Who suits the serpentine stone according to the sign of the zodiac. Serpentine - unique properties for the soul, body and spirit

This mineral has long been used to create a variety of products, jewelry, and even used in construction. Outwardly, the serpentine is really similar to the color of snake skin, which is where the name comes from.

Scientists, in turn, also use this name, but often use the word serpentinite, which, in fact, is translated from Latin as “serpent stone”.

There is a whole class of minerals called serpentines, but serpentine only belongs to this class and this mineral should not be confused with serpentine, although they are always similar.

By the way, if the coil according to the chemical formula is an aqueous silicate of magnesium oxide, then serpentine is also an aqueous silicate, but magnesium.

Similar chemical properties cause a similar color, which is greenish-yellow with black blotches. So, let's learn more about this magnesium silicate, that is, about the coil.

Regarding this mineral, as well as regarding many other valuable stones, there are legends. For example, in Russia, the serpentine has long been considered the shed skin of the Great Snake.

Who is this Great Snake - you ask?

This name refers to a mythical creature, a huge serpent that lives in the Ural Mountains. Actually, Poloz was considered the owner of the Ural gold, and there is also a lot of serpentine in the Urals, hence the legend about the skin of this snake.

If we take the legends of other countries, then for example, in South and Latin America this stone has been used since ancient times to create ritual objects. European alchemists did not lag behind, who began to use this mineral to work with healing potions and potions. The serpentine was considered an enhancer of medicines, therefore vessels and other containers were popular, and the mineral had a second name for a long time - an apothecary stone.

In general, the stone has been considered magical for almost the entire history of modern mankind. The history of the use of the mineral has at least five thousand years, that is, it lasts throughout the existence of all modern civilizations.

Description of the stone and how to care

If you pay attention to some actual details, then you should note the chemical formula of the stone - MgO[(OH)8Si4O10]. As mentioned earlier, the color of the serpentine is most often greenish or yellow-greenish, but there are differences in color depending on the varieties, and we will talk about this later.

The mineral is quite soft and has a hardness of 2 to 3 on the Moss scale, the density is about 2.5 grams per centimeter, at the break the stone can look completely even and have noticeable chips and bumps.

In order to maintain the original appearance, nothing significant is required, regular wiping with a soft cloth is enough. If we are talking about an amulet, then periodically you need to hold the stone for 10-15 minutes under a stream of cool water.

Varieties and colors

The most noble variety is considered to be ophite, which looks like light jade.

  1. Vernintite is in turn dark green with shiny veins.
  2. Rycolite is bright green and has characteristic stripes.
  3. Williamsite has a bluish-green tint.
  4. Bowenite contains pale greenish hues.

The healing properties of the stone

In addition to the ability to enhance the effect of drugs, the serpentine is considered an assistant in eliminating headaches and in splicing bones. This stone can also help in the prevention of diseases of the internal organs and improve everyday emotional background, in other words, it reduces nervousness.

The magical properties of the serpentine

In general, this mineral is most advised to use:

  • Athletes
  • Lawyers
  • Businessmen

This stone allows you to achieve the best results and show the best professional qualities. Nevertheless, you should carefully choose a similar amulet for yourself, since the properties of the stone can manifest themselves differently depending on your zodiac sign and predispositions, we will discuss this in more detail below.

If we talk about ancient beliefs, then the serpentine has always been considered a stone that only experienced magicians and sorcerers can wear. This mineral was not advised to ordinary people, since the serpentine could bring adversity and trials.

Nevertheless, if a simple person overcame such obstacles, then the amulet rewarded the owner with the gift of foresight and extrasensory sensitivity.

Serpentine has always been considered a stone that can contribute to the absence of fatigue, the ability to run fast and swim.

In addition, the magical properties of the serpentine extend to mental abilities. In particular, the stone gives the opportunity to learn better and develop creative imagination. These properties are associated with the snake nature of the stone, as you know, the snake is a symbol of wisdom and can help in a deep study of any subject, comprehension of the depths.

