Raising a newborn at 1 month. The first month of a newborn's life: development, care, necessary things

Happy young parents waited for the birth of their baby. They are overwhelmed with joy, pride, delight and endless happiness. But after these feelings comes fear and anxiety. The long-awaited return home from the hospital becomes a real test for a young mother. She suddenly realizes that she is left alone with the child and does not know what and how to do next. So that joy does not turn into stress (and even more so into depression), it is necessary to fully devote the first days and weeks to the adaptation of the whole family to a new way of life and an unusual daily routine.

Mom and baby first day at home

While in the hospital, the baby has already established a feeding and sleeping regimen. It is very important that this regimen does not change in the early days. This will help both mother and baby to keep calm with an established rhythm. A young mother will begin to independently put into practice the skills of caring for a newborn, which she received in the maternity hospital.

These days it is very important to surround mother and baby with care, attention and affection. They both suffered a strong emotional stress, one might even say a little stress. Home warmth and comfort will help them recover from fear, anxiety and pain. And these days of stay of various visitors will be absolutely superfluous. Even the closest relatives are chores that are not yet desirable for a nursing mother.

What not to be afraid of

In the first month, a newborn baby adapts to a new life. That is why he may have various signs on the body or in behavior that disturb parents. They are absolutely not dangerous and pass over time. Don't worry if:

  • The skin of the arms and legs has a bluish tinge
  • There were many small rashes on the face and forehead
  • Separate areas of the skin began to peel off
  • Eyes sometimes squint or look in different directions
  • The complexion changes - sometimes it is yellowish, sometimes red
  • The baby is crying, groaning

Parents are constantly with the child, carefully peer into it and listen to every sound. Any little thing can cause panic in inexperienced parents. Although already in the second week the baby's normal complexion will be restored. At the end of the first month of life, the baby will cry with tears, which was not the case in the first weeks.

There is no need to worry about the somewhat irregular or not quite symmetrical shape of the baby's head. Passing through the birth canal, the babies experience some deformation of the head (due to compression), which after a short time will take its usual shape. This will help periodically turning the child on one side, then on the other, then on the back. It can be both during wakefulness and when the baby is sleeping.

Causes of crying of the newborn in the last place may be painful manifestations. Most often, in this way, the baby attracts attention when it's time to feed him or change his diaper or diaper. Sometimes babies in the first month show anxiety when they want to sleep, when they are hot, or it can be cool when they are uncomfortable to lie down. A few days will be enough for a young mother to learn to determine what her baby wants by the first sound of crying.

And another common cause of anxiety and crying in a child can be intestinal colic and gaziki. Their appearance is largely associated with the nutrition of the mother and the composition of breast milk.

Baby care

The whole family begins to live according to a new schedule, which is built only for the child's daily routine. Everyone has new pleasant responsibilities. The whole family is trying to participate in the care of the baby and help the mother and baby adapt. The concept of care includes the most common procedures:

  • Feeding at set times or at certain hourly intervals
  • Full sleep
  • Wake time
  • Water procedures
  • Personal hygiene
  • Walks in the open air
  • Air baths and hardening
  • Gymnastics and massage

Whether to set the mode to the child?

The daily routine of a newborn in the first month consists of three main points: sleep, feeding and wakefulness. The individual biorhythms of the baby themselves will select the appropriate schedule. You should not strictly adhere to the standard boundaries of sleep, rest and feeding. The baby will let you know when he wants to eat and when it's time to sleep. Depending on the physiological characteristics of the child, on average, feeding occurs after two and a half to three hours, the duration of sleep is two to three hours, and the wakeful period lasts from half an hour to an hour.

In the first month, a newborn may sleep longer or want to eat at the wrong time. Don't worry about this. In a couple of months everything will fall into place.

When to take your first bath

For most babies, bathing is more of a pleasant procedure than a hygienic one. Bathing every day before bed allows the child to relax and is the key to a good night's sleep.

The first bath can begin when the umbilical cord falls off and the wound on the navel dries completely. Up to this point, you can do with wet rubdowns. Bathing is carried out, taking into account the individual preferences of the baby, every day or two to three times a week. You can bathe once a week using herbal decoctions. Baby soap is also selected individually. After water procedures, if necessary, use a powder or cream. If the baby does not like to swim, it causes him to cry and discomfort, then sometimes bathing can be replaced by wiping.

Mandatory hygiene procedures

Daily procedures that are necessary for healthy development and growth:

  • Washing the face and washing the genitals
  • Monitoring the condition of the skin
  • Umbilical wound care
  • soft brushing
  • Cleaning the nose and ears with cotton swabs, eye care
  • Careful nail clipping
  • Removal of crusts on the scalp

Walking is an indispensable component in the development of a healthy and strong baby. The child received his first portion of fresh air when he was discharged from the hospital. And further walks should be built taking into account the season and weather. Their duration depends on the temperature outside. It is very useful for babies to sleep in the open air or in a room with an open window.

