Light brown hair color: trendy shades of warm and cold palette. Light brown hair color: a palette of shades worthy of attention

Most of the girls of Slavic appearance nature gave blond hair. With the advent of a wide palette of dyes, this color was undeservedly forgotten and replaced by brighter shades, but after the return of fashion for natural beauty, interest in it resumed. The owners of fair-haired curls have a legitimate reason to rejoice, but fair-haired girls and brown-haired women should not be upset either. If desired, a light brown color can be created from almost any starting tone, the main thing is that its combination with the appearance is harmonious.

Who suits blond hair color?

Ash blonde hair

Ash-blond color has a pronounced gray tint. It is far from suitable for everyone, since it emphasizes any skin defects (acne, uneven tone, etc.). Its creation also causes difficulties. It is not always possible to achieve a stable result and the same shade when tinting the roots, especially if you do it at home.

But these difficulties do not deter stylish beauties. Girls with light peach skin and a slight blush can easily afford to wear an ashy shade.

Advice! In order not to make a mistake in choosing a tone, the first coloring in ashy color is best done in the cabin.

Golden blond curls

A distinctive feature of the color is honey or caramel highlights and overflows. With their help, dark hair will sparkle with new colors, and light hair will become more saturated. The golden blond shade is universal, suitable for any skin type and eye color. If the difference in comparison with the natural tone of the hair is not too big, tint balms and shampoos successfully cope with the coloring. Thanks to this, even weakened curls can be given a golden blond color.

Honey overflows on chic curls

Copper brown shade

Copper-blond is a unique hair color that is almost never found in nature. He looks great with blue and brown eyes, but gives a special charm to green-eyed girls.

Copper-gold tone successfully sets off pale, freckled skin. And a darker, richer shade of copper suits swarthy. The desired color gives the use of henna, persistent dyes and tinting shampoos.

Color defines character

Despite the fact that most modern ladies repeatedly change their hair color during their lives, men still have certain stereotypes associated with blondes or brunettes. Fair-haired women were also not ignored:

  1. Light blond hair in warm shades - kind, gentle, slightly fearful and in need of support.
  2. Light blond hair of cold shades - the owner of the Nordic character, strong, sometimes stubborn, but faithful and reasonable. Sometimes it is perceived as a coldish, but even more attractive object in terms of conquest.
  3. Brown hair - a woman as close as possible to real life, generous, smart, caring. Subconsciously evokes associations with excellent health, which will allow you to have strong and beautiful children. However, the line from fair-haired to "none" is very thin, as well as the perception from "a good wife and mother" to "a gray mouse."
  4. Dark blond hair with an ashy tint - smart, cunning, can give the impression of "on your mind."
  5. Dark blond with a greenish tint is a creative nature, often endowed with some supernatural abilities, for example, the gift of foresight.


An interesting effect can be achieved by adding bleached strands to light brown hair. Depending on the existing color, highlighting is performed in one of the following techniques:

  • Classic. It involves lightening single strands near the face or their distribution throughout the mass of hair. The method is used on dark and medium shades of light brown.

  • Californian. This is a gentle coloring method in which curls are lightened without foil wrapping. As a result, the color is less intense. The application of paint begins, stepping back a little from the roots, so as they grow back, the hairstyle does not need frequent correction.

  • French. Lightening in this technique is made non-contrasting, so that the illusion of sun-bleached curls is obtained. The method is suitable for light shades of hair.

  • Brazilian. As in the French version, instead of playing in contrast, they create smooth play of color. For coloring, not one, but several similar shades are used. The technique is fully revealed on medium blond curls and is categorically not suitable for hair previously treated with henna or basma.

  • Reverse. With it, you can gradually return from heavily discolored curls to a natural tone. To do this, individual strands are stained with a darker color, close to natural.


Another technique that brings variety to light brown shades is ombre staining. She appeared relatively recently, but has already been appreciated by Hollywood divas, celebrities and many simple girls who follow fashion. The essence of such staining is the creation of a smooth fusion of natural color with any other along the horizontal border.

Using this method on light brown curls has several advantages:

  • keeps hair roots healthy;
  • visually increases the volume of the hairstyle;
  • allows you to try out new shades without a radical change in image.

It is blond hair that opens up the widest opportunities for experimentation. The classic two-tone ombre, triple and even bright coloring with non-standard shades looks good on them. You just need to choose the option that suits you.

Hair dye: create a light brown shade yourself

Coloring in light brown is different from working with bright shades. At home, without much difficulty, you can change the color by 1-2 tones in any direction. But if you have firmly decided to repaint, for example, from black to light brown, it is better to contact the salon. Pre-lightening under the control of the master in this case increases the chances of success, but still greatly weakens the hair.

