A modest romantic evening. What to cook for a romantic dinner? Little secrets of a big event

For a romantic evening of two lovers, no reason is needed. It is not necessary to wait for some holiday or anniversary. You can please your loved one at any time. Well, on the day of acquaintance or wedding, as well as on Valentine's Day, God himself ordered to arrange something like that - incredibly romantic and amazingly sensual. Yes, any existing holiday can be celebrated with a romantic evening for two.

Even if the couple's relationship is many years old, this does not mean that romantic evenings should be left in the past. It doesn't matter how long you've been together - six months, a year or 30 years. A romantic surprise, and this should be just a surprise, will do its job - it will bring partners together, bring a spark to their relationship, and allow you to experience the same vivid feeling of falling in love as in the first weeks of acquaintance.

How to arrange a romantic evening for two in honor of the holiday or just like that? You need to start with pre-planning.

Romantic evening for a loved one: planning

1. Time. We choose a day and time, along the way determining what it will be - dinner, a light nightly dinner, lunch, or maybe breakfast? It is best to plan a romantic evening for Friday or Saturday so that you don’t rush anywhere and don’t worry about not getting enough sleep.

2. Concept. We decide on the concept, choose a topic, present the desired atmosphere in detail. At the same time, we take into account the reason, if any.

3rd place. In accordance with the concept of the event, we choose a place. You can arrange a romantic evening in the courtyard of your country house, in a clearing in the forest, on the roof of a multi-storey building or in a hotel suite. The easiest way, of course, is to organize romantic evening at home . Where will your romantic retreat take place: in the living room, bedroom, bathroom, or maybe in the attic?

4. Entourage. We decide how we will create the right atmosphere, think over decor, lighting, etc. Everything down to the smallest detail.

5. Table setting. Carefully consider serving. We select a tablecloth, dishes, table decor. If it's a theme night, then it should fit. Set the table so that nothing prevents you from fully seeing each other during the meal.

6. Menu. We make a menu. Dishes for a romantic evening should be light enough: less starchy and fatty, because after such a meal you both want to lie down on the sofa and just watch TV. If you cook yourself, choose those dishes that are prepared easily and quickly, otherwise by the time you need to enjoy communicating with your loved one, you will feel exhausted.

If you want your romantic evening ended only in the morning, turn it on the menu dishes from aphrodisiac products. These include strawberries, bananas, spices, peanuts, shrimp, asparagus, celery, garlic, coconut, anise, oysters, avocados, honey, dates, vanilla, etc.

7. We select drinks. Strong drinks are not recommended. However, a delicious liquor is quite acceptable. Still, wine is preferable, including champagne. If you wish, you can make delicious low-alcohol cocktails.

8. Music for a romantic evening. Choose the music that will help create the atmosphere you want. You can prepare two playlists: one for dinner, the second for its continuation.

9. Appearance. Of course, you need to think about how to look your best. And you don't have to think about it last moment. When the room is decorated, the table is set, the dishes are prepared, take an aromatic bath, clean yourself up, use a light perfume and put on pre-prepared clothes appropriate for the occasion.

This is the standard preparation plan for organizing a romantic evening at home . Adhering to this template plan, you need to bring in each time romantic evening script something new to make your every romantic date bright and unforgettable.

Romantic evening for two at home: ideas

Classic romantic dinner for your beloved home

The table is set in the living room, dining room or bedroom (but not in the kitchen). Traditional dishes are prepared: light snacks, hot dishes, dessert. Hot dishes should be served with dishes that can only be eaten with a fork and spoon, so as not to get your hands dirty. It is hardly worth the risk, taking on new complex recipes - cook what you are strong at, just serve it in a new way. For example, the usual meatloaf can be served with an original sweet and sour sauce and garnished with lemon roses.

Dessert is usually sundae or strawberries with cream. From drinks, preference is usually given to champagne or wine.

Table setting is romantic. For example, a white tablecloth, a red carpet and red substitute napkins. Table decoration - a small bouquet in the center, vases filled with water, in which rose petals float, candles. The room is in twilight.