Young parents should be aware that the system of heat exchange regulation has not yet been debugged in infants. This must be taken into account when dressing the baby for a walk. No need to dress a newborn three times warmer than yourself. Dress your child the same as you would dress yourself, but use an extra light cover over the top.

Hardening of the baby can begin after the first week of life. The very first step should be air baths and light strokes. For the first time, try to leave the child for at least one minute without clothes and gently stroke him on the back, tummy, legs and arms. If the child likes it, then include this procedure in the daily routine. This will serve as an excellent tool for the development and strengthening of muscles. And strong and developed muscles are a guarantee that the baby will learn to sit and walk in time in the future.

Reflexes of a healthy baby in the first month of life

By the end of the first month, you can check how the baby is developing. Is development appropriate for his age? What should a baby be able to do at the age of one month and how should a healthy child react correctly?

The upbringing and development of a newborn takes place every day in the process of all planned procedures and activities. Since most of the time the child is with his mother, he easily recognizes her touch and voice. In addition, the child acquires the following skills:

  • Tries to raise his head and hold it for a while, lying on his stomach
  • Looks at individual bright toys and large objects
  • Recognizes a familiar voice
  • Shifts his gaze and turns his head for a toy
  • Responds to loud or harsh sound
  • Tries to make the first sounds and coo

Touching the child's palm, you can see a grasping reflex - the palm is compressed. Touching the face near the mouth, you can notice a sucking reflex - the baby begins to look for the breast and makes the appropriate movement with his lips. If you touch the foot of the baby, you will see a reaction similar to the reaction from tickling - the fingers are compressed and unclenched. Try to put the baby in an upright position with support for the legs - you will see the walking reflex.


At one week of age, your baby's face may still look a little puffy and uneven after giving birth. Do not worry, in the near future the outlines will change and the “newborn” swelling will disappear.

In the first days after birth, physiological jaundice may (not always) occur. The color of the baby's skin will turn slightly yellow due to an increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood. Infantile jaundice usually resolves by the end of the first week without treatment.


In the first week after birth, the weight of the baby may decrease slightly. This is due to a new way of eating for him. Regardless of the type of feeding, feed the baby on demand. The weight will recover and begin to grow from the second week.

Daily regime

The baby sleeps for a long time - from 16 to 18 hours a day. The feeling of hunger feels every 2-3 hours. By the way, a baby can eat for a long time - from 40 minutes and longer. This is especially true for breastfed babies - next to their mother they are warm, cozy and comfortable.


If the child is crying, it means that something is bothering him: he is hungry, his tummy hurts, he feels uncomfortable.
A child between the ages of 0 and 1 month is not yet able to consciously smile. But he is able to do it involuntarily in a dream.


Already in the first days after birth, a baby from 0 to 1 month old is able to focus his eyes - at a distance of up to 15 cm. The development of a child from 0 to 1 month old is ongoing.
The newborn smells. If you put a handkerchief soaked with breast milk next to it, the baby will turn to it.
At the age of one week, the baby can react to a person approaching him by turning his head.
While bathing, the baby will push off with its legs from the wall of the bath. Water procedures bring him pleasure. The main thing is that the water temperature is comfortable - 36-37 degrees.

The main reflexes of a newborn at a week of age:

  • sucking reflex;
  • grasping reflex;
  • protective reflex;
  • foot extensor reflex;
  • startle reflex;
  • support reflex;
  • search reflex;
  • proboscis reflex;
  • palmar-mouth reflex.

Physiological features

Newborns do not have thermoregulation of weight: the baby can quickly become cold or overheat. Therefore, during a walk, dress your child so that he does not freeze and does not sweat.


The first week after giving birth symbolizes the beginning of the restructuring of your body. During this period, the previous size of the uterus is restored. Therefore, if you find bleeding or discharge, contact your gynecologist.

3-4 days after the birth of a child, breast milk should “come” to replace colostrum. Sometimes this is accompanied by an increase in temperature.

If a newborn from 0 to 1 month is ineptly applied to the breast, the nipples can be injured. This threatens with infection. Therefore, use a healing cream that your doctor will recommend.
Feed your baby on demand. This will improve the process of breastfeeding. Do not express, because by the next feeding there will be more milk. The baby will eat the amount he needs, and the excess threatens to swell the breast. She can "go bumps" and provoke mastitis.

  • Get more rest.
  • Sleep with your baby. Lack of sleep can cause stress and reduce breast milk.
  • If you are breastfeeding your baby, change your diet. Avoid fried, spicy, spiced, salty and smoked foods. Thus, you will save the child from an allergic reaction and gas formation.