When self-dyeing curls in a light brown color, you must:

  1. Carefully study the palette and make sure that your original shade allows the application of the desired paint.
  2. Pause from washing your hair for 2-3 days before using the coloring composition.
  3. At the first staining, start applying from the tips, as they take on color more slowly. With regrown roots, the situation is reversed.
  4. Keep the mixture on your hair for exactly as long as recommended in the instructions. Extending the life of the dye will not make the color more saturated and will most likely ruin the hair.
  5. Let the curls rest for a few days if you pre-lightened with a wash.

Otherwise, the technology does not differ from staining in any other color. The final stage is the application of a balm and further restorative hair care.


In order for light brown hair to remain healthy, and their shade does not fade, you must not forget about care after dyeing. On a regular basis, it is better to use products made from natural ingredients. For example, it is recommended to rinse wheaten and golden hair with chamomile decoction.

A one-component nourishing mask made from curdled milk is also useful. Her recipe is simple - homemade yogurt is applied along the entire length of the hair and left for an hour. It is not necessary to wrap your head, it is enough to pin up curls so that they do not interfere. After an hour, the hair should be washed with shampoo. Another natural remedy is colorless henna. It activates growth and restores the structure of blond hair.

Another natural remedy is colorless henna. It activates growth and restores the structure of blond hair. Apply henna in the form of masks from a powder diluted with water, herbal decoction or tea. Other ingredients may be added essential oils, egg powder, cosmetic clay, avocado, some dairy products.

You should always remember that frequent blow-drying and curling dry your hair, so you need to use thermal protection and nourishing masks.

Good reviews received a mask of colorless henna and kefir. To do this, take one glass of low-fat kefir, preferably homemade, mix it with 1 tbsp. l. henna until smooth and distributed over the entire length of the hair. The curls are wrapped with a towel, left for 20 minutes, and then washed off with the usual shampoo. To saturate the hair with nutrients, 2-3 applications per month are enough.

Important! If the care product with henna is overexposed, there is a danger of getting unwanted yellowness of the hair.

Haircuts and hairstyles for fair-haired girls

Beautiful hair needs a decent design. Classic hairstyles for light brown hair - elongated caret and cascade. Cascading haircuts look especially interesting on curls dyed in the ombre style.

Elongated caret on light brown hair

Although light brown is more often chosen for long hair, it can also be presented attractively on short haircuts. To do this, you should take care of the volume. If your hair is thin, highlighting individual strands allows you to visually make it thicker. Of course, short haircuts require more styling time, but the beauty is worth it.

Hairstyle reverse braid on light brown hair. Step 1-4 Women with regular features and not too wide cheekbones can try out hairstyles with curls. Combined with California highlights,

Light brown hair is a sign inherent in Slavic appearance. It is he who is the main natural color for most of the inhabitants of our country. Its darker shade looks very deep and rich and suits absolutely any color type. It is not surprising that today, with the popularity of everything natural and natural, many girls are returning to their natural beginning. They prefer hair. What brand of paint is able to color curls in the desired tone without harm? And which one will most accurately convey this beautiful shade?

Who suits this color

Since this is a natural shade, we can say that the whole palette of dark blond hair color will suit everyone. It's all about the nuances. Hair with a golden undertone is more suitable for an autumn girl, as well as owners of swarthy skin - golden tints will emphasize it.

Ashy dark blond curls are suitable for a woman-summer and especially spring, make her look sophisticated and aristocratic.

As for age, such a natural color will make you younger, it suits both very young girls, emphasizing their naturalness, and older ladies. However, the latter is better to choose lighter options for greater freshness of the image.

How to get the right color

It is very important to choose a natural beautiful shade when you need a dark blond color today it is sold in almost any store. Many brands, names, coloring techniques, rich palettes. How to find the right one among them?

Most manufacturers of both professional paints and those intended for home use adhere to the generally accepted color numbering. Surely you paid attention to the number indicated on each box of paint. It can consist of one digit or two or three, separated by a dot or dash. The first number here indicates the main natural color and its depth. This numbering is international, from 1 to 10, from dark to light, where 1 is black and 10 is light blond. Dark blond in this gradation is number 6, many manufacturers have exactly the sixth shade in their palette.

There are also variations of these basic colors, they are usually indicated through a dot from the main one. This is the dominant shade numbered from 0 to 7, where each number is assigned a different color:

  • 0 - no shade, natural tone (may not be indicated at all);
  • 1 - ashy;
  • 2 - matte;
  • 3 - golden;
  • 4 - copper or red;
  • 5 - red-violet;
  • 6 - blue-violet;
  • 7 - red-brown.

