What a good day for a haircut is a lunar day. Auspicious days for cutting hair - oracle

Since ancient times, people have attached special importance to cutting hair. Today, many women believe that in order to improve their energy, as well as to increase the growth and density of strands, it is necessary to follow certain cutting rules and pay attention to the dates of the lunar calendar. In addition, there are even good days for a haircut.

Favorable days for a haircut

A haircut for most women is a routine procedure that gives the hair a neat, well-groomed look and helps keep the hairstyle in good shape. But, going to the hairdresser, few calculate the favorable days for when to cut their hair. Although sometimes, after one visit to the salon, the curls can look great for a long time, and after another, they grow back very quickly, so you have to go to the master again. You should correctly choose favorable days for cutting hair associated with the lunar phases.

As a rule, the periods of the earth's satellite have a different effect on the movement of fluid in the body - the growth of strands is associated with this process. Therefore, cutting on an unfavorable day leads to brittleness, thinning, and on favorable days, to an increase in density. In addition, choosing the right time improves a person's energy and strength. To correctly determine a good day for restoring the beauty of the head, you must resort to the lunar calendar.

Lunar calendar for haircuts

Hair cutting according to the lunar calendar has been practiced for several centuries. Buddhist monks believed that the position of the celestial body can predict in advance how successful the hairstyle will be and how it will subsequently affect the state of the strand. For example, if you trim the tips with the growing moon in June and July, then the hair will grow faster than after visiting the master for the waning phase.

Astrologers during the new moon do not recommend visiting a hairdresser. It is believed that the master in such a period takes a person's health. The most favorable day for a haircut is when the companion of our planet is in the phase of fullness or growth. It is better to cut your hair at 5, 8, 11, 13, 14, 19, 21, from the 26th to the 28th day of the lunar calendar. It should be remembered that only a professional should trust his head.

Which moon is better to cut hair

The moon for cutting hair is of great importance. After all, based on when the hairstyle changed, the condition and health of the strands will depend. The lunar month includes 4 phases (new moon, full moon, waxing and waning). The duration of a single phase is on average about a week. The periods of the celestial satellite of the Earth have a different effect on the hair:

  • the full moon is the ideal time to create a new hairstyle, the strands will then quickly grow;
  • the growing moon () will help to find long curls, but they can lose a lot of moisture and become dull;
  • it is not recommended to get a haircut when the heavenly body is at a waning stage, because. during this period, the hair follicle growth phrase is closed.

Haircut by day of the week

Many girls think about what day of the week it is better to cut their hair, because it is believed that a hairstyle made at a certain moment can also affect the health and fate of a person. Favorable days for cutting hair:

  • Monday, especially in October, is suitable for various manipulations with the head;
  • Tuesdays in June and July are ideal for trimming;
  • Wednesday (April, March,) is suitable for cutting if you need to radically change your life;
  • Thursday (September, November) favorable for changing the image;
  • Friday (December) - neutral stage;
  • Saturday is the optimal time for transformation, the strands will grow healthy, thick;
  • Sunday, especially in January and February, is not suitable for changing your hairstyle, because. you can cut off your luck.

Hair cutting horoscope

Zodiac birth signs can also affect the health of the head. Properly selected haircut according to the horoscope helps to look great, gain well-being, improve financial situation. Astrological advice to the zodiac signs on which days it is better to cut your hair:

  • If the satellite of the earth is located in fiery signs (Sagittarius, Leo), then this is considered the most suitable time to change hairstyles. A visit to the master will lead to success at work.
  • The moon in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) can bring personal problems along with a new hairstyle. Perhaps the appearance of dandruff.
  • Air signs (Gemini, Libra) contribute to good hair growth.
  • Finding an earth satellite in Aries can make a person vulnerable.
  • Not suitable for a new hairstyle Moon in Aquarius.
  • The Earth signs (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo) are the perfect time to transform.

Is it possible to cut hair during menstruation

Women are often interested in whether menstruation affects the state of the lock and when can I cut my hair: before or after critical days? Many hairdressers do not advise girls to manipulate their heads during menstruation. Even if the haircut goes well, the hair after it may not fit well, become heavy and quickly begin to get oily. This happens due to the fact that the body of a woman during menstruation undergoes drastic hormonal changes: the sebaceous glands actively begin to work, thermoregulation is disturbed. Therefore, it is better to cut your hair after going through the cycle.

What days you can not cut your hair

Along with prosperous days for a haircut, there is also a dangerous time when you can’t get a haircut:

  • during religious holidays (Trinity, Christmas, Epiphany);
  • any changes should be avoided during the period when the satellite of the earth passes through the constellations Pisces and Cancer;
  • it is not recommended to cut your own hair;
  • during an eclipse of the Sun or the Moon, it is better not to change the hairstyle;
  • the worst time for such manipulations: 29, 23, 15 and 9 days according to the lunar Tibetan calendar.

Haircut today

In the modern world, it is difficult to calculate favorable days for cutting your hair, because. the horoscope and the lunar calendar often do not coincide with the free time and schedule of the hairdresser. Therefore, in order to determine whether it is possible to cut hair today or not, one should adhere to astrological forecasts, but at the same time bypassing some prohibitions. For example, you urgently need to change your hairstyle at a time when the waning moon. This can be done, but not drastically, but only slightly trimming the tips. The same applies to other phases of the moon.


There is no definite answer to the question of when to cut your hair. This process plays an important role in the life of every person. Today, many have forgotten that a haircut is an almost mystical event. Everyone cuts their hair when they have time for it, or if they just need to fix their hair. However, everything is much more serious. Even those who are rather skeptical about astrology should learn some rules related to hair cutting.

Perhaps you should not carefully follow the lunar calendar and compare all events in life with it. This is a personal matter for everyone. But it’s still worth considering why our ancestors entrusted the haircut only to those people who were completely trusted, and tried to choose certain days for this.

Should you cut your hair at all?

Of course, many will answer that one cannot do without a haircut in modern life. If you regularly remove at least a little length, the hair will grow faster, the ends will not split, and everyone just wants to keep their hair in proper shape.

But whether to cut hair on unfavorable days for this? Or should you trust your hairstyle to a person who frankly repels himself with his character? Yes, even if the client simply does not like the hairdresser, it is strictly forbidden to trust him with a haircut.

It should be learned that a haircut can be favorable only if you adhere to at least the basic rules. You need to know when you can cut your hair, which masters to give preference to, how often to cut your hair and whether to do it at all.

