can also be carried out daily for ten minutes per waning moon.

Rite with a church candle

Usage church candles is considered a strong argument in any conspiracy. Therefore, it should be carried out only with full confidence in a positive result and white magic. The ritual is performed on a waning moon. At sunset, you need to put a candle on a clean saucer and light it, saying:

“The wax melts, and the light appears, and my body radiates a light, dissolving its fat. Let joy come from my body and go to heaven, let the fat melt and never come back. Amen. Amen. Amen".

These words must be repeated until the candle goes out. At the same time, you need to look at it all the time. It is believed that how much strength is enough to watch and wait, so much fat layers will melt.

You can repeat the procedure daily, but only on the waning moon. perfect days Monday and Friday count.

Regardless of the choice of the conspiracy method and the subject with which the ritual will be carried out, the main thing is faith in a positive outcome of the case. In no case should you postpone or doubt the procedure. It must be carried out, it is simply better to entrust your fate to a professional who has been engaged in such rituals for more than one year.

Every young girl and all women want to look so that all men turn around after them. It also happens that nature gives women attractiveness and beauty from birth, but there are many who have to work very hard to bring themselves into good shape. In addition, this form must also be maintained.

Today, you can see that almost everyone has at least some health problems. With development modern technologies, people began to spend more and more time in sitting and lying position. In addition, it became possible to work from home. All these factors have led to the fact that the body begins to atrophy, while gaining unnecessary weight. Such changes may remain indifferent to some, but in general most women suffer greatly from this turn of events.

Nowadays you can find a large number of sports gyms, which exist so that people come and do it in order to maintain physical fitness.

There is a theory that excess weight in humans, it is the result of self-hypnosis. For example, having gained a kilogram or two, a woman is already beginning to “wind up” herself, and at the same time, the mind perceives this as an impulse to enrich the body with additional fats. Which in turn leads to weight gain. Since weight can be gained with the power of thought, it can also be lost with the help of your thoughts.

It is important to note that the problem area in women is the belly. Especially after pregnancy, young mothers suffer from the fact that the tummy has lost its shape and has generally changed dramatically. In addition to going to the gym and eating less, you can also use various conspiracies that exist specifically to force the body to affect its weight.

On present stage In the development of the world, one can also notice such a trend when people use completely absurd ways to make their body lose weight and become the same as before. At the same time, acupuncture, hypnosis, sewing in torpedoes for the purpose of losing weight are used. Thus, one can also name such people who believe in magic and higher powers. It is for such people that there are a wide variety of conspiracies, universal prayers, wonderful rituals with which you can achieve certain goals. Now the current goal is to get rid of excess weight from the abdomen. First of all, you need to remember that the word contains great energy and strength that can do a lot.

For some people, magic is associated only with dark and bad deeds, such as spoilage, inducing illness, and even the realization of death. In reality, this is all part of history, all these are remnants that remained in various sources and books. An important element this is faith and following all the rules.

The conspiracy for weight loss (in our case, getting rid of belly fat) is very strong and powerful. This is a special ritual, which includes a conspiracy. For this process, you need a plastic improvised material, such as wax, plasticine or dough. From this mess, you will need to mold the figure of a person. This figurine should resemble a fat person who could be compared to a person who is reenacting a ritual. At the time when you read or pronounce the words of the conspiracy, you will need to pinch off small particles from the figure, while you will need to alternate the right and left hand. In our case, it will be necessary to pinch off pieces from the stomach until a beautiful waist appears. You yourself must form a waist, one that you would like and would like to have for yourself. Shape your perfect body.

After you complete the ritual, you will need to remove all the pieces that you have torn off from the figurine and burn them in a fire. You will need to keep the human figurine at home, in a place where no one but you can find it. In no case do not tell anyone about this ritual, even best friend or mom. It must be absolutely secret. In another case, the result of your efforts may turn out to be completely different from what you would like. Be careful. Do not tell other people how you managed to lose weight. It should remain only in your head and nowhere else.

The words of the conspiracy sound like this:

I pinch my sides - I kill fat,

I burn fat - I drive out gluttony.

Small food - the womb to please.

You will need to learn these words in order for the ritual to be more effective. Thus, the ritual will be carried out correctly. It is necessary that nothing distract you from the ritual, and if you forget the words, this will not lead to anything good. And who knows what the result will be.

Many are now passionate about all sorts of diets and gymnastics, striving. We will not discuss whether the criticism of a person of his figure has a basis. And pay attention to conspiracies to remove fat.

But first, in order not to waste time and nerves, you need to understand why “extra pounds” stick to you. Indeed, most often, the problem is not in nutrition or a sedentary lifestyle, but in the head. Do not be surprised.

