Project work on the topic: “Homeless animals in the urban environment. Social project "homeless animals"

Project work on the topic: "Homeless animals in the urban environment"

Authors: Evgenia Vorobyova and Valeria Kutyavina students

11B class

Head: Shchekoldina Margarita Anatolyevna

ZATO Fokino


Relevance of research work

The problem of the existence of homeless animals is one of the urgent problems of the world, Russia, Primorsky Krai and has adverse environmental and social consequences. Therefore, we decided to choose this topic in order to find out whether this problem has an urban scale and what is the situation on this problem in our city?

Goal of the work:

1. Find out the main reasons for the appearance of homeless animals on the streets of cities;

2. And draw people's attention to such a city problem as homeless animals.


Dogs and cats are the most common human companions in the urban environment. More than 12 thousand years ago, they became pets. However, the irresponsibility and indifference of people destroy these established links. Uncontrolled reproduction, abandoned unwanted offspring, etc., have led to the emergence of the problem of homelessness of animals. The estimated population of stray dogs in Russia ranges from 14 to 23 million individuals and can reach up to 50 million.

Homeless animals - a population of stray dogs, cats or other domestic animals that live in packs and alone on city streets and in recreational areas.

Reasons for the appearance of homeless animals on the streets of cities

  • 1. mismatch between supply and demand, and "extra" animals are on the street.

  • 2 .Rapid natural reproduction

  • 3 .Irresponsibility of the owners,

  • 4 . the owners, leaving on vacation, drive the animals out into the street.


  • 5 .Non-compliance with the rules of walking dogs.

  • 6. Year-round surplus of available food (uncovered bins)

  • 7. Pet owners do not spay

  • 8 .Lack of adequate level of education of the population.

  • 9. Lack of shelters

  • 10 .Lack of a pet accounting system.

The problem of homeless animals in the world and Russia

In the cities of some countries with warm and hot climates, a sterilization program is being carried out, called CER (Catch-Sterilization-Return), among them - (India, Bangladesh, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey). Homeless dogs and cats exist in all Russian cities. In Moscow in 2006, the number of street dogs is from 28 to 50 thousand. Every year up to 30 thousand people in Moscow suffer from bites, severe injuries and mutilations caused by dogs.

The problem of homeless animals in Primorsky Krai

As for rabies, Primorsky Krai is one of the most disadvantaged areas. Over the past 10 years, 106 cases of rabies infection have been registered in the Primorsky Territory, when attacked by homeless animals. For example, in the winter of 2003, a quarantine was declared in the Ussuriysk region: a girl and about 20 domestic animals were bitten by a wolf infected with the rabies virus. These animals in turn infected their owners. All measures were taken, but the girl could not be saved. From 2000 to 2006 64 cases of rabies were detected in Primorye, from 1972 to 2005. 13 people have died from this virus.

Conclusion on the theoretical part

Homeless animals pose a threat to the safety of the population of cities: they are carriers of various infectious diseases, incl. rabies; individual packs of dogs regularly attack passers-by, scare children, destroy rare species of wild animals; worsen the videoecology of the city.

Practical part

The purpose of the practical part:

1. Find out the situation of homeless animals in the city of Fokino;

2. Find out people's awareness of the impact of homeless animals on the ecology of the city and the person himself.


Do you have animals in your house?

What do you do with animal offspring?

Do you think it's humane to take animals first and then throw them away?

Are there problems of homeless animals in the city of Fokino?

Suggestions for solving this problem.

How many homeless animals have you met?

What would you do if you met a homeless animal?

Is a dog always a friend?

It is not uncommon to hear on the news that homeless animals attack people. Primorsky Krai is no exception, and our city of Fokino is no exception. On January 18, 2001, there was a complete attack on 8 summer boy. The tragedy took place among white day and right in the center of the village, when the guys were sledding down the hill. Yesterday's friends of the man bit off the boy's leg and terribly disfigured his face - the child died from these wounds. Police officers found a flock of 10 cannibal dogs without difficulty - the gore of the victim's blood remained on the dog's muzzles. The second news about the attack of dogs on a man came from the city of Artem. There, brutalized animals literally tore a 63-year-old woman to pieces. And although the woman was promptly taken to the hospital, it was not possible to save her.

Have you been attacked by stray animals?

If you were offered to start a shelter, how would you solve the funding problem?

Recommendations for first aid in the event of an attack by homeless animals and the rules of behavior with such animals.

1. In no case should the bite site be treated with iodine, alcohol, oil. -

2. With a piece of laundry soap, lather the bite site,

then bandage and arrive at the hospital as the spread of the virus

rabies neutralizes the alkali contained in laundry soap.

3. Remember that - In winter, dogs are more hungry, which means they are much more aggressive,

than in warm time years, so be careful not to touch the dogs.

4. Be sure to consult a doctor to prescribe a course of vaccination,

out of seven intramuscular injections which are produced according to

special scheme.

Conclusion on the practical part

How many animals in the world suffer every day;

A pack of stray dogs lives near our house. Useless, dirty, hungry, unhappy. We asked ourselves: how did these noble, faithful and devoted animals, sung in their works by famous writers and poets, end up on the street and instill fear in people? Why do people leave dogs that, according to Charles Darwin, “love us humans more than themselves”? How is the problem of homeless dogs being solved in Russia and in the world? What can be done to reduce the number of stray dogs in our city? What is the role of us children in solving this problem?

Target: find practical ways to solve the problem of stray dogs.

- to study this problem based on materials from the Internet, newspaper publications;
- present personal experience of keeping and caring for a stray dog;
- conduct a survey of the population of the city of Minusinsk to analyze their attitude towards stray animals and propose ways to solve the problem of stray dogs;
- acquaintance with literary works devoted to dogs, the use of excerpts from them in the work;
- preparation of a list of recommended literature on this issue for the children of the class.

Object of study: homeless dogs.

Subject of study: relationship between humans and stray dogs.

Research hypothesis: caring people, municipalities and philanthropists can jointly solve the problem of stray dogs.

Research methods: observation, study of literature, Internet materials, analysis of statistical data, questioning, processing of the received materials, care of a taken homeless puppy.
This work is an attempt to answer these questions, an attempt to draw the attention of children and adults to practical assistance in solving the problem of homeless animals.

Dog is man's best friend

The story of friendship between a dog and a man

It is believed that the ancestors of modern dogs were wolves.
The first cases of domestication of these animals were not forced. Wolves began to join people during the hunt, in order to get food. After all, as you know, wolves mainly feed on carrion. They gladly ate the remains of the prey, which were unsuitable for human consumption, and which were simply thrown away. So the wolves began to get closer and closer to the camps of people in anticipation of easy prey, and later some of the wolves got used to, and did remain to live side by side with people.
The history of friendship between a dog and a man has been going on for more than 33 thousand years. This is evidenced by those found in the cave where they lived primitive people, animal remains.
We all know this saying: A dog is a man's best friend. And indeed it is. A dog always faithfully serves a person sincerely, without demanding anything in return. People, in turn, take care of the tailed ones. Provide them with a decent life.
The high trainability of dogs has made it possible to attract them to many areas of human life.
During the years of the Great Patriotic War dogs performed sapper, reconnaissance and guard work, brought explosives under enemy tanks, sacrificing themselves to save the lives of soldiers. During the war years, the dog played a very significant role in human life.
But if the human casualties of the war are counted, then little is known about the heroically dead animals.
The merits of dogs - astronauts are recognized all over the world. Dogs were the first to orbit the earth. It was the dogs who tested the first spacecraft, withstanding huge overloads, sacrificed their lives so that a person could go into space without risk.
Studies have shown that a dog in a person's life brings many health benefits.