Basic rules for cutting hair

It is better to cut your hair in the growing phase of the moon. Then the hair will grow back better, will not split. And there will be more pleasant moments in life.

If the Moon is in the signs of water, it is better not to do anything with your hair at all: do not dye, do not cut or even wash.

So that the paint from the hair does not wash off for a long time, it is better to dye them during the growing moon.

If you cut your hair according to the lunar calendar, then it is advisable to do it on the full moon.

Men and women with short hair cut their hair when the Moon is in Capricorn. This sign prevents hair growth.

Taurus, Virgo, Leo and Libra are the best signs for cutting hair according to the lunar calendar.

most auspicious days

If someone is interested in the question of when you can cut your hair so that it grows best, there are specific days for this. They not only contribute to the good appearance of hairstyles, but also have a positive effect on all events occurring in a person’s life. If, of course, you cut your hair on these days of the month:

Hair nutrition is also better carried out during the growing moon.

In the Virgo phase, it is best to do a perm.

First week of lunar activity

Second week

  1. You can cut your hair, but it is undesirable to dye the strands in any color.
  2. Haircut will attract disease. You can paint in light colors.
  3. You can only paint with henna, it is also beneficial to comb your hair as often as possible.
  4. Coloring and haircut are auspicious on this day. This will bring good luck in work and quick profits.
  5. Don't cut your hair. If you paint - in natural colors.
  6. This day is favorable for getting rid of split ends.
  7. It is also favorable for visiting a hairdresser.

Third week

  1. A haircut can cause betrayal on the part of a loved one.
  2. It is better for business people not to cut their hair.
  3. The same.
  4. You can only repaint in the color that once brought good luck.
  5. Haircut can prolong life.
  6. Do nothing with the hair, just brush it.
  7. If you shorten your hair, it will bring good luck to life.

Fourth week

  1. A haircut will contribute to the acquisition of property.
  2. A haircut will improve both appearance and overall well-being.
  3. The worst day to use scissors to shape your hair.
  4. A haircut can ruin your eyesight.
  5. A good day to visit the master - let him do whatever he wants with his hair.
  6. The same can be said about this day.
  7. Likewise. Putting your hair in order will attract positive energy and a surge of strength.

On the 29th and 30th day, it is better to simply comb and not shorten the length of the strands.

Moon calendar. When to cut your hair?

Naturally, the days listed above cannot be the same for each month. Monthly, you should review the calendar of the lunar cycle and visit your master, depending on the phases of the moon. Just look at the calendar every month.

Everyone for himself can determine how strictly to follow the above information. But it is advisable to simply remember which days are the most favorable, or vice versa, in order to carry out a haircut. There are not so many of them in a month, therefore it is unlikely that following these rules can become a problem for someone.

But, in addition to the lunar calendar, you should also pay attention to the days of the week.

Days of the week when you should and should not get a haircut

There are the most favorable days of the week when it is really desirable to cut your hair. These are the first four days of the week. Friday is not the most favorable day to visit a salon or a hairdresser. Thus, you can seriously undermine your health.

After Friday, a haircut will only negatively affect hair growth and quality. So on the weekends, not only the owners of beautiful hairstyles should rest, but also the hair itself.

When to cut hair by month

The lunar calendar changes every month. If the question of when to cut your hair is especially relevant, you should look at the lunar calendar every month. There is a stereotype that there are certain months when you can’t cut your hair at all. But it is not. If you want to constantly keep your hair in good shape, you can do it freely, even following the calendar.

Who to trust with your hair

When to cut your hair? This question is easy to deal with using the lunar calendar. But you should also trust the hairstyle to a positive person who loves his job.

You need to go to the hairdresser with a good mood and enjoy the haircut. Therefore, many believe that attention should be paid not only to when hair can be cut, but also to how pleasant this process is for both the client and the master.

As you know, the Moon in a certain way affects the human body, its well-being, and the changes taking place with it. In particular, it is the Moon that can influence one way or another when a person performs hair manipulations. This is especially true for cutting hair, since it is the haircut that is the most dramatic change in the appearance of a person. Therefore, the importance of taking into account the lunar calendar when visiting a hairdresser is beyond doubt.

Surely, many have noticed that when visiting the same master, initially the same hairstyle changes from time to time, and the hair after that behaves differently. This is the influence of the Moon on the restructuring of the body when cutting hair. For those who want their hair to always be obedient and soft, grow well and not fall out, shine with health and strength, we suggest adhering to the lunar hair cutting calendar.

Determining the best day for a haircut is based on several factors.

Moon phases and hair cutting

The well-being and behavior of hair after shearing is directly affected by the phases in which the Moon is at the moment.

  • The most favorable time for a haircut if you want to accelerate hair growth is the 1st and 2nd phases. That is, it is best to cut hair on waxing moon after that they will grow faster.

  • Hairstyles made in the phase of the full moon are very successful. If you cut your hair in full moon, then they will become obedient and thick, they will no longer get confused, they will not require a lot of time for laying.

  • To strengthen the hair roots and stop hair loss, you should cut your hair to waning moon, but in this case they will grow more slowly.

Moon transit by zodiac sign

The position of the Moon relative to the signs of the Zodiac also greatly affects how hair will behave after cutting on a given day. Consider the influence of the Moon on the growth and health of hair and the body as a whole, when it is in certain signs of the Zodiac.

fire signs

Moon in Aries. As the lunar hair cutting calendar says, it is very undesirable to cut your hair on this day. Hair will not suffer from this, but immunity may be weakened.

Moon in Leo. Going to the hairdresser on this day, you guarantee yourself lush and luxurious hair in advance. However, a haircut on this day also promises changes in life, so if things are going well for you, then it is better to choose another day for a haircut.

Moon in Sagittarius. A haircut on this day does not directly affect the hair, but it promises success in business, changes for the better in a career and recognition from colleagues.

air signs

Moon in Gemini and Libra. After a haircut on one of these days, the hair will be lush and airy, and will grow rapidly.

Moon in Aquarius. It is undesirable to get a haircut on this day, because after that hair loss may begin.


Moon in Scorpio. If possible, it is better to refrain from a haircut on this day, as it promises unforeseen changes - personal life can either go uphill or get worse. Better not to play with fire.

Moon in Pisces. Both cutting and washing your hair these days can trigger dandruff.

earth signs

Moon in Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. These days are the best for cutting. After that, the hair not only grows well, but also less split, strengthened, and their structure becomes much better. And when the Moon is in Virgo, it's time for hair dye and perm.