The music is pleasant, relaxing, and then exciting.

A woman puts on a dress for such a romantic evening (it can even be erotic - transparent, with a deep neckline or open back). A man, of course, must match, but a tailcoat, of course, is useless, but the shirt must be clean.

Unconventional romantic evening at home

Romantic surprise from a football fan. This is an idea for those women whose partners are incredibly passionate about football and do not miss a single match with the participation of the national team or their favorite club. Many ladies complain that their loved ones do not pay attention to them while the match is going on. Why not turn the situation to your advantage? How to do it? Arrange a football romantic evening near the TV.

The main thing here is to surprise him. Serve a coffee table near the sofa opposite the TV. Cover the table with a green tablecloth, decorate with souvenir soccer balls. It's great if you can buy dishes and napkins with a football design.

Prepare a variety of snacks, preferably crispy, but not too greasy or heavy. For example, instead of just throwing chips into a bowl, make a salad with chips. Grind the shrimp, add boiled rice and finely chopped fresh and pickled cucumbers, taken equally. Stir, add a little salted sour cream or mayonnaise. Arrange the chips on a large flat dish and fill them with salad. You need to fill the chips no earlier than half an hour before the start of the match, otherwise they will stop crunching and lose one of their "football" advantages.

Make cheese balls, decorate them with strips of black olives or prunes, making them look like a soccer ball, and place them on a dish generously sprinkled with chopped greens (a la balls on a soccer field). By the way, Italian pizza at home is also an option, especially if your loved one is a Milan fan. Prepare cheese slices and, of course, fruit. Fruit skewers on skewers will fit perfectly. Of the drinks, ice beer and cocktails from it are most suitable.

The key to such a romantic evening is the appearance of a “football fan”. You can wear a short puffy skirt, reincarnated as a cheerleader girl. It will be even more piquant if you put on a T-shirt from the uniform of your man's favorite club. Just a T-shirt and nothing else! Twilight, delicious snacks, a very sexy fan at hand ... Mmm, it's not a fact that even the most ardent football fan will be able to watch the match to the end.

If those you're rooting for score a goal, you can celebrate with a hot kiss. Well, if the ball is missed, you will kiss slowly and sadly. By the end of the match, the man will be literally on edge.

Romantic evening "From winter to summer". This option is optimal if the purpose of a romantic evening is not only to surprise and delight your soulmate, but also to help her relax after hard work and stress. You can arrange such a romantic evening in late autumn, winter or early spring.

It's great if you can buy a rug that imitates a lawn. In general, any green blanket will do, the main thing is that it be soft. Buy candles with scents of summer herbs, clover, violets. A few small bouquets of flowers will come in handy. Close the windows tightly, and put a table lamp on the windowsill and turn it on - through the curtains it will look like a summer sunset outside the window.

Muted music from one sound source and louder sounds of summer will be the ideal soundtrack.
nature from another. Light breeze, birdsong, crickets and cicadas chirping, and perhaps the surf against the backdrop of romantic country music will create an amazing atmosphere.

Spread a rug or blanket on the floor in a comfortable place so that you can lean on your back, such as on a chair, wall or sofa. Arrange the dishes on two tray tables, which are used for serving breakfast in bed. Garnish the appetizers with plenty of green salad and fresh herbs. From drinks, you should prefer refreshing lemon juice and, for example, apple wine - so that everything reminds you of summer. Grilled fish should be served as a main course, and wild berries (blueberries, cloudberries, etc.) with ice cream for dessert.

Put on a light dress. You can even decorate your head with a straw hat. It's great if you both spend the evening barefoot. After dinner, massage your loved one with a refreshing massage oil, which includes menthol and eucalyptus. Having unexpectedly plunged from a dank winter into a wonderful summer, your other half experiences an abyss of pleasure. Arrange such romantic evening for husband if he is depressed.

Romantic evening "Picnic".
In good weather, of course, it is worth having a picnic for two, getting out somewhere from home. But when there is frost or sleet outside, you can organize a picnic at home. Of course, it will be a “pseudo-picnic”, but new sensations will not interfere with you.

