Child at 3 months development. What can the baby do? Emotional and mental sphere

The rapidity of growth and development of a child up to a year is extremely high. This is what Mother Nature intended - children go through a stage of complete helplessness and insecurity as soon as possible. Having crossed the one-year milestone, they become stronger and stronger, gradually adapting to the ups and downs of life and wisdom.

But, while the first birthday is still far away, and there is only a calendar quarter behind him, it is worth figuring out what he was or will be rich in, what he changed and how it affected the baby morally and physically.

From this article you will learn:

Your beloved little one has grown noticeably in his three months. The little things bought for the first time are already too small for him, in the crib he no longer looks like a tiny lump, you have to pick up diapers for him bigger size, and visually he has become much more mature than, say, three or four weeks ago.

The average developmental indicators of a child at three months are as follows:

Weight Boys - up to 8 kg; Girls - up to 7.5 kg.
Height Boys - 65.5 cm; Girls - 64 cm.
Head circumference Boys - up to 42.9 cm; Girls - 42 cm.
The duration of sleep and rest Night sleep lasts approximately 10 hours with breaks for feeding every 3-3.5 hours and daytime, in quantities from two to four, takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours each.
Feeding frequency At least 6 times a day. The number of feedings on demand can reach 10-12 times during the day and 2-4 times at night
Daily food intake Equals 1/6 of the child's body weight. Therefore, it is approximately from 682 to 960 ml.
visual abilities The range of vision is more than 40 cm. The baby can see objects as small as 2 mm. up to 60 cm.

Abilities and skills

A three-month-old baby is unusually sweet and funny. He does not just lie in bed, moving chaotically and looking into nowhere, but tries to the best of his ability to contact the outside world and people.

He knows how to express joy, sometimes, rather violently, smiles at mom and dad every time one of them comes to the crib. Such phenomena are not only unusually pleasing to the eye, but also very indicative from the point of view of compliance with the norms of the psychophysical development of a little man.

A 3-month-old baby with great desire goes to the arms of his relatives. To do this, his body has acquired the necessary "stiffness", the muscles - a fortress, and the head practically does not need support. Now he sees much more than he could see before, especially bright objects, lighting fixtures, paintings and other household items attract his attention.

Thanks to intensive development 3 month old baby, he becomes more inventive and active. Lying in a crib or playpen, he simply has no time to be bored, because in the supine position, he has at his disposal handles that can be considered for a long time and which can be fun to swing and reach for hanging rattles.

The legs for most of the little ones also become the object of increased attention, and it is not surprising to catch a picture where the baby, like a real gymnast, deftly puts them in his mouth.

In addition, at three months the child:

  • Not without help, but takes a position lying on the tummy, briefly tearing off the shoulders and chest from a hard surface, resting on the handles and holding the head at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • Squeals with delight;
  • It rests well on the feet, imitates a step if it is put on legs;
  • Able to hold small toys in his tiny hands;
  • Tries to reach the object that aroused his interest;
  • He is keenly interested in sounds and his own vocal abilities.

Many parents may notice that 3 month old babies who hear the sound of a bell, door or phone call, a silent question freezes on their faces: “What is this?”, “Where does the noise come from?”. They try to find its source by turning their heads and listening.

Music also has a visible effect on the child. Scientific observations show that quiet and calm melodies calm him down, while loud and rhythmic ones, on the contrary, invigorate him. Both of them can be listened to together, and even sung along, because now the baby is learning to perceive various external stimuli, including developing his own musical taste.

As for voice control, here the child has stepped far ahead. Previously, he produces simple monosyllabic long vowels, and by three months he is already able to produce an unexpected combination of growls, squeaks and even guttural sounds. These opportunities are growing day by day, which amuse both the child and his numerous relatives.

Daily regime

The first months of life the child spent most of the day in a dream, breaking out of the sweet embrace of Morpheus in order to refresh himself and get rid of the products of processing of the food received earlier. Now, the situation is different - he requires games, more attention to himself and familiarity with the environment.

For these purposes, it The biological clock allocate a certain period of time for wakefulness, which, in fact, parents should be directed to harmonious development my growing 3 month old baby.

The regime of his day becomes more organized, more coherent and clearer. It becomes easier for mom to plan her own schedule, choose optimal time for a walk on fresh air as well as for household chores.

Babies at this age, as a rule, wake up at the same time, then have breakfast, are active, after which they show fatigue and a willingness to fall asleep sweetly. Then again cheerfulness, afternoon tea and sleep, and so on until the evening.

As for the night, 3-month-old babies are able to sleep soundly for up to 6 hours in a row, then wake up, require milk / mixture and again succumb to the usual biological rhythm.

True, not every parent can boast that his 3-month-old baby gives him a good night's sleep, because no one has canceled the fight against hated colic, just like his desire to be with his mother, despite her fatigue.

The best way to calm a noisy baby in the quiet of the night is to apply it to the breast, which can be repeated 2 to 4 times a night. When the frequency of "snacking" becomes unbearable for an exhausted mom, practiced co-sleeping with baby.