Fats, as it turns out, are more partial to those who fight them.

They also “love” people who are notorious, who are used to criticizing themselves, offending, that is, “not loving”.

They welcome such people very much, growing to their bodies and not wanting to succumb to diets and other “events”.

Wouldn't it be better to fight kilograms, destroying the basis of their growth? That is, it is necessary to cut the root of the problem, and not the visible consequences. Seems like the easiest way to deal with it.

Preparation for magical rituals

It's not that hard to read. But removing fat is really much more difficult. Because a person approaches the process frivolously, without “due diligence”.

And the reason is this: people look at conspiracies either as a panacea or as a deception. Both cases will fail. And then what?

Yes, you need to have a firm belief that you are getting the very best from Higher Forces. The ideal figure as well.

Of course, it's hard to convince yourself. Now you are sure: at least twenty extra pounds increased. You have to agree that in this situation, such a weight is ideal for you!

Even if it leads to a "template break". Only from this point will change begin. So, you have what is perfect for you now. But you want something else.

Strive for it. But, and this is the most important thing, without criticism, but with love.

You see, questions of weight and figure are more emotional than, for example, health. The body reacts much more quickly to ego criticism than to outside remarks. This is understandable.

After all, your dissatisfaction with the body is with you all the time. Doesn't go anywhere. Lives with you and so on. It also starts the process of increasing body fat.

This is a kind of “protection against threats”. And what should your poor body do if you yourself scare it with your thoughts and feelings.

Stress, some kind of continuous, at what. Get rid of it promptly. And then proceed to the incredibly pleasant process of magical rituals. This is where a weight loss plan will help you.

To remove fat with such a formulation of the question is a matter of time (small). He simply will not need to protect your body already. He and go where "more needed." But it will definitely get rid of you.

How to read a conspiracy

Well, we have already talked about the fact that you need to trust your actions unconditionally. In addition, it is recommended to apply the advice and recommendations of psychologists.

Read the weight loss plot clearly and quietly. So he better "enters" the subconscious. Try to perform rituals on an empty stomach. All of them are aimed, among other things, at reducing appetite.

You don't need to pamper your body. First - business, and the pleasure (or sin) of gluttony - then.

Try not to discuss your magic activities with other people. Not only that, when their opinion can negatively affect the results, they can also (harm). Why such a risk?

Conspiracies are read daily. In any case, once is not enough. Real Results depend on your flexibility, strength of thought and perseverance. Definitely: you have to "sweat".

Alcohol, fats, sweets will have to be set aside. Let them miss you. It should be borne in mind: such things, from the point of view of magic (any) are temptations. You are now fighting them.

Does it make sense to wage war if you constantly “surrender” to the enemy (use those foods that are currently harming you)? It is clear that no. Don't worry.

It's not forever. Then, if you want, you can return to the "sins". But it won't harm you.

Conspiracy to lose fat

Buy a new comb. Please note: it will take some time to use.

When the moon is waning, say words to it:

“Comb with thick teeth. You comb out the lice, straighten the strands. So let my fats fry, disappear. The figure is slimming, straightening. A pig in a barn will get fat, and my body will lose weight. I scratch my curls, I burn fats. Amen!"

As you read - comb your hair.

The ritual ends when. If the result is not satisfactory, then repeat on the next cycle of decreasing.

Conspiracy in the steam room

Siberians are strong people. They have their own magic a long time ago was born. To lose weight, according to their methods, is taken in the bath. This, by the way, is approved by all nutritionists.

Looks like they spied on the Siberians.

They say the following words:

“There was a monk in a cassock. He read the Psalms, taught faith to everyone. He ate bread and drank water. Knowing no grief. The monk sweated on a difficult journey, with that he grew thin, but did not mourn. So I would sweat and lose weight, slim my body, melt fat. Amen!"

To get rid of belly fat

Many rituals have been invented for the waist. But, as practice shows, the most effective are associated with the phases of the moon. Here is one of them.

  1. On the day when the moon is waning, go out into the open sky.
  2. Look at the moon and think about what your "new belly" will be like.
  3. When the star begins to double, turn your back to it.
  4. Read:

“As the Queen of Heaven, Mother Moon, from now on, is going to wane, so my stomach will wane with her. Fullness melts, leaves, harmony comes in its place. The moon is walking across the sky, it hooked my stomach, threw up the sun. That melted him. Day by day less fat. As the moon wanes, so my stomach will melt, and leave no memories! Amen!".

Go home that time. There, take a blue woolen thread. Wrap around your waist and tie seven knots.

The thread should touch the bare body. They wear it without removing it until the moon begins to arrive. If necessary, repeat periods.

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