Correspondence of the planets to the days of the week

In the issue of cutting hair, which shows us the lunar calendar for cutting hair, an important role is played by the factor of the days of the week, each of which corresponds to a patron planet. Focusing on this indicator, it is even more likely to calculate an auspicious day for visiting a hairdresser. But it is important to remember that the chosen day should be in harmony with Happy Birthday, otherwise, all indicators will turn into the exact opposite.

Monday - patron moon. A haircut on this day will help get rid of sadness, sad thoughts and negative emotions. However, for those born on Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday, getting a haircut on Monday is highly undesirable.

Tuesday - patron Mars. After cutting this day, physical health will improve, courage and activity, vigor and strong-willed qualities will increase in character. Born on Monday and Friday, it is not recommended to have a haircut on this day.

Wednesday - patron Mercury. A haircut on this day should be for those who want to restore the nervous system, activate logical thinking, increase learning ability, and improve memory. It is not necessary to have a haircut on this day for those who were born on Thursday.

Thursday - patron Jupiter. Having decided to cut your hair on this day, you can expect a solution to social problems and a change in relationships with people around you, attracting good luck, popularity and prosperity. For those born on Wednesday, it is undesirable to have a haircut on this day.

Friday - patron Venus. A haircut on this day changes not only the hairstyle, but the whole appearance as a whole. This promises changes in life - new acquaintances, fateful meetings and successful contacts. However, having decided to cut your hair on this day, think carefully - if your life is already prosperous, then it is better to postpone this event to another day. A haircut on this day can “knock down” passionate natures, and excesses will not do any good. It is better for those born on Tuesday not to have their hair cut on this day.

Saturday - patron Saturn. This day is very favorable for haircuts. After that, the hair is restored, grow faster. A haircut on this day affects not only the health of the hair, but also the person as a whole - fate improves, sins are removed, patience develops, mental state and material well-being stabilizes, hidden abilities are revealed. Those born on Sunday should not have their hair cut on Saturday.

Sunday - the patron saint of the Sun. This day is unfortunate for a haircut - by visiting a hairdresser, you can cut off luck from yourself along with your hair, further confusing the already difficult cases that you may have during this period. Only those who are plagued by chronic failures can risk trying their luck, but even in this case, the probability of a positive outcome is very small.

Lunar day and haircut

The hair cutting lunar calendar pays great attention to the so-called lunar days, which, one way or another, affect a person and his actions. This is directly related to cutting hair - this event on a certain day of the lunar day can radically change not only the condition of the hair, but also the fate of a person.

1st lunar day. It is believed that a haircut on this day shortens life.

2nd lunar day. Cutting your hair on this day, you can incur quarrels.

3rd lunar day. A haircut on this day can bring unnecessary and unplanned waste and severe harm to health.

4th lunar day. Diseases of the mouth and throat, melancholy and fears can bring a haircut on this day.

5th lunar day. By cutting on this day, you can attract an increase in profits, an improvement in material condition.

6th lunar day. An unfavorable day for a haircut - not only appearance, but also health can deteriorate.

7th lunar day. A haircut on this day provokes conflict and leads to quarrels, and can greatly worsen health.

8th lunar day. An auspicious day for a haircut - this will attract health and longevity, improve life in general.

9th lunar day. It is undesirable to have a haircut on this day, as you can get seriously ill.

10th lunar day. According to the Tibetan calendar, this is a burning day, so cutting your hair on the 10th lunar day is undesirable - this will attract poor health.

11th lunar day. A good day for a haircut - the insight of the mind, the ability to foresee, the sharpness of feelings can increase.

12th lunar day. A very negative day for a haircut. Having a haircut on this day can attract a threat to life, misfortune, the likelihood of serious injury.

13th lunar day. A haircut on this day will favorably affect the beauty of the hair, and also bring happiness to their owner.

14th lunar day. All manipulations with hair have a very beneficial effect not only on the beauty and health of the hair, but also on the well-being of a person - the financial situation, relationships with others and superiors improve, and there is a possibility of an early career advancement.

15th lunar day. A haircut on this day can result in a mental disorder, the appearance of a feeling of fear, increased pressure, and headaches.

16th lunar day. It is undesirable to have a haircut on this day, as this can lead to the fact that harmful passions will aggravate, misfortunes will arise, the probability of making mistakes will become maximum. Cutting your hair on this day, you can attract treason, which will lead to trouble.

17th lunar day. In the East, it is believed that a haircut on this day attracts evil spirits, which, along with them, bring frustration into a person’s life, failure in any business.

18th lunar day. Burning day, according to Tibetan traditions, which as a result of a haircut will bring misadventures - theft, loss of property, illness of pets.

19th lunar day. A haircut on this day prolongs life.

20th lunar day. An unfavorable day for a haircut, as there may be an unwillingness to live and a complete disgust for life.

21st lunar day. After a haircut, not only hair, but the whole appearance will acquire beauty and charm, and you yourself - well-being.

22nd lunar day. A haircut on this day can bring weight gain, as well as the likelihood of acquiring property.

23rd lunar day. A good day for a haircut - hair will acquire beauty and radiance, complexion and overall well-being will improve.

24th lunar day. A haircut on this day can turn into serious illnesses.

25th lunar day. An unfavorable day for a haircut, which can lead to poor vision and the occurrence of eye diseases.

26th lunar day. On this day, it is good not only to cut hair, but also to perform any other manipulations with them - this will bring happiness, joy and well-being.

27th lunar day. A day similar to the previous one - a haircut will bring only positive emotions, joy and happiness.

28th lunar day. A good day for a haircut - hair and hairstyle will be especially attractive, the appearance will acquire a special charm.

29th lunar day. On this day, a haircut can change karma, but it is not known in which direction, so it is better to refrain from visiting a hairdresser.

30th lunar day. The lunar hair cutting calendar does not recommend getting a haircut and doing hairstyles on this day, this can attract misfortune, the appearance of enemies.

Finally, it is worth noting the following rules in the matter of cutting hair:

  • It is undesirable to cut hair during lunar and solar eclipses, this can lead to memory loss and mental decline.

  • There are 4 days during the month in which the Moon moves from one phase to another, which directly affects the psyche of each person. This 9, 15, 24, 29 lunar days, in which it is highly undesirable to get a haircut.

Do you think that all of the above is an absurd trick or proven facts - it cannot interfere try the theory of cutting hair according to the lunar calendar. Because good hair has been important to women for centuries (as an indicator of beauty and health). And when you trust a hairdresser who picks up scissors or paint, the result of his work should only bring a smile to your face - regardless of his skill or the Moon.

