How to make your first day of kindergarten perfect. First day in kindergarten. Adviсe

First day in kindergarten

First day in kindergarten

Day after day you watch how your child grows - the first smile, the first tooth, the first step ... He grows up, and you understand that it is time for him to go to kindergarten.

This is very a psychologically difficult step not so much for the mother as for the child, after all, he was used to seeing his parent every day, spending every minute next to her. And he still does not understand that he have to part with mom for the whole day, and yours the main task- help him adapt to the new environment.

Kindergarten is a place where he will spend at least three next year own life. This is very important time, time to prepare for the next, even more important step - to school.

Kindergarten - this the environment where the child will discover a lot of new and exciting things. New friends, new games, new hobbies. The child will definitely get used to it, the main thing is to survive the first time, when he will rush to you with tears in his eyes, as soon as you are going to leave for work in the morning and leave him alone. He'll handle it, he'll learn to handle it, but first he needs a lot of support from you.

At what age is it better to send him to kindergarten

When should your child begin to fully communicate with peers? Of course, you can send your child to kindergarten at 2 years old. But here they can face several problems. First, it is not a fact that the child is sufficiently adapted to independence- it can be problematic for him to eat on his own, to ask for a potty. Another nuance is that educators and nannies (those who are responsible for your child in kindergarten) cannot guarantee that the child will successfully enter the rut, because he is still quite a baby.

The good thing is that 2-year-olds have a slightly different daily routine from older kids, but nevertheless, perfect option, according to experts, is send the child to kindergarten at the age of 3. Do not rush to work to the detriment of your baby. Moreover, for little man in the first years of life, contact with the mother is very important - do not deprive him of this.

How to prepare for your first day of kindergarten

First of all, the mother must definitely come to the kindergarten with the baby even before he enters there. Let his first impression be pleasant. Walk through the park, swing on the swings, dig together in the sandbox - then the baby will remember these places with pleasant warmth, because he was here with his mother.

Introduce the child to the teacher, nanny. The child will discover new world - the same toys, but in a different place. The garden will become his second home for the next three years. The kid has a lot to learn before school. He will understand that in this world there is not only "I", but also "the other", And he definitely needs to find a common language with him.

What gives the child a kindergarten

Communication lessons are a very important part of a child's development. Through the prism of communication, he will encounter an "other" who will have his own character. Perhaps this "other" baby will become his best friend, and perhaps going through conflicts which will be regulated by the educators. Either way, it will good lesson for the child in the future.

In addition to communication, he will learn a lot important things: daily routine (time of sleep, lunch), joint games, participation in matinees. The kid will definitely develop both mentally: draw, read (in older groups), embroider, and physically: do gymnastics, run, perform various exercises, go to the pool. Parents it is necessary to encourage all undertakings and monitor successes and failures child. After all, already in early age identify the strengths and weaknesses of a child's development.

It must be remembered that kindergarten - step in preparation for school life. So you should pay attention to the first artistic masterpieces of the child, to how much time it takes him to learn a song or rhyme. All this - indicators of child development. If it seems to you that your baby is lagging behind others, offer him exercises to develop memory and attention, so that in young age rectify the situation.

The main thing that the child felt comfortable although at first, it is very difficult. But over time, he will understand what it means to live in a team, where his own laws, which must be obeyed, make friends with the same kids and learn a lot.

The most important - participate in the life of the baby, rejoice in his small victories, support in case of failure. Remember that the teacher does not say - the main thing for him is his mother, and she has the last word.

The first day in kindergarten is very important and significant event in the life of the baby, and he worries even more than you. Everything is interesting to him, he wants to step into that unknown distance, this is where his first, still small, but independent life. He is very scared, but, holding his mother tightly by the hand, he boldly goes forward, because he knows, in which case - his mother is always with him, always there!

  • Leave a nanny and a grandmother for a couple of weeks
  • Plan only one important change at a time
  • Get an agent provocateur
  • Choose your personal arrival time
  • Send the child to kindergarten with dad
  • Let the child be sad
  • Show how important your baby's new things are to you
  • Take a child's craft or drawing to the garden

The first days in kindergarten often become a test for both kids and moms and dads. Of course, you can reluctantly leave the baby in the group and with a firm step retire into the cloudless distance, and in a couple of days (weeks, months, years ...) the child will certainly get used to kindergarten. But I want everything to be calm, fun, joyful!