Joint weekdays

The first week after giving birth is special for your baby. He enters a new world. Therefore, help the baby feel comfortable in it.

Talk to him more often, call him by name. Sing songs to your baby.

While taking air baths, stroke the child on the back and tummy, do exercises with him - raise the legs, bend them at the knees. Train and handles - bend at the elbows.

If the baby is worried about colic - attach to yourself. Warm your baby with your warmth by stroking his tummy in a clockwise direction.

If it's not cold, take your child for a walk. And even if the baby is still very small, tell him everything that happens nearby. Share your good mood with your little one.

A baby has appeared in your family. Before the newborn returns from the hospital, prepare for his arrival:

  • remove from the room where the baby will live, extra items that are "dust collectors": soft toys, carpets, books (if they are not protected from dust);
  • get modern assistants that will help in creating a healthy microclimate in the room: an air purifier (eliminates dust and harmful bacteria), an air humidifier (choose only one whose impact does not contribute to the formation of an intense jet of water dust);
  • buy a night light with dimmed light and the ability to adjust it. This will allow you to care for the baby without disturbing him with bright light.

Temporarily limit guest visits. Your family and friends will be able to see the child later, when he is a little stronger.

Maintain a comfortable temperature in the baby's room - 24-25 degrees.

Help a young mother with household chores. Family members should take over part of the household chores, allowing her to take care of the child more and relax.

To-do list

In the first week after giving birth, you need to:

  • notify the receptionist of the clinic about the birth of a child. Invite a local doctor and a patronage nurse;
  • obtain a birth certificate for the child. This can be done both at the registry office and at the nearest MFC (multifunctional center). If you are married, the father of the child can obtain a birth certificate for the baby on his own (if there is a power of attorney from the spouse in a simple written form). If the parents of the child are not married, they must come together to receive the first document of the child;
  • issue a compulsory medical insurance policy (CMI) for the child;
  • register the baby at the place of residence. (This must be done within a month after the birth of the crumbs. In case of delay, a fine is imposed: from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles).

We advise you to start keeping a diary of your baby's development: write down your feelings from motherhood, take pictures of your baby, note changes in his development. You can keep a development diary on our website. For this you will need

A baby is considered a newborn for the first 28 days of its life. And, despite the very monotonous lifestyle, during this period of time he is very vulnerable and needs constant care and continuous care. All basic care consists in feeding and ensuring hygiene of the little man. However, no less important aspects are activities such as walking, massage, and careful, affectionate attitude.

The first month of a child's life

During the first month, the baby sleeps a lot, and wakes up only to eat. He only adapts to new living conditions outside of his mother's tummy. The muscles of babies are so weak that they cannot hold their head, so it is very important to gently support it by picking up this little lump.

As a rule, all newborns have muscle hypertonicity, which may be accompanied by twitching of the limbs. But this feature disappears after 2-3 months. Also, the child's hands are always clenched into fists, and the arms and legs themselves are pressed to the body - this is how he strives to occupy the same position that he has become accustomed to for 9 months.

There are other important innate reflexes:




The hearing of the kids is still very weak, so he is not afraid of noise and can easily fall asleep during your conversations or to the sound of music or TV. Newborns see just as poorly, best of all at a distance of no more than 30 cm.

Newborn feeding

There is nothing better for a baby than mother's milk. Thanks to him, he gets all the useful vitamins and minerals; milk helps to strengthen the immune system, and the presence of the mother's breast itself has a very beneficial and calming effect on the child's psyche. For the benefit of the child, doctors recommend applying it to the chest on "first request".

Firstly, the stomach of a newborn is still very small and therefore he has enough milk for no more than 3 hours.

Secondly, from a psychological point of view, this is extremely important for children because they feel confident and safe next to their mother.

Very important: it must capture both the nipple itself and the halo. With the wrong grip, the whole process will cause a lot of discomfort to both. You also need to take care of a convenient place for feeding.

Babies spit up every time they eat. This is because air has entered the baby's stomach along with milk. But do not worry, over time, regurgitation will become less frequent, and then completely disappear. The main thing is to make sure that they are not too plentiful (the volume should not exceed 1 tablespoon), and after each application to the breast, you need to hold the baby in an upright position.

Newborn sleep

At first, the baby sleeps almost constantly (at least 16 hours a day), and it doesn’t matter if it’s night or day. Therefore, to some extent, the mother has time to rest, but at the same time, the baby can often wake up at night, which is somewhat inconvenient for adults. Doctors recommend solving this problem by sleeping together with your mother. Many women are afraid that there is a chance of crushing a child in a dream, but, according to the same doctors, this fear is not justified. After all, a young mother has a very developed connection with the baby, and even while in a dream she will definitely feel her child.