So, we all know about guide dogs that help people with handicapped lead a fulfilling life.
Modern research shows that specially trained tetrapods can detect blood diseases, internal organs and oncology.
In parallel with the diagnosis, dogs take Active participation in postoperative rehabilitation, help people with mental disorders.
Dogs are the best guards. They faithfully protect human habitation and protect people. Even if the animal is not specifically trained to do this, they will still guard the house. It's in their blood. Together with the police, dogs patrol and guard warehouses and material assets, carry out escort
As a lifeguard, a dog plays an important role in human life. In search and rescue teams, dogs with great dedication rush through the rubble to save a person. They risk their lives in doing so. Specially trained animals easily find explosives or drugs.
From time immemorial, shepherds kept those four-legged animals that were better able to cope with the difficult task of guarding, grazing and driving cattle.
And now dogs help people drive huge herds, make sure that domestic animals do not run away, protect from wild animals.
In the process of domestication, animals began to need human care and support. It is already difficult for pets to survive in wild nature. And we must take on a huge responsibility for our four-legged animals. We must understand that without us, they can simply die.
If you become the owner of a dog, you must understand that this is not a toy, but the same living creature as you and I.
You must always remember that YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THOSE YOU TAPE!
And, no matter how difficult it is in raising and training a tail, you should know: the more you give love, warmth and attention to the animal, the more return it will all come back to you from his side.
It is necessary to deal with the dog, the dog must be educated, trained, given necessary care and medical care. And then you won't have any problems.
A bond with a dog is formed from the first day it appears in your home. Over time, this connection is constantly strengthened. But in order for you and your pet to look in the same direction, so that there is complete mutual understanding between you, you must constantly give your four-legged a lot of time and attention.
Today we tried to tell you that a dog plays a very important role in human life.

Monuments to dogs - recognition by people of their merits
The nobility and devotion of dog hearts is boundless. Recognition of their merits are the monuments that people put up for dogs. One of the most famous monuments stands in Paris. It was built 1.5 centuries ago. There is a huge dog on a stone pedestal, to which a child is clinging trustingly. It is not known how the baby ended up on the pass, very far from housing. And only Barry felt that it was necessary to save the baby. He left in time: the child had already lost consciousness, but he was alive. Barry lay down next to him, trying to warm the baby, long and hard licking his face. And the boy woke up. He wrapped his arms around Barry's neck. And then Barry began to slowly and carefully drag him. So the dog delivered the boy to people.
The Barry Monument is a symbolic memorial to dogs that have done their duty.
A monument in Japan was erected in honor of the dog Hachiko, who daily saw off the owner, who left for work in Tokyo. And daily at certain time met him. The owner fell ill and died in the hospital. But Hachiko could not come to terms with this. He came to the station every day and stayed there until the last train, in the hope that the owner would come someday. This went on for 10 years, until the day when the dog Hachiko tragically died at this station. Newspapers reported on faithful dog, and then all over Japan began raising money for a monument to Hachiko.
A similar story of a dog, which was erected a monument in Togliatti. They say that the most faithful dog of Russia lived here. For seven years, he waited for his owners who died in a car accident on the streets of the city. She, devoted and loving soul, did not know that those whom she so desperately waits for will never return to her.
The next monument stands in Moscow in front of the building of the Institute of Military Medicine. This is a monument to the dog Laika. It was here in Moscow in 1957. Laika was being prepared for a flight into space, knowing that she would not return to earth (Laika was destined to die from overheating a few hours after launch). Only in this way could scientists understand how weightlessness and overloads affect the human body.
The two-meter monument is space rocket, passing into the palm, on which Laika proudly stands (the dog is depicted in size one to one).
On the pedestal are verses:

A simple Russian mongrel,
She had a great honor.
From the hard life of a dog,
Climb victoriously into space.
Great Laika did not know
It's hard for a dog to understand
That life has become her feat
And her fame cannot be taken away.
She flew over the planet
Sacrifice honestly.
And burned for the sake of science
Forever a star.

The monument to the dog-cosmonaut by Sergei Pakhomov and sculptor Pavel Medvedev was erected on April 11, 2008.

Friends are not chosen for the sake of fashion ...
Now it has become fashionable and prestigious to take purebred dogs into the house. They are bred, sold, sometimes for very big money. They are cared for: dressed, cut, fed with special food.

Friends are not chosen for the sake of fashion,
After all, beauty is spiritual without faces.
And loyalty does not depend on the breed,
A dog's devotion without limits.

Or, as Eduard Asadov ends his wonderful "Poems about a red mongrel":

“After all, there may be a body of a mongrel,
And the heart is of the purest breed!

Studying the problem of homeless animals
Homeless dogs. Who are they? Where do they come from?
Have you ever thought about how many dogs walk around the city without owners and without a home? They are homeless. Let's try to figure out: where did they come from? Many people have seen this picture. With plaintive eyes, looking at passers-by, looks little puppy hoping that it will find its owners. After all, not so long ago he lived with people who loved him, caressed him, fed him, but now ... Where are they? Now there is no one around whom he trusted and whom he once believed. He tried to be the best and most reliable dog for his owners.
It's autumn outside. Cold. It rains all the time, and the little forgotten puppy even has nowhere to hide from the wind and rain. The puppy wandered, wandered, looked at the passers-by, who were in a hurry about their business, but no one paid attention to him. And with every gust of wind, the puppy's hope of finding his friends weakened. Paws, ears are frozen, hunger overcomes, and the Kid wanders and wanders through the streets of the city ... Maybe this is your Puppy?
Every year, with the onset of autumn, stray dogs appear in suburban holiday villages. Abandoned. It was their people who took them to guard their site and abandoned them when the summer season ended. Many of them do not survive until spring: some die of hunger, others from the cold, others under the wheels of cars and trains. They live mostly by charity. Hearing the noise of the train, they are drawn to the platform: to meet rare gardeners. There is this sad procession along a snow-covered road: in front - a man, followed, pursing stiff paws, dogs. Pity the animals. Cruelty breeds cruelty.
On regional television they showed our bus stop "Typography", where, as residents noticed, a dog had been living for two days, obviously not a stray. They tried to feed her, but she refused food. The dog met every approaching bus, peered into the faces of people and dejectedly returned back. Apparently, leaving her, the owner left by bus, and the faithful animal was faithfully waiting for him. That's where, first of all, homeless animals come from - from the soullessness and betrayal of people!
And then these dogs have offspring, i.e. those dogs that were born on the street. Female stray dogs bring 3-6 puppies a year. Stray dogs live 6-8 years. This is how the army of homeless animals is replenished, which, in response to the cruelty of people, huddle in flocks and keep entire areas of the city in fear.