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Signs of the Zodiac, the Moon and other secrets of haircuts 2018

Legends and rules

If you believe one of the ancient legends, then in ancient times, even before the events of the Old Testament, people on Earth did not have hair, in the usual way for us. It is believed that in our distant ancestors, “hairstyles” were more like a delicate fluff, which we now see only in newborns.
However, this same fluff had a fantastic ability to accumulate biological energy, the presence of which was determined by the luminous halo above the head. Approximately such a miracle - the Divine halo, we can now see on the icons.

But, according to legend, after the fall, the ephemeral, airy hairs, with the help of which a person was charged with cosmic energy, became heavy, coarsened. Actually, this is how hair appeared. However, there is a version that through strands and curls to this day, there is a secret connection between man and heaven. This link will exist until people again rise to the highest level of development.

Therefore, hair should be treated with care, understanding that these are cunning antennas, with the help of which our body draws life-giving forces in space. In the old days, they knew for sure that cutting hair can radically change the fate of a person. Therefore, knowledge of secret rituals associated with cutting strands has been preserved to this day. There are secrets that tell you when it is better to cut your hair.

Haircut lunar calendar for each month of 2018

Lunar calendar April 2019

Lunar calendar May 2019

Lunar calendar June 2019
Lunar calendar July 2019
Lunar calendar August 2019

Lunar calendar september 2019

Lunar calendar October 2019

Lunar calendar November 2019

Lunar calendar December 2019

Modern magic considers hair as a link between people and the Cosmos. All manipulations with them not only change our appearance, but also disrupt the course of an invisible bioenergy river that washes over us with its waves that carry forces.

Early baldness is not just a cosmetic defect. This is the loss of powerful protection in the face of the Guardian Angel. Hence the main and immutable rule - hair should be treated with care, remembering that any impact on them does not pass without a trace, but directly affects the fate, life and health for better or worse.

Fortunately, over the centuries, sacred secrets and practical knowledge of mankind have not been lost, which help people preserve the beauty and strength of hair. If you follow certain rules and laws for caring for them in 2019, then you will not only be able to amaze others with luxurious curls, but also make full use of the energy of the Cosmos.

Ten secrets of the right and safe haircut

Secret one

Many people intuitively choose their hairdresser. They only trust him with their hair. And they act, by the way, absolutely right. You can't trust the first barber you see to cut your hair. . This person, smartly clicking scissors, changes your biofield along the way. If you have not yet found "your hairdresser", then remember that an energetic, good-natured master is able to change your life for the better, as if charging you with optimism.

The older and more experienced the stylist, the stronger his influence will be. Therefore, if you are an independent person, used to making decisions, taking responsibility for yourself, then it is better for you to sit in a chair with a master who is the same age as you, or a little younger.

If you feel that you are chronically unlucky, as if a black streak has come, then contact an older and more authoritative specialist. Let this well-deserved kuafer take dearly for his work, but having paid him for a new hairstyle, you will not regret it. Literally right after leaving the barbershop, fate will give you the first pleasant surprise. You will not just forget about troubles, but you will feel that fate is favorable to you if you still choose favorable days for visiting the salon.

Secret two

At the folk sign advising never cut your own hair there is an explanation. Experienced psychics know an important rule - it is impossible to positively influence your own biofield. Indeed, in fact, people are often surprised: why recognized magicians and all-seeing cannot help themselves, cure or change fate. Their forces, will, allow, heal others, correcting the deformations of other people's biofields. But with your own, alas, this is impossible. Or the consequences will be the opposite of what you want.

Secret three

Do you know that in the process of cutting your ethereal, mental and astral biofields change? In other words, you, being in a hairdressing chair, are extremely susceptible to other people's influence. First of all, the master himself influences you.

Based on this, it is not recommended to trust your hair to a hairdresser of the opposite sex . They explain it this way: supposedly if a lady is cut by a man, then he can inflame feelings for her. And even if a beautiful client leaves the salon without incident, then later she will have difficulties in personal, family relationships.

As an example, even the legend of Samson is cited. According to her, the insidious beauty Dalida, having elicited the secret of the power of the biblical hero, which lies in the inviolability of his curls, cut them off. As a result, Samson lost his strength and died.

Secret Four

Even if you know exactly when to cut your hair, always keep an eye on what happens to the cut strands later! In no case do not let the masters in the hairdresser throw them into the water . If you follow this advice, then you will be able to maintain the splendor and shine of curls until old age.

Secret Five

Strengthen, improve hair will help Lunar haircut calendar 2019. For example, when you want as much as possible rather grow them, then head to the hairdresser on the days of the full moon. To improve the condition of the strands, for example, to make them obedient, smooth, combable with ease, then visit the salon to coincide with the time when the night light was in a waning stage. Consider one nuance, after a haircut made on the days of the waning moon, hair grows slower than normal. True, this period is good for strengthening the roots, hair follicles, which helps prevent hair loss.

Secret six

The lunar calendar can tell you how favorable days for a haircut , and indicate the numbers in which it is categorically not recommended to touch the hair with scissors. According to our ancestors, it is better not to do a haircut on the 9th, 15th, 23rd, 29th of any month , because you can make problems with memory, mind. It is also necessary to refrain from haircuts in 2019 on the days of solar and lunar eclipses.

Secret seventh

What day of the week is best to cut hair

Each of the days of the week in 2019 can also have a special effect on hair growth and even on well-being, the fate of the person to whom they belong:

  • Monday: you can safely go to the salon. Hair will perfectly tolerate both cutting and coloring. And their mistress, during a haircut, will “throw off” the accumulated negative emotions, worries, stop worrying about trifles that pretty much spoiled her nerves.
  • Tuesday: a unique day for those who cannot find the strength to solve a problem or make an important decision. Also, visiting a hairdresser will be useful for those who suffer from a routine and are looking for new vivid impressions.
  • Wednesday: according to the lunar calendar of haircuts, on this day a visit to the hairdresser should be planned for restless, sociable people. However, it is also suitable for those who just want to bring a little romance or an adventurous spirit into their lives. For example, meet someone, go on an exciting journey.
  • Thursday: in the middle of the week, hair manipulations are shown to those who want to establish relationships with others, dream of popularity and fame. Or maybe he just wants to overcome excessive shyness and isolation.
  • Friday: this is a special day when you can radically change your appearance. It is believed that if you are still satisfied with your own reflection in the mirror, then on Friday it is better not to experiment with hairstyles. When, on the contrary, you want to change for the better, then choose especially favorable days (Fridays) during the period while the Sun moves towards Capricorn (from December 24 to January 22), or towards Taurus (from April 22 to May 21).
  • Saturday: this time is recommended for image changes. The new hairstyle will be successful, the strands will acquire a healthy shine and strength. They assure that along with cut hair on Saturday, you can “remove” debts and sins from the karma of the whole family.
  • Sunday: the lunar calendar of haircuts 2019 categorically advises against even thinking about new hairstyles on this day, otherwise fortune will turn away from you. If, however, chronically unlucky, then you can decide on an experiment - it is on Sunday to look into the salon in order to change the image. Maybe your new look will help fate make a turn for the better?