Sometimes there is a third digit, indicating an additional tone. It is deciphered according to the same scheme as the second, but the content of this additional tone is two, and sometimes three times less than the main one.

Although there are brands (for example, "Schwarzkopf" and paint "Palet"), the palette of which does not always correspond to this classification, in this case, read the name of the tone.

Knowing the designations of these numbers, you can easily navigate in the store and find, for example, an ashy version or the same color, but with a reddish one.

Difficulties and nuances of staining in dark blond shades

This color seems quite simple, but it also has nuances. To make it look as natural as possible, it is important to carefully choose the paint. In the case of professional compositions (for example, with "Estelle" or "Londacolor"), the palette will be selected by the master colorist, and in the case of home staining, you will have to experiment.

Always look at the box of paint - it indicates those shades of natural hair on which the product will fall best. The lighter the hair, the more intense the color will be, but some dark blond shades give a lighter tone than stated, keep this in mind and you may have to dye your hair in two steps.

It is important that the shade does not turn out too red or yellow. So pay attention to your own pigment. If you have gold or red hair, this shade in the paint can exacerbate the effect. But it will be difficult for you to get ashy and cold - your hair can acquire a greenish tint.

Paint "Loreal"

L'oreal Paris is a French brand that produces a wide range of cosmetics, including several lines of hair dye that is easy to use at home. Classic dark blond is in the Excellence line, this is number 6. There are also variations with shades:

  • Number 6.13 “dark blond beige”, as you can see from the numbers, beige is created by a mixture of a predominantly cold ash and shading a warm golden undertone.
  • Number 6.32 "golden" - a warmer shade with a predominance of golden undertones.

In the Excellence line, there is also a resistant one in this line, which includes components that protect the hair before, during and after dyeing. Before the procedure, a protective serum is applied, and after - a caring balm for the ends of the hair.

In the Kasting creme gloss line, look for the Frosty Gloss shade number 6.13 - this is a dark blond shade. This is a soft, ammonia-free composition, which, nevertheless, paints over gray hair and withstands up to 28 uses of shampoo, while maintaining a beautiful dark blond hair color.

Prodigy paint from Loreal also did not do without dark blond tones. She dyes her hair without ammonia, using more gentle ethanolamine and micro-oil technology. Look for numbers 6.32 "Walnut" and 6.0 "Oak" - these are natural natural tones, the first is warmer and golden, the second is natural, but bright.

Among the unusual products, we note the Casting Sunkiss Jelly clarifying gel. This is an ammonia-free formula for uncolored natural hair that creates a natural lightening effect that mimics sun-bleached strands. For dark blond curls, choose shade 02.

Features of staining, which has paint "Loreal"

Dark blond is popular in the lines of this brand, so the quality of dyeing and color transfer is quite high. In general, at the moment Loreal is the undoubted leader in the market for home coloring products. Their lines allow you to radically change the color of your hair, and slightly adjust the shade, but maintain the health and shine of the curls.

If you want to get dark blond from black or red-dyed hair, then choose persistent Excellence. Judging by the reviews, it will not only provide a beautiful color, but also make the hair soft and shiny. The Prodigy line is only suitable for natural blond who wants to refresh or paint over gray hair.

It is not difficult to notice that some Loreal paints have the same numbers in different lines, for example, 6.32 for Excellence and the same for Prodigy. They will give approximately the same result, but the second product is more suitable for dark blond girls who want to diversify their hair shade.

Palette "Garnier"

The French company Garnier is actually one of the Loreal brands, but it is isolated on the market. No less popular than the older brother Loreal Paris, and resistant paint "Garnier".

Dark blond shade 6.0 is presented by Garnier in three different lines:

  • Color&Shine - ammonia-free cream color with cranberry and argan extracts.
  • Color Sensation is a line with mother-of-pearl and flower oil that conveys true and accurate color.
  • Olia - enriched with oils, gives a classic natural dark blond without yellow pigment.

Also in the lines are dark blond shades with undertones, for example, Olia 6.35 “Caramel” with warm golden chestnut tints.

Reviews about "Garnier", how to get a dark blond hair color

Garnier paint is generally more budgetary than its counterparts from Loreal, which gives it certain advantages, however, the reviews for these products are ambiguous - the resulting shade does not always correspond to what is indicated on the box, a lot depends on the quality of the hair and their individual characteristics.

Reviews say that many of the light brown shades of Garnier give a rather noticeable yellow undertone, which is often not a virtue of the color. Also, Garnier colors, especially the Olia line, wash out of the hair too quickly. The effect of bright and saturated color disappears within a couple of weeks after staining.