A picnic can be arranged in any room of the house, but it is better to do it on a loggia or balcony (unless, of course, they are glazed and moderately warm, although you probably need to warm them up in advance). Set the table in a camping way with a rough tablecloth, simple dishes. Grill the meat in the oven. Don't forget vegetables, and for dessert - fruit in a wicker basket. From drinks you can serve strong wine - you will need to warm up. And if possible, you can put a barbecue on the balcony and fry the meat together, having a picnic on the floor in the kitchen. The sounds of the forest and the singing of birds will be a wonderful background. Having finished with the meat, you can play - for example, strip cards. Anyway, in this "deaf place" no one will see you, except for birds and animals.

Romantic evening in the bathroom.
An amazing relaxation tool. It is such a romantic evening that you can arrange for Valentine's Day. What do you need? Complete cleanliness in the bathroom, floating candles in glassware (with an expanding top) placed on the floor. Small bouquets that decorate all kinds of shelves. Thick candles on a shelf right next to the bath. Bath filled with warm water with foam (preferably with the scent of ylang-ylang, considered an aphrodisiac). You can throw rose petals into the water. It is worth preparing a fragrant massage scrub and a soft sponge.

A romantic evening can be spent in complete silence or bring music or even a small TV into the bathroom (you can figure out what you can watch at such a moment).

Directly next to the bath you need to put a small table with drinks, snacks and dessert. The bathroom is the element of water, so you can serve seafood on skewers as snacks. Hot is undesirable, so if the other half is hungry, prepare more hearty snacks. For dessert - strawberries or other berries with cream, ice cream with cherries or bananas. Champagne is the best drink. It will be an unforgettable evening!

Ethnic romantic evening.
Greet your loved one from work with the same dishes? And do you always look the same? Add variety by arranging, for example, japanese romantic dinner .

Find Japanese music. Decorate your living room or bedroom with Japanese fans, sakura branches (can be artificial), wind music. Light the incense sticks.

Turn into a geisha: put on oriental makeup, lift your hair and pin it up at the back of your head. As a kimono, you can use a translucent peignoir (you can embroider a hieroglyph on it). Cover your bed with Japanese-style linens and leave your bed unmade.

For a snack, you can serve sushi rolls and light ones, and for a hot dish - baked fish. Dessert can be arbitrary - it is unlikely that it will come to it. After dinner, you can draw hieroglyphs on each other's bodies according to the model.

Similar romantic evenings can be done in any style: Arabic, Indian, Spanish, Mexican, French, etc. Every romantic evening will be unique. During a romantic evening, you can study the Kama Sutra. Having plunged into the atmosphere of France, you can play a French kiss (take turns pulling out pieces of paper with written body parts that you need to kiss). During an Arabic romantic evening, you can smoke a hookah and play backgammon for wishes, and your partner can demonstrate her abilities in belly dancing. In a word, ethnic romantic evening will always be original and interesting.

Romantic evening at home in the style of 9 and a half weeks. The room should be very dark - a minimum of candles.

Let's decorate the table in black and red (colors of passion). From drinks, you can have something strong, but in minimal quantities.

Music is not relaxing, but on the contrary, it is tonic, exciting. For example, the compositions of the musical group "Enigma".

You can cook anything, but let it be spicy dishes. Maybe even very sharp. When the turn of dessert comes, blindfold your partner and offer to play: let him try certain fruits, berries, chocolate - let him guess what you treat him to taste. And then you can apply treats to your own body - now let him guess not only what he eats, but also what he eats from. After this game, you can dance your favorite light striptease. In general, any erotic games this evening are not forbidden, but only welcome. Your loved one will never forget this romantic evening.

Romantic evening for your loved one

Men also want to organize romantic events for their loved ones. You can take any of the ideas above as a basis. But for men, there are some special tips:

1. If you don't know how to cook, order food in a restaurant - it's better than feeding your loved one overcooked and badly twisted rolls.

2. If you want to surprise your loved one by covering the whole apartment with rose petals, it is not necessary to buy an expensive bunch of flowers and gut it. In flower shops, they often sell petals from roses that begin to wither - they are not at all expensive.