Opponents of this method claim inevitable problems in the future, although the problems of the present are sometimes more significant. On this account, there is an opinion that a well-rested and cheerful mother who slept next to the baby is better than an angry and tired one who rushed half the night from the crib to her own bed.

Observations show that the smell alone breast milk, which children feel, provokes their appetite, so it is quite possible that dad will be able to put his child to bed much sooner than his beloved mother will.

Gymnastics and joint developmental activities

The development program for a 3-month-old baby should include health-improving gymnastics and joint classes and games. With their help, the baby learns the world, receives vital knowledge and skills, trains thought processes and receives the necessary emotional and physical stress.

Let's start with games

To entertain a child and stimulate his visual, auditory, tactile and motor activity, you can use:

  • observation of pets;
  • Listening to nursery rhymes, music and fairy tales;
  • Interactions with toys of various sizes and textures, suspended on a string or given directly to hands;
  • Study of complex toys with movable elements;
  • "Live" communication with my mother, making funny faces and making interesting sounds.

There are many more ideas to add to this list. It is enough to connect the fantasy and translate the plan into reality. A three-month-old toddler absorbs any submitted information like a sponge, which is a sin not to use.

Now about gymnastics

Feasible physical activity is necessary for the child no less than good food. Therefore, prepare safe place for exercise (use mats and blankets) and get down to business:

  • Practice rolling over and rolling from the back to the barrels, then to the tummy and back;
  • Gently pull the baby towards you by the handles, returning it to its original position;
  • Develop motor skills of hands;
  • Lay the baby on the tummy;
  • In the supine position, provide the legs with support, so that the baby tries to push off from it (this is how the development of the science of crawling begins);
  • Provoke the baby to achieve the intended goal (for this, lay out at a distance of 30-50 cm from him a variety of alluring toys that you need to get to);
  • Perform "soaring exercises", only carefully (the very ones that cause fear among the older generation, but at the same time train the child's vestibular apparatus);
  • Disperse the blood throughout the body.


The last point can be implemented by performing simple physical and massage exercises, including exercises on a fitball:

  • "Bike". Circular movements hip joints with bent legs at the knees;
  • "Butterfly". Mahi with straightened arms up and down, to the sides and in front of you;
  • "Boxer". Flexion-extension of the arms in the elbow joint, reminiscent of boxing punches;
  • Half turns. Turns of the torso of the baby, lying on his back on the side with fixation of the lower leg and hips;
  • "Grip". A bright toy, located at arm's length from a child, provokes a desire to grab it;
  • "Swings". The child is placed on the ball (with a diameter of 50 cm or more, slightly lowered) on the tummy / on the back / on the barrels, the mother supports him by the legs in the calf muscles (not by the ankle joint!), Holding the back, while performing swaying movements in all sides with light pressure on the body (excellent prevention of colic).

Having studied in detail all the available exercises with the baby, you can improve the coordination of his movements, strengthen the muscles of the whole body and give a lot of positive emotions to both him and yourself.

Remember, the development of a 3 month old baby is a multi-element process, so find time for everything, but don't forget about yourself.

At 3-4 months of life, a newborn is marked by an intensive increase in growth and weight. The child eats and sleeps most of the day, while the body adapts to a new environment for him. Some parents think that during this period their child does not need communication and development. This is not so, but the baby’s need for psychological, social and physical activity becomes only by the end of 3 months of the baby's life.

During this period, the baby begins to show an active interest in his surroundings, bright or moving objects, people's speech, sonorous sounds. He noticeably reacts to the appeal of adults to him and their interest, consciously smiles, recognizes significant adults, especially his only mother.

At 3 months, the baby is already becoming funny and playful, able to recognize people close to him, constantly requires attention. He is also ready to perceive new objects at the suggestion of mom and dad.

Does this mean that a child at 3 months old is able to improve himself without the competent help of adults (see also:)? Being in social environment up to a certain level, the child is able to develop independently. During this period, he learns according to the principle "I do as you do." He learns the stereotypes of adult behavior and their ways of emotional response, but if you do not devote time to play activities, in the future it will have Negative consequences. Therefore, many caring parents are wondering how not to miss the moment for the development of a particular area and correlate their expectations with the capabilities of the baby.

Development of the motor sphere

The development of coordinating skills at 3 months is just beginning:

  • The child learns to control own body. The baby is already moving a little freer and smoother. He stretches, stretches out his arms and legs, reaches for toys and grabs them, unclenches his hands.
  • Bright objects and toys that you can chew on and that you can ring, begin to interest him.
  • He can lie on his tummy enough long time raise your head and upper part body resting on the forearms.

From three months old, the baby is preparing to crawl and sit, makes attempts to roll over, some babies can already do this. During this period, your child is interested in their arms and legs. Can play with legs. Objects that can reach are subjected to palpation and inspection.

If the parents have financial opportunity, they get expensive complex toys for their 3-month-old crumbs, but there is no particular need for this. The child needs simple and bright things with which the mother can successfully deal with him.

Toys for a baby at 3 months old should be bright and eye-catching, as well as completely safe. He will be happy to feel them, try on the tooth, pull the handle and reach for them.