So he walks angry and disheveled,
Always hungry, all preoccupied.
Invite him, feed him,
Give him your heart.
Don't go wrong, don't go wrong
If you call your friend,
You will understand then maybe
How can dogs love?

We adopted a homeless puppy...
We realized how dogs know how to love after they took a homeless puppy into their house in May last year. We saw a puppy in a pack of dogs. He could hardly keep up big dogs. We felt sorry for the poor animal and we brought it home. With difficulty, I managed to beg my mother to leave her beloved dog at home. So we have a four-legged friend. Bug - our first and long-awaited dog We love her very much! She has been with us for 10 months, and during this time we realized that she is a devoted and faithful creature. She has smart and kind eyes. When you look into them, you understand that she loves you, adores you and completely trusts you.

Happy because:
- we can watch how our Bug grows up, play with it;
- feed and water your four-legged friend;
- make a kennel for her, insulate for winter;
- teach some commands;
- rejoice at seeing her happy eyes, cheerful disposition, loyalty and devotion.

Why does a person need a dog?
Probably not everyone will tell you this.
Not everyone will answer, and even if he knows
There are not enough words for this.
The dog teaches us how to love,
How to be faithful
How to be smart.
And that may not be for everyone.
Thanks for this dog!

You come home tired, sometimes upset, and suddenly your four-legged friend rushes towards you with a joyful squeal. You start to mess around, play with him and the bad mood instantly disappears.

When a dog is next to a person,
Evil leaves the soul drop by drop.
She will always understand you from a half glance,
Fill your home with comfort and warmth.

Everyone knows this. These are not words.
There is no such thing as a loyal dog!
Loyal dog, affectionate dog,
More fun than a dog - there is no creature!

Problems of cities and villages related to stray dogs
We have studied the problems of cities and towns associated with homeless animals.
Stray dogs, especially those born and raised on the street, represent real threat for people, especially for children. Only in Krasnoyarsk for 10 months of last year, 1.5 thousand people turned to emergency centers and hospitals about dog bites, of which about 500 were children. There are fatal cases. Parents are afraid to let their children go for a walk
Frequent cases of infection from stray dogs infectious diseases both human and domestic dogs. The most dangerous disease is rabies, which is not treated.
Stray dogs damage urban flora and fauna. The territory is polluted, including squares, parks, playgrounds. Dogs attack cats, flocks of pigeons, crows, and jackdaws. Stray dogs are forced to hunt due to lack of food.
Often stray dogs become participants in traffic accidents.

Winner of the All-Russian competition « Most requested article of the month » JANUARY 2018

It's hard to understand why people don't realize that

Pets are a gift to all mankind.

Linda Blair.

“This world belongs to them, do not take it away people! Let's save the world together!"

“More often look at the pets next to us and around us. They are our mirror, the master's mirror, the mirror of our society."

V. A. Korobelnikov.

Project "Homeless animals are a problem for everyone"

1 Problem: Abandoned (homeless) animals on the streets of the city.

The indifferent attitude of others to the preservation of the living world.

"We are responsible for those we have tamed" - Antoine de Saint-Exupery said at the beginning of the 20th century. Unfortunately, this phrase has sounded so often since then that it has lost its true meaning. People get pets, not realizing the full measure of responsibility. Enjoyed playing with furry beast, they throw the pet outside.

In Europe, animals are treated humanely and responsibly. There are practically no stray animals on the streets. They do not stop their ears and tails, the operation is prohibited "soft Paws" (removal of the first phalanges on the paws of cats so that claws no longer grow). The process of obtaining custody of animals for them is almost like adopting a child. some European activists even oppose the breeding of new breeds, as they consider it a mockery of the animal, an inhuman interference with its nature.

In Russia, there are many more stray quadrupeds than in any other country. According to statistics, 70% of stray four-legged Novy Urengoy increases every spring - it is easier for irresponsible people to throw out or euthanize "poor guy" than deal with the problem and place the animal in good hands.

Purpose: Attracting the attention of children and parents to World Animal Day. Organize and hold creative events together with parents for the efforts of families in the conservation of the animal world of the planet. Show your attitude to the problem of homeless animals.


  • To form a responsible and active attitude towards nature native land. To rally adults and children in the desire to protect the environment. Develop fluency and cognitive activity children
  • expand children's knowledge about the relationship between people and animals
  • foster a friendly attitude towards homeless animals
  • induce humane feelings in children, the desire to help homeless animals by attracting parents.
  • develop a responsible attitude towards pets.

Project type: Information - practice-oriented

Project duration: short term.

Project participants: Teachers, parents, children, specialists.

The fulfillment of the tasks of organizing and implementing this project is ensured thanks to integrated approach and close relationship of participants in educational activities. There is a cooperation of MBDOU DS KV "Teremok" with the help center for homeless animals "Give Me Life" and Novy Urengoy Veterinary Center. Parents interact with teachers on the implementation of the project and participate in a charity event , learning poems on the topic: "Let's save our fragile world"

Project implementation:

At the beginning and at the end of the project, environmental monitoring was carried out by educators and children "The world around us!" .

Conversations: "We are responsible for those whom we have tamed" , Compiling stories from personal experience "Tell me about the animals that live in your house" , "How to take care of animals" , "How to behave with animals" , "How I Helped Animals" (Socialization. communication)

Acquaintance with people engaged in gratuitous social activities - volunteers.

Selection and exhibition of books, encyclopedias about wildlife (evening cognitive activity- reading and talking about the material read). (Marshak, "Poodle, K. Paustovsky "Cat-thief" , C. Perrault “Puss in Boots, S. Marshak. "Mustachioed - Striped" , G. Novitskaya. "Cur" , A. Dmitrieva "Crazy Cat" , A. Dmitriev "Unknown Cat" . Signs of pet behavior "Living Barometer"

Outdoor games: "Shaggy Dog" , "Starlings and a cat" , "Sparrows and a cat"

Create posters "Let's save and preserve the living world!"

Exhibition of children's drawings and coloring books "Living World"

A selection of desktop, didactic games. ("Guess the description" , "Who eats what" .; 4th extra", "Puzzles" , Our actions”, puzzles "Pets" , "Call it sweetly" Whose tail, whose paws, whose head, "Whose house" (Cognition. Communication)

Compilation of a story by children with parents from personal experience on the topics: "My favorite pet" , How did I help (A) animals"

family hour "Protect nature" ! (a joint evening event with parents and children, summing up the results of the project),

  • solving the ecological crossword puzzle
  • media viewing "Rules of conduct in nature"
  • children telling stories from personal experience

poetry reading "Let's save our fragile world"

Role-playing games "Veterinary Center" , "Ambulance"

Experimental activity How does a cat wash its fur?

Construction from wooden building material "Doghouse" (Cognition)

Theatrical activities "The cat that walked by itself" (R. Kipling)

Participation of parents in the action "Let's help our smaller brothers"

Listening to songs: "Lost Dog" (lyrics by A. Lamm, music by V. Shainsky) "Don't tease the dogs" (E. Ptichkin - M. Plyatskovsky), "Little country" (I. Nikolaev)

Exhibition of photographs about nature in the hall of the kindergarten "Living World"

Visual information.

Sayings about animals of prominent people.

Folder "All about our smaller brothers" with riddles, poems about animals

Exhibition of crafts and drawings.