3. You can invite the girl home at the appointed time, but it would be more correct to send a taxi for her, obliging the driver to hand the girl a bouquet with a note of romantic content, for example: “I look forward to seeing you at home, my love!”.

4. If it's themed romantic evening for a girl , you can not devote your beloved to all the subtleties - just tell her what clothes you would like to see her in today.

5. If you want to surprise your beloved, meet her near the house when she arrives in a taxi, and immediately blindfold. And untie only in a room prepared for a romantic evening.

6. If a man arranges a romantic dinner for his beloved, he is almost obliged to give her a present, albeit a small and not very expensive one. Put, for example, a box with a bracelet next to her glass or thread her napkin through a new ring.

Want to be romantic but think it costs a lot of money? We offer you 33 ways to be romantic without spending a lot of money. To please a loved one, you only need your desire.

Of course, there are different costly ways to spend time with your loved one - drive around the city in a limousine, go to a French restaurant, visit a romantic resort. These are also good ways to spend time together, but few people get to do it regularly, so you can use the following ideas to spruce up your life together more often.

Before proceeding with the list, let's look at some notes on how to use it:

2. Communicate. Communicate regularly, discuss your goals and dreams, your plans for the future, do not forget to give compliments.

3. Inspiration. This list contains many obvious things - you can come up with twice as many good ideas on your own. However, the list does not claim to be original - it seeks to be a source of inspiration.

4. Forget Valentine's Day. People think they have to be romantic on special days. There is no need to wait for special days to give joy to yourself and others.

Okay, enough talk. Let's look at ways to be romantic:

1. Write a poem

2. Have a romantic dinner at home

3. Get a massage

4. Have a sunset picnic

5. Pick flowers/yellow leaves on your way home

6. Record a CD of love songs

7. Read poetry together

8. Write love notes or sms

9. Send a love letter via email

10. Have a moon walk in the park

11. Watch a romantic movie together

12. Take a shared bath

13. Walk around the places where you met in the early days of dating

14. Prepare a beautiful dessert

15. Make an album with memorable photos, provide them with captions and drawings

16. Kiss in the rain

17. Spend an evening by candlelight

18. Have a slow dance to romantic music

19. Kiss long and slow

20. Arrange an evening of joint dreams

21. Make a list together of everything you like or would like to do and occasionally do something from the list

22. Go to the movies or an exhibition

23. Try to look good for your partner

24. Feed each other grapes/strawberries

25. Act out a romantic scene from a movie together

26. Imagine that you are going on a first date - buy flowers, dress well, look after your partner, do everything as if it were the first time.

27. Paint each other with scented paints

28. Throughout the day, use different words and actions to remind him/her that you love him/her.

29. Have dinner on the rooftop

30. Confess your love in different forms and different words

31. Play with blindfolds, feathers

32. Confess your love in public

33. Order any song on the radio

Girls very often lack romance, because they are very sensual and emotional natures. However, many men are also to some extent characterized by the idealization of reality, and they would like to get away from the banal reality for some time and plunge into the world of tenderness, sensuality and beauty, or create such conditions for their beloved. What can be done for this?

Romantic night in nature

Darkness creates romance. The night itself is mysterious and romantic. Under her cover, you will feel special, you will be more frank and relaxed. The aromas of a summer night intoxicate like expensive wine, the sky, strewn with stars, evokes romantic thoughts, and solitude with a loved one makes one dizzy. In order to arrange a romantic night for your girlfriend, you need to take into account many factors. However, if everything works out, this night will be the most beautiful and unforgettable for the two of you.