Outdoor games for the development of the baby's body

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During the waking period, the baby should be offered toys that are convenient to grab (for example, with rings):

  • If it is a rattle, the baby's handle with the toy in them can be shaken to show him how to rattle.
  • If the baby takes and holds the toy well, you can show how to transfer the toy from one hand to the other. Over time, he will understand exactly what movements lead to the appearance of melodic sounds.
  • Toys should also be hung above the crib (bells, noisemakers, objects different shapes and structures). Children begin to distinguish the shape of an object and its individual details.

What to teach a baby at 3 months?

  1. To learn to crawl in front of the baby, they put a toy he loves, for which he will enthusiastically reach out, the baby lies on his tummy, while the mother allows the baby to rest his legs on his hand.
  2. The following developmental game helps to learn coups: the baby is placed on the back, and with the hand that the mother puts under his shoulder, the baby is swayed and turned over (see also:).
  3. To train the muscles that a growing man will need to sit, he is placed on his back, taken by the handles and brought into sitting position, then gently lowered to the back, slightly shaking. You can watch the video on how to do the exercises correctly, or ask the local nurse or doctor for help.
  4. At 3 months, the child may be prescribed a massage, which will be carried out by a specialist. Such a massage will help eliminate hypertonicity, strengthen weakened muscles (if such a phenomenon is observed) (we recommend reading:). More about this in the video school of Dr. Komarovsky:

Development of the sensory sphere

Any sensors are able to develop only if they are involved. Having got used to the environment, which is already more of interest than frightening, the baby, like any person, ceases to perceive familiar sounds as something noteworthy. They turn into habitual noise for him.

Therefore, in order for the sensors and the brain centers that process their information to work, it is necessary to change sound stimuli from time to time, that is, change rattles, give toys with different melodies. This will help not only to entertain and make the child laugh, but also to exercise with the baby, developing his hearing.

A three-month-old baby perfectly singles out the voice of his mother and actual adults from the general sound range, when he addresses him, he revives, moves more actively. The basis for the development of the infant's sensory sphere are:

  • conversation with the baby (description of the process of dressing or external environment);
  • singing children's songs;
  • patting on the surface to the beat of the music;
  • listening to children's songs;
  • use in the classroom of noisy, whistling, squeaking objects.

Talking mother with baby or singing lullabies for him is a significant component of close relationships. Even if it seems that the child is not yet able to grasp the meaning, it is worth knowing: he focuses on intonation, on those feelings and energy that are invested in words

Sensory development games

At home, any activity for the baby can be turned into a playful and developing one. It is very important for children of this age to learn to perceive the world:

  • touch;
  • smell;
  • see;
  • hear.

At this age, the main way of knowing the world around us is analysis. tactile sensations. That is why it is very important to offer not only bright toys, but also different in form and material:

  • tree;
  • plastic;
  • the fabric is the most diverse, from fur to calico;
  • live leaves, real vegetables, etc.

When dealing with a baby, you must definitely comment on your actions. For example, you can say this: “This is a cube, it is solid, yellow color, plastic", it is also useful to show parts of the body and faces of yourself and him, naming them, etc.

Good for small children and busy mothers baby mobiles on the crib. The musical options are especially interesting. The movement of the figurines attracts the attention of the baby and can take him during the waking period, while the mother is doing important things, and soft melodies can even lull the baby to sleep.

Every game in which the child touches, touches and feels something is great for developing his brain activity and fine motor skills

well forgotten old

  • Games that have deep historical roots are good in this age period, for example, “white-sided magpie” is both a “trainer” for crumbs, and massage, and a way to stimulate certain areas of the brain.
  • "Ladushki" train attention, coordinating functions and memory.
  • "Ku-ku" is often madly in love with children, the game can not only entertain your child, but also trains the cognitive functions of the brain. In the world modern technologies these are simple but useful games undeservedly forgotten.

One of the most exciting activities for a small person at three months is the study of his limbs. He is quite capable a long period devote to looking at your hands or playing with your feet. In order to turn gaming activity in the training, mom will need a little imagination. Colored socks with different animals or faces will become great helpers. They can be worn both on the feet and on the hands.

During the first year, the baby develops as intensively as it will never happen in the future. But even against this background, there are periods of slower and more accelerated growth. The third month of life is a period of acceleration. In four weeks, the child usually reaches the maximum monthly increase - about 900 grams and grows another 2-2.5 centimeters. The baby's undershirts and blouses are already too small, in which he literally drowned when you brought him from the maternity hospital. It's time to replenish your wardrobe with sliders, putting them on while you are awake.

In the third month, not a day passes without some new achievement, a new skill. And the most obvious and nice of them is the ability of the baby to rejoice, as they say, with the whole being. As soon as you come to the crib, talk to the child, and he will readily answer you not only with the widest of smiles, the sparkle of his eyes, but also with quick, lively movements of his arms and legs. In medical language, this is what is called - "complex of revival." Like a smile at the fourth or fifth week of life, so this complex at the third month is one of the evidence of the normal psychophysical development of the baby.