Of course, if the condition is strictly observed: the mother is not intoxicated or otherwise intoxicated, and is not under the influence of sleeping pills or sedatives. When putting the baby to sleep, it is important to make sure that he lies on his side in order to avoid possible asphyxia. In order for the baby not to accidentally roll over onto its back, you can put a small roller (for example, a diaper folded several times).

mental development

A newborn for the first month of his life, as mentioned above, is either awake or sleeping. But these phases are also different. For example, wakefulness can be both calm, when the child lies calmly and looks around, and active, when he is interested in his own actions and waves his arms and legs more actively.

The child is still too young to utter individual sounds, and he always shows his displeasure by crying. So if the child is calm, it means that he feels good.

For favorable mental and emotional development, take your baby in your arms more often, now he really needs to feel the presence of loving parents, their warmth, gentle kisses.

Newborn Patronage

In the first month, a doctor and/or a nurse from a children's polyclinic visits the home to monitor the development and general condition of the child. They check the newborn's navel, examine the skin, assess his physical condition, answer questions from parents and can give important advice.

Bathing a newborn and hygiene

Hygiene is especially important in the first days of a little man's life. It must be washed after each bowel movement. To do this, it will be enough to clean the baby's skin with ordinary tap water with a temperature of no more than 37 degrees. You can also use wet wipes. If you do not pay due attention to hygiene, then the appearance of diaper dermatitis is quite likely. Also, the child should be washed in the morning and before bedtime. To do this, moisten a cotton pad in boiled (and already cooled to room temperature) water and draw from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one. It is very important to use a blank disk for each eye.

Bathing in the bath can be started already at the end of the first week of a child's life, but it is simply necessary to do it gradually so as not to frighten him. To do this, it is best to use ordinary water (preferably boiled) with a temperature of at least 37 degrees, and the room temperature should not be lower than 22 degrees. you need to start by lightly pouring some water on the baby's body and at the same time talking to him affectionately - this will give your child positive emotions from bathing.

Then you need to very carefully wash the head, not allowing water to get on the face. In advance, it is necessary to prepare a warm diaper, a vest, sliders, a cap in order to immediately wipe and dress the newborn. You need to complete the procedure by cleaning the ears from accidental ingress of water into them. For these purposes, use special children's cotton buds - they have a thickening, which prevents them from being inserted too deeply. And treat the umbilical cord with green.

The umbilical cord of a newborn baby

While still in the maternity hospital, nurses process the umbilical cord to the baby, but at home, the mother herself must monitor it. Before processing, be sure to evaluate its condition: in no case should there be discharge (neither bloody nor purulent), and if they are found, you must immediately inform the doctor. The treatment itself begins with the fact that the mother gently rubs the umbilical cord with a cotton swab dipped in 3% hydrogen peroxide, and then with a new wand dipped in brilliant green. After 2-3 weeks, the rest of the umbilical cord will fall off and heal.

What should be able to a child up to 1 month

Of course, in the first month, babies do not know how much, but it is important for parents to monitor all changes in their child's behavior. So, for example, newborns necessarily have a grasping reflex: if you put something into his palm, he must squeeze it. As for vision, it is not yet very clear, however, it already allows you to focus on the face of the parents (especially the mother) and on moving objects.

Many babies in the first month may have a smile. As a rule, this is a “full” smile and it manifests itself in a dream. Consciously, the child will begin to smile by 2-2.5 months.

Daily routine at 0-1 month

As repeatedly mentioned, newborns sleep a lot, and their sleep is somewhat chaotic. But, nevertheless, it is already possible to accustom your baby to a certain routine. For example, start the morning with washing, taking air baths and a light massage. This will help the baby wake up and get a lot of pleasure. During the day in good weather, go for a walk or play with him at home. It is customary to bathe the baby before going to bed. You should still feed on demand.

Educational activities (games) with a baby up to 1 month

There are several ways to make the most of your baby's waking hours. Every day, for a short period of time, you need to turn the child on the tummy (it is best to do this on the bed). This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the back, the child learns to hold his head. If you slightly push the feet, then reflex crawling will appear. And if you take it under the handles and put your legs on the bed, then the baby will reflexively begin to take steps.

In order for the baby to develop faster, and the muscles become stronger, it is necessary to massage the palms, feet, back and legs: stroking, lightly pressing with the fingers, circular movements. Be sure to accompany all your actions with cheerful short rhymes, songs, you can turn on pleasant melodies quietly, or just talk affectionately.

Walking with a newborn

You can walk with a newborn already on the 3rd day of his life. Any weather is suitable for this, the main thing to remember is that thermoregulation in babies is not yet perfect and the body cannot withstand both cold and heat, so it is very important to take the choice of clothes for walking seriously. If you walk in the winter, then, accordingly, you need to properly wrap the baby, cover it with a warm blanket. To find out if the child is cold, you can simply touch the nose - if it is cold, then the child is cold. When walking in hot weather, you need to take care to hide the baby from direct sunlight, apply a special baby cream with a high degree of protection from ultraviolet rays to the skin.