However, there are also pluses. This, in addition to the low price mentioned (only 130-250 rubles, depending on the line), the good condition of the hair after dyeing. This is largely due to the oils generously added to all formulations.

Palette "Estelle"

"Estelle" are professional paints that are available in beauty salons or in specialized stores for hairdressers. It is also possible to use Estelle paints at home, but you need to be prepared for the fact that in order to get a deep natural color, you will have to mix paints and learn how to use special activators and coloring pigments.

More than a hundred different shades of color has paint "Estelle". Dark blond is presented in all its diversity, especially in the main Essex palette - from classic dark blond 6.00 to tone 6.54 “Jasper” with red-copper tints. Please note that there are 6.00 options in palette 2 - one is the main one, and the second is for coloring gray hair.

Other unusual dark blond shades of "Estelle":

  • 6.75 "Rosewood" - brown-red.
  • 6.76 "Noble Umber" - brown-violet.
  • 6.6 "Burgundy" - purple.

There was a time when blond hair was considered nondescript, faded. Girls preferred brighter shades of strands. Currently, natural colors of curls are very popular, including light brown hair color. It looks especially beautiful on ladies with a Slavic appearance. This shade beautifully emphasizes the fair skin of beauties and gray, green, blue, light brown eyes.

Blonde is what color of hair?

Not everyone knows what tones are considered blond. If you draw information from the open spaces online, then light brown is all shades between white and black. Even from the list of light brown tones, the bright red colors of the palettes should be excluded.

Light brown includes a number of diverse colors. The main groups of this color are divided into three subcategories:

  • Dark shades of light brown (brown, mocha, chocolate, dark blond, chestnut).
  • Light hair colors. These include the following colors: beige, light blond, platinum blond, etc.
  • Medium tone strands. In particular, these are: light brown, brown-haired and others.

Brown hair color

A light brown shade or, as it is also called by fashion women, is a mousey, very attractive hair color. Moreover, the brightness of a girl is determined not only by one tone of strands. It is also an attractive make-up, favorably emphasizing the color of the eyes and skin. And the tone of curls can also be chosen without problems for your color type from various shades of light brown.

  • For a warm color type of appearance, dark hair colors from a palette of light brown tones are more suitable.
  • For a cold color type, strands of ash-blond, ash-chestnut, gray-blond color will look beautiful.
  • For the fairer sex with gray, green, blue eyes, a light beige shade of hair will go well.

Dark blond hair color - photo

As mentioned above, the dark tones of light brown are especially relevant for women with a warm appearance color type. In addition, the dark blond tone of the strands is well suited for ladies of Balzac age. After all, it visually helps to hide existing wrinkles, skin imperfections on the face.

For owners of dark skin, it is better not to use too dark shades of light brown. Otherwise, you will appear older than your years. And chocolate, golden tones will be just right.

Medium blond hair color - photo

The medium blond palette of shades is quite diverse. Therefore, these colors are suitable for both warm skin types and cold ones. Brunettes often use these tones for lightening. Blondes in order to make their hair color more natural.

To determine your skin type, just look at the veins. If they are blue, then you have a cold color type. And the green color indicates that you belong to the warm color type.

For women of the first skin type, it is better to use such tones as: ash-blond, platinum-blond, gray-blond.

And girls with a second skin color type will go: caramel blond, honey blond, wheat blond.

IMPORTANT! Ash shades of hair are better for girls who make makeup with a cold palette of shadows (blue, lilac tones). And golden blond curls look beautiful with shades of green, brown.

Light blond color

Light blond tones also have a wide variety of shades. The main thing is that they look natural. The light, blond color of the strands looks especially beautiful in girls with light eyes, fair skin. The owners of these light tones are called girls with flax-colored hair, as in the famous work of a talented composer.

IMPORTANT! Light, beige color of curls needs special care. After all, after dyeing, the hair loses its strength, splits. Therefore, the use of moisturizing preparations for strands is necessary. And to get rid of the yellow tint on the curls, you should wash your hair with chamomile, with a decoction of lavender at least twice a month.

Light shades of hair

Ash-blond tone of strands

For several years now, this shade has been popular among girls. Gray strands are more suitable for the fair sex with pale skin, light eyes. And if a girl has small freckles, then they look intriguing, inaccessible.

Golden blond tone of curls

Suitable for both older ladies and young girls with green, gray-green eyes, white skin.

Wheat-blond tone of strands

The perfect tone for generous, open women. It looks especially stylish on lush curls. Beautifully emphasizes blue, gray, green eyes.

