A calf with a "human face" was born in India. A calf with a human face was born in India A calf with a human face was born in India

The fate of a lamb born in an Indian village is reported by the Daily Mail.


holy calf

The calf was born in June 2017 in northern India, in the town of Uttar Pradesh, but did not live even an hour. The body of an unusual animal is now placed in a special transparent sarcophagus. The fact is that the locals believe that a calf with a physical anomaly is one of the incarnations of the Hindu god Vishnu.


Half-lamb - half-man

In the summer of 2015, an unusual anomaly scared the residents of the Dagestan village of Chirkey. The lamb had a pronounced nose, lips and chin. According to one version, the cause of the mutation was an excess of vitamin A in the feed that was given to his mother.


The pig that scared everyone

In February 2015, a normal sow gave birth to 19 piglets on a Chinese farm. Tao Lu, who was giving birth, was shocked by the last cub in the litter: something with a human face and hooves was born. The piglet could not eat either mother's milk or mixtures, and therefore soon died.

A kid with an angry muzzle

Another mutant was born on a farm in Argentina in July 2017. According to one of the farmers, the goat had a deformed head, but an absolutely normal torso. The animal lived for about three hours. “I wanted to drink milk from a spoon, but I saw that it was difficult for him to breathe. Soon he died,” she said.


The lamb you'd better never see

A strange creature was born in a Turkish village near the city of Izmir in 2014. The footage published on the Web shows that the newly born lamb has a very "human" muzzle. His mother's pregnancy was complicated, so the veterinarians had to perform a caesarean section on her. The lamb was born dead.

A calf was born in India, which has the remarkable features of the "face of a man." died an hour after birth, but attracted crowds of villagers ..

God incarnate

In the town of Uttar Pradesh in northern India, a "miracle" by local standards happened. An unusual calf was born here - with features of the muzzle resembling a human face. The animal was born with eyes, nose and ears resembling a human.

Hindus have already called the animal an avatar - one of the incarnations of the Hindu god Vishnu, who has 24 of them. Now they want to build a temple in his honor. The body of the animal after death was placed in a glass box.

Anomaly or miracle?

Thousands of Hindus who come to Uttar Pradesh from various parts of the country place gifts in the form of flower garlands and bow before the already dead calf.

According to the representation of the local religious community, the body of a strange animal will be exhibited in public for three days. After that, the calf is cremated, and the ashes are placed in a specially built temple.

At this time, ordinary veterinarians do not see anything miraculous in this case. The local senior veterinarian called this case a common anatomical anomaly.


Earlier we talked about the fact that for the first time there was a voice of a mummy. Italian scientists at a conference in the Ötztal Alps, in South Tyrol, were able to reproduce the voice of the famous mummy.

In the north of India, in the settlement of Uttar Pradesh, a calf with a human face was born. The animal was born with unusual physical anomalies - its head, eyes, ears and nose resemble human organs.

A calf with a human face was born in a shelter, but did not live an hour. The locals mistook the unusual animal for one of the incarnations of the Hindu god Vishnu and began to worship him, reports the Daily Mail.

It is reported that the news of the birth of a calf with a human face quickly spread among the locals. Almost immediately after the creature was born, they gathered at the ward in the shelter to receive a blessing.

After death, the body of an unusual calf was placed in a special sarcophagus and an altar was equipped. People come from all over India to see the animal. They lay flowers and gifts on him like a deity.

According to the source, the body of the calf will stay in the sarcophagus for three days, after which it will be cremated. The ashes of the divine animal are planned to be placed in an urn in a specially built temple.

A calf with a human face was born in India (video):