We've put together a few tips to help you do just that.

Leave a nanny and a grandmother for a couple of weeks

If mother or grandmother took care of the child before kindergarten, do not rush to refuse their services. While in the first days the child goes to kindergarten for only a few hours, it is important that he spends the rest of the time in the usual way and in familiar surroundings.

If you were engaged in the child yourself, then do not rush to get a job. At least a couple of weeks after kindergarten, everything should be the same as before!

Plan only one important change at a time

It is easy to delay the "retirement" of a nanny for a couple of weeks if you have been offered a place in a kindergarten. But there are situations when kindergarten will have to be postponed. In particular, the child will perceive the kindergarten very negatively if he is sent there shortly after birth. little brother or sisters. As you understand, the interpretation can be the most unfavorable: “They got rid of me, and the baby took my place!”

In general, any changes do not go well with the first days in kindergarten, no matter how joyful they are (moving to new house) or sad (for example, divorce). Give your little one time to adjust to being around you!

Get an agent provocateur

It has long been noticed: the easiest way to go to kindergarten is for those kids who go there (or recently went there) an older brother or sister. If one of your kids is already in kindergarten, enlist his support. Let him talk about it in the most iridescent colors.

If in the children's the garden will go your firstborn, you can always find a friend or neighbors who already have a child there. Figure out where you need to go in the morning and keep them company on the way to preschool. If along the way they play, run, have fun - great.

Choose your personal arrival time

If there are a lot of newcomers in the group, then they can provoke a mass hysteria. Here one child sobbed “I want to go to my mother!”, And this unpretentious slogan is immediately picked up by your baby, who just waved his hand at you with a satisfied smile. If two are crying - write wasted ...

Fortunately, in nursery groups educators themselves are trying to introduce newcomers to groups gradually - in different days and hours, so that at the first moment everyone can be given maximum attention.

Ask the teacher at what point they bring the most emotional kids, and in the first weeks try to come half an hour later.

Send the child to kindergarten with dad

Babies are usually more attached to their mothers, so it is more difficult to let them go. If dad (grandmother, teenage brother) is ready to take part in the adaptation period, then involving him in going to kindergarten is not a bad idea! The baby will say goodbye to you at home, in the usual calm environment (especially if he has already done this repeatedly, going for a walk with his father or grandmother), and in the kindergarten, dads usually behave calmer and more confidently than moms.

Just do not forget to instruct your spouse how to behave in kindergarten and, of course, hand him a bag with spare panties, T-shirts, tights! And then dads are such dads ...

Let the child be sad

Sometimes parents, trying to prepare the baby for kindergarten, describe him in the most iridescent colors. It turns out a mixture brazilian carnival and the New Year tree: everyone dances, sings and surrounds your child with love and attention.

It is much more useful to honestly tell the baby that at first it’s normal to feel upset and embarrassed, that it’s natural to be bored without a mother, but there are a lot of things in kindergarten. interesting activities, and the time there will fly by quickly and imperceptibly.

Show how important your baby's new things are to you

When baby goes in kindergarten, for the first time he has his own life, independent of you. If you are detailed and sincere interest to ask him how and what he did in kindergarten, what he ate, where he walked, what games he played, he himself will be convinced that he spent the day unusually bright and interesting.

Ask your family to play along with the baby a little: retell his story to dad or grandmother, let them also demonstrate the joy and surprise of the richness of the first day in kindergarten.

Take a child's craft or drawing to the garden

Many advise taking the child's favorite toy to kindergarten - they say, let it remind him of home. We recommend capturing a drawing or craft in one of the first days. The child in a new environment feels uncomfortable. He does not understand who all these people are to him, and who he is to them.

If the teacher carefully examines the drawing of the baby, praises, and even better - shows it to other children and puts it in a prominent place (it is better to agree on this in advance), this will increase the child's self-confidence.

Now he knows (although, of course, he cannot formulate) that his talents did not go unnoticed, he was appreciated, and he took his rightful place in the new team.

Anticipate comments like: “What nonsense, our baby was crying when dad took him to kindergarten! And we can’t postpone the move because of the kindergarten! And the three-year-old will not talk with other children about kindergarten! Certainly, universal recipes does not exist, but all these tips are based on the experience of mothers who have successfully coped with the adaptation to kindergarten. Try it, and not one, so the other will definitely work!