Reminder: How to behave with unfamiliar animals! . (Safety)

Photo review "Give Me Life"

Advice for parents "Pets and children

Our meetings

City Veterinary Center Animal Shelter in "Teremka"

Departure to "Animal Shelter" , ecological station

Experimental activity "How a cat washes"

Our crafts and didactic games

Promotion "Let's help our smaller brothers"

Animal care and care.

We read books and look at albums about animals, draw

theatrical activity. Reading contest "Let's save our

Role-playing games fragile world»

Our leaflets

Newspaper articles

Advice for parents

Expected result:

Children's ideas about animals, their habits, behavior, conditions necessary for life will expand.

Children will become more friendly, responsible towards homeless animals and pets.

Parents will change their attitude towards homeless animals, they will take part in solving a social problem.

Nomination " Children's project in primary school"

"You can close your eyes to what you see,
but you can’t close your heart to what you feel .... "

IN different countries there are homeless animals on the streets of every city. This is a vivid indicator of human cruelty and indifference towards the "smaller brothers". After all, most often on the street are the most common pets: dogs and cats.

It's no secret that a dog is called man's best friend. It's not in vain. These animals are so attached to a person that among people it is difficult to find a friend more devoted than they are. There are many cases when, after the death or sudden departure of the owner, the dog waited for him for months in the same place.

1.1. Rationale for the choice of topic

Most people pass daily by many homeless animals, not even noticing their presence and perceiving them as an unpleasant reality. They pass by those who are in trouble and do not even try to do something, to help in some way. Even if a dog hit by a car is bleeding somewhere nearby, or a cat or a small puppy is dying of hunger nearby. If a burned or wet cat is trying to get out of the basement nearby, and somewhere the boys are trying to drown a kitten that is not drowning in a puddle.

A large fluffy beautiful red cat sits in the yard. What made the owners leave him? Wasn't there a piece of sprat to feed the poor fellow? And people pass by and do not notice anything around, remaining indifferent to the suffering of dumb creatures.

1.2. Goals, objectives, hypothesis, research methods

Problem question: Why are there so many homeless dogs and cats on the streets of our city?


  • find out why there are so many homeless animals on the streets of our city;
  • find ways to solve the problem.


  1. Collect information on the topic, determine the causes of the appearance of homeless animals.
  2. Suggest ways out of the current situation.
  3. Conduct a survey and analyze the results among students in our class.
  4. Create a booklet on how we can help the True Friends shelter.
  5. Organize assistance to the shelter and stray animals on the streets of the city.
  6. Create a photo album with homeless animals from the shelter and help find their home and loving, reliable owners.

Hypothesis - I believe that the reasons for the appearance of homeless animals on the streets are an irresponsible attitude towards pets, as well as the indifference of people to this problem.

Research methods:


  1. Search and analysis of information in various sources
  2. Summarizing the results of the study


  1. Interview with the veterinarian of the society for the protection of animals "True Friends" Shaydulova Kristina Rinatovna.
  2. Campaign "Say no to homeless animals"
  3. Student survey
  4. Creation of a photo album and booklets about homeless animals

1.3. Analysis of the received information

Wondering why there are so many homeless animals on the streets, I asked my parents, acquaintances and my classmates. I learned that there are several reasons for the appearance of homeless animals on the streets of the city.

  1. First reason - an animal born on the street.
  2. The second reason - Lost animals.
  3. Third reason - discarded animals.
  4. Fourth reason- improper keeping of animals.

IN explanatory dictionary I found a definition of what homeless animals are. Homeless (homeless, stray, ownerless) animals are pets that do not have owners, most often stray dogs and stray cats.

I also found out who the volunteers are. Volunteers are people who help the shelter, find ways to buy food, cereals, medicines, new owners, overexposure for animals.

Chapter 2

2.1. Classification of homeless animals




* do not have owners

* never had an owner, independent of the person

* most often separated from the human controlled dog population, but ran wild over several generations

* are a subpopulation of free-ranging cats, may be descendants of domestic or discarded cats.

*poorly socialized to humans

* live on the outskirts of cities or in the countryside

* get food by gathering

* have not a high degree survival

discarded or abandoned, lost

* once had an owner and were dependent on the care they received

* can no longer receive assistance from the former owner

* may be fed by strangers or guardians (sometimes irregularly)

* obtain food by gathering and hunting

* have a low chance of survival, due to the inability to exist without a person

* have a low degree of reproduction rate

* can be both socialized and not socialized to a person

owned but not controlled

* free range animal

* a dog that is allowed into the house and released outside at the request

* cat permanently living in the yard

* the animal can be left to itself around the clock, or periodically, at some specific time of the day

* depends on the owner, receives food and care from him

* depends on the owner, partly receives food and care from him

* the animal can be spayed or not spayed

* potentially have a high reproductive capacity and a high degree of offspring survival

owned, controlled (not neglected)

* absolutely dependent on the owner, can only receive food and care from him

* usually located outdoors only in the immediate vicinity of the owner

* may have partial or limited access to the owner's yard (out into a fence or garden)

* properly supervised by the owner when in public places

* reproductive performance is most often controlled by the owner through sterilization, by chemical means, or refraining from mating

* reproductive performance is most often controlled by the owner through spaying or abstaining from mating

2.2. Reasons for homeless animals

Each of the animals that ended up in the shelter has its own story - someone was saved by caring people from being shot, someone was saved from the "living house", someone was simply abandoned by the old owners, some were hit by cars and ended up in the shelter with fractures, and someone never knew the warmth of human hands at all.

You need to understand that in Russia there are no originally wild packs of dogs; all now stray dogs are once domesticated animals or their offspring. Domesticated and then discarded.

1. If you pay attention, then a particularly large concentration of homeless animals is observed where the private sector has recently been settled or is being settled: people move out of their homes, and animals are left to fend for themselves. Dogs remain on the street and because of their genetic and psychological characteristics do not go far from where their home was.

There are also those negligent owners who get a dog, but over time they realize that they are not able to take care of it, educate it, bear responsibility - as a result, the dog ends up on the street. From this it becomes obvious that The first reason for the appearance of stray dogs on the street is a person.

2. Another factor - uncontrolled birth of animals. In Russia, the sterilization procedure is still not popular. Many people experience prejudice caused by a lack of awareness of the usefulness of this method. There are many myths about sterilization that have nothing to do with reality. Thus, the owners prefer to annually deplete their animal with the state of the rut, viscous, pregnancy, childbirth and rearing of offspring, after which the question arises: what to do with the offspring? Some owners drown kittens and puppies, others throw them out into the street, replenishing the number of homeless animals. Many people prefer to give kittens and puppies to people who promise to put them in good hands, however, these volunteers just throw animals out into the street, into garbage dumps, into the forest in BAGS! Thus, the second reason for the appearance of animals on the street is, again, the dishonest attitude of a person towards his pets!

3. There is a high percentage of lost animals among homeless animals. In developed countries, in order to prevent the loss of animals, a system has long and effectively been operating. chipping: this is a painless procedure in which a microchip is inserted under the skin of the animal, on which the data about the owner (name, address, etc.) are recorded. All veterinary clinics have scanners that read information from a microchip; thus returning the lost animal to the owner is not difficult. In Russia, however, chipping is still mandatory only for animals exported abroad, which proves the effectiveness of this method.