Blonde girls

Light brown tones of curls look noble. Girls with such strands have a special natural beauty. Owners of light brown shades of hair are associated with an extraordinary image of sophisticated elegance.

Shades of light brown hair color - photo

Golden blond tone of strands

Beige shade of strands

Dark, blond tone of the strands (color - brown-haired)

Light brown, brown tone of curls

Platinum hair tone

Light brown hair color - photo. Palette of shades of colors

Hazelnut - light shade of strands

Sand shade strands

Caramel-blond tone of curls

Light blond hair color, which paint is suitable for this shade of hair

Paints for obtaining persistent shades of light blond tones are very popular among women, such as:

  1. Garnier Color- gives curls a rich tone. It has a gentle effect on the strands due to its composition.
  2. Estel- gives light hair shine, acts gently on them, because the composition contains substances that nourish and moisturize the structure of curls.
  3. Kapous- paints strands well. The composition includes natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair.

Pearl tone curls

Honey blonde shade

Beautiful light brown hair color - photo

To get a beautiful light brown color, it is better to visit an experienced stylist. It is difficult to choose the right tone of paint on your own. In addition, it fits differently on different shades of strands. Yes, there are many techniques for hair coloring. Popular among them are:

  1. ombre- when the hair is darker at the roots, and closer to the tips, they gradually become almost white.
  2. Shatush- represents the effect of slightly burnt strands. The image turns out natural, natural.
  3. Balayazh- interweaving of various shades on curls.
  4. Blonding- a combination of medium, dark, light blond tones.
  5. highlighting- lightening individual strands.
  6. Marble staining curls- used on strands of long hair. It is done in several stages, the effect of transfusion of curls is obtained. This comes out thanks to the powdery clarifier.

If you decide to change your image, dye your hair light brown, then act boldly. Now you know which shade of light brown is better for you. Just consider the advice of stylists:

  • Do not dye bright red hair light brown without washing, bleaching with professional products.
  • If you decide to dye black strands in light brown, light brown, then do not do it all at once. Chocolate tones can be repainted after a single wash. A light shade is done in several stages and the hair after that will become damaged.
  • No need to overdo the paint on the hair, thinking that you will get a deeper tone. You risk drying out your hair.
  • Before the procedure for painting curls, be sure to cut off the split ends.
  • After washing off the coloring matter from the head, do not forget to use a mask.
  • The paint will color the strands better if you don’t wash your hair for three days the day before.

Full staining

What color is better to dye blond hair? In almost any, the main thing is to focus on your color type and the image that you want to create.

If you belong to the spring and autumn color type(light brown hair with olive, bronze or peach skin and light or brown eyes), then choose warm shades:

  • golden walnut;
  • almond praline;
  • caramel macchiato;
  • maple syrup;
  • creamy blond;

Girls with light or dark eyes, pale porcelain or pinkish skin we recommend opting for cool muted tones. For example, fit:

  • wet asphalt;
  • frosty chestnut;
  • frosty glaze;
  • muted copper;
  • brown purple;
  • marsal;


  1. Stir the dye according to the instructions. For medium length hair, it is better to purchase 2 packs of paint, and for long curls - as many as 3.
  2. Divide your hair into sections along the parting, as you usually wear.
  3. Using a comb with a sharp end, select a strand of hair. Apply the composition with a brush first to the roots, and then along the entire length. Comb through the paint with a wide-toothed comb.
  4. In a similar way, paint over the entire hair.
  5. Wrap the curls with a plastic cap, and then with a towel. Wait for the time specified by the manufacturer.
  6. After the expiration of the period, the head is washed under running water.
  7. Apply shampoo and conditioner.

Many manufacturers of hair cosmetics offer ready-made solutions for single-tone coloring: Loreal, Revlon, Schwarzkopf, Kapus, Garnier and many others. Also in the arsenal of famous brands there are ammonia-free dyes that do not spoil curls, but, unfortunately, cost several times more and are delayed for a maximum of a month.

Temporary toning

How to temporarily refresh your hair or give it an interesting shade? Of course, use special cosmetics for hair.

Toning the curls for a short time - for 3-4 washes - will help tonics and balms. They are applied like regular shampoos, lather, kept for the time specified by the manufacturer and washed off with plenty of water (it should become completely transparent). Remember, you can use these funds no more than 1 time in 3 weeks.

Color staining with crayons and varnishes will make your image interesting and outrageous. If you need to go to an original photo shoot or a glamorous disco party, then such cosmetics will help you in reincarnation. With the first wash, the color disappears, so if you don’t like your bow, you can immediately get rid of it.