Happy first day in kindergarten!

Prepared by Anna Pervushina

The first days in kindergarten are very important. It depends on them what attitude to the kindergarten will develop in the child. And this affects how often he will get sick, and how other kids will treat him. In order for the child to adapt to kindergarten as easily as possible, you need to know the following:


Getting used to the kindergarten should take place gradually: first, leave the child in kindergarten for an hour or two, then until lunch or until quiet time. Most likely, the caregiver herself will tell you when to start leaving the child for daytime sleep. If he likes to be in kindergarten, in the second or third week you can already pick him up after lunch.

Road to kindergarten

Starting to visit the kindergarten, go every weekday. The child must understand that the kindergarten will now always be. This will speed up his adaptation period.

If at the door of the kindergarten the child begins to cry and ask to return, in no case do this. Otherwise, he will arrange such a scene for you many more times.

As a rule, after 1-2 months the child gets used to the fact that now he will constantly have to go to kindergarten.


Most babies cry when they leave their mother because the baby's primary need, safety and security, is at stake. Before you send him to the group, kiss the child, smile and say that you will return for him soon.

This will give him confidence that everything will be fine and nothing will happen to him.

Parting should be short and joyful. Some children are easier to break up with their dads than with their moms. Try this option, maybe it will be easier for the child to say goodbye.

It is very important that parents have no doubts that the child must go to kindergarten. Otherwise, the baby will feel your anxiety, and this may affect his adaptation to kindergarten.

Most often, having entered the group, the baby begins to play and for a while forgets about his mother. Don't worry, experienced caregivers work with your child.

How to dress

Dress your child so that he feels relaxed and free. Clothing and shoes should be comfortable and easy to fasten. Dress your child in neat, inexpensive clothing.

What to bring

You can take your favorite thing to kindergarten (most often a toy). This will help the baby feel a part of the house with him. Leave handkerchiefs and a spare set of clothes in the kindergarten locker.

At home

In the first days of visiting the kindergarten, there is a strong load on nervous system. The child needs to quickly adapt to constant interaction with unfamiliar people and to the long absence of his mother. So do not load the baby with new experiences. Spend your weekends calmly with your family.

After you have taken the child from the kindergarten, play and communicate with him. Let him forget about the group and rest. Do not ask if the child likes the garden and if he will go there tomorrow. This will lead him to think that perhaps he will feel bad there and you can not go to kindergarten. If you want to talk about kindergarten, it is better to ask the child what he ate and what toys he liked.

During stress the immune system slows down its activity. To make the child less likely to get sick, try to make sure that he gets the maximum positive emotions ate well and slept a lot. During the adaptation period, do not punish the baby for whims and antics, hug him more often and say that you love him.

In no case do not scare the child by going to the garden. He must understand that being in kindergarten is not a punishment, but a pleasure.

If you have dissatisfaction with the kindergarten, do not discuss them in the presence of the child.

How should parents prepare their child for admission to kindergarten?

  • Send a child to kindergarten only if he is healthy.
  • Do not send your child to kindergarten in the midst of a crisis of three years.
  • Learn in advance all the new moments in the daily routine in kindergarten and introduce them into the daily routine of the child at home.
  • Increase the role of hardening measures.
  • As early as possible, introduce the baby to the children in kindergarten and to the teachers of the group where he will soon come.
  • Try to send him to a kindergarten group where the child has familiar peers with whom he used to play at home or in the yard.
  • Set up the baby as positively as possible for his admission to kindergarten.
  • Teach your child all the necessary self-care skills at home.
  • Prepare your child for a temporary separation from you and make it clear to him that this is inevitable just because he is already big.
  • Do not be nervous and do not show your anxiety on the eve of the child's admission to kindergarten.
  • Plan your vacation so that in the first month of your child's visit to a new organized team, you would have the opportunity to leave him there not for the whole day.
  • All the time to explain to the child that he is for you, as before, dear and loved.

How should parents behave with a child when he first started attending kindergarten?