Secret Eight

It is not enough to choose a favorable day of the week for a haircut. You also need to analyze how it relates to your birthday. It turns out that there are antagonist days that turn all the positive consequences of a haircut into purely negative and even dangerous ones!

  • For example, if you were born on a Monday, your days to visit a beauty salon are Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Sunday is the most unfavorable moment.
  • People born on Tuesday are recommended haircuts on Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. On Fridays, it is better not to disturb the vegetation on the head.
  • Sundays are harmonious for Wednesday children, and Thursdays are contraindicated.
  • Those born on Thursday are helped by the energy of Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Sunday. But Wednesday is the antagonist day.
  • Those born on Friday are auspicious days: Monday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. Tuesday is considered the antagonist.
  • Your first birthday fell on Saturday, then the energy of Friday also patronizes you, but Sunday will not bring good luck to the desired result.
  • And finally, everyone who saw the white light on Sunday should remember when to cut their hair, that they have good days - Tuesdays and Thursdays. But for Sunday children, Mondays are “contraindicated”.

Again, there are no rules without exceptions. The lunar haircut calendar 2019 advises going to the hairdresser on “bad” days, in the event that everything does not go well, simply karmic failures are haunting. It turns out that after changing the hairstyle on such a day, life seems to slow down for a while, but then fate makes a sharp and unexpected turn that leads to victories and happiness!

Secret nine

When is the best time to cut your hair? , how to accelerate their growth and strengthen in 2019, the position of the moon in the sky will tell. Much depends on which zodiac constellation the night star is in. A special Lunar horoscope can offer favorable days for a haircut , which indicates the position of the signs of the zodiac.

Aries. When the Moon is in this sign, it is better to wait a little with a new hairstyle. Hairdressing manipulations during this period practically do not affect the general condition of the hair. But the human body reacts poorly to them, and the immune system can fail or chronic diseases worsen.

Taurus, Virgo And Capricorn- a great time to visit the stylist. It will turn out great and the hairstyle itself and the strands will be easy to style. In addition, they will actively grow, and their tips will be less cut.

Twins And Scales are the air signs of the horoscope. Perhaps that is why during their "reign" in the Moon, voluminous, airy haircuts are perfectly obtained. These auspicious days can be used if you want to accelerate hair growth.

Cancer And Fish. When you have a goal to keep clear cut contours as long as possible, and give your hair nutrition and strength, then use the period while the Moon is under the influence of these zodiac signs.

a lion. According to the Haircut Calendar for 2019, this is not the best time to visit the master if you are happy with your life and things are going well. But if you are mired in problems and misfortunes are pouring on your head, try your luck - change your hairstyle. Maybe then, in your destiny, the desired changes for the better will come?

Scorpion. This sign in the Moon does not promise favorable days for a haircut, because with its inherent cunning, Scorpio interferes unpredictably in personal life. This means that after the hairdresser, you can both improve your relationship with your partner and exacerbate problems and misunderstandings between you.

Sagittarius. The haircut lunar calendar 2019 recommends using the Sagittarius patronage in the professional field. This means that a horoscope haircut may well contribute to your career growth. It will also give you confidence, and you will be able to succeed, gain well-deserved authority among colleagues.

Aquarius. Do not rush to the barber during the "reign" of Aquarius. You will be dissatisfied with the work of the master and the condition of your hair.

Secret ten

Influence of the sign of the horoscope by birthday

If you follow all the rules, then it’s not enough to choose favorable days for a haircut, another secret of a successful hairstyle is its shape, length and even color in harmony co the sign of the zodiac under which the person was born . In the lunar calendar of haircuts, you can find the general characteristics of styles that help to intensively rebroadcast and make the most of the energy of the cosmos.


Aries are recommended so-called sports haircuts, with short strands that do not require painstaking styling. Firstly, such hairstyles allow you to look youthful, toned. Secondly, they actually give a person energy and positively affect his well-being. It is no coincidence that even in the old days, people, ill, cut their hair short. And it contributed to the recovery.

According to the lunar haircut calendar 2019, you can find an explanation for this phenomenon. The sign of Aries is projected in our body on the region of the brain, answering from the point of view of astrology, for its uninterrupted supply of oxygen, which is possible with an uninterrupted blood supply. If you know when and how best to cut your hair according to the Aries horoscope, then you can stabilize the activity of the brain.

Hairstyles of this zodiac sign help a person to mentally concentrate and make the right decisions for the implementation of global plans and projects. It is no coincidence that short strands are often chosen by women who are businesslike, decisive, accustomed to making decisions on their own, and able to get out of the most difficult situations without consequences and outside support. Often this style is followed by both athletes and ladies who are dynamic, with an accelerated pace of life.


Hairstyles from medium length hair advises Taurus Lunar haircut calendar. They can be made in various techniques in accordance with fashion trends. But the main thing is that the strands lie freely, creating the effect of some negligence. It is this seemingly untouched by the hairdresser natural beauty and grace that is achieved with the help of the cunning tricks of the talented kuafer.

Graceful, flowing curls, this is not easy to achieve without using modern styling products: varnishes, gels, waxes. But they are not welcome when creating masterpieces on the heads of Taurus. And the lunar haircut calendar 2019 promises those who have chosen the right hairstyle good luck in real estate transactions.


According to the horoscope, this is the element of air and space. The uniqueness of this zodiac sign lies in the fact that he is not afraid of modern experiments with coloring and permanent waving. Chemical agents do not damage Gemini's strands, even if their ideal length is chosen - up to the shoulder.

Wavy curls, painted in ashy and bluish tones, look beautiful and elegant. Such hairstyles allow you to put in order the nervous system and respiratory organs. And their secret power lies in the fact that in 2019 they help build relationships with others and bring good luck in study and travel.