In order for everything to be perfect, remember that:

  • The night should be warm, lunar and starry, here you either have to believe the forecasts of weather forecasters, or provide for the possibility of another time.
  • It is better to choose the most secluded and romantic places. The most suitable are the beach, the roof of the house, the pier, you can ride a boat under the stars.
  • This night is just for the two of you, remember that any acquaintances here will be superfluous, because this is not a friendly party.
  • It is necessary to choose a place within or outside the city where you can be alone, and, with a greater degree of probability, no one will be able to interfere with you, you can focus on several places so that you have somewhere to go if one of them is busy.
  • If you like tourism, you can put up a tent and light a fire, however, do not forget about mosquitoes, smoke and other minor annoyances that not every girl will like. Perhaps it would be best to turn on soft music in the car, swim together under the moon in a pond, admire the stars, have a small dinner.
  • You can organize such a holiday not only on a lake or a river, but also on the sea, if you have never swum with your beloved along the moonlit path lying on the dark surface of the water that goes beyond the horizon, it is worth a try - this is an unforgettable experience.

Spending the night just the two of you, under the starry sky, away from civilization, is really wonderful and romantic.

Romantic dinner at your home or hotel

If you decide to conquer a girl, then you can’t do without a romantic dinner. Where and how it will take place, choose for yourself. You yourself will feel more confident at home, where it will also be easier for you to prepare everything you need. For a romantic dinner, you must provide the following:

  • choose an evening so that the next day is a day off for both you and your girlfriend, then you can relax and not think about getting up early for school or work;
  • if you don’t know how or don’t like to cook, you shouldn’t try to create gourmet dishes so as not to end the evening with a completely unromantic poisoning, it’s better to limit yourself to one or two simple dishes, and order the rest at a restaurant or cafe;
  • organize the appropriate surroundings: burning candles (preferably red - this is symbolic for many girls), flowers, rose petals, if you think it is appropriate, you can prepare a bath with fragrant foam for the two of you;
  • pay attention to the musical accompaniment, do not put peppy, energetic or cheerful music, slow, calm compositions are more suitable for a romantic evening, best of all by foreign performers, or even something mystical, otherworldly like Enigma;
  • be sure to invite your girlfriend to dance, dance it together, if your girlfriend is fond of dancing, you can first learn some movements;
  • remember the cleanliness and order in the apartment, romance is an emotionally elevated feeling that will not tolerate dirt, dust or things scattered around the house, all this can negatively affect the feelings of your girlfriend;
  • strong alcoholic drinks are inappropriate for a romantic dinner, for this evening share the tastes and preferences of your beloved: offer her a martini, champagne, good wine, it is best to clarify her preferences in advance;
  • invite her to relax, you can give her a massage, prepare a bed in advance - rose petals, massage oil, aroma lamps, aroma candles (do not overdo it with their quantity and give preference to the aromas of aphrodisiac essential oils - ylang-ylang, patchouli, sandalwood, nutmeg).

Romantic dinner in a restaurant

If you want to organize a romantic evening in a restaurant, it is better to choose a quiet, cozy place with live music, without a noisy disco. It is best if there are special booths or at least tables closed on both sides so that you can enjoy each other, without the presence of other people's views and conversations. It is great if the restaurant is made in the old style, like a tavern or a tavern with the appropriate furnishings and entourage.

Pay attention to the little things

Even a simple, almost worthless trifle can awaken romantic feelings in your beloved and create a positive charge for the whole day. Maybe this:

  • a cup of coffee in the morning in bed;
  • a chocolate bar with a love inscription, discreetly placed in a bag;
  • regular SMS;
  • funny fridge magnet with a love message;
  • a love note slipped furtively into his pocket.

Do romantic things

In order for your relationship to be full of tenderness, love and romance, you need to indulge your beloved with romantic surprises and from time to time do such things:

  • give flowers;
  • write love letters
  • always say how much you love her;
  • give cute funny souvenirs or soft toys;
  • kiss more often
  • and just truly love.

You need to do romantic deeds at the call of your heart. If this is not typical for you, you should not constantly force yourself and strain yourself with unnecessary, as it seems to you, actions. Just sometimes try to please your beloved with what is important to her. And always remember that if a girl loves you, she loves you exactly the way you are. Be yourself.

Love and relationships are impossible without touching moments. A romantic evening is the best way to express all your sincere feelings and emotions. At such a moment, the most wonderful thing is possible - a marriage proposal or a declaration of great love. Each evening, filled with a playful mood, can be organized in completely different ways, unique and extraordinary.