Going for a walk is a must, and preferably every day. If suddenly there is no such possibility, then it is quite acceptable to stay with the child on the balcony. Start walking from 30 minutes, every day increasing this time to 2 hours, you can break the time and walk several times.

Walking in the first days after discharge from the hospital, try to avoid places with large crowds of people, such as shopping centers, markets, to protect the baby from accidental infections.

Possible problems

Unfortunately, many mothers face problems already in the first weeks after the birth of a child.

Very often, babies do not grasp the breast correctly, which leads to painful sensations for the mother, as well as frequent regurgitation for the baby himself, because of which he risks remaining hungry. To prevent this problem, you need, firstly, to find a place and position convenient for feeding, and secondly, to properly insert the breast so that both the nipple and the halo are in the baby's mouth. If you cannot solve this problem on your own, then you need to contact a breastfeeding consultant.

Often kids. There are several reasons for this: perhaps, by grabbing the breast incorrectly, the baby does not eat up, and as a result, stops sucking it. Feeling unwell may also be a possible reason: perhaps the child has something in pain, or his nose is stuffed up, or he is in a stressful state due to fear or overexcitation. It is very important to competently organize breastfeeding: in a calm environment, in a position convenient for both, in a good mood.

Since the taste of milk directly depends on what the mother eats, you should not eat foods such as garlic, spicy dishes. The unpleasant taste of milk may not please the baby and serve as one of the reasons for refusal.

Another problem for many children and their parents is. Their appearance can be facilitated by a not very strict diet of a nursing mother: for the first time, whole milk, sweets, cabbage, and bananas should be excluded from the diet. With colic, the child cries, screams, arches, straightens the legs, refuses the breast. To help the baby cope with pain, you need to spread it on the tummy more often; put an ironed warm diaper on his tummy, or lightly press him to your stomach and walk around the room. You can do a light massage, stroking the tummy clockwise with a warm palm, or alternately bend the legs and pull them to the chest.

"Charm Lady" reminds: Do not forget that in case of frequent manifestations of certain problems, it is better to seek help from qualified specialists.

The birth of a baby is the most joyful event for any family, but it is also the beginning of a new life filled with worries and troubles. The very first month is considered very difficult for inexperienced parents, because they still do not know and do not know how much. In order to properly care for the baby, you should listen to the opinion of qualified pediatricians, read modern literature and get help from grandmothers.

Physiological features of the baby in the first month

Baby's weight and height. There is a medical norm for weight gain in newborns. The set (increase) is 20 grams per day. In total per month, the child gains 600 grams. In the first four weeks of life, the rate of weight gain in newborns is 90-150 grams for seven days.

For full development, the baby needs to drink 700 ml of breast milk (or an adapted milk formula) per day.

A set of less than 600 grams during the neonatal period (for the first month of life) is regarded as insufficient. In this case, the pediatrician helps the mother adjust the feeding regimen and prescribe the necessary examination of the baby to find out the reasons: why the child is not gaining weight well. The baby's intestines are emptied up to 3-5 times a day.

Baby behavior. At this stage, the child's movements are chaotic, the arms and legs are bent, since the extensor muscles are not yet developed. A newborn baby does not even have the opportunity to look with both eyes at one point, not to mention the ability to communicate something to others. All he can do is cry and hear sounds. Even in the womb, the fetus is accustomed to the mother's voice.

Sleep and wake mode. At this age, the baby sleeps a lot - 17-18 hours. This is necessary for the harmonious development of the crumbs. Compared with the first week of life, the duration of wakefulness increases. In the first weeks after birth, the baby sleeps most of the time, and during the wakeful period he eats and requires his mother's presence.

Bowel and bladder emptying . The number of daily bowel movements in different children is different - from three to six times a day. Usually, how many feedings, so many times you change your little one's diaper.

Urination in infants is quite intense. Your little one can pee up to 20-25 times a day. And this is quite normal. If the number of urination per day in a child is 6 or less, then you should seriously worry about whether your child is getting enough milk.

Vision, hearing of the baby. The baby is born with fully formed eyes. But he does not yet see clearly. And he cannot focus his eyes on any object. The vision of a newly born child is blurry, he can only distinguish large objects located nearby, which is a kind of protection against the suddenly surging variety of colors and shapes. Hearing, smell and touch in a newborn are quite developed, these sense organs were developed during life inside the mother.

An important indicator of the health of the crumbs is the favorable healing of the umbilical wound. At the age of one month, it is covered with a crust and does not bleed. In the process of caring for a baby, the mother should monitor the condition of the navel, treat it with hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green, and add a weak solution of potassium permanganate to the bathing water for disinfection.