IN vertical position in your arms, the child already confidently holds his head, lying on his stomach even slightly raises his shoulders, and when you, holding him under the armpits, put him on a hard plane, he rests well with his feet. Health portal

A child at 2-3 months old knows how to actively have fun and seems to be studying himself. In the position on his back, in the crib, he swings his arms and, accidentally grabbing one hand with the other or stretching both out in front of him, examines them with the greatest interest. This is so characteristic of the third month that the German pediatrician Professor Hellbrugge writes in a book addressed to parents that if a child does not examine his hands at three months, this may be one of the reasons for going to the doctor.

Other reasons: if at 3 months the baby, lying on his stomach, cannot hold his head even for one minute, if he does not reach out with a half-opened handle to a bright object shown to him.

It is no longer enough for a three-month-old child to simply look at a toy - he seeks to act with it, a game enters his life. Hang at the level of it outstretched hand some easy-to-grab toys. Having stumbled upon one of them, he at first freezes in surprise, then begins to feel and tries to pull towards him. There's a lot going on in these attempts: cognitive interest, training tactile sensations, strengthening the small muscles of the fingers. The exercise of the brush will subsequently have the greatest, universal significance for the child: it will facilitate writing, the possession of any instrument, any work. In the meantime, which is very important, hand movements associated with the speech areas of the brain contribute to the development of speech. Alternately insert small plastic rings, sticks with a smooth, rough, ribbed surface into the child’s right and left hands, take them away from him and offer again. Let it grab, touch, hold. All this is a prologue to speech activity, and it will come soon.

With a three-month-old child, you can already talk. You tell him "uh-huh, uh-huh", he listens, looks at your moving lips and answers with something like "ugh" or "agkh". You “agu” again, he “egh” again ... Here is the dialogue!

The child is more and more purposefully interested in sounds. Will the bell ring, will the phone ring, he will concentrate and search not only with his eyes, but also with a turn of his head: “Where is this from? What is this?"

Music, as physiologists have proven, your child perceived already in prenatal period, moreover, when it sounded soft, melodic, he behaved calmly, and when it was loud, with emphasized rhythms of percussion instruments, he let his mother know with sharp jerks about his displeasure or excitement.

Such music frightens and excites him even now, and calm, melodic music can be given to him to listen to for 10-15 minutes. Most of all sound sources so far the baby likes the human voice: mother's or father's - after all, he heard them even before birth, these sounds are familiar to him. And it happens when the child is not comfortable, when he cries, as soon as the parent takes him in his arms, starts to tell something, the child calms down and calms down.

From time immemorial, mothers and grandmothers, putting their children to bed, sang lullabies to them. Humming and you, it works well for the child. And during your waking hours, sing something fun, danceable. You can also walk in front of the bed, dancing, shrugging your shoulders, playing with your hands. In the third month, the child already follows the movements of the mother, turns her head after her. And if at the same time the mother wears a bright robe or blouse, this is even more attractive for him.

In all the new skills of a child at 3 months, one unique feature of infancy is particularly clearly manifested - a close relationship, the interdependence of motor skills and the psyche, "mental" and "bodily". Interest in the environment, positive emotions stimulate the development of movements and, conversely, muscle activity stimulates the psyche. So, playing with a child, bringing him joy, you contribute to the improvement of his physical condition; paying maximum attention hygiene care and feeding, and contribute to the development of the psyche.

Feeding a three month old baby

In one feeding, a child of the third month of life should eat 130-150 grams, in just a day - one sixth of his weight. Try to get at least part of this norm in the form of breast milk. No matter how little you have, still put the baby to the breast first, and then supplement the bottle. You probably already know how much he sucks, and if you haven't already, weigh your baby before and after breastfeeding. Let's say he lacked seventy grams. On the first day of feeding with a mixture, give him not all 70, but 15-20 grams less. If everything goes well, add a little more the next day, and so in 5-7 days reach the norm. Do not be alarmed if the color of the stool changes slightly in the baby. It will turn greenish - this is natural.

The method of preparing the mixture is indicated on the box, it must be followed very punctually. The mixture should be heated to the temperature of breast milk familiar to the child, that is, up to 36-37 ° C, it is necessary to fully reproduce the usual situation of feeding - in the arms of the mother, near her warm breast.

In the third month, bright red spots may appear on the baby's cheeks, which then become covered with a thin crust. They feel itchy and sore. These are the so-called milk crusts, or milk scab, - one of the characteristic manifestations of improper metabolism, exudative diathesis.

Yes, be on your guard - it is in the third month that rickets often begins. Its first signs: the child becomes restless, shy, shudders at a sharp knock, especially when falling asleep. He develops sweating, during feeding, droplets of sweat appear on his face, at night his head sweats so much that by morning a damp spot remains on the pillow. He constantly rubs his head against the pillow, because of this, the hairs on the back of his head fall out. You may also notice that urine has acquired an unusual Strong smell- the amount of ammonia in it has increased.

Caring for a two month old baby

By the age of two months, the child becomes already more active. He can already turn his head from side to side. If a certain moving object appears in the infant's field of vision, the child follows it with his eyes. Activity is also manifested in the fact that if the child is placed on the tummy, then he begins to raise his head, bend his back and move his arms and legs.