  • varnishes brands Kryolan, Balea, Orkide, Jofrika;
  • spray for coloring: Color Xtreme Hair Art, Salon, Loreal, Oribe Airbrush;
  • liquid mascara: Stargazer, IsaDora, DIVAGE, Anastasia Beverly Hills;
  • crayons for quick painting: Hot Huez, The Body Shop, Loreal, Hair Chalk, Masters Pastel;
  • mousse, gel or foam: Igora from Schwarzkopf, Manic Panic, Vella, Palette;
  • toning masks: KayPro Color Mask, Subtil shades from DUCASTEL Laboratory.

You can also use tinted balms, shampoos and tonics:

  • Estelle Solo ton or Shampoo;
  • Irida;
  • Loreal (Gloss Color and Silver);
  • Indola Color Silver;
  • Bonacure Color Save by Schwarzkopf;
  • Color Lux by Belita.

If you want to color light brown curls in a darker color, we recommend mixing henna and basma in equal proportions- get a rich chestnut shade. And if you add coffee or cinnamon to the composition, you can achieve beautiful chocolate or copper overflows. Henna on brown-haired women will give the strands a redhead, and basma - brown.

Interesting point: If you decide to dye your curls with henna, be prepared for the fact that the pigment will not wash off your hair for a long time. In addition, in the next 6 months it is forbidden to stain with permanent dyes.

To give the curls a beautiful gold, it is recommended to rinse them with decoctions:

  • lindens;

Partial staining

Partial staining is now in vogue. It does not damage the hair so much, since only certain areas can be lightened and pigmented - strands, tips, bangs. Another advantage of this type of painting is that no need to regularly tint curls.

If you need to lighten curls, choose a 3 or 6% oxidizer. Do not buy 9 or 12%, as you risk burning the curls and getting a strong yellowness.


This technique will reveal itself as harmoniously as possible on light brown hair. It involves a combination of natural color with caramel, honey, wheat and various shades of blond.

It is performed as follows:

  1. The hair is carefully combed and divided into 6 zones along the parting.
  2. Separate strands are selected with a maximum thickness of 0.5 cm.
  3. They need to be combed well at the roots so that the hairs break out.
  4. With chaotic movements from top to bottom, the master applies the coloring composition. It is advisable to put foil under the bottom so that the color is not transferred to other areas.
  5. In a similar way, the entire hair is stained.
  6. The pigment dries naturally under the influence of oxygen.
  7. After activation, the product must be washed off.

At the exit, beautiful curls will be waiting for you, as if burnt out in the sun.

Council of Experts. If you want the hairstyle to look as harmonious as possible, you should choose colors 2-3 tones lighter than the base one. For girls who want to carry out gentle coloring, there is the majimesh technique, which involves the use of an ammonia-free dye.


Aimed at the formation of clear color transitions on your curls (the roots are left light brown, and the curls are dyed light).

Coloring technique:

  1. Dilute the dye in the proportion indicated by the manufacturer.
  2. If you have long hair, tie ponytails at about shoulder height. For a bob hairstyle or an elongated bob, they are tied approximately in the middle of the ear.
  3. The paint is placed on the tips to the ponytails, and then each strand is wrapped in foil.
  4. Once 30 minutes have passed, unfold the foil and rinse off the dye.
  5. Apply the pigment to the area 4 cm up from the edge of the previous staining.
  6. Wash off the dye after 10 minutes.
  7. Paint over the ends of the hair again with paint.
  8. After 10-15 minutes, rinse the curls completely.

Ombre looks gorgeous on both straight and curled curls. The tips can be painted not only in our usual caramel color. Try pastel lilac or rich plum for an original look.


Ideal for brown-haired women with curled long curls. The hairstyle also looks good on medium-length hair cut in the style of an elongated bob or bob.

To date, colors are considered trendy:

  • pearl ash;
  • pastel lilac;

If you have blond or blond hair, the use of red and coral colors that look advantageous on owners of chocolate hair is prohibited. You can resort to multi-tonal staining, when chestnut color is applied at the roots and rich cherry, eggplant, marsala or burgundy at the tips.

The essence of the procedure is that the color is stretched vertically. The hair is divided into two zones - lower and upper. The selection of strands that will lie on the surface is done at the same distance from each other, while the lower part can be stained randomly.

Coloring technique:

  1. Comb the curls and divide the hair into zones.
  2. Select individual strands diagonally and apply a coloring composition to the tips. Wrap in foil.
  3. After 15 minutes, open the strands and stretch the paint down to create smoother transitions.
  4. Now paint over the sections of the upper part of the strand. Make random brush strokes. Let the pigment activate naturally under the influence of oxygen.
  5. After 30 minutes, rinse the curls with plenty of water.
  6. Don't forget to apply color fixer.