Do not abuse alcohol, abuse romance!

Romantic evening

Many sentimental natures and just lovers ask questions about. After all, everyone would like to strengthen their relationship or melt the icy heart of the one you love so much. There is no one universal option for creating a magical atmosphere. In each method of preparing the best evening, it is necessary to pursue the main goal - to give the best moments to your beloved half. There is no need to be banal at such moments: if flowers, then roses; if romance is the most expensive restaurant. Such methods of creating a mood are following stereotypes. Try to surprise your loved one, make something definitely non-standard out of an ordinary romantic evening. It is worth choosing a place from which the second half will take their breath away, and the world around will become much brighter and more beautiful.

Build a hideout and decorate it Don't forget light snacks
And cocktails Find a place with a charming view.

A romantic evening is a thin thread between two hearts that beat in unison. And evening romance will only increase attraction to each other, inflame strong feelings and passion. Therefore, on such an evening it is worth trying with a vengeance, and the result will be a reward for every effort made.

Surprise for a loved one

Of course, every woman loves romance, but the strong half of humanity also needs it, despite the fact that men do not talk about it. A romantic evening for a loved one can be organized by every girl or woman in love. There are a few things to keep in mind when preparing:

  • Time for a romantic evening. It is best to choose Saturday evening or Friday evening. So you can completely relax, because there is a whole weekend ahead.
  • Theme of the evening. You should not set the table everyday, you need to come up with some interesting idea. Starting from it, it is already possible to prepare dishes, decorate the table and the general atmosphere. After all, you can please your loved one not only on a holiday, but also on an ordinary day - it will be more unexpected and pleasant.
  • Meeting place. The situation should correspond to the mood - the apartment, the roof of the house, nature. Also quite interesting option with a bathroom.
  • Making an evening event will help solve the question of how to arrange a romantic evening for your loved one. It is necessary to choose the table setting, pick up the dishes, decorate the room itself. Everything should be on the table so that you can look into the eyes of your loved one and enjoy the closeness of souls.
  • Dishes. Fatty and floury dishes are the worst option for a romantic evening. The menu should be light meals that are not burdensome to prepare. Avocados, oysters, strawberries, shrimp, vanilla and bananas are excellent aphrodisiacs, so they are always appropriate on such a table. Drinks should not be very intoxicating: wine, champagne or liquor.
  • Pleasant notes. Music should create the right mood for loving hearts. Here you need to pick up something relaxing and exciting at the same time.

Romance for a girl

Many young people at some point are visited by the thought that. Indeed, in every relationship it is necessary to surprise and do spontaneous things that will become a surge of positive emotions. When preparing a romantic atmosphere for a girl, you need to show a little initiative, imagination and listen to the preferences of your beloved. Thus, the time spent together will become pleasant and sincere.

Swimming together can be romantic too.

A romantic evening for a girl can be embodied in various ways:

  • Invitation to dinner in a restaurant. For such an event, noisy fast foods or noisy establishments are not an option. It is best to book a table in a cozy and cute restaurant, where the whole atmosphere and atmosphere will be accompanied by a romantic mood. How will the girl get to the meeting place? Time for fantasy: a carriage with a coachman is fabulous, a white Mercedes is amazing, a limousine is chic. Therefore, transport implies compliance with the financial capabilities and ideas of the beloved. And the driver of the vehicle can even present a beautiful bouquet to a beautiful lady.
  • Before getting to the restaurant, the driver can give the girl a lift to the evening park, where her soulmate will be waiting for her. This place can be pre-decorated with bright lanterns and small roses, and at the moment of the meeting, burst a balloon with confetti over the head of her beloved - she definitely could not imagine this. A walk in the park will make a girl tremble with curiosity and impatience to see the place that has been prepared for her.
  • Near the restaurant, you can pick up your beloved in your arms and bring it to the threshold of the establishment. After this, the girl will be overwhelmed with positive emotions and warm feelings for her companion, and the unusual atmosphere of the restaurant will complete the emotional picture. Such an evening will win the heart of every girl.