A baby at this age already screams more consciously and demandingly. The cry takes on a different color: when a child is hungry, he screams in a completely different way than when he has trouble with his tummy.
The child grabs with his hands all the objects that are near him, and pulls them into his mouth. Your finger, pacifier or toy - it doesn't matter ... He is already able to distinguish a smile on the face of his mother (or other relatives) and answer it with a smile.

At this age, the child begins to get used to the mode of sleep and wakefulness, to the mode of eating. And parents, for their part, should try to observe the regime strictly.

At the age of two months, it is enough to visit the district pediatrician at least once every two weeks.

Babies' nails grow quickly, and if they are not trimmed in time, they can break or bend. A child who is already quite actively moving his arms and legs can scratch himself. Therefore, do not forget to cut your baby's nails. Every time after bathing, inspect the child for this item.

Try to cut your nails carefully - without giving your baby any discomfort. When a mother cuts her baby's nails too short, she can hurt. A child at this age is already well developed conditioned reflexes, and the next time he just won’t give you his pen, he will start acting up.
The nails of children up to three months are very thin - you cannot process them with a nail file so that they do not scratch. So, it is necessary to cut them - without leaving sharp ends, with a rounding.

If you continue to regularly weigh your child at home or in a pediatric clinic and draw a graph of weight changes, then know that normally the curve should still move smoothly upwards - without sharp jumps. At the age of three months, the baby should weigh about six kilograms.

If you suddenly notice that the child does not gain weight within 10-14 days, contact your pediatrician for advice. In general, at the age of three months, the child should add up to 200 grams weekly.

If your child has had enough physical activity when crying, then by the age of three months this is already not enough. For normal development the child wants more movement. By three months, don't swaddle him too tight - let him twitch his legs and arms if he wants to.

Also recommended are daily physical exercise”(Of course, included in the daily routine) for the child. At the optimum temperature for him - 22 ° C - you need to undress the child and put him on a blanket (on the bed or on the same changing table). Let the kid do what he wants. When he jerks for pleasure, turn him over on his tummy - in this position, the muscles of the back and neck are strengthened, since the child is forced to keep his head on weight.

Baby hygiene at 2 months

As the child grows, the number of feedings decreases, but the child eats more. The duration of sleep also changes. In the first weeks of life, the baby, if he does not eat, then sleeps, and if he wakes up, then only to announce to you with a cry that it is time to swaddle him; often the child falls asleep, satiated, but not yet releasing the breast. From the second month, the duration of sleep is gradually reduced, and the baby sleeps for 18-20 hours. There are waking hours. The child begins to more actively comprehend the world around him, looks around with a more or less meaningful look. Chat with him at this time. Be sure that the child will appreciate it and give you many pleasant minutes.

In the third month, the child should sleep about the same as in the second. The only difference is that he is already beginning to slowly navigate the time of day. Some children at this age do not wake up at all from evening to morning feedings. If your child does not belong to such children, do not be upset and do not get annoyed - everything will come, you just need to be a little patient.

For two months, the child's eyes had to be washed with boron water, boiled water, weak tea or chamomile decoction. This was done because the child's eyes had not yet shed tears and could not clear themselves. In the third month, the lacrimal glands begin to function, so regular eyewash becomes less necessary. Except for conjunctivitis.

From this age (as you noticed tears), you only have to periodically clean the corners of the eyes, where after sleep, especially at night, dried secretions accumulate. These secretions should be removed carefully, with a gauze swab or cotton wool soaked in boiled water (however, make sure that the villi do not get into the eye). Do eye toilet carefully so that the removed lumps do not fall on the conjunctiva. Don't rub your eyes. If you still need to rinse them, rinse so that the flow of liquid is from the inner corner of the eye to the outer and so that the washing solution does not get from one eye to the other.

Your child's nails are already growing quite quickly. Do not forget to cut them in time - so that the child does not scratch himself. Do not cut your nails too short, otherwise the skin will subsequently grow on the nails - a very unpleasant phenomenon, and it torments some people all their lives. Who would have thought that the origins of this phenomenon are here - in the first months of life ...

Over time, the daily routine of the child varies. After all, your baby is not only sleeping, but also requires communication. From time to time you leave him undressed for a while - so that the child can move at his own pleasure, so that his skin breathes. IN summer time try to have the child more in the fresh air - sleeping in the garden, and if at home - then by the open window.

At this age, the foundation of health is laid.

Keep toys clean, especially if you have other children who may take toys from the baby. Do not forget that older children already have stable immunity and are not as susceptible to infection as an infant. Preferably, toys made from those materials that can be treated with an antiseptic or simply washed are wooden, rubber and plastic toys. You know that a child puts everything in his mouth. And this is not accidental, he explores the world: visually, by touch and, of course, by taste...

Be on your guard - in the third month of a child's life, rickets often begins!