This mysterious horoscope sign is incomprehensibly connected with the Middle Ages. The knights at that time had a popular hairstyle reminiscent of the current square. The crusaders did not choose her by chance, because they were sure that she filled them with energy and strength. Kare is also suitable for our contemporaries born in Cancer.

This constellation has an effect on genetic memory. Therefore, the lunar haircut calendar 2019 recommends squares to those Cancers who wish to build good relationships with older family members. By the way, this stylish haircut helps young people choose a worthy partner with whom to think about marriage. Moreover, parents will approve this candidacy.

a lion

It is difficult to imagine the king of beasts without his luxurious mane. That is why, and for the representatives of this sign of the horoscope - a violent scattering of curls is ideal. To achieve this "natural" beauty is possible only with the help of a complex stepped haircut. Volume and lightness will add barely curly strands.

If nature has not endowed you with curls, then curlers can also be used. Or, after consulting with the master, resort to a perm. The haircut calendar advises "lion's manes" for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, the hairstyles of the Leo sign according to the horoscope develop creative abilities. They will help in 2019 to become more confident, kinder and more generous, more cheerful, bring a bit of romance and celebration into his life.


The name of this horoscope sign is associated with a beauty who makes a lot of efforts to improve her appearance. Virgos love to use cosmetics to enhance their beauty, and cleverly mask their imperfections. This means that it is a common thing for them - hair coloring, wearing wigs, hairpieces, overlays.

It is interesting that all these artificial means and techniques only help Virgos in establishing strong contacts with the Cosmos, which uninterruptedly sends them energy, despite the “tricks” of hairdressing.

The lunar haircut calendar 2019 claims that hairstyles recommended for Virgos help them cope with a huge amount of tedious work, help them in their studies, various crafts and commerce, and even improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.


Those born under this sign strive for the classics. For them, the ideal choice would be time-tested, stylish hairstyles - lush, but strict and elegant. Ladies fit graceful styling, which emphasize the mystery and impregnability of their owner.

Men should choose stylish, classic haircuts - strict and concise. Libras often prefer an elegant and perfect, in their apparent simplicity, style of dress, which allows them to feel on equal terms with representatives of the highest circles of society. This guarantees them the authority and respect of others and the trust of colleagues and business partners. Libra hairstyles help regulate the functions of the kidneys and urinary system.


Representatives of this sign of the element of water, constantly need an increased influx of energy. For men and women of Scorpions, the vamp style is organic - straight and smooth strands.

If they are short, then this adds a little fire and passion to the “water” essence. Which, in turn, gives them sexuality and simply attracts members of the opposite sex. And the more attention, admiration, the more beautiful Scorpios feel.

Their demonic appeal, emphasized by the “a la vamp” style, requires constant support to be recharged by forces from above, especially in unusual, extraordinary situations. It also helps to keep the organs of the reproductive system healthy and not to lose sexual desires.


Under this sign of the horoscope, people are often born who are quite conservative. They avoid extravagance in appearance and in actions. But at the same time, strictness and excessive restraint are alien to them.

For women under the sign of Sagittarius, the Lunar haircut calendar 2019 offers a variant of the ancient Greek goddess Pallas Athena, who, being a brave warrior, wore comfortable, short-cut hair (bangs) in front of her face and a long ponytail at the back of her head. Approximately the same, but the male design of hair was also preferred by Zeus the Thunderer.

Maybe not all representatives of the stronger sex are ready to decide on such a bold, extravagant hairstyle today, but it can be seen in fear of movies about Tarzan or his namesake, who is now popularizing the beauty of the male body.

A haircut correctly chosen according to the lunar horoscope in 2019 helps Sagittarius to achieve success in politics, art, religion and the clergy. And it is also able to effectively correct the work of the liver.

This sign, belonging to the element of Fire, characterizes people born during the period of his "reign" as pragmatic and active. They are moderately mundane, economical and value convenience, as well as their time and effort. Because Sagittarius, according to the lunar horoscope, hairstyles are suitable that require a minimum of care and maintenance.


It is curious that the gentlemen of this sign often intuitively choose very short haircuts or overwhelm their heads baldly. And they act correctly, because this brutal style does not prevent them from clearly capturing energy vibrations and drawing on the energy of this constellation.

Women prefer options with hair tied up under a bandana, hat or headscarf. Moreover, often under their headdress they hide a luxurious braid, which they value, are proud of and will never agree to cut even for the sake of career aspirations.

Capricorns are practitioners who find themselves in applied areas. They are materialists with golden hands. Their hair style benefits the skeletal system and teeth.


If you were born under this sign of the horoscope, then you are very susceptible to the latest fashion trends. And this is the right position, since for Aquarius there are no clear recommendations regarding the length, hair color and styling recommendations.

They are right in those cases when they decide on the most daring experiments. For example, punk mohawks, long hippie curls, or extremely laconic, short haircuts in a minimal style.

The choice of a new hairstyle for Aquarius, sometimes ahead of time, is opening business prospects for him, new projects and profitable connections. Under the control of this sign are vessels, arteries and veins.


These are people immersed in mysticism, looking for the meaning of being and symbolizing the harmony of the universe. Their hairstyles should be complex, consisting of intertwined strands, for example, tricky braids, in fact, there is a reflection of the various elements of the universe, connected together.

Such complex hair designs give Pisces energy and guarantee the patronage of higher powers. At the same time, in 2019 they harmonize the life of Pisces, streamline their fate, help in the implementation of bold ideas and creative plans.

For representatives of this sign of the horoscope, peace is extremely important. That is why a well-chosen hairstyle will keep their nervous system in order, improve metabolism, and in general will have a powerful healing effect on the entire body.