2.3. “A dog is biting, only from the life of a dog ...”

Stray animals often give us a lot of trouble and a lot of trouble, and sick dogs and cats can even be dangerous. And our yards are not painted with excrement. All this is so.

But is it true that the knacker is the only way solve the problem with homeless stray animals? After all, no animal can be as dangerous as a man brought up on examples of cruelty.

According to the project, regional authorities should be engaged in catching stray animals. Somewhere the animals are quietly euthanized, somewhere they are sterilized, vaccinated and released back.

For more than fourteen years, a service for catching stray animals has been operating in Miass. - Help, my dog ​​was shot, - such calls come to the editor. Mostly residents of the private sector apply. Upon further conversation, it turns out that the owners did not follow their dog, as a rule, the dog walked the streets alone, without a muzzle and without a collar. Residents blame the service for catching stray animals for their troubles, not understanding what's what.

At the end of 2015, there were at least 137 heads of stray animals in the city of Miass. Animals should not be killed, they can only be euthanized, and then only temporarily. They must not be left outside. The euthanized must be taken away in a specialized vehicle. According to these rules, animals should never be killed. But according to the rules, alas, not all work. In my opinion, as it should be: Stray animals should be caught and sent to shelters for vaccination, sterilization (castration), isolation and treatment. Then, who can be attached to good hands, that will be given on bail. That is, in someone's house. If no one has laid eyes on the beast, it can be released back into the street, where it was picked up. And for the maintenance of stray animals, special shelters should be created.

Homeless animals in the city are a significant danger to people. This is especially true for dogs. Dogs are pack animals and sooner or later they find company.

Often there are attacks by a pack of stray dogs on people and often children. Such attacks can be provoked by people, but sometimes occur without apparent provocation, especially during the rut in this flock.

In addition, homeless animals often carry infections dangerous to humans, leave traces of their vital activity on the streets and sidewalks, squares and parks, bark and howl at night under the windows, in general, cause a lot of trouble. People forget that they themselves are to blame for these troubles and demand to restore order in the city. How to be?

It is possible and necessary to remove stray dogs and cats from urban life. There is no alternative. In the West, there are special shelters for homeless animals. These shelters are supported by charitable money. There are a lot of homeless animals on the streets of our Russian cities. In this matter, state assistance is needed, both legislative and financial, as well as professional specialists, animal technicians and veterinarians, and, of course, volunteers.

I want to tell you how you can help homeless animals in our city. And also, what are shelters, what relation do we have to them and what relation can you have to them.

2.4. Shelters for homeless animals in our city

Every day we walk through the streets past them - abandoned and hungry. They are thrown, chased, and sometimes mocked. Nobody helps them - neither the state, nor the city - nobody. Except people with big and kind hearts. But they also need our help.

In our city, finally, the problem of homeless animals has moved off the ground, they are going to allocate money and will look for a place and we will have a shelter where they will keep animals. But there are big problems with the allocation of money from the administration of the city of Miass - only through the courts. The city cannot allocate accommodation for stray animals, the ones they provide, they are not suitable for keeping, or they are located in a remote area from the city, which will make it difficult for employees and people who want to help to get to the shelter. Homeless animals are the problems of the city, but now only kind and helpful people who open private shelters for homeless animals need them. There are now only three private animal shelters in the city: “True Friends”, “Good Hands”, Warm House”. An animal shelter is a place where homeless, lost or abandoned animals are kept, mainly dogs and cats. Shelters serve four main functions:

  • prompt assistance and care for the animal, veterinary care;
  • long-term care for an animal that does not immediately find an old or new owner;
  • efforts to reunite a lost animal with its former owner;
  • search for a new habitat or a new owner for a homeless animal.

2.5. GCity public organization Society for the Protection of Animals "True Friends"

I want to tell you about the Miass city public organization Society for the Protection of Animals "True Friends" in the city of Miass. Previously, this group was called ANO Good Hands, it was founded in 2012, but a year ago this group was divided into two shelters.

The True Friends Shelter has been in existence for a year now. This is the place where homeless cats and dogs meet their future owners. This is a place where every caring person can save an abandoned animal and give him happiness - new life in a loving family!

In this shelter, I met the veterinarian Shaydulova Kristina Rinatovna. She spoke in detail about the shelter and answered my questions: she spoke about the animals that are in the shelter in this moment, told their story, how they got here, how they are treated, what they are fed, the problems of the shelter and how we can help. This shelter is home to about fifty stray animals who are assisted.

For example, when you come to a shelter, you will great help just interacting with animals. Dogs and cats need contact with people, and many of them will enjoy your company and the opportunity to cuddle.

Helping animals, you can try yourself as a volunteer. Volunteers are people who help the shelter, find ways to get food, cereals, medicines, new owners, overexposure for animals. Any person who is ready to spend their time and effort to help homeless animals can become a volunteer. There is always a lot of work and it can be easily found for every taste. If you are not yet ready to take responsibility for keeping an animal at home, or for some reason you cannot do it, but want to help, you have a direct road to volunteering. Becoming a volunteer is easy - the website of each shelter contains contact numbers where you can call and arrange a meeting. If you do not know how exactly you could help, do not worry, the shelter staff will definitely offer you a job of your choice.

To the question of Kristina Rinatovna: “Can I become a volunteer in their group at the age of eight?” She answered me: - yes. I can distribute flyers with photos of animals that need help or need an owner, attract people to understanding about homeless animals, and organize actions to help. And I will try myself as a volunteer in the True Friends group. I have already submitted an application on the site.

Animals often come to the shelter in a sick or injured condition. The first thing they do with a beginner is to provide him with the necessary medical care. The veterinarian examines the animals, prescribes a course of treatment or performs the necessary operations.

Most animals in shelters live in aviary cages, where they spend most of the day. It is good when animals are kept in cages in small groups - it is very difficult for such social animals as dogs to be constantly alone.

The first thing I heard when I entered the shelter was a deafening bark, with which the inhabitants greet a new person, and walking along the cages, you can see how dozens of eyes will follow the guest and jump onto the grate in a desire to communicate.

The shelter is a real salvation for homeless animals, where dogs and cats receive treatment and find temporary shelter. But no matter how good the shelter is, it does not replace a house and a beloved owner for dogs and cats.

In shelters, animals are under constant stress due to overcrowding, high level noise, boredom and lack of communication with people. Naturally, the shelter staff is extremely interested in seeing as many animals as possible find new owners.

In most cases, each inhabitant of the shelter has its own tragic story. To my question to Kristina Rinatovna: “What story about the animal that ended up in your shelter do you remember the most?” She told a story about one dog that someone shot from a crossbow into a shoulder blade (a crossbow is a military and sporting throwing weapon, which is a bow) and threw it into a trash can, the dog howled from pain from 4 am to 6, she heard and found by a woman and brought to a shelter, Kristina Rinatovna had to do two operations: first, she removed 10 centimeters of an arrow, which was made from a tree trunk, and the tip itself was made of steel. The operations were performed successfully, the dog remained alive, she was then taken to new house. To get to the shelter of such animals is a real success!