What can a child do by the end of 3 months of life

  • The baby in the arms of an adult in a vertical position is already able to follow the toy for 30-40 seconds, turn the head 180o. He actively follows a stationary or moving object, the face of an adult talking to him. But eye movements are still poorly coordinated.
  • Many babies can squint with their eyes, which is natural at this age. By 4 months it disappears. Especially well the baby is entertained by moving toys that swing easily and smoothly in the air. It is important that the toy has a few clear details. The ideal distance to the toy is 30-50cm. Most of all, babies love round objects, and their favorite color is red, which has been remembered since the time of intrauterine development.
  • By the end of 3 months, lying on his tummy, the baby already knows how to lean on his forearms and raise his head for 2-2.5 minutes.
  • This position provides the baby with new development opportunities! He looks around with interest and perceives the world around him from a different angle. A more complete movement of the head is a great neurological achievement for him!
  • At 10-12 weeks, the most mobile babies begin to roll over from their back to their tummy.
  • During this period, the so-called “body stability” develops, which is the main prerequisite for the first voluntary movements of the child and the basis for independent activity.
  • While the baby still most often lies on his back, since it is from this position that it will be most convenient for him to sit down later.
  • By the end of 3 months, the baby begins to feel more and more of his body. Take a closer look at him - he lies right on his back, but at the same time his nose, chin, sternum, navel and pubic bone form a straight line. And he plays with his hands in front of his face, examines his fingers, legs are bent and slightly pulled up to the navel.
  • The complex of "revival" in response to the speech addressed to him is clearly expressed.
  • The baby is very actively looking for the source of the sound with his eyes, smiling in response to your smile. This smile is already called "social" because it occurs in response to human face. This is a huge step crumbs in the field of interpersonal relationships!
  • At the end of 3 months, the Moro reflex should disappear from the baby.
  • Please note that now, with a sudden exposure to light and sound, your baby will not incoherently twist his arms and legs. Playing with the handles, the baby simultaneously bends the legs.
  • At 8-12 weeks, the grasping reflex also disappears. The crumbs have a conscious voluntary grasp.
  • From about 10 weeks, the baby begins to enthusiastically play with his hands, touch with his fingers. He tries to hold the toy, tries to touch something with his own hands. This creates a connection between vision and action. Of course, the baby will not immediately be able to grab the toy himself. He will gradually learn this.
  • With the support of the baby under the armpits, he already confidently leans for 45-60 seconds on firm support with the feet of the legs bent at the hip joints.
  • The baby responds well to sounds.

Hooray! We are 3 months old! For the past 12 weeks, the baby has been adapting to the new environment and pleases the parents with its achievements. The development of a child at 3 months is most accelerated compared to all other periods of the first year. This is the stage active growth(up to 3 centimeters) and maximum weight gain (up to 1 kilogram). At this wonderful toothless age, the small fontanel should almost close in the baby.

If the baby is 3 months old, then his achievements include a lot of skills.

Norm and pathology of development

healthy skin three month old baby Normally, it has a pale pink hue, velvety to the touch. Skin folds are pronounced on the body, especially on the legs. They should be symmetrical on both limbs. The asymmetry of the femoral folds most often indicates congenital subluxation or. This disease is formed in the second month of mother's pregnancy and intrauterine diagnosis does not lend itself. It is treated quite successfully in most children by a non-surgical method until the onset of 5 summer age. If the gluteal and femoral folds in your little one are absent or slightly expressed, this may be evidence of malnutrition or a disease of the central nervous system.

Baby's skin is like a peach, soft and tender.

Changes in the density, moisture, elasticity of the skin indicate nervous or somatic diseases. If you notice any of the above symptoms, you should immediately visit a pediatrician, orthopedist and neurologist.

Useful Skills

If from birth the baby was in diapers, then right now the very time is coming when you need to slowly get used to the sliders. It is better to put on small pants or sliders while the baby is awake, and swaddle it during sleep. Freedom of movement contributes to the correct and full development of the baby.

By 3 months baby begins to smell. Feeling a pleasant smell for him, the baby freezes, then revives, maybe even smile. Unpleasant odors- an occasion for a disgruntled grimace and sneezing. Around this age, the baby begins to distinguish and tastes.

At three months, a child can pass for a professional taster.

Hearing ability also increases little toddler. When any sound occurs, he first concentrates, and after a couple of seconds he turns his head to where the crackling, rustling, voice or ringing of interest to him came from.

By three months, the baby is able to distinguish sounds, respond to them.

The intervals of wakefulness are also increasing: now the baby may not close the eye for one and a half to two hours.

What can a 3 month old baby do? The baby begins to actively play with his hands and pull them into his mouth, meaningfully rattles with a rattle. The baby, with great pleasure and zeal, will try to grab the toys suspended in front of his eyes, will try to attract them to him. This occupation is now very fascinated by him. The baby is capable of from the position "on the back" to any side. Holds his head well. If the baby is on the tummy, then it can rise slightly, leaning on the elbows.

How to reach your favorite toy!

Here is the first dialogue.

The baby can also already respond to your phrases like "agu" with the syllables "eggh" or "akgh". In response to his mother's speech or smile, toothless also smiles. At 3 months, the baby should consciously respond to your touch. Let's say if you lightly touch his eyes - the baby will close them and reach for them with his little hand, touch his palm - he will squeeze it into a fist.