How to properly care for a baby in the first month?

We presented a detailed description of caring for a newborn in this article. In this paragraph, we will talk about the basics of caring for a baby. So, in the first month, in addition to feeding and motion sickness, the baby will need to be bathed every day in warm water with a decoction of chamomile or string. This is necessary in order to speed up the healing of the umbilical wound, and to relax the crumbs before a night's sleep.

It is important to walk with the baby, even in winter. We talked about the rules of the walk.

If you use diapers, then make sure that the child does not stay in an overfilled diaper for a long time. Contact of feces with the delicate skin of the baby can cause irritation.

Several times a day, wipe the wrinkles on the baby's body, his eyes, mouth, neck and armpits with cotton pads soaked in warm boiled water. Be sure to dry your baby after he burps. Treat the umbilical wound in accordance with the recommendations of the pediatrician until it is completely healed.

In the first weeks of life, it is already necessary to take care of the baby's nails on the hands and feet. They grow back quickly enough and can cause scratches on the skin of the child. Use special undershirts with sewn up sleeves or mittens. Don't put pillows in your child's bed. Up to a year, he absolutely does not need a pillow, even the thinnest.

Examination of the baby by doctors in the first month of life

The first physical examination of a newborn takes place immediately after being born in the maternity hospital by a doctor called a neonatologist, he assesses the general condition of the child and the Apgar score. Over the next 4-5 days, while the mother and baby are in the hospital, the neonatologist visits the baby daily, examining and monitoring the condition of the newborn.

When a woman with a baby returns home, during the first month of life they are regularly visited by a pediatrician and a patronage nurse from a children's medical institution. The doctor visually examines the child, checks his reflexes, feels the fontanel, gives the mother the necessary advice and takes measurements of the circumference of the head and chest.

The new procedure for examining minors in 2018 is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated August 10, 2017 N 514n “On the Procedure for Conducting Preventive Medical Examinations of Minors”. According to which, in the clinic in 1 month you have to check pediatrician, and:

  • Neurologist
  • pediatric surgeon
  • Ophthalmologist
  • Children's dentist.
  • Pediatrician when examining an infant, performs the following actions: weighing; height measurement; assessment of physical and neuropsychic development.
  • Ophthalmologist reveals congenital and inflammatory diseases of the eye and lacrimal ducts. The most common are congenital dacryocystitis (impaired patency of the nasolacrimal duct and inflammation of the lacrimal sac) and conjunctivitis. If necessary, prescribe treatment. The ophthalmologist also detects changes in the fundus, which also reflects the state of the child's central nervous system. Neurologist will definitely pay attention to this.
  • Neurologist will examine the child, check reflexes, measure the circumference of the head and chest, evaluate the results of ultrasound of the head and examination of the fundus and, if necessary, prescribe treatment for your child.
  • Surgeon he will check whether the child has hernias, and in the boys he will examine the external genitalia. Give your recommendations.
  • Dentist included in examinations for the purpose of early diagnosis of dental diseases in children, timely treatment and prevention of complications. A pediatric dentist will assess the condition of the oral cavity, give the mother the necessary recommendations for her care and examine the frenulum of the tongue, which is responsible for the future speech of the child.

In addition, the baby will be given a referral to:

  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs (complex)
  • Ultrasound examination of the kidneys
  • Ultrasound examination of the hip joints
  • echocardiography
  • Neurosonography
  • Audiologic screening is done at 1 month if not done earlier.

What vaccinations are given to a baby in the first month of life?

Hepatitis B vaccine for newborns.

This viral disease affects the liver. The infection can enter the body through blood or through sexual contact. The disease is not transmitted by airborne droplets or through household items.

As a rule, doctors vaccinate in the hospital within 24 hours after the birth of the baby. The vaccine is injected into the front of the thigh. You need to repeat the vaccination after 1 month and at 6 months.

Tuberculosis vaccine for newborns (BCG)

Tuberculosis is transmitted by airborne droplets. The tuberculosis vaccine is called BCG and is given about 3-5 days after birth. The vaccine is injected subcutaneously into the upper left arm. If children are vaccinated after two months, then you need to do a Mantoux test first and, after taking into account the reaction, already do BCG.

Causes of crying in a newborn baby

Why do newborns cry when there is no apparent reason for it? It turns out that a baby may simply wish to be closer to his mother, because he still cannot imagine himself without her. Take the baby in your arms more often, not being afraid to spoil him: children who lack parental love feel much worse than those who were constantly hugged and kissed from the first days!

What can a newborn by the end of the first month of life?