To my question: “Are there cases when an animal is taken from a shelter and later returned back?” - Yes, such cases happen often, answered Kristina Rinatovna. Here is the case with the cat: grown woman took the cat, a year has passed, calls and asks if it is possible to return the animal? People are not ready to raise a kitten or a puppy. They are not ready that they will “piss” and “poop” everywhere in the house while they are small, tearing the sofa, wallpaper and shoes. I think if the new owner has already looked after his future pet, at first he should just visit him at the shelter, take him out for a walk and take care of him. During this time, he will be able to better understand the nature and characteristics of the potential pet, and this will help reduce the risks of returning the animal back to the shelter.

Not every animal is lucky enough to live a long and happy life with your beloved owner. Dogs and cats are lonely different reasons: some get lost during walks, the owners of others die, leaving their pets alone, some are thrown out into the street by irresponsible owners, increasing the number of stray dogs that gather in packs on the outskirts of the city. Each of us has seen such dogs gathering in packs that pose a danger to others. Many of these animals are doomed to death.

To my question: “Which areas of our city have the most homeless animals?” Kristina Rinatovna answered that most of the animals are located where the private sector is, especially in the village of Dachny, Pervomaisky and in the area of ​​the old part of the city.

Every day, new announcements appear on the page of the True Friends animal welfare society on VKontakte that an animal found on the street is looking for its home or “overexposure”. “Overexposure” of animals, as Kristina Rinatovna answered me: - This is a temporary keeping of the animal at home until it is attached to its new owner. "Overexposure" can be from two days to a month. People on "overexposure" treat the animal, feed and care for it.

On the site in VKontakte "True Friends" photographs are displayed and describe the data on the animal. Ask for help in treatment and food. Volunteers from the organization daily find hungry, unfortunate and useless animals on the streets of our city, take them for “overexposure”, treat, feed and sterilize them. From their love and care cats and dogs change before our eyes!!!

But "overexposure" is in no way comparable to full life animals in the family - they need a home and good hands of a beloved and loving owner! Volunteers help animals as much as they can. They need like-minded people and people who are ready to help the shelter by any means.

Constantly in our city in the shopping mall "Elephant" there is an action to help homeless animals, where representatives of the shelter "True friends" take part. This action has been carried out almost since the founding of the animal care group in our city. It is organized every month, and sometimes twice, and its organizers have never changed the established good tradition.

Behind past years the action for the distribution of animals has changed its "place of residence" more than once - the animals were attached to the shopping center "Karusel", at the "People's Market", in the park of the automobile plant, but still favorite place remains hall entertainment complex"Elephant", where a large number of people pass during the day. Moreover, in order to attract as many possible hosts as possible, True Friends volunteers dress up in bright T-shirts with the organization’s symbols and decorate the place of the action with colorful balloons. Volunteers try to use all city holidays, we call them fair events (that is, with a large crowd of people), in order to help our wards find their own home and raise money for the needs of the foundation. For the same purpose, they sell hand-made products that we make with our own hands, make bright face painting for children.

Usually, at such events, volunteers from the True Friends group present to the attention of visitors from 5 to 40 cats and dogs of various colors and ages. As a rule, babies are taken here from the age of three months, since until this time they are still very vulnerable to various diseases. This is especially true for street animals, which have practically no immunity. Therefore, if an animal with its offspring is in a mini-shelter at "True Friends" or on overexposure (temporary stay of an animal with a temporary owner), they try not to take the babies from their mother ahead of time. And of course, adult animals participate in the annex, some of which are already castrated and sterilized.

In order to attach a dog or cat to a new home, you need to know its character, habits, attitude towards people and other information that needs to be reported to the new owner who wants to take the animal from the shelter into the house. And to date, urgent problem is that there are too few of us. After all, it is the number of volunteers in shelters that determines the quality and success of our activities, which directly affect the decent living of animals in shelters and finding a new owner for animals. I note that such activities are voluntary, and in order to still understand its essence to the end, it is necessary to start doing it. Therefore, we urge everyone who loves animals, who is not indifferent to their fate, to join the ranks of volunteers.

The homelessness of animals must be fought, but it is with homelessness, and not with animals. I chose this theme because it serious problem that needs a solution.

2.6. Ways out of the current situation

  1. For the administration of our city to help shelters, allocate purposefully cash for the needs of animals
  2. Catching animals, not shooting, as they do in our city,
  3. Sterilize homeless animals
  4. To draw public attention to the problem of homeless animals,
  5. Help the shelters of our city by any means.

Going outside, grab the stale bread from the table, feed the pigeons, crows and sparrows! Grab the bones after a chic dinner, dogs and cats will love them! After all, in your yard there are those who are hungry and cold!

With my parents, we often travel to shelters, help volunteers, bring food and medicines that are necessary for the treatment of animals. With the accumulated money, I bought two buckets of cereals and I want to buy more: shampoos, combs, bowls, vermicelli, and also find an old mattress, towels, diapers, gauze and bandages from my grandmothers.

Also in shelters there are dogs that have experienced shock or some kind of personal tragedy: such dogs can be shy, non-contact - you can just sit next to them, talk affectionately and, if possible, scratch behind the ear.

All the inhabitants of the shelter appreciate walks very much. Ask the staff of the shelter, and they will be happy to show you dogs that you can take on a leash and go for a walk in the vicinity of the shelter. Both you and the dog will enjoy.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit shelters often, but you want to help, do not be discouraged: there is a large list of activities that always require attention.

You can organize the collection of things and materials for the shelter. Shelters constantly need new leashes, muzzles, harnesses, bedding. Leashes are torn, beds are gnawed, constantly end rubber toys and delicious bones. Cats need new houses and hammocks. Always need household gloves detergents, plastic buckets, large bowls. Simple medicines are never superfluous: veterinary drugs, absorbent diapers, sterile wipes, bandages, syringes, the list is very large, what shelters need.

If you have a car, you can help with the transport of animals or the collection and transportation of things and materials collected for the shelter. Sometimes it is required to accompany the dog to a doctor or to a new owner, and the shelter staff does not have such an opportunity. In this case, you could provide invaluable assistance and help the animal find a home.

It is also necessary to constantly search for new owners for dogs and cats. Perhaps among your friends and acquaintances, at work, there are people who want to get a pet? You can tell them about shelters, bring, show dogs. Shelter PR is always on-the-go - You can help promote dog ads on the web site, bus stop bulletin boards, pet stores, veterinary clinics - wherever possible.

Lack of money is the eternal problem of all charitable organizations and fundraising work is very important. Money can be transferred to the shelter's account using the Internet or payment terminals, or you can personally transfer it to the shelter staff. Even a small amount turns out to be significant and important.

2.7. Conducting a classmate survey

I conducted a survey of classmates in the class, the answers allow us to conclude that mostly children have pets at home, mostly cats, cats, dogs.

Most children help homeless animals and would agree to help, which is good news. To the question “If your parents allowed you to take home a dog or a cat from a shelter, would you take it?” they answered yes. Thus, the number of those who care is increasing every day, because the homeless need protection.

And the most important questions in my opinion “Would you like our class to participate regularly in helping our city's shelter for homeless animals? and “How would you help a homeless animal or animal shelters.” The answers were different, but mostly classmates talked about help. Most of them are ready to help unfortunate animals, but it is interesting that the help is limited to feeding. Only a few are ready to take a homeless animal into their home.