Non-standard solutions

perfect and memorable? Here the main factors are inspiration and the desire to surprise, to please your soulmate. There are many creative ideas you can come up with:

  1. Costume party. For example, you can dress like in the 60s or in accordance with other years. And if in the middle of winter you want summer, then the atmosphere of the beach can also surround a couple in love: a bikini, a sun lounger and delicious cocktails - an interesting turn of events. So you can organize any place that you would like to visit that particular evening.
  2. You can arrange an intimate atmosphere and defile around the apartment only in beautiful underwear. So you can even cook dinner and watch your favorite movie. After this, not a single girl will remain in her clothes after the end of the evening.
  3. If there is a certain mood, then you can arrange your own small disco, as in a cozy nightclub. Thus, the heart of the beloved will be conquered by the alluring movements of the body and languid glances in his direction.
  4. Ideas for a romantic evening are endless: sing karaoke. On such an evening, it is important to be yourself and do what your soul desires - to sing without thinking about your vocal abilities and the strangeness of the sounds that are made when singing instead of beautiful ballads. On such a day, the main thing is the impulse to express your feelings with a beautiful song and sincere words.
  5. You can arrange a football evening: watch a great match together, shout during a goal and discuss a good game. Thus, a loved one will be satisfied, because every man is a football fan at heart.

Such non-standard solutions can come up with a huge number. It is enough to turn to your heart and feelings, then the decision itself will come to mind.

What can be done at home

Of course, at home you can cook a delicious dinner, watch romantic comedies and listen to beautiful music. Enjoying the romance at home is a pleasure itself, because the most important person is nearby, and there is no extraneous noise.

In the bathroom

It will be an interesting solution. Candles can be lit and left to float in a transparent bowl, which is placed near the bathroom. You can put miniature bouquets of beautiful flowers on the shelves in the bathroom, and put large candles with some delicious aroma on the side of the bath. The bath should be filled with warm water and foam, and rose petals in this water will also become relevant, which will add romance. Such an evening can be spent in soft silence or with pleasant music that completes the image of the evening.

Near the bath, you can put a small table with a variety of fruits, desserts and a light alcoholic drink. Since the couple is in the water element, you can cook seafood that perfectly complements various snacks. For berries, it is best to choose strawberries with cream, and for fruits, bananas or cherries with ice cream. Such a romantic evening will definitely be unforgettable.

Where to spend a romantic evening in the apartment?

If the bath is not particularly interesting, or if there has already been such a date with your lover, then you can decorate the kitchen and serve non-standard food: Japanese, Italian or French - the choice of the couple. In the kitchen itself, candles or small bright lanterns would be appropriate, as well as romantic music that will envelop souls in love with mystery and passion.

depend on how the beloved couple or one of the halves is set. In such a matter, one must be delicate and understanding. Not every person may like to spend an evening within the walls of an apartment, because it will look like a regular dinner and will simply be banal. Many people want to break out of the “work-home” cycle and change the whole environment around them at least for a moment, spending such intimate minutes with their loved one. In this case, you need to turn on your ingenuity and show all the originality of your nature.

Evening in the bosom of nature

If the other half wants a romantic evening in nature, then it can also be done in the aisles of the house. If the weather does not accompany romance in nature, then a picnic can be done at home. Such sensations are no longer a homely, ordinary atmosphere and a surprise for the second half.

It is best to have a home picnic on a cozy balcony or in a warm loggia. The table can be covered with an ordinary tablecloth and put simple dishes. In the oven, you can cook delicious grilled meat, cut vegetables, and put different fruits in a wicker basket. Wine will be an excellent drink in such a situation. You can lay a tablecloth on the floor, then the picnic atmosphere will take your breath away even more. The background in this can serve as music with the sounds of nature.

Every evening, which is created at home, can boast of its originality and whirlwind of emotions, as well as evenings outside the native walls. For a couple in love, any place will be the best refuge for two. It is not at all difficult to create a beautiful evening when a person is overwhelmed with love and tenderness for a loved one. Carefully choosing all the decoration of the evening, coming up with a menu, choosing the theme of a date and completing the image with the right music is the way to a successful result in creating a romantic atmosphere.