Mommy's touch means a lot to the baby.

In all the new skills of the child, one thing is manifested most unique property infants - an extremely close relationship and interdependence of motor skills and the psyche (bodily and mentally). Interest in the world around him, positive experiences stimulate the development of gestures and other movements and, conversely, physical activity has a positive effect on proper development psyche.

One of the most important skills that a mother should instill in her baby is. Teaching a child to chew food should be gradual. By the age of 1.5 years, the baby should be able to eat on his own, this is necessary in order to get into the kindergarten.

Young children show great interest in everything they see in their parents' plate or mug. What to do if your little one is trying to taste the tea? You will find out if this drink can be given to a child.

Mom's voice soothes

Read short stories or poems to the little one bright pictures just necessary. Reading should be commented pointing and voicing the name of the largest and most colorful objects. Thanks to books, he, with your help, will not only discover a lot of new things for himself, but later he will learn to look for answers that interest him.

Calm songs, especially performed by mothers or grandmothers, have a calming effect on the child, but loud rhythmic music can provoke hysterical crying. When the baby is awake and in high spirits, you can sing something funny like “Antoshka” to him, while dancing in front of his bed. The baby at this time will follow your movements with great attention and turn his head after his mother.

Important manipulations

For full development it is important for the baby to massage regularly:

  • legs;
  • feet
  • handles;
  • backs;
  • chest;
  • tummy.

Massage techniques are based on movements:

We will not focus on specific massage complexes. Massage techniques open to the public in any specialized or reference literature.

In addition to massage, the child should have daily physical education classes. Very good effect give - a big inflatable ball.

Proper care and daily routine

Caring for a 3 month old baby is almost the same as in the previous 2 months. The only thing, you need to start cleaning your ears and nose daily because the lacrimal glands are activated. Keep your toys clean, because now the baby strives to try everything “by the tooth”.

Clean your baby's ears regularly.

Must include outdoor activities. If it’s cold enough outside, then you and your baby can be limited to a couple of 15 minute exits into the air, if it’s hot, walk in the mornings and evenings (before swimming), when there are no scorching sun rays. Komarovsky advises accustoming infants to sleep and wakefulness: "To get enough sleep at night, do not be afraid to wake your child a little earlier in the day."

Walking in the fresh air will be useful for both mom and child.

An infant at 3 months is most susceptible to development - a terrible bone disease. To prevent rickets, the mother should drink vitamin "D" (with HB) or give it to the baby along with the mixture (as prescribed by the pediatrician). Beneficial walks in the gentle sun.

infants from the first days of life suffer from colic and gases. Help in solving this delicate problem can. This drug can be given to a child from the first days of life. The basis of the medicine is fennel seeds, absolutely safe for the body of crumbs, has a calming effect.

Very often in young children there are completely non-childhood diseases. For example, many babies suffer from. The specialist will tell about the causes of the development of the disease and how to treat it.

What to do if your one year old baby coughing non-stop. Follow this link and find out how to help your little one.

Dissatisfied again

At 3 months, the baby is naughty for various reasons:

  • colic in the abdomen;
  • fear that mother will leave;
  • wants to sleep, but can't keep up by himself;
  • requires mother's attention;
  • overexcited;
  • neurological problems;
  • reaction to heat or change of weather;
  • (some children already climb at this age).

In his three months, the baby will find a reason to worry and cry.

There can be many reasons for whims. Be that as it may, the child is necessary, it is best to take it in your arms and sing a melodious song (but not sad, otherwise there will be even more crying).

Problems at 3 months


“I change diapers for my son often, but there are still diaper rash on the skin. What to do"?

Practicing pediatrician says:

“Let the baby’s skin “breathe” without a diaper (it’s good if he sleeps without it during the day), bathe in the Series, use not powders, but corn or potato starch. Do not use any ointments.


“We have a problem: Karina, at 3 months old, is very tense all over and can hardly bend and unbend her arms and legs. What could it be?

The neurologist answers:

“Most likely your baby. It happens to every newborn in varying degrees of severity. For many babies, it goes away on its own. If the tone is pronounced, then the treatment for the baby will be special massage And herbal baths. Do it with your daughter daily gymnastics and swim more."


“We have white spots on our bodies that look like eels. The pediatrician said that everything is fine, but I'm worried "...

With the advent of a baby, young inexperienced parents have a lot of new worries and troubles, so often new moms and dads resort to special literature and advice from older comrades to solve incomprehensible issues. The development of a child at 3 months is quite active, so this time should be used as efficiently as possible, because right now the basic skills and habits are being laid.

Physiological changes

In the very first months of life, newborns develop very intensively, changes affect all organs and systems of the body. During this month, the child will grow by about 2-3 cm, and the head will acquire a more proportional size in relation to the body.