I was wondering how many homeless animals live in the area of ​​our school. To do this, my classmates and I counted homeless animals each in our yard. We interviewed local residents about the pets of each yard. And here's what we got.

The first yard consists of 3 houses 1 house - 9-storey (3 entrances), the second 5-storey (6 entrances), 3 house - 9-storey building (3 entrances). There are no dogs, but 13 cats.

The second yard consists of two 5-storey buildings (6 entrances) and 1 kindergarten. No dogs, no cats (18) 14 adult cats and 4 kittens.

The third courtyard consists of 3 houses: 2 - three-story (3 entrances each) and 1 - 5-storey (4 entrances). Dogs - 14, including those with collars, walking without owners. More than 20 cats

Having examined 11 houses (28 entrances) and 1 kindergarten, stray dogs - 14, and cats - 51 (including babies). Looking at these animals, the heart shrinks. But many people, passing by, do not even think about whether they can help?

We have the opportunity to unite and help homeless animals. You just need to want and everything is in our hands!


During my research, my hypothesis was confirmed. Indeed, the reasons for the appearance of homeless animals on the streets are the unrequited attitude towards pets, as well as the indifference of people to homeless animals.

In addition, I realized that the world is not without good people. Despite such a difficult problem, there were people who are trying to help our smaller brothers. They spare no effort, time and money to achieve the goal.

We are responsible for those we have tamed. The goals that I set for myself when starting to implement the project cannot be solved in a year or two. Unfortunately, there are no fewer homeless animals on the streets of our city. My project is aimed at helping members of the True Friends society. During its existence, all the shelters in the world have saved the lives of thousands of dogs and cats in trouble.

We still have a lot of work ahead of us, the significant results of which will be felt later, not immediately. We have great hopes, because today people come to the shelter, call, write to an email address on VKontakte to take a dog or cat into the house, and in this we see a positive and encouraging result of our activities. We warn new owners about the responsibility and tell all there is to know about animals to people who decide to have a pet in the house, especially for the first time.

During its existence, all the shelters in the world have saved the lives of thousands of dogs and cats in trouble. But as long as people forget the simple truth that “we are responsible for those whom we have tamed,” the number of homeless animals on the streets of our cities will not decrease. Think, maybe it is you who can save another life? Go to the sites of shelters, look at photos of animals, read their stories - suddenly it turns out that one of them is yours? Do not remain indifferent to the fate of those who most of all need your kindness and love.

We believe in your kind hearts!


Annex 1

  • Do you have a pet?
  • What difficulties do you face in keeping an animal?
  • Do you feed homeless animals?
  • Has your family thrown away a pet?
  • If your parents let you take home a dog or cat from a shelter, would you take it?
  • Would you like our class to participate regularly in helping our city's animal shelter?
  • How would you help a homeless animal or animal shelters?

Appendix 2

For agitation on the streets of the city, we have created booklets:

Project "Homeless animals of our city"

Project theme:

"Homeless animals of our city"

MAOU Secondary School No. 3 ZATO Mezhgorye Rep. Bashkortostan

Project Manager:Ustinova Natalya Mikhailovna

teacher primary school



Project relevance

Every day on the way to school, home, to additional classes, I see stray cats near the houses.Very rarely they are fed, even more rarely they are taken home. And few people think about where they came from - these unfortunate animals and what awaits them next. Sometimes there are more of them, sometimes they disappear.A large fluffy red cat is sitting near the Orange store. What made the owners leave him? Wasn't there a piece of chicken to feed the poor fellow? And people walk by and do not notice anything, remaining indifferent to the suffering of a hungry creature.So maybe it's time to help homeless animals and try to solve their problems. Building a shelter is the business of adults, and children can also call them to kindness and personal responsibility.


    homeless animals appear through the fault of man;

    There are ways to solve the problem of stray dogs and cats.

Target: find out the main reasons for the appearance of homeless animals on the streets of the city;

draw the attention of adults and children to this problem.


Collect information on the topic, determine the causes of the appearance of homeless animals;

To study the state of the problem of homeless animals in the territory of our city;

Suggest ways out of the current situation;

Conduct a survey and find out the attitude of students to the problem of homeless animals in the city of Mezhhirya;

Organize an exhibition of drawings among students elementary school;

Contribute to the support of homeless animals (feeding, participation in charity events, the device in the house).

Object of study : homeless animals in Mezhgorye.

Subject of study: society's attitude to the problem of homeless animals.

Project focus: public and social.

Research methods:


    Search and analysis of information in various sources (literature, periodicals, Internet resources)

    Summarizing the results of the study


    Interview with the veterinarian of the ecological center "Teremok" Zhirishchina G.A.

    Organization of an exhibition of children's drawings and posters "They also need a home."

    Do-it-yourself production and sale of crafts to raise funds to help homeless animals.

    Participation in the city action "Do good"

    Student survey

    Photography. Creation of a photo album and booklets about homeless animals

Project implementation timeline

The project was implemented from 10/10/2017 to 12/10/2017.

I. Main body

1. 1. What does the concept of "homeless animals" mean

In the explanatory dictionary, I found a definition of who homeless animals are. The homeless (homeless, vagrant, ownerless) livé Pets are pets that do not have owners, most often stray dogs and stray cats.

Homeless animals are dogs, cats or other domestic animals that live in packs or alone on the streets, in porches, in parks. Theyare doomed to starvation, wandering and disease (worms, fleas, lichen, ear lice, etc.) Street animals are a lot of problems for people: they can bite a person, spread various dangerous diseases etc.

1. 2. Reasons for the appearance of homeless animals

Where do homeless animals come from? In most cases, we humans are to blame. Every animal thrown into the street is someone's betrayal. We must remember this and not give offense to those who cannot defend themselves.

I will name several reasons for the appearance of homeless animals on the streets of cities:

  • irresponsibility of the owners;

  • the owners, leaving on vacation, drive the animals out into the street;

  • lost or ran away from the owners;

  • uncovered trash cans with leftover food;

  • no shelters;

  • animals multiply rapidly;

  • no allowance for pets.

1 .3. Homeless animals abroad

I was interested: what about other countries? Are there homeless cats and dogs there?

From the Internet, I learned that developed countries have the most successful experience in dealing with the problem of homeless animals. It is illegal for an animal to be on the street without an owner. Neglected animals are caught and placed in shelters. These shelters are supported by charitable money. In shelters, animals are cared for and, if possible, attached to new owners.

The photos show shelters for cats and dogs in the Netherlands. For a comfortable life of pets, all conditions have been created there: walking areas, places for sleeping and resting, good nutrition, medical support and even animal trainers.

In the Netherlands4 major changes in the law contributed to a decent life for animals:
1) RIGHTS of animals;
2) high TAXES on pets and, as a result, a balanced approach to getting them;
3) strict and harsh PUNISHMENTS behind bad attitude to animals;
4) MASS STERILIZATION of animals without fail.

1 .4 . The problem of homeless animals in our city and ways to solve it

But how are things in our beloved city of Mezhgorye?

Homeless animals in our city are discarded pets or their descendants. Unfortunately, homeless animals live in all Russian cities.