And now, the whole atmosphere of a small holiday has been created, and one more point remains in question -. Each melody should correspond to the invented theme of the evening, be light and unobtrusive. Each note that a person in love hears should kindle the fire of love and extraordinary feelings even more. It is best to prepare a couple of playlists that will be played on a date: one of them will be listened to during the dinner itself, and the second after it. In the selection of music, it would be right to focus on the musical preferences of a loved one, because this surprise is being prepared for him. It is worth presenting such a trifle as a pleasant, calm and beloved melody to your soulmate - this will immediately be appreciated at the highest level.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, I decided to share with you interesting ideas, how to arrange the best romantic evening for your boyfriend or husband at home. Since usually all family relationships consist of various kinds of both domestic and financial problems, In the turmoil of affairs, we often forget that a family needs love ...

My husband and I sometimes arrange such holidays for ourselves. It brings zest to our relationship.

And it is not necessary to go to a restaurant or somewhere else, you can make a beautiful romantic evening at home.

You will need:

1. Light dinner.

2. Beautiful dishes and napkins in the form of hearts.

3. Candles.

4. Aroma lamp.

5. Rose petals or red and pink hearts.

6. Pleasant music.

7. Aromatic massage oils.

8. Fragrant bubble bath.

9. Beautiful clothes.

10. A heart for an invitation to a romantic evening for a loved one.

11. Red ribbon for blindfolding.

How to decorate a romantic evening

You can hang a festive garland, arrange red candles around the room, scatter red and pink hearts or rose petals on the floor. Make dim lighting by hanging curtains. Turn on the nightlight if necessary. Light the aroma lamp in advance. It will create a pleasant smell that will turn your head and give the evening a little magic.

My ideas on how to arrange the best romantic evening for your beloved boyfriend or husband at home.

1. Make sure that you are alone at home. If possible, take the children to the grandparents. Make a beautiful heart or buy it and sign an invitation to your loved one for a romantic evening. "Beloved, I'm burning with love for you ... Looking forward to meeting you tonight ..." Or something like that. Do not give the invitation with your own hand, but put it in your pocket or put it somewhere in a conspicuous place so that your loved one will certainly notice it and read it. You can also send a love sms if you are sure that he reads them.

2. Think well of a romantic dinner. It should be light so that a man does not want to sleep after a heavy meal, and at the same time does not remain hungry. Seafood, vegetable and fruit salads, ice cream, chocolate, etc. are best suited.

The table will be decorated with beautiful dishes, napkins in the form of hearts and, of course, candles.

3. Blindfold your loved one with a red ribbon and take them to a room decorated in a romantic style. With kisses and gentle hugs, untie his eyes.

4. Download suitable music for this evening. It should be pleasant, relaxing. Such music will help you forget about all the problems and focus on the “main thing”. Be sure to invite your husband to a slow dance ...

5. Take care of your appearance. You must be irresistible! Put on a beautiful, delicate dress, interesting underwear. Do evening make-up and a beautiful hairstyle. You can also completely change your image with the help of clothes and makeup so that your husband sees you as some kind of stranger. You can also dress up as a dancer, a nurse, a geisha, an Indian woman, or come up with some unusual image of your own. Husband will be amazed...

6. After a romantic dinner, you can watch an "interesting" video or photo, or just talk.

7. You can take a bath together with rose petals and pink foam with red candles.

8. You can also arrange a fashion show with "interesting" outfits. Lover will love it!

9. Smoothly move into the bedroom. Dance a beautiful dance for your loved one. He can also help you with this. After the dance, give each other a relaxing massage using aromatic massage oils. You can also take a bath with fragrant foam together. And then the will of your imagination ...

I am sure that after such a romantic date, your relationship with your husband will be even brighter, more tender and warmer.

And what ideas do you have on how to arrange the best romantic evening for your beloved husband or boyfriend at home? Don't be shy and share your secrets with us.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! May your life always be filled with love!