As you can see, such painting can be done very easily at home.

Expert advice. To give the hair the effect of burnt strands, it is recommended to use several shades of the same color. Before coloring, make a graduated haircut.

Eye of the Tiger

For dark blond hair, “tiger eye” coloring is chic when the tips are done in caramel or red color. It belongs to complex coloring, so it is better to carry it out in the salon.


  1. Divide your head into zones, highlighting individual strands.
  2. Stepping back a few centimeters from the roots, apply a clarifier.
  3. Wash it off with water after 20 minutes.
  4. Dilute several tones as close as possible to each other (caramel palette).
  5. Select the bleached strands and coat them with a brush, making a foil backing so that the color does not transfer to other areas.
  6. Vary colors.
  7. After the activation time of the dye, wash off the pigment and enjoy the beautiful overflows.

This painting option is ideal for “warm” beauties with green, hazel or light brown eyes and bronze skin. Thanks to the overflows of various tones, the effect of burnt strands and additional volume are created. If you are a dark brown-haired woman, be sure to try this coloring.


Can still be used by light blond girls. It involves highlighting individual strands. In the presence of a dark chestnut color, we do not recommend classic coloring in the highlighting style, because an unpleasant “watermelon” can result due to the contrast. Fair-haired beauties can try Californian or Venetian highlights with stretching the color along the length.

This year's trend is glare highlights. Fashionable coloring involves the creation of soft transitions between strands through the use of shades that are as close to each other as possible. It turns out a stunning romantic image and beautiful play of color in the sun.

bright tips

An interesting painting option is the dip dye technique. when individual strands are selected on light brown hair, having previously moistened them with water, twisted them into a tourniquet and stained with crayons or pastel powder. After you dissolve the curls, your luxurious mane will sparkle with new colors. In addition, dyed hair ends in bright colors will make your look lively and dynamic.

Important point: dip dye technique involves dyeing only the tips in bright colors: lilac, terracotta, emerald, marshmallow and blue. Celebrities such as Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Demi Lovato, Drew Berimor have long experienced this trend for themselves.

The combination of cold blond hair with white ash or pearl tips looks very interesting.

Color care

After dyeing light brown hair, they need to pay special attention. Hairdressers recommend:

  • avoid styling with styling products and hot air from a hair dryer;
  • choose a shampoo that matches the type of your curls;
  • after washing your hair, use balms or conditioners that will make the curls smoother and more hydrated;
  • toning the hair to give it an interesting shade should be done infrequently - once every three weeks;
  • do not comb the still wet curls, as their structure can be damaged;
  • cover your head when you are in the sun or in the pool;
  • trim split ends at least once every 2 months;
  • once a week, apply a mask or vitamin cocktail;
  • use a comb only from natural pile;
  • do not wash your hair often to avoid the removal of artificial pigment (1 time in 3 days will be enough).

Light brown hair is a good springboard for creating stylish and original hairstyles. Medium intensity natural pigment allows you to easily lighten the base by 4 tones or form darker shades.

To create a stylish and harmonious look, you can dye the curls in ammonia and ammonia-free dyes, try to tone them, make them multi-colored with crayons, and even try natural staining with chamomile, onion peel, cinnamon, henna in combination with basma. Choose the right color, and you will look luxurious and attractive.

Useful videos

How to dye blond hair? What are the shades of blond hair? How to avoid the manifestation of yellowness and redness when staining? These questions are answered by Irina Gavrilova, trainer-expert of M-Cosmetics.

From light brown to ashy without yellowness with Estel De Luxe paints.

Choosing a hair color is not an easy task. To create an organic appearance, you have to take into account many nuances. The appearance of a variety of dyes gives scope for choice. Blonde today, brunette tomorrow. Over time, the process is tiring, there is a desire to return the native light or dark blond hair color. With him, the image is natural, harmonious. Natural tone, contrary to popular belief, looks noble. Moreover, it can be artificially saturated, give depth, charm.

Color Features

The fashion for everything natural has not bypassed the appearance. Soft facial features, body curves, natural hair color variations are firmly entrenched trends. The light brown color of curls is considered the recognized leader among the preferred color options. Someone seeks to move from a brunette (brown-haired) to a lighter tone, others saturate, ennoble the natural color.

Blonde girls are more likely to attract the attention of men. This becomes the main reason for choosing an option close to "blonde". At the same time, dyeing in a beautiful tone of light brown most often costs the least loss to the health of the hair. Although care for bleached hair will still need to be more thorough.