Stray animals in the city are a significant danger to people. This is especially true for dogs. Dogs are pack animals and sooner or later they gather in groups. It is not uncommon for stray dogs to attack people and often children.

In addition, homeless animals often carry infections dangerous to humans, leave traces of their vital activity on the streets and sidewalks, on playgrounds, bark and howl at night under the windows, in general, cause a lot of trouble. People forget that they themselves are to blame for these troubles and demand to restore order in the city.

How to be?

To date, many animal rights activists see the solution to this problem in the mass construction of shelters and the introduction of strict laws for those who cruelly treat animals. By the way, at the end of 2017, the State Duma approved in the first reading the law on toughening the punishment for living a life.

    Unfortunately, there is no animal shelter in our city. There is no shelter in the nearest city of Beloretsk. The creation of a shelter requires considerable financial costs, support from the city administration. I hope that someday we will have our own cozy warm shelter.

    We know that there are many people in Mezhhirya with kind hearts and gentle hands. Caring people feed the cats - the inhabitants of the basements. Is in our city good people who take these poor fellows for overexposure, and then attach them to good hands. Sick or wounded "tramps" are carried to the ecological center "Teremok" to the veterinarian G. A. Zhirishchina. Galina Alexandrovna treats unfortunate patients at her own expense, vaccinates and others medical procedures. She has been helping homeless animals for a long time. But the veterinary clinic cannot accommodate all the homeless and they again go out into the street.

1.5. Interview with the veterinarian of the environmental center "Teremok" Zhirishina G.A.

Having visited the environmental center, I decided to ask Galina Aleksandrovna a few questions:

How long have you been involved in helping homeless animals?

- For several years I have been closely engaged in their vaccination, treatment and sterilization.

- How do you think homeless animals appear?

- main reason is a person who does not control the birth of his pet or throws him out on the street. There are very few animals that were born and raised on the street and they do not live long under such conditions.

- Is it possible to completely free the streets from stray animals?

- If the population of stray dogs and cats is completely destroyed, wild, and no less dangerous, animals will come in their place: foxes and hordes of rats.

- What work is being done at present?

- In our city, the Dobrota Society from Ufa is engaged in trapping homeless cats and dogs. Under the terms of the agreement, 120 cats will be captured: 80 of them will be released to their former habitat after veterinary procedures, and 40 will be euthanized; 266 dogs will also be caught: 90 will return to the street, and 176 will be euthanized.

II. Practical part of the project

2.1. Peer survey

I was interested in how my peers relate to the unfortunate inhabitants of the streets. I conducted a survey in several classes of school number 3.

The answers allowed us to conclude that many children have pets at home, mainly cats, dogs, hamsters.

Most children help homeless animals and would agree to help, which is good news. To the question “If your parents allowed you to take home a stray dog ​​or cat, would you take it?” they answered yes. Thus, the number of those who care is increasing every day, because the homeless need protection.

To the question “Would you like our class to participate regularly in helping homeless animals?” the answers were different, but mostly the guys talked about all possible help. Most of them are ready to help unfortunate animals, mainly by feeding them, and some children are even ready to take a homeless animal into their home.

2.2. Exhibition of children's drawings and posters "They need a home too"

The next step was to organize an exhibition of children's drawings and posters "They also need a home." The elementary school students drew wonderful drawings. Our exhibition attracted the attention of all schoolchildren and teachers.

On classroom hours The children talked about their pets and how to take care of them. Teachers talked with students about responsible attitude to furry pets.

2.3. Charity exhibition-sale

Myclassmates supported the idea of ​​helping homeless animals and made figurines of cats and beautiful souvenir boxes at the Ecolaboratory class. The guys thought that the residents of our city would help to buy food and medicine for unfortunate cats and dogs in exchange for crafts.

In parallel with my project, the city newspaper “Mezhgorye. Our Time" organizedcharity photo session "Do good". The purpose of the photo session was to raise funds to help the inhabitants of the Teremok environmental center. We are happy to join this action with our exhibition of drawings and handicrafts.

Surprisingly, our crafts were in demand and were all sold. More precisely, anyone could take home any craft, and in return leave a charitable contribution to help homeless animals in a special box.

As a result, we collected 2,300 rubles, which we solemnly handed over veterinarian Zhirishchina G. A. for the purchase of medicines for the treatment street cats and dogs.

The action had a wide response in the city, in the media mass media, V in social networks. It was decided to hold such an action on International Children's Day on June 1, 2018. By that time, the guys and I will have time to make more more crafts for the benefit of animals and invite everyone to take an active part in the action and charity photo session.

Projected performance
With my project, I tried to awaken good feelings in children and adults, call for personal responsibility for the fate of cats and dogs, and also provide all possible assistance to homeless animals.

III . conclusions

During my research, my hypothesis was confirmed. Indeed, the reasons for the appearance of homeless animals on the streets are an irresponsible attitude towards pets, as well as the indifference of people to homeless animals.

Having studied the problem of homeless animals, I came to the conclusion that an individual person cannot cope with the solution of this problem, no matter how kind and compassionate he is. With my project, I tried to awaken good feelings in children and adults, as well as help homeless cats and dogs. When I grow up, I will do my best to build a shelter for homeless animals in our city.

I V . Conclusion


Be attentive to animals

don't throw them away

because we are responsible for those

who have been tamed!

We believe in your kind hearts!

P.S. On the Internet, I found this page:


1. Novichkov V.B., Gara N.N., Kurkin E.B. New school encyclopedia. countries and peoples. - M .: ROSMEN, Pedagogy-PRESS, 2004.

2. RIA Novosti

3. Berezina E.S. “Ecology of dogs in urban populations. Classification environmental groups, number, population structure, communications (on the model of Omsk and the region) "Journal" Veterinary Pathology ". 2002. No. 1. S. 132-135.
4. Zlobin B. "About stray dogs". Magazine "Hunting and hunting ground". 1971. No. 9. S. 30-31.

5. Animal Life/Alfred Brehm. -M., 2013.

6. :// (Wikipedia)

7. :// (Article "Homeless animals in Russia, their essence")

Annex 1


    Do you have a pet?______________

    What difficulties do you face in keeping an animal? _______________________________________________________________

    Do you feed homeless animals? ________________________

    Has your family thrown away a pet? _______________________

    If your parents let you take home stray dog or a cat, would you take it? ______________

    Would you like your class to participate regularly in helping homeless animals? _________________

Application №2 REMINDER
for those who want to adopt a homeless animal

1. It is worth taking home an animal that is ready to communicate, expresses with all its appearance that it needs help.
2. Discuss your desire to take a homeless child with all family members, enlist their support.
3. Adopted a homeless cat or dog - be sure to show it to the veterinarian. He examines the animal for health and explains what vaccinations should be done.
4. You need to establish contact with animals. To show that he has a reliable leader who, on the one hand, can strictly demand something, on the other hand, give affection and a sense of comfort. Be a patient teacher!
5. Remember that the responsibility for the animal lies with you. You are responsible for all the actions of your pet.
6. You will have to take care of the animal not for 1-2 months, but for 10-15 years.
7. Study the literature on the upbringing and maintenance of dogs or cats, depending on who you decide to tame.
8. REMEMBER: a person can be judged by his attitude towards animals.