It should not be considered a serpentine capable of purifying water or being an antidote. However, the stone does enhance the effects of drugs. Therefore, if you need to take any drugs, thanks to the serpentine, you can slightly reduce the dosage - in a sense, magic.

Mineral Applications

The range of use of the coil is very diverse, from jewelry and bijouterie to the creation of facing and floor tiles.

By the way, they often use the fire resistance of the stone, which can withstand temperatures up to 600 degrees Celsius.

Due to the availability and excellent workability of the mineral, artisans can make a variety of large items such as vases or lamps and more. In general, it is not uncommon to see a serpentine in interior design in one role or another. Equally often, this stone is observed in various handicrafts and jewelry.

The meaning of the signs of the zodiac

This stone is the best option for representatives of the signs Virgo and Capricorn.

Pisces and Cancers are not advised to wear this stone, even periodically, but for other signs, the stone is almost neutral (but can show both positive and negative sides) and can be used periodically.

The mineral is not yet advised to Gemini and Aquarius, since the stone excessively grounds these representatives of the air element.

Although Libra, which also represents air, can receive grounding on one side, but the other part of the Libra essence soars due to the serpentine. For most zodiac signs, the serpentine can be used to remove negative energy; after use, the talisman is washed under running water.

How to distinguish a natural coil from an artificial one

This mineral has a relatively low cost, so if fakes are made, they are most often made of plastic. In order to purchase a natural stone, you should first conduct a visual inspection and make sure that there is a natural pattern with spots and inclusions. Next, you need to estimate the mass, since plastic is always lighter.

Natural stone is soft and scratches easily, but natural serpentine is not easy to heat up, unlike plastic, which heats up almost immediately after contact with the body.

By the way, if you take a natural serpentine in your hand, you can feel a slight tingling sensation, according to experts.

Coil cost

The mineral is quite affordable and the cost of jewelry is often determined by the elegance of the jewelry. The stone lies in the ground in large layers, so often the serpentine is sold in blocks and the cost of such a block for creating facing tiles is no more than $ 500.

If we talk about jewelry, then simple earrings or rings cost no more than $20, although there are also more expensive items.

The serpentine stone got its name from the Latin word "serpens", which can be translated as "snake". Serpentine is an ornamental variety of serpentinite. You can also meet the mineral under other names - this is how it is called serpentine, toligor, antigorite, flywheel and Korean jade, and also - an apothecary stone.

The serpentine is a dark green rock with a characteristic serpentine pattern. The stone is a very powerful energetic, which creates an atmosphere of security and spiritual harmony for people using it.

The mineral has low hardness and density, has excellent polishing properties. As an ornamental stone, the serpentine has been used for more than four hundred years. It serves as the basis for countertops, vases, candelabra, toiletries, apothecary vessels, as well as sets and other household items, jewelry.

Stone color variations

In nature, you can find many varieties of the mineral of this rock:

  • ophit - a kind of gem, which is characterized by a rich green color;
  • flywheel - a stone with a typical spotted color;
  • williamsite - is a softer variety of stone, on which black octahedral inclusions are observed

Some of the varieties of the mineral are very similar in appearance. But both gems differ in radically different properties, for this reason this category of stones was given the name "bowenites". Bowenites contain greenish inclusions of chlorite and are much harder than serpentine.

In most cases, an opaque structure is characteristic of a conventional coil. But one of its varieties, called "noble ophite", is capable of transmitting sunlight to a small extent.

According to its color characteristics, the stone is usually found in green or gray with the addition of black spots or golden sparkles. Previously, it was already indicated that in its appearance the stone is very similar to snake skin.

Stone serpentine magical properties and who suits

Since ancient times, people believed that the serpentine is a rather dangerous mineral, the magical properties of which are allowed only for magicians, healers, sorcerers and shamans.

And for ordinary people, the stone allegedly sends various trials and dangers, which are quite difficult to cope with. They also noted the "treachery" of this mineral - it is able to lure a person, lowering him to the bottom of life, forcing him to plunge into debauchery and entertainment.

But at the same time, if the mortal still managed to cope with all the hardships of fate that were brought upon him by the mineral, then he gained power over the gem. And the stone now obeyed and began to favor its brave owner, helping to find solutions to complicated life situations.