  • He reacts to the sound of a bell or other sound (voice, melody, noise) by moving his arms and legs. Listens to the sound for 10-20 seconds. Looking for the source of the sound.
  • Focuses his gaze on a toy that does not make sounds, follows its movement for 5-7 seconds. Smoothly follows a toy moving horizontally and vertically at different paces (fast and slow). Doesn't lose sight of her.
  • Turns the head towards the light source (flashlight) in the supine position.
  • Lying on his stomach, he raises his head for 1-2 seconds, a maximum of 5 seconds.
  • He peers into the face of his mother, smiles in response to her voice.
  • Seeing the face of the mother, leaning over the crib, the first one smiles at her.
  • When a mother says the words of poems, nursery rhymes and pestles, the baby “responds” to her with separate short sounds like “kh”, “gee” (in a situation where the mother leaned over the child lying on her back in the crib, and distinctly at a distance of 30-40 cm pronounces syllables, sounds, words in a singsong voice).

How to independently determine that the baby is developing correctly?

Parents can independently assess the emotional and mental state of their child by the presence of basic reflex movements. Among the reflexes of a 1-month-old baby, there are:

If the above reflexes are present, the newborn develops normally. If one or more reflexes are absent, this is a bad sign, indicating inhibition in the postpartum period. In this case, you need to urgently show the newborn to the pediatrician.

Child development through exercises and games

  • Talk to baby. Even if at first it seems to you that the child is too small and cannot understand you, constantly talk to him - during feeding, changing clothes, bathing, resting
  • Observation. Take a fairly bright object or toy, hold it in front of the child at a distance of 30-40 cm. When the baby focuses, slowly move in a circle, from side to side, making sure that the child observes the movement. After each type of movement, leave a little time to rest.
  • Mom's face. Help your baby focus on your face. Move slowly - the child will turn his head after you.
  • Mom's voice. If you are moving around in a room with a child, call the baby by name to get his attention. When moving to another place, raise your voice again. This develops the child's hearing and helps orientation in space.
  • Massage. Since the time for outdoor games has not yet come, do massage and gymnastics. Start by stroking with light movements, knead your feet too, straighten your arms and legs. The more tactile contact the baby feels, the calmer and more comfortable he feels.

You can try to play the following educational games in the first month of a baby's life:

  • "Muzzles"- draws faces with different emotions on cardboard circles - smiling, sad, angry, etc. attach each of them to a stick. In turn, we show each of them to the crumbs at a distance of half a meter from the eyes. After waiting until he focuses his eyes on the subject, we begin to drive the toy from side to side;
  • "Noise Maker”- we select sounding objects - bells, children's musical instruments, rattles and demonstrate to the child. The task of the game is to develop auditory coordination so that the baby learns to determine the direction where the sound comes from;
  • "Chatters"- emotional conversations with the baby, in which intonations will vary. Folk nursery rhymes, like "Ladushki-okladushki", are perfect as texts.

Before exercising, remember that the child must be full, dry and alert. Also, do not be overly zealous with the time of classes - you should start with 1-2 minutes, gradually increasing to 4-5 minutes.

Possible problems in the first month of life

In the neonatal period, such problems may arise.

By tradition, a newborn baby is called a baby who is not yet a year old, but in fact, the neonatal period has a strictly limited scope - the first 28 days of a baby's life. Despite the individuality of each person, the development of a newborn by week has its own specifics.

If you know what points you need to pay attention to, you can track the correct formation of the child's body, detect possible deviations in time and take appropriate measures in a timely manner. In addition, special attention should be paid to the conditions of the environment in which the baby is located, otherwise, failures of the vital processes of an organism that is not yet perfect may begin.

How to provide conditions for the full development of the baby?

Even if you are preparing with might and main for the birth of your first baby, it is difficult to foresee all the moments, to take into account all the factors. The real learning begins only after the couple has a baby. To begin with, you should make sure that the little one is placed in the most comfortable conditions. Here you should not listen to grandmothers who believe that they know everything better than others, you need to follow the recommendations developed by experts:

  • The temperature in the area where the baby lives should not exceed 20-22ºС. At night, this figure should be even 1-2 degrees lower. Overheating a baby is much easier than overcooling, because. metabolism in his body occurs at an accelerated pace. If you do not follow this component in the first weeks of a baby's life, then you may encounter diaper rash, increased gas formation, and thrush in the oral cavity.

Tip: Particular attention should be paid to the state of the environment during the heating season. If the temperature of 25ºС may seem comfortable for adults, then it is unbearably hot for a child. Regular ventilation of the room and maintaining the recommended figures is one of the most important factors that guarantee the strengthening of immunity in an infant.