  • Tune the child in a major way. To inspire him that it is very great that he has grown to the garden and has become so big.
  • Don't leave it in preschool team for the whole day, as early as possible to take home.
  • Spare his weakened nervous system.
  • Do not increase, but reduce the load on the nervous system. For a while, stop going to the circus, to the theater, to visit. Significantly reduce TV viewing.
  • As soon as possible, inform the doctor and caregivers about the personal characteristics of the baby.
  • Do not wrap your child, but dress him as necessary in accordance with the temperature in the group.
  • Create in Sundays at home for him the regime is the same as in the children's institution.
  • Do not react to the antics of the child and do not punish him for children's whims.
  • If there is a change in the child's usual behavior, contact as soon as possible pediatrician or a psychologist.

Importance of the first day

The first day of a child in kindergarten is the most important test for parents and the child himself. Further love for the garden and the absence of whims depend on it. Therefore, it is important that this first day goes perfectly. The child should like it in the kindergarten, and this article will tell you how to do this.

On the first day, parents and their child are introduced to the group's layout, they explain how the daily routine goes, they talk about everyday moments and other important things. On the first day, moms and dads are allowed to stay with the child so that he adapts to other conditions with the least stress. After familiarization, the child is left to play with other children for a couple of hours. It depends on how the first day in kindergarten goes future love or the child's dislike for him. Try to do everything to make the child feel comfortable, for this it is important to prepare the child for kindergarten at home.

Psychological preparation of the child

If a child is sent to a kindergarten without prior preparation, he, of course, will not like it there, since from the first days it will be difficult for him to cope with the load that will fall on his small shoulders. In order to better prepare the child, let's imagine a picture of the world through his eyes.

Beloved mom and dad are taken to an unfamiliar place to little-known nannies, who constantly ask something, are interested. There are many others around unknown children who talk loudly, cry, fumble and get nervous.

Naturally, the child will be scared. He will cry and possibly from an obedient "turn" into. In order for the first day in kindergarten to be less stressful, the preliminary preparation stage is important:

Have conversations with your child about kindergarten, even at such a young age, children are affected by the conversation. When talking, keep a friendly, optimistic tone so that the child believes you and wants to go to kindergarten.

Make it more independent. Leave him alone, of course, under supervision, but give him freedom of action. Teach him to eat cleanly, not to dirty his clothes, to go to the toilet on time and other household trifles. This will facilitate the work of educators and reduce stress for the child, because he will know what to do.

Psychological self-preparation

Except psychological preparation child, you must prepare yourself for the first day in kindergarten. The mood of the parents, emotions and feelings are transmitted to the child. And if you look upset, the child will notice and start to get nervous. Therefore, in order to reduce stress in a child before separation, it is important for parents not to show nervousness and worries. It is important to emotionally support the child and charge with a good mood.

And now let's take a closer look at how and what to do in preparation for the kindergarten and what to do after you come out of it.

Evening before the first day in the garden

How you and your child spend this evening will have a significant impact on tomorrow. Try to set up the child, but discreetly, so that he does not notice the pressure. Naturally, it is better to go to bed early. The child, and the parents, will need strength. Collect things that the child will need to wear in the evening - in the morning there will be less hassle. To make the child calmer, take his favorite toy with you.

most important day

Gently wake up your baby. He should wake up easily, otherwise he will be capricious. After that, wash the child and dress him

Children in kindergarten are usually fed on the first day so that they get used to eating in the company of other children. But if your child asks for food, there is nothing wrong with giving him a sandwich, no.

Then dress your child. Talk to him in an optimistic tone all the time so that he has a sense of celebration. Do not make excessive efforts, do everything gently and gently.

On the way to the kindergarten, also be joyful. If your child still began to act up, show a desire not to go to kindergarten. In no case do not indulge his desire, otherwise in the future he will terrorize you every time you go to the kindergarten. In such a situation, gently explain to the child that it is necessary to go to kindergarten, because you need to work. But act as gently as possible gentle tone. Otherwise, the child will perceive going to kindergarten as torture.

The first day in kindergarten and what is important for the safety of the child

  1. Exchange numbers with caregivers and nannies;
  2. Tell about all diseases and allergies of the child;
  3. Find out about the pot (in some kindergartens it is needed, in others it is not);
  4. Tell other wishes at the expense of the child.

After that, they usually get acquainted with the children's group, where they serve breakfast, show the layout and daily routine. It is advisable to remember all the necessary points, in your opinion.