Actively progressing digestive system, the stomach by this time increases at least twice, so the newborn needs more breast milk. Except maternal breast a child of this age does not need additional food, the only supplement allowed for 3 months of life is vitamin D prescribed by a pediatrician, which prevents the development of rickets. Gaining weight on early stages should be given increased attention, because in given period there is a high probability of overfeeding the baby, especially for babies who are on artificial feeding. The optimal weight gain for 3 months is 600-800 grams, however, it should be noted that this is an average figure, and it may vary depending on the characteristics of the organism.

By 3 months, coordination of movements is being established, the child already consciously takes toys with his hands, can clap his hands or reach for his face. Most newborns are able to roll over onto their side or tummy by the end of 3 months. The most active children may attempt to pull themselves up with their hands and rise a little. The task of the parents at this stage is to help the baby perform the desired action, however, it is impossible to lean the newborn on the legs or let go of the hands abruptly, since the ligaments of the limbs are not yet fully developed, therefore they are not able to withstand the weight of the baby.

Psychological development

Every day of life, newborns develop new skills and abilities, children spend less time in a dream, and more and more learn about the world. During this period, many babies tend to be in the arms of mom and dad as often as possible, as this allows them to see more interesting things around.

A child at 3 months easily perceives sounds and freely distinguishes native voices. He already turns his head on hearing his name, can focus on small elements and follow moving objects with his eyes. This is a good time to introduce him to soft music, such as classical music or nursery rhymes. You can use a crib mobile, which will give mom a little more free time. Spinning rattles and toys, together with light music, will occupy the baby for a while, and gradually the child will fall asleep on his own with the help of such a simple device.

Even without being able to speak, at this age the child gives signals to parents, with the help of which one can understand his condition. During 3 months, by crying the child, it is already possible to distinguish the cause of his discomfort:

  • slight sobs, gradually gaining momentum and eventually turning into a loud cry, most often mean that the child is hungry;
  • crying in a dream, during which the baby is spinning or rubbing his hands, is a sign of lack of sleep, in which case it is best to create silence in the room and rock the child;
  • piercing and sharp crying, most likely symbolizes pain. The third month of a newborn's life is accompanied by colic and otitis media, therefore, first of all, attention should be paid to the baby's ears and tummy;
  • evening crying, starting at the same time, can talk about intracranial pressure. The solution to this problem is the use of a pacifier, which will remove discomfort and comfort the newborn.

Being in good mood, three month old baby will actively roar and laugh. Every day, the sounds uttered by the baby become more distinct and varied, strengthen speech activity a newborn at this time is possible with the help of songs and poems. By the way, soon the baby will begin to distinguish phrases already familiar to him, about which he will inform you with a joyful exclamation, and having learned to speak, he may surprise you with an independent repetition of the studied material.

What to do with baby

A child at 3 months is quite active and mobile, tends to turn around, move his arms and legs, so this time is the most suitable for active games. Of course, the baby still does not know how to crawl or sit, therefore active classes with it should be as follows:

  • study of hanging toys - by hanging several different rattles or soft animals in the arena, you will give the baby the opportunity to independently carry out gymnastic exercises. The child himself will try to get objects first with his arms, then with his legs, which will significantly strengthen his muscles;
  • morning exercises - after the morning bath procedures, a little gymnastics will be useful. Gentle flexion and extension of the arms and legs promotes the development of ligaments, and turning movements of the trunk from the back to the tummy will help the baby learn to roll over without your help. When conducting gymnastic exercises, one should take into account such an indicator as the weight of a child at 3 months, since cardinal deviations from the norm require special classes;
  • massage - light stroking of the back and neck area will avoid muscle stagnation, and light massaging of the knee and elbow joints will increase muscle elasticity;
  • outdoor walks - take the baby for a walk as often as possible, children of the 3rd month of life are very interested in observing the world around them, for example, animals, plants, etc. To make the baby more interesting, slightly raise the back of the bed or take the child in your arms more often, giving him the maximum outlook;
  • fitball exercises - a soft elastic ball for physical activities allows you to coordinate the movements of the child, while it is considered an excellent prevention of intestinal colic.

At three months, the baby takes pleasure in new games and activities. This is a good period for the development of tactile sensations, which will help homemade toys. Offer your newborn a few soft objects of different textures, such as a velvet soft toy, a rough kitchen glove, and a ball of thick thread - by touching different surfaces, the child develops hand motor skills. Soft cubes with a rattle inside are also popular. Take a few ordinary cubes and one with a rattle, show the baby the difference between them. Soon the baby himself will find a rattling object from the mass of the rest.

At three months, the baby will be happy to meet other children, they, of course, will not be able to play together, but they will get a lot of new experiences. If you have pets at home, do not limit their communication with the child, of course, under your strict control.

Since the baby of the third month is able to distinguish sounds and familiar objects, it will be interesting for him to observe himself. To do this, hang a safe mirror in the arena, the baby will definitely appreciate this innovation.

Try to introduce your child to different styles music, turn on rhythmic songs during the waking period and accompany them with clapping your hands, as well as light dance moves. Before going to bed, it is better to put on calm music, and soon the child will distinguish the relationship between the rhythm of the music and subsequent actions.

Such simple exercises help the correct and active development of babies of the third month, besides, children who receive a lot of attention from their parents grow smarter, develop faster than their peers and get sick less often.