  • The humidity of the air in the room from the first days of the life of a toddler and up to 2 years should be 50-60%. After that, this indicator will gradually decrease. Again, you should not evaluate air quality by your feelings, you need to purchase a hydrometer.
  • An infant should not be exposed to devices that emit magnetic or radio waves. Mobile phones, computers, tablets, a microwave, a TV should be placed as far as possible from the baby. The bones of the baby's skull in the first weeks and months of life are very thin, so it is not known how such radiation will affect his brain.
  • Breastfeeding is also one of the most important conditions for the correct and full development of the newborn. Situations are different, but you need to make every effort to accustom the baby to breast milk. A natural product is not only the optimal food for a child, but also the basis for the development of his immunity, a factor influencing the formation of microflora in the intestines.

The first week of a newborn's life is the most difficult and critical period, the moment when the child's body begins to adapt. It is she who sets the tone for the further development of all systems and organs.

Features of the first week of life of the baby

The first week of a newborn's life may be accompanied by the following moments:

  1. On the head, there is sometimes a pronounced birth edema. This is a soft tumor that resembles dough in consistency, often acquires a bluish tint. You can’t massage it, apply various ointments and compresses is also prohibited. After a few days of waiting, it will pass by itself.
  2. In babies born naturally, the head may take on a slightly elongated shape. Her condition returns to normal approximately 10-12 days after birth.
  3. On the first day, children sometimes develop physiological erythema. Uniform reddening of the skin in response to the adaptation of blood vessels to environmental conditions usually disappears within 12-48 hours.
  4. On the 3-5th day of a baby's life, it can happen. It is characterized by the appearance of dense red spots that sometimes itch. The phenomenon is considered a peculiar manifestation of an allergy, which develops and grows within a couple of days, after which it passes on its own. In rare cases, drug therapy is required.
  5. 2-3 days may be marked by the appearance of signs of physiological jaundice. In the normal course of events, it passes on its own by the second week.
  6. The first stool of the baby is a viscous mass of dark green color. After the first bowel movement, bowel movements occur up to 6-8 times a day.
  7. Children of the first two days of life relieve a small need only 2-6 times a day. On the 5th-6th day, a brown spot may appear on the baby's diaper, on which, after drying, a fine powder becomes visible - uric acid crystals. There is no need to be afraid of this, everything will return to normal pretty quickly.

In addition, the baby sleeps a lot in the first week of life, wakes up only for feeding, loses up to 10% of its original body weight.

What are the characteristics of the second and third weeks of a child's life?

In the second week after birth, the baby sleeps a little less, he has a search and grasping reflexes. The process of breastfeeding is gradually improving, entering the right direction. The feces become less frightening, resembling a yellowish slurry in appearance. Weight is already beginning to increase, on average by 150 g.

If the baby's umbilical wound has healed, then you can proceed to the first bathing. Also, the second week may be marked by the development of a hormonal crisis. Against its background, the mammary glands in the baby swell (regardless of gender), even sometimes a mass similar to colostrum is released from them. This phenomenon does not require treatment, the main thing is not to squeeze out the oozing mass.

In the third week, the child is already gaining up to 200 g of weight, knows how to push off with his legs and firmly grabs his mother by the finger. His gaze is already fixed on his mother's face while feeding. Laying out on the tummy is accompanied by attempts to raise the head. It is during this period of life that many children develop intestinal colic. To eliminate them, the use of special medicinal teas, some medications is allowed.

The fourth week of the period and its features

During the fourth week, the weight of the baby increases by another 200 g, 3-4 cm is added to the height, 1-2 cm to the circumferences. The development of motor skills is noticeable, some babies are able to hold their head when they turn over on their stomach. The child develops an interest in bright and noisy toys surrounding people.

At this time, it is recommended to communicate with the baby for the maximum amount of time, talk with him, turn on calm music. By the end of the month, the baby has a “complex of revival”. He enjoys familiar faces, showing his positive emotions by twitching his legs and arms.

The nuances of the psychological development of infants in the first month of life

In this regard, even newborns develop differently, standing out for their individuality and uniqueness in some moments. Do not worry about the child's lack of any skills that the peanut has from neighbors or friends. In the first week, it is difficult to get any reaction from the baby, except for crying. But in the second week there is a progressive development of all organs of perception. In the first days after childbirth, children may experience active movement of the eyeballs, often they even move in different directions. There is no need to be afraid of this, by the beginning of the fourth week everything should be back to normal.

Approximately from the third week, the beginning of hearing aid checks is allowed. The baby should have a reaction to extraneous sounds (in the form of a start or turn of the head). You need to act carefully so that the baby is not scared and does not cry. At the end of the month, some children are already beginning to smile and even laugh. By the way, in the early days, such a phenomenon is not considered conscious, it is rather an uncontrolled movement of facial muscles.

In the event of a crisis or simply incomprehensible situations in the first weeks of life, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice. You should not solve problems with "proven" grandmother's methods, sometimes they can aggravate a simple problem to a serious condition.