In addition, it was believed that the serpentine stone helps to increase the physical capabilities of its owner. Therefore, those who conquered the stone and wore jewelry with it could run very fast, swim, lift heavy weights, and also work tirelessly for a long time.

The mineral also contributed to an increase in intellectual skills: thanks to him, a person better absorbed new information, his intuitive skills improved.

As a magical talisman, the serpentine will be useful for athletes, lawyers, as well as those who are engaged in business. It will allow them to reveal their professional capabilities to the highest degree and advance them to a higher career step.

The healing properties of the gem

  • the mineral helps to cope with headaches;
  • thanks to him, bone fractures heal faster;
  • the stone will enhance the therapeutic effect of many drugs. For this purpose, it is necessary to put medicines in containers cut from this gem. Since ancient times, the stone has been known under the name "pharmaceutical", various drugs were produced from it in mortars;
  • the mineral will also help with jumps in blood pressure;
  • eliminate colds and inflammation in the body;
  • the serpentine takes away the negative energy of its owner, but it is important to rinse your talisman with a stone under running water at least once a day to preserve its magical power.

Astrology and serpentine

Astrology experts unanimously agree that serpentine can be safely used by those people who were born under the constellation Virgo and Capricorn. The mineral will help them change their attitude to what is happening in life, due to which the whole life will change.

Virgos, due to the magical properties of the stone, will cope with their inherent apathy, detachment, will become more interested in what is happening around them and will learn all aspects of life.

And Capricorns, who are constantly busy with something and do not have time to go anywhere, thanks to the mineral, they will finally be able to relax and unwind. And it doesn’t matter what type of vacation it will be - passive, lying with a cup of coffee in front of the TV or active - conquering mountain peaks, the main thing is that workaholics will have the opportunity to relax in body and soul.

But do not flatter yourself - as far as the serpentine suits Virgo and Capricorn, it is so unacceptable for other signs.

So, for example, from him in without fail representatives of the signs of Pisces and Cancer will need to be abandoned. It will be very difficult for these overly emotional people to cope with the huge energy potential of the stone, they risk falling into depression or getting a nervous breakdown because of this.

For the rest of the zodiac constellations, there are no strict contraindications to the use of the coil.

Interestingly, despite the presence of unique properties, you can purchase jewelry with a coil at a very affordable cost. The explanation for this phenomenon is quite simple and logical - there are a large number of deposits in the world in which the mineral is mined. As for the Russian Federation, here the most famous gem deposits fall on the Ural region and Siberia.

Now you know what properties the serpentine stone has and to whom it suits. At the end of the topic, also watch an informative video clip about this mineral:

A ring, earrings, caskets, a mantelpiece, palace interiors, even an entire metro station - this is the area where the serpentine stone is used today.

What is a serpentine? It is magnesium silicate, an opaque ornamental mineral with a fibrous or leaf-like structure. Its scientific name "serpentinite" comes from the Latin "serpents" - a snake. Other names: serpentine, toligor, flywheel, Korean jade, new jade, serpofit, antigorite.

The color range is from greenish-yellow to dark green, the pattern is spotted or striped. That is an accurate description of snake skin. Outwardly, it is similar to jade, but much softer and easier to process.

Ornamental serpentine stones of noble varieties, with a silky sheen and intricate patterns, are used in the jewelry industry. Less presentable ones may be suitable for facing works: they decorate the walls of rooms, fireplaces, pools.

It can withstand heat up to 600 degrees, so it is used in the manufacture of chrysotile asbestos, a special heat-resistant material. The mineral is divided into thin fibers, from which a flexible material is then made, which goes to the clothes of firefighters, rescuers, workers of metallurgical plants and other "hot" professions.