Choosing a natural option is an excellent solution if you need a smooth transition from dark to light and vice versa. Having painted in the tones of the gamut, it will turn out to “try on” an uncharacteristic color scheme, to decide on a further choice.

Light brown gamma is surprisingly natural, practical. She does not emphasize the flaws in appearance (like chocolate brown), more often shading the "bottlenecks". For some, this circumstance can become a significant disadvantage. Appearance will lose brightness, become faceless. It's all about choosing the right shade.

How to choose a shade

Russified hair is versatile. By nature, it is in this range of the palette that the majority of the Slavs are located. Natural hair color is not monotonous - there are many gamut options. There is a warm and cold border of shades. Choose light and dark options. Golden, ashy or close to brown is a matter of taste.

The type of appearance when choosing is also of no small importance. If the eyes and skin are of a warm temperature (whether dark or light undertones), then you should try light versions of light brown with golden notes. The shimmering gleam will incredibly enliven the look. The choice of medium blond is a universal option. It stands on the border of dark and light, warm and cold tones. Pale skin, steel notes in the look - an occasion to try frosty, platinum options. Dark ash will suit dark skin, deep color of the iris.

Age and gender when choosing light brown as a hair color do not matter. A wide range of shades allows you to decide absolutely everything. Light brown in most cases refreshes, makes the appearance softer, has to pay attention to the person. Dark options are ideal for obtaining a strict, business image. Very light shades will create a soft, feminine look. Golden overflows will add the appearance of enthusiasm.

Note! Light brown hair color is universal for choosing a haircut. It will turn out to pick up any shape, length of hairstyle. Light shades look equally good on short and long strands, straight and wavy styling is suitable. Ash is best combined with a medium length haircut. Reddish-gold overflows are ideal in the form of curls.

Popular shades

The variety of shades of the light brown palette is great. It will be possible to choose the nature of the appearance, guided by the names. Natural options are trustworthy. It is recommended to choose natural colors of dark or light colors for a practical everyday business look.

To create a delicate, feminine charm, wheaten, golden, nude blond are suitable. The image will be soft, light, attracting male attention. Beige, natural, medium shade will become a transition from a frivolous to a business look.

Mix the ingredients (3 tablespoons each). For uniformity, it is permissible to add a little hair conditioner. The composition is applied to the hair, kept for 30-60 minutes, washed off. Painting in the desired tone will take a sufficient amount of time.

To obtain golden-caramel notes, decoctions (infusions) of cinnamon are used to rinse the curls after cleansing. It will turn out to slightly color the strands. Masks based on cinnamon powder will help to slightly lighten naturally dark curls. Henna, contrary to popular belief, will not give the desired effect.

Important! It will not be possible to achieve light shades of light brown for natural brunettes (brown-haired women), using folk affinities. You will have to recolor your hair with chemical dyes.

Partial staining

You can freshen up your hair on the basis of natural light brown color with the help of partial coloring of curls. Perform complex processing of strands (shatush, balayage) using 1 or more dyes. The procedure is recommended to be performed by an experienced master. A good knowledge of color, artistic taste is required. The master, evaluating the appearance, randomly distributes strokes, creates a real masterpiece. The result is distinguished by the beauty of the play of highlights.

On light brown hair, you can perform an ombre (partial dyeing technique). Treat exclusively the area at the roots or tips. Smooth transition of color gives an interesting effect. The technique refers to options for gentle staining. Ombre can be performed on naturally dark and light curls.

Coloring cost

Coloring can be done both in the salon and at home. Self-performing the procedure involves a risk to appearance. The lack of professionalism often has a sad effect on the appearance and health of the hair. The more complex the process, the more likely it is to get negative consequences. At home, the cost of staining will be the cost of acquiring the necessary tools and materials. In the salon, you will have to pay extra for the work of the master.

The cost of a simple procedure is usually 1-3 thousand rubles. The price of complex manipulations is rarely lower than 4-5 thousand rubles.

The complexity of caring for blond hair depends on the color change procedure performed. Simple staining does not leave a serious imprint on the care technique. It is enough to use products for colored hair. They will provide care, help to keep the color longer.

When performing clarification in the process of obtaining a light brown color, more intensive actions will be required. Discolored curls with a broken structure need careful treatment, regular moisturizing, nutrition. It is desirable to perform professional salon procedures to restore the condition of the hair.

Light brown color is multifaceted and desired by many. Choose the right shade of a rich palette for any type of appearance. It is not difficult to color, maintain an attractive hairstyle in most cases.

Useful videos

Hair coloring from blonde to medium blond.

From black to blonde hair.