Coming home after kindergarten milestone development of the child. He experienced a lot of stress on the first day in the kindergarten, and peace and quiet are needed at home so that the child does not get nervous. Try to speak calmly and quietly, in a soft voice.

If the first day brings him pleasure, then afterwards he will gladly go there. Otherwise, he will constantly act up on the way to it, in addition, constant frustration can contribute to frequent illnesses child. So try to make this day happy.

If a mother is very worried, and blames herself, if she is convinced in advance that nothing good awaits her baby in the first days in kindergarten, then these emotions will be passed on to the child. The psycho-emotional state of mother and child is very closely related, so mom should look at going to kindergarten, as new stage knowledge of life, the acquisition of new knowledge, experience and skills. If the parents are positive about the kindergarten, the child will feel it and will soon become infected with your optimism.

Enter new team sometimes difficult even for adults. It is especially difficult for those who are already part of a well-coordinated team. Sometimes already in school age there is a need to change schools, in which case the child may have conflict situations.

It is worth establishing close contact with the teacher. Many parents mistakenly believe that their mission is over the moment they place their child in the care of educators. The more you communicate with the teacher, take an interest in how the baby behaved and tell the teacher about the child’s character traits and habits, the faster the teacher will find an approach to your baby. The awareness that you appreciate and understand the work of teachers will also have a beneficial effect on your attitude towards your child.

It is worth consulting with the teacher about the visiting regime during the period of adaptation of the baby. A teacher with his experience will quickly determine the time of the visit, since this issue is very individual for each child. Some children can sleep after two weeks, while others will need not less than a month in order to stop getting upset and crying in connection with the departure of my mother. In the early days, you should not leave your baby in an unfamiliar environment for a long time. One and a half hours will be enough.

If the teacher does not mind, mommy can be in the group in the first days and observe the reactions of her child. Thus, he will quickly relax and begin to communicate with other children. If possible, it is better to extend the period of stay in kindergarten gradually. Two weeks for 1.5-2 hours, two more weeks before lunch, two more weeks before afternoon tea, and only then for the whole day. Unfortunately, not all parents have this opportunity. But still, the more gradually the child enters a new environment for him, the better for him. psycho-emotional state child.

The baby in the early years is more attached to his mother, so the moment of parting is very difficult for him. If there is such an opportunity, it would be better if his father or grandmother would accompany him to kindergarten. In any case, whoever it is, you should not drag out the moments of goodbye and turn them into a tragic scene. You need to act businesslike and confidently, telling the child that now you need to leave, but you will definitely pick him up before bedtime.

You can agree with the child about a small ritual. For example, before leaving, wave your hand to the baby. For an emotional connection, you can leave the child with any object - a favorite toy, a mother's handkerchief, or something else.

You can come up with some important mission that the baby must fulfill. For example, say hello to fish or a turtle. Or tell the kid about how any toy misses him in the kindergarten.

After taking the child home, play with him in kindergarten. Place teddy bears and dolls in place of toddlers and let your child take on the role of caregiver. Then you will be able to understand what difficulties your baby has encountered, and this game will help him to relieve stress and pour out the emotions accumulated during the day.

No matter how difficult the adaptation period is, try not to take breaks in visiting kindergarten. An exception can only be a child's illness. When there is a temperature and obvious symptoms. If the child just got a runny nose, this is not a hindrance to visiting.

Praise the child more often and tell relatives in his presence about achievements and about how he has now become an adult and responsible. Express your joy openly about his independence. In no case should you criticize the teacher or discuss the negative points that you found in the children's institution in front of the child.

It should also be understood that the child is not at all obliged to love visiting kindergarten. Sadness, when parting with you is natural. But an adopted child already understands the need to visit children's institution. His sleep normalizes, and negative reactions go away. But this does not mean at all that he will change radically. Do not expect your shy child to suddenly become a leader and ringleader.

In some cases, the adaptation period is very long. After a few months, the child cannot get used to the new environment and he has more and more new forms of negative reactions: tantrums, aggression, fears, anxiety and increased fearfulness. In this case, it is worth contacting a professional psychologist, and he will help to understand individual reasons responses and help develop an adaptation strategy.

Perhaps the individuality of your child says that he is not mentally ready yet and you need to wait a bit with going to kindergarten. And if mommy definitely needs to go to work, you should take care of finding a nanny for the child.