Varieties of the coil

Depending on the color, several types of coil are distinguished:

  1. antigorite - an unusual green-yellow or pure yellow stone;
  2. noble - evenly colored, whitish or yellowish-green in color, may have small black blotches (in the Urals it is called flywheel). If they are absent, and the stone is slightly translucent, it is an ophite;
  3. bowenite - pale green-apple, slightly translucent, similar to jade;
  4. verdanite - dark green with black veins;
  5. williamsite - bluish-green with rare black spots;
  6. nigrescite - from dark green to black;
  7. officialcite - for its appearance it was called serpintinite marble;
  8. porcellophite - green opaque, similar to porcelain;
  9. retinolite - dark yellow with a resinous sheen;
  10. ricolit - green with a striped pattern;
  11. satellite - has the effect of iridescence, fibrous, similar to a cat's eye; rare, prized by collectors.

Where is it mined

The serpentine is not considered rare or particularly valuable. Pretty rich deposits are scattered around the world. In Russia, these are the Caucasus, Siberia and, of course, the Urals, where the legends of the Great Poloz are still alive. This Fire Serpent, according to legend, guards mountain riches from uninvited guests. Each year it sheds its skin, which turns into an olive-gold serpentine.

Mining began in the 18th century, and since then the products of the Ural masters have been decorating not only the palaces of St. Petersburg, but also the homes of wealthy people. There are many of them in the boxes of lovers of beautiful little things.

Healer serpentine

As far as snake venom is healing, the healing properties of the serpentine stone are so valued. No wonder one of its names is apothecary. The dishes from it for their experiments were used by alchemists, and before them by the Indians of pre-Columbian America. Even today it is believed that the storage of medicines, ointments, potions in serpentine containers enhances their effect several times.

In modern lithotherapy, snake stone is used to cleanse the body, both physical and mental. Earrings with serpentinites relieve headaches, pressure surges, spasms, convulsions. The stone has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, reducing emotionality and irritability. Bones will heal faster if you wear serpentinite rings or bracelets. Useful for cuts, bruises, dislocations.

Serpentine is a stone that strengthens the immune system, improves blood circulation. It helps with colds, inflammation of the kidneys, stomach problems. Develops logic, strengthens memory. And, of course, it is an antidote for snake bites.

magical properties

It is believed that it is better not to have magical affairs with ordinary people with a stone, because it is able to drag you into dreams, tempt (just like the biblical snake that tempted Eve), tear you away from real life and eventually destroy.

But the serpentine and its magical properties will become a real treasure if a person still manages to resist such influence. And its owner will gain not only physical strength, but also supernatural abilities. True, you will have to prove your strength from time to time to this insidious "amulet", ready to rebel against its master at any moment.

Whom the serpentine is suitable for is people who help others by healing the body and soul: doctors, healers, psychologists, even herbalists. This is a talisman for all those who seek the truth and seek to know the world.

The magic of the serpentine can help lawyers, business people and athletes advance in their careers.

Serpentine and Zodiac

Astrologers are unanimous: according to the horoscope, the stone helps Virgo and Capricorn. The first - in the satisfaction of natural curiosity, the second - in the normalization of the psyche and sports.

Serpentine and zodiac sign Pisces are incompatible. It is better for them, as well as Cancer, not to have this stone, since they are not able to resist the destructive temptations brought by the serpentine. And then a nervous breakdown or depression is not inevitable.

The rest can wear it, but not often and not in moments of mental discord or apathy.

Serpentine mineral is clearly "serpentine". Therefore, it is useful to everyone born in the years of the Snake (1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013).

How to recognize a fake

Despite the low cost, the coil, well known to many, is faked. But to calculate a fake is very easy. A real stone will not immediately heat up if it is applied to the body, and plastic almost instantly. Some argue that if you take the serpentine in your hands, you can feel a tingling sensation from a real stone.

Only in a natural serpentine the pattern is naturally chaotic, the surface of artificial origin is more “combed”. In no case should it be scratched, a trace will definitely remain on the original.

How to care and give

Such a mystical stone as a serpentine has the ability to absorb all the negativity of the owner. Therefore, at least once a week, and preferably more often, it must be cleaned by simply rinsing under cold running water.

And if you keep it in a box with other pebbles, then they will also be cleansed - the serpentine is so energetically strong.