When is the best time to cut hair on moonlit days

  1. Moon day. A haircut will make life shorter.
  2. Moon day. After a visit to a beauty salon, disputes and squabbles are likely.
  3. Moon day. If you disturb your hair, you will harm your health. You also risk losing or spending money stupidly.
  4. Moon day. There are risks to provoke diseases of the nasopharynx and oral cavity. A haircut will cause discomfort and fear of losing loved ones.
  5. Moon day. Auspicious time for a new hairstyle. You will increase capital and acquire new property.
  6. Moon day. Unfortunate period, because you can "pick up" a cold and other viruses. Stuffy nose, reddened eyes - all this is unlikely to add beauty and charm to you.
  7. Moon day. A new haircut catalyzes hatred and squabbles around you. You can quarrel with the leader, or a loved one. In the Tibetan calendar, this day was called "burning", because any effect on curls and strands leads to a serious deterioration in health.
  8. Moon day. Hurry to the master. You will change outwardly, and get a chance to live happily ever after, in respect and honor.
  9. Moon day. Diseases of misfortune, this is what a haircut will lead to on this day.
  10. Moon day. A disgusting day, also "letting in" all sorts of viruses into your body.
  11. Moon day. Get a haircut today, then you will gain clarity of mind, harmony and logic of thoughts. Or maybe you will gain the gift of foresight.
  12. Moon day. Haircut today increases the risk of injury and other threats to life.
  13. Moon day. And this, contrary to all signs, is one of the best moments for transformation with the help of hairdressing scissors. The hairstyle will turn out beautiful, and even everything will go like clockwork!
  14. Moon day. Decide on a haircut, right now, if you want to improve your financial situation and receive praise from your superiors.
  15. Moon day. It is better not to step on the threshold of the hairdresser on this day! If this recommendation is neglected, then mental disorders, panic and hypertensive crises are likely.
  16. Moon day. On this strange day, hair manipulation can lead to mistakes and the resurgence or aggravation of addictions. For example, you may not be able to resist the temptation to smoke or drink too much alcohol.
  17. Moon day. Do not cut your hair, otherwise problems, injuries and health problems are likely. The nervous system will be especially vulnerable. In the East, it was believed that touching the strands on this day could activate the forces of evil spirits.
  18. Moon day. Terribly inappropriate time to visit a hairdresser. First, while you are sitting in a chair, burglars can enter your house. Secondly, pets (cats, dogs and other animals) anticipate your troubles, and, worrying about the owner, they can get sick. In Tibet, this day was called "burning", that is, the consequences of a haircut can be very dangerous for health and life.
  19. Moon day. Wait for this day! Haircut today contributes to the prolongation of life.
  20. Moon day. We should postpone plans for a new hairstyle. Otherwise, you will fall into depression, feel apathy towards everything that surrounds you.
  21. Moon day. A great period to make a successful haircut, improve your well-being and make Fortune smile at you.
  22. Moon day. Today's hairstyle contributes to multiplication in every sense. That is, on the one hand, you improve your well-being and get some new property. On the other hand, you run the risk of gaining excess weight.
  23. Moon day. Get a haircut and be extremely dissatisfied with your appearance - a strange man with a terrible complexion will look at you in the mirror! And besides, you will also suffer losses.
  24. If you value your health, then postpone your visit to the salon! This day, the lunar haircut calendar categorically does not advise for shortening hair length.
  25. Moon day. Today, scissors and a comb, if they touch your hair, will provoke eye diseases. It can be a banal barley, or a serious deterioration in vision.
  26. Moon day. A new hairstyle is a guarantee of happiness and joy on this day!
  27. Moon day. Great if you get a new haircut today! It will bring you good luck and prosperity.
  28. Moon day. If you want someone to really like it, then do not hesitate to decide to make a new hairstyle. You walk out of the barbershop irresistible.
  29. Moon day. Don't cut your hair today. This is a very unfavorable period in which your karma may suffer.
  30. Moon day. Remember that this day is the most dangerous for a haircut. It can bring misfortune, trouble, contact with the enemy, or even cause an accident on the highway.

In order not to miss favorable days, leave notes and reminders in the google calendar or yandex calendar

Hairstyles that change lives for the better

Even if you know exactly when it is better to cut your hair, you still think: why do a new hairstyle or dye your strands? After all, these manipulations with appearance will also affect your well-being, and even your attitude. Haircut lunar calendar 2019 and astrology will help you choose the style and type of hairstyle that matches your inner self. This unique knowledge will teach you how to model your life, change your destiny and positively influence your well-being and health.

We earthlings are in naive confidence, believing that it is enough to know our location according to geographical coordinates or postal address. But we rarely think about the fact that we are also a part of a vast space called the Cosmos. It has a powerful effect on all life on planet Earth. We are given light, energy by the Moon, the Sun and other objects from the Cosmos. They provoke various kinds of ecological disasters, stimulate the strongest electromagnetic storms.

The place of our residence, of course, also leaves a certain imprint on us, our well-being and behavior. After all, we involuntarily become participants in cosmic processes directed at a given moment to a certain part of the globe. The stars are believed to send us the purest energy. Among them, the most powerful is the Sun. During the year, it passes 12 main constellations, familiar to us by the names of the zodiac signs.

In metaphysics, hair is a microscopic antenna that receives cosmic energy and relays it to the human body. If we change the length or color of the strands, then the flow of this energy also varies.

This means that before you decide on a new hairstyle, you need to analyze what you are striving for in 2019, what you are missing. Perhaps you dream of happiness in your personal life, or is the main goal a stunning career and wide public recognition?

Having determined your priorities, you get a chance to change your destiny with the help of such a simple, as it seems only at first glance, way, like a successful haircut. Suppose that now you have professional achievements in the first place. Then you need to choose a hairstyle of an earthly or fiery zodiac sign. If you currently wish to strengthen your position in society, then the energy of hairstyles, typical of the signs of Earth or Libra, will help you.

When you set a goal in 2019 to enlist the support of others and make useful contacts, as well as gain new knowledge or information, then focus on the haircuts recommended for the signs of Air and Virgo.

People who do not get along well in their personal lives should take a closer look at the hairstyles of the elements of Water and Fire. If you have made a decision and know exactly what you want at the moment, remember one more important rule: your horoscope sign should not contradict the style of your chosen hairstyle. zodiac constellations. But those who were born under the sign of Water, they are contraindicated, as they will scare away good luck.

If your sign belongs to the elements of Air or Fire, then feel free to choose an air sign haircut. When your birthday falls on the time of Taurus, Libra or Virgo, you should not rush with “airy” hairstyles. They will not bring you happiness and success.

According to people born under the signs Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio, water hairstyles are suitable, as well as all styles recommended by the signs of the Earth. But "fiery" haircuts should be avoided.

It is useful to choose hairstyles for earth signs for representatives of the signs of Earth and Water, and for "air" Gemini, Libra and Aquarius they are just bad.

Did you know that hair color determines which heavenly body you draw energy from? And the shape of the hairstyle gives an answer to the question of what type of energy you mainly use. Straight, long, smooth, as if flowing curls are characteristic of the signs of Water.

Wavy strands of medium length are usually preferred by people of the signs of the Air.