You can give a snake stone to someone only a new one, not used by anyone before. If you donate your own, then the mineral, which has become attached to the owner during wearing, will not forgive betrayal and is able to take revenge even at a distance.

It is only permissible to transfer it to a blood relative by inheritance, which turns the gem into a family jewel.

What names suit

Women with rare names Alevtina and Zinaida can count on the full favor of this stone. He will also help Mary protect the house from evil and ill-wishers.

A serpentine stone will protect men named Boris from temptations and intruders. Herman will help maintain emotional balance and heal mental and physical wounds.

So, serpentine, or serpentinite, is an ornamental stone with "serpentine" colors and the same spotty-striped background. Noble varieties are used in jewelry, others - as a surface finish.

According to the horoscope, it is especially suitable for Virgo and Capricorn. The stone is not contraindicated for all other signs, except for Cancer and Pisces.

It has a strong energy, can negatively affect a person with a weak spirit. It cannot be re-gifted, especially if it has already been vilified at least a little on the body. Has healing properties. They are rarely faked due to their low cost, but "plastic" is always easy to identify.

The modern name for the stone is serpentinite, although it is still known to most people as serpentine. "Serpent" in Latin means "snake": the color of the stone resembles snake skin, hence the name "serpentine". And its history is shrouded in legends.

According to one of them, it is believed that the serpentine is the petrified skin of a fiery serpent - the Great Snake, which guarded the entrance to the cave with gold. Anyone who finds a serpentine in the mountains will certainly find a treasure.

Another legend says that Adam, tempted by the persuasion of the Serpent-tempter and having tasted an apple from the Tree of Knowledge, choked and spat out a piece on the ground. He turned to stone, which turned out to be serpentine. It is because of this that someone considers the serpentine a stone of knowledge, while others speak of it as a dangerous mineral that can bring trouble.

The stone has one incredible property: with special processing, it splits into elastic fibers, like threads. It is known that fire-retardant fabric was woven from such threads back in the time of Peter I. Nikita Demidov (1656–1725), a well-known gunsmith, demonstrated a refractory stone fiber in action by throwing it into the fireplace and taking it out unharmed, much to the surprise of the Russian Tsar.

Physico-chemical properties of the coil

Serpentine is a fairly dense rock with the finest fibrous structure. The color varies from yellowish green to almost black. The spots on the stone can be large or small, banded or round, depending on the composition.

Usually serpentines are opaque, but there is a variety called "noble serpentine" and radically different in appearance from the main mass of stones. The latter have a beautiful yellowish-green color, perfectly polished and translucent along the edges. "Noble Serpentine" is very reminiscent.

Hardness on the Mohs scale is in the range from 2 to 4, and the density does not exceed 2.6 g/cm 3 .

Serpentine deposits (serpentine)

The serpentine belongs to ornamental stones and is not uncommon. On an industrial scale, it is mined in India, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Great Britain and Italy.

In Russia, serpentine is mined in the Urals, Altai, Orenburg and Yakutsk regions.

Healing and magical properties of the serpentine

The serpentine has long been endowed with special properties. No wonder only shamans and sorcerers used to wear it. It is believed that with the help of serpentine, it was possible to cause damage or the evil eye, bewitch a lover, and even take her husband away from the family.

Recently, esotericists have begun to talk more and more about the protective properties of the stone. The serpentine should definitely be worn by those who have serious enemies. In addition, the mineral is an absorber of negative energy.

Lithotherapists advise storing healing solutions in serpentine vials, they argue that the stone has universal antiseptic properties. Serpentine bracelets help normalize blood pressure. Jewelry can relieve severe headaches.

It is noticed that the owners of the serpentine recover faster after surgery and injuries.

Who is the serpentine serpentine suitable for?

If we talk about astrology, then the serpentine is very suitable for Virgo and Capricorn. It promotes the development of intuition and memory.

Serpentine amulets help women become more sensual and seductive. However, it is recommended to wear a stone no more than 1 time in 4 days. After removing it, it is necessary to rinse it in running water to remove the negative charge of energy accumulated during the day.

The serpentine is not suitable for Pisces and Cancer at all because of the different energy.