Unruly, thick, swirls and curls can often be seen on the heads of those. who was born under the patronage Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn, in the elements of the Earth.

Hair of reddish, bronze and golden hues, often cut short at the crown and in front, as a rule, those who are patronized by fiery ones from birth: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Hair length determines the speed and amount of energy a person can perceive. So the longer the strands, the more energy he draws, but at the same time, she gets to him more slowly. Long hair gives a person more energy, but his reaction to the events around him is rather slow. A short haircut, on the contrary, makes you react quickly and impulsively to everything.

There is such a sign: if you have no reason to complain about fate, then do not rush to cut your hair . But when everything is not as you would like, then cut your strands without pity. It is also noticed that many women who have succeeded in business wear short haircuts. But stay-at-homes and "just moms" often keep their braids or style their medium-length hair. From this they conclude that a dynamic short haircut adds activity to the ladies and teaches them to think strategically like a man.

The lunar calendar of haircuts 2019 helps to change your destiny for the better, but in the arsenal of experienced beauties since ancient times there are many ways to keep your hair healthy and shiny. Today, these secrets are in demand more than ever, because there are more and more factors that adversely affect the state of the hairstyle - the main decoration of beautiful ladies.

What ancient recipes can be successfully used by our contemporaries?
This is, for example, chamomile. Blondes of all time, used decoction of chamomile as a rinse, giving shine and a golden hue to curls. Prepare a solution at the rate of four tablespoons of dry grass per glass of boiling water.

Another option popular with fair-haired women is lemon. If you dilute it in a certain proportion with water, and apply this solution to the washed strands, then their condition will noticeably improve. However, lemon therapy is not suitable for brown-haired and brunette women . Their hair may take on an ugly yellow tint.

The condition of the hair depends directly on the diet. The menu should be balanced, and contain a sufficient amount of protein food, which positively affects the growth and appearance of the strands. Recent studies by scientists have proven the benefits of bed linen made from natural silk. It turns out that if the head rests on a silk pillowcase, then the hair is not injured, does not tangle, which also has a beneficial effect on their condition.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 02/18/2019

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeping person. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of congestion, ...

In contact with


Our hair is a woman's wealth that must be protected. They grow quite slowly. In addition, they carry not only an aesthetic function and are given not just for beauty.

Hair is considered a kind of natural antennae of the human body. They conduct the invisible life-giving force of space to the body.

There is an interesting legend:

A long time ago, there was a halo around a person's head. This is what is seen on the icons around the heads of the saints. And there was no hair. The head was covered with what looked like fluff. Like the one on the head of a newborn baby. When a person fell into sin, the rays of cosmic energy around his head became heavy and turned into hair. And this is the link between man and heaven.

Hair is the source of our cosmic power.

Magic claims that if something happens to the hair, it changes the course of an invisible river that washes us with its bioenergetic waves. Therefore, any impact on the hair can change in one direction or another not only our appearance, but our whole life.

In order not to go bald ahead of time and not lose your heavenly half in the form of a Guardian Angel, follow the safety measures when cutting. You must clearly know when, why you change your hair.

Rule one:

You can't trust your hair to just anyone.

The person who cuts your hair changes your biofield. Arriving at the hairdresser, choose not only fashionable hairstyles, but also an energetic and cheerful master, then your life after the haircut will change for the better.

The older the hairdresser, the stronger his influence on your life. If you are an independent person, used to solving your problems yourself and do not like it when something prevents you from realizing them, choose a master either of the same age as you, or younger than you.

When you are chronically unlucky for some unknown reason, it makes sense to choose a very old and famous master, even if the hairstyle he made will cost you a lot. But after visiting the hairdresser, your life will change dramatically. And if you still correctly calculate the moment of visiting, then it will not only change, but improve dramatically.

Rule two:

It's best not to cut your own hair. This is "superstition", although it is very difficult for a person to cure himself. No matter how strong and strong-willed a person is, it is very difficult for him to correct the deformations of his own biofield, since he remakes them with such a deformed energy.

Rule three:

It is believed that it is better if you have a haircut or, for example, a person of the same sex as you makes hair masks in the salon. During a haircut, your ethereal, astral and mental biofields change, and as a result of this, we easily succumb to someone else's influence.

Therefore, if you liked the master of a different sex with you, this can lead to trouble in your personal life. In biblical tales, Samson was killed by a woman who cut off his hair.

Rule four:

If you want your hair to grow faster after a haircut, you should do your hair under a full moon.

If you want your hair to change its properties a little - for example, you are not satisfied that they are confused, naughty - you should go to the hairdresser on the waning moon. But after such a haircut, the hair will grow back for a very long time. On the waning moon, it is also good to have a haircut if you want to delay hair loss, strengthen the hair roots.

Council of the ancient Slavic magi. If you catch a cold, trim your hair slightly so that the negative energy of the disease goes away with the trimmed ends and the body can cleanse itself more easily.

Rule five:

Hair cannot be cut on certain lunar days (9, 15, 23 and 29 days according to the lunar calendar), as well as on days of solar and lunar eclipses. After such procedures, you can get sick or, as they used to say in the old days, "memory and mind cut off."

Rule six:

Before you sign up for a hairdresser, determine how you want to change your life:

Haircut on Monday

Auspicious day. At this time, you can remove a large number of negative emotions and unresolved problems that have accumulated in life. The day is favorable for hair coloring.

Haircut on Tuesday

it is better to go to a hairdresser if you do not have enough physical strength or will to solve some important problem, if you lack activity or are tormented by the monotony of life.

Wednesday haircut

get a good haircut to learn something new or interesting, meet new friends or attract old ones, increase the number of trips, movements and communication in life.

Haircut on Thursday

promotes changes in relationships with others, contributes to the popularity of a person, increase his luck and well-being.

Haircut on Friday(women's beauty day)

When you visit the hairdresser on this day of the week, you are not just changing your hairstyle, you are changing your appearance. Therefore, if you are satisfied with how you look on this day of the week, it is better not to cut your hair.
If you want to get prettier - visit the hairdresser on Friday, when the Sun goes to Capricorn (December 24 - January 22) or Taurus (April 22 - May 21).

Haircut on Saturday

Nice day for a haircut.
Hair on this day heals. Part of the karmic debts and sins of your kind is removed.

Haircut on Sunday

It is better not to cut your hair - you can kill your own fate or good luck. This day is good only for chronic losers - maybe fate will have mercy and after such a procedure it will change for the better.